Chennault Thinks Still Is Hope to Defeat China Reds (Editor's Note: TIM f oinmunlsts hevs overrun Three-fourifiJ of Chins sod sre confidently predlrttnc esrlr --llberstton"' of the rrmslnder. But Msl. Om clslre ChennsuU. one ot live iineclcens who knows Chins best, ssys the country sua cso be ssved root lb communist. Ill lbs iDllowlBt dlspswn, he luilub now.l Br ARTHUR M. GOl'L ( (United Press atstf Correspondent) Horn Kontf. Nov. 2 W.PJ An American who helped save na tionalist China from the Japanese thinks it still can be saved ' production season. Where 48 Died Members of a search party examine the shattered debris of the Air France Constellation plane which plunged into a mountain at St. Michaels, The Azores. 48 per sons, including Marcel Cerdan, French boxer, were killed. (Acme Telephoto). Four Corners Friends Speed Mrs. Terch on Trip South Four Corners Nov. 2 Honoring Mrs. Lawrence Terch, who is moving to Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. Frank Tullius, 3740 LaBranche avenue, was hostess to a group of friends bidding the honor guest "good bye" and presenting her with a handkerchief shower Those present were Mrs. J. H. Igleheart, Mrs.. Charles Warren, vfrs. Mabel Pearson, Mrs. C.C. ( Morris, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mrs, Robert Baker, Mrs. Waldo Mil ler, Mrs. Kenneth La Branche, Mrs. Arthur Ring, Mrs. Stanley Homewood. Bobby, Eileen, Elton and Billy Beaty, children of Mrs. Gladys Beaty, were hosts to a gather ing of their small friends. Cos tumes and decorations were predominantly witches and gob lins variety. Greeting their hosts' were Arlita and Richard Woelk William and Jeanie Schuck, Richard Davis, Darrell Nichol son, Gary and Eric Pederson, Tony Canine. Kenneth Brant, Sherrill White, Lee Cook, Eu nice Chapman, Janice Shrake. Sharon Eggleston, Sandra and Arlene Maas. Marsha, Richard and Ronald Lee, children of. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lee, E. State St., were hosts to a large group of their schoolmates when the goblins and witches costumes were in vogue. Coming to greet the hosts were David Larsen, Gary and Eric Pederson, Betty and Fay Futrell, Barbara, Dick and Barry Force, Leta, Garnet and Aaron Thayer, Linda Chapman George and Helen Allenby, Paul Schaberg, Margo and Susie Wing, Ronald Russell, Tinker Fox, Judy, Patsy and Larry Etzel. .. Vnffian iiii'Ti lirSami Truman Signs New Farm Bill Washington, Nov. 2 M"i The compromise farm bill of the 81st congress became the law of the land yesterday for at least one Agriculture Brannan .aid they j Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Not. 1, 1949 & fe-Yt mur. Mr Ttumsri la. a tmir-V in favor of the Brannan proposal iin th White House attitude;, as ever. The president has giv-t haven't been informed," these en it warm endorsement on sv-!0fticiais sajd. -vie feel certain ctat occasions. hat vt. Wl)ud have been told It "H there has been any chanitetthere were." Accused The Chinese com munists accused U. S. Consul General Angus Ward (above) and other members of the Mukden consulate of beating a Chines workman and de clared they must answer to a communist "people's court." (AP Wirephoto) from the communists but only with quick American help. This is the last few minutes of the eleventh hour, Maj. Gen. Claire Chennault said, "ft American aid is not implemented quickly, it wilt be too late." Chennault has retired irom the U.S. army and no longer has any say in framing American policy in China. But as an "old China hand" who helped stem the Japanese advances with his Flying Tigers, he thinks two things should be done immedi ately if the Red tide is to be halted: 1. Send a U.S. military mis sion under Gen. Albert C. Wede- meyer to nationalist China to train and give technical assist ance to uninese nationalists in the same way another Ameri can military mission is aiding Greece. 2. Recruit an international air force patterned after the old Flying Tigers. Chennault said a military mis sion would require 1,000 men at the start and twice that number when it became fully operative. He said it should be free of the severe restrictions whicn nam- strung the former Joint U.S. military advisory group in China. The international air force should include flyers of other nationalities as well as Ameri cans and could be recruited from among 8,000 airmen who have volunteered to join any revived Flying Tiger group, Chennault said. He said 500 foreigners should form the flying nucleus of the air force. Some 2,500 Chinese would be needed for service units. Chennault suggested that the I international group act as a tac tical air force to supplement strategic units of the national ist air force. He estimated that this two point program would cost about $200,000,000 a year. Not only did he doubt that it would wor sen American-Russian relations, but he said he thought it the best means to prevent another World war. Tests Show Naughty Child May Be Sick Los Angeles VP) Some child ren who seem to be "just natur ally naughty," may actually be ill, says Dr. Nicholas A. Bercel. He reached this conclusion after diagnosing brain wave patterns of child patients at the Cedars of Lebanon hospital here. "Out of every hundred behav ior disorders, brain abnormali ties are found in about half," he said. "Measles, whooping cough and occasionally influenza can produce brain inflammation which, may manifest itself in spells of abnormal behavior." Dr. Bercel does his detective work with an electroencephalo graph, a machine which records the tiny electrical impulses gen erated in the brain. As a typical example, he cited the case of a boy who experi enced extreme fatigue, weeping spells and aggressive temper tantrums. Teachers said the boy rvas apparently bright, but he stubbornly refused to study. Brain diagnosis disclosed that he was suffering from petit mal, a form of epilepsy. The first visitors to Yellow stone park were not believed when they told of the phenome na there, according to the En cyclopaedia Britannica. Sproul Talks On Communism San Francisco, Nov. 2 W) The struggle between commu nism and democracy is not a debate; it Is a war. Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul. president of the University of California, emphasized this Tues day in an address before the general session of the Ameri can Bankers association conven tion. Lashing out at advocates of totalitarianism in any form. Dr. Sproul declared: "Why should our institutions otter hospitality to those who use a false and brutal hope to pursuade the young and guilli- ble to sign away their birth right?" American business "is having another tremendous year in 1949,"Secretary of the Treas ury Snyder told the convention. The cabinet officer, address ing the first general session, professed no fear of the coal and steel strike clouds in the eco nomic sky. Bankers from 44 states were honored at the general session for their service to agriculture when their state associations re-' ceived the ABA agricultural commission's 1,000-point rating awards. Presentation of awards was made by Charles T. O'Neill, com mission chairman, of Charlot tesville, Va. O'Neill particularly cited the Oregon Bankers association for having received the rating for 20 consecutive years. Oregon, first state to achieve such a record, was presented a special certificate. President Truman put his sig nature on the measure late yes terday. He thereby tossed the so-called Aiken law of the re publicans' 80th congress into the wastebasket beore it had a chance to go into ettect. But the new measure which permits continuation ot larm price supports at or near war time levels was not necessarily assured ot a long life span. To the surprise of some politi cal and larm circles, the presi dent made no statement in con nection with the signing. Persons in their quarters had expected him to use the occa sion to say in effect that the new law is better than the GOP measure, but that he still want ed the so-called Brannan plan. Those close to Secretary of We feature Rust-Croft greeting, cords, A beautiful card for ony and every occasion. for oversea! moiling and tmorr shopping our Christmas Cards art available. rMZaTKCO'C 5c to $1.00 237 North Liberty Open Friday 'tiJ 9 Win a Prize Listen to K0CO Mon. thru Fri., 6:45 p.m. If Stuffy tkse opals Sleep Taniaht 9 99 A little Va-tro-nol in each nosUU quickly opens ut nasal passages to relieve stulty transient congestion. Invites rest iul sleep. Relieves ntf ily, T.e7 distress of head colds. Follow direc tion in tiie package. Try it) VICKS VA-TRO-NOL aaennnnnaaan J MAOi tr CAHDINC7 Hubert el tAFfil SAS Tn answers to eversdav uuursnce problems By SID BOISE QCESTtaST: tn a. recent ctis cussion ot various types ot in surance covering damage and thelt of things like jewelry, furs and luggage, one ot our friends with some insurance experience kept comparing; "regular" lire and thelt poli cies with what lit called "lloaters." Can you tell m what difference there is, be tween these policies? A.VSWER; There i a bash difference in these two kinds of insurance, 3nder H "Tegu lar" policy, the tnsurtmce company states the various types ot loss lor which it will pay and it is not liable for losses not specifically men tioned in the policy. In. the "floater" the company is liable in all losses not specifically excluded by the policy. Any good insurance agent can tell you which is best in your in dividual case. sncs questions to this office, welt trj to tire jreu the correct aaewere end there will be Be ehsrge es- ebU (stlon of sny Vmk. I ttnumuKM. ITS N. Church fhon. SOUS Brprftsentloj GBf! H Sm.rir Ce'B. Mass Blood Donation For 4 Year Old Girl New York, Nov. 2 VP) A massi blood donation arranged by an amateur football team of war veterans was given yesterday for a 4-year-old girl. The girl, Randy Farbman of Brooklyn, has leukemia and needs repeated transfusions. The Bay Bridge Rockets team heard about her condition and arranged with a blood center for a donation of 40 pints of blood tVtVtB PAY MORE? lcf ACCtFI LESS? . DULL! DARK! GLOOMY! Depressing- words aren't they? Can you apply Utem to your HOME? ... OR OFFICE? If so. brlxhten up'. Lighten up! Consult Salem's own LIGHTING EN GINEER'S SERVICE . . SALEM LIGHTING AI APPLIANCE COMPANY for a sur vey of present, lighting, farouts for modern, IMPROVED lijhtlnr plana WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION'. Dial 3-9412 . . . today! Vf. ; 3 l 3 f to a 3 n? It "The Willamette" RCA VICTOR RECORDS New Releases en 45 r.p.m. ".TOLSCN SINGS AGAIN" RCA Victor Artists WP-J5 1.41 "OH YOU BEAUTIFUL DOLL" Tony Martin and Pied Pipers WP-252 2.42 SQUARE DANCES Pee Wee King and Orch. WP-25 2.42 ROY ROOEFS ROUND-UP Roy Rogers Sings WP-353 149 Also Many Single Available nnnmsut - a . is Corner State and High Downstairs. Oregon Bldf. Dial 3-8631 Oaea rrUer Mills Tl f A SENSE OF FAIR PLAY is deeply rooted in Americans. In baseball, football or any sport, the slightest tinge of unfair ness can ruin a team or a player. This sense of fairness also extends into business and politics. However, sometimes when our emotions overcome our reason, we forget to be fair. For instance, if "Freedom means government by consent of the governed" any far reaching changes, such as sug gested in Compulsory Health Tax Bills, these facts should be considered: Surveys show that the vast majority of our people do not want Federal control of medi cal service, schools or church es; the vast majority of our Doctors want no Federalized controls, to hamper them in service to their patients; great numbers of our people closely ally their religious beliefs with the handling of their own per sonal health, and should cer tainly not be compelled to "buy" a service they would not use. American sense of fair play says: Allow no minority pres sure groups to force through legislation that IGNORES these facts. Capital Drug Store State 4 Liberty "On the Corner" ifrs By SUMMER - WIINTim The World's Newest Mattress Idea, plus a Carload Bargain Price! TV I f 1 year. Hos hoir upholstery on one side .jj5a S 'Jsp-. for coolness and wool upholstery on ! "- -Sg "t'iSj lS the other side for warmth. Perfect & ssjSj,.'", '.f m for persons who need firm support Bc L ""' fcte-. k ) $ it keeps you sleeping on the level. 1 ' s -eaSmBas. A Regular 49.50 Votu 'ZjJ'Sw 'IS''l Exclusively in Salem a 1 Lp ilslslslsfcie2 m. R. I. tlfstrom Co. CONVENIENT TERMS ' Pay Out of Income &&&& THS OTHER fAfURS? Simmon Three Star Vrushprooi YloTnr-T. The amaxina nv hMdrt with hi, thick tnnr toll ot felt that cushions yon acainst the fmroV r coif. You esn sit on the msttrets edge all you want and M nil) not sax. Brautihit, heavy, lon Wfarinj tovw, -MtrialW M-ttrttd Inr w nWr. halt upholstery. Precision amembled Initersprlnt toll unit. Colli are made of trmpered ateel and are Simmons Top Quality. ilanniM Inr eavr Iwrnlna. Ventilator t inhale. tefrehtti(u cfeaa air. Precision button tolling to keep uphol aler.T in place and assure amoolh level teeptng surlare. OA A