AUTOMOBILES Mon. Spot Special AT Center and is 1948 Nash Radio and Heater. $1375 HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS 337 Center TRAILERS S3 FT. trailer house. 11000 disco ant for quick sale. This trailer It like new, used 3 months. Butane apt. range, oil heat, electric refrtg. Well Insulated. 5085 Port land Rd. Trailer Park Village. J284 FACTORY BUILT trailer house, cheap for quick sala. BBS N. Com!. 1264 TRAILER spaces, very reaa. at Hlthway Are Trailer Park, 2 blocks N. of under pass, 1 blk. E. Nice and quiet. Close to new trade school, busses it stores. Chil dren welcome, no charge under school act. Clean heated rest rooms, showers, laundry faclltlles with new dryer. Come out and see us. Ph. 3-1746 or 15 Highway Avt. t267 TRAILER house, sleeps four. 1750.00. John Kessel, 3295 Trianala Dr. .264 M W FT. VAGABOND trallerhouM .Ike new, elee. brakes, oil beat, but. eools Ini and many other features. 43B5 Ha ter. Ph. 2-3807. U65 FACTORY 'BUILT trailer house, exc. cond., sleeps 4. Very reasonable. Fir Crest Trailer Park, North River Rd. t264 DIRECTORY ADDING UACBlNBt All make need mtehtnaa sold, rented repaired Reu 4M Court Phone 1-B171 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECT RIO BOMS appliance repair eerrlce new appliance Vince's Bwctria Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 1-933. 181 8 Lfbertl Bl AT-PR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 1-6833. o" AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS HASH SERVICE Towma seme day pboos 1-1286 Mis at 3-1804 13" Center o BODY AND FAINT Braden's Body Paint Shop. Open Bun. 3890 Cherry. Ph. 3-2023. oMT BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home oow. Terms No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o Los., irnd, clear'!, carryall wk. Ph. 423B3 M 11264. Oeo. Worth, 840 Plymouth Dr o274" Bulldoxlnf, levellnf, road bids., clear ing, teeth for brush Vlratl Huskey. 1010 Palrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3145, Salem. o265 CASH REGISTERS The National Cash Ret-later Co. Cash RetUters - Accoantln Machines Sales Service - Supplies 535 Oalne Street Phone 4-1431 o2jJ9 Instant delivery of Dew RCA cast reel lr al; makes told, rented, re pa: ed. Roen 456 Court Ph 3-8773 o CEMENT WORK For expert tuaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveway patios, curbs, walls, eta. Call 2-4850 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum clean-d, Ensley. 7T1 8. 21st, Ph. 2-7176. 0385 rnNfltTF. WORK If It's made of concrete, let us bid on vaur work. Ph, 3-1136. 0264 DRESSMAKING State St. Alteration Shop. Dresamak- Ini. 360 State St., Rm. 27. Drtsimaklnir alteration. Work guar anteed. HBO M. ztin. rn. a-iow. mn- ELECTR1CAL CONTRACTING Vlnoe's Electric for electrical wlrlni. contractlnt. re pair Int. 157 S. Liberty EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Pa, 3-2056, Let Cross, RU 6. Box 7-C C285 Breithaupfs for flowers Dial 3-9170 o rURNACECIRCULATOR SERVILE Vacuumed aTrepalred. Dvorak. Ph. 3-49 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkins Oo product Free de I Terr 1717 Center Ph 1-5398. o' IN t'LATlON Johns-ManvIUe Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Pioor Waxin Bulldtnxs Factories Homes Estimates Without Obimatlon AMERICAN BLDO MA INT CO Ph Salem 8-9133 4 LANDSCAPr Nl'RSEBT A Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals. 150 Lancaster Dr at cor rn w- DELDX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St Phone 33451 LAWNMOWERS JlhBrnaiuul eHiirinttwUt acrvlCt. power and hand mower. Call Hsrr W. Scott. 147 8. Com'l St. om MATTRESSES Captta. Beddluc Phons 3-4069 MTSIC LESSONS Spanish A Hawaiian Guitar Mandolin Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St Ph 3-769. Q26jT OmCE FTRNTTVRB A SUPPLIES Desk aha Irs. files and Mini supplies safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamp, typewriter stands brief eases leree Wire Recorders Roen 494 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We luarantee our work. Ph. 3-8683 Eve 4-3424. Exp. Interior palatini. Wilson. Ph. WW 0381 Vfstrom's are equipped painting Phone 1-3493 te do rout FAPFRHANGING Expert Paperhanclnc and pslntlnt J. WmwtwArth. ph. a.iao7. Fres est. 027t MINTING A FAFtRHANGINO Palatini and paperhani tni Free " ..: Ph. 3-9311. 857 BhpipiM 2' f LIMBING Uher. 344 Coml. Ph. 1-3019 PKTI EE FB AMINO 4.363' rtir frimm Butcheoa Paml Store roirt 1-441. f I AUTOMOBILES Commercial Sedan Seat Covers. Phone 3-9286 DIRECTORY REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrli-eratlon Service Co Ph.8-1534 0385 SAND GRAVE!, (tardea Soli, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walllns Sand Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249 VaUey Sand Oravti Co Silk "nd i li dirt Excavatlm 10B shovel fc cats Trtctor scoop ft trucks for dirt movlni Ph office 34002. res. 17144 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 1-7603. 1293 N Sth 0281 iEVYER5 AND SErTIC TANK Elect rte Roto-Router Exclusive Patent Razor fharp Stee! Out tint Bladen Clean Sewera. Drains. Tanks. Ph. S-5327. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rested, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. 3-7671 o281' SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-94M. 1-5327. 0287' K P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0275' Vacuum PutnolnK. no mlleaaa chine Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2445 State St. Phone 3-0734. o1 SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Ph 35569 iosi Edgewater, west saiem. ozw All makes repaired, free estimates Sinter Sewini Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3313 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Onder- wood portables Ah make used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o TRANSFER STORAGE 'ocal A Dmance Transfer, stoiace Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks tc Portland dally Aaent for Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere in OS oc Canada Larmer Transfer A Storace Ph 3-3131 e VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Bllno made to order oi reflnLthed Relnboldt A Lewis 2-3839 Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37328, WEATHERST RIPPING WELL DRILLING WINDOW SHADES Washcble. Roller Uade to order. 1 Dm Del Relnboldt A Lewis Ph 236W o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, wails A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3331 347 Court. Lenadoo. Culbertson and slather WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODSAWING Atkins A Cross, Ph. 1-8674 or 3-6173. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby tlven that the under tnv tin rtn aooolnted by the Circuit Court of the State of Oreion for Marlon County. Administrator of the Estate of D C. Walker, deceased, and has qualified a nfh All persons havlnc claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same duly vermea as require y law, to the undersigned at the office of Paul r Hendricks. 413 Pioneer Trust Company Bulldlnt, Salem, Oregon, with in six months from me aaie oc we r publication of this notice. Dated and flut published the 15th day of October. 1949. WURHtN A. BfUtKI. Administrator of the Estate of D. c. waiier, aeceasea PATTT. ft HENDRICKS. Attorney Octl5-22-29.Nov-13 NOTICE OF BOND SALE Nntire u hereby slven that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. oi (h iRth rinv of November. 104B. and lm mediately thereafter publicly opened by ih nutrict School Board of Union High School District No. 3. Marlon County, Or egon, at the Minn scnooi ttuuoing at oi. Paul. Oreaon. for an Issue of bonds of said Union High School District In the amount of One H-mdrod seventy-six inou- and Dollars (1176,000). Said bonds to be denominations of One Thousand Dollars St.000), to be dntea January i, ivau, ana to mature serially in numerical oroer as follows: 117.000 on January l, ii 17.000 on January 1, 19.i2 17.000 on January 1, 1933 17.000 on January 1. 1954 18.000 on January 1. 19M 18.000 on January 1. lott 18.000 on January 1, 1957 18.900 on January 1, 1?1B 18.000 on January I, 1959 18 000 on January 1. 1960 Rtd bonds to bear Interest it the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6i per annum, payable semi-annually, principal rui intfirHtt Dsysble at tne Oliice OI n miinit Treasurer of Marlon County. O' egon. or at the fiscal aiency oi (ne oieie of Oreion In New York City, at the op iinn nf th mirrhajpr . Said bonds are reaeemaoie at par ana vrurd interest at the option of said school district on any interest paying date at or alter five (5) years from the date thereof and pursuant to the notice of redemption presences oy section Bids must be accompanies oy cerwiea rheck in the amount of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars MJ.JOO), and no Interest will be paid thereon. Bald bonds are not registerablt ftl nrtnrinal nr Interest. The approving legal opinion of Wood. Rim and Dawson, attorneys at law. New vnrk cur. statins that sa:d bonds con stitute valid and lesauy oirw:ng ovula tions or said district, ana mat sara ois trlct has power and Is oblnatfd to levy sd valorem taxes for the payment of sail bonds and the interest thereon upon all property within said district, subject to taxation br said dimtct. without limita tion of rate or amount, will be furnished the sucte-Mful bidder. The board rrv-rtes the rltht U reject any and all bids. H W. BOWERS Ork. Union High School District No. 3. Marlon County. Ores jo. Address: St Paul High BchosM, PauL Ores on. Nov. I and 12. . SL J 4 1 J . F ' M i "1 T Presenting Trophies to Winners Fred Smith, one of the judges presenting the trophies to the winners in the Four Corners Rod and Gun club Buck derby. C. B. Brenenstahl and L. B. Gaines displayed the largest mule deer and black tail deer antlers. They each received a Remington model 30-08 rifle. Mrs. Gaines was present to accept the prize for her husband who was unable to be there. Billy Rowe 14 years old took the honors in the "booby" class for mule deer and A. I. Needham displayed the smallest blacktail antlers. They each received a Daisy air rifle. Losses Less Than Cent Chicago, Nov. SW Grains sank under scattered selling pressure on the board of trade today. Losses were confined to less than a cent in most cases. although rye fell more than that at times. The market open ed with small losses which were extended late in the session. The easiness in rye followed news that a lake steamer loaded with 195,000 bushels of Canadian rye from Fort William was ex pected to arrive here later in the day. This brought the amount of Canadian rye arriving here in the past three weeks to around 2,500,000 bushels. A survey by a local grain firm disclosed that harvesting of corn is 75 percent completed in Illi nois and Indiana. Yields are lighter than last year. A good part of the harvest has been placed in open fields, presumab ly to await higher prices, it was said. Wheat closed Vz-Vt lower, De cember $2.1214. corn was to 1 cent lower, December $1.18y.- oats were unchanged to V4 lower, December 73, rye was 2 to 2V4 lower; December $1.39 $1.384, soybeans were lower, November $2.22-?4, and lard was 8 cents lower to 5 cents a hundred pounds higher, No vember $9.37. Airforce Cadets For Annaoolis Washington, Nov. 5 J.R) The navy disclosed today it has agreed to give the air force more than three times as many Anapolis graduates next year as it has in past years. The agreement was hailed im mediately in military circles as a big stride forward in unifica tion of the armed forces. Under the new arrangement 25 percent of t h e 690-member graduating class at the U.S. Na val academy may volunteer for transfer to the air force. Of these, half will draw flying as- signments and half will be at tached to ground units. ine previous agreement stipu lated that only seven percent of the Annapolis graduates would be eligible for transfer to the air force. The air force has no service academy of its own. It must rely on West Point and Annapolis for its academy -trained officers. Others come from civilian schools. , The air force has an agree ment with the military academy at West Point whereby it re ceives 40 percent of its gradu ating class and the army gets the other 60 percent. A new arrange- ment between the air force and army is expected to be an nounced shortly. Hoarding Sends Coffee Prices Up New York, Nov. 5 (U.B Nation-wide coffee hoarding re sulting from false rumors of a shortage have sent prices up as much as 20 cents a pound and may induce an actual scarcity of coffee, a United Press survey indicated today. Dealers In number of cities predicted that nationally adver tised brands will reach 76 to 79 cents a pound next week if "senseless" hoarding continues. All said hoarders will be sorry later because their "emergency" supplies will turn rancid In short time, even in sealed cans. The hoarders began stocking up last week when sharp coffee price increases were announced as the result of South Amer ican crop failures. Grocers re ported sales increased as much as S00 per cent in the last 10 days. ' Coffee companies v I n 1 y pointed out that a bad crop does not mean an immediate short age. They said reports that cof fee would reach $1 a pound were "deplorable." LODGES J-!- lOO t meet mry WM oesdaj oigrit Visitors e. 5 : Mm. iCI CHAD h w MARKET QUOTATIONS Halem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company Feeder lambs 113.00 to 816.00 Ewes 11.00 to 13.00 Culler cows 17.00 to 9.oo Fat dairy cows tlO.OO Dairy heifers 110.00 to 112.00 Bulls tll.00 to 116 00 Calves, good (300-430 lbs.) . .$16.00 to 118.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top 118.00 to 131.00 Portland Produce Butterfal Tentative, atroiect to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum to 38 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 63-S6c lb., 92 score 61-60 lb.. 90 score. 57 -60c, 89 score, 55c Valley routes and country points 2c less than first Butter Whole s ale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score, 63c A 92 score. 62c: B 80 score, 60c lb., C 89 score, 57c- Above prices are serlctly nominal ! Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon h sin lost 43 -43c. triplets 1 W less than sinxles Esse to wholesalers) A grade large, 55l3-57'2c; A medium, 49-M'sC; grade B large, 50-51', c; small A grade, 42'ic. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Orade AA prints, 68c; AA cartons, 69c; A prints, 88c; A cartons 63c; B prints, 45c. trices to retailers Grade AA targe. 60c doz.: certified A large, 6lc; A lame. 58c: AA medium, 40c: certified A medium. 48c: B medium, 42c; A small. 42c: cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers. Portland Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon loaf. 5 1b. loafs 44'-45e lb.; triplets, 14 cents lets than singles Premium brands, singles 51 '4c lb.: loat. 53 He Poultry Live Chicken - No 1 quality fob plants. No 1 broilers under 2 lbs. 20-2 4c fryers 2-3 lbs., 13 -26c: 3-4 I bs., 37c; ro&bter 4 lbs and over, 27c; fowl, Lciiioms 4 itu and under l8-20c over 4 lbs. 20c: colored fowl, alt weights, 24-25c; rooxters, all weights, 18-20c. Turkeys Net to growers, J0-31C on toms; 43-43 Wc on hens; sales prices to retailers. toms, 39c; hens. 49-50C. Kibbils -vetaae u k rower a. live wnites. 4-5 lbs.. 17-19c lb.: 5-0 lbs.. 15-17e lb.: colored 2 cents lower old or heavy does. and bucks 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers. 40c; local. 48 -56c. Country-Killed Meat Veal Top quality 29-30C lb., other gm'.e accoiulng to wetRht and quality 1th poor or heavier, 20-38C. i Hogs Light blockers. 27-28ci lows. 33- 24c. Lambs Top quality, springers, 39-40c; mutton. 33 -36c. Beet Good cows, 20-23c lb. J canners cutters, 19-20c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per awt.ti Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs.. MS 45: commercial, 835-39; utility, 831-34, utility, SZ7-ZB. Cows Commercial, 129-32: utility, $35 28; canners-cutters, 123-26. B-el cuts Oood steers i. Hind quarters $54-55; rounds 148-51: full loins, trimmed $73-78; triangles. S32-34: square chucks, $40-42: ribs $52-55; forequarters, $34-38. Veal and calf. Good. Jt-40. commercial. $33-35; utility $28-32. Lamas: aood-cnoice spring lames, set I. commercial, $38-40: utility. I3J-35 Mutton Good, 70 lbs down, $18-20. orlc cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs. $48-49; shoulders. 16 lbs down, $36-38; spare- ribs, $47-50; carcasses. $29-30; mixed wen his $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Ca tears Bark Dry 12'e lb., green 4 lb Wool Valley coarse and medium aradea. 45c lb. Mohafr 25e lb. on 12-montn growth. nominally. Hides calves. JDo lb., according to weight, ktpi 25o lb., beef tl-llc lb., bulls 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2s less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettes, first quality jum- . 34.7c, lame. 32.7c; medium. 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 10.2c; large, 26.2c; medium. 28.2c: oaoy. 33. ac: soil sneiL iirst quality large, 29.7c; medium, 36.2c; sec ond quality large. 21.201 meaium,; baby 22.2s. FHberla Jumbo. 90o Ib.t large, ltd; medium, 16c; small. 13c. ' Injuries Fatal to Charles McTimmonds Lebanon, Ore., Nov. 5 Chest injuries received by Vernon Charles McTimmonds, Lebanon Route 1, proved fatal Friday af ternoon. He was struck by a ca ble hook at the Pickens sawmill about six miles northeast of Fos ter. He was working one end of a power saw and tried to lift the log when the hook holding the cable broke. He died within a few minutes. McTimmonds was born in Sa lem and with the exception of two years in the navy spent his entire life in Oregon. He had liv ed in this district eight years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lois McTimmonds, Lebanon; pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn C. Mc Timmonds, McMinnville; two brothers, Virgil and Norman Mc Timmonds, and a sister, Ethel Watters, all of Lebanon and his grandmother, Mrs. Phoebe Mc- Tim m o n d s , Warrenton. Final services will be held at Lebanon. Ohlsen Permanent Milk Administrator Portland, Nov. 5 M" The "acting" tag was removed from Thomas L. Ohlson'i position as administrator of Oregon milk control today. Ohlsen, who has been acting administrator since the post was created in July, was placed on permament status yesterday by the state board of agriculture The board also elevated Fred Cockell, Milwaukie hatchery- man, from acting to permanent chairman. Slocks Advance After Decline New York. Nov. 5 M De mand for stocks perked up today after droopy tendencies during the first hour. With the exception of several utilities preferred!, the market showed few significant price changes. A wide variety of lead ing issues either attracted no interest at all or remained at Friday's closing levels. Else where gains of minor fractions held an edge over equally small losses. A moderate amount of busi ness was done, with volume boosted by a flurry of demand for the utilities. Turnover for the two-hour session hit a rate of around 500,000 shares. A few railway liens inched ahead in the bond market. SALEM MARKETS Completed rreso reports af tales dealers ter tne swieanee er capital Joernal Keade.v. (Bevleed dally). Ret aB Peed P rices: Egg Mash $4.60. Babbit Pellets $4.30. Dairy Peed 13.70. Poaltryt Buying prices -Orade A color ed hens. 23e; grade A Leghorn hens and up. 27-28C Orade A old roosters. IV 18-lflr; grade A colored fryers, three lbs 36-29C. Ects Baring prlees Extra larte AA. file: large AA, 51c; large A. 48-56c: medium AA, 4ic: medium A. 39-44c; pullets. 32-35c. Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prlees a-ic bdoto mete prices, aoove grade generally quoted at 61c medium, 49e. Butlrrfat Premium 66c; No. 1, 64c; No. 2, 58-60C, touring prtccsi. nutter Wholesale trade A. 68c: re- call 73c. STOCKS By the Associated Pr-aai American Can Am Pow ft Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda , Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boelnc Alrnlane .. 13 S ..145H . 11 H . 25 'H Calif Packing Canadian Paclflo Case J J Caterpillar , Chrytler Comwlth ft Sou Cons Vultee . Ml , 44S 10 T Continental Can ;rown Zellerbacb 38 Vj 7--i Curtlst Wright Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Nem .. General Electric General Pood General Motors Ooodvear Tire tnt Harvester Int Paper . 40 'a Kennecott Libby McN ft L Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward . Nash Kelvlnator Nat Dairy HT Central Northern Pacific Pae Am Pish Pa Oas ft Flee t'a Tel ft Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler . Kayonier ria Reynolds Metal Richfield , ftafeway Stores , Sears Roebuck , southern Pacific standard OH Co Btudebaker Corp . 24 . lO'i sunshine Mining Transamerlca anion Oil CsJ Union Pacific , United Airlines , . 13' . 27V, . 3't , 13T , 24 , 13 Tfc , 47 W U B Bteel Warner Bros pie , Woolwortb , Babson Predicts Drop in Prices Portland, Nov. S W) A de cline in the cost of living next year was predicted by Arthur C. Babson, the vice president of a stock and bond advisory service. The Massachusetts man told an audience here last night that business should be "remarkab ly well sustained" in Portland, however. He estimated that Port land business would decline 3 to 5 per cent below this year, compared to a nation-wide av erage of 5 per cent. Babson foresaw a strong de mand for lumber, furniture, canned goods, clothing, paint, flour, cereals, creamery products, and woolen goods all items produced in this region. H. Clyde Baldwin, investment analyst for the Babson organiza tion, predicted that the stock market in 1950 would fluctuate broadly within the range re corded in the last three years. We believe that many good common stocks are already iuf ficiently low, and may be held with confidence," he remarked West Salem School News By ANN GALLASPY There will be a PTA meeting Tuesday evening, November 8 in the school gym. After the meeting the elementary and Jun lor high schools will have an open house to display their work to the parents. As most of the elementary rooms have been studying some foreign country, there will be murals on each of the countries studied. There will also be examples of wood carving, art of various types and of sclentfic experiments. The junior high social studies classes will display art work and the best English papers will be shown. Fruits and jam that the home economics classei have canned will be on exhibition. The industrial arts shop will be open to the public. The Girl's League is sponsoring a hobby show. This open house will be an excellent opportunity for the parents to talk to the teachers about their children's progress in school. Legion Plans Dinner Pleasantdale Dayton poit No. 69 American Legion and auxiliary In regular monthly session at their rural hall In the Pleaiantdala district DEATHS Albert U Collins AlDert L. Coilina. late resident or 1194 Hazel avenue, at a local hospital. Novem ber 4, at the ace of 74 years. Father of Mrs. Daisy aimer 01 sugene ana Mrs, Ar nett O'Biien of Honolulu. Hn. and brother of Mrs. Earl Blue of Tulsa, Okla., and Dick Collins of Arnett. Okla. Mem ber. 4. at the ae of 7v years. Fattier of Qulnabv and Harmony Rcbekah lodte No. 75 of Qulnaby. Announcement oi service later by the How ell -Edwards chapel. Bealah Zander At a local hospital November 5, Beulsh Zander, late resident of 480 South 23rd street. Survived by three children, David Talmadse or Seattle, Jane Nelon ol Sa lem and Harriett Jack of San Dieto; lour brothers, Prof T. S. Roberta and Sol Roberts of Salem. HukIi W Roberta of Stockton, Calif., and Dr. Robert M. Roberts of Ban Diego, Calif.: a sbter, Mrs. Malcolm Ramp of tiftlem: and ix arand- children. Announcement of services later by W. T. Hit don company. Mrs. Gelda May Dillon Mrs. Golds May Dillon, 36, late resi dent of Rox-burt at a lots! hospital. Sur- Ived bv huAoand. Justin S. Dillon. Ship ment wtll be made to Roseburt by the How ell-Ed wards chapel for services and interment. Mrs, Elisabeth ftrhaefer Mra. Elisabeth Sctiaefer. 73. res dent of Sclo, at a local hospital Thursday eve ning. Survived bv son Floyd Sfhaefer of Sclo. Shipment will be made to Stayton by the Howell-Edwards chapel for services and interment. Charles M. Camming Charles M. CumminiS, Tate resident ol 1362 Ruse street. West Salem, at a lo cal hospital November 3. at the ate of 88 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Eva Cum miniS of Salem: a brother, W. D. Cutn minis of Los Angeles: two children. Or.ce Pt-sola of Seattle and Kenneth Russell ol Turner: seven grandchildren; one ireai granddaughter and several nieces and nephews. Services will be held at tie Cloush-Barrick chapel Monday, November 7, at 1:30 p.m. with interment in the IOOK cemetery at Turner. John II. Gllbertion John H. OKbe rt.son, at the residence at 373 N. 14th St.. November 4. at the see of 71 years. Survivlnt are the widow. Mrs. Millie Gllbert.on, Salem: a daugh ter. Mrs. Lois McPherson, Little Rock, Ark.: two sons. Harvey Gllberl&on, Sa lem, and John Irwin Gtlbertson. Fairfax.. Minn.; two sisters Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. Lisa Johnson, both of Watertown. S. D.; and two grandchildren. 8ervlces will be neld Monday, November 7. at 2 p.m. at the Pirt Church of the Nazarene with the Rev. Orvllle Jenkins officiating. Inter ment in Belcrcst Memorial park under di rection of Howell-Edwards chapel. L J .world E. Ewilgh In Hits city November 4. Els worth E. Emigh, late resident of Est oc ads. Surviv ing are throe soiu, G. Elmer Emlsh, Walter H. Emleh and Howard E. Einleh all of Los Aniceles: six daughters, Adeline Mausolf of Manistee. Mich.. Susie Ever- saul of EMaenda, Beatrice Phelps of Port land, Delia Harmon of Dayton, Vs., Anna Peterson of Pottsdam. N. V.. and Lillian Griffith of Studcnt-svllle. Ohio. GravpAide services will be held at Belcrcst Memorial Pltrk Monday, November 7, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Grome H. Swift officiating. Di rection W. T. Rigdon company. OBITUARY William P. Leases Portland William P. Lensch. late rest dent of Brook, at Oregon City. Novem ber 4. Son of Mr?. Dorothea Lensch. Port land; brother of Caroline C. Weinman. Sa lem, and Marie M. Lensch and Alvlne Caseldlne. both of Portland. Friends are Invited to services Monday, November at 2 30 p.m. at colonial mortuary, ne 14th and Bandy boulevard. Portland. In terment at Lone Plr cemetery. John Richard Keaer Ds 11 as Funeral services for John Rich ard Koser, 73, will be held from the Henjtle and Bollman chapel at 11 o clock Monday with burial In Br 1c rest Memorial park, Sa lem, with commitment In charge of Nor mal IOOP lodee No. 204. Koser was born near Oreenvtlle, Penn., May 29, 18 8, and dtrd at his home near Amity Thursday. He enme to poik county when 10 years old and lived In the county until a few yenrs ago. He was married to Louise Town ley, Dec. 24, 1914. who survives with a sister Mattle McKee. Koser was a member of the Congregational church. Elli.bttb Jnll. gehaefcr Sclo Mnt. Elizabeth Jull. 77. of Sclo, 411 ed In fialem Thursday. She tu born Nov. 27. 1872 It Hollowvllle. 111. Her huaband. Charlea Schaefer. died Mar. 21. thla year. Survlvlnc are two aoiut, Lloyd Schaefer. Sclo Rt. 2 and William Schaefer. Fort Smith. Canada; daughter Margaret Ware. Stayton Rt. 1; abler. Mra. Barbara Haukle. Portland and aeveral grandchildren. Funeral aervlcea pend word from a aon and will be held .from th. Weddle funeral home In Stayton. Andrew V. Behoenfeldt Stayton Andrew V. Schoenfeeldt, who rifled In the Fern Ridge dbtrlct from 120 to 12S. died In Chicago laat week, according to word received her. by dli tant relative, and frlenda. Bertha Weber Bergholg Mill city Mra. Bertha Weber Bergho g died at the home of her daughter eM aon-in-iaw, Mr. and Mra. Edward Bc holt at Mill City. October 20 at the age of 77 yeara. Funeral aervlcea will be held In Watertown. Wlac.. with Interment at Johnaon Creek. Wlae. Surviving are two loiu. Herman Weber of Roundup, Mont.. Walter Weber of Watertown. Wlac. and five daughtera. Hulda Bergliolx and Duella Langholff. both of Mill City; Fran cea Ward of Oatea. Dorothy Wright of Mllwaukle and Other Weber of Madlaon. Wlac; four grandchildren and two are.t grandchildren. Mra. f.lde Wllkln.on stayton Mra. Ltd. Wllkinaon. M. died at the home of her aon near Mnrinn Friday. Funeral aervlcea will be Tucaday. Nov. S. at 10 a.m. at th. Marlon Frlenda church. Rev. Jackaon Otto officiating. She la aurvlved by one aon. George Wllkin aon of Marlon; a brother, Charlea A. Conklln of Kanaaa City, Mo., three trand- cniraren ana tnree great-irandclilldrrn. RB.arll William H.nt Stayton Ruaaell William Hunt at died Friday at hla home In Stayton. Fir neral arrangement, will bg made later oy uwoaie funeral noma. D.agl.. Allen Mason Stayton Douglaa Allen Mum old aon of Mr. and Mra. Paul Maaon. died Friday and burial waa S.turrlay after noon with travealde aervlcea al Fog Valley cemetery under direction of Waddle runerai nome. Postal Figures Gain Lebanon Postal receipts at the Lebanon post office showed a gain over last year during the month of October, Postmaster Merrill Smith said. Last month's figure was $4,756.01 as compar ed with October 1948 when re ceipts amounted to $4617.51, a difference of $138.50. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hlib Low ffr. I 1:flB am. ? m. 93 13:41 p n. I I 7.13 p m. -0 4 Nov. t I 47 a m. 6 7 7 20 a m. 3 fl 1:10 p.m. SI I 01 p m. -0 6 Nov. T 3 37 a m. 6 6 7 0 a m. 3 6 1 37 p m. 6 1 I 41 pro, -0 7 Not, I 3 07 a m. 6 4 I II i m, 3 3 3 05 p.m. 61 23 p.m. 107 Hot. I J. M am. 6 3 8 44 am. 1.5 1 40 p.m. It 10 02 p m. -0.5 Not. 10 417 a m. 6 1 t 31 a.m. 3 7 I 30 p m. 6 0 10.40 p m. 10 4 I Not. 1 1 137 a.m. 6 1 10 17 6 m. 31 4 11 p.m. 7.7 1 1 SO p.m. -0 1 Not. II 6 35 a m 6 3 11:11 am. 31 515 p.m. 1.4 Constipation (Colitis) b a symptom, not a disease. Rectal AiunenU Are th. Underlying Pictor Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must b. corrected. N. Ian. af Tim. N HiMtrlUlinllon Frtw Dew-riptlre Booklet DR. R. REYNOLDS Proctologist Naturo-Rrctal Specialist 1144 Center 8k .-alrm. Ore. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Rioters Knife Three in Battle after Prep Game Detroit, Nov. 5 W A thous-lln the stadium, other battlei and bowling, fist-swinging fans broke out in the streets. poured from the stands last night and broke up a hotly con tested high school football game with a riot in which three per sons were knifed. Two football players were knocked unconscious. A police man was slightly injured. Scores were battered and bruised. Fighting between players in the final minutes of the game between Melvindale and Kiver Kouge schools set off the riot. Passions had risen to fever pitch as Melvindale struggled to overcome a one-touchdown advance held by its old rival. Both teams were unbeaten. Mrs. Viola Higgins, 34, a ne gro, was in serious condition at Wayne county hospital with a stab wound in the back. Her hus band. Branch, 44, was held on a charge of felonious assault. Also in serious condition w:is Jack Lowe, 23, injured in the back. Gerald Biskner, 19, was treated for a knife wound in tiie side. HiKgins suffered a cut hand. Afler the fighting broke up Pioneers Defeat Pacific U, 13-6, Sn Northwest Go Portland, Ore., Nov. 5 fll.R) Lewis and Clark college Pio neers battled from behind for two touchdowns in the fourth period last night to defeat Pa cific university 13 to 6 in the Northwest conference. Victory for the Pioneers gave them second place in conference standings with four wins and one loss behind undefeated Col lege of Idaho which thumped Whitman 31 to 19 last night. Pa cific dropped to third place in the standings. SCORES in iCompiet Capital Alleys CAPITOL SCRATCH Buslrks Market (St Walt Clin BM. Frrd Krr 544. Jim Has &43. Dick PMpps MS. tVvnknap-ninlr 10 Trrry Onnnon 407. Milt Morcy 546, Tonr BlBler 502, Ed UcCIuskey 507. Capital Rrttdlnr (li Jack Cherrfnaton 459, Wslt Gardner 45. Hush Wllker Aon 520, Walt Lur.ion 520. Frleen Furni ture (3 Oeo. Mirier) 4R3. John 433. John Ray bum 514, Vln. Grraory 664. Slrwrrt I nnit. 'II Al Brunt S-'i Vaughn Gardner 180, Kv. Clark 580. Chet Boyee 455. Hl!h Individual came: Al Brant. 310. Hlh Indlvldunl aerlM: Ev. Clark. 6110. HUh team arrlea: Bustcka G roc era, 3155. Hlib team game: Buslcka Orocera, 129. CAPITOL MEKCANTlIajE Railway tvipreta i0 Elmer Lake 393, Laraen 509. Manner 406. Poole 479, Ettner 430. Fink Elephant (31 Jim Hind 487, E. .Smith, R. Knlcht 41. A. Prudente 439. Jim Drlaney 474. Oreconlan (2t Maty Flnden 417, Smith 410, Tie man 419. Boyd 452. Baldwin 45. Iloac Broi. No. I 111 Carter 417. Chance 357. Coe 4B, Bakrr 47. Nuu 418. CaPltol No. t 1 1 weaver 437. OverholU 457. McCallUUT 389, Rayburn 508. Uorey Salem Iron Wk. (2 Kolaky 401, llartmnn 414, Cherrlngton 490, Cordler 470. Oberman 499. ChappeUa Market (St Wlcklrer S1V Hovl :tno, MnrrU 4:iH, Cliappele 390, Jory llniK RroH. No. ? (Oi Barhle .116, Whit I ork 319, Claua 398. Oconee 387, Weat pJial 511. Hun inflivuiuai tame: Milt Morey, 310. Hlih Individual aeries: Milt Morey. 1159. Huti team Ktimr: Pink Elephant. 913. High team aertei: pink Elephant, 2689. University Alleys Highland Market (1 Caiuwy 503. Mabry 450. 0eru 470, Johnaon 575, Llndey 536. Salem Hardware 'It West 516. OarrUoo 587. Keenan 483. Thede 545. Page 482. l'nlverl Pomp Co. (2i W. Valdes 570. R Owen 477, Graham 520. B Valdei J0. Hint land Pet Mho (11 Draden 533, Rln land 411. Rich 143. Praae 481, Clark 630. Law FlorUt 3. Miller 608. UpMon 603, Luti 503. Comlock 511, Rlchea 495. Trail WALNUT MEATS WANTED Especially AMBER HALVES AND PIECES We Pay Top Market Price Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Phone 34146 Open S a.m. to 12 - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK DWARF SHRUBS OPEN SUNDAYS FERRILL'S NURSERY Vl Mi. Eoit of Keizer PH. 21307 Saturday, Nov. 5, 194913 Higgins said a gang of white youths pulled him and his wife from their car a block from the stadium. Although the game was nev er completed, River Rouge was awarded a 7-0 victory. Police Lt. Anton Hill said more than 1,000 of the 5,000 fans engaged in the fighting. It took 10 minutes for the eight policemen at the stadium to get the mob under control. Golfers Sign for Winter Slickers Machinery for operating the annual "Winter Slicker" tourna ment at the Salem Golf club has been set in motion. Regislation, which has already started for this popular event, will be con cluded November 13. The tournament will operate as a partnership affair with match play in effect. It will ex tend over a number of weeks I during the winter. Hopsters Defeat Cardinals, 34-0 Independence Scoring once in each of the first three quar ters, with conversions and twice in the last quarter with one point for goal lacking, the Indepen dence Hopsters defeated Sacred Heart of Salem 34 to 0 in a Marion-Polk county A league game Friday night. Allen Posey accounted for three of the tallies. Jocko Collins, National Bas ketball association referee, also is a scout for the Philadelphia Phillies and discovered Del En nis, the fine young outfielder. the ALLEYS Result i - waya Cafe (ll Rlnehart 553, CurtU 515, Crv..525, Johnson 484, McNall 534. Thrlftway Cleaneri (1 McDanleln 517, Parley 531, Creaay 462, Hart 433, DeLancy 533. Uood llouxekeeplnr (3) Slmoru 614, JonM 4 Hi. Cady 447. Gtwtafaon 516. Olney Sr. 571. Nohte'a Tavern f3 Crawford 58, Nan ley 680. Noble 3B7, McMullen 446. Beat 515. Salem Lit-Ming and Appliance (0) Pic It -rell 438, Frank 403. Georne 347. Plauts 442. Mayflower Milk 111 Meyer 584. Wood ford 474, Bob Straw 507, Bud Straw 483, Moenbee 531. Stratton Plumbing (It Stratton 455. J. Olney 512. Pearl 537. llannen 514. Evans 550. HUh Individual game: KttzmiUer. Lata PI or lata, 264. Huh Individual aerlei: B. VaJdex. Dnl- veral Pump, 620. High team Merits: Lata Floruts, 2611. LCI I kA C Beautiful Oversize ril-fYlJ JUMBO Prints Roll Developed O gC 8 Jumbo Prints VVC Extra prints and reprints 4c ea. Free Mailing; Baits on Request JUMBO FILM CO. Fayette Idaho FOR SALE Approx. 8 '4 Acres, Cheha lis Loam Soil. Fine home site, N. W. from Keizer School o n Salem-Spongs Landing Rd. Inquire at Pioneer Trust Co. 109 N. Commercial ond