Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 07, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women j
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Monday, November 7. 1949
Date Set
For Annual
Circled on the calendar for De
cember 1 is the annual smorgas
bord sponsored by the Salem
Place for the annual event and
details for the program will be
announced later, the joint com
mittees from the two associations
to meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday of
this week.
Plans are under way to make
the smorgasbord "bigger and
better" than ever, say officials
of the two sponsoring groups.
Mrs. John R. Caughell is chair
man from the YWCA.
Baptismal Event
Baptismal services for Louise
Rena Hopkins, six months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
lin Hopkins, were conducted
Sunday morning at the First
Congregational church, Dr. Seth
R. Huntington officiating.
In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs.
Hopkins were hosts for an in
formal at home, among the
guests being Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Bett of Corvallis.
Mrs. Rodney Perry (Ro
setta Heidinger) of Dayton
was married October 15, in
Newberg. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heid
inger, of Dayton. They are
making their home in Dayton.
Monthly Recitals
To Start Tuesday
The Salem Federated Music
Teachers will inaugurate anoth
er season of monthly recitals on
Tuesday evening at 7:45 o'clock
in the lobby of the YMCA. The
purpose of these programs is to
afford students an opportunity to
gain experience in playing be
fore an audience.
All interested persons are giv-
n invitation to attend.
The list of the counsellors Is
8 follows: Mrs. Jessie Bush
Mickelson, Mrs. John Schmidt,
Jr., Mrs. Nettie Larson, Mrs. Ze
na Thomas, Mrs. Harvey Gib
bens, Sacred Heart Academy,
Miss Alice Arnold, Wallace Gra
ham, Charles O. Hargrave, Mrs.
Jean Morrison, Mrs. C. C. Gil
bert, Frederick Wilson, Mrs.
Jean Hobson Rich, Miss Lena
Belle Tartar, Mrs. Fred Rawlins,
Miss Margaret Hogg, Mrs. E.
Donald Jessop, Mrs. Ronald
Craven, Victor Palmason, Mrs.
Victor Palmason, Mrs. David
The students appearing in
Tuesday's program are: Bill
Bush, Jr., Gloria Jean Schmidt,
Maxine Bresslcr, Judy Powers,
Margo Hudkins, Richard Ross,
Janet Reimcr, Maureen Gustat
ion, Dolores Jorgenson, Berna
Dean Sittser, Charlotte Norby,
Gary Weber, Kathryn Winiecki,
Carole Warren, Donna Satter,
Sharon Barker, Jane McGrath,
Karen Johnson, Mac Baker, Ro
berta Graham, Dorna Martin,
Ann Gibbens.
Birthday Surprise
Given Miss Schlies
Stayton A surprise party
greeted Louann Schlies, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Schlies, on her tenth birthday
After a theatre party the group
helped the honored guest open
gifts and refreshments were
Present were Louann, and
Joan McMnnn, Norma Johnson,
Nancy Shinklc, Shirley Freeman,
Louise Hnsl, Joan Kinsman
Linda and Karen Pluemke of
Tangent were unable to attend
the party. Mrs. Schlies and her
daughter, Mrs. Delbert Berry,
were hostesses.
Meiers Honor Guests
For Surprise Dinner
Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. Fd
ward Meier were the honored
guests at a surprise anniversary
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Susbauer. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Hassler. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Podrabsky, Mr. and Mrs. John
Thoma and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Susbauer and daughter.
Donna, Marlane and Diane Pod
rhasky and the honor guests, Mr.
nd Mrs. Edward Meier.
SOLOIST on the program at
the Zonta club luncheon Thurs
day will be Mrs. Donald Jessop
The meeting will be at noon at
the Golden Pheasant.
Small amount of leftover ve
fetablei may be mixed together
and added to eream mure;
flavor the Mure with little
Worcestershire and grated on
ion. Turn Into casserole, lop
with buttered crumbs, and serve
with slices of crisp bacon fur a
On Friday
The annual Armistice day
breakfast for the Past Presidents
club of the American Legion
auxiliary, Capital unit No.
will be an event of next Friday
morning at 0 o'clock at Marsh,
all's, 3815 State street.
Those who have not made re
servations are asked to do so by
calling Mrs. H. H. Henry at
WSCS Event
The regular meeting of the
Woman s Society of Christian
Service of the Jason Lee Meth
odist church will be held Wed
nesday in the church sanctuary
Mrs. Joe Klingcr, president, will
preside over the business ses
sion at 11 o'clock. Luncheon
will be served by the May-No.
vember circle, Mrs. W. W. Chad
wick, chairman, at 12 o'clock
The afternoon meeting convenes
at 1:30 o'clock and the program
will include devotions led by
Mrs. E. A. Boyle and the lesson
on A Winsome Call Pakis
tan," which will be presented by
Mrs. Henry Otto, district prcsi
dent of the WSCS, also musical
numbers. Gift boxes will be
opened. All interested women
are extended an invitation to
DAV Auxiliary
Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary will meet with the
commander, Mrs. Pauline Rich
ards, 1586 State street, on Tues
day, November 8, to sew for
their bazaar, November 28. A
no-host luncheon will be served
at noon. At the last meeting
the auxiliary made 528 nut bas
kets for Armistice day at the
U.S. Veterans hospital in Port
land. Mrs. Jean Samuel is
chairman for the hospital.
On November 12 and 14 the
auxiliary will hold a rummage
sale at the former Sears, Roe
buck company store, entrance
on High street. Mrs. Dennis
Stevenson is chairman.
.v. .
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Ceremony at Church Here Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ross Mor
row, Jr. (Pauline Miller) were married recently at a service
in St. Joseph's Catholic church. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Miller, Mr. Morrow the son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Morrow of Hubbard. The couple will
reside in Hubbard. (Jcsten-Miller studio picture)
Are Hosts
Hosts Saturday evening for a
pinochle party at their Holly
wood drive home were Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Sidwcll. A late buf
fet supper was served.
In the group were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Whittaker, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Fones, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Edlund, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Ellwood, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Lawless, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. Rome
Daniel, Mrs. Lily Esterberg, Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Parmenter and
Mr. and Mrs. Sidwcll.
Club Entertained
The PEP club held its No
vember meeting at the Gold Ar
row restaurant. The meeting
was presided over by the presi
dent, Mrs. Alta Simmons. A talk
on Estonia was given by Mrs. E
Ounapuu who lived in that coun
try. The following members
were present: Mrs. Alta Sim
mons, Mrs. H. B. Carpenter
Mrs. Vestal Matter, Mrs. Lewis
Ramus, Miss Linda Lee Girod,
Mrs. Arthur Weddlc, Mrs. Mar
garet Polanski, Mrs. D. B
Parks, Mrs. Charlotte Jones,
and Mrs. Claude Martin. Mrs
Carpenter and Mrs. Ramus were
the hostesses. The members from
the county school office will be
hostesses for the December
Today's Menu
(By th. Pruil
A Dinner Menu
Grilled Frankfurters
Fluffy Mashed Potatoes
Spicy Red Cabbage
Green Peas
Bread and Butter
Canned Pears Crisp Cookies
Spicy Red Cabbage
Ingredients: 1 small onion, 1
one-and-three-quarter pound
head red cabbage, 2 tablespoons
butter or margarine, 1 large
medium-tart cooking apple, '
cup light brown sugar, 5 table
spoons cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon
salt (about), freshly ground pep
per (to taste).
Method: Peel and finely dice
onion; there should be about !
cup. Remove any soiled outside
leaves of red cabbage, quarter j
head and cut core away. Shred
medium-coarse with a sharp
knife there should be about 4'-j
cups, firmly packed. Melt but
ter or margarine in a medium
sized skillet; add onion and cook
tor about .1 minutes, stirring fre
quently. Peel, quarter and core
apple. Add red cabbage to skil
let; slice apple over cabbage in
thin lengthwise slices. Mix on
ion, cabbage, and apple together
well and continue to cook over
low heat for about A minutes.
stirring frequently. Arid brown
sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper
and mix wrll. Cover and cook
over low to moderate heat, stir
ring occasionally, until cabbage
is tenripr-rriso And annlet ar a!
deep red color about 30 min
utes; there will be practically no
liquid left in pan. Makes 4 to 5
Note: If you like salt used
sparingly add only half the
amount given at first, adding
more to suit taste. I like a
much as 1 1 teaspoons of salt
used In this recipe.
rap? Sjy ) iN -V
. js v j
I -" , i ,1
f , ' I I
Miss Kennedy
Wed Friday
The marriage of Miss Mary
Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kennedy of Inde
pendence to Everett M. Price,
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
I trice OI saiem, was suiemnizea
Friday evening at a service in
the Kennedy home.
The ceremony was solemnized
before the fireplace. The man
tel was decorated with brass
candleholders with cream color
ed tapers, and large bouquets of
gold, bronze and yellow chrys
anthemums. The stairway was
entwined with smilax and small
colonial nosegays of the chrys
anthemums in autumn colors.
Bouquets of leaves and gold
chrysanthemums decorated the
The Rev. Walter Naff of Sa
lem read the vows at 8 o'clock.
Soloist was Verne Esch of Salem
with Miss Glennis Allen as ac
companist. Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a white
satin brocade gown designed
with tight bodice, full skirt, long
sleeves pointed at the wrists and
a sweetheart neckline. The fin
gertip veil of French illusion was
arranged from a coronet of seed
-pearls. For her flowers the bride
carried a nosegay of white roses,
gold chrysanthemums and bou
vardia, pale gold mistlon edging
the bouquet.
As honor attendant, Miss Mar
garet Sweetland wore a gown of
gold satin made in period style
and she carried a nosegay of
gold chrysanthemums centered
with yellow roses.
T. Richard Sullivan, Salem,
was best man and ushers were
David Kennedy, brother of the
bride, and Robert Hinkle, Salem.
Mrs. Kennedy chose for her
daughter's wedding an afternoon
gown of purple crepe and wore
a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs.
Price wore an afternoon dress
of gray and her corsage was of
yellow roSebuds.
At the reception Mrs. Bjarne
Ericksen and Miss Hazel Price,
the bridegroom's aunt, poured.
At the serving table the large
wedding cake was surrounded
with garlands of smilax and
small nosegays of autumn
flowers. Mrs. Blanche Wilson
cut the cake assisted by Mrs.
Richard Sulliman, Mrs. Robert
Hinkle, Miss Shirley Amsberry
and Miss Delores Hultman.
The bride, for her wedding
trip to the Oregon beaches wore
a royal blue suit with white and
coffee brown accessories. On
their return the couple will re
side in Monmouth, where both
are attending Oregon College of
Education. Mrs. Price attended
Oregon State college and is af
filiated with Delta Zeta sorority.
Mr. Price attended the Universi
ty of Oregon and University of
Weather Clippers These two smart coats can meet the
temperature simply by zipping in the extra lining. Donegal
tweed and wool covert, budget priced.
In Nile Group
Several Salem women were
among those initiated at the fall
ceremonial of Nydia temple.
Daughters of the Nile, Portland,
last week, Mrs. Clark L. Kittle
of Indianapolis, supreme queen,
being a special guest.
Theose from here initiated
were Mrs. Cecil A. Lantz. Mrs.
Robert Haggerty, Mrs. Edward
Williams. Mrs. William Graham.
Mrs. William H. Adams, Mrs. M.
B. Rudd, Mrs. Vernon Wiscar
son. Mrs. James Keys of ln
rinnha. Mrs. Jack Haseman and
Mrs. Iluber Ray. x
The Nydia temple chorus, of
which Mrs. David Cameron of
Salem is a member, put on the
same review at the ceremonial
they gave at the supreme meet
ing at Indianapolis last June.
met last week in the school audi
torium. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson
of the First Baptist church gave
a talk and showed colored films
of interesting places he had vis
ited in Europe. One of the pro
.ects for the Mothers' club this
year will be to have lights in
stalled for the stage in the audi
Following the business meet
ing the mothers were served cof
fee and cookies in the cafeteria
by the sixth grade mothers.
110MK from two weeks in
California are Mr. and Mrs. J. K
Carruthcrs, who returned this
week-end on the Shasta Day
light. While on the trip they
celebrated Mr. Carruthers'
birthday with relatives, visiting
at Oakland, San Francisco and
ralo Alto.
observed homecoming night last
week. A large group enjoyed
the no-host dinner during which
piano and violin numbers were
played. Mrs. Dora M. Stanton
conducted the meeting. Roll call
and letters were read from ab
sent members. Mrs. Frank Kol
ski was initiated.
sociation of matrons and patrons
of the Order of Eastern Star is
announced for next Thursday
'evening. November 10. in Dal
las, meeting with Naomi chap
iter. No. 22. The event will be
I in the Masonic hall there.
Hy ' i win, .
1 "VV XnSV-S
Relieve distress
almost instant
B sure to u .
Every building requirement
for glazed sash and doors
can be met here ECONOM
ICALLY. Allourmillwork
Is of guaranteed quality
in workmanship as well as
In materials. Your request
for an estimate based upon
your present or future
) needs is cordially invited.
1225 Crot Cabinets . Frames Ph.3-5953 j
Wed in
October Mr. and Mrs. Bud Douglas (Kathryn
Bayes) were married October 9 at the First Christian church.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bayes,
Mr. Douglas the son of Mrs. Mary Douglas of Dallas. The
couple will live in Dallas. (Jcsten-Miller studio picture)
Sorority Tea
Alpha Chi Omega sorority at
Willamette university has invi
tations out for tea on Sunday,
November 13, the event to honor
Mrs. Betty Mcndenhall, new
chaperon at the chapter.
Hours are between 3 and 5
Miss Roberta Batcy is chair
man for the event.
In Redding
Now at home in Salem at 248
South Church street are Mr. and
Mrs. Joyhn Payne, whose wed
ding was an event of October
Mrs. Payne is the former
Dorothy Pressly, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Pressly
Mr. Payne is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Moore of Black Dia
mond, Wash.
The wedding was an evening
ceremony on October 23 at the
Pressly home in Redding.
The bride was attended by her
mother at the service, and a
brother, Orval Pressly, was best
A reception followed the serv
SALEM F.L. club, No. 14, was
entertained last week at a din
ner at the home of Mrs. Harry
May at Aumsville. A regular
business session followed the
meeting. Members attending
wereMrs. Lawrence McClure,
Mrs. Keith Rebo, Mrs. R. L. Ap
plegate, Mrs. Lloyd Hawby, Mrs.
Forrest Greenfield, Mrs. Harold
Bressler, Mrs. Colene Lunsbury,
Miss Ellyn Holmquist and the
hostess. The next meeting is to
be November 17 at the home of
Mrs. Lavon Schmidt, 1525 Shady
Lane avenue.
MOTHERS club of St. Vincent
de Paul is to meet Tuesday at
2:30 p.m. in the school hall.- An
attendance contest is on, each
room striving to have the most
mothers at a meeting. Mrs. Carl
Jungblut. fifth grade room, is
hostess chairman.
group of the American Associa
tion of University Women is
meeting Wednesday at 1:15 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Raymond
Walsh, 1515 Jefferson.
Museum Event
Portland (Special) Continu
ing its series of teas for women's
organizations of cultural inter
ests, the Portland Art museum
will receive a group of Delphian
representatives on the afternoon
of Wednesday, November 16.
Forty-odd board members,
presidents and past presidents of
the Delphian clubs will be pres
ent. At 2 p.m. a gallery tour will
be conducted for the guests by
Mrs. Lois Diehm, and refresh
ments will follow. Arrangements
are being made by Mrs. David
W. Eyre, Jr.
Plans Made
For Holidays
Salem bethel, U. D., Job's
Daughters, met Saturday evening
in the Masonic temple. Escorted
to the east and given honors
were Miss Ann Gibbens, senior
princess of Bethel 35, and Mrs.
Elsworth Hartwell, guardian of
Bethel 35.
The following chairmen of
standing committees were an
nounced: Refreshment, Misa
Barbara Culbertson; cheer, Miss
Justine Lewis; publicity. Miss
Ann Gallasy; socialibility. Miss
Joan Lewis; and chairman of
evening, Miss Elizabeth Shafer.
Plans were made for a Christ
mas party to be held Dec. 3.
The Bethel's Christmas project
will be the adoption of a needy
family for whom a dinner and
gifts will be provided. The com
mittee appointed to work on the
project includes Misses Carol
Mentzer, chairman; Sharon
Miles and Sylvia Lottick.
On the refreshment commit
tee Saturday were Misses Shir
ley Wayt, Louise Owens, Clau
dia Waters and Justine Lewis.
A DAUGHTER, Nancy Alcnda,
was born Friday, November 4, to
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Clark at
Salem Memorial hospital. Also
in the family are three other
daughters, Polly Susan and
Phoebe, also a son, Duncan. .
Grandparents are Dr. and Mrs.
George B. Dean of Medford and
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clark of
Farmington, Utah.
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Each Day but Sunday
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For a Gala Thanksgiving . . .
Tli is great h o 1 i d a y deserves
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Spicy Orchard Fruit Cake,
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