1.18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 Winter Recreation Areas Get Set for Snow Season Oregon winter sports activities for the 1949-50 winter and spring season are off to an early, fast moving start as a result of sub stantial pre-season snows, the Oregon state highway commis sion travel Information depart ment reported this weelc. Abundant, winter-long snow depths are expected for all of the more than 20 snow sports areas to be in operation. Of these, 17 are in Oregon's 13 na tional forests, with others at Crater Lake national park, on non-federal land at the summit of the Siskiyou mountains and at local points near towns and cities. Of Innovations and improve ments, the major projects are centered in Mt. Hood national forest, approximately 60 miles east of Oregon's metropolis of Portland. Here the first aerial tramway In the far west is scheduled for operation this winter, carrying skiers and visitors from Government Camp 3.5 miles, with a lift of 2500 feet, up the slopes of Mt. Hood to Tlmberllne Lodge. The Timberline ski area, above the 6000 foot elevation, reports the installation of a platter-pull 'lift, 2000 feet long with an 18 per cent average slope. Its loca tion in a sheltered glade assures enjoyable skiing even when un favorable weather causes cur tailment of operations on slopes above the lodge. The mile-long chair-lift cov ers a vertical rise of 1000 fret and Is in operation through out the year, being popular with sightseers in summer. A 600-foot practice tow is iu op eration daily for "limbering 7 Tw v 1 3 0 i 1 'Spartan Stepper Lynn Chandnols, Michigan State's can didate for AU-Ameriean football hon ors, who will display bis prowess against Oregon State col lege In Multnomah stadium Saturday afternoon. Although more popularly known as an offensive halfback, Chandnols is adept In the Interception of passes. up" and tor the practice of ski fundamentals. Slopes above Timberline con nect with three miles of shel tered trails to Government Camp to offer excellent skiing in all types of weather. Spring and summer skiing is accelerated by a new tow on the Palmer snow field, about one-half mile above the chair lift. A new three-lane highway from Government Camp to Timberline is scheduled to be ready for winter travel this year. Timberline Lodge, itself, ac commodates 100 guests, supple mented by dormitory accommo dations. Ski rentals, ski instruc tions and a complete sports shop are available during the season. Mid-winter timberline snow is from eight to twenty feet deep, with an average temperature of 24 degrees above zero. Space is available at Timberline for the parking of 700 automobiles Multorpor ski area south of Government Camp on state high way 50 offers rope tows of 1200 feet with a lift of 500 feet, one of 300 feet with a lift of 50 feet. A, B and C Jumping hills are available as well as sporty down hill and slalom terrain. West of Government Camp, the Tom-Dick ski bowl provides a public ski shelter, chair lift of 3500 feet with a rise of BOO feet, supplemented by two rope tows of 700 and 500 feet in length. The former has a rise of 250 feet, the latter of 100 feet each. Government Camp offers ac commodations at a number of lodges, parking for 2500 cars, and ski club and family cabins on private lands, ski shops, lodges, service stations and other estab lishments. Bill Lauderback, Santiam Lodge manager, reports pre parations have been completed for a busy snow sports season In his section of the Deschutes national forest. The lodge has an elevation of 4000 feet at the summit of the Santiam highway across the Cascade mountains. Accommodations for 90 per sons Include four dormitories and two rooms. The lodge pro vides beds made up with linen and blankets. Also available for visitors are a dining room, res taurant, ski shop, and rental shop Junior High Grid Games Slated at Leslie Thursday Vernon Gilmore, Salem schools athletic director for boys, re minded Junior high school grid iron fans Wednesday that two games will be played Thursday. West Salem will invade the Leslie field at 3:45 p.m. to meet the Golds while the Parrish Greys will meet the Blues on the same field at 6:30 p.m. The normal schedule calls for Friday games, but in view of the Armistice day holiday, the slate calls tor Thursday games this week. SCORES In the Alleys (Complete Besalts) University Alleys LADIES CLASSIC LEAGUE Anita Shop (1) MDanieLs 470, Lemon 461, Caiuey 352. Thompson 428. Daver 312. Lola riorlit Llndsey 439. Upaton 419. MCliln 349, Adolph 479, Keenan 357. Plank Construction (3 Garrison 440. Selber 429. Plank 393, Hlni 403, Shroeder 520. Blntlands (0) Elliott 422, Hall 442, Pue 377, Snyder 399, Evan 393. United Wheel Alignment (2) Rowland 444, Kaneakt 43, Van Der hoof 419, Robert' OD 442, Boyce 424. Bandallt Fine Meat (li fitont 375, Lowry 303, Schelman 372, Whltmore 367, Swanaon 413. Aleiandera Jewelry 40) Merrell 352, Mock 385, Brockhoff 316. Tanner 347, John son 369. Good Housekeeping 43) Olney 426. Oibb 423, Jonea 462, Clark 441, Oar barlno 495. for all types of snow equipment. When skiers are not using a well lighted slope for night skiing, dancing is the order of the eve ning in the lodge. A rope ski tow is operated near the lodge area. A short distance from the Santiam Lodge, famous Hoo doo ski bowl figures import antly in the central Oregon snow sports region. In oper ation at the bowl are four rope tows, handling up to 3000 skiers per hour and ranging in length from 600 to 4000 feet. Rise in elevation ranges up to 4000 feet. A lodge and a chair lift are under construc tion. The lift is designed to reach the top of Hoodoo Butte, far above the bowl, and is scheduled to be in operation this winter. The Central Cascade recrea tional council, composed of rep resentatives of all clubs using the Santiam ski area, cooper ates with the U. S. forest service in supervising winter sports ac-l tivities. As a rule, the council furnishes a free ski school and volunteer ski patrols on weekends. High Individual fm: Betty Achroedtr. 306. Hlfh lBdifldual aeries: Bsttr Sehroed'. 520. High team atrial: nan cocutructiOD. 224. MERCANTILE LKAtil'K NO. t Barhlands Lumber il'-K. WebO 40S. B Bur land AM. Brink 42S. D. Burkland 486. Hack Lied Matonry f 2 1 Morion 503, Gray 471, oik , Wilton Ml, Llnd 452. RemlBstlM Band HI Colburn 461. Mansfield 393, Raboln 1M. Klmmell 410, CruhWfU 480. Kalen Heallna it Sheet Metal lit Mootman 380. Yapp J4. Kniei Ini 349, Lewia 401, Evan 371. Pearork Cleanera 1 Bonne 383. Volk 4:6, Sawyer 422. Alexander 4H. Balatrom 403. ftlandard Station. (2 Kopuiche 446, Redding 383. Knuth 489, Purdy 442, Nailer 291. Bub 103. Malma Chevron Station f01 Malm 403. Winger 413, Keppiner 425, D. Wenner 410. Bub 336. Terminal lee 3 Throne berry 430, Santet 386. McDonald J 75, Oil more 419. WeMon 473. Hlfh individual iamt: oray of mice a Llnd Maaonry, 191. Him ndlvtdual aeriea: wiiaon or Mac Lind Maaonry. 421. Hiah team aeriea: Mae A Und Maaonry. 3066. Blue Lake Paekera M) Lanehoff 834. -oiUi-on 477, Eckley 381, Ayres 443, Carl .on 485. Saoboya (t) Htaiemon MT. Aleshira 477, Merrell 476. D. Aleshiro olio. McNeil 427; Salem Police 4 Matheri 444, Belpp 4J0. Main 454, Houser 450. Creaty 430. High liuJ. same aiil series. Milt Morey of Barb't. 333 and 601: hiirh team game and series. Barb's Bportini Goodi, 932 and 3673. Duckpin Bowling MEN'S CITY LEAGl'E Davla Oil J Wayee Fields 421. Carl W.U-ox 357. fl. Srhr order 301. Glen Blan ton 410. Jrrry Davis 446: Let Newman (11 Jim Lin hart 377, Sam Pox 327, Bert Eshlemen 3S8. Harvey Pox 370. BUI Nel mryer 386. Reed Drleo Ina (11 Duant Prank 362. Wayne Frank 371, Leonard Capps 371, George Reed 396. Pinery Alderman 413; Nunaet Donuts ISi B. P. Cushina 417, P. w. Halt 391, Duana Cbretlan 421, Royal Pawley 392 Mlrk'a Slta Shop (t Art Hewhbick 433, Milbert Jacobor 477, B. B. Bnelgrovt 27&. Stanley Groom 27S, Bye 37ft; Helder't Kadio () Lea Dolce 414, Dave Spalding 393. Paul Rusell 366. Keith Kaye 397. Capp'a I'aed Cart (Si Bill Campbell 382. Carol Cappi 370. Howard Smith 4ft3. Let ter Cappa 413. Eddie Henael 460: frost Olaen (It Tom Wood 453. Eddie Harrison 443, Harvey Orlfllo 360, Bill Oauthltr 456, Arnle Meyer 447. High team aerie. Capp'a Uaed Cars, 3165. high teem game. Sunset Donuti, 764: high :nd. aeries and game. Emery Al derman, Reed a Drlve-lnnt, 200 and 463. MIXED nOI'BLES LEAGt'B Lloyd's Auto Paint Tom Wood 461, Oladya Wood 401, Harold Duncan 334, Bll- II Duncan 331: Marlon Molora (t) Stoyal Pawley 460, Emery Alderman 449, Paulina UfatH'rn 3iJ, Bye 206. OK Rubber Welders t Lorttw Hansen 392, Bill Uauthiers 496. Peggy Thornton 361, Roy Nelson 371; Salem Merchant Pa li oi (3i Art Her it h back 376, Mlibert Ja cob r 459. Byo 346. Byt 382. lapp a L'sed Cars (U Dick Butch 366, Jan Uuach 320, Wyetta Cappa 334, Lester Cappa 631; General Finance ! Edd.e Henael 449. Martha Pejea 430, Alma Penny 413, Arnold Meyer 466. Orval'a l'sed Cara (ft Clarence Prye 241, Charles Lapachlea 404. Kelly Lap. sen let 330, Almadean Lapse hies 304: Cam'i Seat lover Co. t Bud Booth 373, E.la Mat Scharf 431, Opal Cappa 364, Carol Cappi 412. High team aeries and camt. General Pi nance, 1760 and ill; high lnd. series and game. Lea Cappa, (Capp a Uaad Cars I, (31 and 306. Capital Alleys INDl'HTRML I.EAGl'l NO. t Wbltatkers Weldera 4 1 Wlllard 431. Whlttaker 426. Lawlejui 362. El wood 401, Cherriniton 485. Salem Aato 3l Dough erty 397, Randal 469, Welle 376. William 333, Dunn lc an 478. .McKay Chevrolet fl Olbb 420. Thomp 5on 3C3, Chambers 388, Anderxon 413. Shurtleff 473. Mobiloll 3l Forman 462, Curlin 489. Pruett 454, Jaakoakl 364, Buckley 467. Loders 3) Downey 445. Chakarun 464, Surratt 431, Shuk 439. Baumiart 496. Sclo '0i Krelcl 500. Main 467. RockweU 454, D'nsmore 480. Schrunk 510. Hammond Body Shop 3 Gardner 429, La Dow 390, B. Larson 432. R. La Dow 435, Hammond 457. Chrla's Market 0l Cxosn 379. Evans 294, Walta 431. Cray croft 405, Sharp 337. Salem Heavy Hatillnr 1 A. B1,,'-rr S38. J. Cracroft 4S0, N. Wilder 818, R. Farley 473, B. Craycroft Sr. 173. ii. Fan store 2i D. Schmidt 471, B. Oray 468, W. Kec titer 440, T. t.IorrU 486, B. Sullivan 561. High individual lame: Sullivan. 314. High Individual series: Sullivan, 661. High team game: Valley Farm Store, 865. High team aerlea: Loder Broa., 3516. you're moving. . . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Becke and Wadiworlh : Wadsworth 491. Anderson 503, Harp 509, Larsen 516, Ireland 621; Keith Brown (0 Ouerln 434, Brown 421. Crockatt 456. HUleNch 522, Sours 470. Rarh's Sporting Goods (St Inglla 498, Braucht 613. Olney Jr. 436. Morey 606, Gregory 552; Hollywood Finance (ft) Oed des 411, Klrchner 438, Albrlch 483, Jonea 461, Olney Sr. 502. Valdei Meat Co. i.t r. vaidei 850, rar rar 377. Hartwell 444. Btgler 571. Erts aard 462; Valley Motor Co. (I) DeBow 469, Bullock 423. Myers 441, ColweU 513, Doerfler 523. Cal Pak () Werbowakl 429. Sloan 424, Helnka 426, Lance 442. Scheldegger 531; Stabblefleld'a (II Myerg 404. Heifer 630, Rounds 323, Walker 428. Vtttone 520. Carly's Dairy wriirnt 606, voile 470, Edlund 500. M. Miller 477. J. Miller 491; H0WT0PUT0UTF.RE0F STOMACH ULCER PAIN cauaed by xc odd Dont Jut aaffer from aaToniaina; pain and constant burning of stomach okera. indiges tion, gma. heartburn, other distress caused by exeeaa stomach acid. Pf under 'a Tablet are gruaranteed to bring; amasingr quick, soothing i relief of trnch acid stomach distress OR I MONEY BACK I Formula of P. H. Pfnnder. Fh.G eontaina mediemllyprored Ingredi enta. Acid olcer sufferera have bought over 100.000.000 Pfunder'a Tab! eta In paat U rears. Get Plunder's TableU today. n2 i.liF.VIj Truck r w'k Rental Service By The Hour Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Center and Church Sts. Phone 3-9600 See BETTY HUTTON in "Red, Hot, and Blue," a Paramount Picture aWMsliiTCTJC; vi. aT" e" a 4 " " if OPEN TO EVERYONE! VISIT SALEM'S OMLY Sewing Art Gallery FEATURING SHIRLEY KAU Oregon's Own Sewing Machine Artist STARTING THURSDAY, NOV. 10 She will show you how you too, can do art needlecraft faster and more perfectly with a FREE WESTINGHOUSE A N8 Good news gets around. 43 of all M.J.B users first tried It became friends and neighbors recommended It. In M.J B you Pt several of the world's finest coffeM... o well matched and blended, so perfectly flavor baU anred that it never fails to satisfy. Brew M J B strong, mild, in-between. ..use repilar or drip grind... there's never any irueaework. With MJ.B you make food coffee every time. Careful roasting. Here again. M.J.B makes sure of perfection. A special modem roasting method bring out all the rich, rare flavor of these quality eoffe beans. And highest vacuum-pack guarantee this extra good ness will reach your cup. No wonder eoffe lover agre "You can't make bad cup of M.J.B. it (og wt (uflrsntti you'll lilt II. Double your mousy tack if you don't ogri. C N YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . A I 375 Ch.mek.ro 4 I t - 0"$C, - . -'. Vek- A ' . ... -"in.i M,iajgejea. .ewl See the famous picture of Crater Lake and oth er beautiful works of art done entirely on a sew ing machine. THIS OFFER Good Until Christmas Free Art Needlework course with purchase of any cab inet model FREE WESTING HOUSE SEWING MACHINE Dreeestinghouse p SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . . . CONVENIENT TERMS ON ANY MODEL! Yeater Appliance Co. 375ChemeketaSt. Phone 3-4311