IS Capital Journal, Salem, OLUIimD ADVEETllINdl Pw U IN Par Una I lima. 40. Ftr Un UnMt do. rwr Liu i bod tb ia oe Outatd. ad ! IS. pr 11a vt dai liln. loe: I timaa Bin. to. timj mln. 11.20. No Rrfunda BlADEM In Local N.w. Col. Onlrt lOe par lln. To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COUPLETI WITH OARAOE, OUTSIDE PATIO A FIREPLACE. FENCED IN FRONT YARD. LAROE LOT. IN BEST It EVIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO BELL. PH. 3-3343 OR J-34. CLOOINO OF cataU offer, lint opportun ity to buy well located A. with 3 rm. fcoiut Ae tarat. 10 mln. to city cntrr. Property alone U bargain ab 13000. Phoni 3-3413 day.. 3' West Salem View Home 10,000 Large living room with pie tura window, dinette, kitchen, 1 bed rm. bath down, 3 bed rm. up, Die base ment furnace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor M0 B. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve.JI-5260 a366 M0 DOWNVr will take In lot. car or what hava you. 1 acres, south with livable -rm. home. Barden space. Fruit trees. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co.,R'ltors 151 s. High. Ph. 3-4121. l eia A 1 tut. rrr.. home. G tract A large utility rm. attached. 200 ft. hlgh war SfiB front we. Fine location for business. Just outilde city limit, 1st homo B. of Wyoma Motel, Woodburn. OTt. 266 MM. VERT mod. 3 bdrm., amall dn. pay ment, bat. P. H A. See at 1362 rranklin. W. Salem or Phona 36189. a266 Near Bush Pasture Park 10,(00 Very rood pre-war, S bed rm. home with basement A sawdust furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor, fine location oohllL , Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 00 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-5360 260' 99HM. LATE-built 3 bdrm. home In 4 Corner dlat. Kdwd. fir. Utility rm. Oar age. Lot 100x180. Term. 10.0M. . ACRE cloae In eaat on bus line. Good I rm. home with unfln. attic. Kdwd. floors. Fireplace, floor furnace. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hlfh St. Ph. 3-4121. a289 FOR SALE OR LEASE Hew all-electric 3 bdrm. home In Hollywood. 110.000 or 00 per month. See Ted Reed at Loder Bros, or write 8707 N.E. 16th, Portland, Ore. BTOWNER, 3 bdrm. modern house. l'A year old. Oil heat. Hardwood flows. Rubber tile In kitchen A bath. 1750 down, total 100. Ph. 3-2260. a266 Kingwood View $12,500" Semi-secluded smart attractive 2 bdrm. home In lovely setting. Basement In eludea party room with extra fireplace. An enjoyable plac. to live. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1211 Bdacwater. Ph. 3-5100 . e268 LOCATION?" .".1990 N. Wth BASEMENT? VK3 HEAT? OIL FURNACE FIREPLACE? YES DININO ROOM? YES TWO BEDROOMS? YES Drive br. then come and see us. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. Hlfh St. Ph. 3-1100 Eva. ph. J-4501 or 3-6605 a265 EXECUTOR-will for cash sell on Dec. 1. 1940. to one maklnff beat bid at or above appraised value. House A lot known as 1870 Lewis St., Salem. Ore. Address bids to Roy R. Hewitt, 1X0 N. Commercial St., Salem. Ore., or call 3-6413. e266 Ne1)F THE better-homes on N. 24th Bt. Dice rooms with stsirway to uoorea at tic. Full bsmt.. auto oil furnace. Ins. A WJ. Lovely lawn A shrubs, fenced back yard. Lee. garage. Only 110.000. Ph. 3-8061. 393 N. 24th. a266 kjTM DOWN. New all-electric S room home. Att. oar. Imm. possession. Ph. 2-3298 e266 kaaa. ACRE with clean modern 3 bdrm. home. Close In North. Small chicken house. Lota of fruit. Close to bus. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hli h Ph. 3-4 1 2 1. a269 Full Basement, $7500 471ean, strictly modern buncalow. full DR, lie. kltch., fenced corner lot fac- lni park, close to school A stores. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor $500 DOWN t bdrm. Enslewood dtst. Llv. rm., dtn. rm.. utility rm., hdwd. floors, fireplace. Immed. poss. $6500 FULL PRICE t bdrm.. 1 acres, view property. Chtx house, ear., 1 acre berries. 3 miles Sa lem. 11000 down. Evening Ph. 2-7985. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maionle Bldl.. Phona 3-2l7 in.uranca Mil. .306 a.MM. IS Arnrn with rlr.n latr built t bdrm. horn, all on on. Iloor. CIom to jehool. T.rma. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 8. Hlah Ph. 3-4131. a3Bf 4 Bedrooms Just what you have bren looking for, a lovely home, basement, furnnre. fire place, large rooms and what a buy, I9D50. 3 Bedrooms Attractive homer fireplace; many built in features; ftmo $4200 Cosy home A- 3 lots. A stenl. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 H. Church Ph. 3-743 Eve. A Sun. 3-0136. a 3 (16 U ACRE t TT. eld beautiful little home. Hdwd. floors. Very clone In. On bus line. Only 14300. 1900 down will handle. Possi bility less. Call Mr. Rawlins. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL CONSTRUCTED fWautitttl large 3 bdrm home About 10 years old Hdwd floors Tile drain board. Full basement Auto otl furnace Large lot. Well landscaped Fair better than the average home of this tvptv Well rocated In northern part of city. OaU Mr. Tibbett A BEAUTY This beautiful new 3 ndrm. home Hdmd floors. Plastered . With good view. In elty. South. Near school. Am'o wanher Only down. Bal. on FH A. at ap proximately s par mo. Total 18,475. Call Mr Helm. Rawlins Realty (Hollywood District Offtea Ph. 2-4M4. Eve . Rawlins. 1-6011. TlbbetU 3-7486, Helni I-71J6. a67 FTR. 1 M. HOt or. a baltw. gar . ge. LR. DR. kltch. 3 PR. hath down. 3 rma., bath up. Can use for 1 or 3 fam Oiaa. Near schools A bus. Ph. 3-!tui S367 I. now, balance FH K Voanf bur new modern 3 bdrm home. Paved St close to school. Immediate possession. Ml 50. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hiih Ph. 3-4131. aM9" P7FW HOME 3 bedrooma, attic spare for two mere: new eler. ranie; new nil eire. heater Included at la J Ml. Posses sion now. 1 A McOLAUFLTrf REAL ESTATIT 178 N. Com I. ph. 1-1311. Eve. l-3:oa aJM THREE ROOM newly remodeled house, plastered, tn business diet Corner tan. Ha eel la Sunder. 1001 N. Liberty aJ70 Ore, Tuesday, November 8, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES SUBURBAN We hava a 10 A. tract south on WUUle Road. Garden spot, nuu, fruit and strawberries. Strictly modern 3 BR. home, amall barn A garage, 2 elee. pumpj, one for irrigation. The price la II., MM A 1400 will handle. Johnson. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 171 N. fflih St. Office MMI Eve: 3-7451 or 3-339 a266 BY OWNER Modern 4 bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Plastered, hard wood floor. Wired for electric ranie. Elect le water heater. Oil furnace. Fire place. V. blind. Full basement. Insulat ed and weather stripped. Oarage, Near bun and stores. F H.A. available. Price 18500. 2180 UNIVERSITY PH. 3-5807 a3Tl New Oil Furnace Hollywood, new paper thruout, very lane living room, DR, 2 bedrooma, bmt. Oar, 18500. A good location. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Phone 9-413 FOR SALE 8 -room house. Attached gar- atte. All electric. 13900. Will aell furnish ed. 1751 N. Front. a2B FOR SALE LOTS Sl.too. Vlf W lot. 86'xl46'. city water on paved road. Salem Heights dlat. Liberal terms or will trsde for car or trailer house. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Hlfh Ph.3-4121, aa. LARGE LOT. No. 3 aone. Near bank on Fairgrounds Kd. 3-6189. aa270 LOTS 115 DOWN Build your own home. Lots 815 down. tli month with water A lights, close to scnooi it bus, nice location. Ph. J-328B. General Real Estate Builder Attention 50x100 ft. level landscaped lot. With 3 car garage. Located on north aide of Washington. Between Fir A Palrmount St. Nearest offer to 12000 will buy It. Call 3-4016 eve. 3-8213. aa2Q5 for sale farms 34 Acres 110,500 4 bed room home with llvlni rm., fireplace, large sun room, basement, auto, oil furnace, good barn, chick house, good soil all In cultivation. View, some equipment goes. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-86f)8 b268' FOR SALE ACREAGE I ACRES. No bldis. At Fmlthnd. Bishop, rt. 8. box 293. A BARGAIN 10 Acres and a 4 yr. old lovely 3 bdrm. home. Finished attic. Full basement. Fireplace. Has a beautiful view and setting. South on pavement. CALL MR. RAWLINS RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood Dlat.) Office Ph. 2-4664. Eve. 2-6013. bb267 1 HAVE 8 A. that will trow anything. On hlway near St ay ton. Oarstre A tool ahed, Irrigation well. mod. house. 2 years old. If you really want to buy, come out, we will get together on the price. L. M. Alsman Rt. 1. Box 125. Aum.iv I lie. bb266 REAL ESTATE BUY NOW ACRE. 3 bdrm. unfinished house. Oar awe. A food buy at 13850. Call Mr. Voor- hees. OWNfcR TRANSFERRED. Must sell 10 A. good land. About a a. In atrawberrles. Next rear's crop should pay for at tesjt 'a or plnce. 1 rm. house. Elec. In. 9 ml. from Sslein on Rood highway. Price 13500. Call Mr. Sederstrom. COZV 4 RM. Only 3 yr. old. Close to bus. Price HB.SO. Call Mr. Voorhres. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 15 A. few miles north on paved road. 4 rm. house. Small barn and outbids. Drilled well: elec. wa ter system. Can Irrigate. Price only IOO. part terma. ATTRACTIVE 3 yr. old home. Nice and clean. Llv. rm., dining rm., kitchen, el ec. dishwasher and garbage disposal. Att. , garage. Laree lot. Price only S9450. Terms. Call Mr. Sederstrom. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings Call: Mr. Voorhees 3-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom 2-5319 c26B NELSON NEWS COTTAGE FOR TWO A neat little cottage with 11x17 llv. rm. pi 'is bdrm., kit., nook, A bath. Oar., elec, wtr. htr., wired for elec. range. On Garnet St. Convenient to Enflew3od, Parruh A senior hi school. Pvd. st. A sidewalk, nicely landscaped. 14950. WALKINO DISTANCE TO TOWN Interior A exterior In A-l cond. New roof, new auto oil furnace, lae. comb. LR A DR. (34x15). 3 good slsed bdrms. on first fir. Room for 2 add'l bdrms. on 2nd fir. Full clean painted basement. Price 111,900 LAHCIE LOT PIONEER HEIGHTS Exceptionally well restricted site for sub urban estate 100x165). On oil street with water, electricity, gas A phone avallahle. $1250. POTENTIAL FOR COUNTRY HOME ft SUBDIVISION 10 ac. all tillable with very well cared for cherry trees In full beartne. Proper ty owned by horticulturist. On aurlac ed rd. 14500, on easy terms, some dis count. 42 AC. FARM NEAR STAYTON About 3 ac. wood lot, bal. in cult., 21 ac. beans. 1 ac. berries. W. rlsht on N. lan ds m. 8-rm. hse. 8 yrs. old. Barn. 40x40 chU-ken hse.. pump hse., 4 ml. to St ay ton on Greyhound bus: bus to school. Asking price $11,500. Available equipment In cludes tractor. Irrigation system for 30 acres, 3 trucks, disk A other machinery. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Llstlne Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 70 N. High St. Ph. 3-4633. c3d f-V'Mt NE4.R Leslie sch. New 4 rm. home IW.iO 4 ml. north. 3 acres. Oood soil. 2 b r. home. 11 J. 000 Hithlund dwt. 3 b r. home, fire- j I'mrr. run dxmii, 13.500 2' acres, 3 b.r tire pic, batm., all f u rnl.h In as. !15MK 69 acres. Good sotl A buildings. tl30O North Salem. New 3 b.r elect, hrst. Easy terms. 4 money. M.iOO 13' acres. Good soil A build in w.v Ph. 3-flfiso. KD. LUKIN11F.AL REAL ESTATE 433 North Hifh St. Eve Ph. 3-7769 4-3J36 . 3-8704 c366 HOME & INCOME $(5950 l iree older lype home. Ideal for room ers, hoarding house or children's home. 1300(1 hanriles It. Eve. 3-047J FAIRMOUNT HILL $10,000 Beautiful 4 bedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, bath, full basement, automatic oil heat, party room, utility room and full bath tn basement. This home has everything a nice home should have CALL FOR MR. LeCLF.RO J. F. Ulricli Co. Realtors 317 Court St. Th. 2-776 C34 FNoi.rwoons prjrr buy $10noo, N;re clean tnime built 1M6 Llv 1n rm . Dinette-Kitchen, bath. 3 bdrms., plus stairwsy to atuc. Very good bsmt., oil furnace lawn shrubs Sl'Rl' Bit AN FAST .M0. 1, arres Nice 3 bdrm. home.. Itv. rm . kitchen, bath, utility rm., dble. aerate Cnn:der trade tn cttT M.-KIN! rY SCHOOL DISTRICT 113.000. Lane living rm . dimnt rm . kitchen. 3 bdrms., plus stalrwa to at tic Hdwd. floors, fireplace. Extra ate bsmt. Oil furnnee. LET 8 TRADE 7M 4 A . furnished 3 bdrm home. Kv rm., kitchen. Family trull. Near school A- bus NO I Bl'SINraS ZONE IWOO. 3 bdrms . llv. rm . dtmne rm . kit Wien. den nth t Hare Paied "t V. OMER HUFF 381 Chemekfta. Ph. 3 -tool ee I FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS CLOSE IN Well built. bdrm home. lie. llv. rm.. din. rm . t nice bdrms . bath. lasaed-ln back porch, ceiled attic, fireplace, gar ate, lawn A shrubs. No. I business sons. Price 110,000. CALL PETER OEISER NEW VIEW HOME f bdrm., lte. llv. rm. A din. rm.. kitchen with nook, daylight burnt . with party rm. A fireplace, auto-oil heat, 2-car aarase. This Is a terrific buy. TO SEE IT CALL EARL WEST WONDERFUL VIEW HOME Located In beautiful Candalarla Heights I lie. bdrm., t com pie t baths, lie. kitchen overlooking Salem, Inside utility, dole, garage, hdwd. tin. thru out, fireplace. One of our finest homes. Priced right, , CALL ROT FERRIS INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 194 South Liberty Phona 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl Weat 3 -0601 . Roy Ferris 3-3010 - Peter Oelser 3-9961. a2( HAVING DOWN PAYMENT TROUBLE??? WE HAVE A I UOS. OLD SUBURBAN I BDRM. MODERN ROUSE WITH HDWD. FLOORS, VEN. BLINDS, FIREPLACE AND UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS THAT CAN BE BOUOHT BY SOME RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOR MS00. ABSOLUTELY NO FINANCE CHARGES TO PAY. DRIVE OUT TO 170 SUNNYVIEW AVE. AND WE WILL GLADLY SHOW XT TO YOU. REAL ESTATE $2350 Oood solid 3 rm. hse. This Is not a shack. Large corner lot with paved St. Inside city limits. Toilet A piped for batb. Easy terms. 3 BDRM. SUBURBAN 18500. 1 A. Close to school A bus. Hdwd. firs. Plastered, LR, K, breakfast nook A utility room. $2900 3 bdrm. hse. In fair shape. 1 blka. from paved rd. Bath A toilet. City water. Chimney for either oil or wood heat. Better than you think. C. W. Reeve Realtor 046 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-4S90. Eve. 2-9893 C265a BEST BUYS Service Station Low rent. Advertised gasoline. Doint ood business. Immed. poss. Everything goes, for 12650. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3553. Trailer Park Paying good Interest on investment Choice location. Nice living quareM. Expenses very low. Everything eoes. (30,700. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $600 Down Vi A. 3 rm. hous. Chicken house, aa. ase, well. Several fruit trees, 'i blk. to bus. Very clean. Total price $7500. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 5 Bdrm., $8750 Select location. Bus at front door. School 1 blk. Corner lot. Paved street. Oood cond. Only 12000 down. Owner may consider trailer house or lot as par: payment. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. 2 A., $700 Down 5 rm. older type home. Fair cond. Wry livable. Family fruit. Paved rd. Total price only $2,500. Eve. 3-9403 or 3-3533. 22 Acres If you are an Orecon veteran and have about 11.500 in cash and want equip ped small farm. Including 3 cows, call us at once. We think we have Just me one for you. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3538. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-496 C268 FOR TOUR SAVING. investment buy a flMt mortgage on real estate Salem a vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnts 1500 to several thousand do) lars, net Investors Sf, We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S High e OR TRADE: Pleasant modern home with fireplace on small acreage in amau country town. Conv. to schools. Family fruit A small hen house. nr. drive to Salem. Write Capital Journal, Box 268. -88 WANTED REAL ESTATE We Need Property Want nice 3 BR home on one floor up to $15,000. Small improved acreaae for $1500 down. Small improved acreaae up to 16000 cash. 2 or 3 bedrm. home in E or N Salem UP to $10,000. Home UP to $7000 or court lot to trade on 4 unit apt. hse. Nice 2 or 3 bdrm. home to take 1948 car as dwn. pymnt. Home for 1500 down and 1100 or less per month. Nice home In town to trade on hop farm. Home to trade on court. New type home UP tn 1800 to trade on acres A country home. GIVE US A RINO NOW COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4553. Eves. 3-8651 WE ARE in need oi gooo nouses to eell in or near Salem If rou wiss to list your prooerty for sale eeo r.RARFVHORST BROS.. RBA?TOR 134 8. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 - ca' WANTED to buy: 3- er 4 -room modern hoiue. 1 100 down, $30 month Ph 3-3317. ea371 so THE! If your property la lor aaie rent or exchange lut It with us we have all kinds of cash buyers RTA E FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HI IX TRADE or sell my equity for a small modern house, as I have a two bedroom house, living room, kitchen, wash room with stationary tubs, basement, asraae and fruit trees. Mr. H. E. Freetaa. 4525 North Michigan, Portland. Oregon. Cb267 BY OWNER: Small acreage. Oood house and other buildings. Write Capital Journal, box 263. cb266 210 AC. Benton count y dairy or stock farm to exchange tor property In ot near Salem. D. A. Fish, 146$ 8. Com mercial. Ph. 3-6534 cb FOR SALE OR TRADE By owner, small 2 bd. rm. house on 'a A. For house in town. E. F Landon. Rt 6. box 301T. 2 miles E. Kruter's Croc. Ph. 2-3001. Cb368 TRADE OR Fl.L45 acres grade " A dairy tn R tenter. Ope 35 a. cleared and 39 a. water rights. Milk parlor and house, lonntlng shed A cops. All equip ped. 17000 saw limber, 3 houses Sell tor 17.900. take small arreaae In Willamette valley. Ph. 3-4343 Salem. cb367 TRADE Elder lv owner. 10 acres. 8 miles south. 1 bedroom house, not modern, Oood barn. View. Trade tor small house in Salem, TRADE 3 bedroom Fairmoitnt hill. Trad for small house suitable for rental. TRADE 4 room house south, creek, large lot. Trade tor firm around 50 acres. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 3M 14. High St. Ph. 3-412f rb267 TR IDF Small acreage for town proper tr. For further details write Box 367 Cplfal .lonrnal rh766 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACRE "locetedNorthon" Pacific hw'y" Ha 3 good homes one six rooms and the ether five rooms. Ideal for eu.. auto motet, or trailer park Will .'- mice for 113 350. About 13 000 will handle. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8 Hieh Ph. 3-4111. Cd2f RM Hr II I D Oil "C ORF, otter for leas at inventory 10 OOO gal. sta. to a reliable and eopfrtenred operator at Monmouth Or. Same operator thu location for J yr. For details Phona 38333 or 3071 evening, ft p m. tdW IFOR SALE HOUSES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UROCERT STORE A fixtures. 3 gSS pumps a a caoins. An established busi ness for sale by owner. Ph. 3-4319. Rt. 7. Box 143. Cd269 EXCELLENT BUSINESS site, 1300 blk Broadway. Present income sufficient to carry until you are ready to hulld Zone 3. Priced to fell. Ph. 3-4643. Eves. 2-I647. ' ed268 SOxffO FRAME building. Plumbed, wired, on paved alley. 10 blocks B. 13,000. Ph. owner. 3-6196. od266 SHOP A Signal serv. sta. In exc. location. 11700.00, plus approx. 11,000 In?.. 130 per montn rent. 12 ml. N. on Salem Newberf highway. ed267 WANTED Experienced and Tellable man would lice io ouy interest in established busi ness, garage, woodworking preferred. Consider anything. Box 362, Capital Journal. cd267 N. COM'L, bldg. A 5 in. rmaH 112.000 By owner, terms. Ph. 3-9823. cd277 N. COM'L, store bldg. A 5 Ut. nns, 82.013 By owner, terms. Ph. 3-9829. ed277 TRAILER court, $6,000, terms. By owner Chas. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water St. cd277 WANTED FURNITURE LARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted. We buy complete household furnishings. If you are moving or settling an estate, be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. 3-8558 days. 2-4407 eves. TRADER LOUIS 3055 Portland Rd. da AUCTIONS Furniture and Appliance Auction TONIGHT, TUES., NOV. I. 7:30 P. M. Glenwood Ballroom 4 Miles North of Salem on 99E Large lota of new and used furniture as follows: 1048 Gibson refrigerator 6b Daveno set 6b Lamps Ruga Mlrrora tb Rockers Innerspring mattress A box springs Coil springs SOU circulator Bunk beds fb Dressers 3 chests 8 Bedsteads Wood circulators Table. 3 chairs 4 Studio couch 3 late model vacuums gb Desks Occasional chalra ga Door chimes gb Electric heaters MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST WE SELL FOR YOU OR BUY OUT RIGHT Glenn Woodry Auctioneer Livestock & Furniture AUCTION Wed., Nov. 9. at 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. New 7-pc. walnut bedroom set. ea 8-pc. bleached walnut dining room set. 0 New daveno and chair. Si-pc. walnut dining set. 3 twin beds complete. 6b Swing rockers. Club chairs. All-metal night stands. 3 washing machine. gb 4-ft. Kelvinator refrigerator. 5-pc. fhro me breakfast set. New 9x12 linoleum, gb Chest Of drawers. b New maple doors. 0 Potatoes, apples and onions. Livestock 1:30 p.m. Chickens and rabbits. A Calvea and veals. tb 3 reg. Btirk. sows with lit ten. 6 Rurk. gilts, eligible to register. S3 Burk. boars, eligible to register. 33 head of feeder and weaner pigs. a 1 reg. Her. bull 3 yrs. old. A 2 Oern. rows. 6 Oern. Her. heifers. Several other cowa and hetfera now ronntgned. 0 Always a big livestock and furniture ssle. Lane Sudtell's Auction Salesyard 1 block West of Lancaster Dr. on Sti ver! on Rd . Salem. Ph 3-6098. dd36A FOR SALE LIVESTOCK t. YEAR OLD registered Hereford bull. Very gentle. 13750 00. Call 36901 brfore 9 30 a.m. or after 7:30 p.m. e271 JFRET very gentle. Wonderful family row Rt. . Box 337T. 3rd house on left north of Swesle School. Ph. 3-4345. eJB6 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandlUh. 1137 8. 3$. Ph. 3-1117 7A3 PETS N.7 W. YOt-NG DOES, 13 00. Bred. $3 50 2015 Kappahn Rd. ec368 CHOICE canary birds. 360 K. 18th. ec38S 3 PFMAI E Siamese kittens, seal points. reasonable. Jane A. Oobie. 1197 e. Lin coln, Woodburn. Ore. Phona Black 7 266' RFD COritCR PUPS. 110 each. Sired by champion. 3 mos. old. 63$ catteriln ave. fc366 AIRFDA1E puppws. Beg. $3$. Call Han cock 3-43M ac3 FUEL AWm T Wood. Ph. 31M. M313 Orepon Fuel Co. Dry stab or Dry Fdung Fresh Clean sawdust Oreen Edginc ISM load Double 110 84) Alsa 16" Oreen Slab at 4' Phona $3533 EE TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 11141 ir Haft w.od and tatnt. Praah Cut Rrr.n.d 8a.du.t ir I1UH1. UIU Dry Wo, ui roa ana oiujji nutn REAL ESTATE 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Reduced Now Just $4800 n..l amall horn.. Wall worth tha pile Laraa lot. V kiln d.ond floor.. V Acres Hazel Green District 3 bedroom home, part basement. in. uniy oj;u. Just a Nearly new 3-bedroom home on edse of town. larta lot. A swell buy for just 16300. 31500 down. More Room for Less Money A 4 -b Ml room modern home In Manbrln Gardens, oil furnace heat, flreplsce, extra laraa lot. The price Is rock bottom at 19500. Less than 13000 down: balance payable S54 a month. Drive By Then Let Us Show You Through The address Is 1900 N. lttn St. It s new. Hi nice. It s only 110,500. It s only 11900 down. Want These Things in a Home? Full basement. 3 rooms and bath, large well-kept yard. EntL .ood School district. Tiled kitchen and bath. S years old. 111,000 Pearl Street Special Well constructed 3 bedroom home, excellent finish throughout, a tood home in a sood district. Just Listed South High Choice district. 3 bedroom home, basement, deep lot with large variety shrubs and flowers. A home with plenty of room and a good buy at 16800. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 COURT ST. PHONE 2-4115. 3-4111 Evenings; Ralph. 3-3483 Warren, 3-3990 - Henry, 3-3032 - Dan, 3-5620 FUEL SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3180 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee273 WALNL'T shells lor sale. Klorfein Packing Co., 460 N. Front. ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash A maple. C fir, 16 alab and edgings. Ph 31453. ee West Salem Fuel Co. U IN. DRY OR GREEN BUS WOOD DRT PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16 D. CLEAN . NO BARE SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE Oil, PhOD. Fll.m 3-4031 Ue pick up .ood at ISIS KKewat.t 8t Wejt Salam w PET 16" .lab tt WlliUl. Ph. 3-1458. te CALL HIGHWAY FUKL FOR Diesel and Stova Olla. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dn Slab Wood Oil Plainer End. ft Block Wood. Ph. 384(4 ee FOR SALE POULTRY 30 PULLETS. Rt. t. Box 35, on Gehlar Rd.. r. saiem. 1266 PRODUCE WALNUTS AND filberts. Picked and dried. 20c lb. Ph. 3-0037. 1190 N. Winter. ft268' EASTERN ALFALFA by ton or truck load. Ph. 2-9933. 865 S. 13th. 11268' FILBERT-WALNUT drying. I mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Road. Claude Mc- Kenney. PhS-lOSS. ft270J FRESH EGGS: Out Center St. to Fruit- land, turn south, first place on left, Large, 62c; med., 50.: small 40c. ff266 HELP WANTED IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint, aee Talent Test ad in Instruction Column. K370 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED One more exp. salesman to sell appliances In Willamette valley lead ing appliance store. Salary with added compensation. Transportation furnished. Apply Hogg Bros., 115 S. Com'l. ga YOUNG MEN 18 yrs. or older, out of scnooi jot doormen. Apply uapitoi Ttie atre. ga266 WANTED: A first class car painter to work in modern snop, lull time work. percentage work with guarantee. Call or wire collect Immediately. Laird Houmwestern Motors, uoqunie. gazttu' HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED, LADY living In our dlst. for part-time work. LeOarle Delicatessen. 1312 State St. gb268 STENOGRAPHER for Ins. office. Short hand required. Apply In person. Huxxins Insi;373N. Church. gb268 GIRL OR WOMAN for housekeeping. No cooklnx or washing. Apply Marilyn's Shoe Store. gb WANTED women nut shellers. All winter work. 460 N Front. Klorfein Packing Company. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE salesman wanted, must have automobile and be wen acquainted with Salem and surroundnlg territory. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor. 960 South Commercial. ga266 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED carpenter work. Do you have a door that works hard, a window you cannot raise, or a drain-board that leaksf If so call the trouble shooter. Ph. 2-5833. h292 LADY will care for 1 or 2 children days or evenings. Ph. 2-5442. h266 EXPERIENCED beauty operator wishes full or part time work. Ph. 3-3383. h368' LAUNDRY done In my home. Call at 960 Electric Ave. or Ph. 2-8714. h26i' LET I'S build your septic tank. One that win not tin up. Ph. 2-0341 eve. naes CARE for children during the day. 1932 N. Com 1. nl68 CARE for children during day. 1922 N. Commercial. h366" PAPER HANGING, painting. free esti mates. Guaranteed workmanship. Ph. 4-2761. h269 BABY SITTING. PhonT2"380. h287 Mimeographing-Typing FOE S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h2$5 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov Ins. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840rrade. Fh-Hge. H387 PAINTING, Interior Jr ext. Ph32979. h2B8 HOI' SB RAISING, foundation, concrete work. KlangBros . Ph. 3-3293. h386 TREE WORK, topping, trlmmlnt, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 246 S. Church. Ph2-60i4: hJfl 1th M E. machine. Ph h363 NANCY'S Nursery, Day or hr Ph. 3-4940. h384 IRONING. Ph. 34787 after 3 p m. h280 INTERIOR FAINTING. Exp.' Ph 3-6796 rnn.n care. i3 g. im. Ph. 3M73 h37i' WOODS AWING PR. 1-1313 R.AP.T aiTTlNO. Ptl. 3-M33. H3I3' rrMrxi work .inwa Ph 3-m n COOKINO A p.flslly. Rf.renea. B. hr. or .lay In. Ph.3-S2. h37 CHILD' fARE, dara. II! I. SuprrlKr h3: ART HITTING. II daV. .ar hll. dr.n. 1310 N. Wtnt.r. h:7 IROMXO. 17t W. Buah St. Ph. I-0V EDUCATION IF YOU 1 IKE to draw sketch or paint write for Talent Test no fee . Olve as and occupation. Box 35. Capital Journal. h370 FOR RENT ROOMS lOT: S.. a!l bov's plastic triirmed eltss ea. Reard. 457 S. Com'l Ph. 3-n: 2tt Aixotr sleeping room. HAC water. 473 N Liberty. jJ6T PI E AANT RM. Private home, kitchen privilege Emoloved lady preferred Ph !T46. ISM State. JS.I7 IREAL ESTATE rkh soil, vacant. Move ruht Dandy IFOR RENT ROOMS HEATED sleeping rooms for men. Double tu singie3S5N. 14th. Jk269 SLEEPING RM. ReasTNewly dec. PrlvTent Bus at door. 1690 N. 5th. Jk268 SLEEPING. rm7"ph71i-4333 Jk274 CLOSE IN nicely furn. bdrm. with kit prlv. Bula. glrli. No drinkers. 696 N Cottage St. Ph. 39430 Jk267 ROOM with bath. Close In. Gentleman Ph. 3-479L Jk266 CLOSE IN, warm, 1st floor sleeping room" 6s8 Center. Jk266 NICE SLEEPING rooms. H O water. 61 N. High. Jk265 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Prlv. ent Ph. 33425. 1503 N. Capitol. JM78 CLOSE ISalec ping rm. 605 Union." Jk266 SLEEPING RMS Refrlg. 2131 Center. Jk372 K-0-0M 448 Center Rear Woodrow'a Jk279 HOLLYWOOD, 2035 McCoy. Ph. 36093. Jk382 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 AND I ROOM turn, apartments. No nrinsing. a Jig h. n. Jp271 3-ROOM AND bath furnished to quiet wuiiic. i-ii. -..t. p. a n. ijiocrty, jptss' ROOM AND kitchenette furn. ant-Prlv ent. Near Statehouse. Adults only. No uainKcia. ivo u. aaarun, rn. 3-4419 jp268 NICE 3-ROOM apt. Close In. Prlv. bath 535 N. Winter. Jp266' MODERN 3-RM, furn. aDt. Private bath All utilities furn. $65. Ph. 2-9138 after P-m- Jpl71 CLEAN, QUIET, warm 2-rm. apt. Middle- gcd lady preferred. 645 Ferry. Jp268' ONE-BDRM. apt. Priv. bath. Ph. 2-1422. JP268 2-ROOM FURN. apt. Adults. Ph. 2-5372. 1335 Center St. Jp268 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Electric range, refrigerator. Private bath. Ad- 5B w. Commercial. Jp366 ONE 9-.RM. A one 3-rm. (urn. apts. Close in. t-n. i-u.n. Jp267 5 RM. furn. apt. Very nice. Close In! $69.50. Limited 3 persons. Refer. Ph, 2-1744. Jp266 UN FURN. 3-rm. apt. 1045 N. Cottage. Ph" 3-5998. jP268 CLOSE IN, well furn. 3 room apt. at 658 Center. Jp266 CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt. Private bath rnirance. 4iv a. mn. Jp267 COURT APT. New, clean 3 rma. A bath Ranae A refrlg. 1348 B. 12th. Jp267 FURN. APT. Adults. Prlv." bath, garage' 24558tate. Phone 2-7582. Jp267 FURN. 2-roora apt Ground floor, prlv! bath, redecorated. Ha drinkers or pets. 624 i N. Capital Jp267 3 RM. FURN. Apt. 140 N. 23rd. Sleeping room, ion union, rn. 2-0835. Jp268 CLEAN 1 rm A kitchen. Partly furn. Close In. Employed person. Ph. 2-7469. . JP266 2- AND 3-RM. apts. Ph. 3-6524. 3 BOOMS A bath. Electric heat, i jurn.. 1 uniurn. mean. u.b a. 13th. Jp267 FURNISHED cottage, 3215 Portland rd. FOR RENT HOUSES VERY GOOD, clean, 3-bed room home. ..replace, oasment, auto, heat, $85. E. A. McOLAUFLIN. BROKER 328 N. Com l. - Ph. 3-5311, Eve. 3-3203 Jm226 Ft'RNISHF.D cottages, very reasonable. jijo foriiano Kd. Jm271 FOR RtNT New house. 3 B.R., ft rooms. on neat. 2410 Broadway. Jm271 FURN. larxe 3 -room duplex, garage, separ ate uumr room, lea or $60 on l yr. lease. Ph. 3-4646. Jm269 NEW DUPLEX apt. 3 rm. and bath. Beau- inui turn. 8S. About l' blocks 6. of Colonial house on 9SE. Ph. 3-5765. Jm387 4i BDRM. home. 4 miles from Salem. Crolsan Creek Rd. Family orchard, creek, spring wi.ter, school bug at door. 3 acres pasture. Additional acreage available. Ph. 24453. Jm270 Why Pay Rent? No red tape. Move right In. 2 bdrm. home. Very Small down Davment. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 40 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. A Sun. 2-0126. Jm266 3-ROOM house, partly furn. 62 Williams Ave. -Jm266 NEW. NICELY arranged 1 bdrm. house. insulated. Auto. elec. heat. Wired for ranae. To responsible couple only. Ref erence required. Close to State- house. s block from bus. $72.50 Including wat er. 1533 Court St. Jm266 3 ROOM modern furnished cottage. 3365 rortiand Hd. Jm269 CABINS, NOT modern. Dallas Highway. nox "- rn. 3bio, jmaao FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Large room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store. Also 2 tory alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor headquarters. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Tel. 3-4121. J OFFICE. LARSF.N BLDO. Ph. 3-8389. J36T NEW STORE building for lease. See-at 1079 Broadway or Ph. 31635. J271 FIOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marion St. Ph. 3-8483. j U DRIVE Trucks Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 39103. J BUSINESS BM. lor rent H L. Stiff. FTOOR SANDERS for rent Uoatgomery Ward. j power TOOL rentals tor home and in dustrial use Boaser Bros Ph 3-3646 TRAILERS $2.00 per day Bowser Bros 141u S 13th. West Salem. 1 TO DO a good Job ent a good floor sand r We eeu everything to complete the fob BOWSER BROS . Ph. 1-3641 -OOD r.FD PIANOS H L Stiff TRAILER SPACE at Elby's. New. modern, social rm , child's plygrnd, reas. rates. Next to chl. and church Lee. grndi Visitors welcome. Dallas Hwy. Ph. 2-2344 J370 ii rrram .akia ch:nes Reasonable rates Free plcl op A delivery Slnier Sewing Machine Co HO N Com I Ph 33513 r WANTED TO RENT SMALL Hot X er apt. with range and ahing marhlne furni!hed. Young cou pie. No children. Ph. 3-3.136. Ja2M Wtnow-DAi nnTFRboth wording-! or t bdrm. house, immediately. Ph. t-Hl. Ja287 MODERN 1 bdrm. home 3 aehool aged girl. Will pay to 805 per month. Ph 37670 or 34547 Ja267' WORKING tOI PL(wlshM to "rent small houM or apt. Ph. 3-2313 days, 3-3047 eve iaIM AUTOMOBILES Hydramatic Futuramic OLDSMOBILE ROCKET Trade in Special 1949 Buick Roadmaster Dynaflow Four Holer Four door sedan, completely equipped, less than 10,000 miles For Only $2500 LODER BROS. i Oldsmobile US CENTER ST. New 1950 Kaisers ARE HERE AT NEW LOW PRICES $1995 at Salem SAVE OVER $300 Teague Motor Co.. 355 N. LIBERTY Hydramatic OLDSMOBILE ROCKET Trade in Special 1949 Nash Ambassador Brougham Sedan Just Like New $1995 LODER BROS. Oldsmobile 463 CENTER ST. ROOM AND 80ARD BOARD A ROOM. 1 double and 1 single rm. 493 H. Bummer. Jj265 BOARD A"ro'om7 Ph. "8706. JJ289 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Wallet In or near Capitol theatre. Sat. reward. La Verne S. Miller. 185 8o. 19th St.. Salem. Ore. Ph. 3-8744 k268 LOST: Friday evening. Alpha Cht Omega sorority pin. Ph. 2-1132. Reward. k271 LOST! Small black Sheaf er fountain pen on Court St. Mem, a.m. Ph. 3-7882. k268 WARM RM. In modern home. Employed middle age man or woman preferred. Close In. No drinkers. Ph. 33438. )k267 FOiUND: BILLFOLD. Owner may have by writing description to Box 269 Capital Journal. k267 LOST: Glasses, pink rims, vicinity of Sum mer A D St. Ph. 3-7153. k265 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m370 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 6EULER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State A Commercial Sta SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS . BUILDERS Cedar shakes In the carton $13 sq. As bestos aiding $10 sq. Large medicine cabinet $7.50. Bargains on Insulation, water heaters, water proof wall boards, wash basin, shingles, doors, lite, front windows. C. O. LONO. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Kelier. ma266 RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 2x3'aYny amount delivered lowest market prices 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Mul'.er Salem-Indep road Call 2-1196 Salem ma NEED LUMBER? To assure yourself top quality framlni lumber, at rock bottom prices, whv not let us bid on that next )or. WEST RA LEM SAW MILL. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph 3-9593. 283 SAVS ON ROOFING Let Wards give you com p; eta in STALLED price on yout roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside aaleamas (or free estimate Phone 1-3191 UOirrOOMTRY WARD A CO SALEM. OREOON ALLMA LOCK ALCMINTJM LOCK jHINOLK. The modem permanent roof Ina Bee your dealer ef Call Dlst 36401 ma373 DEAR CUSTOMER, lmlst on your con- no tirjifnwr umng ine uned old growth vertical grain yellow fir flnuhed lumber la Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 3$ Lena Ave Ph 34939 Free parking ma Building Something? Used windows complete with frames 17 St. 33"x34" sssh 13.35. All thick ness new plywood. V plywood only 7 ,c. C O. Long. Ph. 3-3831. 1 mile N of Kelier. ma 266 NOW is the time' Call 3-9191 for free esumaie on applies rooting ot roof ing weather protection before It rains Sears Roebuck A Co.. 150 No, dpi Mi St Phone 3-9191 ma3T5 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THERM ADOR FLFC heater. 8 kw. J p. uougneny. juo Fairground Rd n: 8 Cl FT. G.I. refng. like new. $175 Ph. 3.1328 n3M. MUST SELL by ThuMday 3 metal bunk or i-m oral, new man re Me Reason a Me 3184 Maple Ave. Ph. 2-365S. B3f7 AUTOMOBILES PHONE S-H73 3U PH. 2-4173 Futuramic PHONI I-T378 " mii- r0R SALE MISCELLANEOUS STAINLESS STEEL, 2-tap beer cabinet. Like new, with compressor. Also misc. restaurant equip. Bargain. Rt. , Box 153, Johnson. n2e FIR POLES, all sites A length; cedar posts; cedsr shingles: Xmsa trees, wholesale prices. Call for or will deliver. See Dick Buker, box 137. Detroit, Ore. Phone 303. n37I OIL CIRCULATOR heaters. Will consider sewlnc machine on trade. Ph. 3-5739. A n2H LIMOGES Havlland China, assortment of pieces. 607 N. Capitol, Apt. 2. n368 LIGHT MAPLE dinette set. Chalra hav red leather seats. Like sew, $31. Ph. 2-0016 alter 2 p.m. n368 RHODES 83 to $5. Azaleas $ for $1. Kinf Alfred Bulbs 60c dos. Merrill' Green house, Brooks. n268 WE HAVE bargain prices on all kmda ef furn., elec. ranges, refrigs., otl floor furnace, oil. elec.. wood, gas heaters. ranges, cheap; rugs, end tables, outboard motor, hip boots, lie saw. cook ware sets, car heaters, chains, tires A tubes, A misc. Come out to shop and save at Hardman Bros.. 44 miles north ot Sa lem on Portland hlway. Open laya a wk. from I a.m. till 3 p.m. n26 SOLID piece Uanoganj Dining Room Set. Ph. 3-8389. n26T SPENCER Corsettier. 2355 D Si. Ph. 3-3073T n377 WOOD CIRCULATING heater $1; 3' corda dry alab 115. Inquire 253S B. Nob Hill. D263 NEARLY new'full sire bike, reasonable. St a rb uck Motor Motel, Apt. 3, N. Sa lem. .Ml . I USED SINGER sewing machines: 2 elec- L trie portables; 2 electric cabinets and some treadle machines. Reasonable and fully guaranteed. Terma arranged. Sing er Sewing Machine Co.. 134) N. Com'l. B265 Used Spinet Piano A lovely 40" Instrument with Pratt read direct blow action. Like new. Real sav in.'. STONE PIANO CO. iTht Vallrr'i rinut Plant) tart) 1S40 Palraroundi Rd. n3T MAHOOANT p.rlod atria buftat 111. Caa. uer cw,r cnr.t 129. nonar rant. Iltw, eimmona rollawar 133. All llkt B.. Also ,m. nnead tarj lorn.; Ph. 3-H4(. 433 Hon St. n36l TOIl.F.Tit. new elfje-eouclM eomBlau with vhltc arat. chrome anil. atop. aup. plr tuba and putt.. Ill H, whllft th iMt. Phon. 3-I6W. r.ENF.EAL ELECTBIC Oroaln. OOmm and Montai AppllantM U CMnrta. f Oil. clrrulatora at .In., mi mim. VEATEfl APPLIANCE CO. Ill Chfina- . till- SFWINO Machlnaa Prew.itlMhMU.. YEATER APPLU14CE CO. 371 Ch.m. fta. .3I4. PIASTI-ioTE th. fm- vn lor your lloora. woodwork, or lln. T EATER APPUANCE CO. 373 Chrm,k.ta: .334 VEATER APPUaScT" c6T 373 Chfm.krta. B334 l-,PD wwhlnt machln... TEATER AP- rt...t -j. cntmatcta. D3S4 sfrrL n.nTirr.f tww .. ..,... lock 4k mad. to orr. 1141 H. UMrtr. WALLINO SAIfB At nn&VFT. ro CRI .MFD Rm r lor road, and dnnwan, .-n.nt radr mil conerou lard pa .and Ruudorint. dralnaia and dltch'.naw S-r and drat llaa Pa 3-3341. OOOD mrd surd wood nnil and fir. culttor. Ph. 3-3M7. mi (Continued on Page 17) 4; i