10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 5. 19491 t VOU 0 BETTER AM) TELL THEM T I RAN CV6R A3 SOON A5 I W GOOD LOOK AT THIS, "5 "THAT HOUSB MAP WAS DROPPED IN THE 0 I . . -,-av.t.. a 1 A e I - SO e 5hT TO THE MPS APPLETCWN HEARD ABOUT TmE NEvVV ROPER.' THERE'S A CLUE 1 APPLETOWNS' FRONT YARD'-AND 17 MAYdl KALjILJ r K LILi K A JV J I $ POLCE.CUPCAKE.VSUSPKTfB ME OF BUMPER CROP OP'r-Zci THAT COULD CRACK ALL 1 PUT A NOOSE AROUND THE NECK ,x"" w I lw wi-ai t i , i T r- IS . V BE'NO UP TO SOME- BUOjLARjES. CHlEF-r THE5E CASES WIDE OPEN.'I OF A PRETTV LITTLE BABY- ,-0, ' ftCC? .TH'NG CROOKED WHEN , OSXH ' ' ' J ' ST SITT1R II TTflJZ'Mrk ,..,.., B I (-. ( A i went there to rywM M I 1 -r-.'lS 7 'iytSW'J SATURDAY P.M. d'WSgSE M-mn wM Vm kgwotn kex kslm Koco- LrVi.i llrN-i--f 1 ' IBfVJ fl"'V I IsT. -dasW' 1 -' s' l sm Hit Sonet n... Seorei a konie Taber. hoes Rr.ro Ventura Heart of Happiness by PEGGY O'MORE AP N wfnturr "You don'i Know anything about thl. do you?" he stated. "You ' had no Idea what you'd lind, or why. Believe me, I didn't realize that. II Id had any stnse I'd have known. No one would return to iucl) a ruin on auch a day. and alone. I can't 111 you how aorry I am." "Im not," the returned thousnt lully. "I had to see H to realize there was some vital reason for their forcing me to remain In the East. I want to know that rea&on, who is responsible." The ugly look she had seen that afternoon returned to his eyes and his laugh was short. "Responsible? Where does responsibility start?" "Why did these people want to destroy?'1 "Why?" Arleta could see the shadow of indecision in the dark blueness of his eyes. "Who am I to tell you why?" he answered. "You'd have only one man's opin ion. Besides." his eyes cleared, 'Mother ordered me to see you had food and warmth, to stand over you If necessary and see you did Justice to the dinner she sent over, so He opened the roaster and dis closed a small casserole, well-blank. eted, rolls, still steaming when he lifted the woolly cover. And from the basket he brought china and silverware, a tiny teapot and two. cup percolator "for your break fast." "Your mother Is kind," Arleta said stiffly, "but I couldn't eat. I'm not hungry. "Well, If that Isn't just like i Langtry." he snapped. "Too stub born to save their own hides. Look at these he lifted the wet slip pers she had worn "and this' the bedraggled skirt of her suit. " suppose you went around In these for hours before you changed. And you'd sooner play the martyr, catch your aeatn 01 coia, man act sensi ble." Something was happening to Ar leta. First her hair was tossed back. tnen ner shoulders squared, and then one hand reached out to grasp someming. "No you don't!" Kelly's voice was a snarl. "I still carry the scar of tne qiun you stuck me with, Chips. If there are any more, you wear them." "I stuck you I Why, I never saw you oeiore in my lilei " "I'd admit that," he agreed bit terly. "I was a worm In your pnth; a half-baked tow-headed kid dar ing to trespass on Langtrv nronertv Oh, forget It. Now sit down and eat before I ' "Knock me down?" Inquired Ar leta. remembering. "As you tried to knock me off my pony Just be fore I stuck you?" "I tried to say what are you talking about?" Arleta swept up her hair. "You're not the only one with scars. See this? This Is where your rock hit me: that's why I went after you with my quirt. I remember now. You circled around while I was trying to reach home." "I circled "A moment for thought end Kelly's laugh boomed out. "If that Isn't the darnedest So that's what happened, and that's why those kids took to cover. They expected your father" "I didn't tell. Dad wouldn't have let me out alone again." She spoke slowly, heretolore unrelated events falling Into sequence. "I rather stayed under cover myself. I was afraid Id be whipped for hurting you. But I was so angry." "Angry," Kelly began, setting the tiny table he'd drawn before the fire. "You might have been killed." Intent upon what he was saying, Arleta automatically tasted the food. "Why. this Is good," she ex claimed, after a few bites. "Darned right, I'm a good . . . that is, a good picker of cooks. Refused to be Mother's son until he'd proven her ability." "You're a good dlsher-upper," con- eaea Aneia. witn meaning. He'd brought a two gallon-Jar of drinking water, and now that some of it was boiling over coals he'd raked to one side, he brewed the tea. poured It. then looked around for a second cup and was unnu cud. And then he stood up. "Better let you get some rest, f tying back tomorrow? I noticed the airline tax on your luggage. "Tomorrow? But Isn't this to morrow I mean " "I don't know what connections vou ll need to make, ha continued. "Connections?" she asked. "Bull I'm not going anywhere." "You're not? Oh. now, look, you can t stay on here. ' Go on. ' she said. Go on and tell me why I can't." Howard Kelly stood staring downi at Arleta. all of the distress he was feeling in his glance. "Isn't this" his hand Indicated the destruction below "enough?" Enough to maice me stay, ' she replied. "What's been done Is the! eftect. I mast know the cause." "The eternal Pandora." he com mented somberly. But don t you understand? ahel asked reasonably. "Today you hated I me because, when I was a small I girl, I'd struck at you, you believed in arrogance. Tonight when I learn ed it was you I'd struck, I immedi ately decided It was you who had thrown the rock. I "If I stay, bit by bit I can clear up an oi tne "Oh. Chips, don't. What could wou do that your parents and their attorneys couldn't do?" He gave her time to digest this, then added. "Allene tells me you are going to be married soon. How can you clear up within a few weeks what your father failed to clear up in that same number of years?' Howard Kelly stared at the log fire. What could he say to stop tins gin irom poKing mt snarp stick of an Investigation into the I Langtry hornets nest? "Chips," he drew a long breath. I men piungea, "suppose your in- I vestlsation convinced you that the people who tried to destroy this piace were justmed." (To Be Continued) ISfrensds far Strlnts United Natlsna Ciuy Lombards r Words a Hutlo r Wordi a Mo. I. Daydream Mas. Daydream Mus. Mu.la Roam Muale Room sn'wcasa Bandt Sh'weatt Bands jsunday Serrn. Sunday Sersa. Musis for Son. .Muslofor Ssn. rDonald Stewart Donald Stewart In.naid Stewart Donald Stewart DallasMlnUt. Coleman Salem Collers Isalem Collet. otundar Salon day Salon Pta.arcns Ch. Naiarens Co. Nsssrrna Ch. Naiarens Cb. Frank do Vol Frank do Vol Sunday Reverts Sunday never' Sunday Reyerls Sunday Reverts Address Cntit.nl .Innrnal 711 MIb n-wnrueu wihi r,ne pnea out meas-Mon at.. San Francisco 5. Calif, R2891 Crocheted ttosc Baskets Capture outdoor freshness for your house hold linens with these crocheted ro.se baskets brimful of embrokirred rose and forget-me-nots Thee designs are a compliment to your home making talent. Pattern Envelope No. R2891 con tains 13 hot Iron transfers messur- ROOM AND-BOARD '. MARK WELL -V.Y WORDS MCIGHPOR. MORGAN. THIS strappins vmiNG 1 1 inAP.ru. jack l'aa managing will One day be heavyweight chawon of THE AOR.U? AH-KM- AND YOUU. ALSO DO WELL TO PUT A IO WAGER ON U AS TO UIM HllCD FOUR-ALARM FOLEY? 1 n I 4, v irr foley HAS NEVER. MET A FIGHT! MS LUMPER JACK, MORGAN "5 R III If ll 'Zs&Lrr,j7 WrIW U f i V 9 WVf J tl I m. 5Ai't' Va-C I J:lS!Judy Cansra ,, 11 Aial. Holly. Byline "ayrws riaynKH I' 1 1 II OTitVO J5' lV iLf CrM WVrTiyjll j.'ValB I " m CC'T l:3Or. OI' 0ry, 1, A,. ( handu Matis Voleo si Tratk Band II II llflWi Vryl III iTtfM PVvlA -At VI I o-SVX ol' ""'S.ol It ii.n "' "" ' ' Train M Vard tins I'll Jl ('jyMsnndLLJ a 'X J-,, aywJtf II TQJ g:00 Trutk sr vrH7ss l1" Ranier Hawaii Talis hanclaf Party H H V-rt r-H 1111 n r r J W h 1 rWiPi'i n 3Ll.. . F" n 7 (liy (V'LJ 1 . 1 ( A vX I p$ iff il1b.7 b:.'lSo.,. k::s::1: b...Hr:. teL I B ITk I I tt VV ffrj"'5 rT!B ) - J I J H H UtSOWas o lrea.ury Band Lel'a Danes Open Hou.s Danrlnt Parly lh sLh V9 si VJM! (1 V J W J IT VCkC atnrday T.M. - 5:00. Chll. I dleai 7, Grand Opera Tsnlihti :!, News JC -a eSijXA. J-y2f2ifflrJJ Wt..SS - JJ.. d..O. Tkat..l S:IS. O. lbs ,.M. ,d oner. Tonl.hll :IS. New. T"5 NiirW Vir7 TVi flAj, Upbeati :M. V Spsrle risb: :, Newsi and Weatherl :M. Danes Farad. I 1S:M, VX rll KMEy :' tonds. Ulteri S:M. Dlnney Mels- ' HI.. Oil. -o . - y& y SUNDAY " J C!it p 7:1)0 a.dl. r.lplt Chsreh of Air IBand Boi j j , 1 i i i I I I , . 7:l.S;aadls rulpll Lnnrcn si ir '"- . 4 so J. Doe's Mulls Chsreh si lr Band Boa Mu. s Fy " VJ3Aci - " 7:45j. Dae's Muele Chnreh si Air Band Boa Mulls awnawsasi nnHanwwaawJ WOW I THOTSTH' FIMEST V "V I HEY! U3ie LOOK EH? OH-MU9T1A' g VmIMsss. Mnila Newtmaker. Be.lyal Bout HI Baptlet Ch. Hymn Tims O W LCAPVM LIZAPOS! TH'T GET PWft FROM ME. 1 A WTCHER IVE 6EEN FOP Ml, V T YOU, ROCKY fHrM- VTEPFED IN SOtETWf fc :1S!M'. ade Howard Smith Re.l.al Hour let B aPll'l Co. J"" R I EE6' JOHNNY I IT". I VOO iJOft ! I 1 YEARS -WHAT ft I H0UT8 TRICKS? t 1 KHflre TMflT ON ) ON TH' WPIY HERE- jj fl.:d2Cioms Salt Lak Tab" RctI ftl Hour Voice Prophecy FHIo'ihip Voko ir io B.D.Birr f.c-r iacl ukrrrro I UCLrtri' 1 KJtrrt olvmtciO .-yi hu .daafV f I whot happened? fA"J kl" hrSSS I wWt ! NarVirv w n-S I I JJ SK3. .. r.u mo.rn.., SSSSSSSZ Si: K S ffuli1 ! rftltbl 1 l-r y I l 1 rilkf- I U ;' I III) m m.l l '.IS I i ir r.ki- t. li'ntl.i.ndllundav Veioeri Yonr Seearltr Warnt Kin n iKta xji s vi Walk rvsfeB i-rtsiiiK.Kn I TSUSI " JS-1 II III f-ST ' lli:w.f I' riesC-.i" P5?SSSS!n I -7. w.j" i. . mi. Il..nll. J.ro YMM&$ ls'72cDTEMeTOOSO,-ID. H I voucxliavetoleaj?m5ieheisimv Lijl "i"?S:J!f S!J M1:: I" mI: pJoIloenl is: .Sid.: I'WVCWV'ii I J5yTJ,iiPWEe,SyPH0EBe-1 WAVE TO SAVE TIME NO MORE.MR.WEBri.YOO'RE: I WILLlr? TAW )' 2:30 H.. ol Star, Symphon.tts r.resle.1 story True Deleetlrs VM'fZ-XJf r " TOOM TOOAY IS TO STOCfV THE REST OF rT J ItHE BES'f BAPBERNTDvS r Aiaffuiirl L- : 2j45 H'ye.l .1 Stan Symph.nelt. Great,.! St.r, True Deteetl,. tt&frjl f TME. FIRST APPOIrJTMEMT) BAR BERING COURSE e! wanpa....a ALCEAriv" Ly rXNYTHINSS .t-": . 3.IUI Hu.le of ths Family Hour Lutheran Hour John Stes l'lnrjtB 1 1 T V MR.MEBB MAS OPEN! ir-ii. 1, ---wl II rtt'' 1 S:f5 Ma.lero Family Hour Lutheran Hour John Slrel l&LHjhJr IVtW I y aJfV"""! f y":;! I f ft. I "JC . Slin Bollywood Roelon Blaekle Melodies Mod. Mck Carter -C 'XS?g I I I 1 r.AL R TSSJ I I B lNrfAPl3 jMj7: sLom 1!"Ci. V-9 it Cj "VsT 4:15HllyWd CalllnUack law Family Cloieup )l; ital Health 9&Aff2f I ' I a.1 1 f v KVtyJvS.""! I E It I iV -1 I WTt I V "ill V5J -t P'ff- 1 Vr-v W flf 4:!W Barrts-ras. Amos 'n' Andy Oaest Star Mysterious NrVOT7TffT avT3t '';-!. eWvIV"-!! H LJ fcJsJy-!L "O V 3?tr iltrV-. I. V tZ 7 liisHarn.-Fara Amoi V Andy Belly Llark Traveler xlSvZ 1V'S E afciWrtJ f1 -0'e 1 L( fjh V.ri rixKltSr- v" J Vrifl'TTt r-l,T' A .( . 5:00 Sam Spada Bera.-M'C'rihy Stop ths huile Muale lor You 5i 7 4 iv . fSJi LJl T XJv' - f. V V 'XT-I lt4Uai W 3 ".I I lAltiA S:15am Sp.de Bera.-MC'rthy stop Ihe Muale Uuaie lor You III S B 4pv2 rlJlGJ I VI V ' tLXl VOVfr ,;L JT I V T'N. I X. 5:30 Theatre Guild Rorkr Jordan Slop ths limit Lynn Mjrray rTT- ' III I I SS5'l ifTn 1 . V Cl i Is. -WIJ! V. . I IV'-r 1? e JS J S:45 Theatrs Guild Rocky Jordan Stop Ihe Muilc Lynn Murray i 1 11 imi 1 1 H auffviei ' .. ri 1. ... 1 wi n i i tmm a i . . . i j e - i ,,. r -1 i - m,J.: ' HSTS TOK;WiE?Siir Af'yj. irt Vpf-1l W MKfL I FO LJa T-feTfesfe-''-l JSUl I ' I I LWrl I II I It I ' fgV7X .TfcdTI I 'i JT7--r-'----e-. I I I3V. Wf-'l 7:30 Boh Croibr The nhlitler Amailna Roy Rosers STiml&r I I I . . . . 1 1 ' ' 1 7:45Bob Cro.by Ths Whl.tler Melons Roy Boters JfTIV r MERGENCYA'' tS"TS?l I iss.'sssji!?. I-tson-T hbht-btviJ WfteSgsa ESS KiK"" ?S; 33!:. Zifl l I I IS STVu r VraJTrarrv iMir A I T? TfrSrVTLJ '..',yi'X . IN1 L B OUtSTIOI IS.WILL I 8:30 Symphony Hour Bers.-M Crthy Wler Wioehell Wall. Wlncbell ZR!L '1 s FSSmSJiF.Ttnji'ES I t G,TS T06ETHEJ!T I PrP0IAU.Y-AKl' S MK. 4r It "A AH ACMAIN ONE? I S-JJ Symphony Hour Beri.-M'C'rthy Intermeils Louella P.l.tne I I .VJZZ?? V 11.. MSWCH ONLVOLEMAKI -.m .... H.V, Vd-.l.m ETeT.r, Ho7d Ve fas I -rrvjCrFT ilaili vtiwiellja 1 1 lil?r,l-fca f - ' . I I rVCWELORnMOSE WIOWSTH 9 l5!Srh.n, Hsur Red Shells. r.retory Hood Editorially . KTvL.iJiii JMSHill. ' JI.'SH.- r IrA- 1 m.md ANSWER. OH- 9:30 Voire. . E.enl.J.ek Benn, 0rehe.tr. Cunnla.haa IX iioi L 0Y C?"5 NOVNMW 'th ' clT'faW COME ALOW.'.' J tl . ISfJfi. WHUT WILL HIS 4 J:45 Vslces - Irent. Jack Benny Bay. McKay Sew. I A 2847 rZZr J TISSJml rZ PBg-j.lCK-SHUN wiX F.y. Star r7l Rlchnd" ReiH, S.roii I V SIZES pwyT , f 'JiC "4? I vL "1!. f l lUm' -rk -Crarrrwrerf 10:15 Mary A. Mercer Nlihl Editor Geo. Sokoliky II ' VV.'-4 a 1 1 I J - aww.sT Ls I 11 JOfH T ffSS F 10:30 Cathollo Ho.r Mu.le lor Ton Orchestra ---a - ifVi',-;" II III I - t I I 6:45 Farm Tim. KOINJtlock Keep Smlllnp News n LN!tA5D LLK ONE OF THESE BRUSHKhssl h FLOOR WITH? ?:f1jS.T ., fc04 k "'.?., rToVrrade. - Jjuwmuin HE STOPS WONDERINO A -, J - ".f(V NEED TOCOVER- K8:00 EddlPAIbert r.n.umer New. Breakla.l Hub iBVeHhTCouM; T 1 HAIR TONIC H JP I HOW THEV CAN SELL. m .J?J ZT I WATER I VV1. ' 1 TUF FLOOR . 8:13 Eddls Albert Days Vails Breakla.l Club Mornins Special V" Jt5i M f 0 rSttrS ''tSS l Jt'i IHC rUIUKl If .o0 Uck n,rk r,d Slsm Brasbls.l Club Mu.le T -g-) 3M -s THEM FDR A fU'' jt, T-i ..'. J IlS tt5' T -fM :45 8' '"", Roaemary Breaklasl Club Muilc jA "f", f Vsai QUARTER' ASJ JZ?ij A'lf'Tf Wfixt fflkM XTK I IO1 ?:0OSeesnd Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell N W News U X ' V ' yf9:--t .adr C3JK X M-l-lffi J"tll' ftPlwXrNXj 1 liSVf' 9:I5 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stare of Today Hull Club aHHtaWurV, .aw I'lSTSR5?55! ? uT TCTeLprnrLjKV f Wdl AitT7VV ifl :30 Hometownera Helen Trent Art Llnkleltei raster'. CaU O I ly,iii,i I I Cj t ; V -aC, TrlVsT ;xTSrr IyhS&!j'f. w' l ?.:Nl" Our G.I Sund'y Art Llnkleller Walt. Time -!Cyu27 t J I 'It yl Si rf: I J 1" V3Tt2 " l'Li3MI . AyyAW-Y 3?i TMf2rti lO.nn Marriaeo for Ble Sl.ter Jack Norman LVcwi a t 7 C TT. 'AMlrMtCyX 17 WTT L W ST- lXhlr'f?B& I A I II bT4LW5: wSyVW,I n:15 "othlns Ferry Ma.an sas. Rldera V,' r . r) BllH .fl-?-i- O.VM!t0vvC jrjirJL k. y. t;iP) I II I H-5at' .I -TiWl 11:30 Children Today Norah Drake N'weMernera aai rnai vf- i j' '"T-Ci ii . -AaXW V"'N i-l J f-VTAS VA'-.-SH fl J 13:00"a Bc.otll.l Dunean M'LeoTB'haas Talklm fT - fl-i: liSs Yn" t r fcJlaaaW , I , llx) lfili' T T"-"- Come a Get Ithjew.' t " 1 ' ' Til 12:45 Rlaht Is Happl. Art Baker Meet Menjoua S s rpWa 1 v!ivvii..iTir 1 II l;ili.v,rD:,,:i,ir.r-ry'vriK m?. - 1 this one'll Sleep I . F'6ht hb'S A i apet E60 .wtm him. I Z JfiS"! ST I widdV,' b?.". rurkn..Ne...K.y :! I B I n A . a M m. TTi lCLJ f U A rVl SUWELf I MM I BILL MMU I . " i L 1 " a I - .. 'IN'VV'Jaj- lsw iaw-r Tujr u,if . X V Pv f:30Ju.l Plain Blll Show iflf S Ss -r-T 6REAT MONK ' t f 2:45 Fr. P... FerrcllTanel II, Tour. fw5 T Wl mi ( oirofn OrvXi v' 33;r5We!: MarcJs Jnawawngjpnaami 1 ir (. atouniala r facta IE ITIAiMl I N.EnE5N!E'S- rLfT? I g&sJSsi a peanut vj lvevvhat?! ilovhat?! 1 .."coStai,. agAiinnKisla ID ' v(e?.rt7V.7 r-"-,,,'-'i . JrvM I T '2K5SS53 tared .id. . or milk imuisdbioilie dds II IS. a m? v; fl M M ! emus By Gen. Anern VT iTl . J GM CT M - 1 k l aT awa?JjsRv ( I 1 j ' iif f imirf m. v. i x im'i i --vt - w . ' 1 - n . w s i wwa .tk i a.i .. t 1 I sr -jr w i , 1 a-- - i 11 1 1 1 1 f tt-u ft 1 j w in jt-w ii 1 1 1 1 rx 11 - i v i' 1 nrawmr . - ww TW IRS? r 1 ii - " o- a a x 1 .-..w 1 r i r 1 1 , 11 - . iH '- Vak S" 4TIR UPTMt flRLMARTINlfll avTTurTT WHY WOU10 A LETTER AOORtMtO jJaV f"V 6ETFESKIIA ANDPAPEK-'WEU Af AX I TO BUNNY CHARE K LYING ON THE J I P dT I Tl COMPETE THE UT OF WE00IN& l'-rrM fS SLATOf fViARTlNSCAR'.-Of COUWE 1 I p; X I -rK 5 I . uUEST'.MMAMA CAN ORDER $ I WOULDN'T OREAM OF OPENING IT .' I p ' . -To . I ' 13 .tvm i t H 11. i5 Sunday Reeeri Sunday Reyerla Sunday Reyerla Sunday Reyerla ilia oil All-Time C'aauala Versatile two- piece dress to make with a change ox tops . IMO. ZB47 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 10. 18, 20. 36. 38, 40. 42. 44, 46. Size 18 lone sleeve jacket and skirt. 34a yds. 54-in.: can sleeve Jerkin l'i yds. 351-n. would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles? Just include the PALL-WIN- ter FASHION BOOK in your pat tern order and you'll be delighted with the wide selection of designs for all size and age groups, and all occasions. You'll also get many suggestions for easily made gifts tnai wiu stretcn vour Christmas budget Price of book 20 cents. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. I IKOCO K1ek KOCO Kloek T Kilter xewt (To O Mornlriff jTnp O Momlnv iCrSBidrri Crutaders IWett. MriodlM IFteiU Time ptelody Ttm Melodj Tlm ISttrt 8lnr John C. Thnflia r.ospel Binirr Musie V'lti Bertnad Ladlei Flrtt .diet lint Nupn for Dir Hitecii (or Daj NVV. Ncwi ptrmorT Mail rTun Tim HH Key 1 Muile Mart Muiia Mart L)an Oarber K'oral Varlrtr fToB Trade Newi Chan. Cooi'rca In Hslljrw'd Ttll NXrbhar Br. In Hollrw'd Harv. Hardlna- juraaB R?vcrici! IBlor Sine. Liar fllewari Jar SUwarl Br Ida Groan IBrlda oi rralk War Oil rralk War Out k,ad'i ba Seated1 ITed Malona IHnd. Ronaneei Mod. Rom an c Eaulrrel Caa qnlrral Cate IMelsdr Matinee! MHodr Matinee Tenn. Janibo.ee Tenn. Jamboreai Farm -Home Bob Foolt INea panaa ef Timet I Fallen Lewie wrnk. nrm'war (Behind Storr (Newt H'wood Mailo H w.od Maile ewa Dare Deanlf LMar'a MeledfM Mae'a Melodtea Mae'a Melodlea IMac'i Melodlea iMac'e Melodlea IMae'l Melodlea Mae'a Melodlea Mac'e Melodlea Mae'a Melodlea Mae'a Melodlea Mac't Melodlea Mar't Melodlea Movie Tina pMilloiopber Brera Can Be Beaattral iiifT from 74 to 8i niches to 24 bv l inches, crochet Instructions, Mitch tikis. ration., material reaulre- mtni. and complete making and imismnn aireciions. To obtain tnta pAttern. send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number. vour name addreAs and rone num oer to HrcR' Roberts. 828 MLulon ireet San Francisco 3. Calif It. Turn out 10. Collection ot facta It. Sulk It. Purcbaa 11. Watary part of milk to. Hockey ballt provincial l. PlaUnt 17. Crusted diaa St. Oiiraelvaa ID. Place, 40. Slow 41. Brlrla: 4. Deiccndant 4rt. Stamping form Solution of Yeaterday'a PuixJt . SY LISTEN K'E SEEM FOLEY DO 2B FIGHTS. AND IN EACH ONE he 5 put the otue guy in TME BRiNE BEFORE 5 ROUNDS 41. Puti to flight SO. Greek latter M. Dismounted ftl, Voung pig: dialect lo II. Monk era at, Refuaa ftl Pedal dlrtt 17. Crawling animal ' 4' 4p- n V T 1 -ili , ,r. ,,,. f- - . -L&U L, i,,-.- --m -U -m W,? .5? . i-lu , . ''j'; 7rr.r4" "t; " 55" 7T $, sa" .TT s AW Ifrl 1 ftl 1 I DOWN L Iaaka In tn Panama canal t Bhad I. Mv-.lf 4. Still ft. Speedily . Flih 7. Corroded I. Measured hf walklnic I. Of ttit mouta 10. JVOTT U. Held a aaaalot 17. Rlrulet l Volfitlla nqull 22. Strtka out 4. Head eovaiinf 25. Mannar 27. Utter !?. Soft munti'ii St. In tha lead 11. Plant viaduet . Cu-Va; 24. Humorom person It. Sport 17. Five: eoma. form II. tortal gitnartng 4 ft. Couraa 41. Mora maturi 42. Be11f in a 44. fl'irt 4K. rnna a inn 1 47, t'nhanpa O. B.h.14 M. llallsa rtrss A 41