Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 07, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Monday, November 7, 1919 9
Losing Odell's Break Gate Mark
Seattle, Nov. J Six times
a loser, the University of Wash
ington football team has pulled
166,000 people into its home sta
dium this year, and that's a record.
What's more, it's the third
straight season that a Washing
ton team has lost its way to a
new high attendance total.
Nobody can say just why.
Ivan Travis, athletic business
manager, doesn't ask questions
or propound theories. He Just
has fun counting the profits.
Athletic Director Harvey Cas
sill has a few guesses and is
willing to admit all of them
might be right. Or wrong.
But the facts are down in
black and white and that beauti
ful shade of green that goes
to well with pleated bank bal
ances. The record parade began
in 1947 when the team won three
games out of 10 and 162,503 peo
ple stuffed themselves into the
stadium to see half the mournful
Last year Washington's Hus
kies won two games, tied one
and again kicked seven down
the drain. If the customers
were unhappy, 164,640 of them
turned out to weep together in
the five home struggles. They
saw both victories but missed
the tie.
Of the seven games played so
far this year, five have been
at home and the attendance will
be close to the aforesaid 166.000.
Figures are not yet complete on
the Southern California game
last week (score: U.S.C. 40,
Washington 28) but Travis says
they'll run between 33,100 and
33,500. That clinches the rec
ord. Other fascinating figures on
'49: Washington 14, Utah 7,
crowd 29,553; Washington 7,
Notre Dame 27, crowd 41,948;
Washington 3, Oregon State 7,
population 27,340; Washington
0, Stanford 40, disappoint
ments 33,745,
There's one home game left,
with Washington State the en
my, and both Cassill and Tra
vis expect the all-time mark to
soar to 200,000.
Scheduling of topnotch In
tersections! opponents didn't
hurt. Last season the Minne
sota game Jammed the sta
dium with 40,941 clients and
this fall even the aisles were
crammed for the Notre Dame
fracas. Lest you think this
drawing power is one - sided,
the Huskies helped Minnesota
set a new opening day mark of
Pheasant Hunt
Takes Stiff Toll
Philadelphia, Nov. 7 P)
Warren II. Mitchell has been
hunting small game for 38
years but he's never exper
ienced another day quite like
last Saturday.
Here's what Mitchell says
happened within the space of
six hours afield.
At 11 a.m. he lost one of his
two huntnig dogs.
At 2 p.m. he lost his $75
wrist watch while looking for
the dog.
At 3:15 p.m. he shot a phea
sant. At 3.45 he acquired another
pheasant when his remaining
dog found a crippled bird shot
by some other hunter.
At 4:30 Mitchell tripped and
sprained his ankle.
58,113 this year at Minneapo
lis. (Score: Washington 20,
Minnesota 48).
Each record has been set un
der a different coach. Ralph
"Pest" Welch resigned at the
close of the 1947 season. Howie
Odell came out from Yale but
had to sit out the '48 program
due to illness. His assistant, Reg
Root, ran the club. This actu
ally is Odell's first year at the
It's difficult to ferret out
any anti-Odell feeling among
the old grads. His teams, first
downing over the field but
failing to score enough touch
downs, have looked good los
ing. Last Saturday, for exam
ple, the two teams crowded six
touchdowns into a single quar
ter. Not one of the 33,000
plus fans asked for his money
Cassill thinks Seattle's gain in
population during the war was a
help. The university has gained
in enrollment, too, meaning more
paid admissions.
Totting up the profits in his
comfortable cubicle, Travis said
"Eleven thousand, twelve
thousand, the weather has hurt
ticket sales thirteen thousand
a couple of times and I think
fourteen thousand that we
made a mistake in signing for
fifteen thousand television."
Lee Swamps SOCE with
Five Touchdown Spree
Monmouth, Ore., Nov, 7
Robin Lee, Oregon College of
Education's sparkling halfback,
scored five touchdowns and all
30 points as the Wolves beat
Southern Oregon College of Ed
ucation at Ashland, Saturday,
30 to 7.
The win kept OCE among the
nation's undefeated, untied
teams with seven straight victor
ies. The first time the Wolves got
their hands on the ball, Lee took
the pigskin on his own nine and
boomed back down the field for
a 93-yard touchdown. In the
second period Lee scored from
the seven and performed a simi
lar feat in the third.
In the fourth period a for
ward pass from Abe Johnston
to Hank Decker and a lateral
to Lee was good for a touch
down. The play was good for
82 yards. Lee shot off tackle
for 30 yards and his fifth
touchdown in the fourth.
Strangely enough Hank Dec
ker missed all five attempted
conversions, the kicks being
wide in each instance.
Stanford Upsets USC
llvfrsity of Southern Call-
quarterback Pat Duff
(36) Is brought down on his own 47 yard line by Stanford
quarterback Gary Kerkorian after a run around end that
netted USC a first down In the first quarter of the game
played In Los Angeles. Stanford upset CSC, 34-13. (Acme
W L Pel. PP PA
ColWe or Idaho 4 0 1 000 113 S3
UwU nd Clark 4 1 .880 97 43
Pacific University ....3 1 .667 64 40
L infield Colltg ... .3 3 .400 41 68
Willamette Univrnity 0 1 .000 31 II
Whitman Collese ....0 4 .000 53 116
Weekend Srorea
Lin field 20. Willamette 0.
Collete of Idaho 31, Whitman 19.
Lewu and Clark 13. Pacific 6.
Fight Mob Can End Moans,
Seek Talent on Gridiron
(United PreM- Sports men
New York, Nov. 7 U.R)The
fight mob, which has been wail
ing wistfully for years that the
college men of today have no
stomach for fisticuffs, somehow
overlooked the 86 young heavy
weight prospects who ran off an
impromptu elimination in what
was billed as the Army-Fordham
football game.
This was one to renew any
body's faith in the future of the
fight game, even those "never
again" customers who paid
hundred bucks to see the second
Joe Louis-Billy Conn waltz. For
the manly art of self defense was
more important in the 60 min
ute slugging session than the
ability to block and tackle.
w 1 it Vs? -IfwIfwJP
Racer Killed by Speedina
Cars After Toss to Track
Del Mar, Calif., Nov. 7 m I
Death struck Rex Mays, one of
the great automobile speed
kings, in a flash of roaring steel
here yesterday.
His death on the 13th lap of a
100-mile big-car American Au
tomobile association race
brought sorrow to the auto rac
ing world.
He was roaring around the
south turn of the one-mile track,
second to Jim Davies of Los An
geles, when something went
The nearest to official ac
counts (a deputy sheriff's re
port) was that May's car col
lided with one driven by Johnny
Parsons of Los Angeles.
Welchel Cancels
Pro Coach Deal
Washington, Nov. 7 W) The
flva year contract between the
Washington Redskins football
team and Coach John E "Billick"
W.lchel was cancelled today "by
mutual consent."
The announcement was made
by the National professional lea
gue club.
Welchel, a former admiral,
had been at the helm only seven
His team had won three
games, lost three and tied one.
He had been under heavy cri
ticism, particularly after a one
aided loss to the Philadelphia
Eagles two weeks ago.
15 Yards by a Head .d-r-"Lne-
Pete Schabarum (second from left) as the latter rambles
15 yards In the first quarter of the California-Washington'
State game In Berkeley. Running behind Schabarum Is
Cal's Bob Celeri. At right is Washington State halfback Bob
McGuire (20). California triumphed, 33-14. (Acme Tele-photo)
We Pay Top Market Price
Willamette Grocery Co.
305 So. Cottage St. Phone 34146
Open 8 a.m. to 12 - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 12
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Your Installation can be made
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As a matter of fact, there
was little tackling done. The
Cadets and the Rams came up
with the newest innovation
since the T-formation the
right hook defense and the left
jab offense. Two men were
counted out, two others were
thrown out and Dan Fold
brrg's smile will never be the
same. The Army end lost three
teeth, right in the middle of
somebody's knuckles.
There was a total of 277 yards
in penalties.
Each team drew seven 15-yard
penalties for "illegal hands."
Seven other times similar pen
alties offset each other, or the
penalties would have piled up
382 yards.
And there were four 1S-
yard slugging penalties dur
ing the kicking of one extra
point, making it the toughest
point of the season.
In 1937, the Detroit Lions of
the National Football league lost
only 139 yards by penalties in
the whole season. The Philadel
phia Eagles lost only 146 yards
the whole year. Army, in one
game, topped both of them.
Bearcats Face Fight For
Cellar after 20-0 Loss
Not for many a year have the
Willamette university Bearcats
been faced with the prospect of
battling for the cellar champion
ship. But that will be the case
next Friday night when the
'Cats meet the Whitman Mis
sionaries on Swretland field.
Willamette lost to Linfield
Saturday night 20 to 0 to a fired
up Wildcat squad that took ad
vantage of every Bearcat miscue
as they rolled up to three touch
downs. Coach Sta-khouso's club
had a bad case of fumblcitis and
failed to gain consistent momen
tum except early in the second
half. The Bearcats fumbled
seven times, losing the ball to
Linfield on four occasions
A chap named Randy Har
rison who was playing his first
complete game for Linfield,
provided the spark that ignit
ed the Wildcat offense. He was
everywhere on the McMinn
ville field and set up the first
touchdown in the initial period
by a sharp runback of a Wil
lamette punt.
Linfield scored again Just be
fore the end of the second period
with an interception of a pass
paving the way. The Wildcats
were ahead, 13 to 0 at the half,
and made it 20 in the third. Re
covery of a Willamette fumble
gave Linfield the opportunity
for its third touchdown.
The win was the first for
Linfield over Willamette since
1926 when Guy Rathbun was
Bearcat mentor and the Wild
cat rooters made the most of
Willamette has two remaining
chances to break into the North
west conference win column Fri
day night against Whitman and
the night of November 18 against
fctery ipe o Huto Body Re
pair Service is available here.
If we make the repair it will
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SUNDIN, the Tailor
He was thrown from the
speeding machine as it turned
over and over and crashed
through the infield rail.
The 22,000 spectators saw
his body hurled onto the mid
dle of the track and then flung
up again as another car hit it.
A second car was believed to
have struck him.
After the track was cleared,
the race went on with Davies
winning in one hour, 10 minutes,
17.41 seconds. Eleven of the 17
starters finished.
Mays was the AAA national
champion in 1940-41 and holder
of a number of track records. He
raced 12 times in the 500-mile
'nrtiananolis classic.
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