2ft Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1949 REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE (REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES (AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE HOUSES PC ehi Pri b f up ' tie 1 we n An 1 thr w by tov oni prl glo tor hai cia n dr ( nc i " y eoi lie 2 aci d U: d I CLAMiriBD ADVEBTlSINOi Par Lin ,,,, isc Per Lin I llmaa 4o P Lin I t)mi 60o Fit Lin 1 month 12 00 Outside of Salem 16o per tin per Mtn. 30c; J timeg mln. 80e I time mm II. i1- N' H'-funds BEADEHS In Lrval New Col Only; , loe per line To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES KADTirilL' VIEW 3 borm. iome. F ill basement, hardwood floor, dTible fire place. Will ell at real saerilice. t!i I-M73. ! REMODELED red ef orated. 1 'A orr bouse. 1 bedroom, llvlnr room, kitchen, gquit Utility room ft bath down. 1 bedroom & itra room up., Nice lot 2 walnut trees, 1 Bint cherry tree. Gravel driveway St attractive ear-port. Near trade ft par ochial ichoola. Terms. Ph. 2-5020. i283 $WNEBMOVEDto Calif. Sacrificing" al most ntw 9 rm. home. Breeze way at tached a rave. Larie lot. City water A but. Low down payment. F H.A. terms. Drlv 8. 1 ml. outride city limit on MI to I wld turn right to 5BS Ewald. a262' FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPLETE WITH OARAGE, OUTSIDE PATIO Si F IREPLACE. J- ENCEI) IN FRONT VARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEHT RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO BELL. PH. 3-5348 OR 1-3734. a Facre, S rm. house, partly furn. 3oxi Id eation. Ph. 3-7028. a3fJ T79M. LATE built 1 story I bedroom home. HW floors throughout. Din Inn room, utility room, garage. 100x180 lot on pav ed road. Located in 4-Corner district. Ttrnu. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., R'ltors 15B- Hlih. Phone 1-4121. a202 1100. BEAUTIFUL building lot on VV. Ewald St. 100x1 &0. City water available. 7M. BUILDING lot In 4-Cornera Dint. 100x180. Hu several large cherry trees. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors A??Jf-Hll,h Phone 3-4121.a262 , OARAGE HOUSE 24x32. Concrete floor. I Lot 00x188. City water In front. 5350 down. Balance 136 per mo. Ph. 19X1 Turner or call for Mr. Win. Noble at Burkland Sawmill. Turner, Ore. a261 FOR SALE house 1 year old 3 bedroom Sk acre attached Rnrnne. Adam M. Wert, Gtlllajlt. Mt. Anacl, Ore. a264 OWNER must sell, 2 bdrm., 1 year old Automatic oil furnace, electric d:.sh washer, automatic washing machine. Fenced-in baclt yard. 450 S. 18th. a204 4V. I'i ACRES with clean late butlt 3 bedroom home. East. All on one floor. Close to school. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 168 8. Hlh. Phone 3-4121, a.it.2' 3-BEDR00M on 17x170 lot. Fireplace, basement, auto. oil furnace. Extra utility room on main floor. Lots or house for 18,960. No. 104 3-BEDROOMS on one floor. Hurdwood floors, fireplace, double garaue. White shakes, faces east. Only V .400. No. 323-A FURNISHED 3-bedroom horn. Large garage with workshop and laundry room. Paved street. Close to bus and store. 1800 down. IflO pr month. Immediate Poses lon. No. 288 RANCH STYLE! 3-bedroom suburban home. Bus by door. Lare Hvin? room with fireplace, coved ceilings, 100x180 lot. 110,800 wilt trade ' No. 38. -A KEIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South H.fh Pn. S-9201 Eve. At Sun , 3-1327. 4-2874, 2-3738, 3-6905, 2-232. 281 If You Like a View And plan to build, let us show you this 8 acre tract, with neat garattc hse., mod ern - deip well ft rlec. pump - native tres - line vl"w ol western hills Si ci'v. Only $1300 dn. HK00 full pnc. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1. Box 343 Wallace Road Ph. 2-2147 or 2-8836. a364" SUMO. VERY mod. 2 bdrm., amalTdn. pay ment, bal. F.H A. See at 1362 Franklin, W. Salem or Phor.e 36189.' a266 COMPLETELY FIj RNISIIEd!" " This Ist. built mod. 1 BR liome (Plast. Int., Insul ated, weather-stripped, wall to wall rua, U READY FOR YOU, TODAY. Near the NEW CLINIC BLDGS. On Center fit. It won't la.st long at 1.1400. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Kxrluslve List in personal Service 184 B. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Ev. 3-4ft37 or 3-7440. a263 For" SALE or Trade for hou.eln Salem neat 2 bedroom nous In Albany. Llv-lng-dlnlng room 14' x 26', knotty pine wain-scole. Larue kitchen with dinette apace, mil omn, garage, shrubs, flowers A garden. 3;-00 State O. I. Loan $35,50 mo. outstanding, balance cash. Make offer. Chas. Roi. Albany, 1121J or co Ariz Photo 174 N. Commercial. g2fl5 B. ISHERWOOD' REALTOR ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL OF THE OFFICE FROM 2009 N. CAPITOL ST. (HOLLYWOOD) TO RT. 1, BOX 243 MILES NORTH ON WALLACE ROAD - PHONE 2-2147 ?2J GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1910 MARKET ST. S bdrms.. wall-to-wall earpeting. Ht. rm.. din. rm , beautiful kitchen, ball it bath, auto-lnductlon heat, corner lot. This horn has everything. CALL ROY FERRIS 525 ILLINOIS AVE. I bdrnw. all on 1 fir , hdwd. firs, thruout. nlc We. 11. rm., din. rm , Insid utility, with ixtra lavatory, garage attached. Thl horn i an excellent buy at 111,800. CALL ZARL WEST HIGH ON A HILL Located 1n Kinawood. I yrs. old, 1 bdrms., unusually attractive liv. r '4 basmt., elec. heat, fully Insulated, beautiful corner lot, trees Si shrubs 12 000 down. Bal. 176 per mo. CALL PETER GZISER USED CAR LOT FOR LEASE BSxlOO ft. corner lot. laraire Si sales house on property, small apt. available, FOR DETAILS CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 184 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Zarl West 1-0808 - Roy Ferris, 2-8010 - Peter OeLser, 9-9968. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right For You Jm-mtoI-Ii'm'TJ "om' """" '"" ' " Drive By and See tlvi'lL'.-irl.T tom ttl" "r (urn.t, ,d ,u,eh , lr,. w h thru ""-"" " Drl. 6, J33S . mh, lh.o 1.1 East of Town Sbuurhan Iurnif and ail. .araia. vtry nf.t b cl(n, liuulalrd and n, Itlpwd, nearly new-Good bur for H600 na e, floor eather. Needs Redecorating But WHAT a baraain Located In Manbrln Oardina-4 bedroonw flrrnlara One of Our Finer Homes BautlU! aettinr with lovely yard and shrubbery excellent I btrnom Sctlh?. SSViJgi - 'l lXTx OHMART' & CALABA, REALTORS I."hon.-lt.lpl, a34D.n 15620-w.rren SS". "mm"' Thur. Spot Special Center and Commercial is FUEL $9400. NORTH. Lovely new 3 bdrm. home. Fireplace. Close to school. Fine workmanship. Newest features. Picture windows. 3 BEDROOM ThU Is a convenient and attractive home. Fireplace, lovely kitchen mid din tte. Near Leslie and MrKlnley schools. SSYDQ. $1000 DOWN I bdrm. home, Not new but very nice. Lovely yard. Near church and school. Full price 16900. 147 mo. G.I. Loan. WEST SALEM. $4250. A real banraln. Comfortable xmnll home. I lovely lots with it. On paved st. Terms. 3 BEDROOM 1 acre, A lovely home. Beautifully land scaped. 18050. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eve. and Sun. 2-0128. a26l Worth Your Money Imagine 4 bdrm., a laree lot with beau tiful trees and a real view for only fSnoO. This Is not a new house but is In very food condition and has a world of pos- jiDiiiues. Worth Your Money Completely furnished 1 bdrm. home witti unf. up. 15600 Is certainly a good nrtre Look at thl place and make an offer today. Worth Your Money nglewood home with 3 bdrms., bsmt., oil furnace, living mom, din hi? room, kit., bath, nil clean as a pin. You hnve ,n't seen this house so make an sp polntment now. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 3S0 N.. High St. Ph. 3-4120. a261 btftlM). NEW mndrrn 3 bedronm home, pav ed street, close to school and bus. Hard wood firs. Living room, dining room, at tached garaae Immediate jiosesMon 11000 down, balance KHA. Call Stanley Brnwn with State Finance Co., R'ltors 19IS. High. Phone 3-4)21. a2i? FOR HALE OR TRADE for house In Bnlrm 3 bdrm, mod. houx. Fireplace, basmii'iit, furnace, garage At extra lot In Amity WrltBox 260, Cnpltal Journal. a'JH2 NEW 3 bed rm. house, hdwd, flrs.7 fire place, V. blinds, aarsKe. Just out. side elty limit 4 blk.v from new school. Price I77S0. Terms. Mlaht take trailer hou.se or latecar on same. Phone 1-7376. 2&2 OWNER leaving town must sell. 1 acre good land. Lovely small home, elec, wa ter heater and range inc. Large gnrae nd small one room house. Family fruli and berries. Price reduced for quick saie. uniy wouu. 4fl0 Eltna Ave., Four Corners. lUfi.S FOR SALE LOT LOT FAIRMOUNT'hILL Beautiful building spot. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center aa282 Bi:iI.O THAT EXCLUSIVEHOMErln Sa lem's mrt exclusive residential dlst. Su perb View. Lame lot. 83500. FH.A. APPROVKD LOT on pavm't. out side city limits. Neiir school, stores, city bus. City water, elee. heat available. Lie. lot. Only 11200. COURT SITE N. flOLLWOOD DIST. 150x150 lor :u50. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive LlAtlnffa - Personal Servle 184 S. Commercitl St. Ph. 3-8383. Eve, 3-41J37 or 3-7440. aa283 $10 DOWN! Lots with wnter. bus service, fruit trees close to Hayesvlll School. $15 per REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South HiKh Street Ph. 1-9203 ft'., ei iin. f-ziiff, 3-1327, 3-5905 2-37.18. 3-2.M2 ea264 FOR SALE f-ARMS YOl'R MODFr FARM. Small but fertile ts tills 16 arre trnrt. clo.se In, on pavm't. Mostly bottom lo:im. yr, spring, all seeded, Quite atlrnctlve mod. 3 BR. home. In.sulnted. elec. heat, 3 fireplaces. L.R. has wall-to-wall rug. New 2-cnr BiiniKe. Spacious barn, concrete floor. Pltry. hse. No expen.se has been spared to make tills a show place. Its priced right, 117,000. Terms. PtmniNO RIVER FAnM. M acres on pavement. East. Approximately 18 acres VKRY RICH bottom Und. Irrigation pos sible from yr. stream. Hal. well drained. Will. silt, mostly in timber, soma mar ketable. 111k .stucco mod. home, bn.se merit, furnace, rip-place. 8 stanchion bnrn. BOO capacity poultry bld.N. Well suited for Mock or dairy. Priced Just rtKhl at 123. (too. 5.!W0 will move you in Will trade for SaJcm city or suburban home. I Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Ll.slin.is - Per.sonnl Service 164 S. Commercial Rt. Ph. 3-8389, Eve. 8-7440. b383 Ohmart & Calaba," R'ltors FARM SPECIALS W ACKi:s of the best soil. 3'i A strawber rie.t. Iarne barn, 2 brdroom house and iHnniy orrnaro. n a. pa.slure. t ie h . anre in cull n ation. Clo.se In 4 miles easi. rear around creek. This Won't last. Ca'l Maddy. IF YOU are on sneaking tema with your moiner-in-inw liere Is the answer to yimr noiiMiig prooiom. is a. tract Includ ing 3 acres young peaches, cherries, ap ples, etc., balance tillable soil. Two li.ni.ses - one 2 IIH, old but in excel lent condition - one 2 BR nrw home also In excellent condition. Alt located in a lovely setting of oak trees. Full price Call Ilenrv Ohmart & Calaba, R'ltors 477 Court St. ph. 3-4118 - 2-4118 Kve. Ph. - Ralph 3-148R - Dan S-Sfl'JO - Warren 2-5HH6 - Henry 3-3632. bl!63- 5 ACRES EAST Ideal 8 acres, a nice piece of ground, and a nice .small home tliat Is a peach. Tins is clast (o town and can be bought for 8t3O0.no down Nnd tli balance on easy monthly payments Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS, Pho. 1-4707 Court Ive. J-H7U . - 1-1V3 b2B2. REAL ESTATE McKillop Real Estate REALTORS HAZEL GREEN DISTRICT f acres and a 3-bedroom home. Barn, poultryhouse, good well, electric pump. Excellent soli. Thta la a good buy at only 14,500. ENGLEWOOD 2- bedroom home, fine location, good lot, clo.e to all schools. Street la paved. 14850,00, terms If desired. EAST SALEM 3- bedroom home, living room, large kit chen, cooking and hot water electric. Double garage. La rite lot. Close to stores. Priced Ht. 16,000. SOUTH SALEM 2- hedroom home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat. Good location, close to school and bus. Selling price 18,600. Vlll take car or trailer house In on trade. CLOSE TO BUSH SCHOOL 3 - bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, basement. Corner lot. Fine location. Very reasonable at 17,-800. COME IN OR PHONE Daytime 3-5131 or 3-8620 Evening 2-8406 or 3-5514 McKillop Real Estate 493 Center Street at High Salem. Orenon c263 JH'iM. UNFINISHED but liveable two bdrm, suburban. 2'i acres; good well; small chicken house. J!H)00. Nearly new modern house N.E. Will accept good trailer house as down payment: balance easy, t8L'50. Very attractive small country house with fireplace, large living room and picture window, nice yard with fish pond, larR trees; garagr; good poultry house, fine well, masonry pump house. Besides this you get 2'j acres of good oil. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. HUrh St. Phnn 3-7680 Eve. phones 3-4591 . 3-6605 C26.T WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED on a few good homes ana Business Opportunities. C. A. GIES Realtor. Ph. 2-7812. ca263 NOTICE! If your property li for aal rent or txchaog, list It with ua. V have all kinds of cash buyers. STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 1 53 B High 6t ei BY OWNER: Small acreage. Good house and other buildings. Write Capital Journal, box 263. cb266 CLOSE IN, Lovely 8 room home. Hardwood rioors inruout, fireplace, V shades, full basement, garage, nut trees. J9.400. Trade for acreage Si home. What hav you? Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center cb262 SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 one., uu io. id, i. Maxwell, distributor et-275 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H GREEN STAMPS FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-M. rt'BN. apt. eim. rani.. muHThiS. Priv. em. One block to bua and stor. No amokera or drinlc.ri. Ph. 3-78. ONE-ROOM APT. Second lloor. Lady pre- 3-niw. UPSTAIRS furn. apt. Juit redcc Si" wd;, Prlv bats and .ntr.nc. 17 CALL HiOHWAY FUEL POR D!asr! and Stov. Oil.. PHESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dtj Plainer End. A Block Wood. Ph is,,. West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OD Phone fUera 3-4031 Al5o pick up wood at 1525 Edcewater St. West Salem 'ree-te-f r .... . 4-RM. Fl'RN. apt., elec. heat, nrlv Adultl. Ph. 2-0546. Jd281 Commereiai. )p264 4-M. FLRN. apt. 770 5." kitchenette furn. apt. Private entrance. Near Statu Mkh.. j,,,,. No drinkers. Ivan Q. Martin. Ph. 3-4419." Jp281 NICELY FURN. 2-room ant. IflT-AmhaT sador Apts., 650 N. Summer. jp2i ONE RM. apt., 550 Water St. Gas. HAf? water, shower. jp282 FL'RN'ISIIED cottagt, 3215 Portland rd. JP277 1946 Nash Ambassador Sedan Overdrive, heater, new leat coveri. Beautiful Uiek original finish. Very clean thruout. $1245 t HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! s MARION MOTORS 337 Center Phone 8-9286 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW MOTEL DETROIT AREA, 10 mod. units, plus new 4 rm. home, acre. Ex cellent loc. on main highway. Income will Justify the uninflated price. 25, 000. Will consider trade. RESTAURANT A STATION. Choice loc. on corner m Rrowing suburban town. Good bldgx., clean, mod. equipm't. Your Inves tigation will prove this to be Ideal for operator or investment. 321.500. Consider I trade for good farm. DUPLEX N. HOLLYWOOD DIST., plus 2 good houses. Duplex is late built, ALL , iM,. i.se. joi, yearly income or ap prox. $2000 per yr. Very desirable prop erty at $13,500. Good loan available. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Persona! Service FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS, also fat hens. 2040 S. 23rd or rnone i-HiBU. 1263 JEM! AUSTRA-White Pullets 4'g mo. old. Any amount or all $2 earh. Ph. 25126 Rt. 1 Box 391-C, Dallas, Ore. f62 PRODUCE FOR RENT HOUSES WALNUTS: U-plck. Over 200 A. Fran quette. Be lb. 7!ac lor 100 lb. or over. Ph. S-2031.- mas FILBERT-WALNUT dryin. 1 mile E. Ln-ca-ster Dr. Auburn Road. Claud. Mc- Ktnney. Ph. 3-1632. f(264' 8PITZENBERG-AWINTErl BANANA ap plea. Phil Asplnwail. 64. Market St.. Pn. 3-9419. lr275. HELP WANTED MALE BEST BUYS KEIZER. $1500 DOWN New. 2 bdrma. Very nice. Oil heat. Wea- therst ripped, Insulated. Well worth $8,- 600. Eve. Ph. 27674 or 33558. $820 DOWN 4 room home. Almost new. 50 x 200 ft. Int. Small monthlv payments. Only $3,' 450. Eve Ph. 21fi74 or 33558. REALLY NICE Brand new home. Close In north. Fire place, hardwood floors throughout. Elec tric hent, weatherstripped, insulated, 2 lots, private well, attarlied garage. May take trailer house as part payment. To tal prlc only $8500. Eve. Pti, 27674 or 2 ACRES 5 room older type house. Willamette soil. Well. Priced for quick sale for only 25im. Eve. Ph 39403 or 33558. 11 ACRES. .$1000 DOWN Very clean home. 2 aires brrrten. Barn lor 5 cows. Tractor, farm equipment. Family fruit At nuts. No wasie land. Everything goes for only $9700. Eve. Ph. :w40.t or 33558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 37820 or 0-4596 c262 FOP. YOUR SAVINGS investment buj a flMt mortgage on real estate Salem Si vicinity Kxamln security yourself Atno.int 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors fre We make all col lections for you U desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 S Hlth 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440 IsELL-THE new RESTAURANT SALE OR LEASE Full price or 12500 incl. bldn. Si equip ment or will lease same for $75 mo. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4. Ph. 3-9201. cd261 WANTED Man. experienced and Tellable. Would like to buy Interest In established busi ness, tcaraKe, woodworklns preferred Consider anything. Box 262, Capital Journal. cd266 FOR RENT or lease: Twocar carape A- paint shop. Completely equipped. 678 S 12th St. PhJl-4547. cd261' KEY MOBIL gas station" In "Dallas. Ore" for lease. Buy stock Si small, tools at Doollttle Mobil Gas Dlst. Ph. days 3-4619 eve. St Sun., 2-6045. cd265 GROCERY STORE and meat market.Weil located In a prosperous valley town. 6 year lease on 50x100 modern concrete bldn. at J65 per month. Doinn cash busi ness. Price $6500 plus Inventory of about $5,000. Call O. V Hum with State Finance Co., R'ltors o. Minn Phone 3-4121. cd262 "MANAGER WANTED- Responsible man or woman to manage and service a genuine Hershey Candy, Wricley Gum and Life Saver candy vending business in this area. No sell InK. No ae limit. Reliability more lmpt. man pasi experience, fimo invest, re- r uny WBI SAWYER and millwright. Must be able to set his own ratchet. 81.00 per M and extra pay for day work. Write P. O. ox3bh or call 181 Toledo. Ore. ga264 rVf,S-,J Dcott"- Very" reasonable mes.jn.i5 Portlandjtd. jm284 CAn",NaS' s6?n iern. DaliaTHUhway: Rt Box 822. Ph. 3762. Jm28fi' 2 BR modern unfurn. house. Ph. 8-5305. No u. cta. oa. vv. aaiem. Jm261 Fl'RN. SMALL S rm. cabin." TolletTshow frMiu?01 An,S; wat" furn- laundry w "" v t. loin. tn. 2-8787. . Jm.261 a kuum ail electric duplex & garage. $70 r" am. rn, Jliaa. Im263 Water Included. Also beautiful. v trn duplex apt. $70 per month. About vi Box 400 or Phone 35765. Jm26J' 1 w!M utlfurn- hou- See t 1326 N. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE SKI outfit. $25. 7 ft. tktla with binding. Laminated poles. White Stag ski pants, sire 32. Boots lO'i, used one season. Ph. 24517, DZ61 jm262' sniral blades fnr rtaclr- saws. Hune profits. Sold 75.000 In Los rtnneipji nrst 3U iays. Hunter Tool Co.. x.os Anseies, 35, Calif. aa263 NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness opportunity to middle aited or older men with car. Writ Box 4C4 Capital """"mi. ga261 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Young woman for full-time housework. Live In. Ph. 2-7581. gb261 WANTED women nut sheliers7An winter work. 460 N. Front. Klorfein Packina Company. SDt Winter, SELL OR RENT. 4 Bdrm. hoiu. Ph. 2-8524: Jm282 2 BDRM. HOUSE, with electric stoveT n w.,.us macmne. 175. 630 Tryon - ve" Jm262 S ROOM modern furnished cottage. 3265 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC ranee, Westinshouse blah ov en. Old but in good condition, 112.50. Phone 4-2903. p263 APARTMENT size, stove Si cabinet, bed complete with spring Si mattress. Ph. 3-.8S54. Can be seen It 1040 N. 21st af ter 3 p.m. n263 HANDSOME MEIIL1N upright Grand pi ano in excellent snap and tone. (z.io. Phone 27F3. n263 MAHOGANY period style buffet S35, Cava lier ceaar cheat j25. Roper ranBe jioo. Simmons rollaway bed S25. AH like new. Also some antiques priced very low. Ph. 2-5048, 482 Hoyt St. n268 I SET OF club aluminum, like new. 1 til ver seal. 1 Weare'er. 30 Ral. auto, rbs water neater, all white, iilce new. Make oner, call between 10 a.m. St 3.30 pm 930 Garnet St. n262 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED fursltun u iu rnut ii Briu. Piira Rallaiaklut Co rh Ulm, RENT OR BUI bl th. J.000 MyiT. M BU 49 donkes. Wanted Immediately ,t, or without operation. Drop a, card or letter to Tld. Lo,n;ni Co, Taehau, PERSONAL BOIPOINI electric rante. Ph. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3h0 State street Phone 2-14BR. af XI;IL s,TORE bulldlnir lor lease. Bee at 1079 Broadway or Ph. 21835. J271' FIi?OR Bpace on statp St. be.k ,pac. U DRIVE Truck.. Rojlnson SheU Service CenteratCottaie. Ph. 29103. Bl'SINKSS BM for rent H LStlfl PI.IIOK SANDERS lor rent Montiomer' Ward. j, POWIH. TOOL rental. lor nome and n duatrlaj tue. Howaer firo. Ph 2-3646 FIRS. ROOMS, 940 D. PhT 40 J263 TRAILERS 12.00 per da, HoeTBro 1410 S 12th, Wet Salem. ) to DO a ood Job rent a too noor .and r W. KU .verjtliint to eomplet, tilt JOB HOWSEB BR08 Ph. 1-3646 WANTED POSITIONS IF YOU need a carpenter Ph. 34273. h261 Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S. 865 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. h285 BABY SITTING. Phone 20580. h287 HOl'SE RAISINO. foundation, concrete work. Klanit Bros., Ph. 3-3292. h286 I WOI'LD LIKE to take care of children in my nome. ru. a-uouz. h261 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, insured opcraior. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-fini4 mrc tired. No. suecnlatnr " .... - - ted. Excellent earninas up to J80 sliVnK Cy middle aged lady. Ref, h2G2 Weekly profit. Slate once. Wrltg fully. Box 255 Capital .lour- RELIABLE practical nurse. Day or ninht ,,ai- Cd262 Ph. 2-3146. h2ai COMPLETELY equipped garage and body 3-7110. N. COM'L, bldg. cd261- Richmond District I nice rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace ood basement, wood furnace, plenty ol tarden spare. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS, Fho. 1-4707 4K4 Court - Kve. 3-1(71 2-4773. a2tiJ NEAR CAPITAL B1.1KI. One of Salem's hetier liomr.s 4 nice hrd rooms, lue. Ihlna r, dliuns r, kttchen, bsnit., oil furnace. Blmw n by appoint -menl, please ENOLEWOOD SClUlOL HIST. HO.OflO. Nice llvlnn f . kitchen-dinette 2 bed r.. with stairway to Ig. attic. Lawn, flowers, ahruhs WEST SALEM 18500 1100(1 dn,. 150 mo One of the nicest I bed r. homes. Living r., dmttii tn kitchen utility. V. OMER HUFF 381 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-5fHH or 2-6942 i3J TRADE enultv in new 1 BR home for trailer house. Ph. 2-2240 aJfiv FOR SALE ACREAGE I ll.UE A A. that will arow anything. On niway tu-ar stnyton. Oai-HHe A tool shed, Iriimitinn well, hiihI. house, 2 years old Ji you renlly wnnl to buy, come out, we -I n MiKi-iiier on i hp price, l,. yi AUman Rt. 1, Hog us. Aiimsville. bb2(i 87 ArRFA WH'H HKAUT1FUL HOME APprox h acrr.t under cult . 20 A bent ara.w. simtox. 4!S A seeded to chewing fr.M-ue. yr. round sprlnn. Heautlful 3 UK home on one (ioor iliioi) ,sq. 2 flre- Pluees, auto nlr cniidllionril oil fnrnnce. Full biith on m:i'.n Hour plus sliowrr At Stm! m biiM-meni, dl), aurnne, lien -hiiuse. r.ived rmul. 8 mi. from H.i Irm. I-nil t educed prke K22.S00. ' fttsll or accept irHrie and ca.-.h. Call Alien Jones or Malicl Noodham Realtors S4l state St . Rm. 4 pi,. ,1-9201. bb281 It At UFS riose to city bus. N V Divide nicely. MHOl) Walt Swololsky, Heal NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS HERE'S A BUY $4,700 Coaflt property, lfio acre farm, 40 acres flea red, some timber. Good (MIHna and Inmtiim. No btiUdiims. Good deal for Cfl.sli, or w 111 trade for property In or around Salem. Eve. 2-0473 COAST ALSO New 5 room house on 1 acre. Court site 113,500. Will trade for Siilein property or will make real deal for cash. Ec. 2-0473 H4 At K ri r AKM 518,000 LOWFST PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY 50 acres under cultivation. 34 acres pas- I f ASIWT TERMS - UtEF DELIVERY tlire, sonic limber, tt.i It. well. La rite ! t-"-' CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION bam 2 sprinas and year round creek .11 Xr II KURT1TTTT?K CCl ry good houses. 1 house. 5 rooms base. 11 iV 11 1 UiUU U A L'i K mcnt, oil lirai, Rented at 1 45 a month. The I 1SS0 Faimrounds Rd. - Ph. 3-3797 Oilier lioii'-e Iih.n 10 rooms, .) beErooms. , d.'fil' inis is a reai deal fur somebodv. Eve 2-0473 CALL FOR MR. LK CI EltC J. F. Ulrich Co. Realtors 317 Court St, Ph, 9-7756. c'61 6 IIV. rw.. S12.000 Rt terms. Ph. 2-9829, cd277 N. COM'L, store bldg. St 6 llv. rms., T2 on By ownerterms Ph. 2-9829. cd277 TRAILER court, I6.00fl terms. Bv owner Chas. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water at. cd277 FURNITURE FOR SALE K-PC. BLEACHED walnut dining room "set 2 yrs. old, 85.00. Ph. 2-8818. d263 ROTO-TILLING with M E. machine. Ph 2-7500. h265- TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h283 CL'STOM work plowlna:7disking." Job or hour. Ph.31121. Springer. h264 COLLEGE girl want full time empl. bk wpr., cashiering, typing, selling exp. Will work out of town. Ph. 26783. 11281 NANCY'S Nursery. Day or hr. P!i7 2-4940. h284 IRONING. Ph. 34191' after 6 p.m. h280 INTERIOR PAINTING. ExpPh. 3-6796 h279' OOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff j TRAILER SPACE at Elby's. New. modern social rm., child's plygrnd., reai. ratea. Next to schl. and church. Lge. grnds. Visitors welcome. Dallas Hwy. Ph. 2-2344 . J270 SINGER ELECTRio portabla aewlng ma chines. Reasonab rate. Free pick up ?ld,Ter' 8inB" Sewln "MWm Co 130 N com 1 Ph 33512 WANTED TO RENT 3-4574. n264' PHILCO RADIO. Spark oil heater, 1 oil barrel, iron bed, sprinss and mattress 3 burner hot plate. Large Lang range, In.3-5045. n262' USED OIL circulators. Reconditioned. 120 ancjip. juason. 278 N. Com'l. n262 Sl'IT, double breasted, blue gray, all wool, nara iinisn worsted, like new. Top coai, an wool, snower proof, blue Both aine 38. 1321 McCoy Ave. S-332. B262 LARfiE ROUND oak table 17.50. Tight air neater a. Hall tree 3.50. 3 2-wheeI trailers. Leather office couch 5, O. Martin. Ph. 3-4419. n261 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Qlbsor ana Montag Appliancaat Gevurtz. OIL circulators at close out prices. YtSAi&H AFfLIANCB CO. 375 Cheme- ta. n284- 30-30 WINCHESTER. 30-06 With scope. .& nisn aianaara. .38 cotz. 694 N. Lib- prtV. n264' Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK VP AND DELIVER W. DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 Q283 CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26876. 1)273' WOODSAWING PH t-1578 . BY SITTINGPh 2-8822. h269 tPENTER work. New, repnTT" Ph n26S. CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 h PHYSICIAN A family deMre 3 or 3-bdrm unfurn. house. Ph. 2-0319. j264 a1, i . m wir and one wjiir o-oeoroom nome, I-year lease Call 2-4446 or 2-9078 or phone Standard Station, 2-9187. ja263 ' PLEASE CALL US if you have or will have, an unfurnished house to rent. Oil eo. rep. St wife trans ferred here. Ask for Mrs, Livingston at earr! iV r j ; j?1. Ja2fi2 ROOM ANp BOARD HOME FOR AGED. 2-0910. Quiet location. Ph. LOST AND FOUND FOUND School boy's overcoat on West Salem bridite. Owner may have coat SEWING Machines Free West In ffhon.w Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 Cheme- o284 PLASTI-KOTE the celiophane-llke fin isn ror your floors, woodwork ne tin. Oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 inemexeia. n284J USED Radios. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. a is unemeseta. n2B4' WOLTENRAK BXrescope, coatecTlen. (7.50 with case. Senator Camera Shop 234 N. High. Ph. 3-3028. u261 BABY GRAND piano. Fine cond. Left !(; us for sale. A barnain for quick ale. Are as lanmans. 395 S. 13th. n261' USED washing machines. YEATER AP. PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n284( STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railing In atoc s ma go io eraer. 1145 it. Liberty 0381 WALLINO SAND Si GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK tor roads and driveways cement ready mix concrete, aarden and Bulldozing, drainage and dltchlne -rd. ahovtl and drag tint Ph J-B249 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men't hatter. 464 Court b uwe oaturaays 13:30. m370 DENTAL PLATE R CP AIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Rid., atate St Commercial BU SALEM Phone J-3311 m REAL ESTATE BUY NOW ATTRACTIVE KURl'RRAN HOME 1821 iv. rm. with ftteplace. 1 bedroom fiu rn, cory anciien. l A. land. LtH Of trees Price $951)0. 1IHAHI.F LOCATION N E 1 yr. old rm. nouse Fireplace. All. garage. Largf lot. Price Mfl.7oo Terms Leo N. Childs, Inc., Real. 144 State St Ph j-fll Evenlnis call. Mr. Voorhees. 3-41)07 . a23 Y OWNER: New'"2 bdrniP. Might acrrpt 800 down. Ph 38700. a22 "NEAR ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL A FINE FA Mil Y HOME ON 9 WFT L LANDSCAPFI) LOTS Ol'TDOOR URC PLACE. BflMT. UiF LIV IIM LOr din. rm each wrrn FIHEPI rr DEN 4 BR. J ri'II. IWHs soini BRICK WITH Til F ROOF AUTO (MI FURN. - Jt'err 115.000. GOOD TERMS. CALL CRAWFORD BURT riCHA, REALTORS tT N. Hlth RI Office 3-14 i Ee. 3-5.190 or 3-7451 a381' I f la A I bd. rm. home. Oarace A lartg utility rm atlar)el Jon t( hlsh wiy f9E frontate Fine location for buslnes Just outside eltv limits 1st am ft, of Wyoma MoUl, Woodhurn Or. 38 b.r., elect. St build- ,i. north 3 acres. Good soil. 2 h r home tuoon MmiiiMid d:st. Ihr. home, fire- Plure. Full ba.vtn, 1.1.51)0 3, act.-a, 9 br flreplc., bum. all fnnilshliiKS ll5.ino-3 acres Oond soil St bulldmes. wnrin fsiem New l heat, E;isv teniw. 4-, nionev $B 00 1 J ' acres. Hiuid sni: Inu-s pi i.fi.-sn ED. Lt'KINMF M, RF AL ESTATE Nrtli Hih dt Fve. Ph 3-77H9 . 4-2.(311 - 2-8704 c3C6 TF. POINT HOMF '.' H5O0 " I Late hii-ld. w:i tv!yt 3 I and 1) rms. t',ue,t crilini. 3- 3 bdrms. dn , mi! mlslied impair 4- -All hurdnomt floors Venetian blinds 5- Attached J-rnr larKie. 9 Well Und-v tx-d 7- Lane let, UPvl.'O B-rard Sireet l"orrete drive t-N-sr seh.l. stores (T10 j,u 0-De.lrble district. Oood terms. A l err e rm,-- .--te I 9 no i Nor'h, Knttewnod Di.s, Hdd tir. n' pluce. automatic furnace nice back laid. Only S.(50. rtH0 F H A. appraisal. Ne horn t Sdrms , oil heat, hdwd firs , lane garaae, Sub. South, near bus and school ituso. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Esrlushe I l.tnfs . Peronal Service 114 S Commercial Ol Ph, J-R.tg. Ee. J-4437 or J 74tfl r3S To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 NELSON NEWS FOR HOME BUSINESS Oood 2 bdrm. plastered home, comb. IR im, ndwrt. firs all on one fir L trays, elec. wtr. htr.. asr . lae. lot (50x130), Slate St huslnes. one fi.10n. 3 HnitM. FNOLEWOOtl. R9nO Full hsmt aith laundry. ec wtr. htr, furnace Mrm, LH Ar DR. hdwd. firs, kit, bath, all on 1st llr 3 bdrms. U.Pta:r.. anr . lot 457.V LUNCH KON At ICE CREAM Oomg business on aood secondary htuh sv. RrdiicMi from $4500 to 13500 for quick siile. HOOll VIEW ACREAGE 17500 3l Ae all tn cult . 3 Mrm. home, wired for r!tv r.ine. rlec. wtr htr COUNTRY HOMF WITH INCOME Mod. rnmh. in PH, wall to wall tun. 3 tue bdrms . kit with lota of , on It -ins. Ice. dm nit area, unfinished upMalrA ,t(i rm lor 3 extra bdrm hath. ,100 rap.u-!tv laiin hse. 3 story hiirn St otlier bMt. Oivvi writ, about 3'i A in orchard, principally in ciler ies some filheiis. aalnnts, etc, ' A 1n 1st class hoi thai yielded about 15000 this yes r. ' ml to irad school, bus to Silem Ar Jr. Huh. As km price 115.000. Machinery. 250 Unni pullet Ar some honse'iold ao.Ht. at baraatn price. NELSON NELSON Millt:H. I.wmi R..llorii r.rsoim; ,.,-ruc by M.n Whn flpMt.nr. l ! lln'i Ph. J-IK33 )! WANTED FURNITURE IT'S y6urmistake" If you sell used furniture, appliancej. sporting goods, household effect! with out first getting pit price GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph S-5,in fnr Immed:sfe. Result ds AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight, 7 P m." Lane Sudtell's Auction Sale Yard, located l1 a miles east of Fairground on vrrton Rd. Ph. 3-tii08 ddJfll TREE WORK, topping, trimming remov. in in op worn guar w H McA!li. ter. 840 Trade. Ph J-i4!lfl h261 FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN WARM single sleeping rm. H. A C water. 472 N. Liberty. JkJ62 MCE SLEITING rooms. H .' C water 61 N' HUn- jkws SLEEPING rm.Ph. 3-4335. Jk274 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. PrlVT ent' Ph. 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. Jk278' CLOSE IN sleeping rm. 805 Unlon.jk256 SLEEPING RMS. Relrig 2131 Center iW272 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BONDED AND I ICENSFD livestock buy er E. C. McCandlish, 1127 S. 35. Ph. 3-8117. PETS WANTED REAL ESTATE ni 4RI in nerd ai gooo nouse to sen In or near Salem If tow wu to its' tout proivrn for i1r ' BI 'KRf BEOS, HP 41 TOR 134 S. liberty pn. 1-2471 ca W4ATFD to buy )- housa. not 4o, tilVE AWAY to good home, est. 2 kittens, healthy peU. 4127 Beck. Ph. 3-4.104 eciiU HAMSTERS "for" nalt. They make good er?S4 9-0910 n 4-room modern 1)9 month Ph Oil FUEL DRY 16"jilabA dln. Ph. -3-1458irf SAWDUST A WoodPh32OS. ee372 PH1LUPS BhOS Old fit oak, ash A mane c ttr 18' lab tnfl edimas Ph J14M re WI.NUT shells for sale. K'.orfem Packlne o., 460 N. Front ee PRI'NE wwi gov! for fireplace. 115 00 per com. Eliendaw Ave. Pali a. Ore Oregon Fuel Co. Dr S'ab or Dr tdt'nt Fresh Oan Sad ist Often Fdiine 15 V) load Do'ib'g 110 00 A10 II ' Oreen s;afe i ' fhOM IU1 VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph 2-7817 lk263 ROOMS 448 Cent-r Rear Woodrow's Jk27fl business DIST. Bleeping "room. Heat and not ana coia water. 255 Center. Jk261 HOLLYWOOD, 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk383 QUIET WARM sleeping room." Men. 8?5 N. Winter. Ph. 2-6835. Mt LIGHT HOUSIREFPING oonrtorpentl; man. Close in. North. Phong 1-3028. . jk2M BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDERS Cedar shakes in the carton 112 sq. As brstos siding 110 so. Larite medicine cabinet $7.50. Bargains on insulation, water heaters, water proof wall boards wash basin, ahlnxles, doors, lge. front windows. C. O. LONG. Ph. 3-5821 1 . mile N. of Keizrr. ma388 PERM -stONE for"n"wpiaj and home Salem Pe rma-Stont Co.. 3040 N 18th St. Saiem Phont 1-0605 after 8 pm ma 263 SAVE Of ROOF1NO Lei Ward g i va you com p; t m IN STALLED prlcg on youi roofing need wide range of color Call out ouuid salesman tot Im astlmata Phone 3-31U1 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. i SALEM. OREGON SEWING Machines, electric or treadle service on ail makes. Ph. 3-7671. n28i USED electric water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCECO. 375 Chemeketa. n284 USED electric refrlgeratorsT YEATER AP PUANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n284 SPENCER Corset tier, 3555 D St, Ph. 3-5072 n277 USED oil burners, bio wen burners. Ph. 2-8862. MADAM MARY FORTUNE TILLER " Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Advlcg ft a.m. to 10 pm daily 173 S. Com'L Dnder new man agement. y37fl STtANEI HOME PfodUCt. Ph. 3-4455: This Man Knows! Noted Psychic Advisor Life Reader Without .skint- a .in, I. .uutton h. t.IU yoo what jou want to know liv ing nam,,. daC. tc fact.. Advtaas A help, you on .11 affair, 0( m, ,uc u love health, marrlai. & kiutniaa. HU .dvice ha. hejped thouaanda. it will ben efit you. Special readtn... ,1 ft M g.t isfaction tuaranteed or no fe. aocpted U?'f HA" " d,ll!r undar. Allrm. Motel, 3645 Portland Bd. Tak. C.pltol, DUa, Mtm MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you wh.r. other. ha failed. Satisfaction assured. Advic. on all af fair, of 111.. Special readlm IJ.M. Lo S Ju" outh o! Hubbard on HLhway m Between Woodburn and Bubb.rd au. christraM product.. Ph. 1-S314. pare" HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP. ThouT vuuira we.K. worn-out, solely because body lack. Iron, tet n.w -tality takink Ostrex Tonic Tableu. Introductory slie only soc. At all drut ,ists In Salem, t Fred Meyer'.. pl63 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSTPO. 1J4. PhT AUTOMOBILES Fl'LLEB brushes, 7 Qr.nt. Pb, 3-S357 0210 yd Bns n2s "I "DAR uiliwlM No. 1 2xrt an; amount delivered lowest market prices in- N1- I carton packed eedarwall Z'"''- .lem-Ind.p. ro.d C-.ll i-lim Salejn m, L,UV.". LSP' - aMINOM tOCK ..Mi.-iiE The modern perm.nent roof In, Se. your dealer of Call Dlt t-8401 (n.373 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM heated furn. "apt. 155. rh. JOTo, M I I V F1RN. 3 rm. ant. Private hlh Center. !p:t3. t'OI RT APT. New. rlran 3 rmi. bsth Kauae A- refrl.. 134, s. 12th, jpifj- II RN. TR11.FR house 'for rent. 6411 M. JP2M- NF.Rl.Y furn small 4 rms. electric ran.. e. healer. No b.th. 3SS0 B. etummer il'2l CIF4N 1 rm A- kitchen Partly furn Cos. in. Emploed person. Ph. 3-74,,. JP.'Cfi VFRV ATTRM-TIVF " J.J rm. furn .n. Private bath. Utllitle. furn. Ph. J.siin urr . p.m. u.ar 4-i stomi r. mint on your em tractor and carpenter using the finest old trowth eertlcl r.in yellow fir finished lumoer In Salem On hand it Dick Merer Lumber Co U Loot A.e Ph J49.19 Preparkln. ma Building Something? Used windows complete with frames 7.S0. 32"34" sash 12.35. All thlck ne new plywood. V plywood only '.c C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5831. 1 mile N of Kf!'"- ma 368- W tht time' Call 3-I9I for frei estimste on applied roof:ng Get roof lnt a eat her protection before it rain Sears R,eb;irk St Co., bid No. Csp.'.'i 2??lJ-9m ma3:s BARN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd load 125. Arnold Phillips P ( 361 Turner Ph. 1X2. USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLT- noc ii a,3 cnemeKtta. n284 l flD50IL l,EATE,,S 119 ao773tT30 and GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INO 467 Court St. Phong l-B6!l 3(M RAVAGE, new, acone Ar case. Winches chesteraanum. new. Ph. 3-6583. i283 SALEM SAND at OHAVEX COMPANY Contract Wort ftoad Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Eaulpmest Rental 15 B-H yd 10 B yds D-l Cat ft Dog? D-6 Cat ft Dorer D-4 Cat ft Dorer Beg a about ditching by thf It. Phone Days 1-9468 Eve 3-334 or 3-4400 ftaiem Oregon b ' tl.s!!Jl.r' b Iod- 0 per 1.000. Tou haul independencg Lumber ft Ufg Co inc. Independenca Ore . . 0 CLARU CAMERA 35 mm f-2 I Jena 1loM sec shutter. Oood condition. 162 3 with case. Senator Camtra Shop, 234 N Hinh. Phone 3-3028. njgj PHILLIPS BROS. Pert!.i?era. well rotted or fresh any kind. By yard or sack mattock for all rock work Cedar fence pm!j. telephone end fiec, pole Any lensth. 8hinle POiU Pa 3-1453 Rt. Bat 118 Ye FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 3P.62 I SIMMON mil .nrtr.. " tAW... ...v.l CITN. QUIET, warm 3 room apt. Middle bed. New. .!S. Ph. 3065T or IMS N Li aed lady preferred. 4S Terry. jpgj ' bpr,T fter 3 pm. n22 WOOD CIRCUHTOR. cheM rf drawers firemen, chairs bedg ft springs. Mar'o. 145 S Church. n3g3 BR V INT U9 furnace M.Oofl B.f.O. Ued m"- V"T Cheap Ph. 39414 B33 "MIL APIRTMENT, 3!g MtAslon. P5 l liiittes furnished. )iH Vr RN. 4 rm. and bath, Ranee, refru '.miif.e furn. Near Un.vers.ty isn 4ft 8 capital. jpJSS PT 3 room bathT ftmail"VhUdT"illUt N 4th. Ph. 11.47. .pjil SEWfXO MACHINES. neW and n'rt "an guaranteed. 25 treadles, 313 up. Portable I.tTll?"' 3"M up cb5-" electrics, 859 5(1 up Terms. W. DaTenport. 19.10 N. 18th Ph. 3-7671. n26t MODEL ft Winchester 13-a"iiB" M..mnM with pilot choke. Nearly new. Ph. 3-8273. . n2l SHOTnuv. ia c.a.. Hiegfns" bolt Vction 3't boxes of shells, tig 3090 Berry or Phont 3-0488 alterj p m. n3S2 i'RED WOOD furnace w:th awdusTburn. rVr tt ?it,trr- Ph 3-3709 n2I Journal Want Ads Pay VANTED MISCELLANEOUS " Tf",, "b' Pt. ! s Move. . ... rt.2.a. i in naumi pnon. i-iin WANTrt): 54IKIF. Doui.. nr pole! or .tump., Phon. 12.1 Alb.ny ot write ttudud Pol. pumi In. .17J WILSON'S Run Your Eyes Over These Buys Best Used Cars in Town 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan ONLY$ 1695 SHOWS IXClPTIONAt CARE. FINE CAR LUXUBY AT LOWEST COST. 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan . , . . ONLY $ 1575 ONE OP THE MOST POPULAR CARS ON THE ROAD. MECHAN ICALLY SOUND, AND FAIRLY PRICED. 1947 Buick Special Sedanet . .ONLY 1595 THE COMPORT AND PERFORMANCE OP LUXURY CARS WITH THE PRICE AND EC ONOMY OF A SMAU, CAR. THIS ONE IS I. CEPTIONAL. 1946 Pontiac Strm. Sedan ....ONLY 1395 A TREMENDOUS DOL LAR S WORTH. LOT OF STYLE. COMFORT. AND PERFORMANCE 1947 Ford Club Coupe ONLY f 1275 A OOOD LOOKINO. OOOD RUNN1NO CAR. OOOD FOR THOUS ANDS OF MILES OF LOW COST TRANS PORTATION. 1941 Chrysler Station Wagon . . . ONLY $ 795 OOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. WOOD EXCELLENT. WILL SEAT UP TO NINE PASSENOERS. 1!40 Ch.vrolet 2. Door ,, lnl IMS Or.h.m Sedan !! HJl 1S Chevrolet J-Door ' tm 182 Model A Ford ,t u Runs fin. and good tire. OTHERS TO SELECT IN ALL PRICE GROUPS OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center Sta. . ' condition. J. D. Fol.y, Ph. a-4HJ. , "Srfc1S!i MrdTi.!i; EXTRTSPEXIAi7!J" nJIlPr32t0L'IH DELUXE E- SlLFO ?o,?EZ.?NLY "" ACTUAL ra Tm.Vo.,Lt HAVS T HURRY ON THIS ONE. ONLY 11268 , F JOE SPURLOCIC TEAGUE MOTOR CO. ,s COMMERCIAL .!! Ntw 19l Chev. deluxe 4 door i.a.n.sr". '" P""- 1M1N. Winter. ,"q SPECIAL , , FF JOE SPURLOCU.' TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 3SJ N, Cornim, pn, nitl. .Ml lira nonnE cjum. HH Hari., DtTkW "4. Phone 1-J747. ... (Continued on Page 21)