PO G Che prii bit T up I tie 1 W wer nav: Am T. thro wa by tow: D on prir glor ort han cial new drai S and Vi rl yea: eon lies. $23 cr d i day d. n Capital Edited by MARIAN mmmmmmmmmmaem 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Spinsters Party Friday To Attract Large Group Attracting a large group on Friday will be the fall benefit of the Salem Spinsters club, dessert to be at 1 o'clock, followed by bridge. The party will be at the American Legion club. Feature of the entertainment will be a group of songs by Mrs, Peter Gunnar (Edith Fairham). Students in Audition Willamette university students will be auditioned this Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock for the new Willamette radio show to be presented soon over KOCO. The tryouti will be held in the Little Theater in Waller hall. Ruane B. Hill, drama instruc tor, has invited all Willamettej students wishing to participate In the shows. Those interested should bring three minutes of prepared material on either an nouncing or dramatics in order to indicate special talents or vo cal qualities. Material may also be supplied at the auditions. No radio or theater background is necessary. Those accepted will be placed on the WU radio casting list. WOMEN of St. John's Luther an guild are to meet Friday at 8 p.m. In the parish house, Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs. Herman persey, Mrs. Fred Middendorf, Mrs. George Pepper to be host esses. Members are to take gifts for the overseas Christmas pack age. Today's Menu (Br u lawUkd Pnwi Company Dinner Fruit Cocktail Chicken Fricassee Steamed Rice Green Peas Watermelon Rind Salad Bowl Hot Rolls Quick Rich Lemon Pie Beverage Quick Rich Lemon Pie Ingredients: Grated rind (about 1 tablespoon) of S lemons, cup lemon Juice, 3 eggs (separ ated), 1 fifteen-ounce can (H4 oupa) oondensed milk, 1 baked 0-lnch pie crust shell, dash of alt, 8 tablespoons sugar. Method: Prepare grated lemon rind and Juice. Beat egg yolks with electric mixer or rotary F beater until very thick and pale a colored; add lemon rind and n Juice and condensed milk and a beat to combine. Pour into cool C baked pi shell. Wash beater b and beat whites with salt until sun enough to stand in straight peaks when beater is slowly withdrawn) add sugar, a table spoon at a time, sprinkling it ov er the entire surfaoe; continue beating until sugar le well Incor porated and whites ar very thick and glossy. Spread over pi filling, sealing meringue to edge of pastry to prevent shrink age and gaps. Bake la a moder ate (IIsT.) oven for about 18 minutes or until meringue Is lightly browned. Cool and ohill before serving. the newest fragrance... Women LOWRf FISCUtB Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1949 The musical program will be "given immediately following the dessert and Just preceding the card games. Final plans for the party were made last evening when the club met at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hadley with Mrs. Rex Adolph and Mrs. George Emigh as co-hostesses. About 25 attend ed, including Mrs. Ralph Under wood (June Young) of McMInn ville. Autumn flowers will be used in decorating for the party and the Thanksgiving motif will be carried out with the tallies. Make Reservations In addition to the list of names given Saturday as mak ing reservations, the following group also have made reserva tions: Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. Fred erick S. Lamport, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. Edwin Viesko, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Robert M. Fltzmaurice, Mrs. R. G. Brady, Sr., Mrs. Sidney Schlesinger, Mrs. M. H. Saffron, Mrs. Rich ard Nelson, Mrs. Robert Gentz kow, Mrs. Fred B. Moxley, Mrs. Charles McElhlnny. Mrs. Robert V. Gormsen, Mrs. William Dunn, Mrs. William Mc Elhinny, Mrs. Lester Pearmlne. Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mrs. E. H. Bogardus, Mrs. Donald Bar nick, Mrs. Roll In W. Haag, Mrs. Robert Dow, Mrs. Esther Ryan, Mrs. Bruce Van WynGarden, Mrs. Roy Ostrin, Mrs. Gordon Krueger, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr.. Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Mrs. James C. Stone, Mrs. Harold Moe, Mrs. r-ranic Turner. Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. George L. Arbuckle, Mrs. C. E. Wagner, Mrs. Duane Gibson. Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mrs. Ira Wintermute, Mrs. Wal lace Hug, Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. J. M. MacGregor, Mrs. Louis Ger linger, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. A. J. Tourtellotte of Port land, Mrs. Clifton Irwin, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Herschel Patton of Port land, Mis Beryl Holt, Mrs. M. P. Duffy. SAN JOSS Stats Collage (Special) J a c k Byers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Byers of 70 Beech avenue, has been giv en the role of the old peasant in the ban Jose State college pro duction of Goethe's "Faust." This play is to be presented on No vember 10, 11, 12, 14 and IS on the college oampus. Jack is a 1040 graduate of Salem high school and is now a freshman majoring In drama. TUB NEIGHBORS of Wood craft Thimble club announces that Its meeting planned for Fri day with Mrs. Charles Weathers is postponed until further notice. MM. 48 at League Luncheon Plans for a dance, tentatively set for Friday, December 18 were discussed by members of the Salem Women's Army and Navy league, Tuesday. The group met for luncheon at Chuck's Steak House, 48 at tending. Informal entertainment followed the luncheon. Next meeting for the group is December 8. Halloween Party event of Monday Miss Miriam Rom was hostess Monday evening to a group of friends for a Halloween "hobo party," given at her Duncan ave nue home. The guests came at tired in hobo costumes. For re freshments "Mulligan stew" was served in hobo style. Entertain ment included games, dancing, and recordings, a scavenger hunt also being staged. Robert Menke won the prize for the most ragged cos tume and Lawrence Hurburger the prize for the most gentle manly hobo costume. Among guests were Misses Carmen Givens, Gladys Zielin ski, Jeanette Waser, Mary Mc Crmick, Theresa Meier, Barbara Albrich, Beverly Pratt, Phyllis Morris and Richard Pierce, Lawrence Hurburger, Robert Menke, George Hermann, Jo seph Schlaugater, Joseph Bar- tosz, Thomas Brennan, Arlie Staabe, Roy Connolly. Stinson-Nelson Wedding Recently An informal wedding cere mony uniting in marriage Miss Coral Louise Nelson and Wil burn E. Stinson was performed in the chapel of St. Paul's Epis copal church in Salem, Saturday evening, Oct. 15, at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. Geo. H. Swift was the officiating clergyman. The bride is the daughter of Wilmer E. Nelson of West Sa lem and Mrs. Gladyce L. Ball ard of Salem Heights. The bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmot Stinson of Brooks, formerly of Los Angeles. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, and was at tractive in a suit of white broca telle with corsage of orchids and small white chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid was Miss Evelyn Killin, of Salem, wearing a rust colored suit. Both carried nose gays of white chrysanthemums. Clifford Evans was best man. The chapel was beautifully decorated with baskets of chry santhemums. A small group of close relatives and friends at tended both ceremony and the reception, which followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mather. Among out-of-town guests were the parents and cousin of the bridegroom; also Mrs. Cora Wilkins of Sandy and Mrs. Louise Nelson of Gresham, grandmothers of the bride. The couple left Immediately to spend their honeymoon in Los Angeles, former home of the bridegroom. They will make their home at 393 E. Madrona street. MRS. C. K. LOGAN Is leaving Thursday morning for Tacoma Wash, to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Hans Haugen. I A ' Xfafeatfe jjwfaifrMfa 4rfiwaBBBaaaaaaBai October Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Don Herrold (Merle Obie) were married October 18. (Bishop-Moderne studio picture). Couple Feted on 50th Anniversary St. Paul More than 200 call ed Sunday afternoon for the golden wedding reception honor ing Mayor and Mrs. Eugene Davidson, the event being in the St. Paul City hall. Mr. Davidson and the former Elizabeth Merten were married October 30 and have lived in St. Paul all the 50 years. For 13 year they lived out of St. Paul on the farm where their son. Earl Davidson and family, reside today. Many out-of-town friends and relatives called Sunday evening, including the couple's grand daughter, Mrs. Elmer Harrold, Mr. Harrold and their son, Steven, of Sacramento; Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones of Red mond. From Portland came Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gooding, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merten, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Owens, Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strohecker, Mrs. Aggie Carter and Douglas, Mr. D. Jette, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fox. Among those from Salem were Judge L. H. McMahan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finney, Mrs. Ella Finney, Mrs. Nellie Hana gan, Mr. and Mrs. Stuffel, Mrs. P. Kretcher. Also there were guests from Woodburn, Gervais, Mt. Angel, Hubbard, Aurora and Newberg. Receiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morris from Van couver, their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl David son. Gene Dnvid Morris and Johnnie Davidson had charge of the guest book. The program in cluded a vocal duet by Tonie and daytime HBoIIO - lit for average aisa lege laaal for large! Tree FV?V4i'l''1' liraiv for slender er small legs . foft.ll, larger legs Ginger Buckley, accompanied by their mother; songs by Al bert O'Mara and Johanna Col man, accompanied by Rose Col man. Autumn leaves and numerous large bouquets of white and gold chrysanthemums decorated the room for the reception. Rebekah Event The F. L. club sponsored a Halloween carnival for the en tertainment of Salem Rebekah lodge on Monday evening. The reception committee for the month of November will bp Mrs. Cora Smith, Mrs. Cora VanPelt, Mrs. Myrtle Walker, Mrs. Elsie Townsend and Mrs. Viny Tucker. Committee in charge of gifts Rose Harlan, Mrs. Wm. Cladeck, Harlan, Mrs. William Cladek, and Mrs. Lawrence McClure. The F. L. club will meet at the home of Miss Sara Way at Aums ville. Next Monday night will bring team practice for the Re ALPHA CHI OMEGA sorority at Willamette university recent ly initiated three new members. A banquet honoring the new members followed the initiation. The new members are Miss Connie Bailey of Piedmont, Calif., Miss Frances Morrison of Marysville, Calif., and Miss Jo anne Vincent of Gresham. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene (Special) Miss Jose phine Caughell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caughell, 240 N. Cottage street, salem, was on a committee for the annual sophomore Whiskerino which was held last week-end on the University of Oregon campus. Miss Caughell is a sophomore major in English literature. or date-time I I 1 I gll.lllII T TorkIng, wooing, mm. i i hopping or samba-ing there's a dVnirr tn Bclle-Sharmeer Stockings that will give you maximum wear with sheerest beauty. We have the right weight for each occasion ... the right shade for each costume . . . all in the BeUe-Sharmrer leg-sli to fit your Irgs, flawlessly. $1.50 to $1.95 laraaxliewra. ra beautiful kt Se aValr abe SSTTMT4kMra, - ' a- Ttair Women Golfers Conclude Year With Stagette Show By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER It was a big day for the Salem Women's Golf association Tues day, featuring a round of golf in the afternoon, presentation of awards and finally the annual stagette dinner and entertainment the last event truly being a show of shows. About 90 assembled for the dinner. Grand climax was the show, special laurels going to Mrs. Ralph Hamilton as manager and her "revue" really, they should give serious consideration to doing the job professionally. It was an occasion to keep those attending laughing for many days to come. Mrs John R. Wood officiat ed as master of ceremonies. First act was a "specialty" by Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr. we can't tell, you'll Just have to ask Clara Belle to do a special performance some day. Next was a deal by Mrs. S. D Wiles and Mrs. Stephen Fou chek something to do with "characters" from south of the border in some of the neatest acting you could see in fact, you had to be told almost that there was a recording doing the singing and chatter, so perfect was the "synchronizing." And then the striking "ballet" num ber, presented by Mrs. Robert Cannon with Mrs. Harry Weid mer at the piano. And the grand finale Maurice Chevalier, If you please, (Mrs. Louis Gerlin ger) and a chorus of 12 "maids" representing the 12 months of the year and there was the height of something or other in costumes! It would take a vol ume to describe them. The "chorus" included Mrs. Frank Shafer, Mrs. Charles Musser, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mrs. Sephus Starr, Mrs. Richard N. Chase, Mrs. Tom Dunham, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Werner Brown, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. William Whitmore, Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Ivan Marble. Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, cap tain for the past year, presided at the dinner. Guests introduced included Mrs. Ted Kuhns, Mrs. Guy Smith, Mrs. Lenore Parks, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Wheeler English, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs. Ira Wintermute, Mrs. John Em len, Mrs. John Hunt, Mrs. Charles Mills. A gift was given Mrs. William Schaefer, who had charge of luncheons and dinners during the year, and a presentation was made to Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, manager of the show. Year's Awards Given During the late afternoon the following awards for the year were made: Nearest handicap, Mr. Ste phen Fouchek and Mrs. John Heltzel, tied; farthest from han dicap, Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Mor ris Crothers, Mr. A. C. Gerling er, Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs. Lynn M. Hamm'erstad. Lowest score for year: Mrs. Gerald Robison. Eclectic: Mrs. Marc Seale, low deniers for long, bard wear yet wry durable aaafJnf aaW-tV. wear iar sW saMi glaaoreaa hours Kr7 gross; runners-up, Mrs. R. I. MacLaughlin; Mrs. Morris Crothers and Mrs. Reynolds, tied for next place, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Charles Musser, Mrs. Gerlinger and Mrs. W. J. Grant, tied for next place. Best attendance: Mrs. Louis Gerlinger. Award donated by Mrs. Rex Adolph for most im provement: Mrs. George R. Hoff man. Special prizes: Mrs. Harry Weidmer, Mrs. Fred Bernardi, Mrs. Robert Herrall, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur. Oregon Women's Golf asso ciation: Mrs. Glenn Wilbur. Captain's trophy: Mrs. Mor ris Crothers. For Day's Play Winners In the day's play were the following: Mrs. J. W. Matujec, longest drive on No. 1: Mrs. Marc Seale, closest to pin on No. 8; least putts, Mrs. R. I. MacLaughlin in class A, Mrs. Robert Herrall and Mrs. Harry Weidmer, class B, and Mrs. Howard Eismann, class C. The day's events concluded the season for the women's asso ciation, the group to start the new year in the spring with Mrs. Fred Bernardi as the new year's captain. KINGWOOD unit, American Legion auxiliary, is to meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Le gion hall. Mrs. Irl Folsom is president of the group. Good Will Offer! kCcLOTH gf&fPx WlvV,) IN WIRY (OX OS VqJMgf V fiQ isifif what women say about thii S?!a'iwifrvj 1 riff10 XL's. "gr Caooonf.ce cloth jom VZA fjff Js tf 1 lj fOn:!? ' mrr regular lvl 1l hZ. Is I llyr' J site of safe, white, srano- Bk 1 M T&mSn: f (lol& i Afer S 'ated Silver Dutt, now BaBvViA 1L 1 I rt&J I with extra ludiing power! 1 C fc Yi VH tV 1 V kilfSPf" J Get SilrerDult with the 1 1 1 1JSJM! 1 lQnf' r-. S fineCannon premium today! r,. i vU ka ,'w emtkii6 velvet And hra's how youll want your velvet drew ihti yean BauHfully simple, to show off Its toft, fluid lines iww easy bodice, slim-hanging skirt tullnesi. Freth holiday colon American beauty, moss grn, copper, navy, block. Picked for quality by Nelly Don, this crush -resistant rayosi velvet an amazingly good price) 10-18 sizes, 17.9S 2nd Floor STAYTON Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wonacott, who formerly re sided in the West Stayton area, celebrated their golden wedding Sunday, October 23, at their home in the Metzger commun ity near Portland. Callers in the afternoon in cluded their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wonacott and daughter, Frances, of Portland, and a group of friends and rela tives. William P. Wonacott and Jes sie Pruner were married at the home of the bride's parents near Riddle, October 25. The.y made their first home in that commun ity and have lived for a time at Brownsville, Hood River and Silverton. They lived on a farm west of Stayton for 20 years, retiring in 1948, when they moved to Metzger. . THE REGULAR meeting for the Woman's Relief Corps will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Thur. Only LADIES' TOP LIFTS 24c Fast While You Wait Service mzmJ3n Dress Shop TMeM.