I --Coffee Continues Rise as -Pork Drops During Week this i iBy th Auociltcd FrtMi Retail coffee prices continued their long climb upward wecK. top grade eggs turned higher after last week i step price decline, and pork dropped several cents a pound n many stores. duce shelves the only item generally a little higher was to- most of which were 6 mitocs 5 teaching the big marketing cen Xtfs irom wamui him uiu mivaivu Crlery was down slightly. dThe coflee markups this weel amounted in some cases to five and six cents a pound on top of last week's five to six cents. : Spokesmen for large coffee twasting concerns said their wholesale selling prices were till several cents a pound be bind their coffee bean buying liarket. The increases usually (how up quickly on retail price taps. v il Despite assurances in the trade that coffee supplies are ade fluate to meet this country's ' reeds for many months, shop pers in some sections of Chi cago and elsewhere were report ed starting buying runs. 1 The price spiral of recent , weeks resulted from production '-.difficulties like drought, floods, hurricanes and political disturb ances in the various growing countries, coming on top of heavy world consumption. Several cuts of pork dropped from four to 1 cents a pouna. as mostly steady to a cents a pound higher, and lamb and poultry prices wavered uncertainly. Best grade eggs bounced up ward a few cents a dozen in some places after skidding more than 10 cents last week. Trade spokesman said a slow seasonal price decline was expected to be resumed shortly. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, spinach and beets all continued low priced and good in quality. Big-city mar kets received their first ship ment of Texas eggplant this week, and Louisiana was send ing northward the new season's first shallots g r e e n onions smaller than scallions. The agriculture department forecast lower apple and pear prices for this month and next, but predicted that grapefruit prices would average consider ably higher than last fall be cause the crop is estimated about 27 per cent smaller. The Dun & Bradstreet whole sale food price index this week declined to $5.69, three cents below last week and 10.S per 1000th Person To Give Blood The donor giving the first pint of blood at the visitation of the bloodmobile here next Tuesday will be the 1000th person to vol unteer blood In Marion county ent below the $6.36 of a ear,months it was ann0Unced at :go. The figure represents the'the Red Cross office Thursday, otal wholesale cost of a Doundl The mobile unit from the ach of 31 foods in general use. Portland regional blood center will be in operation between 2 and 6 p.m. next Tuesday In the former Sears, Roebuck and com pany store building on State street. Since appeal went out during the mid-week calling for more volunteers to sisn up as donors there has been fair response, and the Red Cross office is hoping more will offer to give their blood. Families who have bene fitted from use of the free blood have been contacted to see If they wish to cooperate in lining up donors. Unless many more sign up, those who gave when the unit first came here will hr called upon to donate again. All blood taken here is nm. cessed in the Portland center, then returned her! to be on hand at the hospitals when the need arises, there being no charge for ine Diooa. being paid too much. The aldermen cut his salary from $13 to $10 a month. Austria is so mountainous that some of its regions are almost completely blocked off from each other. Mayor Aski Pay Cut Picayune, Miss., Nov. 4 Wfi' Mayor Claiborne McDonald, Sr., took 33 percent pay cut today after telling the city board of aldermen that he thought he was Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 4, 19499 Attention Loggers! Top Pricei Paid for Lois at Burkland Lumber Co Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125 Xo ollici' calu a nix is us fine in flavor and lex lure as iiu-li cake mix. i 2 1 Oi y .;' i ji a T mm f kjtf Mkimr- w nB' 1 1 n l! l I'V' Favorites W I ' iVjTrJr Youthmore HAiI tef iM Donnybrook I ' 111' f ' nff$ DelMode - 1 I Ji j -k Lou Schneider lay Mrv toura f. iodslt. Mlnnapti i, Minnto L r.'..;"ur oevtru i from fou 1 Beef wa 1 Ifow cent Jl veal, lai Chew Steak Corn, Apples! Are you unh&DDT bcaiM your feJM tcetb elip? Then try btazk, remerlublt new cream m nnar tuoe. BTAZK enable tboua&ndi to again bite Joyously Into a Juicy itaak or even eat corn on the cob without fear of platea lipping. 8TAZI bolde plates tighter, longer freala edgae tlgbt belpe keep out food particlei . Get economical lie TAZB. Money-back guarantee YOUR OWN GOOD TASTE will tell you why so many thousands have switched to milder, lighter Qglygrf CALVERT RESERVE Blended Whlike? -se e Proof-6 Oraln Neutral Spirits. Calvert Distillers Corp., New York Olty 1 "decorator colors 1 f; 7 five yu Itzilfof I J Yours now i j a whole F new rain- mJll 'j bow of . JL c J room points! r"T Exclusive ijSSsX 1 deep tones it II tunny tints ' i -BY THE y DOZENS- mode only by Fuller, DECORATOR COLORS i St them fT- ml FAMOUS BRAND Hendan and Cameron CASUAL SHIRTS... 9 89 i&lk 1 42T fed the New Apparel Floor PRE-HOLIDAY SALE OF 1 'oJl AJE Cottons! Rayons! Long and short sleeved jring hams, chambrays . . . chev iots, plain palladium pastels in finest rayon crepes! All are here in this companion sale to our suits at a great saving. Regular $4.50 to $5.95. PLAIDS . . . GAY STRIPES . . . PLAIN SHADES I SIZES 32 TO 40 YOUR CHOICE OF Regular $69.95, $79.95 for 58 SPECIAL PURCHASE SAVE! IPC I m I J M Corduroysij $g95 $9 HOBBIES offer the best bargain In pinwale corduroy in this special pur chase sale at $8.95 and $9.95! Cut and tailored in the approved fall man ner, these casual garments will serve you in your sports, town or country and comt up always looking like new! In mocha brown . . . Jewel tones of red, wine, green! Sizes 10 to 18 . . . Jackets $9.95 Skirts $8.95 2ND FLOOR, SPORTS SHOP 95 I-. . S. Liberty Dial 2-3933 A"'i.y 'ffi;ii Mt it. m y It's early in the season for a sale of "well-knowns" but wt got off to a tardy start due to remodeling operations and we offer you our very best suits at a substantial reduction! Think of it! Youthmore, Donnybrook, Del Mode and Lou Schneider soft and tailored suits at a saving of $10 to $20! GABARDINES . . . SHARKSKINS . . . TWEEDS . . . WORSTEDS! In the newest autumn shades of greys . . . browns . , , greens . . . tans . . . blacks, etc. Get ready for the coming big Holidays . , select the finest and save! w y