Court of 3 Announced The three member! of the Sigma Chi court (or the annual election of the Sigma Chi sweetheart have been announ ced. They Include Misses Jean Kell, Deloret Fisher and Shirley Grif fin. Selection of the sweetheart will be made at a formal dance on November 12 at the fratern ity chapter house. This is the third annual' iweetheart contest for the Wil lamette university chapter of Sigma Chi. Elimination! have been made during the past few weeki, leading up to selection of the final court of three from which group the sweetheart is named. Surprise Event Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Sr., of Marquam ob served their 32nd wedding an niversary Sunday at the home of their ion and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Joe Maurer, Jr., at their home on Grant itreet In Silverton. At noon the entire family and some friends lurprlsed the couple, calling to spend the day. A no-host dinner was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. Gerllts, (Amelia Maur er) and children, Diane and Da vid; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maurer, Jo Ann, Tommy and Betty El aine of Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd (Perpetua Maurer); Bobby, Penny Marie and Kathy of West Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maurer and Andy of Marquam, John Suppes of De troit; Mildred Maurer, Dorothy Dibali, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hess. Mr and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Jr., of Silverton and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maurer, Sr. HOME FROM a trip to Brit ish Columbia are Mr. and Mrs. Graham Sharkey. They visit ed their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Livesley (Patricia Sharkey) at Abbottsford, B.C. They also went to Harrison Hot Springs with the Livesleys and to other places of interest, including a visit to the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Norton. Mrs Nor ton is known as Doreen Norton, writer, and an authority on Pal omino horses. While . at . the Norton ranch the Sharkeys saw Bonanza Del Sur, prized Palo mino imported from Texas by the Nortons. ' Today's Menu (By th Aasoclttcd Prw) Week Day Dinner Cream of Spinach Soup Braised Veal Chops Fluffy Mashed Potatoes Snap Bean Relish Salad Bread and Butter Frosted Spice Cake Beverage Snap Bean Relish Salad Ingredients: 1 pound snap beans, V4 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon salt, liquid from 1 seven-and-one-quarter-ounce jar of amall sweet gherkins (about Vi cup), V cup commercially-prepared sour cream, 2 teaspoons finely grated onion (pulp and juice) freshly - ground pepper (to taste), salad greens, cucumber slices, tomato wedges. Method: Cut ends off snap beam and wash under cold running water with a spray or vegetable brush; drain and slice diagonally in '.i-inch lengths. Put in a me dium-size saucepan, add the boiling water and salt; bring ra pidly to a boil, cover, decrease heat if necessary but keep wa tcr boiling until beans are just crisp-tender and still green- about 10 minutes. Drain off 11 quid; chill beans. Put the gher kin juice in a measuring cup or small bowl, add the sour cream gradually and blend together with the back of a spoon until smooth; add the onion and pour 'a cup of this dressing over the chilled beans. Mix thoroughly; arrange greens in salad bowl. heap snap beans in center, and surround with cucumber slices and tomato wedges. Pour re maining Vi cup of dressing over raw vegetables. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Missouri Club The annual Thanksgiving tur key dinner of the Missouri club was held at the home of Mrs. A. Vittone Wednesday with the fol lowing members enjoying the event; Mrs. Mae Willis, Mrs. M. Noll. Mrs. R. B. McClay, Mrs. C. Watson, Mrs. E. W. Harland, Miss C. Burch, Mrs. W. Weekly, Mrs. W. Loe, Mrs. A. W. Boy- les, Mrs. W. W. Rolofson, Mrs. P. C. Harland, Mrs. Roy Car ter, Mrs. E. Davenport, Mrs. A. Schissler, Mrs. F. M. Hoyt, Mrs Billy Hoyt, Mrs. H. Stanley, Mrs. James Vittone, Miss Imo- gene Vittone, Mrs. W. G. Wal ker, Mrs. Wm. Ray, Mrs. E. B. Kasson and Mrs. A. Vittone. The next meeting, Dec. 6, will be a Christmas gift exchange at the Willis home, 965 N. 5th, at 12:30 o'clock. NOW 0M SALE! Wmtor Pattern Book Immm ---:-' ' Ik . ' -mt ' If ' ' Recently Wed Bride of the early fall wai Mri. Gerald Heuberger (Rosemary Brei tenstein). She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brei tenstein, Sublimity, Mr. Heu berger the" son of Mr. and Mrs. John Heuberger. (Jesten Miller studio picture.) Shrine Club Party Due The Salem Shrine club an nounces its annual fall dance for the evening of Saturday, Novem ber 12. The affair is formal, starting with a social hour at 8:30 o'clock: dinner at 8 o'clock, and dancing at 8 o'clock. Guy Albin'i or chestra playing. The event is for all Shrine members and their wives. John S. Lochead, T. M. Medford. Glenn Burright and Howard C. Raean are the committee in charge of the decorations, which will feature the Thanksgiving theme. SILVERTON Mrs. Harry Vetter and Mrs. Rholin Cooley were guest speakers at the din ner program Tuesday evening at Toney'i for the Business and Professional Women s club meet ing. Mrs. Vinnie Heinz, voca tional education chairman, pre sented Mrs. Vetter in a talk on "Salesmanship," and Mrs. Coo ley, who told of the ins and outs of the business of raising iris, the iris being the adopted flower, and the Cooley Gardens, the fea tured pride of the Silverton BPW club. A holiday gift sale is announc ed for the first Saturday in De cember. The annual Christmas party is to be Tuesday, Decem ber 6, when gifts will be donated and wrapped for a Salem hospi tal, the club's holiday project. SILVERTON Invitations are in the mails for the forthcoming marriage of Miss Betty Lucile Heidenstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom, and Stephen Ray Mead, son of the S. A. Meads, all of Silverton. The nuptial vows are to be ex changed at the Silverton Imman uel Lutheran church in a 4 o'clock afternoon ceremony, Sunday, November 20. A reception will follow the ceremony in the church social rooms. 100 ALL WOOL TUBULAR JERSEY HELLER 30 -Minute Hair Dryer Electric With Pressurized Helmet APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT i Hood mi 6 'ryer 12.9S i BY $098 Heller is the name on your popular all wool jersey 54-inch or tubular fabric this season. It's the brand of quality for those outstanding blouse and frock fashions. See it in our window, new woodsy browns, reds, greens. Plain and striped. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 3, 1 9 19 7 I S SWEATERS LOOKING NEWI COMPLETELY ADJUSTABLE TO Ct FIGUREI CHOCOLATES AND UTTER RONS A beautiful new box with new nd choice assortment. Cellophane index. 1 lb $1.50 2 lbs S.00 CHOCOLATE ASSORTMENTS Choose your favorite from , , . Assorted Chocolates 1 lb $1.25 2 lbs 2.45 Assorted Cream I lb $1.25 Nut Crisp and Chewy Center 1 lb $1.25 PECAN DELICHTt Fresh pecans, and ten der caremel covered wtth rich milV choc olate. 10 OS. BO 75 SOCK DRYER I ,fi a! JSisr WW W 1 SWEATER AND SOCK DRYERS . . Make your washdays eosier j by using sweater and sock dryers. Adjustable to size I . . . easy to use. $1.25and$1.95 I FITS THE WHOLE FAMILY! NOTION DEPT. m iiniimi n 1 1 1 4 i 1 0 I) for a Christmas thtyll novr forget I L In minf bomct, noviet ire t Cht.itn.ts tndition. When dinact't over, ererybodf tdjourns to the living room for the "bi( show." Ttkiof novies. too, it pin of the Christinas pictui. You'll wint glorious full-color moviei of all the joroai crents the whole fimilf will enjoy re-living again and again. So make this Gummas they'll never forget give t Jtevere! We have wide selection of Revert cameras and projectors. Come in and sec then today! For Christmos gifts with a thrill . give a new Revere 16 mm magazine camera. All the newest improvements ond priced amor $1 C A 00 Your daily living ,1s surrounded by well known brands most of whlel. you are unconscious of using. Your car, your radio and so on through the day until you wind that well known alarm clock and retire on a famous mattress. You are so accustomed to the performance of these brands that you pay little attention to the satisfactory use you derive. But, invest In a "no-name", an imitation ... a "wear-out-quick" thing and you feel conscious of having wasted your time and effort. That's why we say, "ENJOY SHOPPING FOR THESE" VAN RAALTE New stocks of the famous VAN RAALTE pantie and pantie girdles are 1 I J 1 A A 1. nere in nyion ana uituex two-way sireicn power et- J Art tt WtT tiptd ti whin vnur fitrnrft intrt "linno" with a v aw"" t minimum of effort. All sizes. Expertly fitted, of course 4oo,nd$5( MUNSINGWEAR ... This name stamped on your sleepwear, lingerie, designates them as of high quaiuv, nign rasnion ana Desr, oi an, gooa service- t J Cft stpoc Jlhilitv TVlpHA npw rnwna onrt luiamni ara 1 V aB TL ready finding their way to our Christmas lay away dept. 45o,o$5s WHITLEY SUITS In Vogue ... in Harper's, Whitley is well known for their smooth, tailored lines and smart fashion. These new Sharkskin suits fall $ M A9S tinu vviuici a ctpiuuvcu Biyiea ... iiie luur nmsii puctieiH . . . the four button fastening, etc. . . . Come and see! 49' HANSEN GLOVES The "just right" accent to your fall costume may be a pair of Hansen's new fabric gloves in the new winter pink or rice $al 50 $998 Kieeii ur, fjemtt any une Ul a Jiuuiuvr VI ing shades to be found here. KADIN HANDBAGS Strictly "Western" style smooth finished calfskin in deep reds greens . . . black, browns, etc. Each a perfect example of the J inasier worKiiiaimiuii. ii s hul iuu eariy iv cnuuse xur iunsi- mas gifts. 5 new 00 NORTH STAR BLANKETS . . . Baby blankets of softest 100 wool with wide satin bindings in lovely pastel satin . . . pink, while . . . blue . . . buttercup. Sizes regular $ A95 42x60. An exquisite gift for that blessed event Downstairs. f ENDOCREME HORMONE CREAM . . . It's good! It's famous for lasting, youthful skin beauty. Comes in regular or light and very easy to apply. Make it a habit . . use $950 Endocreme face cream and be beautiful. 4j LUVLEE LADY GOWNS Luvlce Lady brushed rayon gowns are as soft as finest down. Think of the comfort and rest derived these cold nights while clad $ J 98 in Luvlee Lady brushed rayon. Downstairs. REVERE SWEATERS FOR MEN . . . If it's Revere . . . and the wear is severe . . . and you bought it hire . . . you have nothing to fear. It will wear good and it's the $1 smartest casnmere sweater in town, rsew wanted armors. Only . . . 5, 595 IT'S TIME TO SHOP FOR YOUR MONOGRAMMED CHRISTMAS CARDS! Orders ire being taken now for before Christmas week delivery. CALLOWAY BATH TOWELS 2.50, ,4.25 8 ft New sets just arrived 7 BUCILLA STAMPED TABLE LINEN I 1.98(0 3.98 For your handwork- for the Holiday gifts. , ed Christmas gifts. M ovr pattern cow i ingly low! I .W w ' te i iiymaaammmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammM- inisiiMaisMsssMai