WHAT'S THE IDEA I ALMAV5 DO I GOIM' TO BED yfr IF I KICK THE BUCKET WITH YDUR -SS IN MV SLEEP I WONT r BUD FISHER f. rJ jj t -jl -J J MUTT AND JEFF You Can't Blame This On Mutt, He Isn't Even In It By BUD FISHER rF7YJ III li LJ I y i Sl LxJ 1 g CICEROS CAT One Good Woof Deserves Another BUD FISHER 5 Money In The Garbage? If you inadvertently threw a dollar bill into the garbage you'd turn the can upside down ond exert considerable effort to get the bill back yet every day hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise is dumped into the garbage, articles thrown away that could easily be sold for cash. An old chair, an old picture frame that someone would be glad to have, old outgrown but wearable clothing and thousands of ether things. A classified ad in the Capital Journal will cost only a few cents and will find many dollars for you but not in th garbage. Phone 22406