12 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 5, 1949 FORJALE FARMS FARM AT BARGAIN CLASSIFIED ADVERIISIKOl rm Un. ia Per Lin. I time. Per Une time , 60 For uu 1 month 13.00 Outeld. .1 Salem 15. ptr lint ptr tar Mln. 80ci t timet mill, lot 9 timet mill 11.20 No Reluud RIADEKA In Local Newt Col Only: lOo ptr lint To Place n Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES HOLLYWOOD DIST. t Bdrm. Nice horn. CIom to school. """exceptional Large llring ft dlnlnc rm. 3 large bdrms. Laundry. Insulated and weather stripped. Mew. 18600. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 40 Jf. Church Ph. 37643 Eve. tit Bun. 30136 a264 FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COUPLET! WITH OARAGE. OUTSIDE PATIO ft FIREPLACE. FENCED IN PHONT YARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO SELL. PH. 3-S348 OR 3-3734. 5 A. I' ml. 8 W. of Liberty, 12 A. till tlvatable, 1 A. strawberries, no bldgs.. some prunes ft walnuts, spring water. 3 A. woods. If Interested in acreage you noma iook inis piace over, a real bar lalo at I49S0 and 11.000 will handle. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 371 N. High 8t. Office: 3-3643 Eve: 3-7451 or 3-5390 b3G4 IS ACRES river bottom land on new BSE a set of buildings, alio full of enall ge, 14 stanchion barn, 3 .ligation wells, Irrisation equipment with 1300" of irri tation Pipe. About 45 tons hay, tractor. Plow, dt.se, drill, spring tooth harrow, new milking machine, muc. equipment and tools, 14 head cows, 1 bull, 3 calves, Everything toe for $17,S00. Will take moon nouse in saiem on down payment . tou are looxing lor a real setup uu io see mis. IVAN B. SUTTON, BROKER Jefferson. Phone 353 b265 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE FOE BALE house 1 year ok) I bedroom M acre attached garage. Aiam Id, Wert. Olllls St. Mt. Am el, Or. a364 OWNEB must sell, 3 bdrm., 1 year old Automatic oil furnace, electric dih washer, automatic washing machine, Fenced-in back yard. 450 6. 18th. 264" West Salem View Home 110,000 Lara llvlnr room with pie- tire window, dinette, Kitchen, l bed rm, ft bath down, 3 bed raw. up, nice base ment ft furnace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 8. , 2-389 1360 OWNEB leaving town must sell. 1 acre food land. Lovely email home, elec. wa ter heater and range lno. Large garage and small on room house. Family fruit and berries. Price reduced for quick ale, Only 38600. 480 Elm a Ave., Four Corners. a2B5 OB TBADE equity In new 3 B.R. home for trailer house. Ph. 3-2240. a36 1 31 A. 1 bd. m.. home. Oarage ft large utility rm. attached. 300 ft. high way 99E frontage. Fine location for business. Just outside city limits. 1st house fl. of Wyoma Motel. Woodburn, Ore. a.268 If You Like a View And plan to build, let us show you this I acre tract, with neat garage hse., mod ern - deep well ft elec. pump - native trees- fine view of western hills ft in. uniy iisoo on. $4soo fun price. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 343 Wallace Road Ph. 3-3147 or 3-8838. a264 34 Acres 110,500 4 bed room home with livfn. rm., fireplace, large sun room, basement. auto, oil furnace, good barn, chick noiiae, gooo sou an in cultivation. View, some equipment goes. Call Rav navii Geo. A. Walters, Realtor vflO s. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Evea-Seag 56 ACRES EAST ONLY 14000 DOWN 3 bdrm. modern house. A large barn. 50 acres In bent graas. 112.500 full price. 15. isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 343 (Wallace Rd.l Ph. 3-214 or 2-8838. b264' FOR SALE ACREAGE I HAVE A. that will grow anything. On H.WB7 near oiayion. oarage & tool shed, Irrigation well, mod. houAe. 2 years old ii you really want to buy. come out, will get together on the urice. I, A Ism an Rt. 1, Box 125, Aumsvllle. bb266 13 ACRES CIo.se to city bus, N.E. Divide niceir. iiowu. wan Bocoioisny, Real Estate. Ph. 3-8835. bl284 REAL ESTATE OB TRADE: Pleasant modern home with urcpiace on mau acreage In small country town. Conv. to schools. Tamil: fruit ft small hen house. hr. drive io eaiem. write capital Journal, Box 308. c206 4000. VERY mod. a bdrm., small dn. pay ment, bal. F.H.A. See at 1363 Franklin, W. Salem or Phone 36189. a266 Near Bush Pasture Park 110. BOO Very good pre-war, 3 bed rm. home with basement ft sawdust furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, fine location on hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 60 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-5200 286 FOB SALE or Trade for house In Salem neat 3 bedroom house In Albany. Liv ing -dining room 14' x 28', knotty pine wainscots. Large kitchen with dinette pace, iuii oain, garage, anrubs, flowers til garden, 13500 State O. I. Loan $35.50 mo. outstanding, balance cash. Make oner. cnaa. Host, Albany, I121J or co Arti Photo 174 N. Commercial. a285 SUBURBAN for sale. New well constructed a oann. rancn style nome. Fireplace. Picture windows, ven. blinds ft drapes. ntruworx uoors, warorooe closet. tered garage. Large lot. Paved street. This house has everything for comfort- svDie living. ll?,UUU rnA, Fn, 3-2297. S284' FOB SALE OB LEASE New all-elect rlc 3 bdrm. home In Hollywood. 110.000 or v per monin. see tea Heed at Loder oiom. m wntg ajui n.s. mm, Portland. P". a268 BB HOUSE with HftC water. Equlpt with gas. Also 3 room house wired for elec range. HftO water. 423 West Salem Heights. a264 Y OWNEB! 3 bdrm., llv. rm.. klt..balh7 ..V."" Prcn. faarge mi. rn. 2-BS01. A2S4' BY OWNEB, 3 bdrm. modern house, 1H jeer oiq. uu neat. Hardwood floors Rubber tile In kitchen ft bath. $750 gown, total saioo. pti. 3-2266. a28fl Kingwood View $12500 Beml-secluded smart attractive 3 bdrm. home In lovely setting. Basement ln- nuaea party room Wltn extra fireplace. An enjoyable place to live. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR 1311 Edgewater. ph. S-M0 . a28 ,...1990 N. 18th YE3 OIL FURNACE YES YES YES BEST BUYS $7500 FULL PRICE Approximately 8 year old home. 2 bdrms. wnn uniinisned upstairs. Insulated, large lot. Nice yard. Close In east, a us one block. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or -J33fl. ENGLEWOOD 4 bdrms. Basement. Furnace, fireplace, Extra large lot. Nice yard St shrubs. ravea aireei. Terms. Total price on.! itt.ouu, r.ve. tn. J-lbl or 3-3558, LOCATION? BASEMENT? HEATT FIREPLACE 7 UIN1NU KUUH7 ,,,, TWO BEDROOMS? Drive by. then come and see us. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 1 M. Hlth St. Ph. !.lo Kvt. ph. 1-4S91 l ot 3-6605 .206 OPEN HOUSE" ' By Owner: New modern home, many ex tra features. FHA approved, reasonably priced. Low down and monthly pay ment. Sunday 3 to S. 1850 8, Capltot. a364 BXECITTOB will for cash sell on Dec. 1. 1949, to one making best bid at or above appraised value. House A lot known as 1970 Lewis St.. Salem, Ore. Address bids to Roy R. Hewllt. 180 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore., or call 3-6412. a266 ONE OF THE better homes on N. 34th St. ft nice rooms with stairway to floored at tic. Full batnt.. auto oil furnace. Ins. ft W.S. Lovely lawn ft shrubs, fenced back yard. Lae. garage. Only 110,000. Ph. 1-IM9. 395 N. 24th. 286 ? DOWN, New all-electric 5 room home. Att. gar. Imm. possession. Ph. 2-3398 L . Full Basement, $7500 Clean, strictly modern bungalow, full ". ' an., iencea corner lot fac ing park, close to school ft stores. Call Walter Musgrave Realtor 111 ratwtttr. Ph. J-SIM. I-991J 6a $500 DOWN fl drm Enelewood dlst. Ltr. rm., din rm., utility rm., hdwd. noors, fireplace Immed. poas. $6500 FULL PRICE t bdrm.. f ttrtt. l.w proptrtr. CJila houtt, ttr, 1 tcrt btrrlM mllM B.. Vara. 11000 down. rv.nlnt Ph. I-as. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maaonla Bldt., Phmt 3-nn Inaaranw Uu. lo.n. J. DUPLEX Close In north. Full bath In each unit. very clean. Electric heat. Extra office coujo oe rentei. 11,000 down. Total rtcc only 19500. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. BOWLING ALLEY If you are Interested in th hnwiin umrnievw. we nave a new listing on a good buaineAs. Excellent equipment. Long leajte available. Total price about ju.uwu. win accept g good home as uart Hurineni. no pnone information Pleae, rn. j-tt 11 or GRADE A DAIRY Excellent buildings. Good herd of cat tle. Well equipped. Close In. Family 11 uu.. 1-1 mice aojj, 1 oiai price Yi2,al)J. may accept nome as part payment. rn. or 3-JD0H. 15 ACRES room older type home. Needs some repair. Chicken house 500 capacity. No waste land. Owner forced to sell be cause or aeatn in family. $1500 down ioui price only 16,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9103 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors S03S Portland Bd. Ph. J-76J0 or J-4596 C265' GOOD VALUES OWNER TRANSFERRED. Must sell 10 n. maun mn. Aoout s a. in strawberries. Noxt year's crop should pay for at least 14 of place. I rm. house. Elec. In. ft ml. from Salem on good highway. Price j.-iuu. uau mp. eaerstrom. ABK TO SEE this 3 bodrm. 3 yr. old home. Nice and clean. Lv. rm dining rm., kitchen, elec. dishwasher and gar bage disposal. Att. garage. Large lot. Price only 10450. Terms. Call Mr. Se ders trom. 10 ACRES. 3 bedrm. house. 3 fireplaces. 011 floor furnace. Barn; chicken house. Family orchard: shade tree; shrubs. Year around creek. Close in. Price 19850. Call Mr. Voorheeg. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT. J yr. old cozy 6 rm. home. Fiteplace. Elec. heat. Att. garage. Price 110,700. Terms. Call Mr. Voorhees. 10 ACRES about 3 ml. from Salem. Very good bldg. Price 113,850. Call Mr. Be dentrom. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-331 Evenings call: Mr. Sederstrom, 3-5219 Mr. Voorhees. 3-4007 clW Mftio NEAR Leslie ach. New 4 rm. home. ,n.ni i mi. norm. 3 acrej. Good aoil. 3 b.r. home. 113.000 Highland dlat. 3 b.r. home, fir- ' Place. Full biSm. I 13,500 24 acres. 3 b.r.. flronlo h..m : all furnishings. ' $15,50089 acres. Good soil ft buildings $0200 North Salem. New 3 b.r., elect, hrat. Easy terms. 4", money. iflSOO 12'i acre. Good soil ft build ings. Ph. 3-flMO. ED. LUKINHEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North HIkIi St. Eve. Ph. 3-7769 - 4-2326 - 3-8704 c266 H)r. YOUK SAVINGS investment buy m first mortgage on real estate Salem ft Mclnlty. Examine security yourself Amojnt IftOO to several thousand dol lar, net investors 5 We make all col lection for yon If desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 6 H!in r SUNDAY, NOV. 6, 1949 2 TO 5 P.M. PRICE ONLY $9250.00 2029 SO. CHURCH ST. CHOICE LOCATION WELL BUILT HOME I BEDROOMS FURNACE PULL BASEMENT FIREPLACE AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS 3035 PORTLAND ROAD PH. 3-7820 or 2-4596 -ffri-ffffrffrfi-i-fiij........ - - - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE PAVED STREET tt rAKT HARDWOOD FLOORS A IMM. POSSESSION F.H.A. TERMS AVAILABLE DINING ROOM CLOSE TO BUS, STORE snu ecrtuoLS $42,500 Income property. Close In. ft room liv ing quarters. Income $360 a month. Will take real nice home, as part payment. Eve. 3-0473. FARM 84 ACRES $18,500 Priced right, good house. Will trace for good Salem home. Eve. 3-0473. COAST PROPERTY $4,700 160 acre farm. 40 cleared. No buildings, good fishing and hunting. Will trade Salem property. COAST ALSO $13,500 Nice ft room home. 1 acre. Court site. Will trade for Salem property. Special deal for cash. Call or come in for more Information. If you have something to am or iraae come in and see us. II It can be done we can do It. CALL FOR MR. LE CLERC J. F. Ulrich Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 3-7756. cb264 REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE I bdrm.. Ice party rm. ft GRABENHORST SPECIALS NEW VIEW HOME ' 5'.M.m,.,"fh,1 ,1,h "ook. 'ul darlltht burnt., .ith Ilt.rtact, auto-ou h.at j ..r ,.. Thu , urrlIlt TO 8EE IT CALL EARL WEST PERSONAL PRODUCt EABTERNALFALFA by ton or truck load. Ph. 3-X39. 865 S. 13th. II26S FRESH EQ08! Out "ctnttrBt. toPruit land, turn aouth, flrtt plact on Mt. Larte. 62c; med..50.; tmallJOc II266 WALNUTS:" U-Pick. Ovtr 300 A. Fran, quettt. 9c lb. 7'o lor 100 lot or over. Ph. a-aoji. " 11265 Fli.BERT-WALNUT drrlnt. 1 mile E. Lan- cuter Dr Ai.hi.rn Riri f Klnner. Ph. 3-1632. 11264 I KM- Fl'RN. Apt. 140 N. 23rd. Bleeplnc room. lot. union, rn. 2-1H33. JP26B SOMETHING DIFFERENT SOMETHING SUPER Thia la an tueltlmlr dlllerent home. In. natter bdrm and bdrm am. ... homt. llreplace. auto-oll heat. Let lu alio, on tin, tin. CALL PETER OEISER FOR TRADE iuion.'p5l .4.5oo.'"U"' "" "ew wi r"d' CALL RICHARD I. ORABENHOR8T INSURANCES FIT YOUR NEEDS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Ear) West 3-0603 - Roy Ferris, 3-8010 - Peter OeUer, 3.9961. e264 FOR RENT APARTMENTS SPlTZfcNllERO ft WINTER BANANA ap pies. Phil AsplnwalL 845 Market St.. Ph 3-9419. ff275' HELP WANTED MALE TRADE Small acreage for town proper ty, f or .uriner detail write Box 267 Capital Journal. cb266 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOUNTAIN & LUNCH $3500 with term or consider trailer house, uood business ft location. 6 y;ar leaxe. stocic st equipment new. MOTEL BARGAIN 116,000 with $8,000 down. 4 new untts 3 doouies, all lurnuhed. Large frontage va. near saiem. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 0. Com'l Ph. 3-4649 - 3-5497 Cd264' GROCERY STORE ft fixtures, 3 gas pumps ft ft cabins. An established busi ness for sale by owner. Ph. 3-4319, Rt. 7, Box 145. Cd269 EXCELLENT BI'KINKSS site, 1300 blk.. aroaoway. r resent income sufficient to carry until you are ready to build. Zone 3. Priced to sell. Ph. 3-4643. Eves. 3-1647. Cd268 FOR LEASE: Meat department. Rainbow Market, Dallas, Ore. H. H. Harder. Cd264 RICHFIELD OIL CORP. offer for lease at inventory 10,000 gal. sta. to a reliable and experienced ouerator at Monmouth. Ore, Same operator this location for 3 yrs. For details Phone 39533 or 20761 evening ft p.m. cd267 SHOP ft Signal serv. sta. In exc. location, 11700.00, plus approx. $1,000 inv., $30 per month rent. 12 ml. N. on 8alem- Newberg highway. cd267 30x60 FRAME building. Plumbed, wired. on oaved alley. 10 hlonlui s. sa nnn Ph owner, 3-6196, cd266 WANTED $3000 risk money for invest ment. Returns In great proportion to amount of risk. Details upon request. Write box 385, Capital Journal. cd264 CONCRETE BLOCK building. Exc. con-1 ditlon. Office, 3 3-BR apts. Income $190 I per month. Tota nrlce. $12,500. c. o Van Kleeck, 1348 S. 12th. cd264 SAWYER and millwright. Must be able to sec mi own ratchet, ftl.00 per M and extra pay for day work. Writ P. O. Box 368 or call 181 Toledo, Ore. ga264 EXPERIENCED BODY MANDfckTUed Car. 1295 S.12th. ga364 WANTED One more exp. salesman to sell appliances In Willamette valley lead- , lng appliance store. Salary with added I compensation. Transportation furnished. nvviy fiogg uros., lis a. Com'l. ga YOUNG MEN IB yrs. or older, out of school for doormen. Apply Capitol The- tM' ga266 WANTED: A first class car painter to work In modern shop, full time work, percentage work with guarantee. Call or wire collect immediately. Laird Southwestern Motors, Coquille. ga266 HELP FEMALE " " HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Modern coun try home. Oood wage. Write Box 264, Capital Journal. gb264 GIRLS to work for room ft board. Part lime. Jrh.3-15. gb264 WANTED women nut shellers. All winter worn. Du n. rront. Kiorleln Packing Company. KD 3 uk 4 KM. partly furn.. large apt. rn. OBLH. uruuna iioor. no tuan&lnt Ave. jp364 4 RM. WELL FURN. ft clean. Refrlg, bus. 1307 Hlnea. Sat. or Sun. or after o;juj).m. oioe aoor. Jp364' 3-RM. FURN. apt. Mot water heat. Close in. rn. a-iaea irom ft a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Jp2-B" i bath. jp264 CLEAN 3 rm .furn. apt. Prlv. ent. iv 0. istn. CLEAN 1 rm. ft kitchen. Partly furn. Close In. Employed person. Ph. 3-7469. JP266 SMALL APARTMENT. 398 Mission, $35 Utilities furnished. Jp2 UN FURN. 4 rm. anoTbath. Range, refrlg. ft utilities furn. Near University, $60. 450 8. Capitol. Jp265 4-RM. FURN. apt. 770 S. Commercial. 1P264 FURN. 2-room apt., $45. 735 S. 13th. JP364 MODERN S rm. furn. ant. Private bath. All utllitlea furn 465. Ph. 3913ft after 2- AND 3-RM. apt. Ph. 3-6534. FURNISHED cottage, 321ft' Portland BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON HOOPING -Jf.'."" " 'ou om;tu IN STALLED prlet on four roollna DMda wide rantt ol eolora Call our outalde "a"?" " "",",, Pbont UONTOOUERT WARD Jl CO. 8ALEU. OREGON l.H?ifr.r. A""NUM LOCK oHINClLE Th. modern permanent root Uu Set aour dealer m Call Dial a-6401 ma272 CUSTOMER, inilit on rour con. tractor and carpenter uiln) the (Ineit oia trrowth varttnui n flnlihed lumber in Salem. On hand at . n. Ave - r i ct purling. ARE TO IS rXOORH dulMooklngf Purnl ture marred ft scratched? Have Salem Lighting ft Appliance Company demon' strata Plastic Kote to you. 236 N. High. P288 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Aflvice ft a.m. to 10 p.m aaiu us s. con L Under new man agement. pax STANLEY HOME Products. 1165 N. 14th Ph. 3-4801. Lee STANLEY HOME Product. Ph. J. M. Stovall. 3045 Sunnyytew. Mlndt. P2791 3-4455. P2801 This Man Knows! Noted Psychic Advisor Life Reader Without asking a single question tell you what you want to know glv. ma name, date ft fieta avi. helps you on all affairs of life such as love, health, marriage ft business. His " ncjpeo wiouaanoa. it will ben efit you. Special readings $1 ft $3. Sat lsfaetlon guaranteed or no fee accepted. Hours 11 to 8 daily ft Sunday. Allrma ttoto romana tux. Tag Capitola bus. p266 MADAM MORA GIFTED PfiYPHTf? PWArtrn Can helo tou wh-n othp h.- ttM Satisfaction assured. Advice on all af fairs of life. Special reading $2.00. Lo cated jut south of Hubbard on Highway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard Look for sign Reading Daily. p27S AVON Christmas products. Ph. 3-5314. P375' ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724 Ph Vii P333 AUTOMOBILES Building Something? it 2 wZSZX complete wlth frames . . emu 94.43. All ttilCk- ness new plywood. 4" plywood nni .c c. G. Long. Ph. 3-5831. 1 mile N. of ma 3661 Keizer. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE salesman wanted, must have automobile and be well acquainted With Salem and aurroundnltr tfrritnrv Oeo. A. Walters, Realtor. 060 South Commercial. gg266 SPLENDID Opportunity for young, active Real Estate salesman In progressive of fice. L. E. Klumpp Realtor 480 N. Church. gg264' SALESMAN wanted for photographic spe cial, uooo iront money ft inside com mission to man who qualifies. 229 N. Com'l. :a1KA FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. large S-room duplex, garage, separ ate utility room. $65 or $60 on 1 yr. lease. Ph. 3-4646. Jm269 NEW, clean, It's modern. All electric only 5 blk. to new school. It's worth every bit of 370 per mo. See It at 4545 State pJf'na; Jm266 VERY FINE 3 bedroom home. Fireplace, basement, automatic heat. $85. E. A. McGLAUFLIN REAL ESTATE 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5311. Eve. 3-3203. im264" WANTED Experienced and Tellable man wouH like to buy interest In established busl- garage. woodworking Dreferred. Consider anything. Box 363, Capital Journal. cd287 KEY MOBIL ga station in Dallas, Ore., ior lease. Buy stock ft small, tools at DoolU tie Mobil Gas Dlst. Ph. days 3-4619 eve, ft Sun., 2-6045. cd265 COM'L. bldg. ft ft v. rrrj owner, terms. Ph. 3-9829. $12,000. By Cd277 COM'L, store bldg. ft 5 llv. rm.. $'2,011 owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. cd277 A ITER court. $6,000. terms. Bv owner Chas. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water St. Cd277 FURNITURE FOR SALE MOHAIR DAVENPORT ft chair. Rea. 1470 St. (1264 LIGHT BLUE davenport In good condi tion. $30. Ph. 2-4792 or 1875 Berry St. d264 BED DAVENO, 2,300. John Kessel, 3295 Triangle Dr. d264 WANTED FURNITURE LARGE QUANTITY furniture wanted. We ouy complete household furnishings. If you are moving or settllna an wit at n be sure to call for free appraisal. Tel. ooao cays, j-iu7 eves. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. da" $2350 fORJALE LOT) LAaint LOT. No. 1 Iont7"Nfbank-m t Falrerounda Rd. aa266 . ... LOT" liaTlbwrl Vulld Tour own home. Lota IIS dolrn 111 month with water llthta. el.. t. Mhool aa but. met lorallon. Ph. a.aaaa. general Keal Estate aal Center aa Builder Attention wiioo rt. Ural landMaped lot. with I ar taraee. Located on north aide f Wuhlnaton. Between Fir A Falrmount V"WT taw ""I our It. . Call 1-4016. art. a-1211. tallt Oood aolld I rm. hae. Thla la not a ahaclt Lata, corner lot with paved Bt. In.lde city limit,. Toilet at piped lor bath Kbjt lerma. 3 BDRM. SUBURBAN 1IIS0O. 1 A. Close to achool A bu... Hrtnd, lira. Plaalerrd. Lll. K, breakfast nook ' $2900 3 bdrm. hse. In fair shape. 3 blk. from '" r. nnm a louet. City water. Chimney for either oil or wood heat. tiw( iiibo you ining, C. W. Reeve Realtor S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590, "v- cJS.V FOR SALE LIVESTOCK JERSEY very gentle. Wonderful family cow. Rt. 0, Box 337T. 3rd house on left north of Swede School. Ph. 3-4345. e366" BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer a., v. Mcuanaiisn, 1137 s. 35. Ph. 3-8117. PETS CHOICE canary birds. 36o" N. 18th. ec288 ? FEMALE Siamese klttem. seal points, reasonable. Jane A. Ooble, 1197 E. Lin coln, Woodburn, Ore. Phone Black 7. c26fl RED COCKER PITS. $10 eich. Sired by champion. 2 moa. old. 625 Caiunin avr. ec266 AIR : DALE puppies. Re. $35. Call Han cock 3-4JS0. CC269 HAMSTERS for aale. They make good Ph. 9 -091 0. er24" WANTED POSITIONS YOUNG WOMAN, college graduate, seeks 4 to 6 hours dally emoloyment. will run. alder anything of honorable and re muneratlve character. Please call 3-6256. h265 WANT washnig and ironing and babv Sitting. 2105 N. 4th. h265 CHILD CARE or baby sitting after" B p.m. Your home or mine. Ph. 3-1945. h364 FINE PAPERING ft painting. Ph. 3-55237 h289 CARE for children during day. 1923 N. (-ommerciai. h266 PAPER HANGING, painting. free esti mates. Guaranteed workmanship. Ph. 4-3761. h269' Mimeographinp-.Tvpine: POES. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 h285 MOTHERS ATTENTION! Child care In my nome. ti.xa per oay. 580 N, Liberty or Ph.3-9933. h264 EXP. LADY grocery clerk. Full or part ttmeL Ph. 3-5861. h264 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h287 PAINTING, Interior ft ext. Ph. 3-2979. h38B BABY SITTING. Phone 30580. h287 HOUSE RAISING, foundation! concreli work. Klang Bros., Ph. 3-3293. h286 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- lng. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h266 I ROTO-TILLING with M.E. machine. Ph 2-100. h3ft5. 3 ROOM suburban semi modern house, gar- bc, c 11 icK.cn nouse, garoen. Older ad ulU only. Ph. 3-9650. Jm264 NEW. NICELY arranged 1 bdrm. house. Insulated. Auto. elec. heat. Wired for range. To responsible couple only. Ref erence required. Close to State house. Va block from bus, $72.50 Including wat er. 1533 Court St. jm266 8 ROOM modern furnished cottage. 3365 rwr.ignq nq. Jm369 BDRM. house. 35 per month. Apply" 367 N- H1Bh- Jm265 FURNISHED cottages. Very reasonable rates. 3155 Portland Rd. jm264 , CABINS, NOT modern, Dallas Hiehwav. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS .ww is .ne time! Call 3-9I3I for free v..a...w va mnpimi roonng. oet roof lng weather protection before It rains Sear Roebuck ft Co.. 650 No. Caoir " " - rVrrV; , , fLL MISCELLANEOUS A11 rt 5 ii Azalea8 8 ,or W- King house. Brooks. FOR SALE: Simplex Ironer on stand! Nearly new. Also O.E. iron ft board. Cheap. Mrs. W. Murphy, Rt. 3, Box 145 n264 WE HAVE bargain price on all kinds of ....... riE.. 1-t.nne, rerrus., oil floor furnace, oil, elec.. wood, ga heaters, ft " , XT.'L' no lSD. outboard motor, hip boots. Jig saw, cook ware ets, car heaters, chains, tire ft tubes ft misc. Come out to shop and save at ..jh.u oim,, in miie nortft of Sa lem on Portland hiway. Open days m. wk. irom a a.m. till ft p.m. n366 LI.Dt.? Vi Mh0ftny Dining Room Set. Ph. 3-8389. n267 OFFICE. LARSEN BLDG. Ph. 3-8389. J267- CHARMING 3 bdrm. home, completely furn.. located on the shore frontage of beautiful Devils Lake, just a few min ute drive from Oceanlake and Ore gon' finest beaches. Include boat house an extended fishing dock and pier. Oil range, oil heat, fireplace, elec. hot wtr., laundry tub. Right on the lake Iront at Sandpolnt. thrilling view. Lease to June 1, 1950, $60 per month. You pay utilities, except water. Contact Col lingsworth ft Brown, Realtors, Ocean lake, Oregon, phone Delake 3616. J265 NEW STORE building for leas. iv m croaaway or Pti. 31835, SPENCER Corsettier. 3555 D St. Ph. 3-5073 n277 303 SAVAGE with Weaver K25 scop Pachmayr mount, shells and cleaning rod $115. Carl Savage. 403 S. Warren St., Monmouth, Oregon. n264 WOOlTciRCUtA dry slab $15. Inquire 2535 E. Nob Hill. n265 NEARLY new full size bike, reasonable. etarbuck Motor Motel, Apt. 2, N. 6a- n265 USED SINGEB sewing machinesf'a elec- v.u, 4 necinc caomets and some treadle machine. Reasonable and fully guaranteed. Term arranged. Sing er Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. . n265 HYDRAMATIC FUTURAMIC Oldsmobile ROCKET TRADE-IN SPECIAL 1949 Buick Rdmt. Dynaflow 4 Holer Four door sedan. comDlele ly equipped less than 10,000 miles. $2500 Loder Bros. OLDSMOBILE 465 Center St. Ph. 3-7973. oji AUTOMOBILES ONE OF the beatflS! Stlldebaktr Com.' mander. Full' equipped. Owntr. Ph a HODEL A Ford 111. 15J5 N. ltth. 0364 41 MERCl'RY a-Door. I.0O0 Wlaa. R&H. Phone a-1435 alter 6 p.m. .264 Bl'ICK. ls. clean, radio. Oood mbbrrT Call TU Monmouth. .371 Eisner Motors to Sell 150 CSED CAR LOT ISO aa jour old ona. 13th BU Junction. Open tin 10 p.m. .3,7. The "ROCKET" is easy on your POCKET and so are these Hydramatic OLDSMOBILE Futuramic "Rocket" trade-ins LOOK AT THESE SAFETY TESTED VALUES '41 Olda 71 dlx. club aedan with everrthlna like new '47 Chevrolet aedan. Very good . 47 Studebaker Commander aedan Local owner. Low mileage '47 Olda 7a club aedan Real buy '48 Mercury convertible. '41oida 66 aedan. clean 41 Ford V-a coupe. Oood LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE A beauty 1381 465 Center 3410 Fairground Ph. Ph. 3-797J 3-1490 0364 See at J271' FLOOR apace on State St. Dealt apace on muuun ob. rn. a-e.aa. 11 U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 39103. t BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Still. ) FinoR BANDERS lor rent MonUomrrt Ward. POWER TOOL rentala lor noma and in duatrlal uaa. Howaer Broa. Ph 3-3646 1" TRAILERS 13.00 per day Howaer Broa 141o 6 13th. Weat Salem. TO DO a good lob rent a good floor aand r W. tell everything to Mmplet. the Job HQW8ER BROS . Ph. 3-3646 ! 'OOP USED PIANOS H L. Still CUSTOM work plowing, dlaklng. Job or hourJPhauaiBprlnger. h264 NANCY'S Nuraery. Day or hr. Ph. 3-4940 h384- IRONINO. Ph. 34767 alter I p.m. h380 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h37S' FUEL SAWDI'ST A Wood. Ph. 2S608. rnil.D CARE. 183 8. lBth. Ph. 36876. h273' WOODSAHINQ PH. a-lS . BABY SITTING. Ph. 3-6833. CARPENTER 3-2093. work. New. repair. WANTED REAL ESTATE Wl ARE In oec4i Ol gooa Doustu ia In or near Salem If yon wUb fte list Tour propeny iof sale aoe ORBRNHnRST BROS, BEAITOB u S. Liberty ph, a.347l n anted to buy: 3- at 4-room modem a..?, ttw oowq, 939 montn. ?"'" M371 NOTICI1 If your proweny la for aaie. rent or aichaoge list it with a We amrw aui ainos oi casn buvers TATS FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1A9 8 High St $10 DOWN1 lots with water, boa aervk-e. fruit tree lose to Ha, at vi lie School, ftift per "REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Itl South Pllgb Street Ph. 3-tao3 Bra. Sun. 4.1174. 1-1331, 3-arot 3-3718, Mill ..364 Journal Want Ads Pay EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BY OWNER: Small acreage. Oood house and other buildings. Write Capital Journal, box 363. cb26 tl AC. Benton rounty dairy or' stock farm to exchange for property tn or near Salem. D A. Fish. Has a. Com- rnercial. ph. 3-ft24. b TRADE? YouTSaiem- HOME For this Sandwich & Ice Cream Place In excellent NEW busineas bids. Com pletely equipped, there la also apartment for owner, $11,000.00 : Dunn Realty Exc. ' Ml North Pacific Hi. way Ph. -Main Ht 1 Woodburn, Orefoa uit PHILLIPS BhOS Old fir. oak. ash A maple r fir l.ib and edBiniifl Ph SM.'tft Wtl.NUT shells for sale. Klorfeln Packing to,, ino h. rront. et Orepron Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Freh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double $10.00 Also 16" Oreen Slab or 4 Phone 35533 SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L, T. MaxwelL distributor ee275 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 16' Slab Wood and Edging fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Insld Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK POB SftB OR KEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. 1 tM DRY OR GRFEH SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-M. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIRSRL AND STOVE OIL Phone r.lem 3-4031 Also pic up wood at 1535 Edcewater St. West Salem DRY 1ft" slab ft edging. Ph. 3-1451. ce CALL HIGHWAY FUKL POB PltVfl and Stof Oil. FHK8B CUT SAWDUST Dr Slab Wood Dry Plainer End ft Bloc Wood. Pfc tH4 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR RENT ROOMS Rl SINKSS hist. Nice sleeping room, Heat. nxK, water in room. 256 Center. Jk265 SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman with prl- .aie on in s eni. oa n. cnurch. Jk264 Hi: Trn sleeping room for men. Double v ingie. 3H3 n. nth. Jk269 SLEEPING RM. Reus. Newly dec. Prlv. ent Bus at door. lflflO N,5th. Jk2S8 GOOD WARM RM. m modern home, urea i a i u oejiirea. Hot bath any ti 1143 S. Liberty. jk28.V PLEASANT RM. Private home, kitcht-n privilege. Employed lady preferred. 3-74(15. 15i0 Slate. Jk264' t lose IN nicely furn. bdrm. with kit. priv. tiuis. girls. No drinkers. 696 Cottage St. Ph. 39430. jk27 RpOM with bath. Close in. Gentleman rn. j-nni. jk366' CLOSE IN. warm, 1st floor sleet n roam. oo teenier. Jk266' TRAILER SPACE at Elby s. New. modern. v.. i in., tuna n piygrna., reas. rates. Next to schl. and church. Lge. grnds. Visitors welcome. Dallas Hwj. Ph. 3-3344. J270 SINGEB ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines Reasonable rates, Free pick up ft delivery 'Singer Sewing Machine Co uu n torn i fn 33813 J264' Used Spinet Piano A lovely 40" Instrument with Pratt read direct blow action. Like new. Real sav ings. STONE PIANO CO. (The Valley's Finest Piano Store) 15 Fairgrounds Rd. n267 MAHOGANY period style buffet 135. Cavil iier vwar enra. Koper range $100. Simmon rollaway bed $25. All like new. Also ome antiques priced very low. " w, to j noyt be. n266' ii, close-coupled complete enrome angle stop, sup. f , b nf putty' s,'8tt whl they PONTIAC Good Will Cars '48 PONTIAO SEDAN, CODPE, R B 11645 '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1195 '46 DODGE SEDAN 1145 '37 PONTIAO SEDAN 145 '38 PONTIAO COUPE 145 '37 CHEV. CPE 195 '41 CHEV. SPEC. CPE 645 "38 CHEV. PANEL 393 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 660 N. Liberty ph. 3-4113. Eisner Motors to Buy CHECKTHE ' SPOT CAB accessories tirea ft tubea tt eon" price Flrat come Ilrat served aa thla la a close-out aale Dealera welcomed R D Woodrow Co.. 450 Center CHECK THE 1 -mm LAUNDERALL auto, waaher, like new" ? . leS..th,n 3 mechanically per. ICCt. Will a.eriri. x.n tin a. Firat rd. to right cut ol etete hoapltal! n264' AMBASSADOR CORONET. Olrla red coat else 12. 1945 Prlngle rd. C. Dulour. n264 HOTPOINT electric range. Ph. 3-4574. n264' iEe.M.AL ELECTRIC Oroaley. Olbaon m .rowi Appliance, at oevurtz. n- OIL clrculatora at close out '"n.i. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 875 Cheme- J?eti n284 30-30 WINCHESTER. 30-06 with juT .a. men standard. .38 Cotg. 694 N. Lib- OARAGE FOR rent. 1140 Center. WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN ft family 'desire 3 or 3-bd7n7 unfurn. Jiouse. Ph. 3-0319. Ja2S4 WORKING COI PLE wlahes to rent small Aiuufic or mp. rn. ii-iijis flay, 3-3047 eve. ja366 BDRM. hoUSe or ant. Furn nr ntat-M.. Need aafe yard for little boy age 3. Ph! OR MORE bedroom house in Keiier sch. dlst. Ph. 3-3743. Js264 3 BD. RM. house, $30.00. Ph. 3-9877. ROOM AND BOARD SEWING Machines Free Westing houjte. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Oheme- n284 PLASTI-KOTE the cellophane-like fin. isn for your floors, woodworks or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chcmeketa. d384 USED Radios. YEATER APPlTaWec6T 375 Chemeketa. n284- USED washing machine. YEATER-AP-PLIAJiCEco- SH Jki? STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, falling m stock ft made to order. 1145 N, Liberty. D281 WALLING RANTi A nn van rr crushed bock for road and drlvewas, v...w-f. icBiu? mm concrete garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching A, yd hovei and drag line Ph 3-929 WELL FCRN. sleeping room. Clone In. H. water, uentieman. 737 Center. )k264 WABM ROOM. man. 360 Marion. Jk364' NH'E SLEEPING room. H.' 0 water. :6! "lh. Jk365 SLEEPING rm. Ph. 3-4333. Jk374 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. PriT. ent. rn. j.irft. love n. uapiwi. Jk37ft' close IN sleeping rm. 603 Union. Jk366 SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg. 3131 Center. --2"' OOMS 448 Centf Rear Woodrow'j ik27ft PRIVATE RM. with house prlrllege. l or -i.ri,m girts, rn. J9im aays or write V49 iwrKrt. JK2B4 HOLLYWOOD, 3033 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093 " M91 MISCOVY DITRS. II arh. Greenhouse. Brooks. tt Pi'i.i.rT. Rt. Salem. Merrills f25- Boa 35, on Gehlar Rd.T f26l BED FRYERS, aUo fat hen. 3040 S. 32nd or rnoiw a-aiau. f264 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. APT. 3d. floor, lady preferred. Ph 31530. jP264- CLOSE IN, well furn. 3 room pC at 63 er. Jp266 t ROOM furnished apartment. Ph." 37310T JP365' SMILL FCRN. apt. Pri-at bath. Adult 130. m S. Com 1. jp364 LARGE FCRN. Apt., utilities 1710 N Capitol. jpaas t ROOM furn. apt. AdulUFhT3-5373 1935 Center St. jpjm t RM. furn. Pt.ri35.O0.33ie: Mfttal. IPJ64 ONE BOOM basement apt. Pura. Clone rn. j mi wion. Jp264 t BM. MODERN furn, cottage. Pb. 3-618 1P364- BOARD ft room. 1 double and I single ana. ivi ji, ouininer. jj265 BOARD ft room. Ph. 3-8706. JJ38! ROOM for t or 3 men. Home cooked inrtiis. mncn pacKeo. Tran-tD.. mr JjiS4 available. 3-6740. BOARD, room ft do waUing for elderly people. l45jmonth. Ph. 2-2376. JJ264 HOME FOR AGED. 3-omo. Quiet location. Ph JJ364 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Olasses. pink rims, Tlclnlty of Sum mer ft D St. Ph. 3-7153. k365 LOST: Small boy's plastic trimmed u. -. nt.ira. 431 0, fjom i Ph. 3-3433. 266 l"sti Boy red ft white bicycle. Lot uwe. rn. di-.jio. k364 LOST Brown billfold luiiat M-nfi- tlon ft some currency. Finder may keep ""'"'w niurnmi wnei paper Ph. 3-5310. D. B. Peters, 1160 8. Liberty. k36t tOST: Prayer book at S OO Msjis. Oct. 30 w' wTi"' cnurcii. Nam Ellen Adams on fly leaf. Ph. 3-7738. fcam- LOSTt Orange Persian eat. female." MISCELLANEOUS LM SPRINGER, men hatter 464 Court. we close Saturdays 13:30. m370 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER -DENTIST AdoiPb Bid,. Stat ft Cowimarclal tit SALEM Phone l-SSU BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDERS Cedar shake in the carton 113 q. As betos siding $10 so.. Large medicine cabinet 17.50. Bargain on Insulation water heaters, water proof wall boards ash basin, shingles, doors, lge. front Windows. C. O. LONG. Ph. 3-JI31 1 mile N. of Keiter. malt RED CEDAR ah In He No. 1 3x3 any amount del it red lowest market price 18 in. No. I carton packed redarwali ii-.-dP. road CaU 3-1194 Baler. , GOOD med. sized wood range and oil cir NEW 130 bass piano accordiVn. Price 1295. rn. alter o p.m. nasa SEWING Machine, electric or treadle Service on all ma km. Ph. 3-7671. n281 ustn electric water heaters. YEATER nrriiuim,!, tu. 378 Chemeketa. n284 Used electric refrigerators. YEATER AP- ri-'?"'-'f.. ,'. JV"ket. n284' i sf.o oil burners, blower ft sawdu.-t u urn era, rn. -BB03. n2 SPOT ISm S,,,,,!,'8LER I05'"' bargain. 892" N. Winter, room 5. q264 OB TR. DE Card Cara. '41 Nash s-paaaT L0"W' Pack. 4-dr. aed. '37 Chev. aed. v' " '3J c"y- Md- '25 Dodge ael. These cara are all priced lor quick sale. Hardman Bros. 4'1 miles north ol . u.. run niway. upen Irom 6 a ,m a p.m. 7 days awk. q36g CHECK THE SPOT 0.264' 195 ?RD deluxt- Unusually clean w. ... m c.r. luu Itate St. Q266 Why Buy a 1949 Model When You Can Get a 1950 NASH at MARION MOTORS 337 CENTER 214 ZEEB'S USED CARS nrr. SELL . TRAtlt ... TERMS 3 LOTS 2;?, "J?" 8t' "1. 2-1714. 2325 Fairground Rd. Ph. 2-6454 RON'S SPECIAL Sale on Used Cars "See Ron First" 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE STA-S'2'!,2,AOON- RDIO, 2 5 i.! E H DEFROSTER. GOOD RUBBER. RUNS pr'icV..0000' 8PE0"lIM, 1940 CHEVROLET SPECIAL ' ' DE LUXE SEDAN. EXCELLENT CONDITION. MOTOR O 19,0 ?t'p.LJS BEDAN- "BATER. 1939 BUICK CLUB COUPE" RA , DIO & HEATER ...... ... 1941 CHEVROLET S-TON PIC: " UP 19"2i?SI cduPEr RADio' xibATER .... taai 1937 PONTIAC 3-b6oR. HEAT' ER 365 $50 DOWN & YOU CAN DRIVE IT OUT. 1936 GRAHAM SEDAN 193 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET a-DOOR 1928 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1936 CHEVROLET PANEL 1935 FORD PANEL 1940 FORD SEDAN DELIVER Ron's Motor Co. 240 S. HIGH MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS w!IzMR,.f ..t,'!r .Ty;;i5r. , ... oet at 330 Mission FARM EQUIPMENT VFL CI0 TIRE87'popul,r glrea' Jo.00 and up. Montaomer. JlZ" Salem. - . yy- BOATS "oPL.liob''".t- " " aerr.: Salem uiiuuMIBY WARD. I FORD lordor 1140 Gainrt St. Bed. 8700. 24903. Q264 42 DODGE 6-wheeIer on"all winter lob hauling ahort trlpa. Cloae In. Pli 2-1868. 0268 FI LLER brushea, 1745 Orant Ph 3-8357 n270- BARN TARD FERTILIZER IS yd. I yd. load 333. Arnold Phllllpa P o Box 261 Turner Ph. 1X2 ojss I'SFD electric ranges. YEATERAPPLI ANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n2S4- CSED Oil BEATERS 119.50. 129.50 nd 139 56. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INO 467 Court St Phone 3-9611 SALEM SATO a, ORAFEL COUPANT Contract Work Road Clearlnt Dilchlu Sewer a. Basement Equipment Rental it B 1 y da 10 B-t yds O-l Cat At Dover D-l Cat Doier D-4 Cat as Doe Set ua .bout ditching b. tnj rt. Phont Daya 3-9408 atvt. 3-824 or 3-440 ea:em Oregon . 4t PONTIAC 6 adn.. rd. ht. wi." & otller extras, 1525. Ph. 2-7178. q264 193.1 PLYMOUTH. Motor luit nv.rtrT.j runs real good, lota ol good transpor tation lelt In this one. Only 350. Ph 20346. 860 Spruce St. SELL OR TRADE: '36 Hudson door, lor pickup with 4 speed tran.. or equnl value or will pay aoma dlllerence. Ph 35966 alter 6 p.m. q.67 Eisner Motors Fine Cars FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO.. 318 Stat.. Fm" .... a..c. o-,33 . M-165. C. R. Allen, - . J264' IF FOU want to aell your property It will pay you to know how much ol an FHA obtlnih;'-iVhBd' ''o""lon l S;i J ab''.w1111 y Httlt troublt. Do STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8- St. Tel. 84iai. r. FARM AND CITT LOANS '3 ano 6 "JliS Wr? I:BM, 01 "nimat within ''"f? catli lor Real Est.t. Contra. ta and Second Mortsasea ... J;AprrOL SECURITIES CO 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163 r 1911 CHEV. 4-door Special Deluxe sedan R H. Good cond. Original owner. 1750 r,!L- "" q284' iHia BUICK 4-door seri.n taas n.i. heater Exceptionally clean. 888 N. Com merciai. fn. 3-7571. q2a4 LFMHF.R 8x4'a by lltnev load, tin n.. 'ooj Tou haul. Independence Lumber M.t. ut. inaapaodenet. Or. PHILLIPS BROS Ftrturrera. well rotted or tretn, any kind. By yard of aack. Flmock lor all rock work. Cedar lenct posts, telephone and elec. polea. Any length. Shlnglea Yew poata. Ph. 1-1458. Rt. 6 Boa 118 ........ 99 ...... a. .e..f .aw. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Oood piano lor cash. Mahog - ,nT..orjwaInut case. Ph. a. 8735. na365 wanted rnrnitnn vt not a epau Ltt Bre. For. Raflalahutg c h 8-1001 na r8JIJnRrIiTR. Pnone 3-6155. WANTED: B4RRIE Dougln. Hr polea or stumpage Phone 1387 Albany or write Sundard Felt as rtUtu Co, Inc. seal! HYDRAMATIC FUTURAMIC Oldsmobile ROCKET TRADE-IN SPECIAL 1949 Nash Ambassador Brougham Sedan JUST LIKE NEW $1995 Loder Bros. OLDSMOBILE PRIVATE MONEY Spec al Rates and Term , On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Pannents . OY U SIMMONS 13 South Commercial 8b Phone 3-flsi AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 183 8. Church 3-34S7 Lie. No. M-151 8-184 CASH Hollywood Finance Co. IPSO Pal rg rounds Road Nit Door to Bank Pre Parking Phone 37032-Llc N U36-2l 'lojd Kenyon. Mgr e Amot, ,1000 to r u,,.1 0'SrT-l"rfi5.,,, ,0' P"loIara. STATE FINANCE CO. IM B. High St. Tel. a4121. ft SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ,NL7. OR 4W INTEREST 6 to 40 Yeara and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. ... REALTORS " State St pone a.a6m 485 Center St. Ph. 1-7873. .364 Journal Want Ads Pay GENERAL FINANC1 CORP LOANS Lie. 0-133 and U-338 and POT B. SIMMONS ... . """AfCI AND LOANS "SComm.rclal St Tel. 3-9161 TRAILERS 18 FT. nnl kfTtraTler. Bulane .quipped! Cheap. JhL t-wjtH Ln St. t28 TRAILER house tor sale or tradnopja f 36 Ford or Chev. Apply Tip-Top See. vac. Station, 3380 S. ConvL Ph. j-9239. .. 1366 (Continued on Page 13) f