18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1949 'YOUR BUTLER OBVIOUSLY HAOT THE FRENCH 1 Wh:ltMtm miles from Ms sen, cf tt crimt- I W HERE'S "CHOKER'S" p FOR T' 1 I" . SURPRISED PRCWLERS IN THE DOOR WAS j l ,"rWT?rr tii" i "wp" 1 I A HOUSE WHERE SOME PEOPLe I I LIBRARY WRS. PAR.-HW STANDING OPEN. iJCiJSYS V NAME OF APPLITOWN LIVE J 1 D,D THEY GET IN?T rlQ?l'W!TH . fD, wf & EsflS V fY tl f SINfl n-..-j .- rXfrrA Bi-O" TOwW JOBS. CHUCK i Z- iVki-w RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness PC WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW I KOIN I KEX ( eh Pri bl up tie we nai An 1 thr w by toy 1 oni pri gio or hai cia ne dr ! an yei eoi lie 2 ei ed da ed P by PEGGY Chapter 3 Cal Sheridan called at five o'clock; a long distance call. Briskly he re ported clear steles and an Intention to fly on aouth, It she didn't mind. "Mind? Darling, I think it's a wonderful Idea." "A wonderful Idea?" he echoed doubtfully. "Leta. you sound dif ferent. You sound like your old self." "I am," she sang-. "Well. now. look, sweet. If you're In that mood, meet me in your car and we'll make an evening of it." "Sorry; previous engagement. No, dear, nothing like that. I had a wire from Deldre O'Meara; you remem ber her? I'm takir the eight o'clock express." "All right, then I'll cut my fish ing trip a week, make up for that week of evenings you wasted." "Don't." she advised, "because I'm taking off for at least three weeks. I thought as long as I was North I might as well visit other friendR; Aunt and uncle are going to Mexl CO." "Well, darling, be seeing you at home. Bye now." Later, mucn later, she was on the last mu of her journey, bne had nown as far rs possiole, to save time, entrained lor a snort trip and now was sitting beside trie driver ol a ous. "Have to let you off here," the driver apologizeu. "Ham's got me store circle so soft I aon't uare to take a chance." She left the bus and waited foi it to move back on its nortnwaru Journey, tnen attempted to snift her airplane luggage to a better position. A station wagon dasneo by, wheeled and raceo into tne grove where shuttered windows pro claimed a slumbering resort center. Arleta looked down at her skirt and stockings and sighed. The wheels had spun up suriace water ana cast it at ner in passing. Well, she couldn't Just stand there Her mother had mentioned bus service from the highway to Die Langtry tract, but from what the driver nad said that too was sea sonal. He'd also said the store had remained open. Shed find some one to drive her the remaining nine. Two steps and she was around the point which had cut off a view of the store. The station wagon had pulled up before it, and a girl had Jumped out to dash up the store steps and come to . sharp stop before a man who had Just emerg ed. Arleta had an impression of sharp beauty, energy and arrogance as the girl faced the man. "How" the voice was imperious "I want to see you." "You have, my dear," he return ed, passing her in a quick down ward step, "but there was someone you failed to see." He was looking at Arleta as he spoke, grey eyes laughing in friendly faRhion. "We're not usually this rude." the young man apologizec as he came toward her. "Were you expecting someone, or may I help you?" She liked his tall leanness, the rougn tweeos. tne slouch hat pulled over light brown hair and the fun ny quirk of his left eyebrow. "Thank you" he'd somehow managed to reassemble her lug sage, taking all but a small bag. "No, I wasn't expecting anyone, but I had counted on the Langtry bus." "Longtry oh, you mean the Sun rise bus. No, sorry. Poor old thing was farmed out a year ago." They were approaching the store. Arleta looked up to see the dark haired girl staring down at her, a look of utter hatred in her eyes. "Allene " began the man. But with one quick movement Allene was down the steps, the wagon door slamming behind her, the roar of the car motor drowning the sur prised, "Allene. wait." "It's obvious," he remarked, turn ing to Arleta, "you weren't a pros pective house guest. Well. I live in that general direction. I'd be happv to take you. No." he brushed her uncertainly aside, "I was Just leav ing." They discussed the weather and other safe impersonal topics, and then the car turned into the resort proper and the man remarked that nothing could look so utterly drearv as a summer resort In the winter. R2857 mffijP - i O'MORE HP Newnff ittrt "I always prefered the resort this way,'1 Arleta remarked, "me cot tages look as though they were asleep. Goodness knows they need a rest after the wear and tear of a vacation season." "And that ones snoring; see the open mouth," An Inset doorway not visible from the road. Arleta looked north and cried, "Oh. look. Lake Langtry." "Did you say Lake Langtry?" scoffed the man beside her. "You don't suppose the people around here would tolerate that name!" Arleta was still with the stillness of shock. She heard the car rumble over the bridge, was aware of where she was. but the rumble was like the rumble of a storm she'd known must come. "That name." The scorn he had put into the words Langtry? Oh, but that had been a proud name, a name the natives rolled over tneir tongue witn ai fectlon. an honored name. They had reached a turn around on the far side, and here three roads forked west. "Sorry," the man beside her chuckled, "I've failed to ask your destiatlon. Which of these roads" "I am going to the Langtry ranch," said Arleta through stiff lira. "Langtry" He turned now to stare at her, and In place of quick companionship, amusement and admiration, there was watch ful speculation. "I am Arleta Langtry." (To Be Continued) Wearables for Gifts For gifts both pretty and practical, gifts that show a personal consideration, why not choose wearables like these? Easy to make, and oh so easy on the yardage. (Two separate patterns). No. 2830, a tea apron, Is cut in one size and requires only 1 yd. 35-ln. fabric. Applique included. No. 3001, the bed Jacket, is cut In small, medium and large sites. Any one of these sizes cuts from 1 yd. 39 In. if you face with contrasting fabric or bind the edges. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles? Just Include the FALL-WIN- ler FASHION BOOK in your pat tern order and you'll be delighted with the wide selection of designs for all size and age groups, and all occasions. You'll also get many suggestions for easily made gifts that will stretch your Christmas budget. Price of book 20 cents. Send 3Sc tor PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number 3tnte size desired. Address Capital Journal. 314 Mis sion St., Snn Francisco 5. Calif. rartiim Potboillers These amus ing pothnldcrs make perfect "bazaar bait'' and shower gilt as well as practical kitchen accessories. Cro cheted of ecru cotton, "hers" are feminine with lacy stitches and shell I border In green. "His" are more tailored with a strloed border. Pattern Envelope No. IU857 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, stitch Illustrations, material requirements and finishing direc tions. To obtain tnn pattern, send JOc in COINS giving pattern number ivour name address and rone num iber to Peggv Roberts, tit Mission i Street San Francisco 1, Calif. J -3001 small. V A (r MEDIUM- hzM. Mr"' V 1 1 1 fix&4: 1 ? O wa?3eai ' '--JJ1 "'''s W ves l dont doubt 'Voh oonT woRRvll Sf just keep oomkV T"pERCEcrfir "the i 1 B ifcwouc win ran juai rKwn b 1 1 kkuk to tculuh 1 DOU l I g 10 HTOWHilm I HfcOHLte wife MChl VI n .-1.1 K I ICAS, BCTf"S, THEY'RE SO MXJ BMO VDUP-ER-J AS SULPHUR WOTER-AHO MPS. MfiC BONO-1 j FOOD g 322B. J THe-STIMLVBnr;-Bl 9:00 D I ILUK-SHOOTIN'ThOT TRKKSER WEN ARE B ft MORE NAUSEnNG I WE'LL SET AL0NQ- J B ISNT IT? WE'LL BE SEEINt JB g:JS H L KTCCHmJ HELPED US ALL H ltt , . .'L . M s 4 ,-JM n ivrrdiai i .i ;.iT7iTi!i sT ,tvra ,. ,. iiB ::' iirvj m'-f 1 .,i'ii-i'W n ii wn m&w w-jrn m w. m mm vbUt im sk i m u l i i i wi i mm a k t am i lafMBiKriiiiiijnijiiBiisCXsiBiBaii i:uu i ;' i mm "a i ". 1 1 .v; n l-so I, . mr vjuniuk Ntooi wHtKt s now, tou know why l wore I out mu lckjk KKtuou ii n 1 1 1 9-45 OM.A-X J VD,D YO SET THAT 7 Ik H W.DOWN A. My COUSIN J JUWIOR! ITS THE f i'.M A, , ,. (OF COURSe;f I i BOV 9 WILBUR IS S.IUDYIN13 lOtStl (.Ultil lUtA 1 CV&K - 3:1S T I ( YOUR HAT. 1 V" J I . iUEUD Akjr, 1 I CT U1M J UEACfl nC A H-lODCO UAlO-5) 3:30 VPLEAsey y S-vr . L" PRACTISE Ol ME i cut FORTME PRESIDENT of L3: I If W III:. If .I ' ' t I '- I TUC TATJOCn 11 i .rs I . I a Tllll . iSiy mihrn, tdmm nMp PCEDINO, EH ?i I- FEEL fOTTtN, DON'T M3J ? TH' COMMISSIONER HAS THOOSW- LHrsT VTOIS TICKET'LL S BUT, WAIT IVtWV CUOUD . FUkLW PROVIDED EACH OF OS . AfTAllfl'i WHAT 7COST YOU FIFTY V t . HAS A SILVEB UNINQ j COPS WITH A KMMV-DP.ESSED " In!' THEY . I DOLLARS.'.' r-i.C" ,. , ' LIKE oaj.'T GO AHEAD- 1 I WISH r" aO ALU) L i-- J I -, f-i EXPRESS ALL YOUPJ -ef THIS WAS ) T4 I SAV, I lt VCO'X' J w MUTT NOW I PAFFE! I GOT Wff I THOUGHT VOU "Hf it DO M3U HAVE TtZ7-jrE ZJul DnJW M GOTTA TELU 'IM ifiOODNeVvS.fl),') ' I VWAS A FRIEND J H HIT ME SO JZXjZjM I'l-T ,,..J TwJIf' V ! 0 Aeoin-w V Tj . I W0NPER WHAT HOM) Sg SSffJSSSi myWmfS' I I SggWf YES, BUSTY. ITS AN R y,'H'J a!' RwrywSfrHB? J I there? VWL IS REAPV TO mm.' HE MAY HAVE LOST IT f S0METHINSS 60NE T 1 w -m. Si BELON6EP TO OUR S rg I MARTIN'- ARl rV tu.t. )l I IAl OVKIOOK lOURCOAMl I RtALLT?- Anoi-e. laji.t.V i tn MY tOAT.' Wl"W ft ' . ! 1 ! , ii y W i MM 1 'Ifc flW W f W Hits 120 NBC t70 CBS 11M ; 00 Funny Sid Knot Minnlng Cballrnr ;15:Ncwi V-ltll Show vukoa ItOonn mt Tlmei X'hPt Hunilcr pkr King :4SKImr Peterson iNewt iSkr King OOYsnr Lift Kirourhs Man Flreflfhters :15'Vaar Life )n roue ha Man Jlome ;Mvtli Coeklall hlng Craabjr Aulhar 45MhU Cocktail Binf Crosby Author ; (HI Ril Story ptnrm m Altra Lono Ranger llKllg Story ffturna m Allea Ltont Ranger ?n ortalo Tlmo Hrltvwoo4 Mr. Malono ; 45 Curia ! Tlmo llollyweofl Mr. Malono OOHinatra-Kirtten Lowell Thomaa Is her. ;1,iVewi ( World Jack Smith Sher. 30 Gilderlee pr. Christian (Boris Karloff ;4Slf.lldersleM Pr. Christian Boris Karloff fKI Wreak tho Bank Frank Race llS'Break tho Bsnk Frank Race :.l0OI. Attorney 8eolih ;4.Spist. Attorney Club IS jr roupler rroupier Orchestra prehestra ;0n;Sam Hayea 0 Star Final ; IS Current Cn. You, the World Btchftd. Intertnetto Sit TP' 00' JW pt. Final nir-rio k'on ert ex Win lam urcnestrn oneert (KliNews Nerenade Concert IConrert liWax Museum prehestra 30 Wh Museum Treaa, Band Memos Memoa 45 Wat Museum 00 Mltn Off Istlent iXtra Hour THURSDAY 6 A.M. 6:00 Hod re red go 6:15jNwa 6:30 Farm Tlmo 6:45 Farm Tl me 'News Farm Keep Keep Keep KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock 00 Early Bird H OId Bonn :30 Newa ;4Aani Hayea 00EddieAlbert IS Eddie Albert (News News ENewa Agroniky Hob Ha ten eke Mannera Fred Beck Consumer Newa Breakfast Krwt Breakfast Grand Slam IKreakfaRt 0 Jack Berrh Sage Riders Kosemary (Breakfast The Seeond Cud Wendy Warren News irne beeond Cup'Aunt Jenny iHometownert Helen Trent (Stsrs of Llnklrtler Link letter wa Gal Sunday Marrlaao for nig Bister 1Mb Perkins Jack Norman iSXora Lawton 30 Dick Haymei Jalen Malone IMt True Easy Listening aiding Light My True Double or d Mrs. Burton Betty Nothlni IPerry Mason Children Norah Drake Lliht of World Brighter Day Life Beautiful News Baukhagt ewa Come At Get It News lepper Yonng alright A Light iNoon iHappiness Art Baker (-Meet 'Backstage Wife Iflarnyard FoK breakfast ISStella Dallas arry Moore HollTwood ,tf);Lorenio Jonea iarry Moore Kay West Wldder Brown tlrkham Newa. Kay West A Girl Marries Klrkham News 'Jay Stewart 15 Port. Faces Life Meet th' Missus Jay Stewart lust Plain Bill Meet th Missus Bride di Frt. Pg. FarrellrTune. Youra Bride m Welcome Trarel.lArt Klrkham 'ick Kirk Welcome Travel Arthur Godfrey Kay West unt Mary Arthur GodfreriLadles Be iLoto and Learn Arthur GodfreyfTed Malono I Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrer Mod. Romances' SiRoad of Life 'Arthur GodfrerrMod. :;l.ur. ra curt nasscy Kquirrei 45 'More of Lift) Edw. R. Murr'wiSqulrrel DIAL LISTING, lOAT Wednesday P.M. .1:00. Chll lwMt dren'a Theater) 8:15, On tho Upbeat I 6:90. 650 Sports Clubi :A0, News i :1S. Piano Portraits! 6:30, Friends of Worldi 6:46, Invitation to Read; 7:00. .Farmers' .Union t .1:16, .Evening Houri 8:00, Radio Shorthand Contest) H:!W, Great Soncs; :15. News and the Weatheri :(M), Music That Fndurest 0:46, Evening Meditation) 10:00, Sign Off. Second Logging Truck Fails at Bridge Turn Silverton In the same lo cation, and for the second time the accident was an "accident" that no one happened to have been injured, when a large truck load of logs said to belong to the Totland Logging company, car eened at the turn onto Silver Creek bridge in the center of town, and for the same reason, happened shortly after the noon ACROSS L Temporary fashion, s. Onlt of work I. Ulut 12. Death nolle 11. American general 14. Choke up 15. Demolish 16. Diangurlng 18. Literary composition 10. Lamb's sobriquet 11. SUns 22. Dismay: variant 11. Entirelr 29. Unable to find one', way 21. Silkworm 12. Planes 24. Declare 1$. State posi tively 27. Type of poem 39. English fetter 40. Ascended 42. By one's self 44. Petrified veeetattoo 48. Broader 49. Penitent S3. Field of gran ular snow 64. Opposite of aweather BS. Algerian governor Sf. Biblical region B7. Recompense RS. Before B9. Let It stand DOWN 1, front 3 It 1- ''it mdm tfrfrT?r 't par Tjr ?f so jfi 'si 71 si "Tss Mji I I I l I I Xi'ZA I I I A Newifsatvres ROOM AND BOARD 5 th' ear.l said vouue beins a tiawd Pigeon about gettin' r A MATCH FOB. ME WITH A PGHTIN' FIREMAN NAMED 'FOUR-ALARM FOLEY' LOOK -GO AHEAD AND GET IT FOLEY Can't come into RING With MORE TWO FISTS TH' LEGAL LIMIT i- . J . ? w ' Jin." KSLM 10 MBC K0C0 UM Kc ABC mt B-Rar-B Ranrb Rhythm Ranch RhMhm Ranch B-Bar-B Ranch Mil Mil ,Bing Croab ! Business News Icsndle " Light- fiabrlel Healer tdltion News land SUvor fifwm Troplcana Pat O'Brien Musical Jacknog Erelyn Knight Great Sporta C. llle ( rill Tell Toat Muslo Coast In Ami. Coast In AuL Ciseo Rid ;UcKld Holmra Holmei Name of That rTraik una Hone Track 14W Traek 14! rraek 14M Track-!! Track 14M Simm Ostit, Harriet Frank Raeo Frank Raeo Musle Yarn Want Musla You Waal 'Ray Block Bar Block News David Roao Rambler Ramblert Fulton Lewla Loral Newa Sews rddie Howard Rrportei Hour Hour Hour Hour I Lora Myatery Noelurna Nocturne Nocturne Socturno Sign "Off Music Rus Morxan Rub Korean Tom or. Tomor, sign Off TO 4:45 P.M. Hews fa Smiling Timekeeper Kmlllng March Tlmo Smiling Kewa IKOCO Kleeh KOCO Klock ftewa Hrkfat. Gang Htrkrst. Gang prop Tradea hTei Bitter INfwi it Sport Top Morning Top Morning Club Rarg'n Conntor! Ch. la Alldwd Club Club Morn. Special lllaven ol Rel rgan Moods West s Melodic Fiesta Tint Melody Tims Melody Tlmo Club lllaven o ltwt N.' wrNewe Today ult Club Pustor's Cat! (Sate Riders Stars nins J. Ch. Thomaa Newa Newt Drake Kilrhea Musie ITuno Tins Story Wiles Story jWalti m Ketv Crocker Ladles First lLadles First Ktueen for Day Musle Mart Music Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varieties llAllrw'd Mnslo flollyw'd Muslo Headline News Quern for Day Top Trades News Dreams N. W. News Menjoue Boh F.berlr uav Dennis In fTell Y'r Neigh. Mae's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Tlmo Philosopher Byers Can Be 'larrey Hardins prgan Reveries Bing Sings Melody Mattnee Melodr Matinee Groom Tenn. Jamhoree Groom iTenn. Jamboree wood Bob Pool a Seat. I Bob Pool i Newa I Dave Rosa Fulton Lewis Hemingway Behind Story ICar. Caeallero Romances cage Cage I Beaatlfal KOAG 550 fAf Thursday A.M. 10:00, Newst IVwMv 10:15. Especially for Women i 11:00, School sf Aln 11:16. Concert Halli 1?:00. News) 13:16, Noon Farm Heart 1:00, Rido m Cowboy; 1:16. School sf Aln 1 :48, Melody Lanei Z:00, Homo Garden Hour) t:60, Memory Book of Muslei 1:45, Excursions In Science) 6:00. Newsi 6:16, Mule of the Masters) 4:00, University Hour. hour Monday. The logs never left their bound moorings on the truck, but crashed against a wire pole on the Olsen Pharmacy corner, and loosened the cement fix tures of the municipal drinking fountain. Around a year and a half ago, a similar accident happened at the bridge approach with the logs rolling from the truck. In neither case was any on injured and the roadway wai soon cleared. na!iPitlpneiAiPATssl PC M UjE0PI I NSiD o r i nUbeTT I jp E glE TsBsl'riw 5Hsan SIT AIgHa 6 6BS ElNT ri iIlIoIbIaI I tC3 P Li ElA igJu i'M' a eBbeIliaiT ElpQvje O NAHMItT t jQtj I M M aIliaPs eItHl) i b o O P E Ri AISW RI A I STF R T E R E T EiIa P O R N S itlQlTlAlTl Solution of Yettrday' Puzxl 1. Arabian rarme nti I. Passes Into solution 4. Water vupor I. City railways t. Intermission L Pertaining t the earth S. Predicament . Title of Mohammed 10. Weight 11. Poultry product IT. Long narrow Inlet 19. College cheef 22. Organ of smell 24. Authorltatlro example 2B. English rlvor 26. Tnrdy 27. Wlngllke 28. Son of Jacob 30. Balancing par of a kite 32. Built 35. Large flat bottomed boat IS. Play fast and loos 41. And not 43. Baseball teams 46. Assistant 47. Cry of th ancient bacchanal 4. Hire 43 EccentDo ro tating piec 50. Palm leaf tl. By birth it. Watch eloael) By Gent Ahem YES, AH But he has a record OF 2.9 STRAIGHT th' KNOCKOUTS,'" DOESNT THAT THAN AWE AND CONCERN - YOU ?