folk County Tax Statements Are Found to Contain Error Dallas, Nov. 3 All Polk county property taxpayer! are due fr a 8-8 mill "bonus" on their 1949-50 taxei because of an error ade in the office of Ed C. Dunn, assessor, which caused the tax 11 to be $108,000 too much. The mltsake was made in computing millage levy for countv hid state purposes ana tnus ev a Vinci m b-y properly taxpayer in me Lunty is affected. All tax state- ents have been mailed, and ,er $50,000 in tax payments ad been received at the office Sheriff T. B. Hooker before auditing firm noted the er- fer. County officials, when inform- Id of the mistake, held a con ference and decided that the lieriff and his deputies will jorrect the statements as they are presented at the office for ayment. rnis win entail con derable detail work and slow ie process of collection during be rush period before Novem ber 15, deadline for rebate on ryments. Those who have already paid thrill receive refunds through the bail after the statements have been re-figured. Checks will either be issued through the sher- office or through Tracy Itaats, county treasurer. Tn Dalian, the tntal mltlnM If levy was figured on the asses- If tor s tax summary at 101.3 mills I i Deducting the error, it actually amounts to 94.3 mills. Similar re ductions are in order in all dis tricts of the county. In Dallas, fhe mistake thus means about a per cent reduction in taxes (pther taxpayers can figure their tefunds on the basis of $6.80 per 1,000 property valuation, I Assessor Dunn issued a state- bent saying: "I wish to state! that the error was made by my office. One levy was run at a (ate of 8.8 mills higher than it hould have been. I am making this statement in order that no undue criticism may be directed it Hooker's office. The differ ence is now being deducted from each statement as it is paid at the tax window. 1 During the past three years, errors appear to have "jinxed1 the assessor's office. On the i 947-48 roll an offset from in-1 :ome tax funds was not taken nto consideration in compiling he levy for the county school fund. As a result, the roll was $65,141 overstated, and it was Necessary to mail refunds to -nearly every taxpayer in the county. i ,. .. j wnne tne 1U4H-5U roll was Being prepared, a large quantity of statements were prepared on ' J948-49 statement forms, and it ilwas necessary for the office to do hem over on this year's forms, Dunn pointed out that asses sors all over the state are hav- jing similar troubles due to lack jof sufficient and experienced ' jhelp. He stated that the attorney j general's office told him that jfour other counties had found isimilar orrnm this vmp Tho tax job becomes of increasing complexity each year, but little additional help is provided and deadlines remain the same. Lyle Bayne, or Mrs. Virgil Sexton. The Judging will begin at 12 noon on Saturday and the show will open to the public at 2:00 o'clock p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Arrangements may then be services committee on Mr. Tru taken out. 1 man's nomination of him to be Chrysanthemum Show Plans Are Completed Salem Heights The Little Garden club of Salem Heights has scheduled their annual chrysanthemum show for No vember 5 and 6 at the Salem Heights Community hall on Li berty road. There are 23 garden clubs that will partciipate in the show, and anyone wishing to enter individ ually is asked to contact Mrs. ACKLIN'S B00TERY 105 North High lasting quality in tvtry detail Beautifully feminine shoes give jrou inch s lift! And luting Vitality quility mrtns comfort ...lovely Vitality styling mans compliments 1 Come, choose, yours today! J1095.J1195.J129J frankly feminine SHOES Semi Wallgern Sworn info Power Commission Washington. Nov. 3 UJ Mon C. Wallgren, former governor of the state of Washington and close friend of President Tru. man, was sworn in today as the fifth member of the federal power commission. The oath was administered to the former governor, U.S. sena tor and congressman by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson. The 58-year-old Wallgren who was turned down earlier this year by the senate armed chairman of the national secur ity resources board, will get $15, 000 a year as a member of the power commission. The resources board Job would have paid $14,000. Nominated to the power post on Oct. 18, Wallgren was con firmed by the senate the fol lowing day. He succeeds Ice land Olds, who was rejected for another term by the senate. Like Olds. Wallgren is an ad vocate of public power. Nut bread, made with pecans and walnuts, takes to cottage or cream cheese filling when it is used for sandwiches. Add chop ped prunes or raisins to the cheese and flavor with a little grated orange or lemon rind. Announces Plan To Revive CCC "valuable work which has been neglected during the war and postwar years." Primarily, she said, she would like to revive the CCC camps to u ., w I ; SaltLake City NOV.3 0JB Aj-d ... boys -. new purpose in life as well as Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. S, 1949 11 plan for modified revivial of the depression-born civilian conser vation corps" was announced to day by Rep. Reva Beck Bosone, D Utah. Utah's first woman member of congress said her CCC pro gram would be presented when the house of representatives re convenes in January. Mrs. Bosone would make the program open to youths 17 to 23. She estimated costs at $2,000 a year for each boy, but said this would be more than paid for in greatly improving their health. Nothing Down Fa Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shadet r-al.t .1. ViUh MIbi ELMER, Tho Blind Man Call anytime for Frr Estimate Phone 1-1321 1453 RufO St. West Salem We (ire 8 H Green Stamps I I rar W MM BIWfMliram Uso Copitol Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. w wiiiiii sSNNV 9 I 'I. aaBm. 11' V i, vJ A ' "V""V MfZZr Five 'I in. again!! Whole or FULL Halt that Ham" means genuine eastern corn-fed, sugar-cured the kind of ham that literally melts in your mouth the kind Safeway customers raved about during our last big Ham Sale. ... Brands? Yes, these are all famous-name brands that spell Q-U-A-L-I-T-Yl .... Be sure to get yours today! JU When you buy half ham at Safeway you fat a convenient locations 212ft N. Fairgrounds Rd. 245 Court St. 1420 State St.' 0?; a. rnmmerelil 1'?o v For the convenience of out-of-town md late shoppers Safeway stores at 2120 N. Fairgrounds Rd. and 1420 State St. will be open until 8:00 P. M. FULL half NOT AN END I This means you get your FULL MEASURE of the choice center part for slicing...-.-. This is another good example of how you get full value In Safeway meat. Corn "'")'' p Green Giant Peas Meat Balls 12-os. can f 3 No. 30) can 21 C 14-ot. can 39 SPRY re.,' 79 Apple Juice Howl fw Apple Cider Tomato Juice W 04,w Our 20e Gallon 59c No. 2 can J 2 BLENDED JUICE Bland O'Gold 46-ox. Orange and Grapefruit Con 35c American Cheese '" " 95 Seedless Raisins c;" 2 lb- ' 89 Fruit Cake Mix w- -i"45 OTHER MEAT SECTION FEATURES Pot Roasts Blade Cuts lb. 55 Pure Ground Beef lb. 39e Pork Should. Roast lb. 45c Pork Loin Chops lb.69e Pork Roast Loin End lb. 59' Pork Steak Shoulder lb. 55 Pork Sausage lb. 49e Swift Bawn Salmon Steaks lb. 59c Halibut Steaks lb. 45' Fresh Oysters pint 69' STANDARD SLICED BACON 49e Lb. ROUND STEAKS Grade "Good" Grade "Comm." Lb. 79' ib. 75' T-BONE STEAKS Grade "Good Grade "Comm." Lb. 98' Lb. 85' Safeway featuret OVEN-READY TURKEYS Better than aver this year! No bother) . . . Waste-free I ... Ready to cook T69e Ttt"5 Order Your Thanksgiving Turkey Nowl PAN-READY FRYERS fancf, mtety birdtl lb. 69' PAN-READ? STEWERS, for cAcfo ' dympit'i CHEESES 49 Sold mMandOQkhn frof ROM Libby's Corned BEEF 45c 12-ox. tin Santiam Fancy Cut Green Beans Northwott poop It uy Sontlem leont . .k. bt ..... No 2 can 10-LB. SACK 79c Pitted Dates Otomr, Dried Prunes " Chocolate Chips ' Vi-n. pig. 25e i-lb. pie. 43 c 1. Pk9. 19c TUNA STAR-KIST Fancy Solid Pack No. Vi Can 33c PORTER'S FRIL-LETS Noodles Special! Dalewood Margarine Rice Krispies Playfair Dog Food Soda Crackers nr tak,n Peanut Butter Nu-Made Mayonnaise Zee Toilet Tissue White Magic Soap White Magic Soap Old English Red Polish per. Ib. 23c pfo. 19c 3 MM 15 Mb. boa 45c 'rib. r 59a Knt ar JO 4 rolls 29c ii-oi. pi,. 26e 44-om. plo. 51c , 24s. J5c dwUidA Coffee Is Good Coffee lecauM only trie Ki9h.1t gradt f Coffee b vttd in the bland - bacamo It's always frxlil 57c $1.13 BEA N New Crop four Chofca: laroa Whit., Sm.ll Whit., Idaho jl of pin. LBS. Mb. Can HILLS M. J. 8., Folg.r'i, Maxwell Housa and Chata 4 Sanborn Coffees, Lb. Con 59c AIRWAY COFFEE Mild, mellow blend. In.ip.n. slva ppf baf. Peter Pan Peanut Butter Lb. 49c j.Lb 97c SAFEWAY'S GAUD EN-FRESH PRODUCE CRANBERRIES BRIGHT RED NICE'N PLUMP 1 -LB. CELLO 19c Fresh Dates Table Grapes Green Cabbage Cauliflower Ib. 29c 2 lbs. 25c Ib. 3c Ib. 12c Tomatoes, 14-oz, tube 19c Celery, top quality, Ib. 7c No. 1 Potatoes 10-lb sk 49c Sweet Potatoes 2 lbs. 25c Smooth, Colorful YAMS Serve with Hams LB. 10c Morblehead and Hubbard SQUASH LB. 3C BANANAS Golden Ripe LB. 15c AT THEIR BEST-SERVE 'EM OFTEN Luscious, Crisp WINESAP 4- 25c -1 it Red DELICI0US,.25C ..2W ORTLEYS 4- 25c 1" REDR0MES2.15V. 2" 12-et. Jar 29 GERBER'S BABY FOODS 323c Strained Cant This Ad Is for FRIDAY, SATURDAY, N0V.4.S DEL-RICH Margarine Lb 31 In tne t-Z Color pal pacta? PALMOUVE Bath Size Soap Bar It 4