Capital Journal, Salem, Ore- Thrlar. Nov. S, HI IS aw uii tne uov i or ine U. j. ondon U.R All you have to do in Britain todav to be a stic kful comic is tell a Joke about the socialist nnmmi . ,u ited States. The British always have been ready to laugh at their leaders it no government in its history has been the butt of n m.n LMJ fees on the stage, the screen. hid even the nationalized radio1 this one. In radio there is reportedly iome mild censorship to ensure that jokes about cabinet mem- Iers or party leaders are funny nd not vicious. But the wraps re off in the music halls. ' The United States is getting slight roasting as the home of e elusive dollar, which all Bri- Inns agree is tne cause of all Iheir trouble. i Vhat British Laugh at Now I'm glad to be here," crack- d Charlie Chester, British comic from the stage of the Palladium theater where Danny Kaye and ther American stars frequently ppear. Of course, I wrote a ktter to the American consul sking permission." Having dumped his audience n the aisles with that one, Ches ct continued: It the streets were paved with told, we'd need dollars to buy pickaxes. K ' ' nihor aaa that haui tilillalaW (Critons these days of economic risis include: J Radio comic (in mock com- jnenuuor siyie; ivtv me Jriays when Britain stood alone kind oh how she could' stand a lioan loaay. Straight man charging on stage I . . W U nnnin I. .. . , ! . 1 "St. George for England." Comic "Everything else for export." Then there is the story about Churchill arising in a bus to give his seat to Mrs. Attlee, wife of the prime minister. Thank you," says Mrs. Attlee. Don't mention it," murmurs Churchill, "I hope your husband will do the same for me very soon." A west end comic drew a howl when he told his audience: I've just been listening to Churchill's speech. He'd never get away with it if Attlee were alive." Comic Ted Ray discusses with his radio wife a new electrical gadget to make morning tea automatically: 'I wish we had something to make it unnecessary to prepare eggs and bacon too, says his wife. "We have," snaps Ted Strachey" (food minister). From a current show: 'Where is the capital of Rus sia?" . . "Moscow." "And the capital of France?" "Paris." "And the capital of England?" "In the United States." Union Oil Earnings In 9 Months High Earnings of the Union Oil company of California for the nine months ending September 30, amounted to $15,885,573, ac cording to word received in Sa lem Thursday. These earnings are equivalent to $3.25 per common share, based on the number of shares outstanding at the end of the quarter. Earnings for the cor- For FRIDAY and SATURDAY EMPEROR GRAPES 2 -19c Laic variety. Red, sweet ono juicy. PINK GRAPEFRUIT 2 25c You'll want nrni or theit for your fresh fruit salods, RED YAMS 3 25c U. $. No. 1 quality from California. Priced to or you money. POTATOES 25 1 U. S. No. 1 Oregon Deschutes. BROCCOLI 15c y Frosh green flowers, vitamin l V -w - I Enroute Vice Admiral For rest P. Sherman, USN, stretches his legs during a brief stopover at Boston, Mass., on flying trip from his Mediterranean naval com mand to Washington to suc ceed ousted Admiral Louis E. Denfeld as chief of naval op erations. (AP Wirephoto.) responding period of 1948 amounted to $23,493,986 or $4.88 per share. Total income on the company for the nine months totaled $153,866,266 as compared to S156, 399,186 in the same period last year. Great-Grandmother at 54 Oxford, Mass. U.R) At the age of 54, Mrs. Ida Lowe is a great-grandmother. Her 21-year- old granddaughter, Mrs. Bar bara Jackson, has just given birth to a son. FRESH! T-A-S-T-Y! ECONOMICAL! 33 r sit for... stays frsli lonoatr FRESHER GROCER'S! filled. raSIiEEE m fESSM 1 KOCKM. WE ARE PROUD N.o 303 con S'siwrV' Yoa'U find only strictly fancy packs under the Elsinore label. This rich, tasty, creamy mix ture compares with the finest. Enjoy Its sweet natural flavor. No. 303 cans Every whole kernel has that sweet without the cob. This year's pack is NIAGARA the amazing nw COLD WATER STARCH 17c PKS. lc DEAL Buy GLIM at regular price Get con BABO 33c lc 34c BOTH FOR ... If you haven't tried Glim for dishes take advantage of this special offer. SAVE EVERY DAY AT IGA STORES Highland Market SO Hifhland Ave. , Broadway Grocery Brdwy, ft Mkt.-Open Sandsj Scio Food Market Seio, Oregon Quality Food Mkt. 17 th and Center Carter's Market ntn and Market St. State Street Market 1139 Stat SL Lemmons Market J9i Ko. Coml. HIGHLAND 800 Highland Ave, TO PRESENT THESE BRANDS -RICH IN FLAVOR - ELSINORE CREAM 15c 12 cans ELSINORE 15t 12 cans tender garden fresh corn flavor. Its the finest In years. Special Low, SPRY SHORTENING 3 lb, can FLOUR ISA ENRICHED 50 lb. bog KARO SYRUP IGA PUMPKIN CHILI SAUCE IGA JELL-IT Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore, Open Sunday Pearson's Food Mkt. X94 No. Commercial Model Food Market 115 North Hirb St, Central Cash Market Monmouth, Orefoo Ronner's Grocery Genrais, Oretso Equall's Grocery H oodburn, Oregoa Independence Food Market Independence, Orefsai FOOD MARKET Salem CORN 1J5 CORN 1.75 corn on the cob No. t can quality at Low Saving Prices BLUE LABEL Ti lbs. 3 2 No. 2i eon ELSINORE 12 oz. bortfe Assorted Flavors Pks Tender PKG. 16 Count Tea Saga , , , , , 1Q C IVORY SOAP 2 i IVORY SOAP 3 CAMAY SOAP 3 CAMAY SOAP 2 SPIC AND SPAN DUZE". Thi progressive and popular market ha adopted the IGA policy of Everyday Low Prirff and have this to y; "Com in and ihop. You will enjoy trading with Bert, Cert, Bunny, Krwin nd lad. Just common lolka wiJh a world at expe rience in handling foodi far your table. Bert, the meat man with IS year experience in the meat business and Krwin with 17 years experience in fruits and vegelahlf are constantly striving to give you the finest quality fresh foods the market affords, at saving prices. We are not the biggest siore in town but what we Jack in siie we mk up tit rourtcay, free delivery and lower prices. This i our slogan, "If you are satisfied here, tell your friends. If not, tell us " TASTY PAK 13c cans No, 303 Just shade next to RMnore quality yet with a rirh flavor that you'll enjoy, ft an your money and satisfies. Buy a supply! TASTY PAK No. 2 cans 14c contains ax. more than the Jtl ron. Aai the Tasty Pak label rives yaw the a saving price. Try (hi whole kernel corn and yen'M agree W suits He taste. 79c $3.69 19c te - 25c 25c 5c lor for 4$ilVH hah TIASPOONf Leaf m nm Pkj. 4t Count f p Tea Bagi DC large 27c 25c 23c 23c 25c 28c Sort , Medium Bart . . . '. Bath Sort PKG. RICH IN ENERGY CORN CREAM STYLE 12 cans CORN WHOLE KERNEL 12 cans 1.65 1949 De! Monfe- 'V rvw w w w-wife WiNltRS COMING! TIME TO STOCK UP WITH DEL MONTE'S SUMMER FLAVOR CANNED FOODS, LOOK FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE TAGS AND DISPLAYS. 7 ,.VT. H&jtl 6,or85e HALEY'S MEAT BALLS with 13 01. ft c TOMATO SAUCE , . con 4" SPAGHETTI and lii,nr( MEAT BALLS .... can I J VEGETABLE 29 o. BEEF STEW. .... .can DRIED FRUITS for sn sbundsnco of daily vitsmtm and mincroft. Ecsnstnicel, too. APRICOTS New mp, ufr-ripe ....... lb. pk. PEACHES RAISINS New nop. Tarty Fa .... M PRUNES New trmp. Itrce. Tat Pah, t-lb, sisf. 1.49 39 47c . 31c 29c s I. kf. 39c i