I eh. pr! b: up' tie wa n' An r thi wi by tov 1 om prl Sic sol ha cla lit dr. y eo: lie $2 ae: d da d Capital Edited by MARIAN Capital Journal, Salem, Group Goes To Portland Mrs. Louis Gerlinger was hostess ta a group of Salem friends at the Waverly Country club in Portland today. They heard a review by Mrs. Morti mer Hartwell during the morn ing then enjoyed luncheon at the club. In the group were Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Floyd W. Shcp- ard, Mrs. John H. Carson, Miss Mabel P. Robertson, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrs. R. H. Bal dock, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs, Dean Walker of Independence, Mrs. George T. Bragg of Port land, sister of Mrs. Gcrlinger and the hostess. t I 1 V - -ft A V v "A Engagement Told Announ ced recently was the engage ment of Miss Virginia Lee Jack son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Mill City, to Delmar Thompson of Marys ville, Calif. The wedding is plan ned during the Thanksgiving holidays. (Jesten-Miller studio picture). Soroptimist Club Projects for the year were discussed at the business meet ing of the Salem Soroptimist club, Wednesday noon, at the Golden Pheasant. For the meeting next week there will be a luncheon, also, Mrs. Nell Brannon to have charge of the program. Last Saturday a group of five from the local club attended a charter night banquet for a new club in Eugene, those going from here including Mrs. G. E. McCormick, Mrs. Walter Barsch, Mrs. Brannon, Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn, Mrs. Laura Pangle. AMONG those taking in the University of Oregon-University of Washington game, Saturday, in Portland, will be Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Don Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Phillips, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillips. Following the game, the sen ior Phillips will be hosts at din ner at the University club to honor their son, William L. Phil lips, Jr., on his birthday, addi tional guests to include Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, who also are to be at the game. VISITORS in the capital Wed nesday for a time were Mr. and Mrs. Claire Knoeland of tu- gene. They were en route to Portland to take in the Univer ity of Oregon-University of Washington game. Jersey for Evening Clare Potter likei tha versatility of this wool jersey evening skirt in green, worn with a plaid tilk blouse which may be witched. Women LOWRI FISCHKB tmit Ore., Thursday, Nov. 3, 1949 Plan Silver Tea A committee from the Salem Federated Music clubs met this week to plan a silver tea tor Sunday, December 4, at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfslrom, the affair to be be tween 3 and 6 o'clock that date. Mrs. Ted Medford is general chairman for the event. At the committee meeting were Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mrs. Clyde Gil bert, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Medford, Mrs. Nettie Larsen, Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson. World Community Day Friday brings the world com munity day program, sponsored by the Salem Council of Church Women, at the First Methodist church, starting at 10:30 a.m. Luncheon will be at noon, the afternoon session to take up at 1:30 o'clock. "Pieces for Peace Bundles' will be dedicated. Dr. Victor Hu go Sword, a missionary in India for 20 years, is to speak on the world community day theme "Peace Is Possible." The "Pieces for Peace Bundles" includes ma terials for women overseas to use in making their clothing. Women throughout the Unit ed States will be meeting in si milar meetings through Friday. Wed 58 Years Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Miller, 497 Union street, Salem, cele brated their 58th wedding anni versary October 22. It was also Mrs. Miller's 75th birthday. Their son, Dr. Albert R. Miller and family of McMinnville were here for the observance. The Millers have another son, Dr. Carl E. Miller in California; sev en grandchildren and six great grandchildren. They have lived in Oregon 43 years. MISS NORMA WALLACE, teen-age program director for the Salem YWCA, announces a new 8th grade Parrish school Y- Teen group under the leadership of Miss Pat Older and Miss Vir ginia Wilson, Willamette stu dents. Officers for the group include: President, Jody Bush: vice presi dent, Joanne Hill: secretary. Barbara Fuhr; interclub repre sentative, Nancy Jenks; treas urer, Nola Campbell; and song queen, Jann Howell. IN CORVALLIS Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tartar and Miss Lena Belle Tar tar to attend the exhibit and reception honoring Laura Pratt, artist. Some 50 oils, water col ors and other works of the artist were on display, the exhibit and reception being in Kidder hall foyer on Oregon State college campus. STATE SENATOR and Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport will be among Salemites journeying to Portland for the University of Oregon - University of Wash ington game Saturday after noon. AMONG LOCAL folk plan ning to see "High Button Shoes" in Portland Friday evening are Miss Lena Belle Tartar and Miss Gladys Edgar. ENGI.EWOOD Woman's club is to meet Friday with Mrs. Wal ter Larson at 1135 Cross, des sert to be at 1:15 o'clock. This is to be guest day for the club. BARBARA FR1ETCH1E tent Daughters of Union Veterans, is meeting Friday at 2 p.m. in the Salem Woman's club house. OPEN FRIDAY NITE TIL P.M. I i's Mqiinrp-danrlnjf doll! ... genuine f i ? black or brown sued; red or green leather I V 1 baby doll pump with scalloped, cut-out vamp, t . j and wafer wedge heel. Looks like twice the priiel V ' 'R,iJ'. Pi) .J f fft- " . iiftm ini mhiiiiiiiii Is Bride-Elect The engagement of Miss Shirley Nave, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Arlie L. Nave of Scio, to Walter V, Beall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beall, Salem, has been an nounced. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.) HOLIDAYS COMING SOON It's Fruitcake Time "Gift fruit cake en casserole" is a wonderful idea. Put it on your "do it now" list. The na tional Raisin Harvest festival beginning Nov. 3 is a good re minder that lots of raisins, econ omically priced, are on the mar ket for holiday baking. No gift will offer greater enjoyment than a good fruit cake such as this. Gift Fruit Cake en Casserole 1 cup seedless raisins 1 cup prunes 1 cup dried figs 1 cup halved candied cher ries cup cut citron & cup cut preserved orange peel 1 cup broken walnut meats 4 cup jelly a cup orange juice 1 teaspoon allspice 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon mace IV4 cups butter or margarine i cup brown sugar (pack ed) 4 cup granulated sugar 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract m cups sifted all-purpose flour M teaspoon soda 1 4 teaspoons salt Topping: 1 cup seedless raisins 4 cup broken walnut meats cup halved candied cher ries 2 tablespoons butter V cup light corn syrup Rinse raisins, drain and dry. Pour boiling water over prunes and figs and let stand 10 min utes; drain and dry. Cut prunes from pits in thin slices; clip stems from figs and cut figs into thin strips. Combine fruits, cit ron, peel, nuts, jelly, orange juice and spices. Stir to blend, cover and let stand overnight. Cream butter and sugars togeth er thoroughly. Add beaten eggs and flavoring, blending well. Mix in half of flour sifted with soda and salt. Add fruit mixture and stir until well blended. Stir in remaining flour. Pour into 2 greased l'j -quart casseroles. Spread tops with blended top s' ..WfV. ' ping ingredients. Cover and bake in slow oven (250 degrees F.) about 3 4 hours. Test with pick or cake tester before re moving from oven. Makes about 5 4 pounds cake. THE SERVICE CLUB of the YWCA held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the YWCA. After a brief business meeting members and guests enjoyed a program presented by Ardo Tar em, who has come to Salem through the displaced persons program. Mr. Tarem showed movies of life in DP camps in Germany and explained how every day living was conducted. ACMSVILLE The Aumsville Woman's club held its first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Hugh Craig in Salem. Plans for the club year were discussed and a social hour held with refreshments' served to Mesdames Mary Hein, May Lamb, Ethel Wright, Glenn Mumkers, Elmer Klein, Bland Spear, James Miller and Miss Minnie Peterson. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 11 at the James Miller home. HOSTESS Thursday after noon at a luncheon was Mrs. A. C. F. Perry, inviting a group of 12, bridge games following the luncheon. HOSTS this evening at a din ner will be Mr. and Mrs. G. Fre derick Chambers, who are to en tertain for their club and a group of additional guests. Bridge will follow the dinner. VACANCY Salem Nursing Home AMBULATORY or BED PATIENT Well Trained Staff of Nurses 24 Hour Service Best of Foods and Special Diets Call at 3595 D St. Miss Bernice Struckmeier "Salem Newest Shoe Stort for Women" 170N.LIBIRTY ' Mrs. Henry Is Honored Mrs. D. M. Eby, worthy ma tron, and J. E. Frizzell, worthy patron, presided at the regular meeting of Chadwick chapter, OES, held in the Masonic temple on Tuesday evening. The chapter room was beauti ful with fall flowers and leaves. Several visitors were present from other chapters. Mrs. Wayne Henry, mother -k We're clearing our regular stock to make room for new shipments! Here's your opportunity to make TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. Stock up now! Bring your friends. Don't delay! Act now while stocks last! -k Ballarina SKIRTS n Regular 5.95 Value Sweaters Blouses 2" Regular 5.95 Value RAINCOATS Group Short Lengths 00 Values to 24.95 51 Gauge 20 Denier Reg. 1.95 Value Nationally Advertised Brands No 2nds or Irregulars Failles Rayon Gab Crepes Reg. 14.95 Unlined BOX SUITS ()99 Reg. 16.95 adviser of Rainbow Girls, was honored with degree by the courtesy group. A gift was pre sented. Miss Marilyn Power, worthy adviser of Rainbow Girls, sang and Miss Dorothy Pederson, grand musician for Rainbow Girls for the state of Oregon, played piano selections. An Invitation was read from Cottage Grove for the evening of December 3rd when the chapter there will hold a recep tion in honor of the grand lec turer, Mrs. Elma Thum. An invitation was also read to attend Woodburn chapter meet The Fashionette . . 429 Court Better DRESSES 1.7700 Values to 34.95 SUITS AND 25.00 Values to 49.95 COATS 2500 Values to 29 2 for M00 No Refunds No Exchanges All Sales Final lng on November 14. when they will observe friendship night. All members were reminded to bring canned fruit for the Maso nic home. The worthy matron announced that the next meeting will be ob served as homecoming and a plate supper would be served following that meeting. Refreshments were served at the close of chapter. The com mittee in charge included Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillippe, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Barrick, Mrs. Pearl Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Utley. MONEY SAVING 49.95 2 Ply Rayon 15 Sizes 8-18-Reg. BARGAIN C TAKE HOUR Tim to m o D ft 1 Ask Any Salesperson! k The IFosEi&oraetttte 429 COURT STREET At DAR Event Among special guesti at the 34th birthday anniversary din ner of Chemtketa chapter Daughters of the American Re volution, Friday evening, will be Governor Douglas McKay, the guest speaker; Mrs. McKay; Miss Jeanette I. Dentler of Port land, national vice president general of the DAR; Mrs. How ard P. Arnest, state conserva tion chairman; Mrs. Archie Mc Keown of Hood River, state re gent, and Mr. McKeown. The dinner Is arranged at the Marion hotel. DOWN HOLDS YOUR COAT SUIT OR DRESS FOR XMAS! Gabardine 00 24.95 TABLE! Your Choice Panties Scarfs Anklets