Capital AJournal An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che . meketo St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want- Ads. 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. ' Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively ' entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and olso news published therein. 4 Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 8, 1949 Three Top Programs for the Chamber Another set of Chamber of Commerce directors has been thosen. Nine of the directors will be old board members, while five will be new to the board. When they take office In early December, their assignment will be to formulate ' development -program for Salem for the coming year. This is an annual undertaking. Problems created by the rapid growth of the area are 'mounting, so the board will have before it a development Vfnrrrnm that, oradua V increases in buuub. t own uoa been made on some of the problems. Non been solved. ; There are three major problems the board should put high on its list for consideration for the coming year. The first one is the problem of traffic and parking in the city. The traffic aspect ot the promem wm De taKen care BY BECK Husbands . THrS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE, ' A tOe-LCVIN' 6UY HE'S SO EA6ER TO OO . HE'S SOT J , HIS OVERALLS HALF OFF. SO 1 1 HE WONT LOSE TIME WHEN J THE CLOCK SAYS FIVE. HE'D) , RATHER RISK BREAKIN' A SHOP RULE THAN BREAKIN' .HIS WIFE'S HEART. HCS JUST AS LCVIN' IN LTVCMORNtN&TOO. HE 'STAYS HOME TILL THE i LAST MINUTE AN PUSHES )in here as the clock 'strikes eisht. never t MIND ABOUT THE FIFTEEN MINUTES HE WASTES I SETTI Nf INTO HIS OVERALLS IAN1 FISHIKf THAT WRENCH 10UTFROM WHERE HE DROPPED IT. VTHE CUSTOMER ZffAjMS FOR THAT. MtNimgU Indian, W WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND John L. Lewis Is Desperate Over Revolt in UMW Ranks By DREW PEARSON Washington Inside reason why John L. Lewis is trying o des perately to settle with the coal operatois is that his United Mine Workers union is torn with rank-and-file revolt. Many coal miners deeply resented Lewis's offer to contribute funds to CIO Steelworkers from the UMW treasury at a time when the min- ers themselves F-v The national committee had are d e s t i t ute W ' . $800,000 In the bank last Janu and hungry. B ' - J ary- When Gabrielson took over Also, there is ifijt I in September he found, to his wid e s p r e a d W tM V? t amazement, that Just over $100,- rank - and - file W L, M 000 was left in the treasury. bitterness over Lewis's dissipa tion of the min ers' p e n s i on and - w e 1 f a re fund. The rebellion against Lewis Virginia and BY GUILD Wizard of Odds AMERICAN HUSBANDS JUST DON T UKC TO DANCE, SUOW OpOS OF WWII WONT GET A WRONfi NUMBER tir-ia H iQAOW VV1 Drew Pearaon is strongest in West Virginia, ITS 50 TOl IF VtXjfeE HURT IN A MINE ACCIDENT, VOU WONT WE... None of them has SIPS FOR SUPPER The First 100 Years BY DON UPJOHN Tt umiTrl hp interestim? to knnw who it was a hundred vears of generally speaking, by the carrying out of the Baldock ag0 this morning mailed the first letter at the first Salem post iL Rt thB otatp and citv crovemments will need the office, who it was bought the first stamp, where the letter was ' i: .. tu a.w in hrino-incr nhout. full realiza- eoine. what it was about and such information in general as Hnf tho nnaihilitip for better traffic flow as conceived chi-rm that superior and elect class of people known as philatelists. The hottest diplomatic row 'through aS.Ts CtterkinV problem, that will also call what wouldn't , , , ; S?.S in wie plan. H. - -. - .. - w n Ed for general city-wide cooperation in iimiing .uts. -- - - Elfstrom has already suggested a plan to secure parking l?$J lots throughout the city, but no definite steps have been ?VW "that p- Jaken yet. ticular letter and . Second on the list of problems is that of encouraging the llle It away in selective location in this area of business firms that will his collection of heln build the community. Some in Salem don't want to early Oregon see the city change, but the latest figures indicate that philatelic gems. Oregon and the Willamette valley will continue to grow for Ed probably --. i, .aflnn nf tVi pMint.rv. whether some neoDle owns the out want it that way or not. So the logical move for the cham- s'ndinf co"ec- D. ujh. ber is to do the "inviting" and ""d-work necessary J o to bring sound businesses and industries here that will inpqucstion would Just about ,Comnuuie wwaiu uie uuuuu.s m uit c". top it an Dff i fact jt wouid CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES Truman's Cruiser The navy cruiser Helena has been nick named the "Shangri-La" be cause it was decked out as a floating White House for Presi dent Truman to cruise to Alas ka. A cabin was redecorated for where several local mine unions the president, complete with pi have voted by secret ballot to go ano, radio-phonograph and blue back to work. However, the op- paint job. Teletype was also erators refused to reopen, fear- installed so that the president ing possible violence and blood- could keep in touch with the shed by Lewis' strong-arm world while cruising. But at the squads. last minute, Truman called off Other miners, rather than his Alaskan trip. So "Shangri- have their families go hungry in La" is now on its way to less the prolonged strike, have actu- glamorous duiy in the Far East, ally gone to work in non-union Labor and Anti-Trust Act A mines in Virginia and western new scheme to curb labor un- Kentucky. ions has been hatched by Sen. By HAL BOYLE ' Willis Robertson, Virginia de- New York UP) "I grew up," said Morey Amsterdam, "the day ROW OVER CHINA mocrat. He will try to slip a bill T j;,-n,,or vnn ran't Give Deode eood advice you have to cuiigrcM iicAi jfc charge them for it." unions under the anti- AmdorHam is on of the too funnv men of television and ra dio. This is the new Amsterdam. The old Amsterdam was just POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER 'You Can't Give People Advice -You Have to Charge Them' M.vh in f h r.,nm.r. Great Britain in recent vears is trust laws. Since this would ne- re wondering who these phila- taking place backstage over the ver get past the senate labor a gag writer for committee, Robertson will offer 0ther comics, me Din as an amenament 10 me antitrust laws, thus send the bill to the more anti-labor senate judiciary committee. tists are to whom we have re- touchy subject of China. fcrred. In common parlance they President Truman and Secre are stamp collectors. A group tary Acheson got wind of the that many folk consider some- act that a lar8e British diplo nhat unnfv. hut thev'H assure matic delegation has been sec- you if they're crazy, it's fun to retly conferring in Pieping with be crazy. tne Chinese communists in order MERRY-GO-ROUND to negotiate British recognition President Truman has receiv- We Knew It All the Time of the Red government. This is ed information so far not con Hollywood, No". 8 VPl A man a direct violation of the Bevin- elusive that the Russian atom can keep quiet longer than a Acheson agreement made in bomb went off prematurely woman. This age-old biological Mew York a month ago in which probably by accident. fact was proven scientifically both agreed that no deals would Most effective tactic against ,,,. As a youth ful vaudeville per forme r he joked and played a 'cello s used to try to suggest to the stars he hero worshipped, ways they could improve their yesterday by a radio show (Peo- be made with the Chinese Reds Louis Johnson in the opinion of On any list that is drawn up should be the matter, pronably be of interest to know p'e Are, Fun"y;- n Nov- Yhe hL'lhl co"mng fT,1 navy. me?!s oc ?te IS"1 f,r he said "Then I nprpct.ed so lone of adeauate highways to and from what sort of a postmark they s,hw placed Mrs. Anna santan- oi riogetner wan ranee, tioi- president in 185. This, they n- fpssfnnal eair writi oil" rpu ni iv to ;ill ..,l,o traffic flnw nnlv to haH In h SaW nst nffw aeT- . lam'. nousewite, idna ana oeigium. gure, is tne easiest way lo gel ----- -. ; - Los When the state department Truman jealous. JSaiem. ine nuiuucit ymn win,c uaiuv, "y " -. . ,..-, violn or the outskirts of the city From there, the 'j; Angeles salesman, in' a store learned that this agreement had Secretary of the Treasury ,000 to $5 000 for the same waste of lime. IS completely unsuiveu. iiiciaaumnuuciiiiiiaom.w"'." ----- -- - V I or the amount of traffic it is forced to carry. The new make it. As likely as not that fhighway over the Cascades needs attention, too. ster took aork out ; Tliai-a nhvimialv orA mnpr Tirnh pttir that coniront tne j n ni: community, in which the chamber is concerned. In fact, of that first stamp. Sometimes "er five days, three hours and jster Bevin denouncing his gov- Jonesboro high school of Jones- bit of advice from one star for window to see who could do been violated, Secretary Ache- John Snyder holds four honor nothing the longest. They could't son and the other foreign min- ary degrees, but he never gradu talk, read or listen to a radio, isters sent a scorching joint note ated from college. The highest Their meals were brought In. secretly to British Foreign Min- school he ever completed was by because no matter what I say about anyone I always wind up saying something good about him also." At 37 Morey, one of the best ad libbers in the trade, figures he has coined himself some 10, 000 gags. "For a while I was doing 78 shows a week and had to throw 200 jokes a day," recalled Am sterdam, who now has his own program on the Du Pont tele vision network. "I believe I reallv know writing. And five mi11inn inkps. Some enmeriiann years later they were paying me keep a file, i don't, It., a material I had tried to give them for nothing. "They just laughed me off," went into pro- I think it's easier to make up a new joke or remember one that fits the situation than it He himself got an excellent is to dig through a file." the list is long. But the three problems aoove are aeserv- the early postmaster carved ing of the new board's earnest and prompt attention be- weird designs on corks used for 'cause of their long range effect on developing the business such purposes. It may be he and commerce of the Greater Salem area. simply wrote his initials on the stamp with a quill pen. But these trailer. TL klnrthuact Prnnrnm e matters beclouded In the . a nassage of vears and Drobablv n"v" """s 000e". re "P- a""s informed of its activities , C. Girard Davidson, assistant secretary 01 tne interior, - ' ' " pearmg for the perennial turkey from here on in. "In announcing his department's proposed six-year $1.5 mean any Dut lnat shoots which indicate there's a Acheson and Truman are still (billion program for the Pacific Northwest was careful to "owocimct guild we referred to. great day in the offing. boiling. state that it is no substitute lor a uoiumma vaney Aamm istration, for which he has been campaigning. He stated : "Undoubtedly, people will argue that, just as they argued that the Joint engineer-reclamation report was a good substi tute for CVA. This is not in any way a substitute. We are "merely recognizing the need for integrating this department's activities in tho area. To inter-relate activities of the engineers, 'federal power commission, agriculture department and com merce department as a CVA would, requires a chance of basic law." The six-year program includes only the functions of in 'terior's various agencies, and if it gets included in the budget, it would presumably have to be lived up to if a CVA was created and thus insure perpetuation of the in ferior's control of expenditures and construction under the CVA. The bureau chiels evidently (ion l want to De purgea "... m"le5i " . C'S CM " "rS..- r whom he wrote movie dialogue Morey likes ridiculous humor r. """I. v.,. Z ". l" , r; -W1 -but humor that also carries a a SlitillKer UI1 llie SlUre S Inez- .vftju, nuuiuitu uia wuuoc uuaiiicaa is Hunting viuiii- , TV,- ,.,,. J ft,. COUntrv's ffllilt hilt hrarfnlv nals nlcn h.mfo (n. .ntin.c in OOH t Offend anyone. test. Klein won a $3000 house tated tha the move was neces- his spare time. He has an expert sfnM .cwby wrote on one of sary. nowever, sruam, ne con- taste for old bronzes, descended to say, would keep its (Copyright mil the thought behind it. His best gagf about 100 postal cards he mail- like one I wrote for a Bob ed Morey over the years. "I get Benchley movie short. Benchley One Result of the Coal Strike Des Moines, la. (U.R) Mrs. Sallie Cochran told police some one stole 500 pounds of coal from her basement. MacKENZIE'S COLUMN MARION COUNTY RECOLLECTIONS Celebrating 4th at Gervais Red Crackdown on Czechs Explains U. S. Plant Embargo SERVANTS OF BROTHERHOOD Southern race disturbances or KKK floggings make sensation al headlines, while the little acts of kindness between white and colored people seldom get in the newspapers. In Flnrpnrp. Smith Carnlina for instance a TJpm Woctorn a Players. Union messeneer. James E. To Bive the daV a Perfect end By OSWALD WEST (GoYtrnor ot Oreron (rom 1911 ta 1015) Celebrating a Fourth of July at old Gervais seemed to carry a little more "kick" than any of the other nearby towns. The French Prairie-ites were a little more effervescent. And there was always an exciting baseball game Gervais vs. Mt. Angel, Silverton, Woodburn or St. Paul. The latter team usually carried three or four Colemans picks up a phone and says: " 'Hello, Honey. Get the kids off the street I'm driving home.' " t Morey has a theory that what defeats most comedians is lack of confidence in theii own jokes. "You have to tell them like you think they're funny your self." he said. "Old material alone never really killed a comedian. No matter what joke you tell It's new to a large part of your Our outfit reached Gervais a little before noon by saddle audience Jones, has spent his extra time ing they usually closed it with horse or buckboard, and parked Amsterdam is a song writer and energy in recent years col- a quarter-horse race. in the rear of Ed Dupin's or Jake as well as a comic. Among his lecting money for the march of The residents of several ad- Bingham's saloon. best known are "Why, Oh Why, dimes. James Jones has been so joining praries came in num- After the ball same, the horse Did I Ever Leave Wvnminir?" Monday was the 32nd anniversary of the Bolshevist revolution energetic and so devoted that he hers to help celebrate. The pro- snorts Gathered In the saloons tn "Rum and Coca Cola." and th for opposing a CVA, an administration measure, but keep that overthrew the czarist government and established a Red re- has won the admiration of all Eram of the day ran about as talk horse race. And it was in current "Vuk a Puk." control of reclamation. 8ime which in the succeeding generation has extended its doml- citizens in his community and follows: First, t h e morning 0ne of the two above mentioned "The first thing I ever sold r Davidson said that uslmr a one-nroeram budget for all na,,;on to almT' th.ird of the globe- Iast ycar this coIumnist nomi- parade, which led to the speak- res0rts that a match race was was a song to Sophie Tucker nKrZaXen .U?X most amazing con "ate,d h'.ra " 8 Sent oI Brc- er,' stand, where Jack D'Arcy arranged and the wagered when I was 14 years old," h. , - . . iiu. win - - vi inernooa. reaa ine ueuiarauon or inae- By DeWITT MacKENZIE iiA Forelrn Affair Attaint) IMnt nnlv has ;OTt i--ai- i.i- c it.- ; -i. a- u- j it miri " congress a oeiver mea oi ine jou 10 oe uoue mere. yv neii Soviet Russia -congress can really get a good look at the whole picture," created the huge he said, "they will do an intelligent job of appropriating Red bloc of na money. But if the agencies don't present an intelligent tions which owe picture then it is our fault." alle g 1 a n ce to , Davidson said the new program would bring about a Moscow, but -considerable expansion of the rate of federal resource work agents have pen in tho northwest. In addition to stepping up work on etrated even the major water and power facilities, he said it would include uncivilized parts f ti,il,!i;f .afairilnnl. mmatitinit.l C.nMilioo ' "16 WOrld tO ::'V -.i:r t.. i . r. . j establish Bolshe lllllieiui otuilii:n, mm iiiiiuiii-uiviii-u icwuild uvvi;uimiic-iii. vjs cells Which ine uuusLiuii miHt's, 11 mi iius ueveiopiuuiii can ue cm- ..tnlt. tuai. ciently done under the present agencies, interior and army fcaity t0 Moscow. engineers with state co-operation, what is the use of a The chief weapons employed ,haH CVA to transfer the gigantic task to three politicians, pre- n this "World revolution" have p ' "' BULLS ARE TOO TAME monev nosted. Such wnffprpH recalled "Shp was in Ran Fran- Prscident Benes, co-founder of The other day, however, the pendence, and John M. Gearin money, however, was greatly ex- Cisco. I went backstage and sang the republic, died a broken- man who had been helping oth- delivered the oration of the day. ceeded by side bets made on the the song to her My Brother hearted man. Foreign Minister ers, himself was taken sick. He The youngsters, with their street. Played Piano and she bought UI ",e lal"er " ,. ",e """""I" w"n tuuiu uemtun, Parkersville Lane was chosen on the spot for $50.' v& iiic ic(iuuill., lllci a lllJTMi;!- wnintniiuii Ul VdllUUS Ullm UfUll 111 KIVC 1U11C aiiu uiaiakict ious end in a fall from a high ments, leaving a wife and seven to the day. window. children without funds. Rvitimonintinn ni tk Promptly the white citizens of Then came lunch time, when began immediately Florence started a campaign to gatherings would break up into Early in October arrests of ne'p P'm- small businessmen and other middle class elements was beeun with the aDnnrent Me nf win. fr? lTm 10 l0P lms mark to a n d superimposed with an as tne course, as It afforded a near quarter - mile stralght-a- way, free from gravel. DalViU Haekcflila Ing out the middle class. Several nelp mm- Both sides of the lane were , Last Januar?. Jone, Tamil v units which, with invited "ke and rider " e? D0"t collected $2576 to help the euests. would seek a shadv soot rail fence. atP of which were '"A '"I March of Dimes. Now his friends where blankeU could be spread !fated the interested spectators. Vuthom of nn. hi. arc trino in . . : j .ni. The French Prairie uals. reiralpH me autnorsnip of one of his . n w .wu ni.j uiai n iij u ii mitierimtHiseu Willi an ' ' a . r lows from Mexico's bull fighters there t0 wet their whistles, and aumably like many of the Truman appointees, lame ducks? been ideological persuasion and reported to be spreading through ' outright force. tho nmvlnos inj Seasonal Fashions Note ot thcsc- lhe strong-arm said to be getting sentences of department is getting more bel- or more of the local saloon: , , , . , ,. ,, , method has been responsible for two years in forced labor camps Perpetual changing, revolutionary, rather than cvolu- most of the success. or In uranium and coal mines, tionary, in women's fashions are always mystifying and a World War, of course, assist- One Prague resident reported subject of amazement and amusement as to why and ed greatly, since numerous that his cousin had been sent wherefore to mere man excepting of course, to creators countries both In Asia and Eu- to a uranium mine after a four "and sellers profiting thereby. Since recorded and at least rope were occupied by Soviet minute trail. He was convicted -illustrated history began there has been an undisguised troops, thereby establishing im- of listening to Western broad- "authorities has insisted that Dorrowmg i rum long iiirgoiu'ii gt'iieriuions and more or v. . ...... FuIuiui mmi less repetition, in the garb of the fair sex from tho simpli- r v. nH.:ni. i.' . ; i A i. . n ,uA c : lily ui lite diii.tciii. i jk.v I'1 iai in 411111 vjict:in tu lite tttlll lining absurdities of feudal times. And the present dav has gone 1""r At,loe another wca even iurther back in time to revive .aborigne at least in bathing suits. tlvities of the Catholic church. way long before the Gray Horse those fireside chats," said Mor ns as wen as an , . .. -j .... . oilier beef on the hoof. But the Z ".7-, oul- And so it turned ey, "and I'll write you a whole routine." bull fighters complain that this even further back in time. to revive the G-string of the ?TZZIX: S .t nv v ,n in? pS !?"f' the fighting spirit out of 1 ,v "nj " .... v...... - xnrir onus. Pnmrmtntinf. r.n th. .t.h.Vt th. annnvmni,. Tnni 1. ""n vr, ?" Replies the agriculture depart- nr.t.1.1 nf in. M. V.A Tim.. mcnl of powcr P",1- anrt for accept s,aie pain salaries, mrnt: "Unless the vaccinations nmnist of the New lork Times says: furthering the imperialistic and the government takes con- contlnue, there won't be any "The ways cf women may be Inscrutable, but periodically furthering tho Imperialistic trol of all church admlnistra- bulls with or without fighting there takes plate in their world an upheaval which gives the aims" of the Soviet union. tlve, financial and appointive af- spirit." As a compromise, the UHHiKiiuiu man cause 10 wonocr. ine revolution is universal, Attlee made this charge In a lairs. eBsuniii, ami mnuinus in us inception, it usually Dcgins wim speech In which he also cited ... vaccinate a fighting bull 30 davs the sad and somewhat bitter comment, "I haven t a thing to Czechoslovakia's plight as an In this manner has Czecho- prior t0 his appearance in an Z ' i lieaca"se.M" ' ?Fnly ,on lJl "hould be exnmp,e 0 Rll!!Sian methods. Slovakia been made an unwilling arena. short, or short ones long, or shoulders that looked good enough r,ii...i.i. i. . jj m-mhr ih. "Soviet hlno Th ... :yesterday are today Impossible for the unique reason that "they Czechoslovakia does Indeed m'mbcr of the Soviet Woe. Th ire wearing dropped shoulders now." The most dreadful mis- Provide an excellent. example of communizing of this sturdy little GoP Ct PBOARD BARE , Uke the uninformed male can make Is to ask who "they" are. now Bolshevism works. She is typical of Bolshevist methods National Chairman Guy Ga- "U7I...I il. ....... l.j ...i. t u. t- ...i-v ratinnl nf rnnrsp Kit ntit in thu Which have ODCratCd With Such V.rirlsnn ha. firrri 7S rmnlnirM iriifiv, nic yu.iiii niniv vsiic-itiiy, n itu in wtjtri, ' ' ' - ' . .... , . , . . , rtu, 'makes women act that way? Why must they constantly be same class with some of the efficiency in so many other off the payroll of the republican ln ,ne hands or me MCKrugnis, .changing the vital proportions nf their garments; and further Balkan stales which still are countries. national committee In an effort Linn county horsemen. He was :from whence springs the seed of each year's new look? (The primitive in many respects. The With the foregoing back- to put the committee on a pay- called "Sage Rat", bred and born very expression, as the avant-garde knows, is by now old hat). Czechoslovakia which was ere- ground. It Is easy to understand as-vou-go basis. He will fire in Montana. A deal being made, The columnist Concludes that the art of dress, though tt,d 'he end of World War I why the United States govern- st.fl more later. thi ' "Q""" ' H"'" "me 0ne m l: i i. l- i . .i . w. m thrivina. rinnmrrnllc rnn. ment last Friday imoosed rigid Gabrielson found GOP finan- of our family possessions. zuncuuuiti, is nunc tne Hrt, una consequently gome oi . "' . : . . . , . . , . , . . , V c- u, tl,j T . ' . ... . . .. . Iub'vv ,iiu sn nn nhtAMil art1 rnntrnlt nn .hlnmiinl nf atr.tffi(? ttiu in m turrthln afafa uhnn ka SaBC Rat. BS a SDflmCr. COUld goods to the whole world, ex- recently took over. Former Na- snow a worm oi speea; ana as Dick, a beautiful dappled gray, was the pride of the Prairie, and our outfit, from early ln the authorities have agreed not to Prln- hi!,fen -fa"n8 c- IIIK (JUBSIUIllllv. n ttuiBC MiMfc could "take" Gray Dick could bring home some real bacon for the West family. So, Pappy and my older broth ers began to scout for a speedy "short horse". They found one it is good and some bad. If it is following the trend of . .... .. . i .. . '. npace-minnen nnniimiinn modern art, il is mostly tno miter and merely a symptom - Th,n ,, lh. .nnrt Worl(1 cpt,lina Canada, to prevent re- tlonal Chairman Hugh Scott a "stand-and-sUrter" he was In or decadence. However, vanity, the keeping up with the War and Rus,iH mlli(nry 0ccu- shipments o the Soviet bloc. had been spending at the rate class by himself. We had Joneses, and copy-cat tendencies to play their parts. It pation toward the close of the The strategic goods concerned of $70,000 a month for payroll around three months in which is indeed fortunate that women can t see themselves as conflict. Since that time the are largely Industral Items which and other expenses, while prac- to ready him for the Gervais Others see them or many of fashion's foibles would die counirv has been largely So- might contribute to the Soviet tlcally no money was coming in Fourth and Gray Dick. In color abornin'. vletUed, "war potential.'' from the big-money boys. Saga Rat was a bright bay. A 21 -Year-Old Bet for $1000 Portland, Nov. 8 (VPiWhere Is Paul BarlowT And does ha still plan to fulfill that pact he signed 21 years ago In Hominy, Okli.T That's what Hugh Porter Miller, a 40-year-old steel worker, would like to know right now. A thousand dollars depends on It. It seems that Miller and Barlow, as youths, signed a for mal agreement promising to meet on the steps on the White Bouse ln Washington on Jan. 1, 1950. "If either of us sre absent from the said place at said appointed time," the agreement declared, "the absentee will present as a gift to the other party the sum of one thousand (1000) dollars." Miller, who's been carrying the paper around In his wallet for the 21 years, said he was beginning to worry about It "Chances are Paul has forgotten all about it then again he might not," he complained. "It was drawn op in the city clerk's office at Hominy maybe It's recorded and legal," he said. "And I haven't heard from Paul but once in 21 years. I don't have any Idea where he Is." It would be kind of expensive. Miller added, for him to trek off to Washington Just for that. But, on the other hand, "suppose he's counting oa hooking mt for the thousand bucks?" Morey says it is foolish for an amateur to try to heckle a pro fessional performer, as the per former keeps about 100 gaga t , .j , . .. . . ennff. Whpn Mnvv 4nlr tha. abundance of food. " vangaiea, oeuea momer nuD- the nlaintiff's 1wv.r After lunch -the ball game. bards. av wXw to the event. ed.the plaint,ff ' lawyer Such oldsters as were not so Sage Rat was ridden by Ike i.e. ..' .. In hp hattl. Dn...sf h(.,. ... i-j ..u- p an ;U. . JUU lea comtruiani Mil - - " "v aeeyiy iiueresieu us ine yuuiig - n1-". - .tigiti laufih mouth disease, the agriculture would take time out to visit one Jockey. To lessen the weight, .,, , father had him ride bareback. .oij i" rrC T 1 i a.u. ...ul l j . ma iaw;ti than from the bulls. For the bull gather and ,pread ,uch new, an(1 A coin waj flipped or cholce K "" lo, fighters blame the U.S. agricul- gossip aJ might be of interest of start. n-.B ..,,i,m . t ture department for breaking , ,h, rMiHPni. of the nrairies mti i. , Once Amsterdam was a guest the spirU of their fighting bulls 'f tr?e ' a ri " Winning, we chose a standing at the White House, and Presl- It seems that the agriculture f the prairT . . ,?art' R'ht then' wf f'?"d dent Roosevelt asked for a few department, working with Mex- Th. nn m( nv. th, MV ou"- Lhe could teI1 ."' vlsito": .... ..... - -- : "' "lc n" wuuiu ue on nis -sup my name into one or . fighting bulls be vaccinated ev- .. " " ,' " . 4.k. wy ,on,, c Meantime, the government has " , ,u. ,ii n Horse race, for money, to take got started. nriinin'. Snrlalisi PrlmA Min. cracked down heavily on the ac- . - . - . uuit'r iji'i'i iiri mp nnm. 0111 ine . gravel. It was the heyday of the "quarter horse". French Prai rie could boast of two: Gray Dick and the Lemery Mare. Gray i