AUTOMOBILES Dear Dad: How do you like the weather? Last week, winter, now we have Indian Summer. Hope the Steel strike is settled soon, because we are getting low in supply of our New Hudsons. Took in some mighty fine trades last week. What do you think of these ? 1948 Hudson Super 6 Sedan, radio & heater, just like new. 1947'Studebaker Sedan, heater & overdrive, clean too. 1946 Hudson Commodore Sedan, R&H, and Auto Transmission. 1947 Chev. Sedan Delivery. . Radio, heater, snooper lite. 1947 Kaiser Special Sedan. The price is right down low. 1941 Chev. Sedan, heater. 1941 Ford Coach, new paint, seat cover, R&H. AND a lot of others in most makes and models at the right price. I am going to go up to the Detroit Dam Site today so this is all for now. Come in and see us when you can. Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman. P.S. Forgot to remind you to be sure and put some Anti-freeze in your radiator. We have some at our Garage and some swell fellows to take care of the job for you. $AVE AT 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, ONLY $300 1937 DE SOTO COUPE, R&H, CLEAN 295 1937 BUICK SEDAN, RUNS GOOD 295 1938 OLDS SEDAN, GOOD MOTOR 250 1935 FORD COUPE 50 ALL THESE AND LOTS OF OTHERS CAN BE FOUND AT SHROCK MOTOR CO. S020 PORTLAND ROAD TEAGUE'S SPECIALS .We have thrown away our price list ! Come in and make us an offer. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 1940 FORD TUDOR 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 CHRYSLER ROYAL COUPE 1939 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENGER COUPE 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR 1939 STUDEBAKER SEDAN CHAMPION 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 133 North Commercial COMPARE PRICES 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR 11399 1946 CHEVROLET COUPE 1095 1941 CHEVROLET COUPE 5 PASS 600 137 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1,5 1S4J STUDEBAKER SEDAN (CHAMPION) 194 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 95 1S46 NASH SEDAN 16001 m 1931 STUDEBAKER SEDAN (Dictator) 145 1639 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 495 1949 STUDEBAKER l'a TON PANEL Flat Bed (near tires) 109S 194C STUDEBAKER l"a TON PICKUP 5 BONESTEELE 370 N. Church St. PHONE 3-9377 iETED MISCELLANEOUS BENT OR BUT by the 1.000 equlv. to BU 45 donkey. Wanted immediately or without operation. Drop a card or letter to Tide Logging Co., Vachata. Orei on. n Bi T -i II vrKSm'Eg PTmne t-sia oe WANTED: BARKIS Dougia.. fir polea or itumpaire. Phone 1387 Albany or write Standard Pole At Piling Co.. Inc na273 PERSONAL MADAM MART FORTUNE TELLER Palm and pare hie reader. Madam aolvo , your worrlc. Advice a m. to 10 p.m daily 173 S. ConVL Under new msn- aitmcnt P7 STANLEY HOME Product. Lee Mlndt, 1183 N. 14th Ph. 2-4801. pV STANLEY HOME Product. Ph. 2-4455 J. M. Stovall, 305Sunnyylew. p2B0 This Man Knows! Noted Psychic Advisor Life Reader Without asking a alngl question he tell you what you want to know .riv ing name, date A fact. Advise help you on all affair o! life such a love, health, marrlaee A business. Hi Kivice ha helped thotisandv It will ben ef t you. Special II ft 12. Sat If faction guaranteed or no fe accepted Hour 11 to 8 daily ft Sunday. Altrma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. Take Capitols bua PJ86 MADAM MORA . OtrTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you rnere othere have felled Satisfaction aj.ured. Advice on all af fair of lift- Special reading 13 00. Lo cated Jurt aouth of Hubbard on Highway ah Between Weodburn and Hubbard. Look for aim Readme Dally. p27l AVOii Chrutmaa product. Ph. J-IM4. p373 Ht'SBAN nl WIVM!Alrf-PlP ff h on -aanda of coup lea weak, worn-out. aolely bM-auaa body lack Iron, let new vi tality taklnt Oatrei Tome Tablet. Introductory ii onlv loc. At all drug t Uta in Salem, at Pied Meyer . p383 AU-onoUCilkNONTMOt I, P O. T Ph 3-S3S4. Pn AUTOMOBILES ltM PLYMOUTH. Motor Just overhauled, runa real good, lota of good transpor tation left In thti on. Only tU. Ph 20348. 880 Bprnea St. 204 BEI.L ORTRAni:: 38 Hudson doorTfor pickup with 4 speed trans, of equal vera or win pa? torn aiiierence. rn 35 IM after I p m. a367 141 CHEV. 4 -door Special Deluxe ledan. R ft H. Oood cond. Original owner, t'bd. PlL3.M4. t264 IM Bl'im 4-door edanil8 Bad o. heater. atxre ptlonsllr clean. Ul x. Cnx- mereial. Ph. 3-7571. 34 M THtv. a-donr aedan Rebuilt motor, new tlraa. RAH. Sealed beam 1 !-- Pft. l-444t, 344 AUTOMOBILES Hudson City Where Chemeketa goes to Church Salem, Oregon SHROCK'S PHONE 2-7023 q2M' Phone 3-4173. q363 AUTOMOBILES RON'S SFEClAL Sale on Used Cars (See Ron First" 1941 5RD SUPER DELUXE STA TION W A O O N . RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER, OOOD RUBBER. RUNS VERT OOOD. SPECIAL PRICE I 194D CHEVROLET SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN. EXCELLENT CONDITION. MOTOR OV ERHAUL. 1940 WILLYS SEDAN. HEATER. CLEAN .' 1939 BUICK CLUB COUPE. RA DIO St HEATER 1941 CHEVROLET S.-TON PICK UP 1937 DESOTO COUPE. RADIO ft HEATER 1937 PONTIAC 2-DOOR. HEAT ER $50 DOWN & YOU CAN DRIVE IT OUT. 1939 ORAHAU SEDAN 193 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET 1-DOOR 1931 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1939 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1939 CHEVROLET PANEL 1999 PORD PANEL 1949 PORD SEDAN DELIVERY Ron's Motor Co. 240 S. HIGH TODAY'S BEST BUYS IN PACKARDS 1M9 DELUXI SEDAN. OVTRDRIVt. RADIO HEATER. LIKE NEW. 1941 DELUXE CLUB SEDAN: RADIO Si HEATER: LOW MILEAOE. 197 Sl'PER DELUXE CUPPER SEDAN: RADIO. HEATER: OVERDRIVE: NEW TIRES. LOW MILEAOE. 1941 CLIPPER CLUB SEDAN. PERFECT CONDITION. ABOVE CARS ARE OUARANTEED SOLD ON EAST TERMS. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALERS 340 N o High St. 4 aTl'DE. coup Rtpa:ntd. aietU'nt C.0O41U0O. J. D. rt. PS. 1-4141. 2il AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 101? CHEV. Fleatma-tar -J. led. R&H, prf. coud. Ownar left city, lUBVOO. 3-83M. qJU EXTRA SPECIAL 147 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SE DAN. LIKE NEW. ONLY 11,000 ACTUAL MILES. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY ON THIS ONE. ONLY 11293. SEE JOE 8PURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 339 H. COMMERCIAL J3 BV OWNER: 1040 MASTER DELUXE CHEVROLET COUPE. GOOD COND. OOOD TIRES, HEATER. SEE AT MB N. FRONT. qJ3 NEW 194ft Chev. deluxe 4 door aedan. Ban. ln price. 1S7 N. Winter. q3U SPECIAL 194 PLEETLINE 4-dr. Chevrolet, Rum St look like new. Only $1395, SEE JOE 8PURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Comm'l. Ph. -173. tfM 1935 DODGE coupe. 1834 Hurler Davidson I. Phone 2-2747. 4262 41 BUICK Sedanette with 4 engine. Bar gain at 1750. Ph. 25821. 22 Good rubber. i271" '41 CHEV. convert., exc. condition, all ac ceasortea, best offer by Nov. 15tn. 1108 8. Levcn. DUm. Ph. 2-4322. 0.262 '41 CHEV. 4-door aedan. New paint, radio, heater Sc all acceasorle. 1865 8. 13. Ph. 2-9934. q263 47 BUICK aedanette R&H, other extra. 11493. Ph. 2-5118. q262 ONE OF the beat) 1948 Studebaker Com mander. Fully equipped. Owner, Ph. 2-408 1. q286 MODEL A roadster. New top and aide cur tains. Oood motor and paint. See be- tween 3 &j.m. Ph. 3-3891 q262 19 MODEL A Ford 185. 1535 N. 19th. SPECIAL A clean Fnter Manhattan. Low mile aae R&H, new slip covers. SEE MH. SMALL TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Ph. 2-4173 q33' 49 MERCURY 2-Door. 8.000 mllea, R&H Phone 2-1435 after 6 p.m. 0264 WILSON'S Run Your Eyes Over These Buys Best Used Cars in Town 1947 Buick Roadmaster ' Sedan ONLY $ 1695 SHOWS EXCEPTIONAL CARE. FINE CAR LUXURY AT LOWEST COST. 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan . . . . ONLY $ 1575 ONE OP THE MOST POPULAR CARS ON THE ROAD. MECHAN ICALLY SOUND. AND FAIRLY PRICED. 1947 Buick Special Sedanet . ,ONLY$ 1595 THE COMFORT AND P E R F O RMANCE OF LUXURY CARS WITH THE PRICE AND EC ONOMY OF A SMALL CAR. THIS ONE IS EX CEPTIONAL. 1946 Pontiac Strm. Sedan . . . .ONLY $ 1395 A TREMENDOUS DOL LAR'S WORTH. LOTS OF STYLE. COMFORT, AND PERFORMANCE 1947 Ford Club Coupe ONLY $ 1275 A OOOD LOOKINO. OOOD RUNNINO CAR, OOOD FOR THOUS ANDS OF MILES OF LOW COST TRANS PORTATION. 1941 Chrysler Station Wagon . . ONLY $ OOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. WOOD EXCELLENT. WILL SEAT UP TO NINE PASSENOERS. 1949 ClMTrol't 1-Door 795 ,...9399 ...1171 ...1141 ... U 1939 oraham Sedan 1939 Chevrolet 9-Door ... 19 Modal A Ford Runa flat and food tlraa. . OTHERS TO SELECT IN ALL PRICE GROUPS OttoJ.WilsonCo Commercial at Center Sts. .CHECK THE Eisner Motors to Sell 0 US1T CAR LOT 150 your old ona I lib Si. Junction Open till 10 p m. q387 Eisner Motors to Buy ran ( crolla t:re lubes at coat anc rim coma first erd a thia p t einse-ojt sale. Dealers e D Wood'o Con 450 Center H SPOT Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Valley Motor Co. , TRUCKS 1947 Ford C O.E. stake bed, 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev. 5-speed tram., 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev. 3 -speed Brownie, 9:00 tires. 1946 Chev. Us -ton flatbed. PICKUPS 1944 Dodge -ton, 4 -speed trans. 1941 Dodge H-ton. DUMP TRUCK 1949 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle. 1948 Ford 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle, 3-speed Brownie. 1946 Ford 3-4 yd. box, 2-speed axle. 1940 Chev. 4 yd. box, 2-speed axle. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS-ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. Liberty at Marion AUTOMOBILES TODAY'S BEST BUYS IN USED CARS 1949 Ford Sedan, radio, heat er. 1946 Mercury Club Coupe. Low mileage. 1946 Ford Two Door Sedan. 1942 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan. 1941 Desoto Deluxe Sedan. 1941 Dodge Deluxe Sedan. 1940 Ford Club Coupe. MANY MORE TO PICK FROM AT ALL PRICES E Z TERMS STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER USED CAR LOT AT 678 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-4547 263 Why Buy a 1949 Model When You Can Get a 1950 NASH at MARION MOTORS 337 CENTER CHECK THE PONTIAC Good Will Cars 1 fnNTTAO SEDAN. COUPS. R&H H845 '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1195 '48 DODOE SEDAN H45 37 PONTIAC BEDAN W '38 PONT I AO COUPE 13 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 6W N. Liberty Ph. 3-4113. ' ZEEB'S USED CARS SELL TRAD TERMS 920 Hood St. J LOTS Ph. 3-7114. CHECK THE e w SPOT Eisner Motors Fine Cars MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS IMS HARLF.Y 74. New motor, tlrea. fen der. Flanders, aeal beams. ierieci shape. Will sell or trade for small ear. Ph. 352941 between t St ft P.M. 5aa2 Vi" S AL1SBU R Y motor acooter, $95. Ken neth Helbert 1855 S. 13th. ,a282 1019 HARLET Davldaon 81. Low mileage. Pool ah lit. Dorland Swan, PD. j-mzt. q 11362 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular aluea, 15.00 and up. Montgomery ward et to,, Salem. qn2fi3 BOATS ir PLYWOOD boat. Reg. 175. Floor sam ple now IW. MONTOOMEHY WAHU. Salem. qqJ5 FINANCIAL IP YOU want to iell tout oroDerty It pay you to Bnow now mucn or an rnn loan It will stand. This information it obtainable with ery llttlt troubla. Do not hesitate to call on us Tor an; in formation you drsira on FHA loans STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High St. Tel 14121 rf NEFD BtSINESS loan. Will rive 10 Interest. Writy Boi 261. Capital Jour nal. Mra. Carter, for appointment. r2B3 rARMANDClTT LOANS and 1 VOI R OWN TERMS of reparment witnin reaaon Caah lor Heal atau Conlrscu and Second MorUares CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 501 Pioneer Trual Bidg Pn 3-11l f PRIVATE MONET 8pe a) Rate and Term On Larger Loan Long and Short Tim Payments ROT H SIMMONS 111 South Oommtrclal St Phone 1-9161 AUTO LOANS WXLLAMETTft CREDIT CO 163 Church Parking ft Plenty Ph 1-3457 Lie No M-139 S-134 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. ! Fairground Pod Nt Door to Bank Free Parking Phone I70I3 -Lie H U$H Wtl Fiord Kenron. algt r EOR TOIR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real eitate first mnrtgar1. properties Salem vicinity. Make your own se lection, net you I peretnt W lake earg of all collections If desired Amounts 11000 to several thouian'l dol lars. 6 or rail ur for partimiars STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High flt Tl 34121. SEE OS FAR ATTRACTIVE MRU LOANS only 4 or m tNTtnr-rr I to 46 Tssr end No Commuaioo Leo N. Childs, Inc. RKALTOPS IW 8tat Su Phot. l-IMI SPOT IAUTOMOBILES Ph. 3-3147 FINANCIAL GENERAL PINANCB CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and U-338 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSUKANCI AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St Tel 3-9181 fRAILERS it FT. trniler house. 81000 discount for quint naie. THIs trailer Is like new. u 3 months. Butane apt. ranf.e, oil heat, eiectric reing. wen insulated. 8085 Port land Rd. Trailer Park Village. 26i FACTORY BUILT trailer house, cheap for TRAILER apacea. very reaa. at Highway Arc Trailer Park. 3 blocka N. of under pay. 1 bllt. E. Nice and quiet. Close to new grade achool. bossea & atorea. Chil dren welcome, no charge under school aee. Clean heated rest rooms, ahowers. laundry faclitilci with new dryer. Come out and see ua. Ph. 3-1746 or 15 Highway Ave. t267 TRAILER house, sleeps four, 1750.00. John nessei, jiiao xnangle ur. tHt4 48 t6 FT. VAGABOND trailcrhousr Ike new, elec. brakea, oil heat. but. cook ing and many other features. 4383 lin ger. Ph. 3-2907. U65 TRAILER space. 110 month, with all con venience, aoutn aide of Paulua Bros. Packing Co., 1740 Oxford. Roth Trailer Court. t263a FACTOR Y-Bl'll.T trailer house, exc. eond., steeps 4. very reasonable. Fir Creat Trailer Park. North River Rd. 1264 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makee uaed mtchlnea aold, rented repaired Roen. 4M Court Phone 1-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE flLECTRUJ HOME appUanee repair aervlce new appllanm. Vince'a Electric Phone Free wtlmatea Tiade-lru accepted on S-92J9 197 8 Liberty fit o AT-I'R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mower aUora knlvex sharp ened. Dexter. 1140 Center. 3-C833. o' WtO RADIOS UARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnc aemee day phona 1-1786 Nlgnt 1 181)4 33- Center o BODY AND PAINT Braden'a Body ft Paint Shop. Open Sun. 3690 Cherry. Ph. 2-2022. o237 BL'ILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, rrpalr that home now. Tarma no down payment Phone 2-4850 BULLDOZING Log., grnd. clear', carryall wit. Ph. 42383 or Jitta. ueo. worth, 840 Plymouth m o274 Bulldozing, leveling, road bid- clear Ing. teeth for brush Vlrgli Huakay. 1110 rairview Ave. pn. 2-3M8, eaiem. 0265 Dean Robinson. Ph. 2-6537 or CASII REGISTERS The National Cash Register Co. Cash Rett liters Accounting Machines Sales Service - Supplies 523 Galne Street Phone J-J432 c-249 tnstanr delivery of new register Al mate aold. pa ed Roen 458 Court Pt RCA cash rented, re-1-8773 n CEMENT WORK Por expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, aide walk drlvewaya patloa, curb, walla ate. Call 2-4850 o CniMNET SWEEP Furnace chimney Ensley. Til g. 2 1st. vacuum clean d. Ph. 2-7176. o285" CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, onyour work. Ph. 3-1136. a bid o364 DRESSMAKING Dressmaking an teed 1290 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince'a Electric for electrical wiring. contracting, repairing. 157 8 Liberty $J'0? o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 1-3056, Lee Croas, Rt. 6, Box 437-C. e285 B'eithauot'r for flowers Dial 3-9179 c FURNACE CIRCl'LATOR SERVICE Vacuumed k repaired Dvorak Ph. 34913 0263 HOUSEHOLD PRODIXTS J R ivery Watkins Oo 1717 Center product Free Ph 3-5395 IN:- I'LATION Johns-Man villa Phone 3-3748 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor eervtce Floor Waging Bulld'riRs Kactorie. Home Etlir.atw Wllfiout Obllitntlon AMERICAN BLDQ MAINT CO Ph Salem 3-9133 o I.ANDSt Apr NI'RERT Doerfler A Hon Ornamental lit Laneii'ter Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 o DELi;X SERVE SFLP Laundry 345 Jef fernon St Phone 23452 oj I.AWVMOWERS Rharperi'd. guaranteed aervlce, now r and hind mower.". Call W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l St. HATTRESSES N Harry 031, V Capita, neddlog Phone 1-4049 Mirsic LESSONS Mandolin Ph 3-7M9 o366 UKFH E FT'RN1TLRB II FPLIES D'jtk ahalra fllaa and filing supplies safe duplicator end euppnea desk lamna typewnur stand brief ease It re Wire Recorder Roea Cc"irt OIL Itl'RNFR SERVICE PAINTING Eap. Interior painting. WIUoq. Ph. Tlf strom's are equipped pain tint Phone 1-3493 P4PFRH ANGINO Exrrt Psperhsnxlng and painting M J Wood worth. Pb. 11868 Ere M o373- PA IN Tl NO aTFArERBAGfNO la:nt:ng j papering Erea eat Ph 3-2n 0341 Psintlr.g and parerhsnglng done eioert I? end rsasinsblr Tn 38019 o366 Painting and paperhantlnt Fret tl Kst. fa. HI. 131 Snplpint. 3I6 Record Prices For Herefords San Francisco, Nov. 13 'A'i Western breeders paid local rec ord prices at tile Grand National Live-stock exposition for Here ford cattle. At yesterday's auction tliev bid in 106 registered Hereford bulls and cows for $54,940 or $518 an animal. The Lost River ranch of Oregon paid $6,700 fori bt Koyal Miner lrom Switzer,u,,;c'"', ana rieiu, uunnison, loio. inc highest price ever paid for a Hereford bull at San Francis co's cow palace. The coveted California Cattle men's association's gold cups for the ten best of breed in Aberdeen-Angus, Shorthorn and Hereford cattle were won re spectively by West Woodlawn farms, Creston, 111.; C. M. Cara way & Sons, Ue Leon, Texas, and Jack Haley, Escondido, Calif. These awards are regarded as tests of general herd excellence. Judging Included E. J. Handley, McMinnville, 0e ; showed flip rhnnminn and reserve champion Columbia rams and the reserve champion ewe. E. J. Handley, McMinnville, Ore. Best Columbia ram one year and under two; best Col umbia rani under one year; best Columbia ewes one year and un der two; champion Columbia ram; reserve champion Colum bia ram; reserve champion Col umbia ewe; flock Columbia sheep; best pen three Columbia rams and three ewes; best four Columbias, get of sire; best two Columbias produce of dam. Marcus Vetter, Woodburn, Ore. Best Columbia ewe under one year; best pen three Colum bia ewe lambs. Practice Makes Perfect Seattle, Nov. 3 Mrs. Jew ell Sanders, 28, told police last night she thinks she's doing bet ter. Reporting a prowler's sec ond effort within a week to en ter her house, Mrs. Sanders said: 'Last Friday I only shot his hat off. This time I am sure I wounded him." Population estimates for Afri ca are less accurate than those for any other continent. DIRECTORY fisher. 814 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PlriliRfc FRAMING Hutcheoo Paint Btore REFRIGERATION SERVICE UlUer Refrigeration Service Co Ph. 2-1 M SAND GRAV1.X Oardrn Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavatlnit Walling Sand Oravcl Co. Phone 3-9210 Valley Sand Ji Oravei Co Silt, aand A f ll dirt Excavating 10B ahovel & cat Tractor acoop A truck for dirt moving Ph office 21002. rej! 37146 EWFK4 AND RElTIt TANKS Electric Razor Clean 3-5327 Rot- Router Exclusive Paten 'hrp flter Cu'.tlm Blart- Sewers, Drain. Tank. Ph SEWINO MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ erms All make. W. Davenport, Ph. J-7H71 nlia I SEPTIC" TANKS Mike' Srntlc Serv Roto Rooter servlc Elm StH VV. Salem. ce. Tank cleaned. - on 8wtrs. 1079 Ph. 3-U468. i-Wil, o287 K. F. Hamel. Septic tank cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain line. Guaranteed work 1143-ntti St.. West Snlcm. Ph. 3-7404 ' o275' Vacuum 1'umplng, no mileage charge Call us cnllert. Todd's Srptlc Tank Service. 2445 State St. Phone 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes Ph 3559 1091 E'lgr water. West Salem o2f.4 All make repaired, free etlmatm Singer Sewinr Mnrh'n Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3512 n T PEW PITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal. Cnder wood portable All make u.d machine Repair and rent Roen 456 Court o TRANSEEP A STORAGE oca) Ai Distance Transfer stoiaaie Burner oils coal A ortqurtj Truck K Portland daltr Agent for B-ktna Hoive hold good mored to anywiier In D S Oi Canada Larmer Transfer A Stortwr Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BUNDS Salem Veneimn Blinds nrnd io order m reflnlAhed Relnholdt LewU 2-3R39 Elmer The tllindman. Ph. 37328 o WEATIIERSTRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5T11V WELL DRILLING Frrd Wmort, Rt 3. Bog317Ph INUOH HIIAIlEH Wtuihraie Mad to orOi-r I Dai Oei Reinhnidt At Lent ?h 23G39 o' wTmMiU CI EAMNO A rim . itxluw Cinerfl Windows, wmit 4 wjfWlfc'iTli clei-d Floit Oanro waseO nd polished Ph 8-3317 14'. Court Laiigdnc. Cuiberuoo and Uatnrt ivonn a SAtvnt sT We.'t Bi'Ti Kiel Co Pt WOODS A VI ING Atkin" "croa. I'rj 3-8fi74or" 3 B17: LODGES CESS --e meet tvprr Wed n -ht VUlturs we i (IDNEYS 1UST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS MiUa ot Kidney Tubes f-luah Out Toioonous Waato When disorder of ViHnev fnnef Inn prmlfg poisonous matter lo rmain in your l.l"i-d, It may cause nartrintr rwwkarhp, rheunintic pains, le pifta, loss nf pp and erjerry, r''t tin up nirhu, awellina. ptirlineo under thi yS. h'airhfj ani dirtinfi. frc-nr-nt or rsmr imu with amartinfr anr tnirninit Bomeimes ilm there aomethins iniig With ymjr kiln-y lilaH r. I"n't wait I Aak your dniKaist for ro,n'!i TiHs. a stimiilant ihurtic, UFd sier-i(iili7 bv millions for er R1 yewri. gi.e happy relief and will help the 15 mil" of aioney TurtM nmn rnit poitwi-tutAa waste Iruffl roar bioud. Got iHa'a s'Uig. Gupital Journal, Salem, Ore., MARKET QUOTATIONS Slim livritovn Market B viij Pickmi Companfi Feeder lamb 113.00 to 118.00 Eea 11 00 to IS. 00 Cutler cow 11,00 to 10.00 F..t dairy cow 110 00 Dairy heifer 110.00 to 113.00 Bjib . 111.00 to tlfl 00 Calve, anivl (300-440 lba.) . .118 00 to 118.00 Veal U30-JOO lb.i top 118 00 to 131.00 Portland EaUMde Market flouer old for 11-35-1. SO ft cratt I0", ,;" """"land tumid. Karmeri whole. orv brouai.t io'iT9 down were 60 to AS centa a, doaen bunches. B-u-i chard moved at 65 to 75 centa a doen bunches. Tumi pa were BS cent to II ft dozen bunchea. urilnnit Produce Kulterfal Tentatm. grfijet to Immt- rttate clianca premium quality maximum 3& to l percent aoidlty delivered in Portland 63-66o lb.. 03 scor fll-04a lb., 60 Rcnra, 57-600, 89 score, 63o. Valley routes and country pinta 3c less than first nuiier wnoiesaia rvu ouig euoes to -holenlera. grade 93 acore, 63 c A 92 score. 62c; B 80 score. 60c lb., C 69 score, 57c. Above price are aerlctly numinal ( heme Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon aim lei 39-43C. Oregon 3 tra loui 42-43C. trlpleta 14 leu than ilnrlei Eksi te wholesalers) A grade large, 57 li -58 ?C : A iiu'dlum, 49-50 jc; grade B la rue. 50-51 'ac: small A grade, 42c. Portland Ddiry Market Hutlrr Price to retailers: Grade AA print. 68c; AA eartona, 89c: A prints, 68c: A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Eggs I-rices to retailers; Grade AA lance, 63c dor: certified A large. 61c; A Inrne, 60c; AA medium, 49c; crrtUied A medium, 4flc ; U mrt!:um. 42c; A small, 42c: citrtoiu 2c additional . t tirrse I' rice to rciiilleis Portland OrfKon slncles 39-42c. OrcKon loaf, 6 lb loafi 44j'45c lb.; triplets. l' cents leas than itlnKlcs Premium bunds, singles Mi-C lb.: loaf. 63V& Poultry tivf Thickens - No. 1 quality POR Plants, No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs. 20-24c m. Irycri 3-3 lbs., 33-ICc; 3-4 Iba., 37c; roasters 4 Iba and over. 37c; fowl, 1. .:.irns 4 ids ind under 1B-20C over lbs. C0c; colored fol, all weight!, 24-35e; raters, all we is Mi. ia-20c. Turkeys Net to growers, 31c on toma; 43-llc on hens; sales prices to retailer, totns, 39c; hens. 49-50C. K.ilihlu vfnige u growers, live whites. 4-5 lbs.. 17-19c lb : 3-6 Iba.. 15-17e lb.; cilireii 2 cents lower, old or heavy does. and bur Its S-I3c. Fresh drrjjfd Idaho fryers and retailers. 40c: local. 48-56c. lonntrj. Killed MrP Veal Top quality 39-300 lb., other tirade according . to weight and quality with poor or heavier, 30 -28c. HOIS Light blocker. 37-36CI low. 33- 24c. Lambs Top quality, aprlnsen. 39 -40c: muttun, 33-J6c. urel oood cows, 30-34C lb.; c ami erg- cutters, 19-20c. Ireith Dreiiftrd Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.M Boef steers, good 500-800 lbs.. 149 49; commercial. 133-39: utility, $31-34, utUlty, (27-8. Cows Commercial. 129-32: utility, 35- I; canners-cutters, 123-26. Beef Cuts lOooil Steers i Hind quarters $54-55; round 148-51: full loins, trimmed I7S-78: triangles, 32-34; square chucka, HO-i'i: ribs $52-55; fore quarter, $34-38. Veal and call: uooc 3-u. commercial. S33-35; Utility. 128-32. Lambs: Oood-cholca spring lambs, 11- : commercial. $36-40; utility. $3 J -3 5, Mutton Oood. 70 lbs down. $18-20. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs. $46-49: shoulders. 18 lbs down. 138-38: spare ribs. $47-50: carcasses, $29-30: mixed nts $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cairara Hrk Dry l3a lb., green lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair 33e lb oo 13-montb growth. nominally. Hide caivea. soe m according io weight, kips 25o lb., beef ll-13o lb., bulU 6-7o lb. country buyer pay 3e lea. Nut Q u ola t lonn Walnuti rranquettes, lirsi quality um- o, J4.7e; large, 33 ic; meaium, second Quality Jumbos. 30.2c. large. 28.3c medium, 26.2c; bnby, 33.3c ; soft shell, first quality large. 3B.ic; meaium,; sec ond quality large, 27.3ct medium, 34.7c bah? 23.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 30e Ib.i Urge, 19o; medium. lBo; email. 13c. Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. Nov. I f) Cah grain: Oats No. 2 38 lb White 57.00; barley No. 2 45 b BW B6.O0: NO. 1 Hag 3 95. Cash wheat ibid): Soft white 2.30; ft while (no rex 2.30; white club 3,20. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.30; 10 per cent 2.20; 11 per cent 2.20: 12 per cent 2.20. Today' ear receipts: wheat IB: barley flour 10; corn 6; oats 2; mlllfecd 13. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Nov. S (U Llvetock: Cattle alable 250; holdover 100: mar ket alow; scattered early a ales steady but !)Ulk supply unsold; few medium steers 19.00 to 20.00: canner to cutter dairy type Mrer and helfer.s 9.50 to 12.00; medium beef hrltVrx 17.00 to 20.00; canner and utter and cutter cow mostly 9.00 to 10.25; fpw down to 8.50; light shell down to 5.00; beef cow scarce: demand narrow; lew cutUr to common sausage bull 11.00 to ih.nO. Calve jam tile 5ii: market quoin me stradv: good lUht vealrrx aalable 22 00 to 23 00; cull and common caivea very ilow: few 10 00 to 14.50. Hoks anlable 100: market around 23 crntA lower; good and choice 183 to 230 lbs 19.00 to 111 35; fat type bid around 18.25 tn 18.:0: good and choice 260 Iba 17.50; 1 50 to 175 lbs 17.50 to 18.50; ow glow; lU'htWflrhLs scarce: few heavy aow un .vold: wrlKht to 575 lb 14 50 late Wed- nr-Mtnv: itfMid and choice feeders quoted 18 r0 to 19.50. Sheep aalable 200; holdover 250: good and choice lamb scarce; buyer talking unevenly lower or around 20.00 down: nutlet lower grade extremely narrow; very little support from feeder buyer; ewe salable steady; good quotable 6.50 to 1.00. rhlraro Livestock Chicago, Nov. 3 0I.B (USDA1 LIVMtock ! m:irkel: Hw: Salable 9,500: active: butchen strnm to 15 centa higher; mostly 10-13 rent hi her than Wednesday' average; .sow nvstly 35 cents higher; top 17.10 psr!nt-lr: most good and choice 160-380 lb.s 16.85-17.00. choice 170-330 lb we tint 1fi7,"t: run Isrgely good to mostly choice 2no-3riO lb welichta: good and choice aow under 450 lb 15.73-16.50: heavier weight down to 14.75 for 600 lb average; early clcirnnre. Slteep: Salable 3 000; slaughter lamb and Vfnrl:w,, .strong to 3.S crnt hi her; (iiriir ld l.imb.s and native to 24.50; rho.ce fih'irn 1(10 lb offerings 24.35; i'(;hI nd rlmire rla'tehter lambs 23 50- 24 '!.": good to rholre yrarlnia 21) ,i0; Sheep tronv; ilamhter ewe 8 00-11. 00. Cattle: Salable 3 MM; calven: 400; steers ard heifer unevrn: averailng about trdv: cows morWately active, steady to .-Irons: sood d'-mmd for cu'tera and -ninin'tn beef enw5: bulla !fw, strady to 25 rent liwer than Wrf)nedy's low rln.i, venlrra abnut trii1v, few toad r,hitrt aleera hli st 37 00 and above: Inn-i of hu h mod 1221 lb. Colorado tetrs linn; m-d iim and good steer and year itn 21 00; load of mixed medium and rood U0 lb. steer 37 00, two load medium !3S Nehrn.ka heifer 32 ; few r.ori roA la (."-ia "o common snd ma di'im b'-ff enw,- 14 00-16 50. canner and ru'trr 11 l-14 oo medium and good . an.. aae b ill 18 00-19 50; vesiers 30 00 down ; r ill and common heavy calve 13 HO-15 SO. (Advertlaementi Gas Almost Choked Him For It vear. Bill Shaw of t runtr St., Ereano, ha worked as a bricklayer, bit In recent year hu health failed. "I had aful lndlaeatlnn - almost blew tip as. I was terribly constipated hud liry snelij and pain couldn't do a day twrk. I tried all'ktnd of me rtinne but KAL-O-DEX resllr lled m ii Knee laklna KAL-O-DEX Medicine I inn fat )ir.ii 11 v without su flaring. ' I've romi'lrtelv nt thst tired feeling nd ran wnrk hard every day la ring brirkji No ptls, bloating, dtssy pel la .Mure KAI.-O-DI-'X made my bowsla work rM'ilar as ann-iin and atin-down. 1 tell err'ne yon csn't so tr mi Inking KAL- O-DKX u o little ant doe o I m i 'i " K AI -0-!l- X medti-.n. 1 n.-r .-j. ne hmfi, n aj.jfiL-li f on kidnri proven formula tth l 5 (rrenl H'trm ttit ' a from ctomach, une and as a dur ir mone' returned If alter taking KAL-O- i it. ,nt oVUe'itM Df X o-i from your drug taut. Money Baca buarantte. Thursday, Nov. 3, 194923 SALEM MARKETS Completed frem reperto of Halem dealer i or ine guiaaoe sr tapuai JouroaJ Readers. (Revlaed daily). Retail Peed Prices i Esr Maih H 80. Rabbit Pellete $4-30. Dairy reed 13.70. Poultry) Buying prices --Grade A eolnr- od hens. 33c; grade A Leghorn hem and up. 27-39C. Ornri A old ruoMrn I'.o. 18-l9c; grade A colored Iryera, three lba 26-29C. Eggs Buying- Prleee Cxtra larae AA. a4oi large AA, 63c. large A. 50-S7c; medium A A. 40c: medium A, 38-44c: pulleu. 32-33c. Uhoieiale Prlcca KK wholesale prices l-7e above Ihene prirei. ahove grade A genrrallr quoted at 62c; medium, 49. Bulterfat Premium Me: Ko. 1. 04c; No. S, 6S-600. (buying prlcea. nutirr wnoieaale grade A. ac: ro caU 73c. DEATHS Betty Van Aradale Betty Van Aradale, late resident of Woodburn, In this city November 3. at the aae of 33 year. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Arsdsle of Wood burn; and a sister. Lois EMdte of Ft. Seward, Calif. Announcement of aervlce later by W. T. Rigdoo company. Charles M. Camming! Charles if. Cumming. late resident ot 1363 Huge street, West Salem, at a local hospital. November 3. Announcement of service later by Cloush-Barrlck. company. P. L. Btaekerbr P. L. Blackerby, at the residence at 1625 Center street, November 2. Survtvtd by wife, Stella E. Blackerby of Salem: and a daughter, Mrs. James Henry of Hamilton Field, Calif. AniKHinccmt'iit ol service later by W. T. RUdon company. OBITUARY Mrs. Hotda Andersen Lyons Funeral services for Mr. Hulda, Anderson, 85, for many years a resident of this community who cied at Albany Wednesday after a 'ona, wi'.l be held from the Weddle funeral home in Stayton at I o'clock Friday with burial In the Fox Valley cemetery. She Is sur vived by four ons. Oeorire Anderson, Portland: Henry, Harley and E!mor An derson. all of Lyon and several grand children. Margaret Ann Ciatfhett Silverton Graveside service for Mar garet Ann, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. Wesley Oatchett. will be held at the silverton cemetery Friday at 10 o'clock un der the direction ot the txman iunerai home and Rev. B. P. Browning officiat ing. Besides her parents she is survlve4 by a brother and sister, Douglas and Judith and grandparents, Ms. Emma Gat chett and Mr. aDd Mr. William Porter, all of Silverton. Albert M. Woods Amity Funeral aervices were held for Albert M. Wood. 69. Wednesday from the McMinnville Funeral home. Rev. 8. James Osborne, officiating. Under auspice of Bert J. Clark Camp, Spanish American Veteran. Concluding rites, Portland Cre matorium. Born In Brazil, Indiana, Feb. 37, 1880. Enlisted in 11th and 14th In fantry from the state of Wyoming at the outbreak ot the Spanish American war. Suvlvor are hi widow Elizabeth, at home, two grandchildren, Edwin and Ruth Welch, Sausahlo, Calif. Prank O. Heath Albany Funeral aervlcea were held Thursday at the Fl&licr funeral home for Frank O. Heath, 70. Sclo, RFD No. 3, who died Tuesday at his home. Burial In the Willamette Memorial park. Heath had lived in Linn county the past five years. He waa born at Brldae Port, Texas. January 23, 1879. He married Nora Doyle In Oklaho ma tn 1905, who survives as do seven children, Mra. Cnarie Hodes and EI wood Heath. Albany; Mra. J. B. Hodges and Prancla Heath. Sclo; Mrs. L. C., Lebanon, and Doyle Heath and Mrs. An thony ueaantta. Human, cam.; tnree brothera, three alater and 13 grand children. William J. Tyre II 1 Albany Funeral aervlce for William J. Tyrell, 87, who died In the Lebanon hospital Sunday, were held at St. Mary Catholic church In Albany Thursday at 9 a.m. Burial In the Willamette Memorial park. He wa born In Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 1861 and came to the United State when he wa 13 year of age. Ho had lived In Albany since 1918. He mar ried Teresa France Curran In 1915, who died In 1947. Survivor Include a nephew. Airreo, h. Ryan, Aioanr. He wa a mem ber of the Knight of Columbus. Infant Gatchetl Silverton The day-old Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. Wesley Oatchett died Wednesday morning at the Silverton hos- Pltal. The Ekman Funeral Home 1 in charge of final arrangement. Harold Holme Da lift Resident here were saddened Wednejtday morning to learn of the ud den death of Harold Holme, 41, a Dalla resident all of hi life and an employe of the Willamette Valley Lumber company for 20 year. Mr. Holmes had been ill for three weeks and had not worked during that time, but wa not believed to be In serious condition. Death came lrom a heart attack about 11 :30 p.m. Tue.liy. Funeral aervlce wilt be Friday. November 4. at 2 P m. at the Henkle and Bollman chapel with Interment In Relcrest ceme tery, Salem. Rev. Cyril Hananey of St. Thomas Episcopal church will officiate. Mr. Holme waa born Jnnunry I, 1908. in Dalla. He wa a member ot Jenn na lodge, A.F. ft A.M. and wa a m1 rubor of the Dalla Lion club. He was em ployed by the lumber company in 19.J9 and wa foreman of the truck shipping department. He married Helon Cathryn McMillan on April 20, 11)35. Surviving arc the widow, Mr. Helen Holmea: the father, Oscar Holme; a brother. Forrest, all of Dalla; and a alater, Mr. Dorl LouLse Scheeler ol Salem. (Advertisement) QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Dlatre9 ArHIng from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrwBMkTntofHomeTreatrnentthat Must Htlp or It Will Cost You Nothing Over thre-e million hottIn of the) Wti.i.awo TnsiATMRrrr havn hfen aold for rellnf of ayniplonnof(li!trwarilnK from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcart duo to Eices Acid Poor DliMtlset, Sour or Upaet Stomach, Gasslrteia, Heartburn. Sleopleasneas, etc- dun to Esceas Acid. Sold on 16 flay a' trial! Adk for "Wlllard'e Moseage" which full zplalna Uiia uaunen fre at FRED MEYER. INC. PERRY'S DRI'C) STORE Constipation (Colitis) Is s svmptom, not a dlAease. Rectal Aliments the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must be corrected. No IAss of Time No Hospitalization Free Descriptive Booklet DR. R. REYNOLDS Proctolofflflt Naturo-Kect.-tl Specialist 1144 ( enter KL . alrm Ore. Why Suffer Any Longer When other fall, u our Chine. rem edies. Amarini aucce for 5000 year In China. No matter wi'h wnnt ail ment you are st(!tctrd. disorder, sinusitis, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, ga. constlpstion, ulcers, duvtes, rheumatism, asll and bladder, fever, skin, Ismal complaint. CHARLIE CHAN rillNElE HE SB CO. Office Maora Mi I, Tees, and Hat. onlv fM . rammer rial Phen 2iaM SAI.EW. OKE. effiti