28 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nor. S, 1949 'VOUSE AvvRJLLY LATE, THE PEOPLE "I I & IVI 50 TIRED WE BRiKjS YOU A 1 Z A NUMBER OP SMALLER HOWES AL?0 V s--"? P" flrfffS? ',?i5I VWIA5J'T-T!2? 1 C0ULD DR0P--BUTJSPEClAL NEWS BULLETIN WERE LOOTED AMONG THEM THAT Of W) UP AND CR'ED FOR .FCC WENT TO LCX AT ALL THE THE WAVE OP ' LMR AMOURS CLAYTON APPLETOWN -M I vftJ r;: ' mm Tan all-might money i jBurolasies was climaxed feL-r 1 - !yV I ilTiTlK jafcTsA 1 f5srv. sonny -7rr TOnight with the 6utal ey-f.Vl I 1 I l H ' ---ffifi-mm TTTZy7- mr C3 4 slaying op a butler on fJ'JL-yic 77 I . RADIO PROGRAMS Meart of Happiness THURSDAY P. M. by PEGGY O'MORE S.P Nwa features (Chaster 4) Chips," hi sual, and as though he had to expel further venom he shot the car ahead mm a jer ana reckless speed. He didn't no far. The third road, the north road forked again, and a few car length! beyond the fork he slopped. As far as I can go, ne stated. "Ill have to back down as It Is." Later she might thank him for coming to her tide of the car and offering a hand to help her out. At the moment she felt he was anxious to be rid of her. The moment she and her lugRage were at the roadside his courtesy ended. True, he did lift his hat. and she glimpsed light brown hair with a single wave, but a moment later he slammed the car door and was backing down the road. Moving In a stupor. Arleta picked tip her bags and began climbing the weed-grown road, catching her high heels In last summer s vines, rubbery with rain. She made a sharp turn and stopped. A giant pine lay across her path. Automatically she looked to the UDDer bank. It had been fell ed by a human hand, someone who wanted the road closed, ene looxea at the limbs from which the needles had dropped and estimated the time it had lain there. Arleta wavered. She even looked back. And then she remembered the man's voice when he'd said 'Chips." All rinht! She'd been "Chips' Langtry. She'd be that again. And when had greasewood or lack of a path ever stopped that little hoy den? She found the lowest spot on the west edge of the road, tossed her bags up and then with a run went un the side. It was like try ing to run up an escalator the stens slipped back under her but like on an escalator she reach H t.hp tm. Eagerly she brushed through the wet greasewooa until tne pines oc can. and there she could find ai occasional open space thick with needles. And finally when it seem ed she would have to leave her luggage, she came to the clearing and her home looked down on ner Great rocks upheld the two storied log building, bulging out for verandas which circled north and west. From there the many win dows looked bare. Her mother had doubtless packed away the drap eries. Hurrying now, wet shrubbery scratclunu at her. Dags catching on every outstretched limb, she went on. went around to tne Iront 01 the house and raced up the stone stair way to come to a sharp stop. The door stood open. Cautiously she approached. ' But the door did not stand open. There was no door, not upright. What had been the heavy object carved from a giant slab of redwood and freighted there lay hacked Into a hundred pieces. And the drapes had been torn down. And the furniture) Chairs, legs hacked off. Divans had been turned over, the upholstery slit, the tilling drolling out In moldy heaps. Lamps were smashed If they could be smashed, those of metal twisted. .and such pictures as had been on sjie walls had been aisiigurea, tne oil paintings seemingly cut by sharp knives. Again she shivered and would have turned back, but Chips assert ed herself. Anger arose like a hot red tide. This was more than van dalism, this was the work of hate. Nothing had escaped, neither dishes nor rugs nor windows, and when she reached the kitchen she found the coils of the electric stove pulled out, the wires cut. Here on the while walls, the only surface which could have revealed writing, were written epitaphs. "As the Langtrys have sown, let them reap." "We destroy what you have stolen from your fellow men." "May sorrow mount with your for tune." She went Into the room built for the deep freese, slid back a panel, Inserted the key she'd been sent when the property became hen and. opening the door behind tin panel, went up a narrow stairway The last of the afternoon light lay there. And looking at It, Ar leta knew nothing had been touch' ed. seemingly, since she had left The small bed. the furniture built to the scale of a twelve-year-old The little fireplace with Its safety screen. Candlesl Arleta hurried to a tin box on the little desk and, open, ing it. found something more Drecl ous than Jewels, for there, where storms threw tres across the wires, the primitive means of light were kept always available. Quickly she worked against the coming darkness. Dented aluminum pans, a handled measuring cup that could be straightened enough to use. Water from the rain barrel lor washing, a hurried trip to a lit tle spring capped by a cement cover and worked Dy a wheel. Brie used almost her last strength In opening tnis, tor it was rustea. She stumbled on her last trip up. and wnen she had closed the door behind herself and slipped the latch, she went to the window to sit, as she'd sat a thousand times. looking out on a world that had once been hers. And this was what Cat Sheri dan had found. Her aunt had known about this. Her sister had known. They could have spared her the humiliation of Cal iinding out had they told her Why hadn't they? Was that why mev a Kept ner in tne cast? And now a new emotion filled her with terror. Footsteps, sharp unafraid footsteps, sounded in the big room downstairs. (To Be Continued) 2034 SIZES I, 2, 3. 4 Winter-Warm Duet Thrift and satisfaction go hand-ln-hand when you make an outfit like this; sim ply styled, snug-collared coat that suns the age with a swanky. de tachable hood: all this and a pretty little dress, one pattern. No. 2034 Is cut In sizes 1, 2, I, and Size 2 requires 1. yds. 64-ln for coat and hood; and for dress, lit yds. ja-in. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern siyiesf just include tne r all-win ter FASHION BOOK In your pat tern order and you'll be delighted with the wide selection of designs tor an size ano age groups, and all occasions. You'll also get many Miggestlons for easily made gifts hat will stretch vour Christmas budget. Fries of book 20 cents Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number stale size desired. Address Capital Journal. 114 Mis ion t.. Ban Francisco , Calif. :Jf .f " ,rrJ. -ft. liJL 5 wA.OWJ swaw.aawigaw.w.eaBBBBw Evangeline In Crochet Lovelv Evangeline In a hand-crocheted skirt under a garland of daisies and surrounded by dainty flowers makes a perfect gift, always admired and appreciated. Add new beauty to pil lowcases or bureau scarf with this dellghtful-to-make design Pattern Envelope No. HMM con tains hot-iron transfers for two designs measuring 11 by 10 Inches; material requirements, color sugges tions; crocheting directions for skirt and edging, stitch Illustrations and material requirements. To obtain tnn pattern, send 30r in COINS, giving pattern number your name address and acne num ber to Peggr Roberta ( Mission Street. Ban Francisco I, Calif. KGW 10 NBC g-AAOa Sannv BIS c.laFaalar, Nawa .'3Hong af Tint! ilefclmer Palaraan a.AA kerM. OallS ilijlimi nails :iJHa,laJlaa.tra DraiaM QAiglDatra.Klralaa i, W.rla N.a in tldrlth ftmUt jijAldrlcb raajllr .0a;Fathar Knaws Falbtr Enaara :?niDaffy'a Tavarn alDaffy'a Ta.ara 10:00 "" in. YS Mart. Dawaar lOflHplt. Pta. "loal iu:4lii""- 11:00 H-llWas Maaraaa 11:30 w aJaaaaai ll:4.1!tys Maaaaal 12":00lBlaTl Oil 6:HTHodaa Paase 6:15'Knaaas Ktwa 6:30, Fatal Tlaia 6:431 Early BlrS Ola Sanaa Knaaaa Ntwi Sam tiaras EdSIa Albart Kddla Albert IJatk Brrra . Saaa Rldiis 1 1 A? - 1 1 - o y J i"-"-'-gr - -v '-un 7:45 aaa.- ' ' 1 1 8:15 Si , aiaaiwai i 1 ( TIME WE GOT A COUPLB jSa3lliil!yJ f vJIli t rtj a rxwTiT!-!1!!!!''! Jl:45 If! iT l-c7 fC7 vW? Y1 l( fSTTRAIGHT-.E? 1 YES-YOg " 6EE? fM 60 POfiCTlCftL, IN WHO, CHUM 1 M ' g llJ VJS.L. a Mi, ""2 Uin A TMNK A LOT O" MY ABANOONEO I FACT. THflT I BGCER rt) BE 1 YOunj. I IM rSS tL. tl "6!T., J W61-1-? WIFE. DOHTCHA? I HER TO BE- M ft HAPPCO WITHKfirJ-lo- ItT. U S K a.'i. K..T aUTVaVl r Hl-LrV flu A v I 11,11 - fn n 1 J 1 Ilk ' Wifrrrrr Al y mtTT-rwrffiOlW .meifim Inrrnf- . i ., J 10:IK El f -a. IsT' t null I If 'I I .CK.'Vaim laa fl T mm Usl lfr- r a i luiii mV jrL mt 'I ill f nkst I I S T, ie tL .rti . M uniiv..,,.,.,i.i.. I l-r, . . . , I.. : 1. i 8:45 ii me dikl3 uhr 1 1 ji j i j jrvr k rut juu ut iu i i mai his ui i ji.a ai i i - r a ivia i rvA ti ilk iLf ti Aa rr v i it i TLV,IL ABOJTd HAPPY IT M-KES M6, A OC6AM BOAT OUTfl DON'T COULD SET YOUR COUSIWF 'iljw.ia f VOUR CUTETOPPEBl POMMA..1 WAS AFRAID U I loc OUMIOR -WUyJd WANTA ) vXotA rVy!' 3:3oU.t Si . c. MAIRCUT.JUNIOR i-l TO BESEEM IU PURLir yOKrJ DOklTVOU SPT Rt A uo, CXL? tTt, . -rr'A S:45Wal --41 - I jmW- U-l KJ"" VPUM ajv, 'I . l I TJOMT T- 4:30 Dr. ra tlS ' JrT H If" ?tarvd for Y Hev'.'-did ). ijitJ i'll teach vouX -oh, thank J I wouldn't ) Tl unbearable.' 1 1 ofFection.too.'.' A vou rfi,K$cXH to sav things Kou-m-I mean i,NO.'.r C Delicious ''i , we re stuck in A Things have A? hear t;Wiw,iS about me.CT- -I'll bet vou ' mow uix:iajs..-j this ! i 7 certainly hit 4f what that WtferPrr 1 "Zliwcw't dost that' V fQ 3 1 wrre evervbouy K (w-not A li'l creatur? mJ&t-i 1 1 1 J J b!a brrthec ) ' V other.'Iraverrt.-rsottastirup Vfeyou?- Jtck fiSVwY TT 1 3Sa50 1 IfV had Bood, rieton-J Jhffl V V XSJ J jjl - mmmrn KUanlac iFtalMr SUrr K0IN ID CBI back AraitrMiCiri. Mltlnlfbl puptiN Crlmt Thm Pl7kiiM tnhnar DalUr Jotaaay Dctiar Lowell ThMii Jack BBiItt IHI Mr. Xta Llack AraiitrMi BIm.1I Cat.ltrir ID la With Jid Dal Wllb Jadr r.B.I. F.B.I, Banlaa Clak U I Itar Final Vaa ana Wofla .ir-ru pi-etaattra jaUraaaaa Orraa Mill Banditand liltai KEX 110 ABO Or mb Haraat Ci raaa Harnal KSLM ) MBC Straltkl Arra (Rlralihl Arraw jL'apt. MldaUkl rGah. Htatar . Naa fTtlla Ttal Maal Drama af Matt SlDiIna tlract IKaaibUrt Utaakltra AaaaUar Baar aUar Bnar lAaataar Boar Manliomtrj MaaU Mailt Damoa Baaraa Tkaatar Mob' lag CaiatarfTraek 14M lop'lac CaaaMrSraek 14M UHHiia rrraca iia itfcr. Q-tMckTrak 1M lolar Baits Canccrt Baar Caoatrt Baar Caaaart Baar Caaeart Baar Mcnaa Mcmaa Ixtra Baar K0C0 1M Ke. BbTUai Baaak img CraaSr paalaaaa waws CaaSIa Ufkl I SUrar Iftwa mil tm tat 6'Brlaa Blaala. Jaataat Ua Kalfkl VaalbaU rrapkal fit.. Hawaraal Naw In Haaarsi Naw la aaaaraa Blahflt Kas'lrralt. Laa It. K.aaal Ntwi Maala Laaa stralarr Haaia Baaa Martaa kaaa kfarfaa lsia Oil rrraak 14M trratk laM piawa Buddj Clark FraaUar Taam Praallar Tava Maala Xaa Waal Blaala laa Waal Kaalaras aVaatara Maataraa ' jNaatarjM Slta Oil FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. iXewt KOIS Klaek KOIN Xlork tKOIN Klork KOIN Klek Stmt Mawa Frad Btck Caaianar Newi Nawa tlransj Slaaj Bairotarr ) Marriara for II j Lara Lawtaa ijHoitna Boaaa rartr IWendr Warrea Aant Jmiiit Hrtra Tranl par Oal Sanaar Btc Slittr Ma rrrklna Dr. Malaaa GBlttint Llrbl ) Daabla, Nolblar S Oonbla, Nalfalnc 1 Tod'ra Cklldren iLUhl af War 1 4 i Bap, Baekalar Wife Stella Dallas Lortato Jonai i"ni Wfd. Br'a Wh. G. Marrlei Tor, Facta Life Juat Plata Bill Front P. Far'U, tni Mra. Bart'a Ferrr Maaaa Norah Drake BrUMer Da? Newa Cam Oat ft iBrl.hl Ubt Art Salter Barny'd Follies Oarrr Hoora (Garry Moore Klrkbam Newa Kirkhara Newa Meet the HHaaa! Meet the Mltaaal TunefBllr Years! Art Klrkbam Travelers Urthar Godfrey Marr Arthar Godfrey Wa Lava, Learn Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey hCart Masse? Sana? Bide pdw. Marrow Fa rat News Keep Sailllnf Keep Smiling Beta Bmiltof tfewe faaiaarr rrineaeeaer March Tlaaa Mews Washb'ra News pews Mart. Acreasky Brkfei. Oang nasea unasie Manners flea Trades Breakfast Club Breakfast Claa Breakfast Club Breakfast Ciab barf, Coanter Rise Shlae Bible Inslllate jBlble lastltate Mildred Bedell K W. Newa Klars af Today Art Ltnklrtter Art Ltnkletter Rals Clab fraatar's CaB Walts Time Jack Nersnaa kjlen Drake Mr Trae Stery 1 M? Trae Mary Betty Cracker Bid. at F. Base N 'rt a westerners N'weaternera B'khase TatklnsfToa Trades News VI tor Llndlabr IMeet Meajoas Brkf. la Holly, Brkf. la Holly. Kay west Kay West Talk Way Out Web Faolt Talk Way Oal Be seated I Ted Malaaa Med. Romances Mod. Komancaa Squirrel Case ISaatrrel Case KOCO Kleeh UIOCO Klaafe rrea Bitter (News Byerte Top a' MornlasT flea Mornlat Klns's Crasad. Kina"s Crasad. Western Melod. Fiesta Time Tims far Mel'dp Time far Mel'dy Stare Star I. Cbas Tbamafl Sews Gosaal Singer Perry Coma Walts Serenade Ladles First Ladles First Qaeea for Day ntaeen for Day INW News Maala ffaae Tlaaa M Keys News NW News Bob Eberly freU Nelthbar Haryey Harding 1 (Orsaa Bey'rtea Blag flings Itewart Melody Matinee Stewart Melody Ma tinea Bride di GraemfTena. Jamboree Bride at Graaes (Tana. Jamboree Bob Peele ht'ewa pongs af Times ralton Lewis rr. Hemingway pehtnd Stary Kews LM.iia Mart Biasla Mart Lfaa Garaer Votal VarUUes B'Urwead Maala U Urweed Maala News Days Cenaia Mac's Melodlas Mac's Meladlaa Mae's Meladlaa Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodlas Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodlas Mae's Meladlaa Mae's Melodlas IMse's Meledlea Mae's Meladlaa Mac's Melodlas Morie Time Fbllosaaber yera Cts Is Baaatlfal DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 i Tharsdsy F.M. B:00. Cbll P SjfWm dren's Theater, 6:15, On tba Upbeat! 9:50, &A0 Sports Clabi :00, Newsi 6:15, Dinner Meiodlesi :, 'Boand the Campfirei 1:00, Headlines In Cbetnislryi 7:1S. Evening Farm Hour, 1:00. Pianist. S:!10, Vets' Newst S:4A, News and Westhen 9:00, Masle Tbat En dnresi t:5, Evcain Meditations) I0:, 1 rkC Friday A.M-10.00, News aad IWMV- Wsatbsrt 19:16, EsaeelaUy far W amen i 11:M, OratOK Behoel af the Alf 11:18, Concert Hslli lt:M, Mewai lS:ls Noon Farm Beart 1:00, Ride 'em Co when 1:15, Oregon Bebeol of the Alri 1:M, Tba Story Behind the Discovery 1:45, Melody Lanei 1:00, The Clubwomen's Half Heart S:S0, Memory Book of Masisi 1:00, Newsi S:15. Masie af the Masters! 4:00, Oresee. Reporter! 4:16, Fayerita Hraus. Ll KNOW BUT r JUST COT THIS SUIT WITH TWO PAIR OF PAMTS AND NOW I BURNED HOLE It COAT, IarWA ynueo an'Ttawt THE BACK OF I Xl cioc crtr I WORST LUCK 1 1 LOOKA rimr imclwyva STARING fC R AN Si ART I v JO OH FIRE FOR UAn 1M vPAOii THAT- J BROKE TWO RlBS. I ATMEP A A CONVERSATION! fOAT F(yE M(NUTES HAD IN YEARS.'j THAT ' I IV S V s- AND I HAVEN'Tni.L -fA hnvj'TnovAhjn iVT A ??wCPfr7g-JJ k 1 0 1 Jgf?. BELZA ! THERE'S METH 1 Mm!Le- Aa?oss LT7 CQv V T DOfr tOnV WMrTWPl? CAKiDCAI v'il I aI SCffEWy 60tNc0NfDtjAL'i; I rLOOk, PffOFESSOff! TWEtTB'sT" THAT'S VVHEffS THEV rBLE-CKOSSlF US OR nSt Xli UjffS 9T T 6UYS VVlTH HIM- I I THAT QUEt-fZ LI6HF OVER I KEP THEIR SUBMAffNC. BUT 06B W S AINT S'6 A WRENCH OB SOMETHING A.I THERE COMIN6 FROM THAT U6HT WUST MEAN -z s WELL.' 1 0QOvseoS '11 TTS StI CTTT? KIO PROOAMSjf OAV i nm. j 3-e ) "J V3 ' Z , T -r r ii hia.1 11 I a,w 1. I w a PIDSrt Mil MACTIN I YE.HV Mr I vr iOTT JOMtTMII;' ) -aW. I MEANWMILt. J . uto, .SIlfTIJl' LCAVIN6. SUNNY? f & HfRt 50 FAT Ml IE AMI .A I tTT 'tI "Villi I WAUT nLl ?!ai.Zl V 1A Tk.HTATMt -STRIN6 . AltlTtK-. .,1 : 'TTOAfKYOlJAOUtSTlONB V rl John Found Job He Enjoys; So He's Had It for 26 Years Long Beach, Calif. VP) Twenty-six yean bio John Praden found work that suited him. He'i been "hoping belli" ever since. "Some men to through life snd never find the job they enjoy," says Pruden. "I may be a professional parasite but I love it. I've been offered other positions, but when s man finds the job he'i happy doing; he should hang on to it." John is bell captain at the Lafayette Hotel, and he'll have you know that'there's a difference between a bell hop and a bell man. "Any hick from the sticks," as he puts it, can frab a suitcase and be a bell boy. You become a bell man when you realize the important thing Is to keep the guest happy. His biggest tip? An automobile from a guest (wbom he won't name) who had to leave town suddenly aad liked Johnny's service. ACROSS L Mora arret- abla (. Open t. Southern IT. Haying; macBint II. Kind of dor IL Work beyond one's strength constat la t lea II. Pmtue 1J. Papal scarf arafnst loss 13. Past IT. Interminable 14. Electrical period of unit time IL First appear- It. Kaseuilna anca nam 15. Merciful 4L Befora is. All that eoulfl 42. New Gains ba wished wild hoe; M. Related 41. Torn place tnroura ua 45. Embellish Solution of Yaatarday'i Punts mother St. Beverage 13. By way of 15. Employer X5. Top card 4T. Pretentious housa It. Reads SI. Simple sural fit. French 0010 14. Ward off Ifi. Ktnc Latia 14. Typw sgoaras f 7. Truck 71 'Mil ip 811 73 W 2f 3a M M 34 japfpo''1 m mt m m JL r W QI!L DOWN L Grow aleepr . Wrath A. Adrlsorr body 4 Gat away from L Nerra natwork 4. pais 7. J 4 MsweCswtvrss EikcJi t. Not any v. itsfions 10. French an nuity IL Cbanfe 17. Accuston 19. Unwilling IL Existed XI Frozen water 24. Idolised 27. Number 25. First woiaaa 10. Oolora 32. Go is aaraia 22. Put on 24. Cuba root of one 28. Planet 21. Proteettro covering 29. Let 40. Add 42. Cry ttt applausa 44. Throw of af at die 46. Jewel 4a. Uncle: So Africa 10. Hake a mlstak It. Pigpen ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern w tjatAT NEWS, ALVI'VS AHA)gS6D A K ROUND MATCH FOB. XXI WITH 'POUt. ALARAA FOLEY A WEEK FROM TONIGWT AT THE ARNICA ARENA '"AND 1 DID SOKE FINE. SHREWD MASGLING roe. yajn financial share YOU WILL GET fZOO! I AT OOSU! THAT MUCH ? UP AT TM' LUMBER. CAMP I'D FIGHT A 5-ROUND BOUT JES' TOR. TM' OTHER GUYS STACK OP MORNINJ' PANCAKES I FINE, SHREWD HAGGLING Jh the jLOGEQrJj y