10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Not. 9, 19491 Heights Mothers Helping School Salem HeighU, Nov. 9 Many parents attended the Salem Heighti Mother! club Tuesday afternoon In the community hall. Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker pre sided at the meeting and report ed the success of the harvest festival. The club voted to buy paint brushes for the school, with each two rooms sharing one set of brushes. Mrs. Myron Butler was named as Campfire Girl leader for the fourth and fifth grades. Mrs Roy McElroy reported on the success of the Bluebirds candy celling. The club will begin to sew eiizmy Dean Dags ior me school children next week. Marlon Miller, principal, SDoke on the results of the har vest festival for the school and told of the magazine subscrip tion drive to begin in January for the school. Anyone interest ed in purchasing magazines are asked to wait for the drive If oossible. The proceeds from the drive will go to the purchas ing of a O. P. projector. Any Dicture. man or material used in class room may be placed in It and be seen on the screen. Mrs. George Beane present ed Horace Miller from the child guidance department of Marion county, who spoke on the Importance of a Woman's World, and the physiology of the child. Donald Jessup, music super visor presented advanced stu dents from the high school. He apoke on music in the school, and gave the history of various Instruments. On the program were Lauren Bartlett, with a clarinet solo, a flute solo by Michael Deeny, cornet solo by Jim Todd, a sax aphone solo by Lauren Bartlett, a trombone solo by Glenn Ben- ner, all accompanied at the pi ano by Ann Gibbens, Waym Mercer demonstrated playing the drum, a baritone horn solo by Charles Dahlen, and an oboe aolo by Ann Gibbens accom panied at the piano by Michael Deeny. The fourth, fifth and sixth grades were present for the instrument presentation. The Jig-saw puzzle game was won by Mrs. Faye Gooch, Mrs. W. E. Neufeld, and Mrs. Leta Hampton, and a bouquet of chrysanthemums was present ed to each by Mrs. Ed. A. Carle ton. Mrs. Herbert Marggi, room mother for the fifth grade was the hostess chairman assisted by Mrs. Robert Kuescher, Mrs. Charles Hagemann, and Mrs. Lyle Bayne. U.S. Offers fo Buy 1000 Tons of Prunes Washington, Nov. 9 (ff) The agriculture department made a new offer today to buy 1,000 tons of dried prunes for the na tlonal school lunch program from processors In Oregon and Washington. The department rejected pre vious bids because It considered them too high. New bids must be submitted by Nov. 22 for acceptance or re jection on or before Nov. 30. The purchase program is de signed to help bolster sagging prices of prunes. The Greeks poured oil on the sea and set it afire to destroy a Scythian fleet. Hwog service- i ACROSS TOWN Ol I ACROSS THI NATION M Whether you'ra morlnf In town r to a distant city, we offer the nest tn worry-(na soring nrv lot. Our local ssoMf and noo tng facilities an uBraUd . And u repraaantatlTaa for AUiad Van Llnae we can place at your disposal the know-bow of tha world's kvfaet loaf-dlaUnc snoring aanaalaaaoa. Alliens apart paatna, handlers and dfiTara safeguard yoor pnaaia mourn svary stp of tha way. Call a. for astimataa. Red Star Transfer liberty Belmont rh. Mill AtlMT " . , .tv r w a Makes Boast Georgi N. Malenkov (above), a top Soviet spokesman, boasted that with the atomic bomb in Rus sia's hands a third world war would wipe out capitalism. Malenkov, member of Rus sia's Politburo, made the main speech in Moscow's celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the Bolshevist revolution. He said that atomic energy in capital ist hands "is the means of bringing death,' but that Rus sia regards atomic energy as "a mean of unprecedented ad vance in peaceful construc tions." (AP Wirephoto) Farm Income In Coast States San Francisco, Nov. 9 VP) Farm income in the 11 western states is running slightly un der last year except in New Mexico ana Washington which show small gains. " Figures supplied by the bu reau of agricultural economics, USDA, give the area a return in farm marketings, through Sep tember, of $3,139,177,000. This compares with $3,410,273,000 at this time last year. All 11 states reported small er returns from livestock and its products than last year. The total for the area for nine months was $1,384,590,000 against $1, 591,929,000 last year. Returns from crops were larger than last year only in New Mexico, Wyoming and Washington. This year's nine month total of $1,754,587,000 compared with $1,818,346,000 last year. Washington's cash receipts from farm marketings at the end of September was $378,578,000, against $363,653,000 last year. California has a nine-month total of $1,357,800,000 against $1,478,889,000 last year and is running slightly behind Iowa for top position in he nation. Roseburg Hospital Gets $156,000 Grant Roseburg, Nov. 9 (IP) Final approval of a $156,000 federal grant for the construction of the Douglas Community hospital has been given by the United States public health service. Report from the Portland of fice was received in a telegram to Alvin Knauss, hospital man ager, here today. The grant had previously been approved by the Oregon state health department. and this final action was await ed before construction plans could proceed. Knauss said the project Will probably go out for bids this week. The local association has $135,000 to augment the federal appropriation, making an esti mated $470,000 funds available. Make Surprise Visit West Stayton Mr. and Mrs. A. Swanson of Sheridan, Mrs. Anna Holdredge of Dayton and Mrs. Henry Christenson of I Amity spent a surprise visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Schafer. Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Holdredge are sisters to Mr. Schafer and this is their first -WANTED- Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meats HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN . . . SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone 3-7633 visit In many years. Mrs. How-motoring to Spokane, Wash, to ard Gilbert and son Johnny are 'visit with relatives. f'ili'irh .if44i miA . J-J"lea7Xi3l w4"li ' 7 II "il in it'1 vLl ill'trsj 13m naBanakaaaaaaaaaaassaaBfaraVVBaVVWrslw . -a4il iJMaaa I WANT TO STOP -SMOKING TRY NICO-STOP Pleasant to Take Non-Habit Forming Money-back Guarantee Ask at m QUISENBERRY'S . Pharmacy Salem m m m sf Iff IV 'iVBtajk. I till haaaw - -autMi Tl Hlf lanVM VatW 5? Woken "A BLENDLD WHIHtTv 86 PROOF. 70 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS THE WILKEN FAMILY C0..LAWRENCEBURG. IN0 COLUMBIA IWIIIII, itie. O TACOMA, WAIHINOTON mms Mow At ill K.N. FURNITURE 111 " - -' . V,'L' ; "" '-' - Mear WHY PAY MORE! . , . WHEN YOU DRIVE TO M.K.N. AND SAVE! (AN 1425 EDGEWATER STREET IN WEST SALEM ON SALEM-DALLAS HIGHWAY IT'S TRUE! And it's also true that such every day low prices are available only at M. K. N. There are really several reasons for this, but here is a couple of the main ones. (1) We have just reduced our mark up! and (2) We are out of the high rent district, which means our overhead is cut to a bare minimum. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? It means that you can buy superior quality furniture everyday of the week at a considerable saving . . .' come over this evening and let us show you how far a few dollars will go on a "big furniture bill." Open Every Evening 'til 9 P.M. Free Parking Free Delivery THERE'S A TRUCK IN THIS PICTURE THAT FITS YOUR NEEDS! Chevrolet offers you this wide choice of trucks and among them you have your best opportunity to select the model which most exactly fills your requirements. Study the picture carefully and consider this Only CHEVROLET offers you ALL these great TRUCK advantages . . . e 3-Way Thrift No other truck offers greater economy of ownership . . , lower operating coil ... lower maintenance cost . . . and the lowest list prices in the entire truck field. e The RIGHT truck for your job Chevrolet builds trucks for every job ... 81 models on 9 differ ent wheelbases with ca pacities ranging from 4,000 to 16,000 lbs. G.V.W. e Quality The unsur passed quality and crafts manship built into Chev rolet Trucks give PLUS VALUES of strength and durability in every fea ture of body, cab, engine and chassis. e Performance Chev rolet Advance-Design Trucks deliver prime power plus economy with Chevrolet's Volve-in-Head engine the world's most economical engine for its size. -o bo O CHEVRON ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCK DOUGLAS McKAV CHEVROLET (0: 510 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.