24 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 3, 1949!shire, and Falficld, near Bristol. next year a new scnooi win De launched at Taymouth Castle, in Scotland. At these schools instructors are currently training students who in turn will become instruc tors in civil defense precautions against atomic warfare, ordin ary bombing and gas. Recruitment for Britain's new civil defense force started pro visionally on Nov. 1. Throughout the country thou sands of men and women are ex pected to volunteer for training for the four defense corns civil defense corps, auxiliary METERS TO CHECK 'ACTIVE' AREAS i British Recruit Civilians To Learn A-Bomb Defense By GERAJ.DINE HILL London flJ.B It an atom bomb were dropped on Britain today few Britons would know how to protect themselves against the devastating effects of the explosion. ' I Within a few months, however, Britain's home office hopes that several thousand people throughout the country will have 4 I nil .. .1. .1 .. f 4 1 mil tiamcu in all iirciiiuus ui civil defense, including atomic warfare. Already . war-time civil de "ense schools have been re-op-3ned at EasinRwold, in York- fire service, national hospital service reserve and special con stabulary. It will be war-time all over again for many of those volun teers, who, using the same stir rup pumps and air raid equip ment they used against the Ger man bombs, will be undergoing refresher courses to prepare them for a possible third World war. New to all of them are the special anti-atom bomb precau tions the home office, under the direction of James Chuter Ede, the home secretary, have drawn up for the benefit of every man, woman and child in Britain. Thousands .of printed leaflets giving detailed instructions of the precautions will be distribu ted to civil defense headquarters throughout Britain. Britons will be instructed in the use of instruments which can detect and measure harmful ra diations. They will be taught how to discover and decontam inate areas in which atom bombs have fallen. They will be shown personnel contamination meters and an in strument shaped like a fountain pen which is the gamma dose in dicator The "fountain pen" instru ment probably will be issued to civil defense leaders but it Is not known yet whether they will be come a civilian issue. First aid, basic fire fighting and basic protection against jhigh explosives and chemical I warfare are also included in the "nurse of instruction, which is likely to last several months. The spokesman said that he thought the majority of Britons ! would undertake instruction from two to three evenings weekly. The earliest known plan of profit-sharing was introduced by la French fire insurance com pany in 1820 Mother Divine Says All's Peaceful Philaridllhia. Nov. 3 U R Mnthor Divinp. voung white wife of negro cult leader Father Divine, today termed "utterly fal" a renort in her home town of Vancouver. B.C., that the couple was having marital trouble. The former Edna Rose Ritch- ings, 24, said she and her 74-year-old husband were "ex tremely happy." "We haven't had a cross word in four years," she said. "I go with Father Divine everywhere lie goes." The couple was joined in matrimony in "the marriage feast of the lamb" In Washing ton, April 29, 1946. MIGHTY FAST RELIEF in RHEUMATIC ACIIESPAIIIS 155 N. LIBERTY PHONE 3-3191 REG. 7.95 THREE-IN-ONE SHINGLES 3-in-l, extra heavy shingles for greater roof protection. Ceramic surfaced. In red, blue, green, black, brown or grey. 718 100 Sq. Ft. SALE! REG. 5.95 HEXAGON SHINGLES Made of finest asphalt, a ceramic-surfaced shingle that gives you a beauti ful, lasting roof at a truly moderate cost. Choice of colors. 538 100 Sq. Ft. R MOLAR J.10 90-LI. ROLL ROOFING Protect your home or barn at savings with Ward's extra-heavy roll roofing. Colorful, fire-resistant, ceramic sur faced asphalt. Lasts for years! 288 lt Sq. Ft. REG. 3.95 105 LB. STAGGERED EDGE Looks like real shingles , . , yet costs much less. Easy to install . . . roll over old roof coverings. Ceramic surfaced In red, blue, green blends. 368 100 q. Ft. Bi Ell m ERMLS SEE! DO THAT JOB NOW . . . BEFORE COLD RAINY WEATHER SETS IN! Take Advantage of These Low-Cut Sale Prices, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! EARL POTTER, Manoger of Wards Building Materials Dept. Experienced, competent hondling ond sincere personal interest in his cus tomers' needs ond problems have won Earl hundreds and hundreds of happy, satisfied customers. Call Earl Potter for Estimates on Materials or Installed Jobs wjim'" .tw 1 n"v n i i i n i "11, i mi i l l i.'.i ! i i m-. I i . i i mu i !:&v.t Days, 'til 5:30 Ph. 3-3191 Evenings . . Phone 2-5087 f i fey GUARANTEED CONTRACT INSTALLATION ON INSULATION ROOFING SIDING WALL TILE WALLBOARD All Materials and Workmanship Fully Guaranteed By Wards! Save time and money. Neatly . . . quickly . . . Wards trained men will install siding, roofing, wall tile and insulation for you. Compare with oilier estimates you get. You'll find Wards complete installation costs you less, Remember, Wards backs this job all the way. Don't wait, get your free estimate i.ow I Ask about Wards Monthly Credit Terms, Install now, pay Wards later. MONTGOMERY WARD I CO. 133 X. Liberty, Salem, Ore. I would like more information on installation Dlnsulotion DApholt Roofing DWollCoveringsDSiding. Non Address Cty .State .Phone Sffltt ; r Fr mm SALE! REG. 35c COLORFUL TILEBOARD Save on decorating . . . have low-cot bright walls that last! Strong, rigid! Won't warp or shrink! Very easy and clean to Install! f)lany colors. 29c REG. 45c ALUMINUM WALL TILI Colorful, permanent, low priced! Cleans in a flash! Baked-on enamel finish won't chip, crack or peel. Easy to install. 5 "x5" pieces. 38c TV REG. 1.79 ROCK WOOL, BIG 40-LB. BAG Insulate now at great saving! Save up to 30 on fuel bills every year! Stay 8-15 degrees cooler in summer! Fire proof, vermin proof! J58 Tovcr 33 m ft.. 3" Jw. REG. 3.29 ROCK WOOL BATTS Use them between wall studs and slop ing rafters. Vapor barrier of water proof paper has a 1 M" flap for nailing. Carton covers 42 '4 sq ft. 3" thick. Half Thickness Batts, 60 sq. ft CARTON 3.38 288 Vi" INSULATING BOARD, REG. 6'jc SQ. FT. Insulates, decorates, remodels. Add extra rooms to attic, basement, over garage. Beautify existing rooms. Buff color prime coat. 6c Sq. Ft. vAVV' few1 iifvA REG. 13.95 ASPHALT SIDING SHINGLES Gives ears of protection at low cost . . . End expensive painting! Handsome design! Resists weather and fire. 1288 Sq. rt. Sq. Ft. 100 Sq. Ft.