Berserk Filipino Kills 4 Persons Santa Rom, Cal Nov. 3 mm Capital Journal, Salem, Or,, Thursday, Not. i, 1949 29 Henry Pto, 3T, used repeat ing shotgun in the) killings. "t Aoa't know what I do maybe I shoot some others," he told officers who forced his car to the curb and took him to Sonoma county jail an hour af ter the shootings. Those killed were; Mrs, Louise Howard, 27, who had lived with Pto until recent ly, deputies said, Her husband tsf one week, Clyde, 23. Her lister, Mri. Maria Siivas. Mrs, Siivas' brother, Tony Abaya, 40. The killings, authorities said, apparently stemmed from an ar gument that occurred when Mrs, Howard refused to return to Pio after aha was released from a hospital recently. New York, Nov, 8 Vft The Dun & Bradstreet wholesale food index dropped three cents today to $3.00, recovering part of the 14-cent advance registered last week. Ja I seri killed tour persons. "VSJ I including mi former sweetheart t 1 and her bridegroom, before o(- liters captured him m he tried Last week's sharp advance to flea in hn car. r1 t was the largest jince July 13, 1848, Previously, the index had II shown a fairly steady decline VISTA MARKET from $5.85 on Sept. 13 to $5.57 on Oct. 11. OI the 31 foods used in com piling the index, only six show ed an advance this week. The index is the total of the price per pound of foods in general Food Index Down 3 Cents i I . . fi i . s. A- ........ . ' mm - - -2 I vJ use. I I -tA257. Library Tribute to Readers This toy barn, built by the taff of the Hanover, Pa,, public library, bears the names of 854 boys and girls in the Vacation Reading club. THE MORE SELECTIVE AUDIENCE People Over 30 Described As Forgotten by the Movies Hollywood (U.R) Maxwell Shane, producer, says the movie busi ness will boom when it rediscovers its forgotten man, the cus tomer over 30. "People over 30 are finding it more comfortable to sit home in the evening instead of going to a movie scaled to a 15-year-old," Shane said when he returned from a study tour of 24 states, "They are the customers the movies are losing, and the ones we have to re-establish in the movie-going habit," The movie industry can stop worrying about customers under 30, Shane believes. He said he found they'll go to movies any way, no matter what's playing, "Children go to pictures no matter what the show is," he said, "They just go to pictures. They like the cowboy pictures, of course, but the fact is they'll go to anything that's playing on the Saturday matinee. "When they're a little older, they go to pictures largely as a social function. They go with their gangs or their school club. Hollywood can't lose them." Shane's next classification of movie-goers is the older juvenile-young adult age, "They're having dates, and they go to movies because it's a relatively inexpensive place to take a girl, and a dark place to hold her hand." But the folks who are making ..the dent in the box office re turns are the ones over 30 who won't go out to a show unless they're pretty sure it's a good one. "They are more selective be cause they go to fewer shows, and also because their taste is more mature," he said. Shane has Just started a new contract at 20th Century - Fox where he hopes to make movies for the 30-and-over customers. "I don't believe the old chest nut that people prefer a certain quality of film because they go see them," he added, "Maybe it's just that there are no better pic tures to go to." Classmates Invited For Halloween Party Lyons A Halloween party was given at the Burl Smith home with the hostess, Donna Diane, for a group of classmates Those attending were Cecil Bas- sett, Pauline Bridges, Pauline Sehiewek, Cheita Lande, Jean Walker, Richard Porter, Jack Porter, James Courtney, Rich ard Baltzer, Lois Roberts, Alme ta Coffman, Donald Olmstead, Leland Humphreys, Betty Ny digger, David Neal, Shirley Wag ner, Billie Wilson, Jean Pietrok, Nova Ann Gerath, Laura Karr, Carroll Kuiken, Genevieve Por ter. Games and refreshments furnished the entertainment with accordion playing by Cecil Bas sett while the group all sang. Dayton Lions Club Has Holiday Party Dayton A Halloween party, sponsored by the Dayton Lions club, was held at the Riverwood County club. The members and their ladies came in costume and all in masks. Prizes were award ed to Mrs, Keith Coburn, James Penland, and Mr, and Mrs, J, S, Imlah for best costumes. There were about 40 present. Clare Heider was the chairman of the affair. The sharp rise in the price of coffee in the past week served to limit the decline. Hog prices declined to the lowest level since the removal of OPA controls in 1948. In all, the prices of 14 foods declined. They were: Flour, wheat, corn, rye, ham, bellies. lard, sugar, cottonseed oil, beans, steers, hogs, lambs, and but ter. The six foods which advanc ed were oats, barley, coffee, co- coa, eggs and potatoes. Eleven held unchanged. They were beef, cheese, tea, peas, peanuts, rice, molasses, currents, prunes, milk and raisins. Annexation Wins Roseburg, Nov, S VP) Two suburban areas cast a decisive vote in favor of annexation by the city, in a special election here Tuesday. An election will be dated later for city residents to vote on accepting the large West Roseburg area and Miller's addition -Sleepy Hollow tract at the south end of the city. The vote in West Roseburg yesterday was 257-170 and in the smaller area, 59-55, Dokotons Are Guests Unlonvale Mrs, Earl Brown and son, Dennis Lee Brown, of Wood, S,D, are guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burnham and family. They -came by train. Honoring Mrs. Brown a family gathering was held at Newport Sunday, Attending were Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Burnham-and fa mily of Unlonvale and their guests, Mrs, Brown and son, Mr, and Mrs. I. C, Burnham, her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burn ham and family, her brother, Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Baker, her sister. Open-faced bean and bacon sandwiches make a filling luncheon dish. Top split toasted hamburger rolls with' the hot beans and the bacon and garn ish with small sweet gherkins, tomato or onion slices, and salad greens. " & Paris Fashions for Men A model displays a brown and yellow checked jacket with dark brown flannel trousers, while his companion wears a corduroy ensemble at an exhi bition of men's fashions, one of the first of its kind in Paris, m HAKE 'EMCTFUNN FOR V001 Six funny Walt Disney charac ters Goofy, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Piuto, Mickey Mouse and Funny Bunny, 4 to inches, full colorl Collect all sul twitM Ml Ion fnsMsa MSO IN nuOCO'S RAISIN IMN Itourtshinit? Yes! Good? Yesi Md Aw genuine Kellogg wsy, wiin wan tor extra "bulk" ht many people need to help prevent constipation) For that "bran-new" feeling tand a "Jomte " get Kellogg's new, unproved 40 Bras Flakes. Recall Demanded Dr. Er- vin Munk, Czech consul-general in New York, pauses on stairs of Czech consulate after U.S, I department announce ment demanded his immedi ate withdrawal from the U S, Unofficially the action was described as retaliation for re cent Czech ouster of two U S. diplomats from Prague, Ac me TelephotG.) S "Cinch I K THitl When iwt ire tird tk1 aching-- I 1, Bathe with C (incur Sop, I. M usage , with Cuticur Ointment 2. Dtirt Cimeurt I Tilcum between toes and into -hoe. Try! iCUTlCURASrirVsifi Cak Mix is the filial I have ever used." v: Lovatond. Colcxodo I' I i 1 c 'ICICEO Sweet STfiHSweet if GOLDEN CORN., more cender, more delicious, more golden thin sny you've ever tastea Cream Style, Vacuum-Packed, or Whole Kernel.,. aii ire Pckcd !u eet . . . StaySutttt IWm MAI, BIG Of UTTLM varieties ...both equally tender Their fu.l-fU voted goodness w "grown in", . , that's why they're 7teAe-&eet ...Stay Sweet n w i U.S. GOVERNMENT SAYS: difference between beet and cane sugar In grandma's day, there was a difference. But for more than a generation now, the two sugars have been identical "Beet and cane sugar in refined granulated form give equally good results in jelly-making, canning or cooking. The two sugars are chemically the same. " u.s, department or agriculture r7TY0UR BEST BUY IS BEET SUGAR Grown and produced right here m the Went A(!CM CdWMl COlOtAOO MMIONAI OKMN f , GKtAf WSSTMN , HQM MOUNTAJN inKKItt HOMY MW tUN VAUIY U H I UNION WH1TI tAHN W. don't moke much money but w ur hove s lot of fun. All of our utomn mm to happy ond pleotartf end wt fry to bo plesiont si well at to gtvs fht vtpy bif vstusi can find, and sell them of juit a fesny-weany profit r and mh thot'i why tvtry body 10 hoppy. JUST A FEW OF THIS WEEK'S MANY VALUES Krispy Crackers Sel:, Swift's American 45c TO. t-n. hex I W Moyonnaise K,i,to 37c Salad Dressing 49c Chocolate Drops i ib, , , 3 9c Sunshine CATSUP Heinr U or, battle MUSTARD Prepared Best Food fsr SWEET PICKLES GREEN OLIVES World Over t 01. 25c 10c 35c 23c GL Strained or O eroer s ckepped .. 3 ew sc Pablum k . pkf 45c Oatmeal cerpk,. 17c Formulae ""4r 23c Cn Orej. Finest Whole Kernel 1 -Orn o, Cma styta, Me. J 03 tan IOC PeQS Mission, No. SOS can 10c B , Jack and the Bean Stalk If eans pic, ean .............. I5c BM9.m Del Monte Diced Ot. ..18 br TEA BAGS Tolget't, Black GREEN TEA Tree ,,,,.,,,,.,,. INSTANT COFFEE Chue A Sabra It oz, Jar 15c u lb. 33c 99c BLEACH WUJe Mom,, SANI-FLUSH Larre tan ,.,..,, BON AMI Powdered .......... 23c 23c 223c 1 Ib. pka.Jm )C Lumber jock, gf ilb.Miil.,,,.. 3C Pancaki Fbur tTIV93V Kelloaj'sQ 2 pk9i. AwC ALL BRAN SYRUP Corn Soya Salt Mortons S.,,9c Ptonyf Boff tr Hfc 69c FriMttf iH,.pv,.29c Honey s b p. 1 89c GRADE GOOD ROUND STEAK 79c b BEEF ROAST BLADE CUT 49c , swirrs oriou Bacon ib 59c MILD CHEDDAR Cheese n,. 55c GRAPE FRUIT IT w"k 59c SQUASH HIW12 YAMS aibfc,19c CARROTS ) BAGAS E TURNIPS j Jt MARKET Wlnler Stort Hww I ! I - - Smfey 1 1