AUTOMOBILES McKay's Corner WITH THE "OK" THAT COUNTS 1949 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-DOOR 6,500 Actual Miles ........ Radio, airflow heater, w-s washer, direc tional signals, fog lites, plastic seat covers, whitewall tires, outside mirror, anti-f reeze, undercoat, cost over $2100 new. Now $1945 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 550 N. Commercial St Ph. 3-3175 Member "Salem Used Car Dealers Ass'n." TEAGUE'S SPECIALS We have thrown away our price list! Come in and make us an offer. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 1940 FORD TUDOR 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 CHRYSLER ROYAL COUPE 1939 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENGER COUPE 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR 1939 STUDEBAKER SEDAN CHAMPION 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN , TEAGUE MOTOR CO. J51 North Commercial AUTOMOBILES 41 BOICK Sedanetie wTth '48 enfin. Bar tain at ma. Ph. 25621. q383 BCICK, I8SR, clean, radio. Good rubber. Call til Monmouth. If CHEV, convert., exe. condition, ail e MMorlM, beat offer by Hov. 138 S. Levena, PailM. Fh. 3-4322, H2S2 4l" CHEV. 4-door sedan. New paint, radio, heater ft all accessories. 1855 S. 13, Ph. 3-9934. IBS 7 CHEV. pScfcup 1150. Lod Bros. S Center. Ph. 3-1873. -281 4T BUICK aedanette R&K, other extras. 31495. Ph. 3-5118. &$2 ONI OF the oestl 1948 Studebaker Com wander. Fully equipped. Owner. Ph. 3-4081. MODEL A roadster. New top and side cur tains. Good motor and paint. See be- - twecn 3 & 6 p.m. Ph. 3-3S3I. 2b3 M CHEV. Master Sedan. Good tires nd motor. WiH aeii cheap. 4945 Wolf. Keizer dist. W H MODEL A Ford 186, IMS K. 18th. SPECIAL A clean Frasef Manhattan, Low mile age, R&H, new elip covera. SEE MR. SMALL TEAGUE MOTOR CO. P5i, 1-411 2M r4 MERCURY 2-Door, 8,000 mllea, RH, Phone 3-143S after 8 p.m. USe MODEL . Ford. Good eo&d. Rt. 8 , Adams, evenings. q38t' BOX 335, B. tft OLD8MOBI1.E Bix 4 -Door Sedan. Heat ar. Good coad. 3393 H. Liberty. c261 CHECK THE SPOT Eisner Motors to Sell ISO USED CAB LOT t&O rout old en. taUi Jsnetlsa Open till 10 P m- 3" Eisner Motors to Buy r Why Buy a 1949 Model When You Can Get a 1950 NASH at MARION MOTORS 337 CENTER CHECK THE SPOT 384 CAR ACCESSORIES tire St tubes at cost price First coma first served as this 1 a close-out sale Dealers welcomed R D Woodrow Co 450 Center 5 PONTIAC Good Will Cars 4 PONTIAO SSDAK, COUPS, R It U 48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4 DODOE SEDAN PONT1AO SEDAN SI PONTIAO OOOPf .lt , 11M , ins , K! , 14S Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 10 . L.ssttr P. Mill. ZEEB'S USED CARS SELL TRAfw TERMS lit Hwxt St. S LOTS Ph. I-TS14. CHECK THE SPOT Eisner Motors Fine Cars MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 14S ntsirf it. New motor, tires, fen ders. Flanders, sesl beams. Perfect shape. Will sell or trade for small ear, Ph. 35264 between S & 8 P.M. ea383 41 SALISBURY motor scooter, netb Heibert, 1855 8. Hii. 183. Ken oaiSl ! BARLEY Davidson 81. Low mileate. Foot shift. Oorland Swaa, Ph. 1-4121 FARM EQUIPMENT Used"tractor "tires, popular als, 15 08 and up, MooUooery Ward Co., Salem. a&SU' (AUTOMOBILES Phase 3-4111. q2H BOATS 12 PLYWOOD boat. R. $1?S. Floor sam ple nOW 399. MONTGOMERY WAKU, Salem. 365 FINANCIAL IF QU want to sell Tosir ofosertf H pay you vo xnow now mucn si an en ft loan It will stand. This Informattss ii obtalnabU with ver? littls ttoiibl. not hesitate to call on us for any in formation ysu desire os FHA loans STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Hlfh St. Tel. 3131. r NEED BUSINESS loan. Will live 1 Interest, write Box 361, Capital tfoyr sal, Mrs. Carter, for appointment. r363 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 and $ VOVn OWN TERMS of reparaeot withlo reason Cash for Real SvtaU Contracts and Second Mortgages, CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. J8I Pioneer Trust Sldt. Pn. 3-1183 PRIVATE MONEY ip:a! Rates and Tarsu Ob LaTser Loans Lam and Short Time Payment ROt H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St Phena t-1181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CBEDtl CO. 183 S, Church Parklm Plenty 1-349? Lie No M-1S9 S-la CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co, 1988 Pasrgfounds Roe4 Next Door to Sana Free Parkins PbODt 37032Llc H M389-S3H Floyd Eenyon. Mtr f FOR TOUR SAYINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate first morttarni, properties Salem vleisity, Msk ysar own e lection, nets you S percent. W take care of ail collections If desired. Amounts 81908 to several thousand doi Sin, See or call us for particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 1M 8. HUH St, Tl. 14181. r1 8EE C8 FOB ATTRACT rVI PARU LOAKS OHIT i OS 4(4 OITIBIST to 4S Tetr .nd He C&miBiules Lo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone t-3883 GENERAL FINANCE CORP, LOANS Lie. S-113 and U-I3 and ROY 8. SIMMONS m&URAifCE AND LOANS S Commercial St Tl 3-8181 fRAfLERS 4S 28 FT, VAGABOVn trailerhouas .ike new, lc. brakes, oil heat, but. eook inc and bisnv other features, 4393 Ha ter. Ph. 3-2907, t3SS TRAILER iDsee. 310 month. With all CDS' vertlenca. South side of Faulus Bros. Paeittn Co., 1748 Oxford. Roth Trailer Court "2' factory-built trailer nous, exc. cond. sleeps 4, Very reasonable. Fir Crest Trailer Park. North Rirer Ra, DIRECTORY ADDING MACSERSS All makes at6 msehi&a. sold, rwnled repaired Seem 4M Court oa t-TJ?3 APPLIANCE SERVICE SLECTR1C BOMB spplianca rpair service sew aspllanwa flnes's Electric Phone Pre estimate Tradins accspted S-9239 I8t S Liberty St AT-UR DOOR SHARPENING Laws mowers, elisors, knives sharp' ened. Dester. 1339 Center. 3-8833- AUTO RADIOS MARIOS MOTORS NASH SERVICE fowtni service day phon 1-IJM I 180 33" Center ODYAND PAINT ftrdn' Bads A Paint Shop. Own Sin. S893 CnemPh. !-3SS: e31 r'lLBISS SAHFENTftt RpmodL 'ppair tnat ham ne Tsrms SB down parroent Phoot $-8i0 t Los,, trwi. tltaft, earrrall wit. Pit. 23S er 11314. Oo. Worth, S4& Plfrasath Dr BtiJXlEHln, IswJinf. ro4 h6t elea? Int. eth fef brash VlrtU Baitf. WIS Fairrls Aa. PS. i-1146, gam. e36i Osan Roblnsnn. Pn. CASH OITISi The Rational Cash Rit Co, Cash R tauten - Aeeountin ifachin Sa)u Brvtc Supplies 13 Qain trt Phon Jn 029 Isstao ds.iftrr t a RCA raiutst AJ mate telS rtnt f. oa M Roto M Court Ph i nn CIMiMT WOBS or Mpair ot foundation, aieawaia, drlTpvaH satioa. eurbs. valla ts Gas I4s59 CHIMNEY SWEEP Purnscs 6hlmnrs eaa iand. Ensief, t 8. list. Ph. Hilt o5 COSCETlJtOS If it m(S of tifflcrst, DC roar wgri. Ph. i-Iiii. DSESHStAKISG Prn5kmt aitratisn. Wrk yar anlJ !2M H. 34th Ph. t2H' Journal Want Ads Pay SALEM MARKETS Cmpl4 tram rt parts f lilin ittftn l lb nidnf f Capital Jeiro&i it Mill 4 ffW Ktl Hub $4.89, Ktbbit Pslifii 4.3& Dlrj Fed tJ,?Q, i biaj 33?; trad A Lf born nd up, JT-2Sc Qrivd A old r&&tr. iic ii-lSe; grid cetera ffjtrfc ihnc Ik Sarins Prlri Extra tan AA, Me; larsa AA, 13c; lr A, S9-Sfe; mdsum AK ; medium A, -t; jiiilrts 33 -Sit, H hoi li Prices Efg vhaltaala p?ies mbmm ths prttett ate eras' A aerltj uat4 si lei medium, 4Sc, Sytttifst Prjmiunt SSe; He. 1, 4e; Se, I, J8-9&e, (bsiyint price, Batlr WholJii t radt A, &c: ri Priu4 Gfalit PartUsd, Or?., So. S . Ch tsats: Oats Ho. 3 M-lb white 7.00; barley No. 2 45 -lb BW 5.05; No, 1 IU 3 , Ctf h !w t (ijids; Soft white 3 SO; apft white iss rt 3.3$; white etuis 3.30. Hard rd winter: Ordinary 3 Jfl. I pet ttni ., Today'j ear rfCfipU: Wht t, ijirler J; flour 5; corn 18; millfwd i. DIRECTORY SLECTBICAL C0NMSCHSO Vises' Electric for electrical wlriss, contractins repalrmj. Ml S Liberty EXTEEMINATSES Cockroach, Moth Exterminator tervit Pa, 3-3SS8, Lee Cross, Rt. Box 43t-C 283 BrelOjaupt's for flowera Dial 3-9118 c IT. RNACI CIRCUI.ATOE SERVICE Vacuumed Si repaired Dvorak Ph. 34983 o2S5 HOUSEHOLD MtOBCCTS 3. R tvery Watkios Oo 1717 Center product Ptss de Ph 3-8383 n INSULATION john-ManviUc Phsaa 3-3148. JANITOB SEEV1C1 Window Cleaning Jsnltot Senlca Floor Waxing B'Jlldlnta Factories Somes Estimate Without Oblination AMERICAN BLDQ HAINT CO Ph Salem 2-9133 c LANDSCAFF NUSSESf f .V Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamentals 13$ S Lancaster St at 4 Cor Ph 3-1333 o DELUX SEHVE SELF Lausdrr 34S Jef ferson St Phon 33453, o LAWNMOWES Sharpened, guaranteed service. Sew power and hand mower. CaS Barry W. Scott. 14? S. Com'l St. o2S5 MATTRESSES Capita eeddioi Phon 3-4883. music LESSONS Spanish Ac Hawaiian Ooiiar. Mandolin. Sanlo, etc. i23 Cosrt St. Ph 3-1S69. 6388 OFFICE FUSNITUS& A SUPPLIES Ds chairs, files and fittnz isppliss, safes, dtipUeator and ssppnea. desk lamp typewriter etands. brf cue lerc Wtra Recorders Hoes 488 Court OIL SUBNER SERVICE We suarantea our work. Ph. 38883. Eve. 4-3424. e31S Exp, interior painting, Wiies. Ph, 3-9132 c281 Hfttrom's arc equipped painting Phon 3-3493 FAFERHANGINS Expert Psperhantinc and painting. H J Wood worth, Ph, 3-5S8S Pre est, 0219' PAINTING PAPERHANG1NG Painting and paperhang)sg done expert Iv and rcasonabiy. Ph 3-8819. o3S8 Painting and paperhanstng. Pre eti. m.te. pji. 3-85IS. S5T Shpiplng. C2S5 PLUMBING Fisher, Hi Com1!, Pa, 3-3019, PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Pbos I-8S87 Hutchaoo Psiat Store REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Rsfriisratlen Serc Co Ph, 3-1534 02ib SAND A) GRAVE!. Garden Soil, crushed rocs'. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand & Grave Co, Phone 34348 S" Vafler Sand it Gravel Co Stit, sand A ril dirt Excavating 10B anovsl ft cats Trw-to? scoop ft tructa for dirt movlci Ph eHice 3003, rtt snti e Salem Saw Wtfcs, Ptv. 3-7883. 1283 N Sth. o381 4EWES9 AND SEFTTC TASKS Sleetrte aots-RsoMt EiKltalv Paten Rasor hsrp 8 tee! Cuttin SIsde Clean Sewara, Drain, Tasks. Ph, 8-5321. 6 SEWING MACHINES Bought sold, rested, repaired. EZ term. All makes. W. Dsver.porl, Ph, 3-1611, e3St SEPTIC TANKS K F. Hamel, Septic tank cleaned Electric machine seivlee on sawet and drain lines. Ouarsnteed worg. 1143-Stli St., West Salem. Ph. 1-7404, o3?5' Vacuum Pumping, no miieaie charge. Call u collect, Todd' Septic Tank Service, 3445 Stat St. Pfesna 3-8134. a Mike Septic Service. Tank claaned Roto Rooter Service an Sewer lois Sim SU W. Saem. Pa, -948S, 3-5321 o38I SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Pa. 25658 1891 Edgcwater, West Saiem. o264' AU make raptired, free Singer Sewing aiachJn Co Cominerciai Ph. t-3313. stlmtteA 130 Ss TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington fcOT al, Under wood partabiaa &b makw mted machines Repairs and rent ftoen. 458 Court o TR.ANSFEF gTOaVAOl acai & DLtiaae T?&3fr. ttsias 8 J rat r sits, eosi A eritjuet Truct ha id tsods mofcfj to any wh rs Is OA 51 Uaoads Lsnssr Tn&afcr i Sloras ESETIAS BUNDS aiem Vr)tian BiinS madt to or6 w frisln4 Sai&beldt j Ui 1-1531 Eimr Th Slindmaa. Ph. tnu, 8 W C A TH E KflTRirriNO r tintaC T. VUMA$. Ph. m Prad Wrmnrs. RL. t, S01 311 Ph. t-n WINDOW SHADES Wasitt&i RoSttr aia4 to erfiff I Dr Om RHaholdt ft Lewi pn I3SJI WINDOW C LI A NINO A cm 1 Indoa Clsansr Window, waOs a wstKworb elnM riser cshbh wilt4 and polUbd Pn S-S33? 14' Conr Lqi do& CitUrtsos and tlathtr WOOD SAWBL'ST W(M Sl15 Fyl Co. Ph I-4S5I. WOORSAWISO Atkin Cross, Ph 3-H?i er 34171 LODGES I.O.O.? D)KU every Wed x,me 7& Saiem Lodge Ko. 4, A.F. Asjward T. McCormick of Arizona A M, Wed,, Not. 2, Sutd com-i to be & member of the Securi- munkation, T:30 pm To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ' i r'... .. . . - . Lfo-r-' i City, president ol the r p"r,ii. - v , . J'-" " (roup, wiu oe nere j.nursay n t u iniwiit m , I . 1 ' ' '. m8ht ta on nand tor opening)8-" . Kl . . f . J io registration Fridav mornings y l mtmmsm fcA. NsBrt . rSw v t MstM Or F P BnrinB rrmvrnJ I HMw 11, I 5. I V T . C .... . -j- swies ur, uormg, conven-,,,,, Miamt rt Kj.nwtt rm t am I - p'- rl tion chairman. m mutn$m& m wm f - y rrP,'JLi ."J - rt The wgsratw . -j pa.t.Bd , w. t. . ...T.. ' t '- . A'fe,;rgfc:. set up t 9 a.m. Friday to the'w ix ttntca a tntmmM, iiiow-up Quonset Hut Tas pneumaue iuonsei hut, oe velopcd tor use In Aretie areas, can be inflated with a simple hand pump in three minutes. The defense department, which released this photograph, says the hut is snow, water and draft proof and has air-tight plexiglass windows; it ean sup port about 500 pounds and can withstand winds of 100 miles an hour. The hose at left is an air duct for ventilation, (AP Wirephoto.) Wheat Lags, All Other Grains Un , Chicago, Nov. t m All grains except wheat displayed strength on the board of trade today. Prospects that corn acreage will be cut next year spurred buying in that grain, particular ly in the deferred contracts. Large supplies of wheat in lo cal elevators, coupled with a lack of aggressive buying on the part of the government, acted as a drag on bread cereal futures. Wheat closed lower to higher, December $2.121i-, com was to 1 cent higher, December $1.184-, oats were 14- higher, December 73, rye was i to 1 cent higher, De cember $1.43, soybeans were to 2 cents higher, November $2.26-82.28 , and lard was 1 cents lower to 2 cents a hundred pounds higher, November $9.70 Oppose Trpff Ijpbr Union Washington, Nov. 2 m A northwest lumber company spokesman says creation of craft labor units In the lumber indus try would be "disastrous" and confusing, George Bolrit of Tacoma, Wash., counsel for the Weyer haeuser Timber company, so in formed the national labor rela tions board yesterday in a ease involving Weyerhaeuser opera tions In Washington and Ore gon, Some labor representa-; lives supported his contentions.! The ease, taken under advise-! ment by the board. Involved Weyerhaeuser's S p r 1 n Bfield, Ore., and Vail-McDonald, Wash., timber mills, and five unions. The complicated case Included these phases: The AFL International Team sters union asked that truck drivers at Vail-McDonald be al lowed to decide whether they want a separate bargaining agent. The CIO International Wood workers of America asked con tinuance of one unit Including 11 logging and mill employes, while the AFL International Brotherhood of Electrical Work ers asked a workers' vote on whether their bargaining unit should Include all maintenance and construction electricians, helpers and apprentices. And the AFL International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill workers request ed that power house employes at Springfield be permitted to vote on whether they ihould be Included in a unit with sawmill workers or in a future pulp mill unit. Burglary Reported At O'Brien's Market A burglary at O'Brien's mar ket, 855 Market street, with a loss of between $80 and $100 in cash, was investigated by Sa lem police Wednesday morning. A hole had been hacked in a rear door of the estabaiishment to permit the lock to be releas ed. Cash was taken from i drawer at the base of the coun ter near the front of the store as well as from the register. Also missing were two open - ed cartons of cigarettes, One of the bills which had been taken was a "short snort er with several signatures on it, J, R. O'Brien, proprietor of the establishment, reported to police. The O'Briens who live near by the store reported hearing a noise between 10:30 and 11:00 p. m, Tuesday night Washington, Kov. 2 Pres ident Truman today named Ed- 261ties and Exchange commission. McCormick, associate director of SECi division of corporate fi nance, was given a recess ap pointment for a term expiring June 5, 1952, STOCKS Bj lf) A hoc) tea pr as American Cmn ......... .,,,,,..... 99 Am Psw & Lt 12-S Am Tei As Tei Anaesnda .. . 29i Beadis Avitllsn , $4 asm meet 31 Boeing Alrpiss Caill Packms Canadian Plf ........... 3si 14 Cm? j 1 CaterpJHsr tlt ,tt,, s2 CThrjsler - 59"! Comwlth At Soa .i.. - Csns Vulfe 10s CsnUoental Csn i6 Crown 2Hetbsch CutUsm Wright T Dowlas Atecrstt ...,..,....... 8fl3 Dypsnt c Ssm W General Eleetris ..,.......... 3 Central Foo srsl fetsn ........ m Gesdjcar Tire 41 let Flacvettei Int Paper ,.....,,,,,,,,,., im Renijeratt . 4 Llbbj Mt L , g Lesg BeP A" ............. 23ss HontgojBer? Wsrd M Hart Kslvtoswr !Si Nat Dalrv 3fl Central tcs Northern PacMis 7 Pae Am Tim Ps Gas E1m Pa Trt s Tel Pennes J C .,.,.,. Radio Cerp 12s Raenier . , Rsj-onler Pfd 31 vnslds Metal 19 lUehKeld 3ST-S Ssfewsy Stores ............ 23' Scars Rsctoack 45 Ssythern Pacific 4..,,. 4nha Standard Oil Co, B3S3 Stydebaker Cor? Sasshtoe M:nlng , TraBsgmertss . . , Ocicm Oii Cft Onles Pselfm . Waited Airilnss O S Steel 10' Warner Bros Pic . Woolworin Nurses to Aid Cappock Fund Members of District No. J Oregon State Nurses association. met last evening at the Salem Woman' club, Miss Selma Kil mer presiding. The group voted to donate to the Jane Doyle-Grace Phelps ed ucational fund of the state group in memory of Nell Coppock of Salem, Reports on the recent state convention of nurses In Portland were given by Mrs. Bernice Yeary from the county health department; Miss Esther Palmer of Salem General hospital; Mrs. Fay Lefor of Salem Memorial hospital; Miss Tina Duerksen of the state hospital; Miss Hilmer and Miss Frances Schissler of Salem General hospital. Feature of the entertainment for the evening was a style show of fur coats from Price's, mem bers ol the association acting as models. Sanfiam Dyke Ready for Flood W. F. Weddle, one of the jnost active sponsors of the coopera tive move of the farmers in the Santlam bottoms near the con fluence of the north and south forks for installation of a dyk ing project there was In the city Wednesday and said that the la.?t of the work on the project was being completed that day and he believes the project is in shape to withstand any floods of the coming winter, at iwwrf. The overall cost is estimated at $2.4.000, borne mostly by the 14 farmers Involved and the dyke Is expected U protect shout 3000 arres t valuable bottom lands from water dam- The work extends over a stretch of about three and a half miles from Greens bridge to the confluence of the two channels. jth main big dyke Itself being .about two miles long, he salrt. Mr. Weddle made a report of County Judge Murphy Wednes day as to completion of the work and the Judge said he not only expects to make another Insnec- tion of It soon hut hones to take ' rrtnn on , o m ItiMnrM: tion m n soon mil nopes to jbkc CMr M)jW, .imr, jm: ri- Congressman Walter worblad ! mstmt mttmdwi medium r- along with him to show the v-lueU'" , g t?K"S! of some government aid, Wed-tittwui w c; die said there work that can be don both above and mmw the present projeei. , Amhassader Kirk in Moscow Moscow, Nov. 2 U. Ambassador Alan CJ. Kirk ar rived back In Moscow by plane looay, ne nao Been uramnn tnnrtofs ronfefnr of 11. ?L en voyt to eastern Europe Tlj , 11 MARKET QUOTATIONS -Fdrr lamb 313-00 s H. Cytler OW t1.H to 1 Hy.b . . ihm u mm wihi nautT n , may m ure Calves, t.3m-M mi.$M.M im $1M on CUv mnA T n m Pr11 nf Vl (1-3 lba.i top fU.W ts WJwi Ju B"a 1s? UrCeU OI rertlas EiiUldf Mrkrt Bfllctoii mpplss Hit Isr fgncy mrawwd paekert bsssa with tow? paeks rtm at 42.14 rm pgrtiari EaAside Fsiroeis Wnmemi Txz&mt msT tsstay. Is-psstad Wtoesap apples ?re 1.; ad Mi, $1.8S. Sptosch brow lit $i M t& rasnsf box. Or?fg snsns ? rs c e - U rf5Es , Trtps sre sffrrsd at M a lit. 1 lenses was to $i.SS a cxeIp. Cam irss qHMd at 1.25 a ! CauMinwsr sipd amrt 17 a cratt. ; Crttttsmi s?.sfa as We4 M ! sets a PPUisiL Rattrrfst TfnUUTf, n-Tjf rt to tons riist? :iMnm rmmtmm mulity mtmum s 3h tts 1 pffrssi scMHj i!M?rd m Portland ft, 92 mm (i-s fcs OT ssrs. -ms, m ssmz, Vssj raises; llwttfr Whsimto FOB mm cubs t-o K 3smg Kt i B SO mmef Bc m f 0 m mm?, 7s. Abpve prkes at ttrl'i'.y nrnniisaj ( lipp p SeUtag pr:c to esrtJanrt whprt asis Orscon 'Sie SS43st Orcfon m wat 2-43c Uislsto t Usi thin alr.s-ta Ees its wnesslr? A trsri ists B largf, M-Sl; mall A irsd?, 42g, Better Prise to wmmsmi Orla AA Wei A csr'.ow Ws; 3 prtat ?Sc . A lnK, Wei AA medium 4Jc : srtHlsd A siKltom, s mitim, pum, 42n csrtKua 2c aAMttatrf. ! h p r r r 1 f e ts rstara: wrMsns Orfcon sinews 3S-3c Orfifon leas. lb IorEi 44s triple ti, 41 t itn than atogh-s wtemmm i;r,jiej Is.s toat. A. Poe I i r ? pmpsis. MP, t wmrntm u r. 5 f 3 iss. ii u - i 1 c lb. frra SS tta,. 23-i6c i 1-4 TijastFra 3b ana (ws Scj fl. l,siiirn lbs and ugr. -20e wr Ifes. tic; sslor4 fsi, aU '?:rhu, JJ-?c; rserti. all welahta. t?-t. Turks vn K? to i : o ' r.i , 31e )?n tops; 43s on hfnsi sales pea o t)IcT tapj. aaHr; hen. hhUt v? io grower I."! n: cji 4-s iss.. ii-ist in.i s in.. so4 bucks S-15c. ?rsh arfiSa Jdmhe frera and r f 1 1 1 1 r.v 40s: lacsl. 41-581.. veas. too OBaiiss, -5S6 vb.s oirei irads sccordmf to f i e h and Hiy jssaf ner. Hat iMm mmnzzM, a-4:zi aj- J5e, Lsiai top Q3j3w jpTinseJ -5bcj mpttsn, 3 ? - 3 6 . Bff f O'-kvi cows. 20 2 it ns.s np- enittrs, 18-20c. Fresh D r e 1 1 d M ti Hnaisaier to runr pfr sppsrcisl tss; sMtttr, MUitn Ss?f Colt (Qood Sarsr Rind eutr'.f ri ISS-SBj rsppda, IU: Jn tow, tttopnad S73-S; irJftfjeM, S3S-33i msvtf rJiarks, ri3j 52-5; lorrtsusnern i j i - j . Vssl and etf: Ops on-.mJri!l 53-35; ntHH'r L i rr. bj ; Osed-shstee i p rl r r limbJ - S cmrnmeszi&k f??-0; ntlUt ?srk ?pa: Iip gp lta St-li jt)flu3&r 3S Ifcts down. $3S-6i pTe- rrr R rk Dr lia lb . er 4p ft. Wd -VaSe? cos rtt tad ms&ium r4er 4S lb Mrtslr JSe ft. or! 12 -m on lb irow'.h BW Carts, Sffla lb.. sssrrts to m. c?ssR?rj cuiiri a? its &m. Kmi OsetoUssa assasd oualltv Instos, Ire. SiJe. B5rfase( fesfey, 315.15; W.i flrt bah? 231s. mediae JSei U, i 5e ChhratP, Hs?. S w IUIIDAW Llvaatort1 mrl5r bpt Imte trad alowj t?d to wak 17. BO tor ral tott; rr. n r mm IS.Jj f:i ypdr Jbfc J3S WSJ; &m 9Mi M to W lb HM to Mdf tP 34 rpta hiars top M paW tr c!Mt mtlwi; chrtra mmmht pp )f!Ji 2S.STj. fcyrt rjrj anii rhrts mmms M flg to t fs yrartlpaa ab ?pts ah atrppi mmi aansrhtr wat win m. Cm'. minhlm CI?j( Osssrt japrt ?hpfc gmwi wMm ep ra r ,-. td; htra m rnta to hnKm toal to atrsp nd vn ,r rt. ttd; Ipad pr;ms 134 ft trs 44 mri tsip4 Ih ttrht, rl alsp 41 f lmda chstra t prtsie at?er at rhsto srart, ST 0 to 7Mt mftimm ? s sarts "t ts M M; ferf ctoh' ts tslf'TJi, i m. trsnst Tn1twrfi r1 tP?s4 fed heilera, J J 05 to tt Mi ssibssois aPd ssrts fef cs. H.fli to 4 2 sap pr ad cnttra, II W to I4JHP; mhmm swU BPad bMlis, IBW to MM: huk pje mum is shsUM lffrj Vo 3S.5S Je emu Umtmrt I har alafct to 7" flw: sspnp nm to h i ;te dsp to hj bf- d aprt cpwte IM to J50 Iba li W; hf a?W do-n to lW; w 4Pft to 4M Ifc MM: Pd r d hK 0 to lis frstra is 5o jmatrf p?mw towrr asd aid a,aMhtr shlBlM; h ?m. mm - l:a sula to Wfl HJJ Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., GOP Banquet Friday Evening T1rsB tr,r fha fr the convention of the Oregon: mehjw. arvtos ,. t hw Hepublican elubi, Friday eve-'" J. mug are now svailabte lor m-tm, cr: azzi mmmmwm, ott te rented townspeople and may ' H- s'm mm cf:r'e'r' be obtaine telephone en frwi Adam Lefor a! e 33531 in the e ve m n ' Senator Gay Cordon ol Oregon; is to he at the Chamber of Com- m-rce st ? p.m. Friday. Accom-fcJJl 5 fS2fJJSt r , 1 J erf ? ? n S&rc :tt c. w Hack 5 ?- medstOBS srs bcJg set up JorHa c? pwssb SEd ss sTJBadchMaTi n-; 1 Msmtar o! St, Vtouta CstWte sSmrrt ' ' 1 B?o;iMiss ibm ttmw mi itm Usmma-m Leonard Lindas ot Oregon zmei v, e,--.c.ts. s, ti Senator hotel, State Senator 1 Frederick S, Lamport of Salem and Mrs. Willam Bums, Port- land, in charge An informal no- hiMtt luncheon Ss arranged for Friday noon at the Senator with. . convention proper opening j at 2 p.m. A pre-convenfion session o,w the rrsoiut ions committee wis, Portland today noon uresnam mm e 0 - e n a 1 r m e n , Turner Sheep riie Winners Turner sheep raisers were prominent in the winning list atlnniu to n-.srr.;. t ora" Mr? the Grand National Livestock Exposition in San Francisco this week. The list of wins shows; M. P. Pearson, for best Shrop shire ram under one year; for best Shropshire ewe under two years; for eliampion Shropshire ewe; for best flock of Shrop ahires, best pen of three Shrop shire ram lambs bred and owed by exhibitor tor best pen oi three Shropshire vearling ewes, for best pen of three Shropshire ewe lambs, for best produce ol damlt two Shropshires under two years; for best Shropshire ram Iamb under one year; for best Shropshire ewe, one year and under two; for best Shrop shire ewe; for best Shropshire! flock one year or over. Ahrens brothers for best flock of Homney, best Romney produce of dam, two animals under two years. Champion Suffolk ram; reserve champion Suffolk ewe; best pes sf three Suffolk ram lambs; best pes of three Suffolk ewe lambs; best four Suffolks, get of sire under two years best two Suffolks, produce of dam. Carl B. Wipper A Son, best Southdown ram one year and un der two; champion Southdrn ram; best Southdown Aola; best pen of three Southdown yearling ewes; best pen of four Southdowns get of sire. Machinists Win Boeinq Vote Seattle, Nov. 2 t The In- terfsaiiofisl AssociBtiorj of Mb-: chinists Ond.) claimed victory today over an AFL-Teamrter un ion affiliate for the light to rep resent tone 17,000 Boeing Air plane Co, employes In collective bargaining. When National Labor Rela tions Board wrjriera temporarily! halted the count of ballots early today, until afternoon, there was no off scial vote count released. But Harold Gibson, president of the machinist local, said; "Our observers report that the count is running two to one in favor of the Aero Mechanics. Wei believe that the election ha been won by the Aero Mechanics. An observer said the vote was 8500 tor the Afro Mechanics, 3400 for Local 451, Aeronautical Workers, Warehousemen and) Helpers, affiliated with the Teamsters (AFL) und 300 tor no1 union. j Approximately 17,000 votes were believed cast, J Three thousand challenged ballots and a typographical er-t ror complicated the count. Most! of the challenged ballots were' expected to be cleared. ( The "typo" involved printing! "AFL afier International Asso- elation of Machinists entry on the haiiot instead of the properj "Inri" (independent), I P bat prtt rwwi itviH j -WANTED- Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meats highest rune cash ox dkmyekt f OK OKI HARD BUM ...REE t'9 BEFOKE VOC SKI.U MORRIS KLORFEiN PACKING CO, 4H N. Front Street 8AI.F.H Telephone 1-73J WJasJy, Vm, , IMS H DEATHS H ft Mr I Leih Miff r, H ; 5-f r , tsetw mutt, 8: ., mi U" "T js mmnvm are mm K za? r, mint of B-tlemi miins, Mr, Mtli of Aa ..T.. itm, Hreit &:Jf. Jr., cl ifci Urmhm Edward Bt; BmU-mi cv:ni'i irhuffff , f '-f; " ' ! J'f : Assde crd Jp,tph MlruU 3s tK ocmz si, Jmem sisa, mt mmf ot m wm mimmrm Mef Penned j w, t,. r a-rnt jE im t,? -vty vae A-Milt. Dihte of Hmr? Vmm Ars- OBITUARY VHUsm Eaart WUsss FaHs C.t? Ed 5 :d "Uc-a ti tors ? ', S r IMJ is K r, , s r.d rtM si hi Is J? hsaif is Fsds Cay, Sr?.. Oet. Si T i:f, ', ksi a&i ', i Mir ts CSst.r.. r.T .rr a.r.l or. t -ssmn?f. Ok ess. Or.s. ir his sle, Ors Waai ms -g&iU trs M n. cr sestt. rr Ors mum B. L? . f r". ir.c ;.; ; -r e: sr. rhPS F "ICS ? 35 3J sr. S ? v . J ; . t. ' Ss??, jasssr, sgtimmmn, tmn v$g$ -msm to S f i- : '1 - r is ?:e .1 amd tatermert u to th ?'t a ?i ctrs. WpipdbPFP Rscrtstlpg; c t." i tr? tm th c.h t ?- I m f :3t pmu F,mnneral i-fz'' 'c tt wiii it mi Si, Mk'm Catoirtto toms twsMeirt of toto -rteapit? r,d tm i ,r by toia wWe, Mae Mpmm o,f IW. its; spRS. i .csi o; rSKKsam, V. t.srk.. Bell Mae Jss o' Irftosa srrf EdJ nwm J or, c; Maplla, F, tertber, id cr,i;, Mr, aS Mra, Hagui Cfy5i3j33ss3e, si jj?g? Otfl. erifsw errts heal, Ms&lMftvttte Gggzgiamsal Jefferson Teacher Hostess to Pupils Jefferson Mr. Bobert JI. gart entertained her piano dents st ner home. Those taking part Jn the evening o musie were Deloris Meyers, Ctond Meyers, Marion Ellen Wood, Florence Marlatt, Karan Vote, Jeanie Super, Theresa Vose, Neil Spencer, Anne Wilson and Beth Boblnson, Befreshment were served by Eleanor Vose, Guests of the evening were Mrs. Albert Stearns, Mrs, Albert Meyers, Mrs, Bob Vose, Mrs. Knickerbocker of Albany, Mrs. Harvey Wood, Mrs, G. A. Hob- nson, Eleanor Vose and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wynd, HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE Of STOMACH ULCER PAU1 canted by excet$ acid Itart 5c l ta er ? ram r-.iimr pain M,-icnt hmmlmm of mmrh tA? m4im tsm, hs?Uiaps ptbsr wi-m fm-A ny fjcr.i lam - h d d, V '. :. r, oer t tmmm msm pi'rnl--tl m iBRJojE koeitis Bwc'in rrfirf wf mmh atwsmrh riitnM W MNEV BACK i f mrmmiM a.' F H. V'-jnt.-r, lh.C, gtP mnzmMpfm?4 (nigrA, Asld rf1 r T? bKwsht s "-t fig ESft sgb 3Jbbjms Tslfiis J jaaS 1 re n, G Pf sder'i Ti-.cU wia.?, PILES" INtMiSMMSIDU MCTt NO cm AILMtMTS I stocj oisoaowt ii'irr-Jn: S (M Won. jjji The Dean Clinic Iji Our 39th Year T lBi I if 1 PsrthS"4 MsOm GALL BLADDER whimii mnp sy JOB r DJI TO LA CI OF N 5 L T M T M.E Ips hmMif Mh fa p fr'to? Ip amisMe it, i.erj J w e hfc &t Nta Ur . L S tfWi 5ilj jwsnw ls I