Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 04, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Sunday School
Temple Opened
The public and friends of Ja
lon Lee Methodist church are
cordially invited by the build
ing committee to see the nearly
completed new Sunday school
temple at North Winter and
Jefferson streets on Sunday aft
ernoon from 2 to 5 p.m.
The pastor, Louis C. . Kirby,
announces the building will be
ready for occupancy in the near
future. The customary interior
finishings are under way.
The reinforced concrete build
ing 50x70 feet, has an estimated
value of $70,000. It has been
built for $55,000 through the co
operation of its members and
friends contributing donated la
bor. The building has three floors,
three fireplaces, a large recrea
tional room, accommodations
for six departments with their
respective chapels, and 25 class
rooms for adults and children.
Also a large reception room for
social and community activities.
The building was erected with
the view of housing a Sunday
school attendance of 500 boys
and girls of north Salem and is
a community project.
Salem Friends to
Have Homecoming
Homecoming is to be featur
ed at the South Salem Friends
church on Sunday, November 6.
Invitations have been sent to
former members and non-resident
members and to many
During the Sunday school
hour a missionary play will be
given by the Junior Christian
Endeavor group under the direc
tion of Mrs. James Bishop.
The pastor will use as his
theme for morning worship "Our
Task Today".
Pot-luck dinner will be serv
ed in the basement at noon.
Evening services will include
Christian Endeavor for both
junior and senior groups at 6:30
and the evangelistic services at
The public is cordially invited
to all these services.
Dallas Churches
Evamellcal United Brethren R. William
Elmer, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morn
ing worship, 11. Young people's meeting,
7. Evening evangelistic service, 7:45.
Graea Mention lt J. J. Kegier, pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11.
Evening service, 7:30. Grace Mission Work
ers In charge.
Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron. pax
tor. Sunday school, 9:30. Morning service,
11. Evening aervice, 7:50.
AMtemblv of Ood Alfred R. Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor
ship. 11. Christ Ambassadors ana juniors
meet, 7. Vesper service, 7. Evening ser
Tlce, t.
Christian and Missionary Alliance O.
Ernest McOarvey, pastor. Sunday school,
S:45. Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "At
tractive Fire." Evening service. 7:45. Ser
mon, "A Woman to Remember."
..First Christian Kenneth Johnson, pas
tor. Bible school, 9:45. Morning worship,
11. Sermon by the pastor. "A New Gen
eration Must Have Highways." Fellow
ship hour, . Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Evi-nlng church service, 7:30. Sermon,
" .Ve Are Witnesses."
Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P.
Toewa, pastor. Sunday school song ser
vice, 9:35; classes, 10. Morning worship,
11. Sermon, "The Hidden Treasure." Eve
ning service, 1:30.
First Methodist Clark d. Em, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Centennial service,
11. Bishop Oerald Kennedy will speak on
"The Foe. the Fight, the Victory." Old
Timer covered dish dinner, 12:30. Organ
concert by J. Roscoe Lee, grandson of
the church founder, 3.
Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert John
son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning
aervice, 11. Young people'i meeting, 1:30.
Evangelistic service, 8.
Church of Christ Bible atudy, 10. Com
munion, 11.
1'nlon Missionary Baptist Harmony
community. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday
school, 10. Sermon, li.
rilnr rhanrl (Full GDI 1143 N.
Liberty street. Kev. Claude C. and Mary
Bell, pastors. Sunday school, 10. Sunday
morning, 11. Sunday evening, 1:45.
Tha Metauhvsleal Center 363 North Cot
tage street. Sunday wrvlce held at Sa
lm Women's club. 460 N. Cottage at 11.
Sunday school. 10. Topic. "Key to Achieve
ment, ttpeaaers: nev. vuvo oic!.
Mrs. Tool Van Or num.
Monitor Community Full Gospel Moni
tor. Ore. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Schilling,
pastors. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship. 11. Young people, 7. Evangelistic
service, S.
Centrat Lutheran North Capital and
Galncs. G. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45. Broadcast over KSLM, 10:15.
Morning worship, 11. Evening service, 1:45.
Jesus Nam Pentecostal 1115 Lewis
street. Ronald V. Stltser. pastor. Sunday
school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Evening
evangelistic, 1:45.
First So I ritual Is! 348 N. Commercial.
Rev. Thomas and Minnie Gazeley. speak
ers. Services at 3:30 and 1:30. Circle at
Knliht Memorial Congregational Nine
teenth and Ferry streets. Louis E. While,
minister. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning
worship, 11. Sermon: "The Way Everlast
ing." Junior church and church-time
nurxerv. 11. Pilarim fellow ah ID groUDS for
Junior high and senior high ages, 6:30.
West Baiem Methodist Third and
Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church
school, 9:45. Worship. 11. Sermon: "Be
hold Thy God." Young adult fellowship, 8,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tall-man.
St. John's Lutheran (Mo, Synod) 16th
and A street. H. W. Oross, pastor. Serv
ices at S and 11 with Holy communion in
second service. Sunday school and Bible
class, 10.
First Church of Christ, Scientist Lib
erty and Chemeketa streets. Sunday
school at 11. Morning service at 11. Lesson-sermon
subject: "Adam and Fallen
Man." Nursery for children up to 3 years
of age provided during the morning ser
vice. Evening service at B. Lesion -sermon
subject: "Adam and Fallen Man."
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L.
Goodenberger, assistant pastor. Church
chool. 9:45. Identical services, 9:45 and n.
"Soft Spots," sermon by the minister.
Junior high group. 5:30. Tuxls fellowship.
6. College and business group, 1.
Klngwood Bible 1125 Elm street. A. H.
Fadenrecht, pastor. Bible school, 9:45.
Morning worship, 10:45. iCommunion Ser
vice). Youth groups meet, 6:45. Evening
gospel service, 7:45.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Fifth and Madison. John E. Balls
bury, bishop. Sunday school, 10. Sacra
ment meeting, 11. Evening service, 6:30.
Unitarian Fcllowflhln The Unitarian
Fellowship will meet at the YWCA on
Sunday, at 8 p.m. The topic for discus
sion will be "Is Death the End?"
Vnlted Pentecostal 445 Ferry street.
Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday
school. 9:45. Morning service. 11. Evening
service, 7:45.
St. Mark P. v. Lutheran 343 N. Church
street. Rev. M. A, Getzendaner, D.D. and
Rev. John Bagllen, pastors. Sunday school,
9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon topic:
"God's Love for Us." Luther league, 6:30.
Court Street Christian 17th and Court
streets. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible
hool assembly, 9:45. Morning worship
and Communion, 10:50, Sermon subject.
Teach Me Thy Wil . O Lord." Youth
hour, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:30. Ser
mon subject, "One Step at a Time."
First Christian High and Center. Dud
ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, asso
ciate minister. Church school, 9:45. Morn
ing worship and Communion, 10:50. Ser
mon. "Ideas That Control," Dudley
Strain. Solo, "A Psalm of Praise" Hallam.
I Glen Leuning, tenon . Anthem. "Father,
Once More Within Thy Holy Place" Mat
thews. Youth groups, 6:15. Evening wor-
snip, cjo, ,
Christ Lutheran State street at 18th.
C. R. Schuli, pastor. Sunday church
school at 9:50. Divine worship (identical
services) ai a:ia ana 11 o clock.
Central Church of Christ Ch-mek eta
at cottage. M. C. Cuthbertson, minister.
Bible school, 9:45. Preaching, 10:45 and
Saint Paul's Fplicopal Church and
Chemeketa streets. The Rev. George H.
Swift. B.D., rector. Holy Communion Hn
the chapelt, 7:30 a.m. Junior church and
classes, 9:30. Nursery school in parish
house, 11. Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11.
Youth vespers, 6.
Leslie Methodist South Commercial at
Myers. G. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Nursery
for small children. Sermon subject: "A Vi
tal Faith in God." Youth fellowship at
6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Sermon sub
ject, "To Believe Is to Begin."
Talbot Community Talbot, Ore. Rev. R
Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school. 10,
Divine worship, 11, Sermon: "Samson, the
Castaway." Youth groups meet at 6:30.
Evening service, 1:30. Message: "Daniel,
the Man God Used."
Dedication New
Organ Sunday
A dedicatory recital on the
new Baldwin organ, recently in
stalled at the Evangelistic tem
ple. Assembly of God, Market
and Park streets, will take place
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
William Fawk, regular organ
ist at the First Evangelical
church and a member of the
American Guild of Organists,
will be at the console.
The organ is described by the
head of the organ division of
the Baldwin company to be "the
finest electronic organ installa
tion in the country with the
possible exception of the organ
now in Boston Symphony hall.
The Assembly of God church,
with Rev. Walter S. Frederick
as pastor, was recently complet
ed on a tract of several acres
where off-street parking is
4'htjrch ai Jetus t'nrUt of tha latter
Day Saints (Mormon)-Sunday school at
10; evening service at 7.
Christian Selene Sunday school at
9:45. Services at 11.
St. Paul's Catholic Father John J
Walh. pastor, Sunday masses, and 10.
Weekdays, I.
Assembly of Gad Berrel H Scott, pas
tor. Sunday school 9 45. Divine worchlp.
II. Young people s society at 6 45. Evan
gelistic at 6.
t- -t n -J Dm W V Kir n nr
Sunday school at 10; worship hour at 11.
evening services at I.
ft nth Dt Adventlsl rider A. D. Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo
cal elder, In charge. Sabbath school Sat
urday, 9 30; morning worship at 11, Sat
urday, Sunday evening evangelistic service.
Pilgrim Holiness D, C. Olson, pastor.
Sunday school 9:45. Sermon by pastor.
11. Young people meet at i. cvangetuiic
sermon at 6.
Methodist Msrquam and Molslla Joint
pastorates. J. S. Kendall, minister. Bioie
school and sermon forenoon. Sunday, at
Marquam, afternoon at Molalla.
Activity Program
By Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is con
ducting a series of Saturday
afternoon activity programs for
the young folk of the community.
Beginning at 1:30 at the Army
hall each Saturday, the young
people are instructed in making
attractive Christmas gifts plac
ques, statuettes and similar
Each week finds many new
faces at the hall. A hot dinner
is served at 5:30 each Saturday
evening, after which table ten
nis, shuffle board and other
games are played.
Keizer Community
Church Meetings
Keizer Community church
will be having a series of Bible
study and evangelistic meetings,
November 6 to 11, at 7:30 p.m.,
according to an announcement
by the pastor, Lee Wiens. Rev.
Chester Rutlidge, director of the
First Bible conference in Bell
ingham, Wash., will be the
speaker at each service.
Music for the services will be
furnished by the young peoples
choir of Keizer Community
church and instrumental and vo
cal groups ffom Salem College
and Academy. The meetings are
open to the public.
Scio Still Lacks
Resident Minister
Scio The Scio Baptist church
is without a resident minister
since Rev. Loucks accepted the
pastorate at the Four Corners
church near Salem. Rev. Elvin
Fast from Portland has been
filling the pulpit most of the
time during October. Rev. and
Mrs. Ellis of Portland conduct
ed the services here last week,
Men from the church are busy
this week doing some repair
work at the parsonage.
Method id Ben P. Browning, minister.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.. Ted Hargreaves,
acting superintendent, classes for all age
groups, nursery, tiny tots. General wor
ship hour. 11, sermon by pastor, subject:
"To The Rear. March!" Special song ser
vice, choir leading. Nursery maintained
during service. Youth Fellowship, 1:30
p m.. Miss Nettle Polk, director. Blair
riniay, president, (service oi workup
instruction, 8 p. m., pastor giving third
In series. IodIc: -How We Got Our De
nominations." Open n g program oi song.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates.
pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a. m M. B.
Ford, upt., assistants, Lynn Neal, Harry
Vettcr, James Bonner. Communion and
sermon. 11. sermon: "Conquering or Con
quered." Junior and senior Christian tn-
Ueavor, :JU p. m. evening nu;a.uiii y
topic. 1:30 p. m. sermonette, "Observing
Christian Literature Week." Mrs. Del
Harrington, chairman, directing the pro
gram. Special music by the young folk
choral group.
Calvary Lutheran SilDP.Jf pastor. Sun
day school ana Bible class, 10 a. m., Miss
OiRa Jonnson. supi. Morning wor6i.ijj.
communion, special music, sermon by
guest pastor, Rev. F. W. Eric It son. Salem.
Trinilv Lutheran Supply pastor. Sun
day school and Bible classes. 10 a. m. Di
vine Worship hour. 11. guest speaker.
Rev. Robert Hoveland, Salem.
Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pastor.
Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a. m.
Divine Worship hour. 11, sermon: "Jesus
The Universal Helper." Anthem by choir.
Luther League, 7:30 p. m., discussion topic:
The "S" In Stewardship."
Evening service, 1:30. Sermon subject:
Jason Lee Methodist LouU C. Klrbv.
minister. Sunday school, 9:45. Worship, 11.
Sermon subject: "What Faith Can Do for
Men." Evening hour, 7:30. Topic: "Build'
lng the Kingdom of God."
First Evangelical United Brethren
Where Marion crosses Summer. Rev. Wll-
mer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school.
:. Morning worship, n, sermon sub
ject: "How to Get the Most of Life." Eve
ning service. 7:45. Pictures and mess act
of missionary work In Bolivia by Rev.
and Mrs. Samuel Smith.
Bethany Evangelical ft Reformed Mar
ton and Capitol streets. Rev. Russell May
er, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning
worship, 11. Fellowship dinner, 12.
First Presbyterian Earl William Ben
hew, D. D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45.
Worship service, 11. Sermon. "The Spirit
Of Stephen In the Modern Church."
Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 8:30.
Seventh Day Advent lit Sabbath school
:45. Sermon 11.
Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt,
supt. Meets at 10 a. m.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuet Wolff, pas
tor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning worship,
11. Sermon, "Alone." Evening service, 7:30.
Christian Srlence Sunday school ,9:45.
Morning service. 11. Subject of the lesson
sermon Is "Adam and Fallen Man."
Church of Jesus Christ ef Latter Day
Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday
Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meeting,
St. Phillips Catholle Mass, 10:15
Falls City Seventh Day Adventlat Sab
bath school, 9:30. Preaching, 11,
Kola Sunday School Sunday school, 9:45.
Morning worship, 11.
- Free Methodist R. W. MrCormlrk, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching 11. Eve
nin service 7:30.
Char eh ef Cod Henry Loggan, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11.
Young people's meeting, 9:45. Evangelis
tic aervice, 7:46.
First Baptist Marlon and Liberty Sts.
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E.
Brlckwedel and Rev. V. L. Loucks, asso
ciate pastors. Sunday school, 9:45. Morn
ing worship, 11. "God's Kingdom A
Thing of Power." Pastor Anderson. Youth
meetings, b:id p.m. Evening gospel serv
ice, 7:30. "Missionary Emphasis Day" In
the beginning of the Church Lovattv Cru
Balbrrt Memorial Baptist One mile
north of underpass on highway 99-E. Rev.
C. E. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday school,
9:45. Morning worship, 11. Pastor speak
ing. Young people's league. 8:30. Even in
gospel service. 7:30. "Missionary Empha
sis Day" in the beginning of the Church
uvymiiy t,rusaae.
First Methodist Church and State. Pas
tor, Brooks H. Moore. Church school. 9:45,
Morning Service, 11:00. Sermon, "I Be
lieve in God."
Church Stone
Placed Sunday
Woodburn The cornerstone
of the new Methodist church
will be laid Sunday, November
6 at a special service beginning
at 2:30 o'clock. Bishop Gerald
Kennedy of Portland will offi
The stone, which is being pro
vided by the Sunday school, is
to be placed in the new build
ing now nearing completion and
which replaces the 57-year-old
church destroyed by fire April
3, 1948. Construction of the new
building started last spring.
The pastor, Rev. Ormal B.
Trick, will preside at the serv
ice. Rev. Oliver J. Gill, superin
tendent of the Forest Grove dis
trict, and Rev. D. Lester Fields,
retired Methodist minister, will
The choir, directed by Ken
neth Thompson, will sing the
anthem "My Heart Was Glad"
by Hollon, and the hymn of con
secration, "On This Stone Now
Laid With Prayer" by Plcyel.
Mrs. Roy Arney will be pianist.
The public is invited to at
tend the service.
Christiin and Missionary Alliance bor-
don T. Bratvold. minister. Sunday school
a. m., classes all age groups. Oscar
Satrum, supt. Worship hour. 11. ser
mon by pastor. Mrs. Paul Herlgstad. special
vocal solo. Young people's meeting 6:30
m. Evening evangelistic service,
m., pastor In charge.
Stay ton Churches
caolist Rev Wliiard Buckner. paator
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11
rralnlni hour, 7:15. Evening service, 0.
Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas-
to. Bible school, 10. Worship aervice, 11
outb Fellowship, 8:30. Evening worship,
Church of ChrHt L. M Seld. minister
Bible study, 10. Morning worship. 11. Eve
ning worship, 5.
Methodist John Morange, pastor. Bible
school, 10. Worship service, 11. Vouth Fel
lowship, 8.30. Evening worship, 8.
Assembly of God Rev. Melvln Stock
tv 11. pastor Sunday school, 10 Morning
iervlce. 11. Young people's meeting, 6:45
Evening evangelistic service 7:45.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Rev
sath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Masses 6. 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.
St. Partiek'a Catholle (Lvona) Father
Lean r Schneider, pastor. Winter ached
ule, 1st. 2nd and 5th Sundays, ma.v
10. j0 a.m.) 3rd and 4th Sundays mass at
5:30 a.m.
Our Lady of Lourdei (Jordan) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor, winter sched
ule. 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays mass B:3(
a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, maxs 10:30
Bant st Bruce Wake man. pastor Bun
day school 10, morning worship 11, Vouth
reiiowsnip i, evening service .
Cfanrrh of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school 10, morning worship
11, Junior meeting 7, Young people's meet
ing 1. evening services 8.
Methodist ehurrh Rev. Fremont Faul.
oastor. Sunday school 10. morning wor
ship 11, Junior Fellowship 6, Youth Fel
lowship 7.
Missionaries To
Talk on Bolivia
Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Smith,
missionaries to Bolivia, will
speak and show motion pictures
of their missionary work in
South America at the First
Evangelical United Brethren
church, Marion and Summer
street Sunday, November 6 at
7:45 p. m. The ladies chorus of
the church will sing as a special
musical feature of this service.
The minister, Rev. Wilmer N.
Brown, will speak at the morn
ing worship service at 11:00 a
m. on the theme "How to Get
the Most Out of Life."
Lutheran Leaguers
Attend Canby Party
Silverton Rev. S. L. Almlie
and Mrs. Almlie chaperoned 26
members of Immanuel Lutheran
Luther Leaguers to the Canby
hallowe'en barn party Monday
evening where more than sixty
young folk observed the occasion
from churches of Canby, Aurora
and Silverton.
Over the week-end, from Fri
day evening through Sunday
afternoon, around thirty mem
bers of the local Immanuel
Luther League group were in
attendance at the Portland Cen
tral Lutheran church league convention.
Three Silverton members had
speaking and music parts on the
program. Robert Lester gave the
talk on the general topic of "Let
Christ Be Lord , in the discus
sion on the general topic, Sat
urday forenoon, and Miss Cath
erine Loe apeared in piano-accordion
('burr mt God Third and Orant Sts.
Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school
10. 00 a. m. Worship 11.00 a. m. and I 00
n. Y, f. l oo p. m.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, November 4, 194913
aemblT of God Second and Lincoln
Sts. Lester Gibson, pastor. S. S. 9 45 a. m.
Prrarhing 1100 a. m. and 7.4a p. m. Y.
P. 1:44 p. m.
Free MelhedWI Young and Hatch Sis.
Mrs. Rosella B. Douglas. paMor. 8. 8.
9:4ft a.m., preaching 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m.
Chris, a n E. Lincoln and Doud Sts. Don
Priest, castor. 8. S. 10:00 a. m. Service 11
and C. E. 1 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m.
Method! I Young and B Sts. Ormal B.
Trick, pastor church school 10 a. m.
Worship 11 a. m.
Faartauare 1197 E. Lincoln St. Arthur
Coble, pastor, 8. B. B 45 a. m. Worship
u:vu a.m. ana i:m p.m., x, r, . p.m.
Bethel Presbyterian 3 mites east on
Union School Road. Earl K. Fenton, pas
tor. Worship 10 a. m. B. S. 10:45 a. m.
Cburrh of Jesus Chrlil of Latter Bay
Saints I O O F. hall. Sunday school, 10
m.; sacrament meeting uuo.
St. Agnes Catholle (Hubbard) Attend
ed by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday
maises 8:30 a. m.
I. Mary's Episcopal E. Lincoln at
Cupid's Court. Clarence C. Slorum. vlrar.
Church school B:30 a. m. Divine worship
11:00 a. m.
Bible Baptist -Oranae Hall. Seltlemier
and HarrUon. Earl Baker, pastor, S. S.
9:45 a. m. Worship service 11:00 a. m
and 1:45 p. m. Y. P. 6:45 p. m.
Immanvel Lutheran Harvin N. Chrls-
tensen. pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts. Wor
ship aervice n a. m. s. a. lo.oo a. m.
Gervala Presbyterian Ernest Trem-
blay. pastor. S. 8. 10 a. m. Worship 11 a.
m. u. c. cju p. m.
St. Luke's Catholle V. ,L Moffenbeler.
pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th.
Sunday services 7 a. m., 6:30 a. in., 10:30
a. m. Devotions 4 p. m. Sunday. Weekday
mass 8:11V a. m. Devotions Friday 7:45 p.m.
The Reorganised Church of Jenus C'hrUI
Christ of Latter Day Saints Corner of
second and Oarfleld. George Omans, pas
tor. Church school 10 a. m. Preaching 11
a. m. Zlont League 7 p. m. Lecture study
S p. m.
First Presbyterian Garfield and Third
Sts. Earl K. Fenton, pastor. 8. 8. 9:45 a.
m. Divine worship 11:00 a. m. and 7:30
p.m. Y, P. 0:30 p. m.
Mill City Churches
Presbyterian Dr. D. J. Ferguson, minis
ter. Sunday school. 10. Morning srrvlre,
11 o'clock. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p. m.
Christian Thomas Courtney, Jr.. min
ister. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning
service 1 1 o'clock. Christian Endeavor
hour 0:30. Evening worship 7.45 o'clock
City Society
Plans Silver Tea
Mill City The Mill City
Presbyterian Missionary society
met in the church recreation
room with Mrs. John Swan and
Mrs. Lester Hathaway acting as
hostesses. Announcement was
made of the annual silver tea on
the date of November 9 to be
held in the church.
Speaker for the afternoon will
be Rev. Wesley Baker, of Red
mond, who will speak on the
subject, "Displaced Persons of
Europe." Society president Mrs.
Hathaway appointed the follow
ing committees to act for the
Program, Mrs. Donald
Sheythe; refreshments, Mrs.
Herbert Schroeder, Mrs. Clayton
Baltimore; decorations, Mrs.
James Swan. The churches of
Lyons, Mehama and other
churches in Mill City are being
invited to join in the fellowship.
The meeting was opened with
a devotional study led by Mrs.
James Swan, who read from the
Book of Isaiah. The afternoon
program in the form of a skit
entitled, "Hcartwood" was pre
sented by Mrs. W. R. Olmstead,
Mrs. Fred Duffy, Mrs. W. W.
Allen, Mrs. Clayton Baltimore
and Mrs John Swan. Following
ine meeting, refreshments were
The date of the annual fall
bazaar has been tentatively set
for December 9. Mrs. Floyd
Fleetwood, chairman has ap
pointed committees as follows:
apron booth Mrs. James Swan,
Mrs. Fred Grimes; tea towels,
Mrs. Herbert Schroeder; fancy
work. Mrs. W. J. Robinson: can
dy, Mrs. Fred Duffy and Mrs.
Clayton Baltimore; dinner, Mrs.
D. B. Hill; Christmas decora
tions, Mrs. Arthur Kriever.
Amity Churches
Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun
day school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11
a. m. topic: "Proclaiming Tha Lords
Death". Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Evening
service p. m. topic: "All that She Had.
Church of Christ Wm. P. Morse. aa
tor. Bible school 10 a. m. Morning wor
ship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 a.
m. Juniors in parsonage, teen Mr m
parlor. Evening service 7:30 p. m.
Methodist chorea Fremont Paul, min
ister. Sunday school 10 a. m. Junior Fl
lowshlp 6:00 p. m. Methodist Youth Pel
lowship 7:1ft.
Catholle Rev. Mai, pastor. Morning ser
vice 0 o'clock.
Free Methodist Rev. L. C. Gould, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning ser
vices 11 o'olock. Evening services 7:30
Community Rev. Wayne Watklns, pas
tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:45 o'clock.
Turner Churches
Methodist Sunday school. Joe Holt,
supt. 10 a. m. Preaching, Dr. Robt. Gatke,
pastor, 11.
Assembly of God Sunday school. C. P.
Rodgers, supt. Morning worship. Mrs. Oule
keunst, pastor. Evening services, C, A.
7 p.m. Evangelistic 8 p.m.
Christian S. 8. Mrs. Crogttlns. supt.
9:45 a. m. Service Gilbert Carey, paatur,
11 a. m. C. E. and Jr. C. E. 7 p.m. Preach
ing 8 p.m.
Utilize cold cooked leftover
rice in salads; combine with
tuna fish or chicken, or mix
with olives, celery, and mayon
naise and use as a filling for hol-lowed-out
Assembly ef God William Beachy, pes
r. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning
worship 11 a. m. Youth service 7:11 p. nu
Evening service 7:45 p. m.
Leslie Methodists
Bring Evangelist
Rev. Orbin Turner, pastor of
First Methodist church, Roswell.
N.M. will be guest evangelist for
a series of services at Leslit
Methodist chun:h beginning
Thursday, November 10 and
continuing through Sunday, No
vember 20. Services each eve
ning at 7:30 p.m. Miss Edith
Watts of Beaverton will be
present as director of the sing
ing. A no-host pot luck supper will
be held at Leslie church at 6:30
p.m. Thursday with the first
service of the meeting to follow
at 7:30 p.m. All members and
friends of the church, as well as
the general public are cordially
invited to these services. Rev.
Turner is an active pastor in the
Methodist church, and comes to
us with a rich background of ex
perience, being in popular de
mand as a preacher throughout
the southwest.
Negro Singers
Here Sunday
A double quartette of neero
spiritual singers will be in Sa
lem this Sunday evening at The
Salvation Army church, 241
State street, 7:30 p.m. The Dub-
lic is cordially invited to attend.
The singers are a well trained
group from Portland and they
have much to offer in their line
of music. Preceding the evening
service the harmony group will
present their program at the
state penitentiary during the
Salvation Army's regular pro
gram there.
Mrs Peterson Heads
Oak Point Society
Oak Point The Oak Point
school society met at the school
house for the first meeting of
the new year. Rodney Peterson
as president.
Elected offficers were presi
dent, Mrs. Grove Peterson; vic
president, Mrs. Pauline Rule;
secretary, Mrs. R. Hardman;
treasurer, Mrs. Z. Bartel.
Children of the school enter
tained with a program of music
and skits. Refreshments were
served by Z. Bartel and C. H.
CE Given Trophy
Gervais At the recent coun
ty meeting of the Christian En
deavor convention at Jefferson,
the local CE. won the achieve
ment iropny ior ine sixin conse
cutive year. In the election of
county officers, Sidney Harper
was elected vice-president.
Youth Roily Slated
Wo odburn A Woodburn
Youth for Christ rally will be
held at the Free Methodist
church here Saturday evening
at 7:45 o'clock. Ed Duerksen of
Portland, who spent almost a
year in Hamburg, Germany in
gospel work, will be the speak-
Sour cream, flavored with a
little finely grated onion, makes
"different sauce for boiled
potato cubes. Season with salt
and pepper and heat together
gently; sprinkle with parsley or
paprika before serving.
Jason Lee Memorial Methodist Church
North Winter at Jefferson St.
Invites the Public to Inspect Its
New Sunday School Temple
Sunday, Nov. 6; 2:00-5:00 P.M.
Assembly of God William N. Brarhy,
pastor. Sunday school 9:41, morning wor
ship 11, children's service 7:30. evening
service t.
Chill sauce and peanut but
te, mixed together in equal pro
portions, make a quick sand
wich filling. Serve the sandwich
es with a hearty soup and a
green salad.
Four Cornere Bsp tint State and time.
Rev. Victor L. Loucks, paator. Sunday
school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. "Our
Missionary Chame." Evening gospel serv
ice, 7:30. "A Missionary Church," Pastor
Dr. Victor Hugo Sword, Pastor
9:45 Bible Classes for All Ages
11:00 Morning Worship, "Contrary Winds"
6:00 Christian Education Clinic
7:30 "Signposts"
"A quiet place for worship and prayer"
BMhel Baptist North Cottage it D 8t.
Rev. Rudolph Woyke. pastor. Sunday
school at 9.45. Communion service at 11,
the pastor preaching on the topic, "Do
You Really Love Me?" Evening service at
7:30 with thf following sermon topic: "A
Man With Conviction."
Flrit Church of God Hood and N. Cot
taRe. O. W, Clemens, pastor. Sunday ser
vires, Church school. 9:45. Morning wor
ship. 11. Topic: -ralth for Revivals."
Youth fellowship. 6:45. Evening worchlp.
7:45. Topic: "The Power of Christian
Calvary RaptUl 1230 South Liberty St.
Rev. Victor Hugo Sword, Th.D., pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning serv
ice, 11. Sermon subject, "Contrary Winds."!
Pastor, First Methodist Church, Roswell, N. M.
Leslie Methodist Church
So. Commercial at Myers
7:30 p.m. Each Evening Nov. 10 Thru 20
rail City Methodist J a men R. Royer,
pMtor. Sunday school. 10. Morning wor
ship, li.
First MaptUt Sunday school, 9 45.
Morning worship, 11. Training union, 7:30.
tvenlng worship, I.
St. Thomas Eplsrepal Church ichool,
lO.Mornlng prayer, 11. Holy Baptism,
Wlekreall Sanday Srheel J. N. Th lessen,
en, aupt. Sunday school, 1:30.
Oak Grave Chapel Fremont Paul, pan
tor. Morning aervice, 9:4ft. Sunday school
10 tt AAMPI.B fVKMsHlil)
rTERNIT. pme Rrnm-hial-Aithma
relieved CftlrKI.V (natl? within 1
minute. tv NEPHRON InhalatlMi Tlirr-
p. MtM Mnhhern ra revpnnd. Ak
f 14) day eample ef NEPHRON
Inhalant rn m H KNOX-AfM raper
be. CttejtiMi fliae ealy airac,
Ftrrr'i Drat tiara
Poitor ef Four Corner! Baptist Church
Meetings Begin Monday, November 7 at 7:30 p.m.
Salem Heights Cmomunity Hall
Liberty Road ot Madrono Avenue
W have a full line of these lovely Flower
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FANTASY Pink and Green
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One of the Most Beautiful
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La Victoire Red . t.00 Di. f 1 ff
Grand Maitre - Blue S.50 Ds. lUCearh lUU dozen
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