PO G Ch pris ablt T up i tie 1 W war mr Am I thro wa by tow D on prir gior aort han clal new drei S and W "l yea: con liH $25 acn d i day B d. F a n C m 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday. Nov. 2, 1949 Can She Make Hot Breads? Time Out for Glamour Steps Toward Healthful Winter .vv i f rCJ v i wt J! mamimdmemSmiaii eMmjt&tittmmimmtm m mm . m i to mi m l mm al I Bride's Cornsticks She'll be prepared when he asks for hot breads. i A surprise easy-to-make dish lor the bride. This Is the time of the year; too much of the scent in your; shell when you need to rest, relax and add apple pulp, butter or mar-l garine, and cream. Season to taste- with salt and heat until fluffy. Pile apple-sweet pota to mixture lightly into apple Place in shallow pan sllcei lightly with roquef on. i the center of the ring may fca creamed cottage or cream j filled with cheese to which cheese. Stack apple rings ini chopped nut mean or chives layers, allowing three layers to have been added. Serve with each individual salad. If desired, mayonnaise or French dressing. fragrances suggest that only a few drops be used, and it is bet ter to follow directions. fineapple Biscuiti AP NewtfCftturrf Maybe friend husband just lots the words slip out carelessly when he asks his bride if she can make hot breads. But if he's from the South and maybe ev en from the North he might be In dead earnest! Here are two recipes to test a bride's skill the cornsticks are easy, the pine apple biscuits take a little more "do." Bride's Cornsticks Ingredients: 3 tablespo ons shortening, Vt cup sugar, 1 egg, l'i cups milk, 1 cup ready-to-eat bran, cup cornmeal, 1 i cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 hi teaspoons bak lng powder. Method: Cream the shortening and sugar together thoroughly; add the egg and beat until crea my. Add the milk, bran, and cornmeal. Let soak until most of the moisture is taken up. Mix and sift the flour and baking power together; add to the first mixture and stir only until dry ingredients are moistened. Fill greased cornstick molds and bake In a moderately hot (400 dpgree) oven for about 30 min utes. Makes 16 cornsticks. Note: Leftover cornsticks may be closed tight in a brown paper bag and reheated in a hot oven; or they may be split and toasted. Pineapple Biscuits Ingredients: 'k cup ready-to- eat bran, 'h cup milk, 1 Vi cups sifted all-purpose flour, 3 tea soons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, Vii cup shortening, melted butter, '4 cup well-drained crushed pineapple, ' cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Method: Put the bran and milk in a small bowl and let soak. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Cut in short ening thoroughly; add the soak ed bran and stir until dough forms. Turn out on a floured board or pastry cloth and knead lightly a few seconds; roll Into rectangle 8x11 Inches and t inch thick. Brush lightly with melted butter and sprinkle with mixture of pineapple, sugar, and cinnamon. Roll up like a Jelly roll and cut in slices. Place cut side down In buttered muffin 0 fifkfMi IT'S THE P6BS f for driving down highways; F or driving down fairways. Here's iust lh hat for it-Dobbi Jolly Rounder. From its lip or-down brim to its casual crow? it's got styl Ind distinction i plcnty? Soft suede finish . . . smirt barrow self band. It all adds up to a hatful of livrlinri. $15.00 Other Dobbi, $8.00 to $20.00 THE MAN'S SHOP "The Store Of Style, Qualify & Value" MOXLEY & HUNTINGTON 416 State St. Salem, Ore. pans and make in a hot (4S0 de gree) oven for about 18 minutes. Makes 12 biscuits. Use condensed mushroom soup for a sauce for tuna fish; turn into ramekins, top with grated cheese and heat in a moderate oven. Serve with spinach and egg salad for a luncheon dish. bathe often for a healthful winter to come. Unfortunately fall also ushers In the social season, with consequent late hours and neg lect of beauty. Somehow the little girl who likes to dance and keep late hours often is too laiy to draw F K. I I a bath when she gets home. f Of INQTIOnQI shampoos get to be few and far between. Hair is not before going to bed. In ing perhaps she Is too sleepy to press that skirt, she is tempt ed to wear unwashed stockings for the second time, and scuffed shoes are donned without thought of a shoe shine. Few career girls can follow the secret of an English lady who at 84 looked much younger than her years, because she spent one day every week in bed In a darkened room. That was the beauty treatment that kept her relaxed and pretty. Every girl should be able to afford one day each month. however, for a beauty plan of this kind On that day, perhaps a Saturday, she would stay in bed until she felt absolutely starved, then have a leisurely brunch. If she felt like it, she could climb back to bed and sitting propped up with a luxur ious batch of pillows behind her, do some beauty chores. This is the day when she can manicure, pedicure and facial to her heart's delight. She can shampoo her hair, sew buttons on dresses, suits and lingerie, write letters, and do all the things that please her. Make your bath a lovely pleas ant thing. Pamper yourself with scented soaps, baths oils and dusting powder. If you are a recent bride, try a "something blue" scent or a "dusty pink' one if you prefer. But pick one that you enjoy yourself. What ever scent you employ should be used sparingly. Bath fragrances usually are light and easy to take. But don't make the mistake of dumping bath water. Most of these bath an(i ,prjnkle with remaining Apple Recipes For National ptnn.cmoriApple Week By CECILY BROWNSTONE (AuocUted Pru Food editor) Because apples are so plenti- p aiiui ana reasonaoie in price, li s a good idea to serve your family this nutritious fruit often. And if you want to pitch In and ob serve National Apple Week, as the United States Department of Agriculture is urging us to do, it's from Oct. 29th to Nov. 5th this year. Apples are a mighty fine dessert crisp and cold from the refrigerator with a hunk of cneaaar cneese DUt tneresl: nothing wrong with fancying ?f) them up either, as suggested in q the following recipes. Sweet Potato Filled Apples Ingredients: 3 large red ap ples' (about 1 pound), Vi cup brown sugar (firmly packed). 3 cups cooked mashed sweet po tatoes, 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons cream, salt (to taste), extra melted but ter of margarine. Method:. Cut apples in half crosswise and remove core and seeds. Sprinkle cavity with V cup of the brown sugar. Place in a shallow pan containing a small amount of water. Cover and bake in a hot (400 F.) oven until almost tender about 10 to 20 mini tes. Scoop out pulp, leaving apple shells about V4 inch thick; reserve the pulp. To hot mashed sweet potatoes cup sugar. Pour a little melted butter or margarine over tops and heat under broiler or In a hot oven until lightly browned. Red Apple Ring Salad Wash,dry, and core crisp red apples. Slice in rings about Vt inch thick. Spread apple ring - " 4 BEST -Hum Is fior Home Popping r V Nunn-Bush Gives You More Money -Saving Months of Smartness I All shoes wear only as long u the leathers from which they re made. But the mount of satisfying urvict differs greatly, depending on the skill and reliability of the maker. Nunn-Bush developed ANKLE -FASHIONING to give you extra money-saving months of smartness ...and impressive heel-hugging comfort which makes Nunn-Bush shoes seem to liu on your feet as you walk. Most Styles 55.95 to $19.93 Edtrtoo Shoes from IV 95 THE MAN'S SHOP "The Store Of Style, Quolity & Volue" MOXLEY A HUNTINGTON 3 1 n MmsniARf r limine or lloimnfiockwett i tsar vsr t sws i Se these heart-worming paintings by America's most beloved illustrator! We think you'll like them. So will the friends to whom you send them I EDWARD WILLIAMS 330 COURT Wonderful, Wonderful Half Price Sale Dorothy Gray Winter Lotions ESTROGENIC HOttMONI IOWON Helps keep face, neck, throat nd haml younger looking. SPECIAL DRY-SKIN LOTION Especially good to soften and soothe dry, rough, or scaly aba. BLUSTERY WEATHER IOTIOM Helps prevent windbura and relieves chapping. limited Time Only! All pricea phis lax) n P III I " I I I I I! l jl Capital Drug Store State ft Liberty "On the Corner" L" J m... r i now ai Pay No Interest or i worrying marges wnne on Layaway! GEVURTI on this Great Christmas Gift 9 C IV"",: T'ViU.:?. '. . . .' I('l!'" "to A r I WM " I JOIN TODAY! Read This EASY PAYMENT Schedule What a Gift! This Beautiful Guaranteed BILTWELL DREAM ROCKER You know the mm. And we know the construction tht tint long.lasting built-in features that make Biltwell the leading value in fine furniture. Let us show you tht "hidden" values in this smartly-styied, extra-comfortablf rocker Then, lay one away for Christmas Day. Set Many Other New Biltwell Rockers with the famous Zephyr Construction... Avail able on Similar Club Plans) PAY NOTHING DOWN... THH SMALL WEEKLY DUiSf 1st Week... .50 9th Week. . 3.00 2nd Week.. 1.00 10th Week.. 3.00 3rd Week .. 1,50 11th Week.. 2.50 4th Week .. 2.00 12th Week.. 2.00 5hWeek .. 2.50 13th Week.. 1.50 6th Week .. 3.00 14th Week.. 1.00 7th Week .. 3.00 15fhWeek.. .45 8h Week -. . 3.00 TOTAL . . $29,95 Kfr- 1 3E5iT fjo tjrjHiTO tfruTT sacST 3 4 1 6 State St. Salem, Ore. tv ,?. c: .... -