ft Dressed Class Added in McMinnville Turkey Show The annual Pacific Coast Turkey exhibit at McMinnville No vember 15 to 18 ii attracting nation-wide interest with a dressed class added to the commercial division this year by popular demand. Grand opening is scheduled for Wednesday night at the armory j with judging to start at 9 o'clock the following morning. I Turkey dog contests will be 1 held at noon with judging oi Victim's Parents Sob Mr. and Mrs. Henry Komorek sob as the coroner ruled at Utica, N. Y., at an inquest that the death of their six-week-old son Stephen was accidental. Mrs. Komorek had reported that someone kidnapped her son, but later admitted the infant died from a fall from her arms. (AP Wirephoto) Guests were required to wear hardtime costumes or pay a fine. A halloween program, prepar ed lqy'Mrs. Edward Chance and Mrs. Theodore Burton was presented. Attendance in Recreation Season Increases in Salem Attendance of 183,071, an increase of 22,120 over 1948 was registered during the recent summer recreation season, a report of the year's activities by Vernon Gilmore, director of the pro gram. These figures do not include the junior baseball program or the balem softbail program. The inclusion of these two activities shows an added attendance of 28,279 participants and specta tors. The season marked the first real attempt to give an adequate tennis program for the patrons of the playgrounds. "The Salem Softball program was established as a permanent part of the city and school playgrounds because it was evident from the past few years that the program of soft ball for young men could not survive financially," the report states. The annual American Red Cross "learn to swim campaign" was held from July 11 through July 22 with an additional six lessons for those desiring them. Over 350 certificates were is sued at the end of the campaign. Gilmore states that "there must be constant planning for future expansion of play areas and parks." "Too often a city grows beyond its bounds and suddenly finds itself without play space for children of the community. When this happens, the necessity of paying high prices for land are present." Playgrounds were maintained at Olinger and Leslie fields, Grant, Englewood, Richmond, Bush, McKinley, Highland and Garfield. commercial division entries the next morning. Pens and special awards will be considered Fri day morning, November 18, with an open forum for turkey grow ers at 2 o'clock with Dr. W. A. Billings of the cUniversity of Minnesota and a national author ity, in charge. Judge of the show is Milton M. Reiman, Planada, Calif., the first president of the California Turkey federation and who headed that organization as pres ident from 1940 to 1945, who returns to McMinnville for the third time. Presentation of awards and a banquet will conclude the ex hibit at 7 o'clock the night of November 18. Officers and board members of the exhibit are Harold Talley, McMinnville, chairman; Delmer Stutzman, McMinnville, secretary-treasurer; Harold Davis, Dan O. Smith and S. L. Baker, all of McMinnville; W. H. Schwedler, Portland, and Mrs W. E. Alexander, Dayton, board members; L. H. Gross, McMinn ville, county agent; Gene Mal ecki, Salem, manager; and Har old Ryals and J. Merrill Giffin, both of McMinnville, advisory members. Special committee chairmen are Mrs. Alexander, banquet; Newton Fruit, Dayton, dressed birds; R. R. Oester, Yamhill, live birds; Dick Reyne, McMinnville, building and grounds; L. H. Gross, McMinnville, clerk; Wal ter J. Hilands, Portland, weight er; M. M.. Reiman, Planada, Calif., judge, and J. Merrill Gif fin, McMinnville, entertainment and reception. New Mexico's state tree, the pinon (pin-yon), is the only member of the pine family thai bears edible nuts. Upholds Indian Rights to Fish Yakima. Umatilla and Warm Springs Indians have just as much right to free hunting and fishing licenses on the Colum-l bia river as the Indians living at Celilo, Attorney General George Neuner ruled today for the state game commission. Neuner's opinion disagreed with the game commission and the Celilo Indians, who contend that the free fishing and hunting rights should go only to the Celilo Indians. The opinion agreed with the regional U.S. director of Indian affairs. The argument is over a 1947 state law, which says the free ALWAYS A WISE BUY licenses shall be given to "all Columbia river Indians who are eligible to hunt and fish under the terms of the treaty of 1855 between the Columbia river In dians and the United States of America." Neuner's opinion is that the law applies to the Yakima. Umatilla and Warm Springs tribes, rather than just to the Celilo Indians. Disabled Vet Speeds Van Nuys, Calif., Nov. C U.R Handless, legless Gerald V. Gor don, 17, lost his driver's license yesterday when he pleaded guil ty of leading police a 70-mile-an-hour zigzag chase through San Fernando valley towns. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1949 H Off Raided Melody Club Faces Closure Portland, Nov. 9 ( District Attorney J. B. McCourt prepar ed today to start legal proceed ings to close up the Melody club, scene of four liquor violation :i;rests In a month. The fourth was early yester day, two days after the third involving illegal sale of liquor. McCourt said the state liquor control commission already has asked a court to restrain the owners from maintaining a com mon nuisance. It asked a clos ure for two years, or until there was assurance it had been clean ed up. The club has no liquor license. The egg of the common house fly may hatch in as short a time as six hours after it is laid. Complete line of Doll Clothes and doll house toys are now on sale in our toy department WE INVITE YOU TO USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN DECKER'S Ivoo 237 North Liberty Open Friday 'til 9 Win a Prize Listen to KOCO Mon. thru Fri., 6:45 p.m. Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 3855S 1085 Broadway fbrfke Heating Estimafe find out how little k will coit to modernize your' heating system with economics!, dependable Delco-Heat ... the complete line ir use witn all types of fuel -for all sizes and types " l of homes. 1 -m- ! FOR UNFINISHED FURNITURE See MAURER-BOGARDUS FURNITURE CO. So. 12th Street Hi way Junction Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free Parking Free Delivery Gates A halloween commun ity hardtime party, sponsored by the Gates Womens club was giv en in the social rooms of the Gates high school. Members and their families and people of the community were invited. Ad mission was one vegetable which the guests was required to pre pare to be added to the "stew" which was served as refresh ments later in the evening. FOR SALE Approx. 8 Acres, Cheha lis Loam Soil. .Fine home site, N. W. from Keizer School o n Salem-Spongs Landing Rd. Inquire at Pioneer Trust Co. 109 N. Commercial IF BETTER TASTE is what you seek 4, c&mi li4?JL You'll switch to Calvert, too, this week. CALVERT RESERVE Blended Whtakej -86.8 Proof-66 Grain Neutral Spirit. Calnrt DtitUlm Corp, New York City VBOURJOIS Thtr.'s magic In m. air. and Its nam. Is Beau Bella, ma graat n.w parfuma dasignad to maka you faal mora fashionably baavtrMI Coma to our Cot mark covntar, ba revchad by b.wHcNng laog lalla. You'll want to maka It a part of your parsonaliry vary hour of evary day and night... for fashion, and for your awn njoym.nt. artuma, $2.00 M 17.30. Cotoona, J2.50. AH plus to a. iluise court oowawcwbi w tfD'CAl CFNTfl MCH ftlUI ITtfff Km W M VWTrl4vVVW op rat as o' PENNEYSLets You Sleep! BE SMART! BE THRIFTY! SLEEP... DEMI COMFORT, STYLE A GRAND PARADE OF SLEEPINGWEAR FOR THE FAMILY! INFANT'S SOFT COTTON SLEEPERS A SPARE PAIR OF PANTS FOR EMERGENCIES Kitten-soft ribbed cotton sleepers with an extra pair of pants. Strong gripper fasten ers, elastic drop seat. In blue, yellow, pink. Sizes 2, 3, 4. A real valuel SECOND FLOOR 1 .98 MEN'S FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS WARM, EASY-TO-WEAR VALUES DRAWSTRING WAIST SLIP-OVER COAT STYLES FAST COLORS EXTRA LONG FOR MEN 6 FT. OR OVER BRIGHT PATTERNS, COLORS MAIN FLOOR 3-49 BOY'S SANFORIZED FLANNEL PAJAMAS In Stripes, Polkodoti Collar A Collorltti Styli Drawstring Waist MAIN FLOOR 2- 29 0 WEAR PENNEY'S WON DERFUL COTTON FLAN NELETTE GOWNS Ladies, when the tcmperoture dives down, you'll be snug as a bug in these wonderfully worm gowns. Embroidered yoke, v-neck, button top. Asortment of lovely flowered prints. 16 to 20. MAIN FLOOR ALSO IN GIRL'S SIZES This Sam Daintly Trimmed Flannelette in Sites 6-16 SKCOND FLOOR 229 WOMEN'S COTTON Or Rayon PAJAMAS FLORALS, STRIPES, POLKA DOT PATTERNS Pretty, practical and gay are the words for Penney's printed pajamas! Good warm cotton or rayon that wears and washes so well. Butcher boy or man tailored styles. 34 to 40. MAIN FLOOR 2-98 MEN'S BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS STYLE, COMFORT, QUALITY "TOPFLIGHT" BRAND FAST COLORS SANFORIZED LABORATORY TESTED "TOWNCRAFT" BRAND WONDERFUL PATTERNS SANFORIZED SHRUNK MAIN FLOOR 2-98 J .98 GIRL'S TWO-PIECE Flannelette PAJAMAS ELASTIC WAISTBAND "BUTCHER BOY" TAILORED IN PASTELS, 6 TO 16 SECOND FLOOR H.98 PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. at PENNEY S SALEM, OREGON