Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 08, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
fc .iweawaMaMa
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore..
Alumnae j
Mrs. John Harm was hostess
last evening to the November
meeting of the Alpha Xi Delta
alumnae. For the program, Mrs.
Hann and Mrs. Eugene Laird
demonstrated handicraft work,
featuring Christmas cards.
Mrs. Madge Disney of San
Diego, sister of Mrs. M. E.
Knickerbocker, was a guest dur
ing the dessert. Mrs. Disney is
visiting here for a time.
Alumnae attending the meet
ing included Mrs. Lloyd E. Dar
ling, Mrs. William D. Galloway,
Jr., Mrs. William E. Healy, Mrs.
Benjamin J. Kerns, Mrs. M. E
Knickerbocker, Mrs. Eugene
Laird, Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis, Mrs.
Elmer Meade, Mrs. A. C. Newell,
Miss Elise Schroeder, Mrs. John
Smith of St. Paul, Miss Eleanor
Stephens, Mrs. Glen Stevens and
Mrs. Hann.
Tri Delts Meet
Delta Delta Delta alumnae met
last evening at the home of Mrs.
W. J. Braun with Mrs. Robert
Sprague, Mrs. J. H. Morris and
Mrs. Harold O. Schneider assist
The group voted to assist the
Chemawa Indian school as its
Christmas project.
Mrs. J. K. McAfee, who re
cently moved to Salem from the
east, told the group about the
early history of the sorority. She
knew some of the founders.
Alumnae attending last night's
meeting included Mrs. Mark As
trup, Mrs. H. J. Anning, Miss
Esther Baird, Mrs. Clarke
Brown, Miss Zclma Bush, Mrs.
Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Arthur Er-
ickson, Mrs. Tom Hill .Mrs. J.
K. McAfee, Mrs. Ralph Mercer,
Mrs. Fred B. Moxley, Mrs. C. R.
Nelson, Mrs. Oscar Paulson, Jr.,
Mrs. Dewey Rand, Mrs. Walter
Socolofsky, Mrs. George Wellcr,
and the four hostesses.
OUR LADY of Fatima Junior
Catholic Daughters troop, held
it ular monthly meeting last
Keek at the home of Margaret
Jaskoski. Plans for the Christ
mas formal were discussed, and
committees were chosen for var
ious preparations. Mrs. J. C.
Przybilla acted as counselor.
Refreshments were served after
the meeting. .
Today's Menu
(Bj Ui AuocUt.4 Pruil
A Tuesday Dinner
Broiled Lamb Chops
Pineapple Sweet Potatoes,
on the Half Shells
Creamed Spinach
Cucumber, Tomato and Green
Pepper Salad
Bread and Butter
Coconut Custard Meringues
Pineapple Sweet Potatoes,
on the Half Shell I
Ingredients: 4 small sweet
potatoes (1 pound), 2 tablespoons
butter or margarine, V nine
ounce can sweetened crushed
pineapple not drained (Hi cup),
V teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons light
brown sugar, parsley sprigs.
Method: Cut off any small
protruding ends of sweet po
tatoes; scrub with vegetable
brush under cold running wat
er; dry well on paper towel.
Bake in a moderately hot (400
F.) oven until potatoes are soft
when pressed between fingers
with a pot holder about 30 min
utes. Cut carefully in half
lengthwise and cut potato from
shell into mixing bowl; be care
ful to preserve 4 of the half
shells for stuffing. Add pineap
ple, including Juice, salt, and
brown sugar, and beat well with
a spoon. Pack the mixture firm
ly into 4 half-shells so that tops
ore level; now pile remaining
potato on top, dividing evenly.
Return to oven to reheat, about
10 minutes. Stick a small sprig
of parsley in each potato so
parsley stem is covered and
serve Immediately. Makes 4
Watrh and
Save money and
tune by letting
us do your
wstch and clock
You'll like ear
moderate prices,
quick errice!
Eliminate (hi
Watrh H.mlp
Service" Headache
Expert Jewelry
Mfg. and Diamond
Tuesday, November 8, 1949
Red Cross Quilts
A call is being sent out by the
production department of the
local Red Cross office, asking
women to assist in making up
The material is on hand at the
Red Cross office, all ready to
make up, and volunteer workers
wishing to assist may obtain the
quilts there.
The supply of quilts on hand
is about exhausted. The quilts
are given out to needy families
in cases where homes are burn
ed out, major illness comes or
other disasters ocur in needy
Mothers Meeting
St. Joseph's Mothers club is
meeting on Wednesday evening,
in St. Joseph's hall, at 8 o'clock.
James R. Banks of the traffic
safety division, secretary of
state's office, is to be the speak
er, his topic to be "School and
Traffic Safety." He will show
motion pictures also.
Mrs. Wilmer Smith and Mrs.
Rex Gibson, seventh and eighth
grade room mothers, are chair
men for refreshments and will
be assisted by Mrs. Jack Tag-
gart, Mrs. H. Lenninger, Mrs. A.
A. Flicker, Mrs. Z. W. Crowe
and Mrs. Jack Hayes.
OSC Mothers Meet
Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Salem
state president of' the Oregon
State Mothers club, presided at
the board meeting in Portland
Friday in the Multnomah hotel
Blue room. Thirty board mem
bers from all over the state were
present. Speakers during the
meeting were Lloyd Carter, state
president of the Oregon State
Alumni association, and Dean
Mary Basch from Oregon State
college. A representative from
each local Mothers' and Dads'
club in Oregon will form a com
mittee in the Oregon State foun
dation program, and also spon
sored by the association will be
conferences held in many cities
in Oregon. Dean Basch told the
club how much appreciated
were the scholarships and assist
ance given to students at the col-
lege. Announced were Mother's
day week-end for May 6 and 7
and Dad's day week-end Feb
ruary 10 and 11.
Attending from Salem were
Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. George Rho
ten, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons and
Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr.
JEFFERSON Several mem
bers of the 'Jefferson Woman's
club attended the Marion Coun
ty Federation of Women's clubs
at Aurora. Attending were Mrs.
Paul Smith. Miss Marjorie Fon
taine, Mrs. Henry Theissen, Mrs.
John Terhune, Miss Marguerite
Looney, Mrs. Roland Wall of Al
bany, Mrs. David Looney of Sa
lem, also Mrs. Delmcr Davidson
and Mrs. Edna Reeves of Tal
bott. WE WILL BE
w-iiiuifi.''ip.Miuuii 14 i in i . laj-wyyyi ' I
' j ' j
iDance Set
Announced for the evening of
December 10 is the annual Pan
hellenic formal for Willamette
university groups.
"Holly Daze ' is the theme for
the decorations. Alpha Chi Ome
ga is to be in charge of the plar
and refreshments; Delta Gamma
for the orchestra; Chi Omega
for decorations; and Pi Beta Phi
for chaperones and guests, invi
tations, transportation and flow
ers. The Junior Panhellenic group
is to assist with the decorations
and refreshments.
DAR Birthday Event
Given Friday Evening
More than 50 attended the
birthday dinner and program for
Chemeketa chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution,
Friday evening at the Marion ho
tel with Governor Douglas Mc
Kay as the speaker.
Honor guests included Gov
ernor and Mrs. McKay; Mrs.
Archie McKeown of Hood Riv-
state regent; Mr. McKeown;
Miss Jeanette I. Dentler, Port
land, national vice president
general; Mrs. Howard P. Arnest,
Portland, honorary national vice
president general. Mrs. Ruth
Herndon, local regent, presided
and introduced the honor guests.
Charles A. Sprague gave a short
talk and introduced Governor
McKay. Among other addition
al guests were Colonel and Mrs.
Mark Hillary and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Ratcliff.
Four charter members of
Chemeketa chapter were pres
ent and given special recogni
tion, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs.
J. G. Heltzel, Mrs. Charles O
Wilson, Miss Ola Clark.
For the special music, Mrs.
Robert F. Anderson sang, ac
companied by Miss Alice Crary
A large birthday cake was
featured. The committee
charge of arrangements for the
birthday event Included Mrs
Homer Goulet, Sr., Mrs. M. A
Pekar, Mrs. John E. Black, Mrs.
George Henderson. Mrs. Homer
H. Smith.
Shower Given
Jefferson A bridal shower
honoring Miss Marjorie Swanzy,
whose marriage to George
Schulde will be an event of No
vember 20 at the Christian
church. The event was sponsored
by Miss Barbara Blackwell and
Miss Marjorie Heice at the
Blackwell home. Games and
contests were enjoyed and gifts
were presented in an open um
brella with streamers falling
from the end of the handle to
the points.
Those attending the event
were Miss Marjorie awanzy,
ginia Frietag, Miss Maxine Arm
strong, Miss Virginia Frietag,
Miss Betty Logston, Miss Margie
Chrisman, Miss Mildred Baily,
Miss Doris Haworth, Miss Janie
Hutchings, Miss Nancy Beal,
Miss Shirley Welton, Miss Lu
cille Bentley, and the hostesses.
KENSINGTON club is meet
ing Thursday for dessert at 1:15
o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Charles Strickfaden, 1590 North
done the professional
mented by our personalized permanent
Have an Erich of New York hair-do, cre
ated just for you. Phone 3-3921.
v. . a
W 1
I Vi -w
- 1.Ti
Wed In October Mr. and Mrs. Jay Walter Johnson (Mat
tie Reynolds) were married October 23. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Reynolds of Fahlequah, Okla
homa, Mr. Johnson trje son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson
of Salem. (McEwan studio picture)
Zonta Clubs Observing 30th
Anniversary Through This Week
This week is the 30th anni
versary event for Zonta Inter
national, classified service or
ganization for women in busi
ness and the professions, dates
for the event being November 7
to 13. November 8 is the birth
Salem Zonta club joins with
women in 11 countries in oo-
servance of the week, the group
of International leaders includ
ing Mrs. Alva Myrdal of Stock
holm, who as director of tne
United Nations department of
socal affairs Is the highest rank-
in woman member of the UN
secretaria; Mrs. Bodil Begtrup of
Copenhagen, chairman of the
UN commission on status of
women: Karin Kock of Stock
holm, minister of food in Swe
den's cabinet: Senator uiarine
R. Wilson of Ottawa; Adelaide
Sinclair, Ottawa, chairman of
the UN children's emergency
fund; Rosa Markmann de Gon
zalez V dela. wife ot tne presi
dent of Chile: and in the United
States Judge Genevieve K.
Cline of the U.S. customs court,
New York; Jacqueline Cochran,
aviatriz, New York; Katharine
Blunt, president emeritus of
Connecticut College for Women
Hair is
But Exceedingly
way . . '. compli
&a-4' - .. : .
in New London, and others.
The name of one famous
Zontian, that of Amelia Earhart,
is commemorated in a scholar
ship awarded annually to a
qualified young woman for grad-
uta study in the field of aero
nautical engineering. The noted
flier was a member of the New
York Zonta club.
To Give Scholarship
On the occasion of this 30th
anniversary, Zonta International
announces that it again will
award the annual $1,000 Amelia
Earhart scholarship to a quali
fied young woman for graduate
study in aeronautical engineer
ing. The award has been given
to nine air-minded career girls
since 1940. Last year's winner.
Miss Betty Strasser of Niagara
Falls, is now studying at the
University of Michigan.
Just Arrived! ... New Shipment!
Down Payment
Wedding Set
Bride during the Christmas
holidays time will be Miss Betty
Lou Edwards, who has announc
ed Wednesday, December 21. as
date for her marriage to David
The ceremony will be an eve
ning one at 8 o'clock In St. Mark
Lutheran church, the reception
following also to be at the
Miss Edwards, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Miles H Edwards, and
Mr. Getzendaner. son of the Rev.
and Mrs. Mark A. Getzendaner.
announced their engagement last
June. Miss Edwards attended the
local schools and Willamette
university where she is a mem
ber of Pi Beta Phi. Last year
she was In the cast of the Ice
Follies. Mr Getzendaner also
attended local schools and is now
at Northwestern Lutheran semi
nary at Minneapolis.
Honoring Miss Edwards, the
staff at Miller's store is enter
taining at a shower this evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Friesen, their daughter.
Mrs. Clifford Schmidt as hostess.
Some 40 will attend the party,
miscellaneous shower to fete
Miss Edwards. Miss Margaret
McNamee is to assist in serving
the late supper and serving with
Mrs. Schmidt as hostesses will
be the office force of the store.
Mrs. Miles Edwards and Mrs.
Mark Getzendaner will be addi
tional guests.
THE P. L. E. and F club is to
meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. at
the home of Mrs. -W. J. Peck,
1645 North 19th, Mrs. D. M.
Duvall as co-hostess.
Candidates for the award must
hold a bachelor's degree and be
recommended for excellent
character and outstanding abil
ity. The recipient may study
at any graduate school where
aeronautical work of a high
order is offered after approval
has been granted by Zonta's
scholarship committee.
Applications should be filed
by March 1, 1950, with the
chairman of the eommittee, Miss
J. Winifred Hughes, Syracuse
university, Syracuse, New York,
or an Oregon girl who may be
interested may get in touch with
Dr. Helen Pearce of Willamette
university, Salem Zontians, who
is a member of the International
committee on the Amelia Ear
hart scholarship.
Locally, the Salem Zonta club
sponsors several projects. Its
main service project at present
is the Helen Yockey Memorial
fund being built up toward es
tablishment of a children's ward
at the new Salem General hos
pital. In addition, the local
club aids several youth projects
and this fall has given contri-
to several community
I I 11 Attachments
' I
..I m mm wuimmmamtn:--...- soumy .,.i'.3
Sewing Machine Department
ml;' )i
i . :
Arrow Silhouette Paris
inspired, translated in gold
velours and gray chiffon by
CDA Meeting
On Wednesday
Court Capital City, Catholic
Daughters of America, has
planned its regular meeting for
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
in the Salem Woman's club
Miss Loraine Meusey, pro
gram chairman, will interview
Mrs. Zdenka Postifil of Czecho
slovakia, a student at Willam
ette university, as a feature of
the program.
Refreshments will be served
following the business meeting
and program, Mrs. W. H. Clowes
as chairman for the social.
To Meet Thursday
Miss Constance Weinman will
be acting toastmistress at the
Thursday evening, Nov. 10 din
ner meeting of the Salem Toast-
mistress club at the Golden
Other speakers scheduled are
Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Miss
Alberta Shoemake, Mrs. Sue
Booch, Miss Ruth Jaynes, Mrs
W. L. Clemens. Miss Marie
Bosch will be hostess for the
HOSTS Saturday evening at
an informal card - party were
Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson
A late supper followed the hours
of cards.
Guests included Misses Lois
Chamberlain, Janet Hill, and
Jane Fluitt, Neil Andrews, El
lis Sanders and James Treat, the
latter of Albany.
A hostess of the mid-week '
will be Mrs. Hobart Jackson,
who has invited a group for
luncheon and bridge at her
Maine avenue home Wednesday
at 1 o'clock.
The guest list includes Mrs.
Howard Ragan, Mrs. Eugene
Laird, Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard,
Mrs. Walter Toy, Mrs. Roger
Hoy, Mrs. Howard Hosken, Mrs.
Harold H. Heiserman, Mrs.
William D. Galloway, Jr.
FIVE TRI-Y girls of the Sa
lem YWCA joined with girls
from Yakima, Eugene, Portland,
and Vancouver to attend a mid-
western planning conference in
Portland, Oregon, November 5.
The girls suggested a conference
theme concerning Y-Teeni as ci
tizens of the community and the
world. Skits, swap shops to ex
change program ideas and a ban
quet were also scheduled.
Salem representatives ai ine
planning conference were Dor
othy Ladd, Diane Karsten, Beth
Went, Rosemary Koweu, ana
Florence Ingram. Miss Norma
Wallace, YWCA teen age pro
gram director, accompanied the
ST. MARK Lutheran guild
is to meet Wednesday, luncheon
to be at 1 p.m. in the church
parlors. Mrs. Alt Sather is to
lead the topic, Mrs. L. M. John
son will have charge of devo
tions. RCA
45 R.P.M. Releases
Three Sons (Instrumental)
WP 350
MUSIC Perry Como
WP 161 -W
"Adventures in MOTHER
GOOSE LAND." Sung and
narrated by Jack Arthur.
WY 34
No. 4. Boston Symphony Orch.
WDM 1318 KM
;imm J)fl(Tilii
Corner State and High
Downstairs, Oregon Bldg.
Dial S-863Z
Op rili7 NlfhU Tin t
251 North Liberty (Formerly Ogden's)
Dial 3-3921