Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Not. 9. 1949 1 HOLLYWOOD EXPERT OFFERS ADVICE How to Look Beautiful? Pick Out Best Background to Do It Hollywood, Calif., Nov. 9 (US) The trouble with damei, Hol lywood expert laid today, is: Too many of 'em slip Into a $250 gown, plunk down on a $1300 sofa and wind up looking like two cents. You have to fit your background to your chassis, according to Art Director Emerich Nicholson And the way most women don't, he said, is making a bitter man of him. "Women spend a fortune on clothes and cosmetics," he growled. "Then they ruin the whole effect by standing In the wrong place." That's why movie stars al ways look so good. Art direc tors work overtime to give 'em the right background. Olivia's First Born Screen actress Olivia de Havilland holds her first child, Benjamin Briggs Goodrich, born in Holly wood, The actress, wife of writer Marcus Goodrich, was confined to her bed during most of her pregnancy. Demos to Center On Angell's Seat Portland, Nov. 9 (P) Nation al Democratic Committeeman Monroe Sweetland says the par ty hopes to crack the republican hold on Oregon's congressional delegation, centering the cam paign in Multnomah county gainst Rep. Homer Angcll. Sweetland told a forum group of newspaper and radio news men yesterday that Angell was guilty of "political chicanery and demogoguery of the worst sort." The democratic leader said Angell warmed up to pension groups of the Townsend plan but voted against social legislation. He declined to say who may run against Angell but he said any of several democrats may be the candidate. He named State Senators R. L. Neuberger and Jack Bain or State Rep. Howard Morgan and former Rep. Phil Dreyer as possibilities. Sweetland also admitted he once had supported Socialist Norman Thomas. He said this was while he was in college and he would make "no apologies for that." Oregon Truckers Seek Rate Boost Portland, Nov. 9 W) Oregon trucking firms asked for a 4 per cent rate boost at a hearing yes terday before the state public utilities commission. The cargo carriers argued costs had increased to 96.8 per cent of gross revenue the first half of 1949. They said costs should not be above 93 per cent if their net profit is to be fair. Shippers and canners' associa tions indicated they later would oppose the request in arguments that they could not afford high er rates. Nicholson's bending over a hot sketch board these days to put a lot of smoke around Mari lyn Maxwell in Universal-International's "Outside the Wall." He said she stands out best in cloudy surroundings. Betty Grable's the Louis XV curlicue type, he thinks, and Jane Russell seems to "go with a haystack." "Thin women should stay away from columns on door ways," Nicholson advised. "Those just make 'em look skin nier." And every time he spots a chubby damsel In front of a Venetian blind he chases her over to a narrow post. Over curved cuties should steer clear of furniture with rounded cor ners, too, he said. But the maiden who does business with falsie manufac turers could and should cuddle right up close to rounded outlines. If you haven't got 'em yourself, he argues, get next to something that has. "Just get a look at a fat wom an sitting in a small chair and you'll see what I mean," Nich olson said. "Every time she squeezes into a mistake like that she adds twenty pounds to her shape " Next time you redecorate your home, girls, take a look in the mirror first. Then pick fur nishings that'll do things for you. Better backgrounds bring out beautiful babes, is Nicholson's motto. "Mae West wouldn't be sexy without her pillows and drapes," he says. "And, for a clincher, I even fixed up Marjorie Main. They curled her hair and I had her curl up on a rounded sofa in a swanky room and you know what? Marjorie looked beauti ful!" About the only gal this rule Hoffman Low on U of 0 Heating Portland, Nov. 9 () Low bids on University of Oregon heating and power plants were reported today by the building committee of the state board of higher education. The projects total almost a million dollars. The work is the first in the multi-million dollar expansion program authorized by the last legislature on the state's campuses. Committee Chairman R. Kleinsorg, Silverton, said yes terday the power plant would save the University up to $35, 000 annually. The savings would be applied to amortization of the cost. Low bids opened yesterday were: General contract, Lee Hoffman, Portland, $216,986; boilers and auxiliary gear, P. S. Lord, Portland, $558,328; elec trical work, Grasle Electric Co., Portland, $70,984; condensing doesn't apply to, Nicholson added, is Ava Gardner. "With the face and figure? Heavens, she'd stand out in front of almost anything!" equipment, R. H. Brown & Co., Portland,' $15,629; turbine gen erators, Worthington Pump & Electric Co., Portland, $142,500. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Allsop have sold their house and furnishings to Mrs. Bessie Lewis, Bay City. The Allsops bought the place from Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewing about two months ago. They are planning to leave again to make their home in California. Mrs. Alsop is relat ed to Mrs. Ben Aebi and Mrs. Lofting. Jot ioT3rakt and friction e7rouilts BRAKE BLOCKS-LININGS FRICTION BLOCKS Dwy Sol lU ProbUm t Doy-ln and Day! OrvHinf CHAMPION FRICTION CO. UOfNI, ORfOON PECAN Temptingly deliciousl yu3iCA) Arden'i Flivor-of-che- ml fmTKl .Siu . Sfl 1 month. Serve it the next II SmJflifMJjJh Jm time you entertain . . . treat g Msjjr To Walnut and Filbert Growers: SATURDAY, NOV. 12 Will Be My LAST DAY FOR BUYING This Season H. R. JONES BUT FOR ROSENBERG BROS. & CO. 285 S. Cottage at Shryder Transfer Jr. !,.V AM an and His first Cadillac ! Oeldom will you find a man in a happier state of mind than when he slides behind the wheel of his first Cadillac. It's wonderful, wonderful feeling! Usually, it's the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream. And, of course, that means a glorious sense of achieve ment with a deep sense of personal satisfaction. And, then, there are the immediate pleasures that press upon him . . . ... the feeling of pride that is inescapable when a man comes into possession of something which is so uni versally and so deeply admired . . . ... the feeling of tonfidenct that comes from Cadillac's great reputation for quality and soundness and long life . . . ... the feeling of elation that comes from the car's amazing responsiveness to throttle and brakes . . . . . . the feeling of rratitudc that comes from being able to surround himself, and all who ride with him, with every safeguard an automobile can provide. And then, of course, there is the soft, satisfying rush of the miles the easy, restful ride the positive, effortless handling the sumptuous and comfortable surroundings. Yes, it's a great thrill for a man when he goes for his first ride at the wheel of his first Cadillac But, it's only the heginm'ng! Day after day, year after year, he will have that same wonderful feeling as he rolls his Cadillac out into the street or highway. Kor the joy of Cadillac ownership is deep and abiding. Most owners find that it never leaves. Wouldn't you like to learn what it's like to sit at the wheel of a car that can mean so much to you? If so, come in today for a ride that's a revelation. DOUGLES McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 5 1 0 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon TOOL DEPT. SPECIALS Six Inch Polished Angle Wrench 99c White Enameled Zig-Zag Rules Measure 6 Feet Black markings for easy read Reg. 60c . . 49c '' ' . -r- ."-ir""i' 1- " -.'- ' -- Strong 7-Inch Screw Driver With 3-inch Blade 15c 12-inch Combina tion Square 99c Reg. 1.45 50 Ft. Cloth Tape is 99c m m it feieff UNDERGROUND Carbage Receiver mmth4 mi tw (UMrnuvrrl dM Mk la ! mm W dM wv ...Mthlac M mm th tnwy mt the ftbmf . . . dun t. T7 1495 For Your Holiday Need See Our Complete Stock Of Well Known Lines Of DINNER WARE OPEN STOCK Hand decorated under guaran tee against crazing. Vernon Ware 5rS Sy M A Semi-porcelain process of manufacture. WlOWfl Many patterns to select from. 495 4 Up A vitrifiail Chinawara. itram and racuse translucent Finest craftmanship in Modeling and Decoration. Starter Sets are Priced Lone With Buckskin Q, lives Thong oyc Bull's Eye ShotPfrPak 1c Cotton Work Gloves pr. 29c BalkOCkS ForToilets 1.59 Fireplace Wood Baskets 2.39 Fireplace Panel Screens 10.25 Fireplace Log Rests 3.90 Bamboo Rakes 29c Smoothie Lawn Rake 1.39 . it . .1 i I U M" I Master PADLOCKS 35$ AND UP Powerful laminated padlocks strongest case construction known. Built like a bank vault door. Many stylos and sixes. Plumbing Dept. Bargains Bath Room Medicine Cabinet k Surface Installation White Enameled Mirror 1 1x16 inches With Glass Shelf 3.35 Bathroom Fittings Soap Dishes 45c. ea 45C .a 25c For Tub Wall Faucet Paper Holder. . Rob Hook . . . These are all chromium finished, durable and attractive. We stock all necessary fittings and copper tubing for oil stove installations. Plumber's Friend For opening sluggish drains has SVi in. suction cup ) 7C Kordite CLOTHESLINE Wlpt cUon with a damp cloth. Al most twiet os itrong at ordinary clothfttlin. laiti longtr. Withitands all wKihtr, Practically no f A ttrotch. fSitly guaronttod. U tt i0 Im lonV ..UU While Ihey Last! W Have 10 Floor Sample Oil Heaters On Which We Art Reducing the Price 20to30 DON'T WAIT DELTA RED BIRD ELECTRIC LANTERN With large 4Vi-inch Reflector. Railroad Model. Complete with two No. 6 Batteries 298 GEORGE E. ULEII Phone 3 3106 3t M COMMttCIM ST. tAUHC VUKCH