22 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Pw Una ....I6e Per Lin I times .40c Pr Lin 6 tlmea 60e Pel udi 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem 15e per line per day Mln. 30c: S timet mln. 80c 6 timea mm II. 20 No Refunds READERS In Local Newa Col Only: 30c per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES REMODELED- redecorated, l'a 'ory house. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, utility room ft bath down, 1 bedroom ft extra room up., Nice lot a walnut tn-e. 1 Bing cherry tree. Oravei driveway ft attractive car-port. Near grade ft par ochial schoola.Terma. Ph. 2-5020. i2M OWNER MOVED to Calif. Sacrlllclni al most new 6 rm. home. Breezeway at tached garage. Lame lot. City water ft bus. Low down payment. P H.A. term. Drive 8. 1 ml. outside city limit on 9SS to Ewald turn right to 685 Ewald, FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPLETE WITH OARAGE, OUTSIDE PATIO ft FIREPLACE. FENCED IN FRONT YARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEHT RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO SELL. PH. 2-5348 OR 3-3734. a" X ACRE, 6 rm. house, partly turn. 3ood lo cation. Ph. 3-7026. a2 87950. LATE built 1 story 3 bedroom home. HW floors throughout. Dining room, utility room, garage. 100x180 lot on pav ed road. Located In 4-Cornera district. Term. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 6. Hlah. Phone 3121. J2' tYlOoTBF.AUTIFUL building lot on W. Ewald St. 100x150. CHy water available. $750. BUILDING lot in 4-Corners Di-st. 100x180. Has several large cherry treea, Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hlah. Phone 3-4121. a262" roRSALE house 1 year old 3 bedroom Vt acre attached garaste. Adam M, Wert, QUI Lb St. Mt. Anael, Ore. 264 OWNER must sell, 2 bdrm., 1 year old Automatic oil furnace, electric dish washer, automatic wa.shiny machine Fenced-in back yard. 450 S. 18th. a2G4 50o7 I'-4 ACRES with clean late built 1 bedroom home. Ea.st, All on one floor. Cloae to school. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High. Phone 3-4121. aJ62 SIMM. NEW modern 3 bedroom home, pav ed street, close to school and bus. Hard wood firs. LivlnE room, amine room, at tached garage. Immediate possession 11000 down, balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hiah. Phone 3-4121. a2JZ' roR1sALE OR TRADE for house In Snlem a hrtrm. mod. houe. Fireplace, bawment, furnace. garaae ft extra lot In Amity. Write Box 260, Capital Journal. atu l7EW3 bed rm. house, hdwd. firs., fire place, V. blinds, aarase. Just outside city limits 4 blks. from nrw school. Price $7750. Terms. Miaht take trailer hou.se or late car on Jiame. Phone 2-7376. a262 OWNER leaving town must sell. 1'.4 acre good land. Lovely small home. elec. wa ter heater and ramie Inc. Lante gnra(re and small one room house. Family fruit and berries. Price reduced for quick sale. Only (6600. 480 Etma Ave., Four Corners. ft265 Richmond District S nice room, hardwood floors, fireplace good basement, wood furnace, plenty ol garden space, Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS, Fho. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 3-P.715. 2-4773. a202 NEAR CAPITAL BI.DO. One of Salem's better homes. 4 nice bed rooms, Ue. Itvltia r.. dining r., kitchen, bsmt., oil furnace. Shown by appoint ment, please. ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL DIST. 110.000. Nice living r.. kltrhon-dlnette. 2 bed r., with stairway to If. attic. Lawn, flowers, shrubs. WEST SALEM 18500 $1000 dn,. $50 mo. One of the nicest 9 bed r. homes. Living r., dinina f kitchen utility. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa Sf. Ph. 2-5091 or 2-6942 a262 tfk TRADE equity In new 3 B.R. home for trailer house. Ph. 2-2240. a265 BUY- NOW ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME 16x32 lv. rm. with fireplace. 1 bedroom plus den, cozy kitchen. 1 A. land. Lots Of trees. Price 9500. DESIRABLE LOCATION NE 1 yr. old I rm. house, Fireplace. Att. garage. Large lot. Price 110.700. Term. Leo N. Childs, Inc., Real. 144 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call. Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 B2B2 T OWNER: New 3 bdrmi. Might accept 9800 down. Ph. 38700. a22 t7llT" ei brt. rrr.. home. Oarage ft larce utility rm. attached. 2no ft. hieh way 90E frnntaae. Fine location for business. Just outside city limits. 1st house . of Wyoma Motel, Woodbum. Ore. a2fi6 "if You Like a View And plan to build, let us show you this I acre tract, with nent aaraue hse., mod ern - deep well it elec. pump - native ireea - fine view of we-Mrrn hills ft Itv. Only 11300 dn. Mflfio full price. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 243 Wallace Rond Ph. 2-2147 Or 2-8836. a24 ffUWM. VERY mod. 3 bdrm.. srinll dn. pav ment, bal. P.H A. See at 1362 Franklin. W. Salem or Phone 30189. a266 COMPLETELY' FURNISHED. This late built mod. 1 BR home lPlat. Int.. insul ated, weather-stripped, wall to wall nun Is READY FOR YOU, TODAY. Nrnr tlir NEW CLINIC BLDGfl. On CMiler St. It won"t last long at !S4(m, Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive List Inns Personal Service 164 8. Com"l St. Ph. S-838U. Fe. 3-4;.n or 3-740. aJU-T FOR HALF, or Trade for hoine In Snlem neat 2 bedroom house In Albany. I iv-Ing-dlnlng room 14' x 26'. kniHt? pnt wainscot f. lirae kitchen wttti dinette apace, full bath, taresc. shruiw. flowrrs A garden. IS.SOO State O I. Loan t:i.VM mo. outAtandlntr. balance cash. Make offer. Chas. Riv-s, Albany, U.'IJ or c o Arti Photo 174 N. Commercial. a"JP5 BI'RI'RRAN for sale New well conMmctrd 3 bdrm. ranrh t v!f homp. Fiieplm-e. picture window, ven hhnl A drave.. Hardwood floors. ritohp clo.-i. Plas tered earsir. 1 urae lor Pid trrf t. TUts hoii hss nervthine tor comfort able ItMilg. 113,000 FHA. Ph. 3-32 a24 2!100 FULL PRICE 9mall modtin 2 bdrm. home. Suburban Wait Salein Small dwn. payment. $S0 DOWN - .i8 MON I II Inc. texea ft ins. NF.W WKLL HUll.T 9 BEDROOM HOME H!i LH. DR. Ue. kitchen, hdwd. I Irs., batli lth s iiower, auto oil heat, unl nils hod tirvln-rji, att. arage, Locatrd In ntv prlcp $Hl.i0. 16'i Acuta All ran be cnKhntcd Small hiirn. 3 hrd room home. Electric water vslrm. Price only 94500. COLBATH LAND CO. leu c.nt bi m. i -4svj DUPLEX 1 ACHK. $8.500 00 I ml lea from Salem. 9 bedrooms down Living room, dining room, kitcuen, fire place and utilities I bedroom furnished apartment upstair with bath and priv ate entrance. tr SKLL OR TRADE M.2.i0.on t bedroom home, ha.'rrnrnt, oil auto matic heat. Very txw1 lm-.it Ion, w mild trade for nice home near St. Vincent School. Eve. 2-0473 CALL TOR MR. LeCt ItRC J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph 2-77MI a3H Till NFW home ha 9 bedroom and at tir fpare for 3 more, some furniture 92M. Poe!1on now. E A. MrOI.At'FLIN Broker 331 N. Com L Ph. 15311 In. I330J a33' Ore, Thursday, Nov. 3, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES 547 KNAPP AVE. Creek lot, strictly modern, elee. heat, plastered, bsmt. ft fireplace. The price 1 (1350. and 12000 will handle. Shown by appointment only. Johnson. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 179 N. High St. Office: 9-349 Eve: 3-7451 or 2-5390 a 262 ENGLEWOOD Attractive 2 bdrm. home. Fireplace. Bice fenced In yard. Automatic furnace heat, A good buy at 18500. CUTE COTTAGE Laraa lot, close In shopping: diet. This la steal at 14000. ONE ACRE 3 bdrm., beautifully landscaped yard, dUt. of good home. Drastically reduc ed to IWM. BUSH SCHOOL DIST. Lovely 9 bdrm. one year old home. Util ity room. Jruiulated ft weather at ripped. Nice district. A real buy at 18500. 11500 down, 57 per month Including Inter est, taxes A Insurance. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7643 Eve. Ac Sun. 3-0128. a262 EXTRA SPECIAL BUY' Englewnod school dlst. Beautiful 3 bdrm. home, 1,000 sq. It. of floor apace. Very spacious living ft dining soom. Has been priced at 111 ,250. Owner transferred ft says if sold this wrek will take $9250 4' 2 LOAN L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 Church Ph. 2-7042 Eve. it Sun. 2-0128 a262 8150 Down 835 TMonth 4 Room Unfinished Houae 12500 E. A. MrGLAUFLIN Real Estate 328 N. Com-1. Ph. 25211 Eve. 23203 a283 LOTS 115 DOWN Build your own home. Lots $15 down. 119 month with water it lights, close to achool it bus, nice location. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate JJ:rntrr aa267 FOR SALE LOT LOT FAIRMOUNT HILL Beautiful building spot. Ph. 3-3299. General Real Estate 255 Center aa2B2 BUILD THAT EXCLUSIVE HOME in Ba- Irm's matt exclusive residential dlst. Su perb View. Large lot. 93500. F H A. APPROVED LOT on pavm't. out side city limits. Near school, s tori's, city bus. City water, elec. heat available. Lxe. lot. Only (1200. COURT SITE N. HOLLWOOD DIST. 150x150 for S31S0. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Commercltl St. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-4037 or 3-7440. aa263 Builder Attention 50x100 ft. level landscaped lot. With 2 car garage. Located on north side of WaftlilnKton. Brtween Fir ft Falrmount Bt. Nearest offer to (3000 will buy it Call 3-4016, eve. 3-8213. aa265 $10 DOWN! Lots with water, bus service, fruit trees. clo.se to Hayesvllle School. 919 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Eva. ft Sun. 4-3874. 2-1327, 3-5905. 2-17:18, 3-2:i32 aa284 FOR SALE FARMS 56 ACRES EAST ONLY 34000 DOWN 2 bdrm. modern house. A large bam. 50 acres In bent grass. 912,500 lull price. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 243 (Wallace Rd.) Ph. 2-2147 or 2-8836. b264a YOltR MODKL FARM. Small but fertile is this ie acre tract, close In, on pavm t. Mostly bottom loam. yr. spring, all seeded. Quite attractive mod, 3 BR. home. Insulated, elec. heat. 3 fireplaces. L.R. has wall-to-wall rua. New 2-car gnraae. Spnclous barn, concrete floor. Pltry. hse. No expense has been spared to make this a show place. Jt'a priced right, 117,000. Terms. PUDDINO RIVER FARM. 63 acres on pavement. East. Approximately 18 acres VERY RICH bottom land, irrigation pos sible from yr. stream. Bal. well drained. Will, silt, mostly in timber, soma mar ketable. Bin stucco mod. home, base ment, furnace, fireplace, 9 stanchion barn. 5n0 capacity poultry hldas. Well suited for stock or dairy, Priced Just rlKht at t23.900. 15.000 will move you In Will trade lor Salem city or suburban home. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Commercial SI. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 3-7440. b263 Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors FARM SPECIALS ft M'RF.S of the best soil, 3'a A atrawber ries. large barn, 3 bedroom house and family orchard. A A. pasture, the bal ance In cultivation. Clo.se in 4 miles east. Year around creek. This won't last Call Maddy. IF volt are on apeaklng tern with your mother-in-law here Is the answer to your houMng problem. 15 A. tract includ ing 3 acres young peaches, cherries, ap ples, etc., balance tillable soil. Two houses - one 2 BR. old but in excel lent ronditlon - one 3 BR new home also In excellent condition. All located In a lovely setting of oak tree. Full price 112.500. Call Henry. Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 477 Court St. Ph. 3-4115 - 3-4116 Eve. Ph. Ralph 3-3488 Dsn 3-5620 - Warren 2-59U6 - Henry 3-3633. b363 5 ACRES EAST Ideal 5 acrc-i. a nice piece of ground, and a nice small home that is a peach. Thi Is close to town and can be bought for 11200 00 clown and the balance on easy monthly payments. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS, Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 3-8715. 2-4773 bJ62 FOR SALE ACREAGE I H4.VE A. that will grow anyihingrOn hlwav near Stayton. tlaraae ft tool shed, irmation well, mod. house, 2 years old If you reallv want to buv, come out, we will art t wether on the price. L. M ALsman Rt. 1. Box 125. Aumsvllle. bblflB 12 At'RFS rioe to city bus. N E. Divide nlcelv. 14800. Walt Socolofsky, Rral F.stnte Ph S-MSS bMM REAL ESTATE N K L S 0 N N E'WS" IDEAL FOR TEACHERS A neat llltle collaae. with 11x17 llv. rm phis bdrm., kit., nook ft bath, gar., elec. w. htr , wired for elec. ranae On Oar-n-t St. Convenient to Kiwi wood, Par mh ft Senior H school, pvd. at. ft tide walk., n:celr landscaped. M9M) WANT FARM MH CITY HOME 1R . kit. with dln ni area. 3 bdrms.. bath mml , sidewalk all pd Easy Walk ing di.vt to rap., Vni, ft Hospital. To tal price (730 SILVERTON RD ACREAGE IIUMK LAHOR SHOP BLIHt. Ahout 3 A. on Silvrrlon Rd with 3.Sx65 ur-to-date reinlorred concrete bide., 28x40 addition: l.'sl paint shed: 30x34 ar Fnuim'rd with htr., lavatory, etc. 3 bdrms, deluxe L. qtrs., 3 f-place. w stroked Insulated. 1 11 rm. rua f (Wt t;ooi Priced (31.500 or trade for rental property, 87 ACRES Ht.ftM) 75 A. In cultv , balance woodlot: 40 Ac. In crop. 3 aells with elec. pump. 3 rm. UAnle e 13 stanchion barn, hog hse., chii-ncn lie . implement alird. On cream rt ft mail rt , bus to school. 10 ml. B t Tinner NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Serure hr Men Vh Specialise 103 N. Hlah Ph. 3-4833 f2 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES F0R SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS NICE & COZY 1 bdr. home In fine condition, close to State Bldga. and downtown, located la No. I tone. Room for business In front. 64.T50. CALL ROY FERRIS 3980 N. RIVER ROAD Attractive 1 bdrm. home, lovely jetting, beautiful lawn it ah rubs, lota of garden apace. Just the place for a gardener. Price 17.800. CALL PETER OEISER CANDALARIA HOME 3 bdrm. home, Ue. li. rm., din. rm., all on 1 floor, auto-oil forced air heat 3 car attached garage, completely landscaped. CALL EARL WEST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sunday Call Earl West 3-0608 Roy Ferrij, 3-8010 - Peter GeUer, 9-9968. REAL ESTATE 9311.10 NEAR Leslie sch. New 4 rm. home. (89504 ml. norm, a acre, 3 b.r. home. 112,000 Highland dlst. 3 b.r. home, fire place. Full bam. . 13,5002' acrea, 3 b.r., fireplc, bairn., all furnishings. t ,,,, n Finnno trrrs Oood soil it buildings. 13200 North Salem. New 3 b.r., elect. k..i v,iu tcrmn money. n-i2'; acres. Good soil it build ings. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 2-7769 -4-2326 - 2-8704 C269 FOir" 0ijRSAVlN6s investment buy a flrat mortgage on real estate Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourielf Amount 1500 to wveral thousand dol lars. net investors 6r. We make all col lections for you II desired. STATE FINANCE CO . 153 S High e Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON Here 1 what you've been looking for. A mod. two bedroom plastered home In a nice location, full cement basement, wlr.ed for range, electric water heater, reduced to 94800. Very good 3 bdrm. mod. home. All on one floor, cement foundation, plas tered wired for ranae, electric water heater, fireplace, a big lot, close in, see this one for (7.000. 5 acres, all cleared, mostly In straw berries and cane berries, small modern home, good sized machine shed, on high way, a real bargain at 93,700. 31 acre valley farm. Willamette and Chehalls soil. Irrigation, water avail able, about 20 acres cultivated, 4'a acres cane berries, 6 rm. mod. home with base ment, good sized barn, built in sito. In cludes tractor and farm machinery. 113,000. 119 acres, about 70 acres cultivated, good 8 rm. house with basement, wired for range, elec. water heater, fireplace, 3 full bathrooms, barn and other build ings, a wonderful buy for 318,000. We have many good buys In homes, farms, and acreages. Also business properties. Before you bur or sell, contact the Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON C262 TEN-POINT HOME - fosnn 1- Late build. Well styled. l. and D. rm. Coved ceiling. 3 2 bdrms. dn., unfinished upstairs. 4 All hardwood floors. Venetian blind. 5 Attached 2-car garage. 6 Well landscaped. 7 Large lot, 120x130. 8Paved Street. Concrete drive. 9 Near school, stores and bus. 10 Desirable district. Oood terms. A very wen cwiST.uctel 2 BR. home, North. Englewood Dlst. Hdwd. firs., fire place, automatic turnace, nice iiaca yard. Only 18350. 96800 F.H.A. appraisal. New home. 2 bdrms., oil heat, hdwd. firs., lame garage, Sub. South, near bus nrl aclinol ISJiO. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service a 164 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-4937 or 3-7440. c263 McKillop Rear Estate" REALTORS HAZEL GREEN DISTRICT 3 acres and a 2-bedronm home. Barn, poult rvhouse. good well, electric pump. Excellent soil. Thi 1 a good buy at only 94,500. ENGLEWOOD 2 - bedroom home, tine location, good lot, close to all schools. Street 1 paved. 14650.00, terms if desired. EAST SALEM 3- bedroom home, living room, large kit chen, cookina and hot water electric. Double aarage. Lnrae lot. Close to stores. Priced at 6.000. SOUTH SALEM 9-bedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat. Oood location, close to school and bus. Selling price (8.600. Will take car or trailer house in on trnde CLOSE TO BUSH SCHOOL 3 -bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, basement. Corner lot. Fine location. Very reasonable at (7,- 900. COME IN OR PHONE Daytime 3-5111 or 3-8020 Fening 2-8408 or 3-5514 McKillop Real Estate 403 Center Street, at High Salem, Oregon r2flS 4?I5. INFINtSIIFD out liveable two bdrm. suburban. 3S acres; good well; small chicken house. (9000. Nearly new modern house N R. Will accept good trailer house a down pnvmrnl: balance easy. 1820. Very attractive small country house with fireplace, large living room and picture window, nice yard with fish pond, large trees; garage; good poultry house, fine well, masonry pump house. Besides this you get 2'a acres of good soli. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS H N. Hlh SI. Phoiw l-HIMI Ev,. plionps J-4S91 - S-880S BEST RUYS KEIZER. $1500 DOWN New, 3 bdrma. Verv nice. Oil heat. Wea therMrlppcd. instated. Well worth 18. boo. Eve. rn aimi or lssa $S20 DOWN 4 room t 300 ft. Only 83.- lot Small monthly payments. 4M). T.f Ph. 27674 or .msa REALLY NICE Rrand new home. Clone tn north. Flre plare. hardwood floor throughout. Elec tric heat, wea therm ripped. Insulated. 3 lots, private well, attached garace. May lake trailer houne aa part payment To tal price only $8500. Eve. Ph. 37674 or 31558. 2 ACRES i room older type houtt. Willamette soli Well. Priced for quick ale for only 13500 Ee. Ph 3940.1 or .1.1556. 11 ACRES. $1000 DOWN Very clean home. 3 acrea berrlea. Barn for 6 row. Tractor, farm equipment. Famllv fruit ft nut a. No wate land. Eervthmt toes for only $9700. Eve. Ph .IMO.l or 31558 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3036 Portland Rd. Ph. 37B or 3-496 WANTED REAL ESTATE ill 4.RK in need ei gooc nouses u ten In Or neat Salem It tnu lab t Us' tout prooerty for eale rR.nrHnRT BROS BMITO 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ca WT0 to buy 3 house 1100 down. 3-3317 r 4 -room modern ISO month Ph taJTl I HTtNtH WtNTFD on a few good home and BuslneAa Opportu&itlea. O. ft. OIM Realtor. Ph, 1-7111, 4361 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property 1 for salt rent or exchange, Ust It with ua We have all kinds of cash buyer. TATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 15S B Blgb St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BY OWNER: Small acreage. Good house and other building. Write Capital Journal, box 263. cb286 240 AC. Benton county dairy or stock farm to exchange for property In or near Salem. D. A. Fish, 1488 S. Com mercial. Ph. 3-6524. cb TRADE? Your Salem HOME For this Sandwich & Ice Cream Place In excellent NEW business bldg. Com pletely equipped, there 1 also apartment for owner. $11,000.00 Dunn Realty Exc. 984 North Pacific Hi-way Ph. -Main 138 Wood burn, Oregon cb264 CLOSE IN. Lovely 5 room home. Hardwood floors thruout, fireplace, V shades, full basement, garage, nut trees. (9.400. Trade for close In acreage ft home of near same value. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center cb262 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tlCHFlEl.D OIL CORP. offer for lease at Inventory 10,000 gal. sta. to a reliable and experienced operator at Monmouth. Ore. Same operator this location for 3 yrs. For detail Phone 39533 or 20761 evening 9 p.m. cd267 RENT OR lease by month: 2 car garage ft paint snop completely equipped. Move In ft start work. 678 8. 12th St. Ph. 3-4547. Cd263 NEW MOTEL DETROIT AREA, 10 mod. units, plus new 4 rm. home, acre. Ex cellent loc. on main hlRhway. Income will justify the unlnflated price, 125, 000. Will consider trade. RESTAURANT ft STATION. Choice loc. on corner In growing suburban town. Oood bldffR., clean, mod. equipm't. Your Inves tigation will prove this to be ideal for operator or Investment. 121,500. Consider trade for good farm. DUPLEX N. HOLLYWOOD DIST., plus 3 ELEC. Lge. lot, yearly Income or ap prox. 12000 per yr. Very desirable prop erty at 313.500. Oood loan available. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'. St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440 cd263 SHOP ft Signal serv. sta. 1n exc. location. 1700.00, plus approx. $10,000.00 lnv., 30 per month rent. 12 mt. N. on Salem Newberg highway. cd267 soxw FRAME bulldlnir. pTumbedT"wired, ! on paved alley. 10 block 8. 13,000. Ph. j owner, 3-6190. cd266 WANTED 13000 risk money for invest ment. Returns In great proportion to amount of risk. Details upon request. Write box 265, Capital Journal. cd264 CONCRETE BLOCK building.' ExcT con dition. Office, 3 2-BR apt. Income S190 per month. Total price, (12,500. C. O. Van Kleeck, 1348 8. 12th. cd264 WANTED Man. experienced and reliable. Would like to buy interest in established busi ness, garage, woodworking preferred. Consider anything. Box 262, capital Journal. cd266 KEY MOBIL gas station ln Dallas," Ore for lease. Buy stock ft small, tool at Doollttte Mobil Gas Dlst. Ph. day 3-4619 eve. ft Sun., 2-6045. cd285 GROCERY STORE and meat market. Well located in a prosperous valley town. 6 year lease on 50x100 modern concrete bldg. at 165 per month. Doing cash lu.1 nexs. Price 36500 plus inventory of about 35,000. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 a.High Phone 3-4121. cd262 MANAGER WANTED Responsible man or woman to manage and service a genuine Hershey Candy. Wrigley Gum and Life Saver candy vending business in this area. No sell ing. No age limit. Reliability more Impt. than past experience. 11380 invest, re quired. Fully secured. No. speculators wanted. Excellent earnings up to ISO weekly profit. State if can start at once. Write fully. Box 353 Capital Jour nal. cd263 1. t'O M L, bldg. ft 5 llv rtrv, owner, terms. Ph, 2-9829. N. COMX, store bldg. ft 5 llv. rm l'2.on By owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. cd277 TRAILER court. 16.000. term. By owner Chas. H. Moore. 1730 N. Water St. cd277 FURNITURE FOR SALE B-PC. BLEACHED walnut dining room aet, ! 2 yrs. old, 185.00. PH. 2-8818. I.KillT ttl.t'E davenport In good condi tion. 130. Ph. 3-4793 or 1875 Berry St. d264 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BONDED AND LICENSED livestock ouyer K. C. McCandltsh, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8117. PETS CHOICE canary bird. 260 N.18tn. ec287 They make good FUEL MWnfST ft Wood Hi. 2lriaH. P272 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash ft maple 4 fir. 16" lab and edging Ph 31458 te W L M T shells or7ale. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 460 N. Front. ee PRUNE wood, food for fireplace, 115 00 per cord. 1514 El lend ale Ave., Dallas, Ore eci63 Oregon Fuel Co. Dr Slab or Dry Edeint Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Fdelnr 15 50 load Double 110 00 Also 18" Oreen Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE MIU I. STOVE ft nilFL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dlstrlhut TRfCITYFUEL" PHONE 37443 tr (Dab Wood and Metnea Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 11 Inside Mill Wood Drt Wood ASK FOR BAH GREEN STAMP West Salem Fuel Co. N IK. DRV OR ORTKN SU4B WOOD PRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTR 1LOCK WOOD, II-IR. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWrU'ST Rt'RAL DKLI VFRIKB otr.sn and stove on Fiione r-ieno 3-4031 Alt ptct up wood al 13 Edge at er Waai ftaiam ' AUTOMOBILES MURDER! Not a Nice Word! But That's What These Prices Are Doing to Us! 1949 WILLYS JEEPSTER. HEATER $ 1445.00 1948 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. HEATER $ 1245.00 FORD SUPER DELUXE . 1947 6 SEDAN. VERY CLEAN. $ 1195.00 1947 FORD SUPER DELUXE SDN. CPE. A 1946 1947 1937 1935 FORD DELUXE TUDOR. NEW RINGS & BEAR INGS CROSLEY PICKUP PONTIAC SEDAN. R&H, A REAL GOOD CAR .... PONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN. GOOD MOTOR 25 MORE CARS OF ALL MAKES TO CHOOSE FROM-25 DEALERS WELCO'METO BID ON ANY CAR THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Valley Motor Mart SALEM HIGH AT CENTER FUEL DRY 16" slab & eOKltm. Ph. 3-145S. ee1 CALL HIGHWAY fTJBL POR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End ft Block Wood. Ph 1644 ee' FOR SALE POULTRY i'M AUSTRA-Whlte Pullets 4'4 mo. old. Any amount or all $2 each. Ph. 25126. Rt. 1 Box 391-C. Dallas, Ore. !262 PRODUCt WALNUTS: U-pick. Over 200 A. Fran- quette. 9c lb. 7VaC for 100 lb or over. Ph. 2-2031. II265 FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Road. Claude Mc- Kinney. Ph.3-1633. tvi6l SPITZENBERG ft WINTER BANANA ap ples. Phu Abplnwall. 645 Market St.. Ph 3-9419. ff275 HELP WANTED MALE SAWYER and millwright. Must be able to set his own ratchet. S1.00 per M and extra pay for day work. Write P. O. Box 368 or call 181 Toledo, Ore. ga264 EXPERIENCED BODY MAN." Dick' Used Car. 1295 S.J2th. ga264 WANTED One more exp. salesman to sell appliances in Willamette valley lead ing appliance store. Salary with added compensation. Transportation furnished. Apply Hong Bros., 115 S. Com'. ga WANTED: A first" class car painter to work In modern shop, full time work, percent a no work with guarantee. Call or wire collect Immediately. Laird Southwestern Motors, Coqyllle, ga266 SELL THE new spiral blades for hack saws. Huge profits. Sold 75,000 In Los Angeles first 30 days. Hunter Tool Co.. Los Angele, 35. Calif. Bfl263 HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Modern coun try home. Good wage. Write Box 264. Capital Journal. gb264 WANTED women nut shelters. All winter work. 460 N. Front. Klorfeln Packing Company. cb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS Iftn Stftt, atrrpt Phoni" 3.I4BR if WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN wanted for photographic re cial. Good front money A Inside com mission to man who qualify. 2!l. i. Com'l. ib264 BE INDEPENDENT Sell RawlelgtT Prod ucts. Good nearby locnlily open. Write today. Rawlelgh', Dept. ORK-LVi-D. Oakland. Calif. kit 203 WANTED POSITIONS Mimeographing-Typing FOES. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. h283 MOTHERS ATTENTION! Child care In my" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, rcmov ini. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h287 interior ft ext. Ph. 2-2979. h238 ItARY SITTING. Phone 20560. h287 HOUSE RAISING," foundation, "concrete work. Klaus Bros., Pli. 3-3292. 113 86 TREE WORK, toppine. trlmmina. remov in. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph.-6014. h266 BARY sitting by midduTaxed ledy7 Ref. given. Phone 3-7612. h262 ROTO-TII.L1NG with M E. machine" Ph. 2-7500. h285 TELEPHONE .M.Ll" TAKEN.24hrT eerv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072, h283 CUSTOM work plowlne. disking. Job or hour. Ph. 31131. Sprineer. h264 NANCY'S Nursery. Day or hr. Ph. tRbN!No7PhT34767af ter 6 pmT" I N TE R I O b"f1 I N T I N G, Exp. " PhT 3-4!) 40. h384 CHILD CARE. 183 8. lSth Ph. 26876 h273 WOODSAWING PH. t-1575 jlMV h269 SITTING. Ph 2.68:2. NTER work, Ne repair Ph h365 CFMFM WORK rantrd PTi J-45M1 FOR RENT ROOMS CI.E4N W4RM finale steeping rm. water. 472 N. Libertv. ft C jk;'62 PIFAMNT RM. Private home, kitchen pn :ie. Fmploved lady prr (erred Ph 3-746.V. 1550 State. jk264 UI.OE IN nlcelv furn. bdrni "with kit pnv. But, drift. No drinkers 696 N Cottage St. Ph. 39430. )k267 WELL FI'RV. sleeping roomTciofie In. H ft C. water. Gentleman. 73" Center. Jk264 W1BM ROOM for man. Close in. Ph. ?!U9. Jk364- NlCEsi rEPING rooma. h water. :61 N. Hlih. Jk265 SLEEPING rmPh. 3-4333. Jk274 MEN S WtRM !eeptng room. Pnv m Ph. 33436 1506 N. Capitol. k278 CLOSE IN sleeping rm. 605 Voimi jk266 LELPINU R.MS. Relrlf . 3131 Center I AUTOMOBILES DANDY . . . . 1195.00 $ 995.00 $ 245.00 $ 295.00 $ 69.00 PHONE 3-3147 FOR RENT ROOMS VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. J-7817 Jk263 ROQ5IS 448 Ccnrtr Rear Woodrow'a Jk279 PRIVATE RM. with house privilege. 1 2 working girls. Ph. 35198 days or write 2025 Market. Jk264B HOLLYWOOD, 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. JK233 FOR JENTAPARTMEjrrS 4 ROOM heated furn. apt. ISsTPhf 2079? JP262 CLEAN 3 rm. apt. Utilities, furn. Ph. 3-6598. JP262 COURT APT. New, clean 3 rms. ft bath. Range ft refrlg. 1346 S. 12th. Jp263 Fl'RN. TRAILER house for rent. 640 Ma rion. Jp263 CLEAN 3 rm .furn. apt. Prlv. ent. ft bath. 419 B. 19th. Jp264 CLEAN l rm. ft kitchen. Partly furn. Close In, Employed person. Ph. 2-7469. ; Jp266 VERY ATTRACTIVE 2-3 rm. furn. apt. Private bath. Utilities furn. Ph. 2-9138 after 6 p.m. Jp262 CLEAN, QUIET, warm 2 room apt. Middle agea laay preierrea. 645 Ferry. Jp263" SMALL APARTMENT. 309 Mission, Utilities furnished. J Pi 35 UN FURN. 4 rm. and bath. Ranae. refria ft utilities furn. Near University, f60 450 S. Capitol. JP265 APT., 3 room. bath. 6m aU child. 1188 N, 4tn. Pn. 2-5247. Jp262 4-RM. FURN. apt. 770 8. Commercial. . 3p284 550 Water St. Das, HftC jp262 ONE 3 RM. apt., water, ahower, t ROOM apt. partly furn. Ph. 3-6598 after JP262 FURN. 2-room apt., 145. 725 8. 13th. JP264 MODERN S rm. furn. apt. Private bath. All utilities furn .165. Ph. 29138 after 6 p.m. Jp264 SMALL Fl'RN. apt. Close in. For 1 or 2. Rent reasonable. No children. Ph. 34307. JP264 3 AND 3-RM. apt. Ph. 3-6524. FURNISHED cottage, 3216 Portland FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED cottages. Very reasonable Jm264 rates. 3155 Portland Rd. ROOM HOUSE unfurn 2-6968 after 6. $46 month. Call Jm262 CAHINS, NOT modern, Dallas Highway. Rt. 8 Box 822. Ph. 37626. Jm286 FOR RENT IN SILVERTON 1 bedroom house, ideal for a couple. Electric range ft washer furnished. $45 per month or will reduce to $40 per month on six month lease. See at 121 Flake, then call Owner 37921, Salem. - Jm263 NEARLY FURN. Small 4 rms. Electric range ft heater. No bath. 2650 8. Sum mer. Jm262 SMALL FURN. 3 room rear house. Adults. Available Nov. 7. Ph. 36577. Jm262 5 ROOM all electric duplex ft garage. 870 per month. 4545 state. Ph. 31125. Jm263 BEAUTIFULLY FURN. duplex apt. 170 per montn. About l' blocks south ot Col onial House on 99. Box 400 or Phone 3-5765. Jm263 house. See at 1326 N. Jm262 SELL OR RENT. 4 Bdrm. house. Ph. 2-8524. Jm262 t BDRM. HOUSE, with electric stove, re frlft., washing machine. 175. 630 Trvon Ave. . Jm262 S ROOM modern furnished cottage. 3265 Portland Rd, Jm263 FORWENT MISCELLANEOUS NE ws TOR Ebu i Id 1 n g f o r lease." See at 1079 Broadway or Ph. 31635. J271 V DRIVE Trucks Ro'jlnson Shell Service Centerat Cottage. Ph. 39103. 1' BUsl N FSS R M lor rent H L Stiff. 1 FIOOR SANDERS tor rent Montgomery Ward J POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial ust Howser Bros Ph 8-3646 FURN. ROOMS, 940 D, Ph. 3-6406. 1263 TRAILER 13.00 per day Howser Bros 141u 6 1 2th, West Salem. I TO DO a good lob 'ent a good floor land r We ell everything to eompleta the lob HOWSER BROS . Ph. 3-3648 1 OOD ( SFD PIANOS H L Stiff TRAILER SPACE at Elby'a. New modern, social rm.. child's plygrnd., re as. rates. Nest to fchl. and church Lge. grnds. Vinton welcome. Dallas Hwy, Ph. 3-2.144. J270 INC.Fi ELECTRIC portable tewing ma cn:nea RrasonaP e rate Free pick up ft deliver Sinter Sewtng Machine Co ISO N Com 1 Ph 33512 I G,RtGF FOR rent 1140 Cent )264' WANTEO TO RENT PHYSICIAN 'ft family tfeire J or J-bdrm. unfurn. house. Ph. 3-0319. Ja364' 1 BDRM. houe or apt. Furn. or partly. Nred safe yard for little boy age 3. Ph 29159. Jt264 2 OR MORE bedroom house In Kelrer sch. dUt. Ph. 3-3743. Ja34 STANDARD OIL man. wife and one da ui liter desire 3-bedroom home. 1-year lease. Call 2-4444 or J-tOTI or phone Standard Station. 3-9187. Ja363 3 BD. RM. nous, 150.00. Ph7j-9877. Ja264 Jcurnol Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Check These Good Buys 1949 Lincoln Sedan. Fully equipped $2495.00 1949 Mercury Sedan. R&H, undercoated 1995.00 1949 Mercury Conv. Fully equipped (8000 miles) 2295.00 1947 Ford Tudor six cylinder & clean 1145.00 1947 Ford Convertible. Very clean 1345.00 1948 Mercury Sedan. One owner 1145.00 1942 Studc. Commander Sedan-Cpe. Overdrive 695.00 1941 Ford Coupe. Good motor and new paint . . 695.00 1941 Pontiac Sedan 645.00 1941 Lincoln Sedan-Coupe 545.00 1941 Mercury Sedan 595.00 1940 Ford Coupe. Good buy 425.00 1940 Dodge Sedan 495.00 1930 Chev. Master Sedan. Very clean 545.00 1937 Buick Sedan 245.00 1937 Plymouth Convertible 125.00 1937 Chevrolet Sedan 245.00 1936 Olds Coupe. Good motor , 100.00 Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER Fri. Spot Special AT Center and Commercial 1949 NASH SEDAN Low mileage, overdrive, heater, radio, plastic eat covers, bed. $1925 HERE'S THE MARION 337 Center WANTED TO RENT PLEASE CALL US if you have or will have, an unfurnished house to rent. Oil co. rep. ft wife trans ferred here. A.k for Mrs. Livingston at Senator Hotel. Ph. 3-4151. ja262 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD, room & do washing for elderly people. 4S monthPh. 2-2376. 264 HOME FOR AGED. Quiet location. Ph. 2-0910. 15264 LOST AND FOUND LOST: FEMALE" English Setter dog. Tan and white spotted. Answers to "Babe." Reward. Ph. 2-1951. k283 LOST: Prayer book at 8:00 Mass, Oct. 30. St. Ja-pii'A church. Name Ellen Adams on fly leaf. Ph. 3-7738. -264 LOST! Oranne perslan cat, female. Ph. 2-6760 after 6 P.m. k264 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men'a hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m270 DENTAL PLATE R FTP AIR 2 HR SERVICE JN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid;, State ft Commercial Sts S.LT?rM Phone 3-3311 w BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDERS Cedar shakes In the carton $12 sq. As bestos siding $10 sq. Lame medicine cabinet (7.50. Bargains on insulation, water heaters, water proof wall boards, wash basin, shingles, doors, lge. front windows. C. O. LONG, Ph. 2-5821. 1 . mlleN. of Kelzer. ma266 PERMASTONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Perma-Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 3-0605 after 6 p.m ma263 SAVE ON ROOFINO Lei Wards give ru complete fN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide rangt of colors Call our outside salesman for fret tatlmata Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM, OREOON RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ma ALUMA - LOCK ALOMINUM LOCK jHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing Set your dealer of Call Dlst 3-6401 ma272 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insltt on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 35 Lana Ave Ph. 34939 Free parking ma Building Something? Used windows complete with frames 17.50. 32"x34 sash $2.35. All thick ne.w new plywood. U " plywood only 7'aC. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. of Kelirr. ma266 NOW IS the time! Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied roofing. Get roof ing weather protection before it rains Sears Roebuck ft Co.. 550 No. Canity St Phone 3-9191 ma275 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SIMMONS COIL Spring. Poldlng double bed. New. 6.15. Ph. 20657 or 1925 N. Li berty after 3 p.m. n32 Used Spinet Piano A lovely 40" Instrument wtth Pratt read direct blow action. Like new. Real aav- '"STONE PIANO CO. (The Vallev'a Finest Piano Btore 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. n267 WOOD CIRCULATOR, rhest of drawers. dre!ers. chairs, bed! ft springs. Mar's. 145 8. Church. n263 RRVNT.ASfurnace. 90.000 B.T.U. Ued 3 mo. Very cheap. Ph1J8414. n263' APARTMENT sire, "stove ft cabinet, bed complete with spring ft mattress. Ph. S-.8ii,i4. Can be seen at 1040 N. 21st af ter 3 P.m. n263 HANDSOME MF1ILIN uprleht Grand pi ano in exrellent shape and tone. 121 Phont 27F3. n363 MAHOGANY period style buffet H5, Caa her cedar chest t2S, Roper range 1100. Stmmona rollaway bed 125. All like new, Aluo some antique. priced very low Ph. 2-506, 463 Hoyt St. n2f8 TOILETS, new cloe-eound complete with white seat, chrome anile iop. sup ply tube and putty, 133.50, whUt they last. Phone 34600. n LAUNDER ALL "auto, washer, like new, used less than 3 mos., mechanically per fect. Will sacrifice. 520 Illinois St. First rd. to Mailt east of state no.-n!tal n3S4 RFD FRYERS for that dinner O? Wker. 3'i to 4 ib., N. nn 9E to Hood view road and I1 ml. last. Rt. 1 Bos 3ns U61 IAUTOMOBILES PH. J3012 CAR FOR YOU! MOTORS Phone 3-9286 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AMBASSADOR CORONET. Girl J red coat. ize12. 1945 Prlnale rd. C. Dufour. 264 1 SET OF club aluminum, like new. 1 sil ver seal, l wearever. 30 gal. auto, gat water heater, all white, like new. Make ofrer. Call between 10 a.m. ft 3:30 pm.. 930 Garnet St. n263 HOTPOINT electric range. Ph. 2-4574. n364 PHILCO RADIO. Spark oil heater, 1 oil barrel. Iron bed, springs and mattreai. 2 burner hot plate. Large Lang range. Ph. 3-5045. n262 USED OIL circulators. Reconditioned. 128 and up. Judson. 279 N. Com'l. n262 SUIT, double breasted, blue gray, all wool. naro unisn worstra, line new. lop coat, all wool, ahower Proof, blue gray. Both size 38. 1321 McCoy Avt. Ph. 3-3324. B263 GENFR AX ELECTRIC CroJle. OlbtOB and Montag Appllancas at Oemrtx. a OIL circulators at close out price. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 376 Cheme keta n284 30-30 WINCHESTER. 30-06 With acopa. .22 High Standard. .38 Cotx. 694 N. Lib erty. n34 Washing Machines' Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK UP AND DEL IV EH. W. DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 0263 SEWING Machines Free Westing houae." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cheme keta. "SB PLASTI-KOTE- the cellophane -like fln ish for your floors, woodworks or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 376 Chemeketa. n284 USED Radios. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 USED washing machines. YEATER ApX PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. P264 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts. raillDIS tn stock ft made to order. 1143 H. Liberty. nil WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement ready mix concrete, tardea and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. 4-yd- ahovtl and drag Una. Ph. 1-9249. SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all makea. Ph. 3-7671. 0381' USED electric water heatera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n364 USED electric refrigerators. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n364 SPENCER Corsettler, 2555 DSt. Ph. 3-5073 n377 USED oil burners, blowers burners. Ph. 2-8662. ft sawdust n275 FULLER brushes, 1748 Orant. Ph. J-B157. n270 BARN YARD FERTILIZER 13 yd. yd. load 625. Arnold Phillipa. P O Box 261rurner Ph. 1X2. n3 USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLI ANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n384 USED OIL n EATERS 113.60, 139.50 and 139 50 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court 8t Phont 8-9111 300 SAVAGE, new, acopa ft cast. Winches Chester magnum, new. Ph. 3-6583. a3M 8ALTM SANT) a CSIIAVTL OOUPAK1 Contract Work Road Clearing Dltahly Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-t4j yds 10 B S yds D-7 Cat ft Doter D-6 Cat ft Doaer D-4 Cat ft Doecr Set tu about ditching by the ft. Phont Daya 3-1408 Eves 3-836 or t-4404) salem Orcgoa LUMBER 3x4's by Jitney load, 110 paf 1,000 You haul. Independence Lumber ft Ufg Co- Ine- Indtpendenctv Or. PHILLIPS BROS. Fertlilrera. well rotted or fraah, any kind. By yard or sack. Fist rock for all rock work Cedar fenct posts, telephone nd elec. polea Any length. Shingles. Yew Post. Ph. 3-1451 Rt. I loi lit. SHOTGUN'. 16 GA.. Higglns bolt action. 2' bote., of shells. !19 . 2090 Berry or P:ione 2-14S8 sfter 6 pm. n261 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS n ANTED furniture to riot repair la Broa Furn Rtfl&Iahlna Ct b 1-1001, aaa B TFD: A small apt, sire aa stove. , Ph.342T ja22' i (Continued on Page 23)