AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, November 7, 194915 pi Tues. Spot Special AT Center and Commercial is 1935 Ford Sedan $ 95 1936 Chev. Sedan 125 1938 Plymouth Coupe 165 1938 Ford Sedan 245 0m ' HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS 837 Center . Phone 3-9286 Hydramatic OLDSMOBILE ROCKET Trade in Special 1949 Nash Ambassador Brougham Sedan Just Like New $1995 LODER BROS. Oldsmobile Hi CENTER ST. Bonesteele 1947 Studebaker Landcruiser. Radio and heater, overdrive $1595 1948 Studebaker Commander 2-Door. Radio, heater, overdrive; 10,000 miles $1895 1947 Chevrolet 2-Door Stylemaster. Heater, radio $1295 1939 Studebaker 2-Door Commander. Radio and heater $ 495 1940 Studebaker 2-Door Commander $ 595 1941 Studebaker 4-Door Commander $ 695 1946 Oldsmobile Sedan $1295 1940 Ford Sedan $495 1946 Chevrolet Coupe $1025 Bonesteele Sales & Service J70 North Church AUTOMOBILES Pay Up the Back Pay ments of Balance Due and Take Over '37 Ford Sedan 37 Hudson Terraplane '34 Ford, new motor 34 Dodge Coupe STATE MOTORS, INC. USED CAR LOT 678 SO. 12th ST. q367 jjjjj-f sr r rr j j j a grrrrrr MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS SAPTTCYCLES The otor .scooter butU like a motor ajyele. I1 and S H P. motors. Auto ynatle elutch, no tears to shift. Up to loo mile per tal. Special reduced price for Not. Term, new and used RAINS OUTBOARD SPORT SHOP 1201 . Commercial. Ph. 16050 qa207a frniZtlR motor blka. Very food cond lion. Mult ielL 190.00. See at 330 Mission m qa385 BOATS fll PLYWOOD boat. Reg. 1175. Floor am It DOW l. MONTOOMEKY WARD. FINANCIAL XT YOB wan to Mil tout properly It will fta? you to know how much of an FHA oan 11 will atand. This Information la obtainable with very littlt trouble. Do not hesitate to call on ui for any In formation you desire on FHA loam STATE FINANCE CO. 1SJ 8. HUh St. Tel. 14121. r FAR! A1TD CITY LOANS H and form OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second Moruaae. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO Ml Pioneer Trmt Bldi. Ph. 1-7161 f PRIVATE HONEY peeial Rata and Terma , On Larger Loan tons and Short Time Payment ROY R SIMMONS lit govt Commercial St Phone tlSl AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTft CREDIT Ca 133 S Church Parkin a Plenty fh. t-1457 LIB. WO M-15t S-154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. lag Pat rt round Road Heat Door to Bank Ftp Parkini Fnooe 17033 -Lie R mt Sl Floyd Kenyon. Mtr f tOm YOf'R SAVINGS-INVESTMENT buy real entat firt mortgag-s. propertiei Salem vicinity Make yout own e lection, nete you I percent We take tare of all collections If desired Amounts 11000 to several thousand dol lar. See or call us for particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 1SS 8 Hlch St Tel 34121 r' SEE PS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOAS8 ONLY 4 OR INTEREST I to 40 Year and No Commiasiott Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 State 81 Phone t-3883 OENKRAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie 8-131 and U-I2I and ROT n SIMMONS ENSURANCI AND LOANS m 8. CAMrlai 84. Tai l-tlll r Futuramic PHONE J-H73 Phone 3-9277 265 FINANCIAL BILLS UNPAID? Let Personal's YES MAN pay them for you! Reduce your monthly payment with hi "Smaller Payment" Plan. Oet extra cash and spread the payment over 20 month. You choose the monthly payment. You choose the payment date. Don't borrow unnecessarily but if a loan la the beat aolutlon atop in or phone the "YES" MAN. He sar Ye to 4 out of I. Personal Finance Co. IIS State. Rm. UI C. ft. Alien, Mxr. Phone 2-7414 . 8-122, M-1SS I287 TRAILERS It FT. ROUSE TRAILER. Butan equipped. Cheap. Ph. 3-B327. 2305 Let St. t2oe TRAILER house for aale or trade for '35 or '36 Ford or Cher. Apply Tip-Top Ser vice Station, 1580 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-9229 266 TRAILER spaces, very rea. at Highway Arc Trailer Para, i dioce n. or unaer pa, 1 blk. E. Nice and quiet. Clone to new trade school, bue A tore. Chil dren welcome, no charge under school age. Clean heated rest room, shower, laundry faclltlie with new dryer. Come out and see u. Ph. 2-1748 or II Highway Ave. t267 4(1 M FT. VAGABOND tralferhouae .Ike new, else, brakes, oil heat, but, cook ing and many other feature. 4385 Ha- ger. Ph. 2-21.07. 265 DIRECTORY PDINO MACHINES All makes a red mschlne. told, ranted renamed Roen. 4M Court Phone I-TJ3 e APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC ROME appliance repair service new appllaneva Vtnce' Ijsctrte Phone Free wtlmate Trade-in accepted on 137 8 Liberty St AT-tR DOOR RIIARPENINO mowers, sclnxors kntve "harp Dexter. 1140 Center. I-6M3. o" 4LTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing service day phone I-I2M Night 1- I8D4 S3' Center o BODY AND PAINT Bra den' Body At Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3890 Cherry. Ph. 2-2023. o337 RCILDINO 1ARPENTR1 RemodeL 'rpair that home now Term No down payment Prions 14850 81 LLDOZ1NO Log., grnd. dear'a, carryall wk. Ph. 42183 or 1126. Oeo Worth. 840 Pivmoutn ur T4 Bulldozing, leveling, road bklf.. Clear lng. teeth for brh Vlrgi: Hotkey 1018 FalrTlew Are Ph 2Q148. Salem. 0285 Dean Robinson. Ph. 14H7 or 1-408 0285 CASH IEOISTER The National Cajth Register Co. Cash Reamer - Accounting Maeittn Asia Ben-we Supplies 821 Oaloa Street Phone 4 J4tl sat delivery of net) RCA east regular Al mates gold, rented, re pa ed Rnen Court Ph 1-1 771 CEMENT flORR For rirert guaranteed satisfaction o or repair of foundation aidewa.ks drivewaa pstioa eu'b can it Cat I-4850 O CHI MNEYp. WEEP Furnace c-himn'vs vacuum cleaned Soatey. Tit S. tut. Pa. J-71T1 eJli The "ROCKET" is Easy On Your POCKET AND SO ARE THESE Hydramatic Futuramic OLDSMOBILE "ROCKET" ' Trade-ins LOOK AT THESE SAFETY TESTED VALUES with everything like '47 Chevrolet Sedan, very '47 Studebaker Commander local owner; low mileage 1465 '47 Olds 78 Club Sedan, '48 Mercury Convertible, a '11 Olds 66 Sedan, clean '41 Ford V-8 Coupe, good LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 468 CENTER PHONE S-797! 3410 DIRECTORY CONCRETE WOEK If lt'j made of concrete. let u bid on your work. Ph. S-1138. o2M DRESSMAKING State St. Alteration Shop, lng. 360 State St.. Rm. 27. Dreumak- 0288 Dressmaking St alteration Wrk guar anteed 1290 N. 24th. Ph. 3-7S85. 0274 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 157 S Liberty EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator dei-vlcr Pa. 1-3056, Lee Cross, Rt. 0. Box 437-C 385' Bre.thauot for flower Dial ...7g Fl'RNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed it ,paired. Dvorak. Ph. 3-4963 0287 iUi;SEIIOLD PRODLCTS J. R iter? Watkins Oo product Pree 1717 Center Ph 3-5395 IV ULATION- Johiu-Manvllle Phone 3-3748 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Ploor Waxing Bulldmtcs Pactonu - Rome E-sMir.ntea Without obligation AMERICAN BLDG UAINT CO. Ph Salem S-9HS o WVDSCAPr NL'KSERT f Dormer & Pomi. Ornamentala 180 N Lancaster Dr at Cor Ph 7-1333 DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St Phone 23452. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mower?. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l St. Q3W MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 14069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish A Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin Banjo, etc 1523 Court St Ph 1-7369 02881 OFFICE FURNlTCKB SUPPLIES Desk ehalra. (lie and flllm supplies safe, duplicators and supplies desk lamp typewriter atanoa oner ease )erc Wire Recorder. Roan 451 Court OIL BL'RNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph. S-8S81 Ev 4-2434. 0273" Exp. Interior painting. Wilson. Ph. 1-6752 02B1 'Bf itrom's are equipped painting Phone 1-3493 to do yout PA PER HANOI NO Exnert PanerhanRina and J. Wood worth. Ph. 1-9807. painting H Frea t, 0279' PAINTING PAPERHANOINO Painting and paperhanglni. Free m-te. Ph 1-9513 857 Shplplng i PLUMBING Fiher. 844 Com'l. Ph. 1-3019. riCTI'Ra. FRAMING Picture framing ftutcbeoo Paint Store Pbove 1-8887 o REFRIGERATION SERVICE nSD M GRAVEL Oardeo Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating waning eano Gravel Co. Phone 1-9248 Valley Sand e Oravai Oo Slit, sand ft fll dirt Excavating 108 shovel A cat Tractor scoop A truck for dirt moving Ph office 34002, re 17141 oa Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 1-7803. 1203 N Mh 0281 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Rasor Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean Sewers, Drain. Tanks. Ph. 3-8327. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ erms. All make. W. Davenport, Ph. $-7m 0381' SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewer. 1079 Elm SU W. Salem. Ph. 1-8486. 1-5327. 0287 Electric machine service on sewer and drain line. Guaranteed work 1143-ath K F Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned St., Wext Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0275 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2445 State St Phone 1-0734. o SE WING "MACHINES AU Bake repaired, tree estimate Singer Sewinr Uach'nt CO 1J0 No Comrnerclai Ph t33H fYPPHFlTKM Smith Corona. Rem lot mo Royal. Under wood portable A! make sud machine Re pa t rs and rent Roea M Court o TEA N T CP I cal Distance Transftr storage Burner oil, coal At irtaueu Trucu te Portland dally Agent for Be kin Rouse hold goods moved to anywhere In OI o, Canada tanner Tranafer Storage Ph 3-3131 a VENETIAN BLINDS 4am Venetian Blind (hade to order t refialAhee) Reiaboldt Uwia t-IMI Elmer The Bl.pdmaq. Ph. 37321. WFATnERHTRIPPINO RTI.L DSILUVO Fred Wrmnra. Rt 1 Boi 311 Pb l-Sttt 03M' vVlNDOM SRADBS WMhtSle Rotier Made to ordfr I Da Di. JUlAbM4t m UffM, Pa. SlUt, new $1785 good 1295 Sedan, real buy 1485 beauty 1385 645 580 rAIROROUNDS ROAD-PHONE 3-1490 MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem LlTestouk Market fBr Valley Packing Company i Feeder lamb 113.00 to 816.00 Ewe 11 oo to 35.00 Cutter cows 87.00 to it) G Pat dairy cows (9 Dairy belter 19.00 to 810.00 Bull 311.00 to $15.00 Calve, good (300-450 lbs.) . .316.00 to 118.00 Veal (150-300 Itu.l top 818.00 to 821.00 Portland Eastalde Market Local corn sold for 1.75 a crate on the Portland Eutsi1e Farmer Wholesale Pro duce market today with California offer- 1ns quoted at 83.35 to 13.50. Cauliflower brought 11.25 to 81.50 a crate. Brussels sprout were 31.75 to $2.15 a 13 cup crate. Local dry packed lettuce was $4.00 to 34.50 a crate: Idaho best dry. $7.00 to $7..ii and California dry. $7.00 to $7.23. Green onions sold for 55 to 65 cents a dozen bunches. Spinach was $1.00 to 11.50 an orange box. Beet brought 80 to 70 cents s dozen bunches, Carrots moved at 50 to 65 cents a dozen bunches. Radishes were quoted, at 60 to 65 cents a dozen bunche.i. Turnips were 85 cents to $1.00 a dozen bunches. Cabbage was $1.25 to $1.50 a crate lor medium round-heads. Portland Proance Butterf at Tentative, subject to imme diate change Premium quality maximum to 35 to I percent acidity delivered in Portland 63-eec lb., 92 score 61-640 ib., 90 score, 67 -00c. 89 score, 65c Valley routes and country points 2c less than first Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score, 63c A 92 score, 62c ; B 80 score. 60c lb., C 89 score. 67c. Above prices are serictlr nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon single 39-42C, Oregon 6 loaf 42-430. triplet 1M less than singles Eggs (to wholesalers) A grade large. 5S'-36c: A medium, 4&-48lc; trade B large, 48-49'ic; small A grade, 42 c. Portland dairy Market nntisr rrice to retailers: arade aa print. 68c; AA carton. 69c: A prints. 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Lgge fnces to retailers Grade AA large. 60c doe.: certified A larxe. 61c; A large, 85,'a-56l'ic; AA medium, 49c: cer- tilted A medium. 48c: B medium. 44c i K small, 44c; cartons 2 e additional. ineese Price to retailers Portland Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon loaf. 6- itt loais 4-4bc lb.; triplets, l'i cents lea than singles Premium brands, singles 51 e Ib.t lost Poultry Live Chtekena Ho. t quality FOB plant. No. 1 broilers under 2 lb. 30-24c lb. fryers 2-3 lb.. 23-36e; 1-4 lbs.. 27e; roasters 4 lbs and over, 27c; fowl, L?uorn 4 lb and under. 18-20C over 4 lb. 20c: colored fowl, all weights, 34-35o; rooflter. all weight. 16 -30c. Tarkey Net to growers, 30-Sl'ic on torn; 43-43 'iC on hen; sales prices to re taller, torn, 38 -39c; hen 49-50c. Rabbits AveiMge to growers. u Whites. 4-6 lb., 17-19C lb.; A-6 lbs, 11-17 lb.; coioreo 2 cent lower, old or heavy does, and bucks 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40c; local, 4l-66c Lounir -Killed Meal Veal Top quality 39-3 lc lb., other grace according, to weight and quality with poor or heavier, 20-28c. Hog Light blocker, 25-27c; sows. 30 24c. Lambs Top quality, springers, J3-36e; mutton, ll-13c. Beef Good cows, 19-22c lb.; cannera c utter. 18 -30c. Frefth Uressrd Meat (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.l: Beef flteera. good 500-800 ib.. MS-4S; commercial, $35-39; utility, $31-34, utility, 127-28 Cow Commercial, $29-32; utility, 2I 28; canners-c utters, 123-26. Ilrel Cuts (Good Steersi. Hind quarters $54-55: rounds $48-51: full loins, trimmed $73-78; tnanslea, $32-34; square chucks, $40-43; rib $&3-55; forequarter. $34-38. Veai and calf. Uooo, $37-40. commercial. $33-35; utility $28-32 Lamb. Good-choice spring lambs, 141 46; commercial. 116-40: utility $34-35 Mutton Good, 70 Ib down, $18-30. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 6-12 Ib. $46-49; houlders, 16 lb down. $36-38; pare ribs, $47-50; carcajuiei, $39-30; mixed weisnts $2 per ewt. lowet. Portland Mtscellaneeaa Caseara Bark Dry H4e lb., green 4e Ib Weal Valley coarse and medium grades. 46c Ib. Mohair 16a lb. m li-monta growth. nominally. Hides Calves. 30e lb, according to weight, kips 250 lb., beef 11-13 lb. bull 6-7e Ib. Country buyers pay 2 less. Nut Quotation Walnnls Kr enqueue, first quality jum bo. 34.7c, large, 33.7c; medium, 27.2c; second quality jumbos. 30.2c; larse. 36.2c; medium. 26 2c; baby, 23 2c. soft shell, first quality large. 29.7e; medium, 36 2c; sec ond quality large, 87.2ei medium, 14.7c, baby 22 2c. Filberts Jumbo, 30 m.t large, tie. medium. 19c: small, 13c. DIRECTORY MlNlitm CLKAMNQ Acme V indow Cleaner Wtndowa. wails a woodwork cleaoed Floor e leaned waied and polished Ph 1-IJJ7 HI Court Laosdne. Culberuoa and Mather WOOD a SAWDUST We t 8a ien Fuel Co. Ph 3-4QI1. WOODS AW IN O Atkln J Croaa. Ph. J-M7 or 1-3173 LKUAL LODGES nLuOJ meeu svery WW neaday tugtiV VUitori wei A Alnaworth Lodge No. 201, A.F. XKcV A M. host lodge of Dist No. 27, at Masonic Temple Wed.. 9, S pm. 266" SAlem Lodge No. 4, A P. & ' A M, Wed., Nov. 9th, district meetlnf, 6:00 p-m. 367' IV v1 iiliimii4liiriL4i1ilf Jack NaJson Is Served Cider by Miss Lena Belle Tartar at the formal Crescendo club induction at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom Sunday. Jack is president of Crescendo club and Miss Tartar is a former adviser. It is a Salem high school musical organization. Stocks Advance Irreqularly New York. Nov. 7 UP) The slock market hugged a narrow price route today. Price changes were mostly fractions but considerably more in a few special cases. Sev eral utility preferrcds stepped ahead of the market while Coca-Cola stocks dropped ra ther sharply. Gains and losses, on "-whole, were fairly well mixed. Trading started off at a good clip but soon slowed. Turnover hit a rate of around 1,100,000 shares for the full session. General Motors attracted con siderable support around 69, up Dividend news is sche duled after the close of the mar ket. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Salem dealers lor ine guiaance oi tnpiiai jaurn Readeis. (Revised dally) Retail Feed Prleei; Ex Mah $4.80. Rabbit Pellets $4 JO. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultrv: Bwing price -arade A color ed hens. 23c; grade A Leghorn hen una up 27-2HC Grade A old roosters, 15a 18-l9c: grade A colored fryers, three lbs 26-2BO. Buying Prices Sxtra large AA, 53c; large AA, 61c; large A, 4B-56ci medium AA, 41c: medium A, 39-44c; pullets, 32-35c. Wholesale Prices Egg wnoiesaie price 5-7e ahove then price-, above rrade A senera quoted at 8ie meoium, eve. Bullerfat Premium 66c: No. 1, IWi no. I. u-eoe. (buying prices). Butter wnoteaaia grane eoc; eaU 73c. Portland Grain Portland. Nov. 1, (P) Cash grain ua- quoted. Cash wheat ibidt: son wniie i jb; son white '-"eluding rex) 3.30; white club Hard red winter: ordinary; n per cent 3 31. Today' ear receipt: Wheat 34: barley 3; Hour 4; corn 35: oats 3; mill feed 19. Chleag Llvetaek Chicago, Nov. T r aaiaoi- nnci n.- 000: alow: some early sale good and choice 180-300 lb butcher aooui aieaar with Friday at 11.00-17 15; top 17.35; later trad and most sale htea welthu 21-M cenia lower at H.75-1T.O0; largely 18.75 16 00: sow fully 335 cents lower; weight under 450 lb 15.75-13.50; few heavier welKhtt down to 14.7a, Salable cattle 14.000: aalsvle calve 700: ow: lauahter steer and aha tocka steady to 50 cenU lower; om choice steer 1.00 lower; cows weak to fully 36 cent lower; bull steadv: vealer steady to 1.00 lower: scattered load choke 1 035-1.335 lb steer 35.00-38 00; few load high-choice and prime ateer held well above 40.00; moat good to low-choice fed steer and yearlings 37 00-32.50: medium to low-iood grade 21.50-36 50; hulk good to low-choice fed heifer 35.80-39. 50: com mon and mrdlum beef cow 13.75-16.00; few good cow 18.50; tenner and cutters 11. 00 13 75; medium and good auxate bull 17.75-10 50; medium to choice veal ers 34 00-29.00 Salable sheep 8.000: scattered early ale and moat bids slaughter lamba and yesrllna 50-75 cent lower: early top 33.75; some held higher: choice yearling 21.00; ewe steady; western t. 35-11.00. Portland Llveslork Portlnnd. Ore., Nov. 7 njsi Livestock: Cattle salable 1830; market not fully Mtabllnlied: generally asklnt hlaher on reduced supply; few early aale aleera and heifer around 50 cent hlsher; row atrnna- load low good fed Steer 27.00: medium to good ulsht steer 2.r..00: liiah medium era steers 23.50 to 24.00; low me dlum 19.00 to 31.50: common down to 16 00: very little done canner and com mon dairy type steers: common beef helf. er 13.50 to 16 50: medium are heifer 17 00 to 19 50; hlih medium to low good fed heifer 23.00; good young cow scarce load medium ultra we lent 15.00: com mnn ftrve-l Inw medium cow 13 00 to 14 00 Atocker 11.50: early sales canner and rulter row ft 00 to 10.00: bull Strong aood beef bull 17 00 to 17.50. odd head 16 00; common and medium a usage bull 13 50 to 16 00 Calve salable 400; market steady: good and choice vealera 32 00 to 23 00: common and medium cshe and vealer 13.00 to IB 00; hiah medium vealer 31.00; culls down to 10 00 and below. Hoe aalible 17..0: market alow; few opening sale 75 rent lower: most bid 1 oo or more lower; early lots good and choice 165 to 320 lb buteher 13.50; many without bid: sr altered bid down 16 00: sow around 60 cents lower: good 350 to 500 lb 14 50 to 15 00; good and rhnlre feeders 18.50 ta It 00 Aneep salable 1000: market moderately active: moetiv Ml reni io i oo lower; aooa and choice alaushter lamb 30.50 to 21 00 one lot 92 lb 31 50: medl'm and good 19 00 to 30 00: good feeder IT 00 to 17 50 medium vearllns 16 00: aood ewes salable 6 50 to 7.00, common and medium 4 00 to 150. Lebanon AIao Quiet Lebanon The city's business houses with few exceptions will remain open as usual on Arm! slice day, according to George Kinfian, chairman of the retail merchants committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The announcement followed a sur vey of buxinesw establishments, Kin ann said The (treat major ity of merchants in Sweet Home are likewise staying open, it was pointed out. STOCKS By the Associated Pr att American Can gg Am Pow St Lt 1314 Am Tel 61 Tel 140 Anaconda , 39 Bendix Aviation 33 v; Beth Steel 301, Boeing Airplane 2V Calif Packing as'; Canadian Pacific ::E jjii luncheon to Open iiEEiiiiiChurch Aid Heeling Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler ., Comwlth A Sou , Cons Vultce Continental Can . '-Town Zellerbach Curtiss Wrmht Douglas Aircraft .. Dupont de Nem .. General Electric . General Food . . General Motors Goodyear Tire ... Int Harvester .... Int Paper Kennecott LIbby MrN ft L Long Bell A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvtnator . , Nat Dairy NT Central ..... Northern Pacific . Pac Am Fl?h Pa Gas St Flee .. Pa Tel & Tel Penney J C Radio Corp ....... Rayonler Rayonler Pid .... Reynolds Metal .. Richfield Safeway Stores .,, S3; I2'4 31', 31 Hears Koebuck ... Southern Parifio , Standard OH Co. Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining 47't , A8'4 iransamerice . . , Union Oil Cal ... Union Pacil.c ... United Airlines ., O B Steel Warner Pros Plo Wool worth ,. , 14 '4 . 40 it Wool Growers Open Meeting Portland, Ore., Nov. 7 U.R The Oregon Wool Growers' as sociation opened its 54th annual convention today to study cur rent problems of the $12,000, 000 state industry. Association Secretary Victor Johnson, Pendleton, said discus sions for the two-day meeting would center on compulsory fed eral meat inspection, a national program of wool, price supports, administration of range lands. predatory animal control and sheep diseases. Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland welcomed dele gates this morning and Senator Wayne L. Morse (R., Ore.), was scheduled for an address before the group tomorrow. Stock Exchange to Close for Election New York, Nov. 7 Tho country's stock exchanges, In cluding the New York stock and curb exchanges, will be closed tomorrow, election day. Because the federal govern ment will issue its monthly crop report tomorrow, the New York and New Orleans cotton exchan ges will be open. The New York wool and produce exchanges also will remain open, while other New York commodity ex changes will close. Grain markets, including the Chicago board of trade, will be in operation. The department of agriculture will issue its live stock reports as usual. Itching Why scratch end sufTcrhupeletsly? ind happy relief as so many others of Dry Eczema do ii i sooth ing, med'cattd Rt.MNOL, the popular ointment of man j uts BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys When di"Her nf kl'tner fnnrtlnn permits poiaonoun matter to remain In your blond, i It may enuae nainrin backaehe, rheumatl pains, lea? peine, loan of pep and erteriry, set ting up nighla, ewellinff, puflineea under the tyea, beavlaehea and dittine. Frequent or aeanty thumb: villi amartlnc ant) burning I om pitmen ahowa there la eomeUtina; wrong With your kidney or bU'Mer. iJnn't wait I Ask your dmgirltt for Dnan'a rllia, a atimulant diuretic, u eurreaaTiiiir by milllona for over SO year, Doan'a give j happy relief and will help the Ih mile, nf hMneytuheafluHh nut plionoua WMtelroM K Woea. U vena fUa - Wheat Leads In Grain Slump Chicago, Nov. 7 W) Some traders who have been holding wheat in hopes of expansion in government buying decided to get out of the market today. As a result, the December futures contract fell around 2 cents at times and other contracts weak ened. The government did not buy any cash wheat anywhere last wee'- end and did not appear to be in the market today. Local supplies of red wheat discour aged buying sentiment in the December future. Most of the rest of the mar ket also was down, although corn provided an exception. Ex port demand, smaller than ex pected receipts of cash corn and belief tomorrow's government crop report will show a decline in production prospects com bined to hold corn firm. Soybeans cased in sympathy with a decline in the cash grain. Arrivp' of 102 cars was more than most dealers had expected Rye broke several cents, Decem ber and May tumbling to new seasonal lows. Oats eased with other cereals. Wheat closed Vi-2 lower, December $2.10'-Vi, corn was lower to higher, December $1.18 1 4 - 3k , Oats were Vt-Vt lower, December 738, rye was 23j-3 lower, December $1.35 soybeans were 1 to ?4 lower, November $2.21 ti-0221, and lard was 5 cents lowor to 8 cents a hundred pounds higher, November $9.45. Woodburn The Presbyter ian Aid society will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon in the church social room, begnining with a no-host luncheon at 12:30 p.m. The kitchen committee will be Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. Alice Hughes, Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, and Mrs. James Morrison. In charge of the dining room will be Mrs. Harris Nelson, Mrs. J. J. Hall, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Nettie Phillips. DEATHS William Frederick Neptune William Frederick Neptune, late real. dent ol 78S North Capitol atreet. in tilt city November 6, at the aire of 72 year. Survived br wife, Mr. Emma Neptune of Salem ; daughter, Mr. Dor la Ranom of Turner: slater, Mrs. A. J, Pinnlclt of Sebrlmi, Ohio; three tepnona, Carl A. Wood, Everett T. Wood and Emery F. Wood, all of Salem: end five grandchil dren. Service will be held at the dough E article dm pel Wednesday, November 9, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Loul Whttt offi ciating. Interment in the City View cemetery. Mra. Sylvia Helaler Mr. Sylvia Heller, late resident of route S. Canby, at an Orecon City hos pital. November T, at the ace of 76 years. Announcement of ervlce later by Clouah-Bar rick company, Albert t.. Col Una Albert L. Colllna. late resident of 9104 Hazel avenue, at a local hospital. Novem ber 4. at the as of 74 year. Father of Mr. Daisy MUler of Eutene and Mr. Ar nett O'Brien of Honolulu, Hawaii; and brother of Mr. Karl Blue of Tula, Ok la., and Dick Collin of Arnett, Okla. Mem ber, 4. at the aae of 79 year. Member of the Methodist church, Oervnt I OOF lodee No. 121 of Quinaby and Harmony Rebekah lodve No. 75 of Qulnnby. Service will be held at the Howeil-Edward chapel Tuea day, November S. at 10:30 a m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment In' Belle PmsI cemetery, RltualUtle aerrlce by the lOOF lodtie. Benlah Zander At a local hospital November S. Beulah Zander, late resident of 4ao South 33rd street. Survived br three children, David Talmndee of Seattle, Jane Nelson of Sa lem and Harriett Jack of Sao Dleeo: lour brother. Prof T. S. Robert and Sol (Advertisement! HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN caused? by exec mdd Dont Jnet Buffer from avnnlxImT pwln and conaUnt burn In- of atomarh ulcere. Indiges tion, rko, heartburn, other ditr!. rauaed by aceea atomarh aeld. Pfunder'e Tablet are guaranteed to bring amaaing qntra. Booming n tii-f of anr-h id atomarh dltrea OR MONKY I1ACK1 Formula of F. H. 1'fander. rh.G.. contains nwlically-proed lrl' enla. Arid ulrer BufTrrem have bcugrit over 100 000.000 Pfunder'a Tal.let In past year. Get ffunucr's Tablet today. (Adverilsemenli GreatChris'iopher for over Four Decades Americas' Finest Hard and Soft Corn or Cal lout Remedy. It Remove where others Peel. Inatant Relief. Doe not Evaporate, 60c end 35c. Adv. IS A 1, KM DKti( CO. 3:iJ state St., JSitlrm IS YOUR SKIN "BREAKING OUT?'' with etternolry touted pimplai, raihetT TIT COflCUSAt For more than 70 years, Cutiruia ha been hmhly aiineae ful in relieving many rs ternally rauied irrita tion. Hoipnal tested. Scientincallv medicaied. R'iy Cutirur Soap and Ointment al dmggiit. '4J RobtrU f fttlcm. Hu.h W. ' of Stockton. Caitf.. nd Dr. Room M. of Bin Diwo, Ctltf.; . lUUr, Urc' Malcolm of Atl.m; tnd Hz irand cMldrtD. Scrrlc will b btld at tho W. T. ' Rt.don chtpf-1 Tucjdftr, Novmb.r I. t 1:30 p ai. with concludlnt oervclej In tho Cltr Vl.w ctmury. Rtv. Brook. H. ' Moor, will offlcuu. D.rt.B D.Mlu ' Dtrton Douilu Dlbbtrn. at thb r.l dtneo. liTO Uncuur Dr.. November I at th ait of atvtn rtara. Survived br par anu. Ur. and Uri. Oarl J. Dlbbarn, Sa. l.m: brother Lannr Dlbbern. Salem: trandparenu. Ur. and Ura. I. W. Xrusa, Kearney, Nebr., and Ur. and Ura. O. J. Dlbbern. Orand laland. Nebr. Service, will ba held Tueadar. November at 1:30 p.m. In the Clou.h-Barrlck chapel with the Rev. A. Oetaendaner officiating. Interment al Belcreat Uemortal park. Mellnda 1. Cameraa Uellnda 1. Cameron, at tha reaHleneo at 360 South View Place, Salem, November I, at the aaa of 71 yeara. Survived by hua band. Oeoraa D. Cameron of Salem; four son- -rdon Cameron of Cayler, Alberta, Canada. David Cameron of Post Falla, Idaho, Archie Cameron of Salem and Rey nold! Cameron of Roaeburi; five dauah tera. Mra. Uarle Nathelfer and Ulaa nor. ence Cameron of Salem, Ura. Uaraaret -Walah of Riddle. Ore.on. Mra. Donald Beaton of Cayley, Alberta. Canada, and Mra. David Schuster of Stanley, Alberta, Canada; brothers and sisters in Canada and 13 nieces and nephews. An nouncement of services later by tha Clouah-Barrlck chapel. t OBITUARY . Mrs. Carl Halt wtllamlna Private funeral services were held in the chapel of the Sheridan Funeral nome tor Mrs. can Holt. 48. who died Friday. Vault entombment was at Rlvervlew Abbey Mausoleum In Portland.. Minnie Stevens was born In Hampton.' Tenn., on February 37. 1901, the daugh-. ver or Eiijen ana Eiuenetn elevens, sue, was married to Carl Holt on April 6, mat, and they made their home near Wlllamlna. Survivors Include the hus band. Carl: a son. Edward; two sisters. BeiRte Winter of Portland and Margaret Martin of Seattle; three brothers, Mar-' ion, and Dannie ol Portland and Oeorce of Montana, Mrs. Floyd Lady Willamlna Funeral services for Mri. Floyd Lady, &7, former resident of tha upper Wlllamlna community, were held Thursday afternoon at the Sheridan Christian church with the Rev. Frank W. Zook In e-harge. Interment waa in the upper Wlllamlna cemetery. Mrs. Lady died October 35 In Portland, where she had been living, she was the daughter-' of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, pioneers. cans May arown waa oorn in tne upper Wlllamlna oommunlty. where she at tended school. Survivors Include her hus- band, Floyd, of Portland: two sons. Eld on Davis of Sacramento. Calif., and Harold Davis of Portland: three grandchildren; two sisters. Mrs. Clyde Potter of Oilbert Creek and Mrs. Kathryn Lady of Sheri dan: and one brother, Archie Brown of Wlllamlna. Alice llltabetb Spink Lebanon Mra. Alice Elisabeth Spink. U, died at her home In the Crowfoot com munity Friday. She had lived In Oregon the past 14 rear. Born Feb. 14, 1694, at artnan, B. Dak., Mr. Bptnk settled at Harrlsburc In 1935 and hail lived at Crow- -foot for tha past two yrar. She 1 sur vived by her hueband. Gale Spink, two dauehter. Mr. Helen Erlckaon. Leb anon, and Mra. timer Ooodln-, St. Paul, Ore.; five son. Clarence, Dennis and Jamea Spink, all of Lebanon: Charles ol Anacortes, Wah.. and Terrence, Stockton. Calif.: three aUter. Mrs. Harley Klrby nad Mis RoaeUa Oradr. both of MltchelL S. Dak.; and Mra. William Ryan, Omaha, Nebr.; three brother. Walter Grady. Plankerton, . Dak.: Robert Oradr. Mit chell, S. Dak.: and Gharle Grady, Canada; ". and ten trandchlldren. Funeral service in ue neid Tuesday at 10 a.m. at St. Ed ward Catholic church here, with Father Oarl Wachter officiating. Burial and grave aide rltea will be at the Monroe Catholic cemetery. Roaarv will be at the Howe Huston chapel Monday at I p.m. Mra, Albert Campbell Jefferson Funeral services were lield at the For tmlller Frederic keen funeral home In Albany lor Mrs. Albert Campbell, 79, who died at her home on R.F.D. No. -1, Jefferson. Monday. Rev. Paul Touder, Mennonlte minister, officiated. Charles Henlon, Sam Thomas, Chris Nofiieer, Ola Ohlecomes, John Mulligan and Joe Yaiel- kf, pall bearers and Mrs, Glenn Taylor, soloist and organist. Burial took place in the Willamette Memorial nark. Mrs.. Campbell wa born In Clackamas county, Deo. 31, 1809. She lived at Condon, Oregon City, and then In Id 17 moved to Denver, residing there before moving to Jeff arson R.F.D. eight year mo. Surviving beside her son Leonard Robertson of Portland and husband, ar two lister. Mrs. Otae.. Shank land, Portland, and Mrs. Olive Mc- crarr. rasidlnc in Nevada: eight crand- children and ten treat grandchildren. Sho wa a member or the Baptist church ana aha and Mr. Campbell wero married la lain. (Advertisement) (Stable) is highly eeat agleea m wemlc aeen ITCH fler life It eel atepped. Its aale eeeae te Ih lleh salt eklil iaai te erdleery Ireelaaeaita. IX- 40RA kllle the Iteh-aalte alaaest laataatly. Only three Says SXBORA Ireataaent ta 'eealrad. "Hall erdera gtveat araaet ettewtlae. At all Fred Meyer Dreg Seetlea u eth er OOOD Drag S teres. " (Adv,-Uimnt) LOST: MISERY OF CONSTIPATION "It'i wonderful how much txttar I feel. And I nmd no mora ltuutivn til due to fating one dish of ALL uiwn aauyi i am- i cerely recommend this cereal.' Mra. J.A.IImma,1226W. Main St., Portland, Ind. Jui one of many vniolictffd letter!. You, too, may ejpect wonderful relief if constipation ii due to lack of bulk in your diet. Juat eat one ounce of crisp, flavorful ALL IIKAN daily, drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after 10 days, send the empty carton to Kellora's, Battle Creek, Mich. Get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK. Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fall, ue our Chine rem dies. Amaalng success tor 4000 years in China. No matter with what ail ment yon are afflicted, disorder, a in usltl, heart, lungs. It vet, kidneys, aa. coTutlpanon, ulcer, dlabete. rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever, tkin, female complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHINKSI ! CO. Olfle rleare I Ii I, Tees, and flat, eely 11 N. Cemmertlal rhena lias SALEM, OIK.