aniiiw't ii ii ii i "i i . r 1 ijF i Fiction Map Facilitates Fiction Writing Ethan Grant, Sa lem ahort atory writer, designed this fiction map showing towns, mountains and rivers named after Salem persons to provide locale for his fiction writing. He is shown pointing to Hicorr dam in the Wassaman valley. Dallas Church Host District Mennonifes Dallas Some 500 delegates and guests are expected in Dal las from November 12 to 16 for the Pacific district conference of the Mennonite Brethren church es, according to Rev. G. H. Jantz- en, pastor of the host church. The district includes the states of California, Oregon and Wash ington. A preparatory business ses sion will be Saturday, November 12, at 2:30 p.m. Three inspira tional services will be on Sun day, November 13, and others will follow Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Ses sions will be held in the high school auditorium and the EMB church. Business meetings will be twice daily, Monday through Wednesday. Dr. Walter L. Pen ner of Bakersfield, Calif., will be moderator of the conference and inspirational speakers will include Dr. P. R. Lange and Rev. A. E. Janzen, chairman and ex ecutive secretary, respectively, of the board of foreign missions. Both are of Hillsboro, Kansas. Stocks Decline Fractionally New York, Nov. 3 OT The stock market slowly but stead ily declined today. Losses were mostly fraction al, a few running to a point or more. Several railway and air line issues, among others, show ed independent stability. Business was brisk although below yesterday's 1,570,000 hares. Turnover hit a rate of around 1,300,000 shares for the full session. Falls City A number of members of the Falls City high school band par ticipated with the Salem high school band in the program for teachers' Institute. Members of the band who played with the Salem band are: Darlene Leh nert, Patty Ames, Jerry Bau man, Joyce Murphy and Clara Warner. I Irvin Wall of the high school faculty Is director. Geo. Loftus is home from the St. Vincent hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henthorn have left for their annual trip to South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rich have returned home from their trip to Yakima, Wash, I STOCKS By th Awocitud I AmirfetB Can ......... Am Pow A Lt An Tl Tel Antcondi . . '' BendiK Atittlon Beth 6teel tloelng AlrpUne Clll Picking Canadian Pacific CM J J '" Caterpillar Chrjnltr Comwltb ft Sou 14'i Cona Vultee Continental Can ....... 'frown Zellerbaeh Curtlii Wright Doutlai Aircraft Dupont de Nem ....... '' Oeneral Electric General Pood " Oeneral liotora .'.'.' Ooodyear TIra Int Harvester '.''.) Int Paper ' Kennecott Llbby UcN ft L ton Belt 'A" Montgomery Ward Nanh Kelvlnator Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific Pao Am Fiah Pa Ona ft Elec Pa Tel ft Tel "" Penney J O ,, Radio Corp Rayonler jj Rayonler Prd Reynolda Metal Richfield Safeway Storea ....".' 8-ara Roebuck , 34 , 27 'a . IK . 87 . 994 , 47'1, , 69 , 41 2ft1; . . 14 . SC'i . 10afi . 17 . 12'i . ?vi .101 i . 52 si . W't . 34 't , 28' Southern Pacific SH Standard OH Co flg'i Stud e baker Corp ...... 24t Sunshine Mining ioi Trannamerica 13 Onion OH Cal 28i Onion Paclfie 83 United Airlines is7i 0 B Steel M Warner Broi Pic nfc Woo) worth 46 "i Profit taking after a long rise was rated a factor in the market's setback. Among the losers were Doug las Aircraft (off more than 3 at one time), U. S. Steel, Republic bteel, uenerai Motor, Chrysler, U. S. Rubber, Standard Oil (N. J.), Homestake Mining, West inghouse Electric, and Union Pa cific. Also tending higher were Southern Pacific, American Air lines, United Aireraft, Consoli dated Edison and Kennecott Copper. Longshoremen Lose Battle Harry Bridges (center) and two officials of the west coast longshoremen's union leave the CIO convention In Cleveland, Ohio. Bridges unsuccessfully led a fight to block a constitutional amendment banning com- -munists and fascists from the CIO executive board. (Left to right) art Bill Lawrence, Southern California regional direc tor; Bridges, and J. R. Robertson, union vice president. (AP Wirephoto) WALNUT MEATS WANTED W will Pay Top Prieti for WALNUT MEATS Depend On Us For a Sqoara Deal Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottooa St. Phono 34146 SALEM, Grains Retreat At Trade's End Chicago, Nov. 3 W) Grains retreated after knocking out some new 1948 highs on tne board of trade today. Profit taking forced the retreat. Many contracts fell below the previous close. Wheat lagged most of the ses sion here, although all deliver ies at Kansas City and Minnea polis scored seasonal peaks. Wheat closed y- lower, De cember $2.11'8-$2.12, corn was higher, December $1.19 Vt hk, oats were 4- lower, De cember 73, rye was 14-1 lower, December $1.42, soy beans were "i-lli lower, No vember $2.25 V-',-i, and lard was 20 cents lower to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher, Novem ber $9.52-$9.50. Cafe Burglars Get 4 Years in Prison Dallas, Ore., Nov. 3 Four years in the state penitentiary were given Lucius Charles Fen- ton and Eldon M. Farrians when they appeared in circuit court before Judge Arlie G. Walker Wednesday afternoon. They had previously plead guilty to bur glary of the "Y" cafe on the Sa- lem-Dallas highway the night of October 16. Lillian Ruth Fenton, wife of Lucius Fenton, also entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to three years but placed on pro bation. She will also be returned to her former home in Bakers field, Calif., where the trio had lived. In roasting a duck remember not to pack in the stuffing too full leave room for the dress ing to expand. Use a slow oven for the roasting and pour off the fat at the end of the roasting time. OREGON PICK YOUR OWN LANDMARK Ever Hear of Wassamah Valley? Names There Familiar to Salem By CHRIS KOM1TZ Many rivers, mountains and cities throughout the United States may carry names of presidents and generals, but in the Wassa maw valley they're named for residents of Salem, Oregon. You've never heard of Wassamaw valley? Then you haven't read stories by Ethan Grant in magazines such as Argosy, Adven ture and Detective Story. Wassamaw valley is the locale of nearly all of Grant's fiction yarns. Grant, who writes from his office at 3704 State street in Salem, created the imaginary valley to serve as a guide to his fiction writing. 1 A map of Wassamaw valley hangs on a wall in Grant's of fice. ... The idea to draw such a map came to Grant years ago, while he was writing a series of pow er-line stories. Technicalities in geographical layouts of power sub-stations were causing Grant to get his wires crossed. To sim plify matters, he decided to em ploy a map, and thus Wassamaw valley was created. At first, Grant used a sketchy outline of his imaginary valley, with a few towns dotted hither and yon. It was from his origin al map that Grant began writ ing his baseball stories of the Wassamaw valley league. In 1938, Grant started penning a long list of stories for detective magazines, and found it neces sary to enlarge his map into a more detailed layout of moun tains, rivers, cities, etc. Then arose the problem of naming those points on his map. Instead of drilling his imagi nation for fictitious names, Grant decided to name his land marks after his Salem friends. ... When one of Grant's friends would drop into his office for a chat, Grant would explain the map, and ask "What would you like to be? Then Grant's guest would choose between a river, moun tain, city, junction, stream, cave or peak, etc., and Grant would name a spot of that nature after the person. Some of the results are Stone mountain (Stephen A. Stone) Compton creek (Henry Comp- ton); Pekar mountain (Millard Pekar): Corcoran caves (Fred Corcoran); Hawver Junction (Cy Hawver); Kirk mountain (Wal ter Kirk); Forsyth fjord (Ed For syth); McSherry bend (Irl Mc- Sherry); Loucks mountain (Al Loucks); the town of Homer (Homer Smith); Morrow moun tain (Hugh Morrow.) Boardman mountain (Robert Boardman); Pilcher Peak (Ira Pilcher); Mt. Carson (Senator Allan Carson); also Carson riv er; the town of Acton (Paul Ac ton); the small village of Grimm (Frank Grimm); DeWitt Moun tain (O. K. DeWitt.) Among smaller mountains in the valley are Clark mountain (Percy Clark); Felton mountain (Judge Joe Felton); Gahlsdorf mountain (Fred Gahlsdorf); Scott mountain (William A. Scott); Bacon mountain (I. N. Ike' Bacon); Lightner moun tain (Al Lightner); Paulus mountain (Fred Paulus.) Don Upjohn, Capital Journal "Sips for Supper" columnist, is honored by two points on Grant's map. One of them is Mt. Upjohn. The other is a river named for an unprintable peculiarity of Upjohn s anatomy. Isabel C h 1 1 d i Rotebraueh. when asked what she would pre- ler to have carry her name re plied: "Just make me a little one-horse town out in the mid dle of nowhere." Grant obliged. Wassamaw's loneliest hamlet is named Isabel. Grant finds the man invalu able to his fiction writing. He rates it lar superior to a senu- ine map ior tne purpose. If a story he is writing calls for spring, waterfall, gulley or hill in a certain location, he merely takes down the map, inks in the thing he desires, hangs the map back on the wall, and moves on with his story. "You can't do that with a real map, reminds Grant. Grant Is very familiar with Wassamaw valley. He can Im mediately point out any point on the map mentioned to him, and has memorized distances be tween towns. PRE-HOLIDAY OFFER 1 Dozen 5x7 Portraits (Regular Value $20.00 Per Dozen) FOR ONLY $15.75 IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FREE One 8x10 Enlargement With Each Dozen 5x7'$ Willamette 971 Edgtwaror Street 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Grant vividly recalls the visit of one chap to his office. While seated in a chair beside Grant's desk, some 12 feet from the map, the visitor studied the map for a moment, then remark ed, "Beautiful country up there." Grant, without cracking a smile, asked, "Oh, have you been there?" "Sure," the visitor replied in all seriousness, "Been all over that territory. No place like it. Going back some time." Revivalist Thirty-year-old Billy Graham( above), has started what churchmen say is the greatest religious reviv al in the history of Southern California. He is pictured as he spoke to a crowd of 10, 000 in Los Angeles. (AP Wirephoto.) Bible Team Member Speaks at Woodburn Woodburn Ed H. Duerksen, a student at Multnomah School of the Bible, and one of the team "The King's Ambassa dors," which spent the summer in Germany in Christian work, will speak at the Woodburn Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Nov. 6 at 11 o'clock and also at the 10 o'clock service at the Bethel Presbyterian church. He will give first hand information on the work done by the team in Germany where they worked with a German pas tor at Hamburg in evangelistic work and classes among the German youth. Duerksen, with two others of the team, spoke at the Woodburn church before leaving for Germany last spring. Women Offer Program Hopewell World community service with a program to be given by local women will be observed at the Hopewell United Brethren church beginning at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night. All Musicians Musician Meredith Wilson Imitates a fig urine playing the piccolo, one of 400 miniatures of musicians he assembled at his Beverly Hills home. Photo Service W, Salem, Ore. Ereningi By Appointment I - .... at Penney Friday Night and Saturday SHOP AT PENHiY'S AND SAVE WITH CONFIDENCE MEN'S CASUAL SHOES MEN, HERE ISA REAL BUY! SLIP-ON CASUAL IN BROWN SIZES 6 TO 11 DOWNSTAIRS STORE WOMEN'S SATIN RAINCOATS JUST ARRIVED! HURRY IN TO SEE THESE FULL SATIN COAT WITH BRIGHT PLAID HOOD, CUFFS BLACK, BLUE, SIZES 10 TO 18 SECOND FLOOR MEN'S "MARTHON" HATS REAL FUR FELTS A VALUE! BIG SELECTION OF POPULAR STYLES ALL SIZES! MAIN FLOOR Oue They Go-WOMEN'S SHOES BROKEN LOTS ODD SIZES MAKE POSSIBLE THIS BARGAIN BUY! PUMPS, STRAPS, SUEDES, KIDS, CALFS DOWNSTAIRS STORE TODDLER'S CHENILLE ROBES PIN POINT COTTON CHENILLE MADE JUST LIKE MOTHER'S IN BEAUTIFUL PASTEL COLORS SECOND FLOOR Men's 'Topflight' DRESS SHIRTS NUCRAFT COLLAR FOR STYLE, COMFORT IN PLAIN COLORS, STRIPES, WHITES NOVELTY PATTERNS ALL SIZES MAIN FLOOR MULTICOLOR CHENILLE RUGS "FASHION MANOR" FAMOUS BRAND IN FINE WAFFLE-WEAVE CHENILLE SIZE 24x36, RED, BLUE, GREEN, WHITE, CREAM DOWNSTAIRS STORE Boy's 'Personalized' Polo SHIRTS PERSONALIZED WITH YOUR OWN NAME WHILE YOU WAIT A HIT WITH THE KIDS! NICE SELECTION OF PATTERNS MAIN FLOOR MARY ESTHER FINE QUALITY CANDY 1 LB. BOX CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES 59c 2 LB. BOX MARY ESTHER CHOICE MINIATURES 1 .39 5 LB. BOX ASSORTED MARY ESTHER CHOCOLATES 2.59 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS CINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS WIDE SELECTION OF PATTERNS SIZES BELIEVE US, THESE ARE FINE SUITS! MAIN FLOOR PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. - Capital Journal, Salem, Or.. CuP Thursday, Nov. 3, 1949 21 SALEM. OREGON 5.00 10-90 3, 1. I. 198 1 $35 98 99 98 .98 89c