rTi "f. i r r-7s 1 1 Qr! Ii fV 1 i 1 M l' V Y i : hl II rv I k"-'. . J - . s ' I MAIMED GIRL TESTIFIES' 'Moral Weakling' Tag Put On Boat Owner in Accident Sacramento. Nov. 9 U.Phil Davis, wealthy Oakland, Calif., automobile dealer sentenced to six months imprisonment and fined $1500 here Monday lor neglicenlly operating nis speeoooai in a Lake Tahoe accident that severed the feet of 14-year-old Imogene Wittsche, heard Federal Judge Dal M. Lcmmon charge him with "moral weakness" ir materialistic philosophy" in tjn failing even to visit the girl or her parents after the accident. The evidence must be clear to you that you are morally guilty," Lemmon said. "Yet to this date you have done noth $100,000 Fire Hits Lebanon the Moty Van Dyke Industrial Supply company, dealing in hea vy logging equipment and auto motive supplies. Manager Marvin Clark esti mated the loss at over $100,000. The firm has headquarters Nov. 8 P Fire Klamath Falls. Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 18 apartments. The residents mov ed out. An apartment wall and roof caught fire briefly but suffer- ed little damage as the volun teer fire department poured wa ter over them. It was Lebanon's first mnjor fire of the year. Lebanon wiped out a $100,000 automotive The fire in the sheet-mrtal-parls building here early today, sheathed building, which covers Firemen fought the early mor-1 a quarter of a block, was dis ning blaze four and a half covered at 2:15 a.m. by a worn- hours and for a time feared the'an passer-by. Marion The next meeting of I nhannn rnmmnnilv hnvnitl al ',-: It f... : ff the fiirls and then SDea j j . . . . rt inicnur roarra mm: g ine gins mm uirii rpslHPnc ancl wo aoartmHiits In '...ill v.,amhAr in in qn - , - V . lire, Daoies in me nospital su "" "c away- . ., . l'' me block would be de",feet away were readied for in-l'-l Fa". Union Trial of a $321.C00 civil suit stroyed evacualjon nail. filed by Imogene's parents h.y."L, r 7 - no"er. Between the burning struc- Being the n-Rular meeting against Davis has been set to ,.T ' . .J iture and the hospital were a re- late for the Farmer's Union be held with a no host lunch at noon. Mrs. Joy Wetzler is chairman of the F.U. Ladies club, and Vir gil Baxter is chairman of the Home Extension unit. Miss Eleanor Trindle will demonstrate unifying home furnishings. Sentenced Phil Davis, Oakland, Calif., automobile dealer (left) leaves the federal court at Sacramento, Calif., after he had been fined $1,500 and sentenced to six months im prisonment for negligence In the Lake Tahoe speedboat accident which maimed 14-year-old Imogene Wittsche. U. S. Marshal Hayden Saunders at right. (AP Wirephoto) Polluted Water Held Cause of Jaundice Eugene, Nov. 9 W The Lane county health officer warned the Willamette City community last night that an outbreak of jaun dice was caused by polluted wa ter. Dr. A. Triolo reported eight cases were diagnosed yesterday. He said the entire population of 1000 was menaced by the dis ease. The health officer said the wa ter table for the community, near Oakridge, Is polluted and most wells and springs In the area are unsafe. He said the eight eases were In five differ ent families. He said the danger to the community would not abate until a safe water supply was assured. Dairy Class Offered Scio H. E. Foreman and C A. Hindes, Linn county Smith- Hughes instructors, will have charge of classes in dairy feed lng and permanent pastures at the Riverview school Thursday night. The class is sponsored by! the Riverview Farmers Union. 1 Lemmon earlier had denied a request for a new trial submit ted without argument by Davis' attorney, Leo Sullivan of Oak land. Immediately after the sen tencing, however, Sullivan Iilea notice of appeal and Lemmon delayed execution of the sen tence until Sunday. Davis will be imprisoned at that time, un less there is a further stay of execution by the U. S. court of appeals in San Francisco, the federal court clerk said. The week-long trial of Davis was highlighted Dy testimony from the Roseville, Calif., high school girl herself who appear ed in a wheelchair and told the jury that Davis was the opera tor of the boat which struck her and a swimming companion down. Davis admitted being out on the lake on June 27, the date of the accident, but denied he even saw the girls in the path of his boat. Prosecution witnesses tes tified he circled back to the scene of the accident after hit- begin in El Dorado superior j flames leaping to the other struc- court at Placerville, Calif., Feb-I!"re?. was endrd- At 8 'clock the fire was in the mop-up stage, ruary 20. The burned building housed sidence and two attached small'Ladies club, a joint meeting will Cilwft I tT PILES fiOYHOW IT POPS NOHULIJ IT IVIIYWHIII a"MaMnWUMJ SORDERS 1 UlOo.rx. Sz" .. . IHCMOMHOIDSI RECTAL AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS Trutrt IrtkHt lilaM. v J k-" Out fOundM Wd ond Fri, until if.BJ.mi Writ or call for FRII ctetcriptiv booklet The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year H.I. Corner I. Bumiltl mn4 mwt Av. T1phon lAtt 1911 Prt4ntt 14, Or. 155 N.Liberty Phone 9-3191 )fl Modern Water Systems At Big Savings! For running water from ony source where lift is 22 ft. or less, buy Words shallow well pumps ond save I RECIPROCATING SYSTEM Re9. 93.50 fid88 Fully Automatic t The complete, time-tested system with pump, tonic, controls. Duroble, quiet, 3i0-gol. per hour capacity. Reg. 94.S0 JET PUMP SYSTEM 0450 Fully Automatic OH Save dollars with Wards long-lotting el sysleml Complete with tank, controls. Pumps SCO gal. per hr. Buy your wafer system new and pay Wards later! Ask about Convenient Terms tot ALL YOU PLUMBING AND MATING NCCDS, fit WARDS FIRST I MfrlO -- fit" r M Um id h MONTGOMERY WARD A CO., 155 N. Liberty St., Salem, Ore. Plumbing & Heating Dept. I want more information ont D Reciprocoting System Q Jet System Name .m.-,m. AdHnn ., r CiV S'o'e ....... Phone . WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES We Poy Top Market Price Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St Open 8 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 34146 Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 ROOFING Now is the time to order thot new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & ons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 imAmpk, If yoa like a mikltr, smoother, lighter blei you're like the thetsar of folks who hare switdrii to better-tastinf Ciriert CALVERT RESKRVH Hlrnrtt ' S0 m Proof - Orfttn Hutrttt Sptrttai I Calwrt Distil m Corp. Hv York Cltj Shop Wards 'til 9 very Friday Night BRING THE KIDDIES TO SALEM'S LARGEST TOYLAND Open now on Wards mexzanine. 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 Save on bathroom at Wards fixtures low cost! Convenient Terms . . ..Only 10 Down! j j j STEEL TUB . . Jut rti rhtng for modern both. GIom 'mg whits enameled iteel rub with stainless iteel band across the front. 16M high, it's eoty o step in and ovt ol. Has built-in ledge seat . , , tdeol for bathing small children. STEEL LAVATORY.. . lightweight bt sturdy lavatory stamped in one piece from hepvy-gouge steel. Covered with sparkling white porcelain enamel, highly ocid ond stain resiilant. Size is 24" x 18" overall with deep bowl. CLOSET.. . Th modern unit-!ty1 closet mod ol do robl white vitreoui china. It'i ttoin ond ocid prool ond very limple to clean. The lyphon jet type hoi a poitiv action that's last ond quiet. Buy this unit to complete your let, HAVE BATHROOM SET INSTALLED NOW! Drop in Wards plumbing deportment today, ond see the sparkling whtte bottvoom fixtures, that will change your both Into a bright, modern chombr. Has oil the up to date con veniences . . . ond what's more you needn't worry about in stallation. Wards able contractors witl do the complete job for you Woo stost to imuk of les cost. S Words owi REG 146.29 BATHROOM OUTFIT COMPLETE WITH ALL FITTINGS! Ill00 MONTGOMERY WARD COMPANY l.i.- N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. Plumbing & Heating Dept. I woutd like a FREE estimate on installation ol a complete set of bathroom fixtures. Nome Address Ory .State Phon.