Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 05, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Trip to Europe and Lebanon Set
(T) ALEM Business and Professional
Women's club has planned its re
creational and social evening for
next Tuesday in the Salem Woman's club
house, starting at 8 o'clock.
There will be games, singing and read
ings. In charge for the evening are members
of the recreation committee, Mrs. Effie
King, chairman; Mrs. Eugene Estes,
Miss Alberta Sappenfield, Miss Margaret
Maddox, Mrs. Helen Lovold, Mrs. Ethel
A wedding for next Saturday, Novem
ber 12, will be that of Miss Marcella
Schwartz and Richard F. Gentzkow, the
ceremony to be solemnized at 9 o'clock
in the morning in St. Joseph's Catholic
church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards offi
ciating. Mrs. John Jennings of Mt. Angel is
to be matron of honor for her sister. H.
V. Schwartz of Canby is to give his sis
ter in marriage. Misses Dorothy Lou and
Jan Schwartz, nieces of the bride, will
be Junior bridesmaids. Young Miss Mar
gery Gentzkow, niece of the bridegroom,
is to be the flower girl. Paul Halter is
to be best man and ushering will be
Albert Alley and William Gentzkow,
brother of the bridegroom-elect. For the
music, Wayne Meuscy and Mrs. Vince
Rodakowski are to sing and Mr. Meusey t
is to play the organ.
Following the service, a breakfast will
be served at the Senator hotel for the
By Marian Lowry Fischer
. ALEM Garden club plans its No
vember meeting for Monday aftcr
C3 noon in the Salem Woman's club
Mrs. Gladys York, fuchsia authority.
Seal Rock, Ore., is to be guest speaker.
Her topic will be "Fuchsias for the
Shady Spot."
Club members are asked to bring com
petitive floral arrangements.
Mrs. W. H. Speck and Mrs. Robert
Hutcheon are chairmen for the meeting.
They Will- Head Sojourners Club
November meeting for the board of
Salem branch, American Association of
University Women, is to be Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Miss
Mildred Christenson, 1349 Center street.
Next meeting for the AAUW member
ship is November 19 and plans for the
event will be made at the board meet
ing. Miss Elise Schroeder, president, presiding.
PLANNED for next Thursday eve
ning ii the November party for the
Wisteria Dance club.
The event will be at the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, dancing to be be
tween 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. The offi
cers, headed by Carl Aschenbrenner as
president, are in charge for the evening.
Members of Chapter CB, PEO Sis
terhood, will be entertained by Mrs.
Robert Dow for their meeting next
Thursday evening, dessert to be at 7:30
Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport is to be
hostess next Thursday to the Town and
Country club, inviting the group to her
Ben Lomond park home for luncheon
at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Steve Anderson, Mrs. A. Freeman
Holmer and Mrs Robert Gcntzkow are
to be hostesses Thursday evening for
the November meeting of Delta Gamma
alumnae at the Anderson residence at
8 o'clock.
Delta Delta Delta alumnae are meet
ing for dessert Monday evening. 7:30
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. W. J. Braun,
co-hostesses to be Mrs. Harold O. Schnei
der, Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. J. H.
Morris. This is founders' month meeting.
Mrs. Clare R. Dobler of Everett,
Wash., province vice president in Pi
Beta Phi, is expected to visit the Salem
alumnae club of the sorority next Thurs
day evening, the group to meet at the
Willamette university chapter house.
The meeting will be at 7:45 o'clock.
Hostesses will include Mrs, Edwin
Keech, Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Mrs.
Arthur Bone, Mrs. Kenneth Manning,
Mrs. Donald Barnick, Mrs. James Rowe,
Miss Addyse Lane, Mrs. Robert Sulli
van, Miss Mildred Coleman, Miss Eve
lyn Johnson,
There will be no at home day for Mrs.
Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's gov
ernor, next Tuesday, the weekly event
to be resumed on November 15,
Home for the week-end from Univer
sity of Oregon are Miss Crystal Hunting
ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W.
Huntington; Mists Josephine Caughell,
daughter of the John R. Caughells and
Miss Irene McLeod, daughter of Mrs. L.
C. McLeod. The three are all in the Gam
ma Phi Beta house. Miss Huntington has
as a guest for the week-end, Miss Mary
Frances Lorraine of Albany, and guests
of Miss Caughell are Miss Bobette Snit
jer of Palo Alto and Miss Mariam Moore
of Coquille.
The group attended the Oregon-Washington
game in Portland this afternoon.
Last evening they met for an informal
gathering at the Huntington home be
fore going to Portland.
Members of the Willamette university
chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, national mu
sic honor society, have arranged a spe
cial founders day event for Sunday, No
vember 13, in Lausanne hall.
Induction of new patrons and patron
esses will take place about 5:30 o'clock,
a founders day dinner following, the pa
trons and patronesses to join the active
members at the dinner. A program is
planned, also.
Miss Betty Kuhlman Is president of
the chapter this year, Miss Jean Farqu
son the new adviser.
Members of Cap and Gown, senior
women's honorary society at Willamette
university, met this week in the office
of Mrs. Rcgina Ewalt, and made plans
for coming activities.
Next Tuesday, new members will be
tapped at studrnt chapel.
On November 15 the group will enter
tain at a tea to honor all girls on the
campus holding scholarships, the event
to be in Lausanne lounge. Miss LaKyrne
Showacy, vice president of the group, is
chairman for the tea. Miss Doris GraKg
is president of Cap and Gown this year.
Hostess Wednesday evening to her
bridge flub will be Mrs. Richard ( ham.
Misses Jane and Ann Carson were
here Friday afternoon to visit at the
home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Carson, en route to the Oregon
Washington game at Portland, and will
be here again Sunday on their way back
to Eugene.
Zonta club's program luncheon mert
Ing will be Thursday noon at the Golden
Pheasant. Mrs. James Bunnell and Miss
Lena Belle Tartei are arranging the pro
gram. '
Speaker for the luncheon will be A.
Freeman Holmer, assistant professor of
political science at Willamette univer
sity, Dr. Helen Pearce to introduce him.
Mr. Holmer came here from New York
university. He was in the service dur
ing the war, and Is a member of the
"little Hoover committee." His topic
for the Thursday luncheon will be "Wo
men and the Hoover Commission."
On the following Thursday, Novem
ber 17, the club also will meet at lunch
eon at the Golden Pheasant for its
buiiaaia Msaion.
MRS. A. (5. MATIIKW.Y has an interesting journey mapped ahead. She leaves here
next Thursllav by plane for New York City from where she sails on November 19
aboard the lie de France for France. Following visits in France and Switzerland she
will go on to Beirut. Lebanon, to join her husband, who is with the Bechtel Interna
tional corporation In Arabia. While in Europe, Mrs. Matherly hopes to visit Miss
Stephanie Mitchell, former Salem resident and sister of .Mrs. Fred Reidy of Salem.
Miss Mitchell is now in Frankfurt, Germany, working for the army,
Nydia Officers Will Visit Nile Club
The annual official visit by the queen
of Nydia temple. Portland, on Monday
is the fall's important date for Salem
club, Daughters of the Nile.
The local club members will gather
at the Masonic temple at 10 o'clock in
the morning for sewing. Luncheon will
be at 12:15 o'clock.
Mrs. Ezra Royce is queen of Nydia
temple and accompanying her will be
the following staff of 16 officers: Mrs.
Carl Donaugh, Mrs. Hal E. Simpson,
Mrs. Loyal McCarthy, Mrs. Claude Hen
derson, Mrs. Walter S. Shanks. Mrs.
Mathew H. Rauw, Mrs. R. J. Ostrum,
Mrs. Lloyd Eckhardt, Mrs. Robert M.
Howard, Mrs. Harvey J. Hurst, Mrs.
Lawrence M. Hatfield, Mrs. Paul D.
Newton, Mrs. Hardy O. Howard, Mrs.
William Mullin, Mrs. George H. Rout
Icdge, Mrs. Otto Broegcr.
At Reception Following Wedding
.' ':' 1 'ii-'
nand L. Scotl phelo
A WKPniNO rROMINF.NT on last week's calendar was thai of Mr. and Mrs. Travis
Cross iBcverlv Brlggsi, pirlurrd here In a candid at the reception following tha
weddint in the first Congregational church Suncinr afternoon. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Mvrlle Brim o( Ions Beach. Calif. Mr. Cross, son of Mr. and Mn. H. A.
Crow H taHMB, la director f alumni affair M WUlajnttt uUrtrailj.
JrAtrn-M'ller studio picture
Mrs. Jacob Fuhrcr is chairman for
the November committee of the local
club arranging for the luncheon, and
she is being assisted by Mrs. E. F. Carle
ton, Mrs. Roy Houck, Mrs. Walter White,
Mrs. Gregory Haefliger, Mrs. Douglas
McKay, Mrs. Paul Shafer, Mrs. John
Graybill. Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. J. W.
Nash, Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. B. B.
Flack, Mrs. R. W. Land. Mrs. Charles
Boyer is president of the local club.
Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club has
planned a meeting for Monday evening
at 7:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mal
colm Hawke, 1427 Fairmount. Co-hostess
with Mrs. Hawke will be Mrs. R. N.
Ifi I j
Among those in Portland this after
noon for the University of Oregon-University
of Washington game were Mr.
and Mrs. Lee M. Bown.
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae are meeting
Monday evening, at the home of Mrs.
John Hann, 565 Judson, at 8 o'clock.
There will be a handicraft demonstration
by Mrs. Hann and Mrs. Eugene Laird.
Honoring Miss Nancy Elliott, who Is
to be wed this month to Sgt. Charles
Savage of Fort Lewis, Mrs. Edwin Pease
was hostess this week at a party and
shower at her home.
Following games, the group gathered
around Miss Elliott while she opened
her gifts through the doorway of a clev
erly designed small house. Late refresh
ments were served.
In the group were Miss Elliott, Mrs.
Homer G. Lyon. Jr., Mrs. Lloyd Pugh,
Mrs. Herbert Coffman, Mrs. Edward
Kaneski, Mrs. Tommy Thompson, Mrs.
John Glodt, Mrs. Chester Boyce. Mrs.
Kenneth Clark, Mrs. J. Walter Green,
Mrs. Ed McClusky, Miss Patricia Sny
der, Misses Patricia and Janycc Pease,
and the hostess.
Among Salemites attending "High
Button Shoes" in Portland the latter
part of the week were Mr. and Mrs. T.
M. Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Several Oregonians will be going
south next week-end for the University
of Oregon-University of California game
at Berkeley, November 12.
Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Hoffman and their
daughter, Miss Jeanne Hoffman of the
University of Oregon, will be among
those going south. Miss Hoffman will
visit at the Kappa Alpha Theta house on
the California campus and Dr. and
Mrs. Hoffman will be at the home of
relatives for the week-end.
Also going from Eugene with a group
of students for the game and to spend
the week-end at Berkeley will be Miss
Suzanne Huggins, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Huggins of Salem.
A group of Pythian Sisters from Sa
lem attended a reception in Silverton
Thursday evening honoring Mrs. Nada
Grinde, new grand manager of the order.
Those going from here were Mrs. Earl
Burk, Mrs. Doris Stanton, Miss Betty
Jean Bergner, Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, Mrs,
Wayne Stanton, Mrs. H. Bergner, Mrs,
Nora Pierce, Mrs. R. L. Forster.
Visiting for a time at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Stewart are her
brother-in-law, sister and family, the
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Allport, recently
of Bellingham, Wash.
The Allports and children are leav
ing November 21 to visit with another
. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Blair in El Cerrito, Calif., then
will sail from San Francisco on Novem
ber 30 for Hawaii. They plan to establish
a mission for the United Lutheran
church there.
A successful event Friday afternoon
was the benefit dessert and bridge party
sponsored by Salem Spinsters club. All
proceeds go to the Salem YWCA build
in? fund. The party was given at the
American Lesion club, Miss Margaret
Lovrll as chairman.
Mrs. Peter Gunnar (Edith Fairham)
s-ng several selections, accompanied by
M's Patty Jo Hammond.
Honors at cards were won by Mrs.
Y r.-chel Patlon of Portland. Miss Dora-t.u-a
Stcusloff. Mrs. Robert Draccr. Mrs.
Walter Pell of Stayton. Mrs. John H.
J .!in -ii. Mrs. Donald arn ?k. Mrs. Wil
liam L. Phillips and Mrs. Bryan Good
enough. Special prize winners were
Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemiller, Jr., Mrs. H.
E. Bogardus, Mrs. Eugene Spaniol of
Job's Daughters Mothers club is to
meet next Wednesday noon for its reg
ular monthly luncheon in the Masonic
temple at 12 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. Donald
Firth. Mrs. Vern Hasbrook, Mrs. Ralph
Jordan, Mrs. Arnold Pederson, Mrs. Irv
ing Larson. Mrs. Errtest Todd and Mrs.
Floyd Garrett.
.Tat on Lee Wesleyan guild is meeting
at 8 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs.
A H. Davis. 500 North 20th. Mrs.
Charles McCabe. Mrs. Dale Jory and
Mrs. L. C. Mitchel are hostesses. Mrs.
John Anning is chairman for the wor
ship service and Miss Helen Fletcher is
chairman for the program.
The parish of St. Vincent de Paul
church is sponsoring a card social next
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the
hall. Pinochle, 500, bridge and whist
will be played. Prizes will be given and
refreshments served.
Mrs Fred Dougherty, Mrs. Henry
Deggeller. Mrs. B. F. Dimelar. Mrs. L. W.
Amort, Mrs. J. A. H. Dodd, and Mrs.
Tom Bagan are co-chairmen. They will
be assisted by those whose names begin
with A, B, C and D.
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Jetn-Mi!er studio picture
NEW OFFICERS FOR the Sojourners club, elected last month, include Mrs. Harold H.
Heiserman, at left, the president; and Mrs. Farley Mogan, at right, secretary. The
club is an organization promoting social interests for newcomers in the city.
An event of interest on the Willamette
university campus next Saturday eve
ning, November 12, will be the annual
Sigma Chi sweetheart formal dance.
At this event the chapter's sweet
heart for the year will be named.
The court of three from which group
the sweetheart will be named includes:
Miss Jean Kelt of Burlingame, Calif.,
Miss Shirley Griffin of Vancouver, Miss
Delores Fisher of Portland. Miss Kell
and Miss Griffin are both Pi Beta Phi
members. Miss Fisher is a Chi Omega.
The dance will be at the fraternity's
chapter house between 9 and 12 o'clock.
Club Guest Day
Guest day for the Sojourners club is
planned for next Thursday afternoon.
A salad luncheon will be served at
1 p.m. The group meets in the Salem
Woman's clulj building.
Mrs. Irwin F. Bryan is chairman for
the afternoon and is being assisted by
Mrs. Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Billy O. Bish
op, Mrs. Wallace G. Mills, Mrs. William
Greif, Mrs. Joseph A. Gray, Mrs. Lisle
Dempewolf, Mrs. Robert C. May, Mrs.
J. E. Webster.
McKinlcy School Mothers club offi
cers met this week at the home of Mrs.
Donald Cooper, president.
Plans were made for a meeting of
the club on November 15. Officers at
tending included Mrs. E. C. Hcnsey,
vice president; Mrs. Arthur Roethlin,
secretary; Mrs. Robert Hawkins, treas
urer; Mrs. Emil Otjen. program chair
man; Mrs. Irl McSherry. hospitality
chairman; Mrs. John J. Griffith, Mrs. L,
E. de Wcesc. publicity chairmen; Mrs.
Ralph E. Purvine, ways and means
Mrs. Ilnl'is Y. H -ntin-tnn is to enter
tain for her ' ridge club on Tuesday for
lunclirun and cards.
Regular luncheon meeting for the Sa
lem Soroptimist club is arranged for
Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant.
Of interest to Salem friends Is an
nouncement Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mespelt
will observe their golden wedding anni
versary on Sunday, November 13, at
their home at Scio.
Open house will be held between 1
and 5 o'clock, all relatives and friends
being invited.
The couple have three daughters. Mrs.
J. E. Kitchen. Mrs. E. H. Kelly and Mrs.
R. V. Carlcson. all of Salem; nine grand
children and eight great grandchildren.
Regular meeting for Capital unit. No.
ft. American Legion auxiliary, is sched
uled for Monday evening at 8 o'clock
in the Salem Woman's club building.
Dr. M K. Cruthers is to be guest speak
er to discuss socialized medicine.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church is meeting Tuesday for a no
host luncheon at 1 p.m. in the parish
house. Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. C. A.
Dorffler. Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs,
John Langrell and Mrs. Lola Fursman
are on the committee. Members are
asked to take the articles for the bazaar
planned in December.
Miss Hug to Wed
A Thanksgiving time bride will be
Miss Kathleen Anne Hug, who is to wed
William J. Hughes of Tuesday, Novem
ber 22.
Invitations for the wedding were mail
ed last evening.
The ceremony will be solemnized in
the afternoon that date at 4:30 o'clock in
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church. The
reception following will be at the Mar
ion hotel.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs.
George Hug and the late Mr. Hug. Mr.
Hughes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam E. Hughes of Portland. The
couple's engagement was announced
early last spring.
Miss Hug was graduated last June
from Oregon State college where she is
a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sor
ority. She also is a member of Salem
Spinsters club. Mr. Hughes attended
Oregon State and was graduated from
University of Oregon. He is a member
of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
A wedding of interest In Salem was
that of Miss Elaine Frances Stein and
Hilliard Lewis Golden, the ceremony
being solemnized on October 22 in the
Multnomah hotel blue room, Portland,
Rabbi Saul Appclbaum reading the
service before an altar deeorated with
autumn white flowers.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Stein of Portland, Mr. Gold
en the son of Mr and Mrs. John Golden
of Salem.
The bride's attendants were Mrs. Sam
Cotsman, sister of the bridegroom, and
Miss Loraine Goodman, cousin of the
bride. Dr. Robert A. Golden was best
man for his brother; and Harold Good
man was the usher.
A dinner and dancing in the junior
ballroom followed the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Golden will .be at home
in Portland at 5405 N.E. 10th avenue
following a trip to California.
The Laurel Social Hour club will meet
with Mrs. H. J. Clements on Glen Creek
drive for a luncheon at 12 o'clock Tues
day. The afternoon will be spent in sew
ing and there will be a short business
meeting. An invitation has been ex
tended the club from the Book and Thim
ble club to attend their regular meeting
at the home of Mrs. Ray Lacey on Thurs
day, Nov. 17. All members who can ac
cept the invitation are to report to Mrs.
F. X. Hoercth.
interesting to a laruc group next
Thursday evening will be the dinner
meeting tor the Santiam area. Girl
Scouts council, at the Emanuel Luther
an church in Silverton at 7 o'clock.
Many lio:n the Salem district council,
a member of the area organization, will
be attending.
Mrs. Walter L. Spauldins of Salem,
area chairman, will preside. Varied re
ports will be given on scou activities
for the year and there will be special
entertainment, including pictures of last
summer's camp at Smith Creek. Mrs.
Gordon VanCleavc of Silverton is gen
eral chairman on arrangements.
A Girl Scout thank-you pin is to be
presented Mrs. Victor Waldcle, Port
land, formerly of Salem, in appreciation
of the work she did with the group.
Transportation arrangements for those
interested mav be made with Mrs. Frank
. Manbeck, 3-4663.