Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 09, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    Worried About 7950? Answers
Now in Latest Farmer Almanac
ashington, Nov. 0 fll.R) When
one of the first Old Farmer'!
to the boss and said:
What shall we put down for
The boss, who at the time
Meets, yelled back in thought-
flies haste:
("Anything, anything."
I The printer, who knew how to
follow a command, picked "any
thing" out of his typebox
"Bain, Hail and Snow."
j The record shows that In one
town, at least, It rained, snowed
and hailed that year on July 13.
i ' ' '
J The old Farmer's Almanac,
which has just come out with its
158th consecutive issue, Is dog
gone near that accurate. The
oldtime weather prophet, which
has been published these many
years in Dublin, N.H., still gives
jrou everything it did in long by
gone days.
' i It still carries poetry, sassy
letters to the editor and recipes
for banana bread and pie. Plus
what to do In case of snake bites,
f And the laws, by states, on when
'to take a pot shot at what migra
tory bird.
I Not to mention the ads: "You,
too, may be helped by internal
ihth" How to dv vnnr hnir If
' 1ro ffpttine irrnv. itnrl hnw tn ctnn
'foot pains."
j The little homilies are inter
', esting as they have been across
sthe many years. On page 73,
there Is a paragraph about "wire
-recording your hens." It men-
tions the Nelson Brothers of
Kirkland, Wash. They wire-re-
corded their henhouse and had
! wonderful results. Brother Bert
ieven rigged up a contraption
where he could tell which hens
were laying. He set a trap door
where he could tell which hens
1 were laying. He set a trap door
that jailed a hen as she climbed
J up to hide in a nest. If she
dropped an egg, he could tell It
whon ha rlnri her
Anyhow, here's what you can
expect in 1950, according to the
old Farmer' Almanac: A "wet"
November and December,
1S50, will be bitter cold and
will give us more storms and
rain than common. In this con
nection, Editor Robert Thomas
ays he sends a small boy out
each year to measure the fur
on the animals to tell about win
ter. On February 2 Ground Hog
day the little guy will come
out of hiding and find the weath
er so nasty, he'll duck back in.
But Mr. Groundhog will venture
tout again at night and win see
his shadow by the light of the
moon. Spring will be cool and
And here is what you can ex
pect for holidays in 1950:
New Year's day will be cold.
It's going to rain on Lincoln's
birthday, February 12. You
may expect either rain or snow
on Washington's birthday, Feb
ruary 22. Easter. April 9, will
2 h winrfv anrl nn Mnmnrinl rtnv
May 30, it will be nice. Labor
J day will be clear on September
1 4, and Thanksgiving day and
''Christmas will be pleasant.
! Thomas would like you to
know that the almanac's head
ieiriffl't7Crown. Blended Whiskey.
It jr Pwl
the presses were ready to roll
almanacs, a nervous printer rushed
July 13th, sir?"
was up to his hairline In proof
quarters have been moved in
the village of Dublin.
Up to now the booklet has
been put out in rented quarters
on the so-called "democratic
side" of the street. Now the
publication has its own perm
anent building "on the republi
can side of the treet."
Thomas says that won't have
anything to do with the political
side of the booklet "because wc
don't have any to begin with,
Mitchells Wreck Car
Detroit Mrs. Stanley White,
accompanied her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Mitchell on a trip
to Missouri. They expect to be
gone for a month. She reports
an auto wreck in the western
edge of Missouri which complete
ly demolished the Mitchell car.
Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. White
escaped with minor cuts and
bruises the two small children,
David White and Harold Ray
Mitchell were both unharmed.
Attention Loggers!
Top Prices Paid for Logs at!
Burkland Lumber Co.
Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125
Try II at hair dryer ... for de
frosting frozen foods . . . drying
clothe and my one of detent of
thor heesehold chores.
tWrTtrmJtSm,W V 'C" l7-r'Sr'3 W W!UHWSS FOR 9 DAYS ONLY
c i I n ftν
PHONE 3 9163
uxc Harbor
Have you been drifting from brand to brond? Then why not
, let your course for SURE Harbor. the always-perfect
quality of 7 Crown... Seagram's finest American whiskey?
t&r Seagram's .Wt&Suvt
86.8 Proof. 65 Grim Neutnl Spint. Setgrim-Distillers Corp., Chrysler Butldini, H.I.
King Guest on
U. S. Cruiser
Portsmouth, England, Nov. 9
U.R The royal standard was
raised over the American heavy
cruiser Columbus Tuesday as
King George VI came aboard, in
spected the ship from top to bot
tom and lunched on steak and
baked potatoes.
The ship's ceremonial three
inch battery boomed a 21-gun
salute as the king was piped
aboard. He was greeted by Ad
miral R. L. Conolly, commander
of the eastern Atlantic and Med
iterranean fleet, U S. Ambassa
dor Lewis Douglas and other
American 'officials.
It was the king's first visit to
an American warship since 1945
Il'e a HEATER! It's a FAN I
Upttaln, rfotvnsfalra, all arovnd Mm
nowsaf In any room ... In any foaoo.
you'll And uio for this now Froih'na'.AIn)
All-toaion comfort appliance.
IN WINTII uil flick rho illch and (Tc
a hoator fan, circulating warm air Inta
ovtry corner of tho room,
IN UMMl an It at an efficient fan fa
clrculaie comfortably cool air wkerovw
Iff needed.
1 Children's WHIfMiM Sv S& jT J
uAic cm tc V y
II f .- Air-cooled r A tV
I I T I SlfJ perforated top ( -SASS3fi
: ftwwwii v. mmmwmmw ......
AIRE sss: " C1 ffl
It'i oo.y to corry all over the hone light
ai a feather perfectly kaloMOj,. Hat
heat-proof handle and safety guard.
The amazingly $1 A95 fed.
low price of ' tax
when he boarded the USS Au
gusta to chat, with President
Truman on his return from the
Potsdam conference. The 13,-800-ton
Columbus is Conolly'i
All warships in Portsmouth
harbor were dressed in bunting
in honor of the king's visit.
Reds Plan Kwangsi Drive
Hong Kong, Nov. 9 Chi
nese newspapers today said Red
Generals Chen Keng and Lin
Piao have massed 800,000 troops!
for an all-out assault on nation
alist held Kwangsi province.
new, exclusive, Harmony House Guaranteed
Mt. Vernon Dinnerware
95 Piece Set
Service for 12
Glaze Proof
First choice for distinctive tables stunning leaf bord- i
er in blue green and tan compliments the classic
Duncan Phyfe shape. Small inner wreath encircles
pink roses in the center of the plate. Fully guaran
teed in writing by Sears.
New Table Covers
Of Oilcloth 66c
Chfprrul new kitchen pitternii In
prtr tlrl ttblf rovirs of oilcloth.
Eny to r If nn, waterproof. Size
46 X 48 Inch?)).
Matched Range Set
In Durable Spun Aluminum
Salt and Pepper Se 2.69
Stove occeitof ies in heavy spvn elumt
num. fclock and rod trim. An ideal gift I
latyf ourlng Grease Jar
Deluxe Step Stool
Comfortably Upholstored Back
Now, Only . , . . 16.95
What e k.,.l r.U; J
tubular steel legs, padded teal, m red.
ewe. green, yeitow, black. Me HI
Grange Master
To Be Opposed
Grants Pass, Nov. 9 ( Vic
tor Boehl today announced that
he has accepted the nomination
for state Grangemastcr, the post
now held by Morton Tompkins,
because "the interests of Ore
gon agriculture can better be
served by a more conservative
and solid attitude on the part of
farm leaders."
Fade Proof
Wall Can Opener
Enameled White 2.45
A pretty, useful addition to your
kitchen. Heavy duty double cutters
cut any size and shape can, evenly.
Red plastic handle.
Aluminum Roaster
Holds 20-lb. Fowl, 25-lb. Roast
Priced ot Only 5.25
loraet7,4l2Hv'-ln. 20gevgeaKiiM
num roetter hoi rustproof drop wire handles,-removable
rack. Holds 25-lb. roostt
Steel Colander
For Canning! Strains Vegetables
Blue Enamel . ,
Cooking and canning ll OOD.r wfft. rMl
low co.l, high quality coland.rl 4 -ql.
rapoaii 1 1 Hn, a.amolor. U.ol
Boehl's announcement deplor
ed "the tendency to seek more
aid from federal government
which leads to more federal con
trol, higher taxes and. ulti
mately, a lower standard of
Active in Grange circles for
15 years, Boehl has served the
past four years as Pomona
Grangemaster, after the prior
four years as head of Redwoods
subordinate Grange.
Because trees keep sun from
the ground, forests are cooler
than plains.
Hand Grillmaster
Red. 3.99 O OO
Handy grill for poncoKes. eggs,
chops or steaks. Made of eaiy-to-clean
polished magnesium. Heats
evenly and instantaneouslyl
Enameled Roaster
For 20-lb. Fowl; 25-lb. Roos!
Oblong Shape . . . 2.29
Blue enameled iteel roaster is easy w
clean has seamless construction jum
bo oblong shop Is 181 3 n8W in.
Draining Tray
Cups, Glasses, Dishes, Silver
I5x20-in. Sie... 2.79
Rubber feet lilt this rubber drawing
troy lor (oiler drying. Red, white,
block, blue, yellow colors, luy todayl
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Margaret handling
Has Story Accepted
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Nov. 9 Margaret Scandling,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Scandling, 584 North 21st street,
Salem, has received a notice of
acceptance from Seventeen mag
azine for a short story entitled
"I Just Can't Help It."
Make Hot, Dragging Ironing
Days Swift and Cool with
Cool, perforated top
Convenient iron rest .
Rubber-tipped legs
Thousands have been sold at 8.95! NOW to prove Sears
consistent values it's yours for 1.00 less! Check the new
features; see its solid durability! Compare it for price and
quality. You'll wont yours, today, at 1.00 savings!
Kitchen Utensils
Matched Pieces 1.25 ?D
Okamlni slilnlfnt Rtrrl kltchm
tools' with polUhfd rovwood hind
m. Mak up your net now tnd
itvet Ctka and Pit flervrr. . . .I.ts
Aluminum Roaster
Holds 12-lb. Fowl, 20-lb. Roast
Just the size, shape ond style roaster you've needed
for so long, and now at Sears thrifty price you can afford
to own. Holds 12 to 14-lb. fowl or 16 to 18-lb. roast.
Deep oval shape provides more room for high breast
fowl. Well and tree for easier basting. Select yours!
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 194915
A letter from Seventeen EdU
tor Margot Macdonald Indicated
that the accepted story will be
published in the January issue
of Seventeen. Miss Scandling
will submit a biographical
sketch to Seventeen's "You
Worked with Us This Month"
column. The sketch will ap
pear in the same issue with the
short story.
Miss Scandling is a Junior
major in Journalism.
One-motion opening
Folds to 4-in. unit
Legs lock securely
Indoor Wood Dryer
Accordion-type Folds Compactly
Thrifty Buy Af 2.19
About 28-ft. of drying ipaeo In tho
ipaco of 36-in. Smoothly tanded wood
from with wood pint.
Curtain Stretcher
Rust-Reslstonl Metal Parts
'm-inch Frame 4.79
A vol u.l WoTp-r.tiitant wood from
nickel-plated pins end eaiel-fyp
braces. Adju.ti to 34 x 92 Inches!
PHONE 3-9191