Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 05, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Community Concert association
concerts will be the appearance of
Licia Albanese, Metropolitan and San
Francisco opera lyric soprano, on Thurs
day. November 17, at Salem high school
Aline. Albanese is taking time out from
4 her operatic season and radio schedules
to make one of her most extensive con
cert tours this year, offering a program
of songs in Italian, Spanish, French and
English and including a group of well
loved arias from the operas with which
she is identified.
She returned to America to rejoin the
San Francisco Opera company after
spending her first summer since before
the war in her native Bari on the Adri
atic in southern Italy. She rejoined the
Metropolitan to make her season's de
but in Massenet's "Manon," which was
revived for her last season. Mme. Al
banese goes to Havana to sing there for
the first time, and has been invited to
sing at the opera in Buenos Aires and
Rio de Janeiro next summer and will
probably make her first South American
tour following that.
Mme. Albanese long has been acclaim
ed for a warm, rich, smooth voice: and
for her style and technique, and acting
in the great Italian tradition.
She also is a favorite with radio listen
ers and holds the record among all the
Metropolitan singers for a long-time
radio program.
The November meeting for the Salem
YWCA board will be next Tuesday
morning at 9:45 o'clock in the VW, Mrs.
Alfred A. Schramm, president, presid
ing. Hollywood Lions auxiliary will meet
Wednesday, November 9, at 8:30 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Carl A. Gics, 1075 Ship
ping street, Salem. The program is be
ing arranged by the Chin Up club Judge
Rex Kimmell or Roy C. Ferguson will
speak. Vocalist is to be Mrs. Opal Bay
er, and pianist, Mrs. Emma Laflcl. Mrs.
Lewis C. Kirby is chairman of the host
ess committee, assisted by Mrs. Paul Pur
vis and Mrs. Robert I. Hanna.
Prospective members of Hollywood
Lions auxiliary were entertained at a
tea Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Marvin B. Clatterbuck.
Unusual arrangements of bronze and
gold chrysanthemums in unique contain
ers excited much comment. The tea ta
ble was centered with gold chrysanthe
mums and white tapers in crystal con
tainers. Pouring were: Mrs. Carl A. Gies, Mrs.
Preston W. Hale, Mrs. A. J. Crose, and
Mrs. R. A. Forkner. Serving were: Mrs.
J. E. VanWyngarden, Mrs. Alfred Wil
liams, and Mrs. Virgil Lamb. Greeting
and introducing guests were: Mrs. James
Tindall, Mrs. Harold Gillespie and Mrs.
M. B. Clatterbuck.
Calendared for Tuesday afternoon is
the social event for members of Chad
wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
dessert to be at 1:15 o clock.
Featuring the program will be a re
cital by some 50 students from the Paul
Armstrong school of dance.
Hostesses for the day include Mrs.
Earl T. Andresen, Mrs. V. L, Jean, Mrs.
O. V Hume, Mrs. Edith Kunz, Mrs.
Paul H. Acton, Mrs. Grace Thompson,
Mrs. Clarence Weber, Mrs. Roy H. Was
sam, Mrs. Harry A. Rowe, Mrs. Lillian
Weslcyan Service guild is meeting
Monday evening for a dinner in the First
Methodist church at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs.
Mabel Hayles, who returned recently
from a trip to Europe, is to have charge
of the program.
Their Wedding Event Last
M 1, '
T r Hi AT;,.,
ist Rrvnvr afternoon tn the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church were Mr.
AreH J laue "shell. Mart Ryanl, the reception following being at Holly Hill,
"l .J. i.VJ.'. lucent. Colonel and Mrs. Willi' m C. Ryan. In Inwt at upper
rcidence of the bride', parent.. Colonel and
.H .iimnvd learlnr the
. . '. . MIm
the terrloa. Mr. Um
Girl Scouts Officials Named; Plan Area Meeting Soon
. (3 Q ff
Wmr an - , -
A GROUP OF THE NEW OFFICERS for the Salem district council of the Santiam Area council. Girl Scouts of Amer
ica are shown here, left to right: Sirs. John R. Wood, second vice chairman; Mrs. B. J. Cleary, first vice chairman:
Mrs. Frank E. Manbeck. chairman of the :ocal (roup; and Mrs. H. M. Randall, membership-nominating rhairman. The
group will take part in the area dinner meeting scheduled at Silverton next Thursday evening.
NOR the program meeting at the Sa
lem Woman's club Tuesday after
noon, the American citizenship de
partment of the club is in charge this
week. The event will be at 2 o'clock.
T. M. Medford, president of the Salem
Kiwanis club, is to be speaker on the
topic "The Land of Plenty Where Are
We Drifting?"
Mrs. Lawrence Osterman is chairman
for this department's work and is assist
ed by Mrs. Ross Coppock, Mrs. Rex
Putnam, Mrs. J. A. Beck, Mrs. Luke
M. Johnston, Mrs. John W. Carr, Mrs.
F. W. Durbin.
Invitation is extendedlo all interested
persons to attend.
Mrs. George W. Ailing, club president,
reminds the group there is to be no
regular club meeting next Friday be
cause of Armistice day holiday.
For the regular state program of the
Daughters of the American Revolution,
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock over
KOAC, Mrs. Ward Wisecarver of Mc
Minnville will give the talk on "Ro
mance Rides the Roads of Old Yamhill.'
Mrgwtn itudto picture!
church. At left, the bride throw, her bouquet.
June Eaue. .l.lcr ol the bridegroom, who
) the ion of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lain.
Tri-Meeting Set
Members of the Marion-Polk Medical
Society auxiliary have their November
meeting planned for Tuesday evening.
At this time the new schedule to
have every other meeting divided up
into groups will be inaugurated and sup
per events at 6:30 o'clock have been
arranged at three homes.
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, assisted by
Mrs. Brace Knapp, will be hostess to
one group.
A second group is meeting at the home
of Mrs. James Haworth with Mrs. Ros
coc Wilson assisting.
Mrs. Robert F. Wulf will entertain
for the third group, Mrs. Carl Gray
The membership is being notified as
to which place to meet.
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club is meeting
at the chapter house for a no-host lunch
eon Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Franklin Bishop and Mrs. S. B.
Huston are on the committee for ar
rangements. Woodburn The American Legion
auxiliary will meet Wednesday evening,
November 9, at the Legion hall on the
highway and plans will be completed
for the annual "jitney" dinner which the
auxiliary will serve on Armistice day.
On the refreshment committee for the
evening will be Mrs. Edward DcHaa,
Mrs. Louise Dresen, Mrs. Charles Corn
well, Mrs. Mayme Cochran, Mrs. L. B.
Detweiler and Mrs. Mabel Culp.
Hubbard The Hubbard Woman's
club met at the home of Mrs. L. M.
Scholl last week. Mrs. A. J. Smith pre
sided. The club voted at a former meeting to
sponsor the Community Chest drive and
Mrs. Lester Keller was appointed chair
man. She rihcujsed the drive. The name
of Mrs. Harry Schei wrs submitted for
member? ''Ip by Mrs Fc'nll.
motion was pared as!;in;4 Mrs.
Scroll vith the nsn-'?nce of Mrs. A. F.
deLcsn-'-a'se to write a I ricf history nf
the cli" fc.r the proposed yearbook, of
the Stale Federation of Women's clubs
in observance of the 50th year of the
A report of tne Marion county con
vention for Women's clubs, held in Au
rora, was made by Mrs. Keller. Theme
of the meet ng was threaded through its
entirctj with the Drescnt day conditions
as noted in the various reports. Highlight
was a resolution presented by the legis
lative committee, an appeal that all dele
gates urge their own and other organiza
tions to work for the following:
1 Take from war the huge profits as
It is felt the?e profits are an incentive to
2 If the government must conscript
boy. and men. that it also conscript su
perfluous wealth for war purposes.
Mrs. dcLcspinassc, speaker for the
afternoon, talked on "Oregon's Educa
tional System" using "How We Pay for
Our Schools" as a basis for her talk and
incorporating a roundtable discussion
by members. Of special note was a
brief talk by Mrs. Levi Miller on reli
gious education and comment by Mrs.
Keller on the present problem faced in
CrcKon schools by the influx of popu
lation. Mrs. Julius Stauffer and Mrs. Scholl
sang a duet, accompanied by Miss Le
nore Scholl. Mrs. Schci was a guest. Mrs.
Ida Newton of Salem and a member of
the club was present, also. Co-hostesses
were Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mrs,
Claud Moomaw.
Jpjtrn-MilW tudlo picturt
Woodburn The monthly business
meeting of the Woodburn Business and
Professional Women's club was held at
the home of Miss Gladys Adams, with
Mrs. Eugene Stollcr presiding. It was
announced that the year books were in
the hands of the printer and would be
ready for distribution at the November
dinner meeting. Miss Patricia M. Pardcy
was elected to membership.
The ctub voted $10 to a fund to pur
chase a cabinet for use of the county
nurse at the Woodburn library. Sever
al projects were discussed to be taken
up later by the club including transpor
tation of state school boys to Portland
for medical attention and new teen-age
books for the city library.
It was announced that the November
dinner meeting would be held at the
Lutheran hall on Nov. 17 when "fun
night" will be observed. The program
committee, Mrs. O. J. Adkinson, Mrs.
Thomas Guthrie and Mrs. Thomas Bald
win will be in charge. Following the
meeting a social hour was enjoyed and
refreshments were served.
Mrs. Charles Feike and Mrs. George
Rhoten will be hostesses Tuesday after
. noon to Chapter BC of PEO Sisterhood,
dessert to be at 1:30 o'clock.
Women Golf Associations New Officers Chosen
" I
TIT' ' I . ' M irHMiii ' I
Mil -t 1 As- ..
RAI EM WOMEN'S GOI.F ASSOCIATION recently chow new officer, and the tlx are hown here In a brief time
mil 'during the annu;.l .taell, dinner and .how the pa.t lurviar evening. 111 to right, ""ted. are Mr.. ''""
Mcvem, co-captain: Mr,, tilenn Wilbur, .ccrcUrv; Mr.. Errd Hernardl. who (.captain for 'he coming year .work,
Mr.. Marc Scale, tournament chairman. Standing, Mr. Jamea Haworth, at left, treasurer; and Mrm. Kes Adolpn,
handicap chairman.
Program Benefit for
An interesting event scheduled for
next Wednesday evening, November 9,
is a talk to be given by Miss Elizabeth
Lord on the Philippines and the showing
of pictures on a recent trip she made to
the islands.
The program is sponsored for the ben
efit of the Salem Art association and it
is scheduled in Willamette university
Music hall at 8 o'clock.
Topic for the program is "A Flight to
the Philippines." Kodaehrome slides
will show scenic views of Hawaii, many
of the gardens in Honolulu and speci
mens of flowering trees, also a tour on
the Island of Hawaii is included. Mrs.
B. O. Schueking accompanied Miss Lord
as far as Honolulu on the trip. Miss
Lord went on to Manila with stops at
Midway, Wake and Guam islands.
In the Philippines, Miss Lord spent
most of her time in Baguio, the mountain
resoi i of the islands, visiting at the home
of her brother. Montague Lord.
Many of the pictures of the Philip
pines in the Wednesday program will
show the countryside, gardens and
native market scenes. The highlight of
the trip was a motor jaunt to the north
ern mountain region of Bontoc, where
the famous and ancient rice terraces ex
ist this section of the country and the
terrace views being very beautiful and
of historical interest. Before returning
home. Miss Lord made a short trip to
the southern part of Luzon.
During the evening a short talk will
be given on the arts and crafts of the
The interested public is invited to at
tend the program.
Regular business meeting for Unit No.
13H, American Legion auxiliary, is to be
Tuesday at 8 p.m. downstairs In the
Salem Woman's club building.
Monmouth Mrs. Charles Baker of
Monmouth announces the marriage of
her daughter, Mrs. Frances McCoy, to
Bernard Perro at Saxon, Wis., October
15. Mrs. Perro and her small daughter,
Tomalee, lived in Monmouth the past
year with Mrs. Baker.
Woodburn Invitations are in the mail
for the wedding of Miss Betty Andrews,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andrews,
and Mark R. Kofflcr, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Koffler, all of Woodburn.
The ceremony will be solemnized No
vember 26 at St. Luke's Catholic church
at Woodburn.
Chadwick assembly. Order of Rain
bow for Girls, has arranged a father and
daughter dinner and program for Tues
day evening.
The no-host dinner will be served at
6:30 o'clock in the Masonic temple, the
affair to be a formal one for the Rain
bow Girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Mem Pearce are chair
men for the dinner. Miss Dorothy Pcd
erson is in charge of decorations and on
her committee are Misses Marilyn Wa
ters, Donna Phelps, Joyce Garlich, Car
on Hilfiker, Edna Manning. Miss Nor
man Hamilton is chairman for arrang
ing the tables.
Following the dinner a program has
been planned with Miss Shirley Jones as
chairman. The numbers will include:
Piano duct, Misses Marlyn Lorcnz and
Carol Hilfiker; violin solos. Miss Roberta
Graham; piano solos. Miss Dorothy Pe
dcrson; songs. Misses Joyce Armstrong,
Janet Gaiser, Edna Marie Hill, Bonnie
Stewart, Patricia Elfstrom.
A short business session for the assem
bly will follow the program, Miss Mari
lyn Power presiding as worthy adviser.
Art Association
The Macte Animo club met this week
at the home of Mrs. Mae Wilder. After
a short business meeting the evening
was spent sewing for the Roseburg hos
pital. Refreshments were served by the
hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Ivcll Haley
and Mrs. Hattie Golden.
Those attending the meeting included:
Mesdames Ivell Haley, Genevieve Olsen,
Lula Humphrey, Pearl Hill, Mena Clair,
Gladys Lafky, Willie Boone, Maud Dut
ton, Minnie Tidd, Iva Hamilton, Hattie
Golden, Elvera Beard and Mrs. Mae Wil
der. The next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Willie Boone on Tuesday, Decem
ber 6.
A church group activity of interest to
many for next week will be the bazaar
of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser
vice of the First Methodist church, the
event to be on the main floor of the
church opening at 10 a.m. next Wednes
day, November 9.
For the cafeteria, Mrs. Preston Dough
ton and Mrs. Theodore Ullakko as chair
men, luncheon will be between 11 a.m.
and. 1 p.m.; dinner from 5:30 and 7
o'clock in the evening.
Motion pictures are planned between 4
and 6 o'clock in the church Fellowship
room. Nursery care is arranged by the
group between 5 and 8 o'clock.
Following are the various booths and
the sponsoring groups: Aprons, circle
No. 1; country store (in the basement),
circle No. 2; cooked foods, circle No. 3;
candy, circle No. 4; a tea garden, circle
No. 5; fancy work, circle No. 6; infants'
wear and toys, circle No. 7; greeting
cards, by Weslcyan Service guild; novel
tics, Wesley fellowship. Candy will be
sold by the high school fellowship after
4 p.m.
Stayton Honoring Miss Lucille Al
bus, who will wed Russell M. Johnson
of Lyons, Sunday. November 13, at the
Immaculate Conception Catholic church,
a miscellaneous shower was held at the
Stayton Woman's club house. Mrs. Ron
ald Van Handel and Miss Mary Ely were
Feting Miss Albus were Mesdames Fe
lix Johnson, Fred Albus, Robert O'Con
nor. Larry Welter, Bob Freres, Richard
Schumacher, G. W. Schachtsick, Vern
Sattley, Joseph Dougherty, Clarence
Maertz, Karl Kreitzer, Floyd Booze,
Frank Mack, Elmer Fehlen, Thomas Le
lack, William Fair, Frank Welter and
George Butler; Misses Joanne Albus,
Kay Smith, Maxine Kintz, Helen Gisler,
Marcelle Forrette, Marlene Frank, Marjr
Lou Nielson, Margaret Laux, Bemice Et
zel and the hostesses.
Members of Salem bethel of Job's
Daughters will be journeying to Port
land Monday evening for friendship
night at one of the bethel meetings there.
Woodburn Mrs. Blanche Eastman
was winner of the prize offered at the
Woodburn Golf club Thursday in the
special play. Hostesses at the luncheon
hour were Mrs. Gladys McLaughlin and
Mrs. Rose Bonackcr.
Planned for November 8 Is a meeting
of the Christian Business and Profes
sional Women's group's dinner at the
Golden Pheasant at 6:15 o'clock.
Norman Nelson, tenor, and youth di
rector from Portland, is to give a "Sing
ing Sermon" for the program. Mrs.
Blakcslcy, national prayer chairman for
the CBPW groups, also will give a talk.
Women from all churches are invited
to attend. Reservations are being made
with Mrs. C. C. Edwards, 27578, by this
Jriten-Miller .lull, plctura
wa Junior bridesmaid at