14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 4, 1949 I KBJT CuPCAKE VOUl I COULDNT SONNV 1VF rwr 1 stPOiirp csyioT tuat tljc"-aH swi-wir.. X'. M,,.,, M P - MUST GET SDMS"T0 THINK-THERR JOM6 5LAVER5 OF TVE PERCIVAL PARKS2" New XVoiSkul 'IN THEC' AVTJ rTmm ING -"JS'N ABOUT THE SUTLER AZ STILL AT LARC-E JS AETOWN icASE WEVW.JJ ' , jJT"V A FEW DAYS AFTER I WAS ' v.. . lA, r, -A THE BURGLARY WiTM lf E ' 'VCl pjfL THERE AS A BABY-SITTER -SEE V4 WVTA. A FoSmER rStOU .' RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness FRIDAY P. M. by PEGGY O'MORE AP NrmfpatUY i (Chapter 5) : A waitlna silenca crew until Ar " Wta felt sht would have to scrrair. ; to break It. And then the heard voice, a voice without words, ant .he fobbed with relief. . "Tllllcura," he called. And this time the voice that wu halt whin ny. hall cat cry, raised In euger- " MM. : Oiled paper waa ripped from a .sandwich, and candle in one hand, .aandwlch In the other. ne nur rled down the narrow atalrca.se. At first, when she opened the door, ahe itarted bacic in surprise. Two ahaDes. one large, one tiny, "had been reflected In the glow ol "her light; then both went on rapid .leet out 01 we oare aucnen uow wav. : TilUcum," ahe called, and then her lips framed a whistle. The larger shape ventured to the door. Of course, she reasoned. A .baby deer would grow to a mature -doe in tne time ansa oeen away. That tiny one must be her own. : She left the candle on the tile and tiptoed to the door, while the doe bacaea away, men, nana stretched Into the darkness with bread and lettuce, she waited. She .'felt the breath of the doe on her hand, then the warm muzzle made a caressing motion, and the bread was gone. Slowly Arleta returned to her 'room. How had Ttlllcum known ahe was there? She probably grazed near the home she'd known In baby hood; how many times had she stood at the back door whinnying for food? The back door where she'd been fed on Pablum. ' But something had welcomed her borne. Now that she had fared the worst ahe asked herself what she had expected. A twelve-year-old Chips would have had better sense .than to return to a house long va .cant without some preparation. But then Chips hadn't lived in a world 'Of bell pulls. There had been a servant or two, usually Indian girls from the reservation, but they had never thought of cushioning her. Warmed, she grew drowsy. She'd make her bed there before the fire. The quilts were giving up their must- lness Del ore tne open lire, ana tne pillows were plumping out. She'd packed with thoughts of home in her mind, and the quilted velvet robe was lined with wool. Shed get Into that. She was belting the robe when she again heard a noise below. But this had a voice, a human voice .which called, "Miss Langtry. Miss Lang try I" as though It feared some thing. - "Miss Langtry, this Is How Kelly, remember? I drove you up from the store. Miss Langtry, I must talk to you." . "Why?" "Then you're all right? Thank heaven for that. Listen, my moth er Is down In the car. I hacked a path through the greasewood but she couldn't climb the cliff. She asked me to Invite you to be our guest." He had a nice voice. Ah, but It was his mother who has caused his change of heart. . "Will you thank her for me," Arleta returned, "but I am quite comfortable. I" -ahe sought for the words "am home." He spoke of wood, of food, of loneliness, and she listened with out any emotion except a desire to remain mere where she ieit secure. And when she didn't answer he said, "Well, then Mother will have to find some way to get up the cliff. And in this storm" "Please tell her the trip will be useless. Good night." There was such finality In her -voice he left and she heard him tumbling down the stairway. As she huddled over the meager flame, despair came again. Cnl'.s security when she had met him at the depot. His eagerness to get away on the fishing trip. He'd said he hadn't visited the house. Then why had he remained away two weeks instead of one? Pulling on leather sleepers, she padded back and forth trying to fathom the meaning of those in scriptions on the wall. As the Langtrys had sown , . , What had they sown? And what had thev stolen from their "fellow men"? And what of their wealth? Thev hadn't been wealthy, at least no! jy the standards she'd known in Virginia. Could she learn all she needed to know within six weeks? The iix weeks between now and her marriage to Cat? Could she mar ry him without knowing? uack ana iortn. tne lire dying unheeded until she was brought M a stoD bv footsteps and then tne voice or Mr. Kellv. "Miss langtry, you mail let me in. ive bought luel, good husky logs, and Mother has sent over some things she feels you need fiease, ior her sake. Chips and Arleta foght a silent oattie and Arleta won. Foou&niy, pernans. she trusted wis man who had been so rude. "After you've passed through the butler's pantry, take the first door to your ieit. i ll meet you there.' &ne preceded mm up tne stair way, now carrying his electric lan tern as well as her candle, and she stood silently watching as he built up the lire with expert fingers. "There." He nodded with satis faction, turned, took the lantern and was gone. He returned with a tarpaulin-covered pile of blankets "Ortsa mnra frfn " This time he returned with a huge roaster under one arm, a Dasicet in me outer nana. Arleta remained silent and How ard Kelly, turning to look at her, saw the Bewilderment in her eyes (To Be uonunuea) 2472v SIZES VV V ' V n 3092v SIZES 12 . Nrw-Slmple Charmers Two very charming Diouses, eacn simplicity itself to make. One in softly tailored style, one with pleasing scalloped detail. No. 2472 is cut in sizes 10. 12, 14. 16. 18. 20. 36. 38. 40. Size 16 re quires only n yds. 38-ln. No. 3092 Is cut in sizes 12, 14, 10, 18, 20. 36. 38. 40. 42 and 44. Size 18 requires l yds. 39-ln. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles? Just Include the FALL-WIN- ter FASHION BOOK In your pat tern order and vou'll be delighted with the wide selection of designs for all size and age groups, and all occasions. You'll also get mnny suggestions for easily made gifts unit will stretch your Christmas budget. Price of nook 20 cents, Bind 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis slon St., Snn Francisco o, Calif PATTERN No. R28M I This "pout" bcrct Is smart for I fall and winter and It Is very slm- - pie to knit. Mnke several, in colors I I bright and gay for this is the sea son of the beret. Pattern Envelope No. R28A8 con tains complete knitting instructions. material requirements and stitch I Illustrations, To obtain tnn pattern, send 10c in COINS giving pattern number your name address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts 831 Mission Street San Francisco 3, Calif m 1 r a i i i il I , I I ' Ha alssa r I If 1 ' II 11 V 1 I 8 I HEY- A -Zlti&m-. "9 II 'I 'I I I I 1 I rH YOUM i-r-rrrt r n . r- I J&7 il oCiJLMk II II II I I aassssBaw - 4 ; W - - e ..... f R I T never , Y "' 1 D0rr KNOw! I Wr7 7l"7 " If fw t?2BS feet! we oont Y7 ,1 i J. - UST6M,JUKOni HMM..TW ATS THE BESTOFPER) 60T 1 WOULOKfTV0UW0UUrT?rsuR6 ONE HALF AlVl -Z:5 ( TLL6IVEV0L.A VET, EJUCK-.rLL TALK TO r-f TAKE A QUARTERS GOSU'. yOOVC$"crALLOVCe J1 3:00 - 1 QUARTER OP MY WILBUR THIS AFTERNOOlJ OP VOUR ALLOW- J ARE A Cf wIlLBE ARnuT5' S:i5 T LLOWAMCEIPVOUCAN s rT7T--,AJtn!i ANCE FORTHATKPaLi J, aUT J 3-4? u ( GET VOOR COUSIKJ WILBUR J Si miDL-Y- Mr X .rZ-i VRIGHT S-45 say ' aw a . fo-sir: I Just my luck.V- to be the J I f-I'm starved for affection- ") J t1 But. never ONCe JfcJs&Vl F OHtf. '-J4v I favorite kiomv of THIS 1 1 namely a k'c".') kickr- S. j I has he had the 2)2?Tftji INrOORIsTIN'A'erV- L T?!2 c$Zr -MlietlS wnfAxW mzxAi. -yM&L mimf i I WHERE VA I'M RLLI M "ERES a 'L AZES L' Kl , "I SiSORRVCSIR.THAT S"" "J M KEEPIHLM M AS BELLHOP PACKAGE TU , 3 C?" -m , wELL. S jT" PA2KAGE AIN'T FOR l ,'( U fFM AT THE HOTEL , J?T 3 A O WL V0U AFTERAjfS It T PONY KNOW V.VATTHIS IS ALLV?y2l S HAE IT. , rSMk t tW iSWrl tlkE A FI6HT OVER , . 0 CHANCES WS'LL JUMP EM ILL fMZ hr t$$tVilKWtQ Sw la "SSf jL im in nn wmw i mi iiiii ml Pmtin answer mc I rn 1.'. I good -mah wttrf rii coMt around Prrrl TRUTHFULLY- -ARt VOU ll YSvtuLt? .) 60 IN N0 WORK , AND H ELP VE OUT 1 MJl 1 fALLINC IN LOVE WITH "JL'- ATm SSlll?0" & A I II .VJ M TTAM VV)PIN6 QUET? 1 II I I Sa ,1 I S SHhJLMO I KGW I K0IN 30 WBC 70 CB8 :00prbt IU Knii Msnnlnr AS Stmt hh Utile Sh :.t0Stngi ! Tin Newt : 45 inter Pttro hitwa ;00 'ttriiif 8rtadrLaiTt II U Jn zlVSIrlnc Brnsdt;ifv It U Joan ;43Durnt tOO T B A :15 T B A . :30 biu Btr :45 BbytlBi Tint I KEX I KSLM 11W ABC W MBC Inr (chl. mt Takes DB-B Mmat Bmarh hI. f YukaaB-BM-B Raack Jark ArlraaiTai Mil Jack ArmilroniTaai Mil ;flO'Slaatra-Klrttca :,t0.Orrbstra 4S.Orrbettra 1 ft:00 Martin Ltwl lAlMartla A Lewif OlHanrr :45Hn Marias Club IB UrnkfaU With, Burrawi p'oanf Lava Yaanc Lava Nambai Itraat Nanbtr Fltaaa Lawell TbaaiM Jack Smith IT ha Cialdbcrci Tha Ooldbcrci Mr Favarita Huiband IRtulab S Star Final 15 Carnal, Cbalee Sparti Spatllfht .0 SaarU Ftsai H orcbcitra ISfWai Mhhib SO Wat Muteam 45 WaiM meant 00lKn Off Alr-fia Vi id. Warll Orras Maala Grenada Trfaisry Band Sew filler.! iFlrrriihtatV Editlas Jflta A Enearti iHlti A Eaceraa riKbta IfhU llfbta Fat Mas at Mas aar FBI IBI pitla A Hanet lOnlt A Harriet Vfilera Skiea Weitars flklas tleh. KarUr iiermeaaa 'ancart Haar Concert Hoar 7anert Rear 'anecrt Hasr lOabrUI Haalar N. W. Nwa ritblnr sad Manual vis rra if him a-lna KIS Clu E1S K0C0 14M Ke. phytbai Kaars BbTthai Raaca plat Craabjr Baal seas Neva Candle LlfsV" and BUsa Kttra p'lahaaataf iai A'aln Haaiaal Jacks Iralfbl Arraar Hlraiibt Arraw Weat tha Band Ncwa David Eoaa Maaia Valt. LewU Jr. Delect Neva Kawa Charlla alrak Lava Mrsttrr Mailt uaa Margsa) Orehcatra Hi fa Off Trafk 14aa (Track KM Track 14D Track im Trsck 14M Track 14M Newa SMtllihl Itar Warwick Tsaai. Warwick Theat, ptaala Tas Waal Hsala Tas Waal Meet a rata Kactarwa Kaetarat) rlaatarB ltBOf SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 00 Hadre redre Aewa liS Hedra edra KOIN Klerk ,m (Hod re Poda-e IKOIN Klack 45Uodce rodes KOIN Kleck Now Hear Thia KOIN Block JllNaw Hear TblilNewe 1A iNewa Kewa 5baaa fiayea Lconaumer Nwa OOfrcd Warlnc Nca-a 15 Trad Waring Ll'e Prrtead SOjsmllInK llunlor Pu 4S McConarn Llunlor alaa fDawa Dewabaat Daws Downbeat :00prai Hoar JslFarm Hour Round'TJa Ac roniky Brcakfaat aa the riaia 00 Mary Laa fThcatre at IS! Taylar Today SOIBaadln If Fan Grand Central 45 Scwa (Grand Central tare Over Hollyw Ehosser'a Special . D. Aftnt Research Ad. Slrl'a Cerpa Girl a Corpa Toyland Tunaa foylaod Tunca Report AmerleaiGlva and Tab Report Europe Clva and Take 'Tropic Echoca kcoanty Fair Tropic Echaea (Coanty Fair Kaat'a FootballMect tha Mlaana: Eaat'n PootballlMcet the Mlaaual Raat'a rootballNewa Eaat'a rooloa'l Mother Knawa Eaat'a roatball Beat Eaat'a Football Family Party taat'a Fae'ball Eaat'a Fiaball Laaala Voanf Oreronfana Broadway Cor. 'Newa Guaat Star NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC STmahftBT 1 Si NBC STimihanT 30 Bands mt tha 451 Land Family Party Newapaper pewpaper Idaho - OSC Idaho - OSC Idaho OSC Idaho OSC Idaho - OSC Idaho OSC Idaho OSC Idaho - OSC Idaho - OSC Mawa Timekeeper March Tint Kewa Boy a Newa nreaarsai uang Brcakfaat Oanf rop Trades Barfala Casatar IS ewe Havea sf Bast Havea sf Baal IS tan of Tamarrow Btara af Tomorrow MSC Netra MSC . Net re D MSG Natra D MSC - Natra D MSC Noire MSC Notra MSC Notre MSC - Natra D; MSC Natra D LMSC Notre D MSC Notre D LMSC - Notra D Tea - Crsutpeta Tea A trampets Tea and Crumpets ROCO KIsek LOCO Klack ffoi Bitter Kewa pomes aa Laad Extenalsa Barr Bcmlalaelac RemlBlaeln nVeat'a Meladlaa Bcleaca Excar. tNortfaweat BIbi Sinn Pastor's Call Sato Riders N.r.,.l.r varietMo Bfnalo TV I theat noraa LN'awt Gardea Oalss Presdly Wa Han Marina Band ISalam Ale B.M. toneert t a varltaa Dae. tha Plaltar Jack Top Tradas INewa N W Newa .Bob Eserlf Han aa Farm Han aa Farm News OSC wso osc . wac OSC - WSO OSC - wsc OSC - wso Llunlor Junctioa laas Concert Lfaii Cancer! Meet the Band Harry Wlimer Albert Warner (Church A Nat. OSC . WSC OSC WSC OSC - WSC OSC ' WSC OSC WSC OSC - WSC lose - WSC iHemmma'war Bat. Serenade Mat, Sarsaads Sat, Stresada Sat. Serenade At the Opera At the Opera . Nswa Navy Baatd Bat. Hatlaaa Bat. Ma tines Bat, Matlnes Bat. Ma tinea Sat, Matlnes Sat. Matlnss 'Sat. Matlnes Sat. Matlnes Chln-Up Chat Khin-Up Chat Chin-Up Chat Chla-LpChat . Csrtaia Calls Csrtaln Calls Spotllaht Mssls 'Football Scares lVMV atert 5:18. ( .Children's The- On the Upbeat t 5:W. 55 Sports Clabt t:00, Newa; 6:1ft, OSC Alsmnli :St. Music af Cierhe alavaklai .:IS, Evenlnf Farm Honri S:M, Reieareh Report! 8:15, Here'a ta Vetcranat S:S0, Great Sonm S:iS, News and Weather; 9:00, Muiie That Enduresi :4ft, Evenlnr Medltatlonit 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 rAp Saturday A.M. 10 :0s. New) IXWMVrf tt:18, Etperialiy for Women ll:0t. The Concert Halli H:OS. Newai 12:15, Noon Farm Hoin 1:00, Bids ta Cowboy i 1:M Volca of tha Array i 1:46, Melody Lane i t:00, Music af the Mas ter si 11: SO, Science Newai 1:48, Spirit sf Vlklncai 4:00, Your Security i 4:15, Seats of tha Weeti 4:4fi, Hers Is Australia Fifth Grade Room Mothers Hostesses Silverton Room mothers of the fifth grades of the Eugene Filed building, are to be Parent for the more than 300 members and as many interested guests as desire to attend, with the date of the regular evening meeting set ahead for Monday, November 7, instead of the following Thurs day. With two of the teachers, Miss Bessie Gregerson and Miss Han nah Olson, having been ex change students in Norway this summer, and the town of Sil verton largely of Scandinavian descent, Mrs. Alvln Legard and Mrs. Rolf Bentson, chairman of the grade room mothers groups, are to appear in Norwegian cos tumes, the travelers are also to be costumed likewise and will give talks. Each mother of a fifth grader is being solicited for something "cheesy, fish y," pickles, cakes and real old-world coffee, with the idea to serve the members attending the Monday evening meeting, a simulated Smorgesborg supper during the social hour. ACROSS L Talk glibly f. So. America cowboys' weapoa 11. Wordy 12. ftlads speeches: humorous 14, Exclamation 15. Word penis IT. Mother It. From a dis tance 10. Human rare 11. Alloy found amonr Eiryptiaa remains IS. Transgression 24. Serpent 11. Rubber tras 17. Buntlngllks fabric tf. Anglo-Saxon laves 11. Trimming 82. Pitcher S3. Slant S. Kind of fish SS. Tooth or a year wheel SI. Put bottoms on shoes 41. Pet name for a close relatlvs 43. Beams 44. Lumberman's half-boot 45. Confined 48. Concerning 47. Shrill musical sound 80, Engineering dagrss Ni 'iciEiwnpiAiNfiAiRiA A kllA G o1r t U d bTb u tl e nhIe N T Cj ' gjlQN A T e 11' NlOv 1 QuTie"g a c tHT eTE p gC.3 S!e1tt g RllO vIeJR PQ M A Nld I Wnp ate o ens o IuIIa V E Tl WUul0lRlRlvl Solution of Ytsttrday'g Puzil Bl. Keep back SS. En gin tender ftS. Thick 14. Prepared wr s wt i7 18 17 r p r go- 1 WT m 55 is SS" m 37 2d pay J mizzriEzzrm JLi , S im mv?, Af Newrsstvrsa DOWN Gain Artificial language Wlngllks Metal Inspect carefully Carried Early iCngllsk money Tibs tan priest By Daughter of Cadmus Aspect Matrons Yawn Similarity Dawn Bad habits Marry agnia Chart use needle and thread Voter Young oodflsfe Idled Alack Showy tlnthaa Park In the Rock laa Think Aquatic bird) Chinese wax Belonging to htm Falsehood Symbol for tellurium Short for a nan'o nam ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem I've signed alfy to box four-alarw foley in a IO-ROUND BOUT NEXT THURSO!!' NIGUT-"THE MATCH WAS MADE IN A MUHRY BECAUSE FOLEYS SCHEDULED OPPONENT SUDDENLY LEFT TOWN SO CAN YOU HELP GET ALFY IN SHAP BETWEEN NOW AND THEN p ALFY'S READY NOW I'M JES' LETTIN' HIM , STOOP OVER. TUH TIE HIS SHOES AN' STRETCH HIS ARMS IN A d.Ti .a LrXrr alpy is AS GREEN AS A MAILBOX". - il- ill