12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, November 7, 1919 I Kch, sow'-tvicVllT fOV, cupcake Pi-'-ru. go in -me m r oooo-sye. "1 rvriVFfVTrTu.: Ti u, 1 T RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness MONDAY P.M. KGW 130 NBC K0IN TO CM KEX SIM ABC KSLM 13 UBC K0C0 UK Ke. by PEGGY O'MORE (Chapter 7 ArleU gave Howard a pitying glance. "It couldn't," she stated 'In the first place only fools and cowards vent their spleen on inani mate things. In the second, I knew my father better than anyone knew him. He never explained. He said to explain was to pose an alibi and lower yourseu to me icvei oi sniveling." "That's arrogance," protested Kel ly. Arleta shook her head. "No, not In him it wasn't. He never did any thing he knew wasn't right. To use his words" she smiled now" 'first know you are right and to hell with the explanations. Kelly, banking the fire, straight ened up. "I'd better be on my way. Sure you don't want to spend the jught at my place She thanked him and asked him to thank his mother for her thought. fulness, and she followed him down the narrow stairway to bolt the door alter nun. But when she re turned to the nursery It was to re turn to loneliness. When she awakened she won. dered if it was another day. It certainly looked the same as the previous one, with clouds that sag ged to spill their burden on an already sodden world, the steady downpour thrumming on roof and window making r,er doubly grate ful for the wood Kow Kelly had left behind. From the thoughtfully packed larger bag she brought riding breeches and boots, sweater and a newly purchased leather jacket. She'd anticipated the cold but not the rain. Well, perhaps she'd find one of the old ponchos around the place. A cup of coffee and she started out. Out of doors she found the same ruin. At first she felt only fury: fury that anyone had dared de stroy this beloved home her par ents had built with such care. And then the fury chilled to cold anger end a purpose crystallized. Turned back by undergrowth, she built up the nursery flre, took port folio and fountain pen to the low table and wrote three letters. The first was written to Mart Martin. "Ynn Mfllrl vmi wnnt.p An mv portunlty o experiment with your rmicuiturai theories, i ll bargain, havent been up to the orchard out evertyning else is overgrown. However. If you and Tunla will come out and work for me we'll have a contract drawn up giving you the right to do as you please witn that particular live acres. Liv ing quarters and salary will be ar ranged. "I'd like you to come at once. Martin win give you the key to my car. Freight everything you want in my name, with items on the enclosed list that I shall need. I am also enclosing a list of cloth ing to bring with you." The second letter she wrote to Cal Sheridan. "You understand I can't marry until I've cleared the Langtry name, t don't think that will be diffi cult. Knowing my father. I know be was too Droud to bother." The final letter was to her aunt and this was rewritten many times It would have been kinder to let me know the truth, or as much oz it as you Knew. And "Please announce the wed ding is postponed indefinitely." When Howard Kelly called from below she was ready. "If you're not ashamed to drive me as far as the bus in these togs," she remark ed. Kelly heaved a sigh of relief as he handed him her bags. She was actually preparing to leave. He offered to take her to the nearest city, but she named a nearby resort town she knew would be open. "I need a general refur nishing," she explained reasonably. When he left her at a dry clean ing establishment, she thanked him appropriately and turned away with, "I really must hurry." And then she waited until he, having shopped, turned his car back toward ms nome. "Now," she turned to the pro prietor, "where can I hire a car?" An hour later she was driving back along the road she had travel- R2890 i with Keily. When they had dls. cussed the somnolent resort cot tages the previous day her mind had photographed one with a For Rent sign on It. She made two more trips that day one for a long-distance call to the city and an inspection of the cot tage, then back for several hours of business contacts and the pur chase of supplies. That evening found Arleta pre paring her dinner in a tiny kitchen ette with occasional trips to the large room where she tended fire. And when her dinner was over and the divan bed prepared, she sat down to a card table to check her day's work. A crew of men to clean the house. Electricians to repair the wires, a pump man to check the pump, but first two men to clear the roadway of the big tree. She awakened to the coldest weather she had ever experienced: even the sun trickling in through uie pines was nice lemon ice. Where the previous morning mists had shrouded the view, there now lay a lake of sparkling blue, vivia against me green-topped red mils on me iar siae, uie snow, covered range beyond. This her father had had the vision to see, this beauty he had given to the people of this sec tion. Ana 10 me plains Deiow. ir rlgatlon, a controlled water sup- Ply in a country oi summer droutn. And what had he received in re turn? Arleta dug her heels Into the terrace. She'd changed that. She'd force these people to honor his mem. ory. (To Be continued) Smart Separates This simnle. tailored style of blouse suits any laDric ... is extra smart in the western plaids that mate with skirts or slacks. The skirt is one of those wizard fabric-saving models, cut ting from just one vard of 54-lnch laoric. (Two separate patterns). No. 2885 is cut in sizes 10. 12. 14 16, 18, 20, 36. 38 and 40. Size 16 requires 2 yds. 3S-ln. or 1 yds. 54-ln. No. 3021 Is cut In waist sizes 22. 24, 26, 28 and 30. Any one of these sizes may be made from one yard 0.-111. Would VOU like to nee a AOllerMnn of more than 150 other pattern styles? Just Include the FALL-WIN- ter FASHION BOOK In your pat tern order and you'll be delighted with the wide selection of designs for all size and age groups, and all occasions. You'll also get many suggestions for easily made gifts Limi, wui sireicn your cnristmas budget Price of book 20 cents. Send 25o for PATTERN with Name, Address and 8tyle Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal 214 Mis slon St., San Francisco 6. Calif. Farmrard Favorite Toddlers will love this soft stuffed rooster. He Is made of gaily colored felt and proudly stands on his own two feet. Easy to make and inexpensive too. l Ills toy Is a daytime playmate and crib companion for any youngster. Pattern Envelope No. R3890 con tains pattern pieces, material re quirements, complete making and finishing directions. To obtain una pattern, send JOc in COINS, giving pattern number, your name address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. 8. '8 Mission Street 8an Francisco 3, Calif. mm mM sizes 10 40 SIZES 22-30" , ' I ll l I ll l l l r r li i- . f l I ii ii ii iy i i v. . r i iii j i i i a ! . T r-L ! - ... I '.''..'-.': I If I nCNKICITMi to CI f7 "? Kvw.(' kvvvJ X. V W Vl 'I r r--r 10:15 . m v fflw . w 1 mm i sv ii lavi . i i i i . ; ai -yi i r i i .rvT e5 .-.-d I 111 1 J1 u f 1 1 t m i il til I K . w . m m m . m i fjr -a y. Keo -m-cwosbheceb, bkx i sure vou ootrr I I nope-know i 8:00 v G "THflT RICKETY CATWALK WHEPE , i 8 I THROUGH THREW TH' SCWI MTO I I 5 5 HGEO A LKSHT. I I MV WW ii VJ 8:l.r) R THEV DUMP THE QfiPBOQE TO be TSjiyJ I I TH' 4UICKSOrONO EVIQErlCE- 1 j I V ROCKY? J THE DARK- fKMi S:jS D g. DISPOSED OP BV THE WUCKSANO r HA-Hft-HA GUESS THBTU. .tl"-"li 45 r HN OMDTXJE- TF PK W9 V)03Ct 1 L. W V.-VW34 9:00 f mmmmtim uarww'ri suxiji m 'ySLtV COOLOfT TAKE TIME OUT, everymdTsowhat?you1 Iwwy THE MEBBe.f'n!? "2-00 i SORPBISE.WILBUR. ROtDVTHAT BOM MA1R.COTI IKl TOWKJ 4CAKTT GET PAID 1 PUSUCITV ISISUTWUOWt I T ( J,? j SAVE JUNIOR PROVED TMAT WANTS A lTILLVOO CIWISU I iNVALUAStE JlCM LIVEONl I :25 Vo'ouaweeW voodomt need much skill topper Ivoor barber 1 ambv POBLiary?jLJ ! tun''T-i Kg25 I DRESSED tIKt BOB JwiLL AH BE A 4 rKS'Sf oVSK5 I I JV&'otoSm. M XwSUS'w I I PAPPY'-AH KAIHT oOTTIRf-TT I I HOPE, TO BINS LWVAB1-E 'UNG , 'S"JP' UHXMIL1AK WITH T BT5 I I DOSWTCM MAH ASt JoCOITTIW I I SSrAOrmTfwTII- V 33y wSuiJB I i Y f jmV H J JtE tWV- JVYvf II H'-.A'W "V II o , JV I JvSJrVyLV lkr4 or onc or tni: cawcst scttlcx jn. lNc: A. I JLl sw'wi -JBAll v JT JKw2tr:-Mt I OF OCX.fTCM,HCKZEBiAMHmXMS.3 fLt M ill VSA'yiV S lJL tlf I don't wanTashimt rra'-j M tJ c)5y SHINlr. MVtAD,BUTIFVOULLGO W -S- teTTER NOW I SUPPOSE jT? ijaa. ynnuIZ? U ?ll i ( MISTER? ferr AND WASH VOUR FACE. lU Jfl -Sg VCO VUVNTTH FIPTEEN&! gKi f ONTO nSTrtS lL i 11 23 U rv SKIFF WILL PLOAT TILL I . VWJ AND WE'SE OUT OF LUCK IF A wl J IttlNAClRl ll M THE WAY, MR. WORTH- MARTY AND 1 1 PtmEM AW TVtH WHW H0W "J ITS WRON6 TO DECEIVE OTHERS, j ANDHERfKW fill WERE TAIMNG AKOm THE CREETIN6 CARP l WONDER If VOURFEUIN6 HTTiRLY k MY CHI10--BUT IT CAN K JMCJ AR(THElA',TTD?i WWNEW WHEN UICIA POUNCEDON U AT fOR EACH OTHER OOCSNT JjrwmoilV V 70 CE,VE CMlX.fjTfi. JV. M WfCTTHAT THE (ARTY!.. NAT11RAIIYSHLW0UIDNT 60 P-EYOND -MERE gX J"I --L r Zt"2V A THEyTlE FAIUNG '. , BUY THt AIIM.THOU.H! r FRJENWHip.euNNY.'X itAN'.'i'a If I v , i i eJ anxii III I 'Oa raid iKnex Meaalaf kiltie Mew LChalleara f 5, News Takea ItAIValM r TiUae nkr Klna Sky Ktag Plreflfhtera Sim Mutloal Soiree ktdle Theater MatlcaJ Soiree Candv HatsUiB idle Theater Badt Theater Meaie Kale Kate ;45 1 Candy Melt Badla Theater OO'Dfree. Wey 7:15lDlree. Plar Mr Friend Iran Mr Friend Iran Bob Hawk Bob Hawk Lena Lone Is bare Etbal Meraaa :45,Ktbl Htrau Ufaare 8 S 8 :00lnatra, Eire. :15jNcwe 3ftRallreai Hear AS BaUread Hear ;ft0iTelehae Hr. :15lTleabne Hr. Lowell Theme i. Smith Sboi Taleat Seaato Talent Sceatt Beta Rata Ik ate H. J. Inner Saactaaa Inner kaactam trlbar teaddr Wee4 Kale Smith Kate Smith 30 Dane Oreh. 45 Dance Orca. fenlah lab IS Nam Hayes Carr. A Cheie h-Star Final Utlehfleli Rea. nntermeaaa roa aad World S porta Final Airn Concert Hoar Koaeert Hoar Bob Balna Q'at Krrheelra Serenade Cbleareaai Preludo Prelade jConeert Hear nu mini Wat Maaeaai Was Mnaeaai Concert Hear IMemoo Memoe ! Off QCtra TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Hodae Fadsa. Newa KOIN Kleck KOIN Kloeh KOIN Kleck Newo Farm Tim Farm Time Keep Keen Keep Karly Bird Old Sonra iKOIN Kleck N'ewa fNewa A sr on CBS Newt Bob Sam Hayes Fred Beck IZeke Eddie Albert Eddie Albert IConaamer Newt (Breakfaat Clab Newa Dreakfaat Club faSreakfaat Club Breakfaat Club Jack Bercb Grand Slai Boaemary S.f. Riders Second Can (second Can Hometewnera Ncwa Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny M lid Todar'a Helen Trent Art Oar Gal Sunday Art Marrlase for Lora Lawtoa Dirk Harmea Bis Sister Ma Perkins Dr. Halone Galdlnc Llsht Lfack The Playboys Double ar Noth. Mrs. Burtoa Perry Maaoa Nsrah Draka Betty Double ar Noth, Club Tod ay 'a Chldrn N westerners Lliht f World, Bricbter Day N 'westerners Life Beaatlfal INews Come Get It iRaakbaga 'N'ewa Newa Pepper Tomb Bright A Licbti Top llapplnesa Art Baker Meet Rarkatara Wife Barny'd Fellies Garry Moore Garry Moors Newspaper Breakfaat la Stella Dallsa iLoremo Jones IWidder Brown Kay Kay A Girl Marries N'ewapaper Isters Allen Steve Allen Jay Jay Por. Faces Life Jnat Plain Bill Krt. F. Farrrcll Brlds Bride Tunefully Soars Weleoma Tray. Welcome TraT. Newa Artnar Godfrey Arthnr Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Jack vera Aunt Hary Re Lot Learn IBs Womin'i fleertt Road sf Life Dr. Paul More at Life Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Curl Master Mod. Mod. Squirrel Cage Morrow DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lClkf Mondsr F.M.S:00, Children's IWMW Tbealeri 5:15, Oa the Upbeat i S:M. 550 Sparta Club. :M. Newa; :!. Dinner Helodlea i :M, Muils of Cieehe alovaklai 1:15. Bvenlng Farms Hoori S:H. Webfoot Haddloi :!& WsrU la Bevlewi 8:80. Campus Recital 1:45. News A Wea ther; 9:00, Mnalo That Endures; :, Evs nlng Medltstlonai 10:00. Sign Off. Friendly Neighbors Plan Holiday Party Webfoot There were 18 members of the Webfoot Friend ly Neighbors club attended the November meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boynton. Mrs. Stephen Benedict and Mrs. George Doud won in two guessing games. ACROSS L Engrossed S. Palm leaf 8. Sacred lmaga It. European river IS. Iron block t stamp battery 1. Cupola 15. Pcopte 17. Sufficient poetic 18. Kind of fail 19. Enormous IL Peer Gynt'a mother 18. Competitor 25. Purposa 18. Roman household god 81. Small Dutch oolns 80. Anger 31. ProtaetloB 88. Lata: eomb. form 84. Small wild oa of Celebas SL Artificial waterways 87. Lata 89. Giva: Scotch 40. Spread to dry 41. While 43. Surgical Instrument 47. Greek letter 49. Card gam 81. American ' Indians S3. At a dtatanoo 64. Poorly S5. Ueanuro of duration ' P I3 "MMS I 1"WA ' ' 75 7 3 m m- IE tl7 T t, ar fe " WJL IE 5r-: Hi ml f So Sl fit ZZ0 ZZ.7rZ.Z mi mllh 1 1 1 1 AF Newsresferes ROOM AND BOARD FSm WMAT I MEAfc ABOUT " ent ..UM ... SP ;f ' FOUR-ALARM FOLEY AS A eiu AAAVRE A FLASMV FIGHTER, AND HIS t TWIS WILL PUT THE record of 29 straight "? caauyM- Y- l OTHERE OUGHT TO ) ( I' nTTiSs? I SEA BENCH WARRANT OUT HALF OF ALFYS S ""TOU FOR SIGNING J f TOO PURSE ON) J 1 m Y TO FIGHT HIAA.-- YCXJ HIAA TO BEAT V ' ,T HAD THE BK3 EYE AT I N FOLEY J oETTING HALF OF ALFVS TOs Bhythm Barn. Bhvthm Bach. Bint Craeby B-Bar-B Baeb. rrem His Worn His iBuilneaa News Gabriel Beater Kandlellihl a Edlttea Mowa Sliver Smith Bailth Telle T-0! N'ewa Qneatlenbax Pal O'Brien Hna. Jackaot Kvelya Knicbl Hon. Q'trbaek prrenada Ranter Banter Wealth Harder Esperti Harder Eiperts Claea Kid Wraith (Ci.ee Kid Smith Smith Let Gee. Da It Let Gee. Da II The Saint The Saint Track lit Track 14M) Track 14f- Smith Tartar fTrack 1W Gaeth N'ewa Dave Koae laaa Horgaa Kaaa H organ Pnltea Lewla Local News Sewa Mail (Track 14M fTrack 14M Ncwo Mart, Whlttaa Frank Baca Frank Race LMaa. Tea Want Mat. Tea Waal Love Mratery Naclarne Noel arm Noctnrna Noctarne Mailo Mutual Mutual Hear teia-a OH Kim Oft Bm lilac f?11"' Tlmek'per Bmlllns March Time KOCO Xtock KOCO Kleck Smlllns INewi News Br'kfaat Gang Br'kfast Gang iTei Bitter sky News Spts. Haaen Top a' Morning Manners Top Trades Top Horning Bars. Counter Mlldwood Char. Organ Hooda (Morning special HaTen of Real ,Haren of Rest Western Melody Fiesta Time red Bedell IN W Newa Time for Mel'dy Time for Hel'dy Start K1"'" Club Linkletler fPaater'a Call Stars Sing Linkletler Riders Purp. : Ch. Thomas Normaa INewt NW Newt Mentor. Maals Tune Tims IB-Bar-B Bach. Galea Drake My Trae Story HrTrae Story Woman of Wk. rOrsanalite Walts Seren. 8S Keya Crocker Ladlea Flral Ladies Flral Queen for Day Queen for Day Muals Mart Mamie Hart Time Jan Garner Vocal Varletlea lTailrw'd-Muals HoUrw'd Muais Newa ITop Trades Newa Tones N W News Men Jons Eberly (Dave Dennis Tell Neighbor Mac's Helodlea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac'a Melodies Hollywood Harvey Harding Weal Weal fOrgan Reveries Bing Sings Stewart Stewart LMelody Matinee Melody Matinee A Groom A Groom. Tenn. Jamboree Tenn. Jamboree. Klrkwood Vague I Bob Poole Rob Pools Newa David Boas Mac'a Melodies Mac a Melodies Seated iMac's Melodies Seated Melodies Romaneea Romances Fulton Lewis Hemingwsy i Movie Time Philoaopbcr Behind Story R can be Beaat, B C'n be Beaat. Squirrel Case fSarm. Cavallero Ar Tuesday A.M. 10:M, The r Jr0 News i 10:15, Especially tor Women: 11:00, School af Atrt 11:15, Con cert Hslli 13, Newel S:15, Neon Farm Henri lt:15. Polk County Agent t It: SO, Spot Marketti lt:5, N. L. Bennlont 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:30, Melody Lanet 1:00. World Oar Affair; 2:30, Memory Book f Maslei t:4&. School of Aln 8:00, Newai 3:15, Music af the Matters. Two quilts made since the last meeting was on display. They are for the WCTU Children' home near Corvallis. Refresh ments were served. A Christmas party to be held at the December meeting, Wed nesday, December 7, was plan ned. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Curfman and Mrs. George Doud will be co-hostess. Solution of Saturday's Puzzte 88. Horses 87. American humorist IS. City In Oklahoma DOWN L Corded faono 1. Gone by 8. Peltlnr WltA small mlssilM 4. Loyal t. Enthuslsstla popular tributes C. Fortune f. Lift 8. Roman da to 8. Held 10. Shoulder: comb, form 1L Novel 16. Shortening 20. Danish Island 2L Fish sauco 22. Legend 24. Contend 26. Uetal 27. Food 33. Mariner 34. N'eedle-ahAp4 36. Garland 88. English school 4L Hindu prayaa rug 4L Com h 44. Profit 45. Competently 46. Distant: prefix 47. Heroine of "Lot Boheme" 48. Accustomed 60. Loiter 51. Relative! By Gent Ahem CAWlVfAjpiAP OjPiS HE EP ATTR Ei t oPRacirUca WIT u sTfl i ckn7e!Tn nIeItitil EPWjAlpQjjs I,', u A I LOP A N Pa N j A Is t e Im BB u D Wj h ey oiwiRnpAiffQPj i i-fTl VH e HP U I T D R B iti A R i P 117- AjR0uiTisHPi i AlullETWAiPlElfi pcnyUt1oeUwo1rw