AUTOMOBILES Dear Dad: How do you like the weather? Last week, winter, now we have Indian Summer. Hope the Steel strike is settled soon, because we are getting low in supply of our New Hudsons. Took in some mighty fine trades last week. What do you think of these ? 1948 Hudson Super 6 Sedan, radio & heater, just like new. 1947 Studebaker Sedan, heater & overdrive, clean too. 1946 Hudson Commodore Sedan, R&H, and Auto Transmission. 1947 Chev. Sedan Delivery. Radio, heater, snooper lite. 1947 Kaiser Special Sedan. The price is right down low. 1941 Chev. Sedan, heater. 1941 Ford Coach, new paint, seat cover, R&H. AND a lot of others in most makes and models at the right price. I am going to go up to the Detroit Dam Site today so this is all for now. Come in and see us when you can. Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman. P.S. Forgot to remind you to be sure and put some Anti-f reeze in your radiator. We have some at our Garage and some swell fellows to take care of the job for you. $AVE AT SHROCK'S 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, ONLY $300 1937 DE SOto COUPE, R&H, CLEAN 295 1937 BUICK SEDAN, RUNS GOOD 295 1936 OLDS SEDAN, GOOD MOTOR 250 1935 FORD COUPE 50 ALL THESE AND LOTS OF OTHERS CAN BE FOUND AT SHROCK MOTOR CO. 1020 PORTLAND ROAD PHONE 2-7023 q263- TEAGUE'S SPECIALS We have thrown away our price list! Come in and make us an offer. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 1940 FORD TUDOR 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 CHRYSLER ROYAL COUPE 1939 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENGER COUPE 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR 1939 STUDEBAKER SEDAN CHAMPION 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 151 North Commercial o Sat. Spot Special Center and 1946 Nash Ambassador t Passenger Coupe. Radio and Heater, Windshield Washer, Sport Lite, Overdrive. One Owner, A-l Condition $1225 HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION. MOTORS 337 Center Phone 3-9286 BELIEVE IN SIGNS? You can, if you come in HERE, where you KNOW that every Used Car is a good buy at the price it's labeled. Let us show you our fine selec tion of Guaranteed cars 50-50 guarantee for 30 days or 1000 miles. Easy terms on approved cred it. A dependable dealer is your surest sign of quality and satisfaction. We invite your inspec tion. 1948 Dodge Custom 4-door Sedan .'$1695 1948 Nash "600" Club Coupe 1295 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 4-door . . 1245 1946 Pontiac 2-door Sedan 1295 1941 Oldsmobile "96" 4-door 745 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door 795 1940 Chrysler Windsor 4-door 695 1938 Ford 2-door Sedan ' 265 STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTERS FOR A BETTER BUY. BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AT HIGH M1 AUTOMOBILES Hudson City Where Chemeketa goes to Church Salem, Oregon Phone 1-4111. q23a AT Commercial is IAUTOMOBILES BARGAINS And we mean just THAT. Buy for $200 less per car at Kannier's. Read this and be convinced. 1949 Chev. Deluxe 4 -dr. Sdn. ... I 1845 Has everything but tele phone. Lea 4000 ml. Just like NEW. 1049 Chev. Aero Sdn. Heater, un dercoated. Very FEW mile, tark blue, Only $ 1095 SPECIAL ON THIS ONE 1948 Chev. Aero Sdn. Black, lot chrome. Fully equipped, one owner, 33.000 ml., and EX TRA nice for ONLY f 1445 How about that (150 under market price. We have some more older ones at the same low price. Can offer dandy terms to good credit risks. How about that 1150 under WE ARE ALSO IN THE MARKET FOR CLEAN '39. '40, AND '41 LIGHT CARS. TOP $88 KANNIER'S USED CARS WEST SALEM. ACROSS FROM MKN FURNITURE. q263 HAVE YOU BEEN DOWN To LEE'S LATELY? HE HAS A. ' TREMENDOUS SELECTION OF FINE USED CARS' FROM 1938 MODELS TO 1948 LOOK! 1948 Packard Deluxe 4- Dr. Equipped $1950 1948 Pontiac Torpedo De luxe "8" 4-dr. Epuip ped ...$1570 1946 Ford Super Deluxe, 2-dr., R&H $960 1941 Pontiac Torpedo 8, 4-dr., R&H, runs like a '48 model $825 1942 Buick Super Conv., R&H This popular car has been changed over to look like a 1947 model Only $970 1938 Dodge coupe. R&H. Real value at $350 1949 Ford Tudor. Heater $1550 1938 Buick 2-dr. R & H. Clean $375 1946 Nash 4-door "600" Like new $1095 1939 Studebaker Cham- pion 2-door. Overdrive, heater $295 1942 Nash "600" 4-door, R&H. Overdrive. Real ly clean $825 MANY MORE MODELS Lee's Used Cars 240 N. Church Ph. 2-1527 q2M mv chev. niitmutir 4-4. awl. rah pirl. corn. ontr l.II cut. 9119SM 9-9994. qHJ EXTRA SPECIAL 1141 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE BE DAN. LIKE NEW. ONLY 11.000 ACTUAL MILES. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY ON THIS ONE. ONLY 11295. SEE JOE fl PUR LOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. IS J N. COMMERCIAL 9 flT OWNFR: 1940 MASTKR DELUXE CHEVROLET COUPE. OOOD COND OOOD TIRES, HEATER. SEC AT 499 N. FRONT. 2U NEW 1949 Cher, tltl'jie 4 door atdan. Bar lam price. 1997 N. Winter. q33 ONE op'the neMI 1944 fitudtaikar Com. manoer. Fuliy equipped. Ownar. Prt 9-4041. 4111 n model Arora,ies. itu . uu H4 AUTOMOBILES Valley Motor Co. TRUCKS 1947 Ford C O.E. stake bed, 2-ipeed axle. 1946 Chev. S-ipeed tram.. 2-ipeed axle. 1948 Chev. 3-peed Brownie, 9:00 tlrea. 1946 Chev. 14 -ton flatbed. PICKUPS 1944 Dodge H-ton, 4-apeed trans. 1941 Dodge -ton. DUMP TRUCK 1949 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle. 1948 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle, 3-speed Brownie. 1946 Ford 3-4 yd. box, 2-speed axle. 1940 Chev. 4 yd. box, 2-speed axle. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS-ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. Liberty at Marion McKay's Corner 3 With the OK that Counts '47 Chevrolet Town Sedan. Radio, heater, oil filter, w-s washer, seat covers $ 1295 '47 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, fog lites, oil filter, w-s washer $ 1295 '47 Chevrolet Aero Sedan. Radio, heater, snooper lite, fog lites, fender guards, oil filter $ 1195 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 550 N. Commercial St. Ph. 3-3175 Member "Salem Used Car Dealers Ass'n." FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK OP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 0263 USED Radios. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3 75 Chcmekcta. nB- USED washing machine. YEATER AP PLIANCE co. 375 cnemsketa. nw STEEL CLOTHESLINE puts, railings lD stock A mads to order. ii n. uoerw. 281 WALUNO SAND St OR A V EL CO. CRUSHED ROCK (or roaia and driveways, cement ready mix concrete, garden and Bulldozing, dralnaie and ditching -7C ehovsl and drag Hot. Ph. 1-9248 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all makes. Ph. J-7B71. nzar USED electric water heaters. YXATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. MM- USED electric refrigerators. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. nzs USED oil burners. Blowers A sawdust burners. Ph. a -8583. mo FULLER brushes, 1745 Orant. Pn. 3-8357. BARN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd. 6 rd. load 125. Arnold Phillips. P O- Box 391 rurner. Ph. 1X3. n363 USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLI ANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284' USED OIL BEATERS 119.50. 839.50 and 839.59. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. MT Court fit Phone 3-9611 800 SAVAGE, new, scope A case. Wlncheg- cnester magnum, new, rn. s-oooa. uor SALEM SAND At ORAVKL OOMPJLffl Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer 81 Basement Equipment Rental ib B rds to b rds D-7 Cat A Doaer D-8 Cat A Doaer D-4 Cat A Dozer Sea us shout ditching by tni ft Phone Days 1-6408 Eves 3-838 or 3-4400 baiem Ore on c LUMBER 2x4'a bj Jltnej load. 810 pei 1,000. tou nam inaepenaence uimoer 8j Ufg Co. Ineh Independence. Ore PHILLIPS BROS Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flat rock for all rock work. Cedar fence poms, telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles Yew posts. Ph. 8-1458 Rt 8 Boa 118 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Good piano for cash. Mh3 any or walnut case, Ph. 3-8735. naaas1 A ANTED furniture to glue Or -epatt Lee tiros Furn nerinisnuia co a iwi REST OR BUY by the 1,000 equtv. 10 BU 45 donkey. Wanted immediately .tn or without operation. Drop a card tr letter to Tide Logging Co., Yicl-'fit' Oregon. no263 USED PC H NIT t RE. Phone 1-9166. na WANTED; BARKIE Doufint m poles or stumpafte. r none iht a many or write fltandard Pole Piling Co.. Inc na373 PERSONAL ARE YOt'R FLOOR dull-looklntt furni ture marred scratched? Have Hslem LleMini fe Aroltsnce Company demon atrata Plastic Kota to you. 338 M. Hltn P288" MADAMMARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and pjtychie reader. Madam solves your worries. Advice 9 a m. to 10 p.m. dniiy 173 S. Com'L Under new mn atement. STANLEY HOME Products. Lea MlrxH. 1105 N. 14th Ph. 2-4801. p279 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. I-44S9. J, M. Stovall. 3043 Sunnrvlew. P380 This Man Knows! Noted Psychic Advisor Life Reader Without asking a sine It question ha tells you what you want to know glv. Int names, dstea ft facU. Ad 1st A hlpa tou on all affairs of life such as love, health, tnarrlaae Ai business. His advice has helped thoussnds. It will bn efit you. Special readinja tl 13. Sat isfaction guaranteed or no fe accepted. Hours 11 to 8 dallr A Sunday. Allrma Motel, 1641 Portland ltd. Take Capltola bus. p3l MADAM MORA OIFTED PBYCHIO READER Can help yon whore at hers hav fatted Satufactlnn assured. Advice on all at fairs of Ufa. Special reading II 00. Lo cated Just south of Hubbard en Highway 19 1. Between Wotdburn and Hubbard Look for aim Reading Dally. pl? AVON Christmas s-roducu. Pb. 1-1314. L"! ALCOnoUCI ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724 h 1-1314. l IAUTOMOBILES Ph. 3-3147 PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP? Thou sands of couples weak, worn-out, solely because body lacks Iron, get aw vi tality taking Ostrex Tonic Tab leu. Introductory size only 80c. At all drug gists in Salem, at Fred Meyer's. p263 AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL A clean Prarer Manhattan. Low mile age, R&H, new slip covers. SEE MR. SMALL TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Ph. 3-4171 4263 49 MERCURY 3 -Door, 9.000 miles, R&H. rnona a-ma aiwr 0 p.m. qze. SPECIAL 1048 PLEETL1NE 4-dr. Chevrolet, Runs A looks like new. only 81395. SEE JOE 6PURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 353 N. Cornm'l. Ph. 3-4173. q263' BUICK, MM. clean, radio. Oood robber call 711 Mftomoutn. mi '41 CHEV. 4-door aedan. New paint, rtdlo, heater 4k .11 accaaaorlaa. 18SS 8. 13. Ph. 3-3934. n3a Eisner Motors to Sell 150 USED CAR LOT 150 Si rour old one. 13th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q.387 The "ROCKET" is easy on your POCKET and so are these Hydramatic OLDSMOBILE Futuramic "Rocket" trade-ins LOOK AT THESE SAFETY TESTED VALUES 18 Oldi 71 dlx. club andan 11785 with everythtn Hk new '47 Chevrolet aedftn. Very lortd .. 129S '47 Btudebaker Commander Redan . HB5 Local owner. Low mileage '47 Olda 78 club aedan 148a Ral out 48 Mercury convertible. A beauty 138S '4101da 80 jtedan. Clean 841 '41 Ford V-8 coupe, flood 580 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 48R Onter Pb. 3410 Fairgrounds Rd. Pb. 2-7973 2-14M q264" Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tires A tube I at coat price Flrnt come first served as this V a elose-out sale Dealers welcomed R D Wood row Co., 4S0 Center q RON'SSPECIAL Sale on Used Cars "See Ron First" 1041 FORD SUPER DELUXE STA TION W A O O N . RADIO, HEATER. DEFROSTER. OOOD RURBER. RUNS VERT OOOD. SPECIAL PRICE I 69s 1140 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN. EXCELLENT CONDITION. MOTOR OV ERHAUL. 1(40 WILLYS SEDAN. HEATER. CLEAN 450 10SI SIIICK CLUB COUPE. RA DIO HEATER 1841 CHEVROLET 41-TON PICK UP 698 103T DESOTO COUPE. RADIO ft HEATER tS7 PONTIAC J-DOOR. HEAT IR $30 DOWN & YOU CAN DRIVE IT OUT. 1936 ORAHAM SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN 1994 CHEVROLET l-DOOR 1991 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1191 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1999 CHEVROLET PANEL 1936 FORD PANEL 1940 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY Ron's Motor Co. 240 S. HIGH U84' ILL OR TRADEi '18 Hur1non 4 dwr, tor pickup with 4 speed trans, of equal value or win pay some difference. Pn 3 SOW after 8 pm. q J 87 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1941 CHEV. 4-door Special Deluis sedan ft A H Oond ond. Original owner. HM PhJ-0448. j344 194 Ht'irR 4-door sedan. IMS. Rdt. heater. Eicaptlenally alean. Ml K. Com saaraiai. Ftt. 1-7171. UI4 AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S Run Your Eyes Over These Buys Best Used Cars in Town 1947 Buick Roadmastcr Sedan ONLY $ 1695 SHOWS EXCEPTIONAL CARE. FINE CAR LUXURY AT LOWEST COST. , 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan . . ONLY $ 1573 ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR CARS ON THE ROAD. MECHAN ICALLY SOUND, AND FAIRLY PRICED. 1947 Buick Special Sedanet . ONLY $ 1595 THE COMFORT AND PERFORMANCE OF LUXURY CARS WITH THE PRICE AND EC ONOMY OF A SMALL CAR. THIS ONE IS EX CEPTIONAL. 1946 Pontiac Strm. Sedan ONLY $ 1395 . A TREMENDOUS DOL LAR'S WORTH. LOTS OF STYLE. COMFORT, AND PERFORMANCE 1947 Ford Club Coupe . . . ONLY $ 1275 A OOOD LOOKING, OOOD RUNNING CAR, OOOD FOR THOUS ANDS OF MILES OF LOW COST TRANS PORTATION. 1941 Chrysler Station Wagon . . ONLY $ 795 OOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. WOOD EXCELLENT. WILL SEAT UP TO NINE PASSENOERS. 1940 Chevrolet 2-Door S395 1939 Graham Sedan 1276 1938 Chevrolet 2 -Door 1145 1929 Model A Ford (U Runs fine and good Urea, OTHERS TO SELECT IN ALL PRICE GROUPS OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center Sts. CHECK THE SPOT TODAY'S BEST BUYS IN PACKARDS 1949 DELUXE SEDAN. OVERDRIVE, RADIO. HEATER. LIKE NEW. 1948 DELUXE CLUB SEDAN: RADIO & HEATER; LOW MILEAGE. 1947 SUPER DELUXE CUPPER SEDAN: RADIO. HEATER: OVERDRIVE: NEW TIRES; LOW MILEAGE. 1942 CLIPPER CLUB SEDAN; PERFECT CONDITION. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALERS 340 N.o High St. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADB TERMS 3 LOTS 820 Hood St. Ph. 3-7714. 332S Fairground Jtd. Ph. 3-8454 '40 STUDE. coupe. Repainted, excellent condition. J. D. Foley, Ph. 3-4143. i263 Ph. 2490.1. q264 Mfl REO sedan. Heater. Runs good 965. 99 Evergreen Ave. q283 '42 DODGE 8-wheeIer on all winter Job hauling ahort trips, Close In. Ph. 2-1868. 1268 40 PONTIAC 8 dn.. rd. A htr! New paint b other extras, $525. Ph. 2-7178. H364 fM PL V M O UT HMotoM I ustoverhau led , runs real good, lots or good transpor tation I fit tn this one. Only $S0. Ph. 20348. 880 Spruce St. q264 TODAY'S BEST BUYS IN USED CARS 1949 Ford Sedan, radio, heat er. 1946 Mercury Club Coupe. Low mileage. 1946 Ford Two Door Sedan. 1942 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan. 1941 Desoto Deluxe Sedan. 1941 Dodge Deluxe Sedan. 1940 Ford Club Coupe. MANY MORE TO PICK FROM AT ALL PRICES E Z TERMS STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER USED CAR LOT AT 678 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-4547 qasi Why Buy a 1949 Model" When You Can Get a 1950 NASH at MARION MOTORS 337 CENTER CHECK THE f 1, IIP SPOT PONTIAC Good Will Cars 49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '99 Donai SKDArr .... 97 PONTIAC Br.DAN .,, '99 PONTIAC COUPC ... '37 CHKV. CPE 41 CHFV. 8PEC CPt. '19 CHEV. PANIX 1195 1149 149 149 999 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TF.RMS 99 M. Llbarti Pn. 1-4119. ' CHECK THE SPOT Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WHIzzen motor blka. Vrr food condi tion. MUJl HU, 160.00. B.fl ftt UQ MLulon St. q.3S5 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOB TIBER, popular aliej. 15 00 and up. Montgomery Ward a Co., Salem. qb3B3 BOATS It PLYWOOD boat. Rf $175. Floor lam- Pie no in. MONTGOMERY WARD, Salrm qq265 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO.. BIS State. Fm. 125. Ue. g-123 - M-165. C. R. Allen, Mar. r264 IF YOU Want to sell your property It will pity you 10 Know now mucn or an rn in an it will it and. Thta Information 1b obtainable with very little trouble. Do not bealtat to call on ue for any In formation you dealre on FHA loana STATE FINANCE CO. 15S S. High St. Tel. 34131. r NEED BUSINESS loan. Will Klvt 10 interest. Write Box 391, Capital Jour nal, Mri. Carter, lor appointment. r383 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4)', and 6 VOUR OWN TKKMS of repayment within reason Caah for Real EataU Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Tnui Bids. Pb. 1-7161 r PRIVATB MONEY Special Ratea and Term On Larger Loana Long and Short Time Payment ROY H SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St Pbont 1-9161 AUTO LOANS 1 WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church Faralni a Plenty Ph. 1-3457 Lie. No M-159 8-154 r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairground Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 17033 Llo N M969-S391 Floyd Ken yon. Mgr l FOR TOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy reai estate ursi mortgagee, properties Salem Si vicinity. Make your own se lection, neta you 5 percent. We take care or all collection! if desired. Amounts 11000 to several thousand dol lars, see or call us (or particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 158 8. High St. TeL 34111. r SEE DS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR iVa", INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No CommL&aloo Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State 8t. Phone 1-3883 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS LlO. 8-133 and M-32S and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8 Commercial St Tel 3-9181 TRAILERS 18 FT. HOUSE TRAILER. Butane equipped. Cheap. Ph. 3-9327, 2305Lee JJt. t3ft8 2-WIIEEL luggage trailer. All steel. New tires. Can be made Into horse trailer. Also, truck tire wheel and tube. Rt. 4, Box 873, Boone Rd. t30 33 FT. trailer house. $1000 discount for quick sale. This trailer Is like new, used 3 months. Butane apt. ranee, oil heat. electric refrlg. Well Insulated. 6086 Port land Rd. Trailer Park Village. t364 FACTORY BUILT trailer house, cheap for qulck sale. 888 N. Com'l. t264 TRAILER spaces, very reas. at Highway Arc Trailer Park, 2 blocks N. of under pays, 1 blk. E. Nice and quiet. Close to iipw grade school, busses A stores. Chil dren welcome, no charge under school atte. Clean heated rest rooms, showers, laundry laclltlles with new dryer. Come out and see us. Ph. 3-1146 or 13 Highway Ave. 1261 TRAILER house, sleeps four, 1150.00. John Keasel, 3295 Triangle Dr. t364 '4S Z8 FT. VAGABOND trallerhouse .Ike new, elec. brakps, oil heat, but. cook ing ana many otner lea tu res. 4385 hi ger. Ph, .3-2907. tJ65 FACTORY -BUILT trailer house, exc. cond. nierps . very reaaonaoie. nr crest Trailer Park. North Rtver Rd. t264 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to Phoenix, Ariz., Friday-Sat. will take 3 pa.wnners. Share expense. Comfortable Packard Sedan. Donald Brook, Hotel Salem X263 DIRECTORY ADDING HACBTrlRR All makes need mienlne. sold, rented, repaired Floen. 469 Court Phone 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOMI sppUanca repair service oew appllaneaa. Vlnce'a Electric Phone Free estimates. Trade-In accepted on 1-9239 197 S Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mnwers. sr'Mors. knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3-6A33. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICB Towing day phone 1-9239. Night 3-1B04 33" Center o BOD tYA ND A INT Braden's Body A Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3690 Cherry, Ph. 2-3023 0281 BUILD1NO f CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms No down payment Phone 3-4860. e BULLDOZING Log., grnd. clear'g, carryall wk. Ph. 43383 or 91364. Oao. Worth, 840 Plymouth Dr o274 Bulldotlng, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskay. 1010 Pair view Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem. o263 Deaa Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 8-4308 0365 CASfl REGISTERS The National Cash Register Co. Cash Registers Accounting Machines Sales Servtoa - Supplies 626 Oalnas Street Phone 4-3433 0369 Instant delivery of new RCA eaar retutei Ki makes sold rented, re na ed Roen 456 Conrt Ph 3-9773 o- CRMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, drive wars, patios, eurbe, walls, et. Call 3-4850 e rillMNFY SWEEP Furnace fthtmnevs vacuum elsan'd. Enslfy. 771 8. 21st. Ph. 2-7176. o265 CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, let us htd on ynur work. Ph. 3-1136. o364 DRESSMAKING State St Alteration flliop. Dressmnk InR. 3M State St., Rm. 27. o388 Drcnmaking A alteration. Work guar antefrt 1290 N. 34th. Ph. 1-1H86. o314a KI.FCTRirAL CONTRACTING Vlnoe's Electrle for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 191 S. Liberty Friday, November 4, 194917 DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Ii terminator tfenrleo. Pa. 1-1061, Let Cross, Rt. I, Bos 437-c. e385 Brsltbaupfa for flowtra Dial 3-9119 t Ft'BNACl M CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed repaired. Dvorak- Ph. 34013 0263 HOUSEHOLD fRO DUCTS J. R. Walk' is Oo producu Pre de Jvery 1117 OenUr Ph 3-6391. 0 INSULATION JohnsaUanTlU. Phone 1-3746. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Serrica Ploor Waxing Build tncs factories Homes Estimate Without Obligation AMERICAN BLXK3. MA INT CO. Ph. Salem 1-9131 0' LANDSCAPE NURSERY t A. Doerfler A 60ns, Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1323 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundrr 845 Jef ferson St Phone 234S3. o" LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New Power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 141 8. Com'l St. o35 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish A Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, ate. 1533 Court St Ph 3-7569. o2ca OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and mini supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cues. ?lre Wire Recorders. Roan. 454 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph. 3-8663. Eve. -. o275- Esp. Interior painting. WUaon. Ph. 3-6733 0231 Vfatrom's are equipped painting Phone 3-2193 to do four PAPERHANOINO Expert Paperhanglna and painting. H. J. Wood worth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. 0279" PAINTING A PAPERHANOINO Painting and paperhanglng. Free e.ti-m-te. Ph. 3-9313. B57 Shplplng o266 PLUMBINQ Fisher. 844 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o283' PICTURE FRAMINO Picture framing Hutcheon Patnt Store. Phoue 1687 o REFRIGERATION SERVICE Millar Refrigeration Service Co. Ph. 3-1534 0265 SAND GRAVEL Qarden Soli, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand to O ravel Co., Phone 1-9349. o" Valley Sand A Oravei Co silt, aand St til dirt Excavating 10B shovel Bt cau. Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving. Ph. office 34003, ms. 17146. o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 1-7603. 1393 N Sth. 028 ! SEWERS AND BEKITC TANKS Electrl Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raaor dharp Steel Cutting Blades. Clean Sewers, Drains, Tanks. Ph. 3-5327. o SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Davenport. Ph, 1-7611. o28l SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm BU, VI. Salem, Ph. 1-9468. 1-3327. o281 K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-Bth St, West Salem. Ph. 3-1404, o375 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call ua collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 9443 State St. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Pb. 35669. 1091 Edgewater, West Salem. 0364 All makes repaired, free estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No, Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. Aj) makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o TRANSFER A STORAGE 'ocal A Distance Transfer, storage. Burnet oils, ooe.1 A briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Acent for Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere In OJ, or Canada. Larmsr Transfer A Storase. Ph. 3-3131. o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnlahed. Relnholdt a Lewis. 1.3639. Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37328. WE ATnER STRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. 285 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymors, Rt, 3. Box 317. Ph. 3-5136. 0365' WINDOW SHADES Washtble, Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt A Lewis Ph 33839 o" WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleanera Windows, wails A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 8-3337 I4t Court. Ltngdoo. Culbortson and Mather. WOOD A SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODSAWINO Atkins A Cross, Ph. 1-8874 or 1-8178. LODGES I.O.OJ meeti avery Wed oesdav night Visitors wel come LEGAL No. 1374 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATR OF OREOON FOR MARION COUNTY. PROBATE DEPARTMKNT IN THE MATTER OF THE OUARD IAN- SHIP ESTATE OF LURENA PEARL. Incompetent. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that ths undersigned, bv an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Orern fur Marlon County, Probate Department, made and entered on the 17th day of August. 1949. was appointed guarman 01 irte esiaie or LURENA PEARL, Incompetent, und that he hes qualified as such g;iard!n. All persons havine cUim said estate re herwbv notified to hnng the cinn to th und-rotened 'iidlin et 218 North Libertv StrTt, Salem. Or.ron, within six months from the date of first publica tion of this notice, which first publica tion U made November 4. 1149 JOHN L. flCHWABF Guardian of the Estate of Lurana Pearl, Incompetent. Nov. 4-11-135. Dec. 3.