PC ( Chf Prf bl 1 up ' tie V wi in An 1 Ihr by tow I ont prl glo or hat cla m dre f nt yei coi lie, $2! ei d P IS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1949 little World Series' Talked for Minor Loops Los Angeles, Nov. I UP) A new "Little World Serin" between the Pacific coast League champion and eith the American association or International league pennant wlner Is being talked. PCL Prexy Clarence Row land said yesterday that the plan is under discussion and he hopes to announce an agree ment soon. He added that the PCL's present governor's cup playoff will be lropped next season, regardless. Rowland said the plan un der discussion will either pit the PCL champ against the American association or Inter national winner or against the survivor of an elimination Jefferson Plans Valley X-Country Races on Nov. 10 Jefferson Jefferson high school will hold its fifth annual Willamette valley cross coun try championship races Thurs day, November 10 at 2 o'clock. There will be competition in three divisions: junior, limited to high school boys whose 16th birthday falls on December 2, 1949, or thereafter; interscholas tic, limited to any high school in good standing with the state association, with seven entries permitted from each school; "B" school race, limited to "B" schools only with seven contest ants permitted. Suitable school trophies and Individual ribbons will be awarded winners In all three di visions. The Jefferson course is ap proximately two miles in length with one quite hard hill to climb followed by a sharp drop. series between the two east ern circuits. The AA and International tltlists now face each other in a "Little World Series." Rowland did not say anything about future plans of that series. He added that lack of pub lic interest will force aban donment of the PCL playoffs regardless of whether the planned playoff with the east ern circuits goes off. Victoria Whips Vancouver Icemen In PC Hockey Go (Br tht AJicclaUd Pruil Forward Roy McKay played the "ball of fire" role for the Victoria Cougars last night, scoring four goals to give the Cougars an 8-6 win over the Vancouver Canucks in a Pacific coast league hockey game. In Tacoma the Rockets and the New Westminster Royals staged a battle royal which end ed in a 5-5 tie. The lead chang ed hands in every period until the Royals scored the final tying goal with less than three min utes left in the game. Ken Ul lyot of the Royals was high man with two goals. In the league's Southern di vision, San Diego ended a three game losing streak by blasting the Fresno Falcons, 4-0. In Berkeley, a small crowd saw the Oakland Oaks trim the Los Angeles Monarchs 3-1. The word "whiskey" comes from a Celtic word meaning wa ter of life, according to the En cyclopaedia Britannica. SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys LADIES CLAHAIC LEAGI'I AbIU fhe t McDnltl 460. Lmon 432, Crum? 4A9, Uurllhaupt 473 Divty 47S; United WhNl Allf no-enl (1r Row land . K intuit I 3ft. Van Derhoof 370. Bojc 437. Robertaon 400. Lais Florlit II LlnrlMr 443. Upiton 185. M cCU In 394. Bennett 3B5, Keenaa 38ft; Randall's Fine Meat I fllona 419. Low. 17 33. Br helm an 310, Whltmort JM. 8winon 406. Plank ' CanatractiM ( Oarrlinn 3A7 , ettber 415. Plank 424. Hlni 130. Behroed I r 431; Aleiander't Jewelry MerreU , 409, Hock 404, Brockhofr 179, Tanner 393, Johnson 448. Rlncland'a Krnnel. 1 Elliot 398, Halt 452, Relnhard 408, Peaae 343. Evan 372; Oto4 Hnaaekeeplnf t Olnejr 403, Olbb 449, Jonea 438. Clark 933, Oarbarlno 495. High lnd. tama, Barbara Cauae and B. Uuellhaupt 184; hi eh lnd. aertM. Wllma Clark, 933; hl(h team aerlM, Anita Shop. 3338. wultat MERCANTILE LEAOl'E NO. t Fear or k Tleanera ) Bonney 4311, Volk 408, Sawyer 485. Alexander 473, ftalatrom Bit; Rem In ten Rand ID Colburn 580, K 1mm el I 380, Raboin 409, MfDanlfll 49. Crlewell 815. Barkland Lamber P. Webb 480. B. Burkland 444, Brink 307. D. Burkland 478. H. Webb 480; Malrn'a Cheeron Slattern f Malm 541, Wenger 381. Kara 387, Kep pi titer 447, D. Wenger 431. Maek Llnd o Morton 396. Oray 189, Polk 370, Wtlion 333. Llnd 474; Ter minal lea I4 Some 478, McDonald 384. 304, Bantea 336, Thronaberry 439, Waaton 489 Standard Stallone (8) KopUcke 433, Werrien 370. Redding 303, Knuth 481, Pur dy 420; Salem Heating Sheet Metal (I) Moorman 389. Yapp 309, Lewla 438, Ola dow 384. Evana 38". High lnd. game and high tnd. aerlea, Oolburn of Remington Rand, 308 and 800, high team aerlec, peacock Cleanera, 3939. Capital Alleys INDUSTRIAL I.EAfll'E NO. t Hammond Body Shop (I) B. Valdei 505. P. Valdea 549. Cauaey 494. Kerr 5.18. Hammond 57; Sela t Krejel 031, Main 637, Rockwall 450. Dencmora 473, Bchrunk 581. MoMlell t Mtrch 540, Curl In 413, Pre tilt 430. Jankoakl 443. Buckly 504; Salem Heavy Hauling (l Hulaman 477, Crarrolt 414, Wilder 533, Parley 463, B. Craycrolt 473. fhrla'a Market (1) from 395. Mc Laughlin 403. Walt 44. Cravcroft, Jr. 485, Sharp 381: Waltlaker'a Weldera t Wll larrt 410. Whlttaker 439. Lawleaa 439. Bl wood 875. Cherlniton 488. Leder Broa. It) Down 458. Shuck 406. Bunt, 532. Chakarun 409, Baumgart 440: McKay Chevrolet (I) Mlttendor! 444, Doaa 410, Thompaon 439, Olbb 409, Ander aon 408. Salem Aate () Dougherty 301, Randall 369, WUllama 353, Olvens 347, Dunnlgan 374; Veil Farm Store S Bolre 391. Schmidt 442, B. Gray 403. Morrla 453. Sul livan 614 High lnd. aeriei. Krejel, 831; high lnd. game, Schrunk. 339: high team same and high team aerie. Selo, 1003 and 3588. Duckpin Bowling MEN'S C1TT LEAGUE Capa'i Vied Can fi Eddie Hfiuel 411. Carol Cappa, 538. Howard Smith 433, Lea Capna 490, Bill Campbell 423. Lei New- man' 0 Jim Lin hart 190, Sam Foi 344. Harvey Fox 357, Bill Nelmeyer 171, Id EllUon 388. ineet Deflate (41 Royal Pawley 437, B P. Cuahlng 435. Cliff Reed 433. Duant Chretlan 38. P. W. Hale 428. Heldee Radio 0 Lea Dolge 193. Dave Spalding 438, Paul Ruaaell 192. Keith Kara 357. Leon stun no. Reede Drive Inn lit Leonard Cappa 414. Wayne Prank 418. Oeorge Reed 977, John Hoi en 405. Emery Alderman 180. Mlcka la-n Shea (It Art Herachback 304. MHberl Jacober 440. Frenclx Miller. Stanley Groom 173. B B. Snelirovc 139 Devi Oil Warne Field 400. Carl Wilcox 448. Glen Rlanton 49.1, Jerry Devi 487. Frottr Olaon lQi Tom Wood 479. Eddie HarrUon 489. Harvey Orltfln 378, Bill Oauthler 408. Arnold Merer 470. High team aerie and came: Davta oil. 3508 and 878. Htih Individual aerie: Carol Cappa (Capna Uaed Car) 531 High Individual game: Glen Blanton (Davla oil) 310. MIXED POimi.Et LEAGl'E Orval'a 1'aed Tare 3 Bill Lapchle 306. Almadean Lapichlex 245. Charlie Lap rhlea 339. Kelly Lapcrhle 336; Marian Meier U) wayne Frank 313. fauune oa born 391, Emery Alderman 390, bye 344. cappa- uaea can ii i Ldier capo jcj. Jan Huach 336. Eddie Henael 393. Wyetta Cappa 389: UK Rubber Weldera (8) Hill Oauthler 408. Lorene Hansen 339, Roy Nal aon 373, Fenny Thorton 324. General Flnanre (81 PrancU Miller 413. Martha Pejea 3&8. Alma Penny 470, Arnold Meyer 440; Salem Merchant Patral (1 Audrey Steele 333, M liber t Jacober 370, Art Herchhark 430, by 346. Cora l. Seal Cover U) Bud Booth 414. Opal Capo 390. Lola Booth 344. Carol Capp 428; Lleyd'a Aate Painting (Si tiamiti Duncan 345. Biiua Duncan J15. Uladya Wood 409. Tom Wtod 463. Hitch team serle. General Finance ft Lloyd Auto Paint. 1687; hlih team game. I.lnvd'a Auto Paint. 6.10; high lnd. aerlea, Gladys Wood, 469. high lnd. game. Alma Penny, 185. Doom of Baseball Bonus Rules Is Foretold at Meet Veriaillei, Ky., Nov. 2 U.PJ Basebail'a bonus rule appeared doomed today. Member! of the major league executive council voted for the complete repeal of the controver sial bonui rule during a 1 1 v e - hour meeting at Commissioner A. B. Chandler'i home here yesterday. Major and minor league club owners will vote on the action next month and if the executive council's recomme n d a 1 1 o n is adopted as it appears assured it will be all provisions of the bonus rule will be repealed 10 days after the legislation is passed. If the bonus rule is scrapped in December, it will mean a re turn to the pre-bonus rule days in which clubs were not limited in payments in any respect in their efforts to acquire talent. Although much of yesterday s session was devoted to discussing matters pertaining to radio and television broadcasting, council members voted against any ad vance in the opening date of the major league season. The reason given was that early April wea ther is too uncertain in some big league cities. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Not. I Nov. ( No. t Nov. I 11:11 m. 11:3 p.m. 11:44 .m. 0:23 t.m. 1214 p.m. 1:05 t.m. 12:43 p.m. 1:47 m. 1:10 p.m. 2:2? a.m. 1 37 p.m. 3:07 l.m. 2:03 p.m Low 4:38 a.m. 3:43 p.m. 3:39 a.m. 8:22 p.m. 8:17 a.m. 8:38 p.m. , .A am 7:33 p.m. -0.4 7 20 a.m. 2.8 8 OS p.m. -0.8 7 M a m. 2.3 8:43 p.m. -0.7 8:13 a.m. S 3 8:22 p.m. -0.7 3 2 Red Barber, nationally known as a sports announcer began his radio career as a student an nouncer at station WRUF of the University of Florida. &7 faMsh WW 5 'W .' trf-4 ; t m 9 I ISM mk'm nil mm Question Session Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and his sister, Madam Vijaya Lakshmi Pandti, India's ambas sador to the U.S., answer questions of Indian students at a special meeting in San Francisco after the prime minister delivered his second major speech on the west coast. Most of the questions dealth with education and how India will fit in with the rest of the nations in securing world peace. (Acme Telephoto.) Aerial Cars to See Operation on Hood This Year Portland, Nov. I VP) The aerial tramway coaches to swing on cables up the south slope of Mount Hood are (ex pected to be operating this year. R. W. Pointer, president of Pointer-Willamette Co., said last night the 38th and final tower on the $350,000 system had been completed. The tramway will carry loads of tourists from Government Camp to Timberline Lodge. He Likes Milk Three years of life have been on fractured bone after another for Jackie McKee (above) of Laramie, Wyo. Doctors say he has a bone disease which makes him susceptible to fractures. He is without fractures now but up to date has broken his arms and legs 24 times. Doctors hope that by taking calcium tablets and drinking lots of milk Jackie will overcome the ailment and become a strong youngster. (AP Wirephoto.) Diphtheria Kills Dayton Child McMinnville, Nov. 2 UP) Yamhill county health officer Dr. H. M. Stolte reported last night an 11-year-old girl had died of diphtheria over the week-end. He said her case rais ed to six the number known in the county. The health officer reported the girl died at her parents' home near Dayton. The victim, Carolyn Cruikshank, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cruickshank, Rt. 2, Dayton. She died Sunday night. Cause of the death was not known until an autopsy was made yesterday. Dr. Stolte said the case was of a type known as laryngeal diphtheria, and had extended deep into the lungs. It was the second diphtheria death in the state in two days. The other victim was in Med- ford. Methodist Missionary Home for Vacation Fruitland Evelyn de Vries, Methodist missionary to South ern Rhodesia, Africa, is now home on furlough. The past two years she has been in charge of the African Girls Hostel at Urn- tali. Three years she spent at Mutambra, where she taught school she was principal of the school. After a vacation at home she will study for six months and prepare to return to Umtali for another five years. Evelyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman deVries, who live on Fruitland road. ) Yds need more than a 'salve' for CHEST COLDS to relieve coighs and tort masctet You need to rub on itimulating, pain relieving Musterole. It not only brings (ant, long-lasting relief but actually helps check the irritation and break uo local congestion. Buy Muatarole! vs. today's Blitz Weinhard has it Dbtribulrd Br GIDEON STOI.Z CO. If you're moving . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Truck rOt r I I i' 'ul U ill M J "- fmp5 '233 Rental Service """mow.. Car Truck By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE nd Church St. Phone 3-9600 FIND CALLED 'IMPORTANT' Bones of Ancient Animals Found in East Oregon Area By GEORGE SKORNEY Pendirton Eut OrrvonlaB Staff Writer (Written for tht Auoclated Preaal Pendleton, Nov. 2 MV-Thirty million years ago large aquatic rhinoceros and a deer-like animal wallowed in the lush swamps and marshes of what is now the dry wheat land of Umatilla county in eastern Oregon. Two weeks ago, two University of Oregon scientists, led by a wiry Pendleton barber, picked up white fossilized bones ana teeth of these two prehistoric an imals, lying amid rocks on a bank of McKay reservoir, five miles south of Pendleton. After study, the scientists call ed the find "important" and said they would ask for research funds. Fossilized bone fragments of an ancient horse and a large cat, possibly a sabre-tooth tiger, were found in the same area. According to Scientists Sam Sar gent and Arnold Shotwell, these animals lived in the ice age, one to two million years ago Fragments of bones of several other animals were also found, but they have not yet been iden tified. Barber Ray Spangle found the two largest specimens, rear leg bones of the aquatic rhinoceros, last year on two different fish ing trips. Spangle has made something of a hobby of geology The two rear leg bones were about 18 inches long and weigh ed over IS pounds each in their fossilized state. They were white in color, looking like the rocks in which they were found. Spangle, with the aid of the Pendleton East Oregonian, got the University of Oregon geolo gy department to send Sargent, instructor in paleontology, and Shotwell, curator of the univer sity's museum of natural history, to Pendleton to look at the two fossilized leg bones and search the area where they were found. Two scientists. Spangle, an East Oregonian reporter, and the sharp eyes of Spangle's son, Charles, found six large leg bones (some complete), five complete teeth of at least two different animals, two fragmen tal tusks, the bones of several small animals, and a number of fragments of various bones. At the end of the hunt, Sar gent and Shotwell conjectured that some of the fossilized bones might not be from the same water-laid volcanic ash formation in which they were found. They said this was possible because the bones were found in gravels where they had been laid by ero sion of the dam's waters rising and falling. After studying the fossilized bones at the University of Ore gon, the two scientists reported, "as near as we can find out, the area at McKay reservoir where the bones were found is a new vertebrate locality. The geology ROOFING Now is the time) to order that new rool before the roiny winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 on Fuel Sills !! STORM SASH SALEM 1225 Cross CONSERVE FUEL! A most practical means is by installing Storm Sash for every door and window opening. Costs little at our saving prices; but helps substantially in reducing heat loss. Reduced fuel con sumption will produce money savings year after year, not to mention the I comfort and health bene fits your family will enjoy. of H is poorly known, which hampers hurried identification of the material. "We are applying now for re search money to return and sin dy the area, since we believe the finds we made and that Spni,w,u had already made are important." Gray Y Club Formed at Lincoln A sixth grade Gray-Y club has been organized for students at Lincoln school with Boyd Hil lesland as counsellor. The group will meet at Swegle school Wed nesday nights. Roth Holtz is to meet with parents of sixth grade students at Englewood school on Nov. 8th to study the formation of a similar Y organization there. The estimated population of China in 1948 was more than 463 million, according to the Britan nica Book of the Year. rithwhi1"' ' Mini it (tigJrs) WOODWORKING CO. Cabinets - Frames Ph. 3-5953 A barrel of quality In avary bottle and It doesn't take a barrel ef money to buy It. 474. 3 00 p. 86 PROOF OLD QUAKER DISTILLING , COMPANY, LAWRENCE BURG, INDIANA WITH. ALL THEIR EXTRA VALUE. Oodje "ob-Haid" Chassis Features SUPII-rRICTION ClUTCHIf. Large frictional area. "Job-Rattd" for smooth action and long life. a RUOOIO -, 4. 1 MPIIO tYNCHSO-lHffT TtANS. MISSION! "Job-Rated" for the load. Cmbu rized gears; heat-treated shafts; antifriction bearings throughout. FUIUKOATINO f At A XI It . . . Hypoid dmign; banjo-type housing . . . "Job-Rattd" for the load. Long life . . low upkeep cost. CVCtnONMO ISAM ItNINOS (no rivets) pro long brake life. ClOIS-trpi ITIHMCJ . . . Sharp turning angle; handling . . . and nmpuned parking. tA'trr-lOCATID OAS TANKS . . . Outside the cab, NOT inside! e niw STinMO coiumn OlAtSMtT. . . Standard equipment on y ?4 and 1-ton models with 8-peed tranaminsionfl . . . provides easier han dling, unobstructed floor spaos, greater safety of operation. irOHT-ieor HAND MAKI . . . under the center of the cowl . . . right where you want it. Standard on all and 1-ton models. Provides unobstructed floor spaos; easier . paiaag through either cab door. wOob-Rared'TRUCKS are priced with the lowest ! It's what you get for what you pay that counts! Read, on thia page, why Dodge "Job-Rated" trucks offer you extra value. Then, see us at once. Ask us to quote you the price of the Dodge "Job-Rated" truck that fits your hauling or delivery job. You'll get more for your money . . in performance, in economy, in long lasting truck satisfaction. For a "real deal" ... see us now! Dodge "Job-Rattd" Engine Features! FtMOUS DODGE I HEAD TRUCK ENGINES . . . "Job-Rated" for your loads; sava fat, oil. COMPLETELY SPLASH- AND DUST-PRODr ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ... Kith hifti-outout generator. Resistor-typ spark plup. and high, output coil, Insure amazingly smooth angina operation; longer plug life. EIHilttT VALVE SEAT INSERTS ... resist wear and rutting. Reduce valve finding; pre serve performance. REPUCUIU PRErTTTEO MAIN KARrNGS . . . precision, kxig-Me quality. Reduce mainte nance costs. nrU-PKBUIS IUIRICAT10N . . . poeitrvt pressure to main, connecting rod and camshaft bearings end camshaft drive, prolongs engine Me. fUU IENSTH CYLINDER COOLINO . . . 4 R1N8 ALUMINUM ALLOY PISTONS . . . OIL-RATH AIR CUANER and many other rnoney taving features! lltieiftl. tftADI-IN AllOWANCI ON YOUR tRISINT TRUCK STAN BAKER MOTORS 525 Chemeketo St. Solim, Oregon