4 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuesday, November 8, 1949 I . HiB r,'Re NCTlJcJ1iiV &AWNSi W . . a1 r chief. put awav tv at re fu Tvfam..ip RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness TUESDAY P.M. ' NAMCOFTHE BABSTTTEWCHJEF" WE -5V VWkSNT HC AN f xfJVl1 J P'PE IF MXJ THINK CUPCAKt Ktu PE SO SLI(?E 1 by PEGGY O'MORE HP Nrwsfritwe (Chapter 8 By noon a furniture man had come In from the city. He surveyed the place and shook nil head, "Was Sot this insured?" Arleta thought a moment and then remembered tin sign tacked to both Iront gal and house. But when they sought them they were gone. "And my slater would have the papers," murmured Arleta. "Besides," the man said, "there be a time limit set (or notifica tion. You haven't any idea when it happened?" Arleta shook her head. She'd no idea about anything. "T.itlU Tjariu" knIH th. furni ture man kindly, "you need an attorney to handle these altalrs saw. Ail morning she directed the sal vaging ot articles to be repaired .. .4 nn,.n WlU nl mill, an, sandwich at hand, went out to UIO WlKtCU RIUUl W Ml, III the sun and watch the lake dance Involuntarily she looked (or a place to hide, then awakened to icaii,, luium Mm .am wuiiian coming toward her, a white-haired woman in a rusty black coat, a bas- acfa uver iter arm. "Well. U It isn't Chlpele," she umaini as aiicmi Biunc. "iijr, dearie, you don't remember me," nnc cneu repruocmuijy. im ivirs. Cotsen, Mother Cotsen you used Arleta's lips framed the m I nv. lur you. I ,ci.no tiyt hhiiicu wk Arlfla olanH at hr vralh Kh start o( SUTDrise. then BracioUKlv remembered the bank. I( she hur- "0( course. You live In the cot rled she could reach tnwn bpfnrf tage on the west bank." ft closed. "I came up the minute I heard n, .ww-uii.y m BimiMC IIKUIC 'uu " .v.v. u,,.,, ,,uu m strode through the bank aisles, head- chicken (or you. Heard you were jiik iw wic vice piesujcms oilice, -umnun. ncil, Ml.T buuuiicbo and after one look he both smiled she pushed aside broken vines ana irownea. ivuuu a place lur nerseit ana ou would oe utile unips," he oasKet n you naven t grown ataiea. up io oe a real may. am I aon t "How do vnu know?" .h rt- think vou look stuck ud." manded. "Stuck up?" Arleta. relieved at "That walk." He bowed to his (hiding someone (riendly. laughed, client and turned his full atten- "Well, of course, having lived uon upon Arieia. zoure not mov- a" a me, a uouy wouia expect In out. are vou?" you to be. Havinii lunch? You lnsr out, are you?" vou to be. Having lunch? You "I have moved," she answered could do Justice to a drumstick, may- atlfflV. "Whv. tin vnu Irnnw th. be?" condition in which I found the "Not aiming to stay, are you? jiouser "Condition?' Wm iiKhereH h In and seated her. "Well, Ooakes is getting old." "Doakes?" she asked. "Who Is jjoaxesy "The rnretnlcer Ui Dm prised. "Your sister left orders he noma oe aept on. we've been issuing nis check , . . Miss Langtry your expression." Rhn InlH Mm than . 11 -w v,,i, vi vi, a vniiuni Jsm. that there had been no sign of a caretaker having been near w uiuic man year. He looked at her puzzled. "Then you haven't been to your safety de posit box? I'm aure you'd (Ind your policies there." "Been to It" she flared "I did not even know I had one. But before we go (urther, issue no more vuciu io uoanes. as lor the at torney who'd allow" "Now. wait, Miss Langtry. It it ,: - w.ni Lrcvcm loy alty to your father's memory, you iiraiHnf I,.... l i , J j,.V J,"rc a nuu.se in any condition. He passed away im mediately after winning the suit In stituted against your heritage. The o((lce (orce carried on as (ar as they could, awaiting the return of his son.1 As the rented car lurched along the road she reviewed the encounter And she accepted his final, "I'm jorry, Miss Langtry You're not being fair. I advise you to find someone else to represent you " He had suggested an attorney and ahe had gone to him and, once there had burst Into angry tears when he had asked her if there was no man in her (amlly to advise her 'I'll do what I can," he said "I'll nave the insurance adjustor out there tomorrow." Intent upon her troubles, Arleta drov through the last town with fiiLH"0"1?' of snPPlng and, too tired to return, drove up to the re yort store. For a moment she sat trying to remember what she need ed, wishing there were a restaurant nearby, and In that moment she neard the buza of many voices from the store. But when she entred the buzz pPJS a though it had been sliced 2h.u Tn t0'Per looked at her with cold contempt a.A S"1 of milk "! lonf of Bread.' she stammered. - a&aea some w,,c in tiu.iei.io. aim waiaea slowly out of the store. "t ' cut In one si; u V "acnea the platform rtequires yd. 35 sne heard the buz hoin ain wniH u, . .vr.v..cu me piuiiorm she heard the buzs begin again, but Wh t angry bees . ,l . urn more uiat anything, why had she allowed hor. Self 1st lnanl lh, , 1. , . - -- .v'.v "Mc -ruie espinna uons which had been given her Rnrnr .T,i,, ,u , . f,v , "" occ510rw- YouH also get many uiougnt ner hubkcouuiis ior eas ly made gifts Bh. Li ettM??, lntrrest 111 llfp- L"",' wiU Btrctc" yur Christmas fi?i . iom'u"ng to do, manv budget Price of book 20 cents, tnings to do a home to rebuild. Send 25c for paii-itum mvslerv to solve Th. ir,.-. ri Ior paitern with fdjustor arrive earii and w i,h St. .,QAr.?na 8tJ" Nurab" ?!,.rd S'dl'srv" ..-Capita, , Journal, 2,4 Mis j "Z '.'JS1'" " rTftncwcn b. Calif asked the friendlv voicp "Indeed I am," Arleta answered, 'at laaet fw a IIHU .,kll. The white head shook. "I heard i she confided. 'Vnil moon VSiil hauon'r enan ttl 'Mrt Haarift nnln KaA : ui oiiiuB yvur i auier was mur- UCICU, (To Be Continued) 210a tvfVU PhrLlmq. In,. A -. J 11 n. .......... a ..., n IIIK UUII aW Inches tall, with embroidered (ea tures and cute yarn hair, sitting under the Christmas tree in a crisp cotton dress. No. 208 Is cut In one size, and In cludes body of doll and her clothes Body requires 7 yd. 35-in.; dress tie in falsetto. ana pannes, 'i, ya. 35-in. in plain Arleta took the milk and bread fRbrlc' yd- 35"ln' Prlnt nd walked alowlv r .... ..... No 7I(U 1. nit In . -i.. ,,n i Wnulri un IIL-. tr. ... - .. j w occ m wiikuuii u uiuic titan iou otner pattern What ... Jn v.,," J. "iinii ov ui.iier uaiieri hn.v.nH 11 . i1."1 "V1"' include the PALL-WIN- not she been 'm","0' I L ' P": anything whv h.H .i .i '" ',u.u..,,,..0,?e - with the wide selectior of designs .I.. u siie una age groups, and all occasions. You'U also get many R2894 R II. ....! I. . aa JiandAorrit ftwhar. ...A. h "'ii,vri,l.ndl Scheduled to take , niumui at many Fair, the cenierpiece is crocheted of bedspread cotton (easy on the evr.o and measures 3a Inches In diameter. Pattern Envelope No. Ri'am con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, material requirement, illus trations and actual size picture of stitch details. To obtain this pattern, send 2(V in COINS, giving pattern number, your name address and tone num ber to Peeqv Roberts Capital Jour nal 82a Mivslon Street, San Fran-i-lsco 3. Calif. unoytld Knag Mannlof m Lttll Sbo fanny Brlra iatnr KKrr tannj uric Newt Hop Hop Mrditation Hop flop it's Mr Belief l.ee Molt i.lft With Lull. .HcGca it Mull) LiU H lib Lulfi llollyw'4 Thea. Illt th Jaekpot llollywond The. Flit tb Jackpal Fro. ar Funnr Vimhn Monrot feo. arc Funny iVauhn Monroe Sinatra, Klral. Low. Thomai iwa of UorldUack Kmltb i avalcad )Mr., Mra. North iCavaleada Mr., Mrs. North Sonald Cotem'n Mritery Tboa tnnald Colcrn'oiMytterr Tbea. Bis Tonra tlub 15 sOAi''"' Tweday A.M. 5:l Chldren'i Then tret ft:15. On the Up- I brat i 6: SO. fi.'0 Sports Clubl 6:00, Newil 8:15. Oreant :S0. 'Round the Campflret tiiH, Erenlni Farm Houn 8:00, OSC Muslei 8:15, V, N. Review) 8:30, Great Soncii 8:1.1. News and Weather; 9:00, Mu sic That Endures, 0:45, Evening Medlta tionst 10:00, Sln Off. 1 I I l I g:Sn 5rfZS5- o 8:45 nr'W j ih mm i D 1 1 'i i j ' i Di i 1 1 11 !1 It If i ri l -yz . i- c r I I N ) f I t 'I Musnnsort, r... lull tr I . .1 v y 1 3 v 1 AV vxj tfli y r '-wv pang&k . a n tR ; f x M0n CltV I 11 FJA rJtoW fir n hTTt-1-- ' y y U N e is . jiBter-ja I 1 " I 1 , Ll-T"'..-'!1'''1 R I W'"VCT. I TRCK-1P IT HAD WORKS!- JJ'ifeflllil gf FALL IN? ONLY SPUNTTO3 LEFT b T9t Jic.. VI IVlifiS.' x'l IA-MH I IB W5i.ftiSi. I Iff 1 II I s)aij;;, a.ioKurMW, . i I yUBi T Till 1 III II I T nialMI 1 II iai J I rHP rO. Kam&J. atVVL:atM. 1 LlirHE-f.c.?'B!ii:.; I I VOU EVER KNOW A MAM I SUREIWSA rSTBT ZrXXJH u THQfe a . r-T T LI S:)Aunt M.rr M hlr rrTt bS" Sr'T r P ' ' i- " 3:45ote A Learn " -t1- r-aiiiwmuri i- i a ,tZ3 U I 1 I Ts.tr I Wl .eX? fe. eafeuL ms$8$S Trrsi ZFi ' pjg n,B" ; fflU Mil' u I ' DUNNO MUTT-WH1- DON'tCHaT rrv Auiurf (r TSHOPPIHGf LETS SEE IT t'm P0SlTlir A""" ""v M I WISH WE WERE V LIKE THE C Ty ALL RIGHT- whV-WHAt AND SOMEONE ARE VOU SURE P0S1T!VE 1 j U PACK IN THE jriL. eiTV? BUTS MES HAPPENED! SLIPPED ME A - UEAD?I EUP IT J T L rnnwTciiy ss&!r-rr 0 J0ST - -r lead half-buck i, k tothetaxi J xrC' COUNTRy.y fCMT 2SJJJ5SfI, Pir 'N MV CHANGE iSS WWER THAT f ffipfl T S0METE0PLE n7?L -1 "-- DROVE ME J - ' - I ;.av..a.i ! STOii560U.v! THIS TUB tXJES "V SII? J? ?Lf OOH-..MV HEADI..THEV R ?byfffl LEAK A LOT.. BUT t THINK 13 HUBCTV UP! 6ET W aX sfwScM rSI b&MMM MUSTB MISCMSO U3! N3 ' ? fl g p 5 l1llr?HIKIiJH s i .' i . i f jl- i i i-ii j l ii t i . i . jii iru i i i , ' " 1 r P DID YOII HAPPEN TO N0.. yon Vl j.pM.WEU.-tWEPT f OR THE -:-V,i)',i f!i J "itSwSS ' ft 1 ! 'I f? .. ONE--THE NI6HT WE n "LOVERVlANJ" OUEW THE 10 WON'T .fSaV-Sfe 'i i-t A' Vft iV 1 Sca 1 ipA lBl 1 K0IN 70 CBS KEX I KSLM I K0C0 m ABC 13M UBC URO Ke. Mtralfbt Arrow 1 Slraiaht Arrow ilark Armitraai Capl. Mldnlsbl BIm Craabr Jack Armttraac rCapi. UidnUbt iBuslnaaa Nei Flrefif htera Homo Edition Brp't U rtoral Mutle ICabrlel Heater Norlhw'at Ntwa Tello Totl Muiie Counterspy Counterapv Holo BOItlO. Solo A Bolllo. Defenao Tina Oefrnao Time iTowo Meeting Tow Meeting Town Meeting Town Moating Newa Can Drams of Med. piloting Strlnga Rldera In Bay Rldere la Sky 5-Star Final Vou World Airflo heura Serenade Drcheslra l'reaaurr Bnd Newa IConnt M. Crlito ICount m Carlo LMualo LMDila KichfUld Raplrl iniermeii Concert Hour Concert Hear Coneort near Conaert Boar Meiaa (Candlel' A 6i. K?andlel't A Sit. ewa qurallonbox Pal O'Brien Muileal J'cktMt tCvtlra Kalghl (Speaking Spta. Newa LMailo Varorlto Blery Favorite Storr Fulton Lewd . News Newa Maalo Love Mreterr Here a To Veta Morgan Or. i Morgan Of. I 61gn Off Trark 14M Track 14W Track 14! Track 14W hTrark lt Track 1M Newa La tenor Frontier Towa Frontier Town Mua. yoa Waal Mai. yea Want Noctarno Nocturne Noctarno Noetarna ISIgn Off WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. iN'ewa Ik din Riock KOIN Klock KOIN Klork KOIN Klock Newa Newa Fred Berk Farm Newa Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Newa Aaron iky Bob Haiea Zeko Manner Conaamer News A'ewa (irand Blaa Roiemary Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Brrakfait Club Breakfast Club Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sund'y Big SUter Prrklna Yg. Dr. Malone (iuldlng Light '.'nd Mrs. Burt'n I'erry Maon Norah Drake Brighter Day Mildred Bedell Today 'a Stare Art Llnkletler 'Art Llnkletter lark Norman kialen Drake My True Story My True Storr Newa Come A Get It IRrlght A Light Art Baker B.irny'd Follies larry Moore Garry Moore l.ia paper Newspaper ISteve Allen Steve Allen Tunefullr Vo'rs Newa Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfreyi Arthur Godfrey trthur Godfrey Curt Maiiey R. Murrow .Morn. Newa ste. Tlmk'aT. iMarek Time Newa (News IBr'kragt Gang Bise and Shine (Top Trades Barg. Coanter A Sbme Bible Institute Bible Institute Nortbw'st Newa Ktula Clab Pastor's Call Walla Time Gospel Singer Musle Halls Serea. Betty Crocker Hldert of Sage V westerners N" westerners Baukhag .News Victor Llndlahr Meet Menjous Breakfast ta Hollywood Kay West Kay Weal Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Bride A Groom Bride A Groom Talk Way Out Talk Way Out Be seated iTed Malone Mod. Romances Mod. Romances Squirrel Care Squirrel Cage KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Ladles First Ladies First klueen for Da? klneen for Day Top Trades News Northw'rt News Eberly Show Tell Neighbor Harvey Harding lOrgaa Reveries Bing Sings Melody Matinee Melody Matinee Tenn. Jamboree Tenn. Jamboree Bob Fool Bob Poole News Songs of Times Fulton Lewis Hemingway Behind Stogy News ttm Bitter News m B eerie Top O' Morning Top O Morning; King's Crasadr King's Crusadrs West. Melodies Hesla Tim Time for Moled nim ior Mel'dr ntars sing U. Ch. Tbomas S. W. News Mem'rable Moa. Tuna Tim m Keys ImubI Mart LMusle Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varlettea llollyw'd Maalo Ilollyw'd Musi News ;Dave Dennis Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mao'a Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodlea hlac'a Melodies 's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movletlms Friendly IB can be Beaut. B can be Beaut. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 U r Af Wednesday A. M. 10:0. News iwnw and Weal her i 10:15, Espec ially for Womem 11:00, Oregon School of Airt 11:15, Concert Hallt 12:00. Ncwat l'!:l!t. Noon Farm Houn 1:00, Ride 'Ens Cowbov: l:tV Oregon School of the Alri 1:13, This Day; t:00. Freedom to Growt 8:30, Memory Book of Muslci t:45, Ore gon School of the Airt 3-00, Newsi 1:15, Musle of the Masters) 4:nn, Oregon Re porter! 4:1.1, Kern & Sloop: 4:30. Homes on th Landt 4:45, Song of the Islands. Mrs. Swindel Honor Guest for Shower Monmouth A baby shower was held recently for Mrs. Art Swindel at the home of Mrs. Tom Owens with Mrs. Elmer Chapin and Mrs. Jim Tigner as co-hostesses. Present were Mrs Herman Wicbe, Miss Ruth Den ney, Mrs. Ed Fleischman, Mrs. F. Zitom, Mrs. C. A. Hassler, Mrs. Lester Green, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. W. Keithley, Mrs. Ralph Winegar, Mrs. J. E. Winegar, Mrs. C. M. Tetherow, Zada Dell Hassler, Mrs. Marvin Perkins, Mrs. Forrest Woods, Mrs. Bcu lah Pike, Mrs. R. Shannon and Mrs. W. Crisp. After several interesting games Mrs. Swin del was presented with a basket of gifts. Refreshments were served. ACROSS 31 Operated h d" & Orb'o? i. Sheepl ke ss Adhesion aiitelopa j, Kew CnslnnU 9. Equality state: abbr. 13. Illsh muuntalD 40. Seaweed 13. Straight 41. l:ofore battrd ball 42. Pronoun li. Ancient wine 43. riercing tool vessel 41. Opening I. Etlitfl 46. Turn to th. 16. Nine: comb. left form 4. French liver 17. ppcay 62. smtut. IS. Wild animal bh. Wing 20. Kalis short 66. Nine-part 22. llehalf compolltloa 24. Shrub 17. Spenser 2r). Crating character 27. Haellc sea god 5S. Thickness 29. Small 50. College songs armadillo 60. Spring month glAjPiTnOlllEn ' CQIM E IS EIRtlv ol t P 0M;E PIO P ULA"TEiE Noiw AS EtlR I IaIl1 A I IM la rUd1oi tisUib e E G I SflH E OpAIN O A C A N AiLlsWTCENrf AHlIJ6Ta?0RHm!u sioiLOW AjB EiNiA"i I 8 AjF ARI I LIL-flT I M E Solution of Yesterday'a Puzzta DOWN 1. Ondlsturbad S. Medlev t. Resisting ' I &r V V 7 fjf H it ir: '-- 1 I j-;;7 if it' 37 TZ' 'Vtf 13 f So Sl S3 '' -3 ' si 5 AP Newifeotures . Smooth and gloggy I. Own: Scotch . Tavern T. Eng-llsb Jettot t. Babylonian abodo of tba dead t. Kind of ram 10. Biblical prloal 1L Rodenti It. Depresaed 21. Viper 23. The Four Hundred 24. Salt water 25. Small weifht 2. Fury 28. Flni.il ot ft plre SO. Channel marker IL An English queen 81. Murmuring 34. Marks 37. Far down 31 Be vara go 42. Off 45. Stone fruit 46. Chance 47. Everybody 49. Sun 50. Compass point 51. Femala sandpiper SI Literary frAKmenta 54. Method ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern .- YOU CMUVNPS ARE LALttSUiN" AT ALPYS CMANCE5 AGAINST 'FOUV I alaw FOLEY But X sam how V M& CAM MIT---WMEN MIS RlSHT ( connects On A GUYS Chin, A V Sru?D5. GOS Down Da 3uy APPLES ACROSS DA RING BETTtN iOQ c4 ALrY 1 X) V t 1 1 TH' ODDS ARE S TO 1 ON FOLEY" BUT FROM WHAT VOU SAY I'LL BET CM ALPY TO LULLABY FOLEY