14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore- Wednesday, Nov. j, 149 Laws to Bar Subversive Teachers Have Many Fates 1B7 UnltMl FrcA,) Legislation to bar iubversive teachers from the public schools has been enacted, or defeated, in at least 25 states, a United Press survey showed today. The seven states that rejected anti-subversive legislation did so on the ground that such action would be a slap at patriotic teachers or would not be effec- tive in weeding subversives i take loyalty oaths as a condi from teaching Jobs. tion of continued employment. Seven states adopted so-called I k -jjjgj outright antl - subversive laws and 11 require teachers to take loyalty oaths. In four states, courts have pro hibited enforcement of anti-subversive laws pending final de termination of their constitu tionality. In Maryland, the state's high est court has reserved decision on attacks against its anti-subversive law which provides sen tences up to 20 years and fines up to $20,000 for any person ac tively participating in organiza tions which advocate the over throw by force or violence of the state or federal governments. A lower tribunal declared the law unconstitutional but the state has asked the court of ap peals to review the decision. The communist party has se cured a temporary order re straining the New York's educa tional board from acting under its new anti-subversive law. In Massachusetts, the commu nist party was unsuccessful in Its attempts to get a temporary i court order restraining the com monwealth from enforcing its broad anti-subversive legisla tion. The law provides that members of the communist party shall not be employed in any capacity by the state or any of its political subdivisions. New Jersey's loyalty oath law has been declared unconstitu tional. Texas, North Carolina, Penn sylvania and Tennessee also have anti-subversive Jaws which per tain to teachers. Colorado, Flor ida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, North Dakota and South Dakota required teachers to take loyalty oaths. Although California has no loyalty oaths for teachers, mem bers of the University of Cali fornia faculty are required to List of Persons Killed in Plane New York, Nov 2 (UR) East ern Airlines laid today that there were 35 persons aboard the airliner which crashed Tues day at the edge of the Washing ton national airport, including two babies. The list of passenger and crew members released by the com pany here Included: Boarding it Boston: Mr. ftnd Uri We Cuitcy and daughter. Ifaurceu, Brighton, Matt; fUp. .Otoria J. Bate. R. Salem, Mat : Mr. L. lur, Biookllne, Man.; Dr. P. Randall. Canobia Lafcf, N. H.; M L Danitl, Nw Boaton. N H.; Uri 8am WUliamion. Blalna, Ua.; Mrs. M. E. Peril in. Cairo, Gi. Boarding at N York: Howard C. Haupt, GardMi City. N Y.; Raymond Dan. Yonkers. N. Y.: William Smytht, Roalyn Estate. W. Y W. E. Bakrr. PlalnlWld. K. J: T. Hlfhl. Ntw York: R. Lynak. Rldgtwood, N. J.; Lawrence P. Olauner. Jamaica. N. Y.: Mr. Valu llnt. care Venesuelan tmbasay. Washing ton; Ralph B. Bhaw, Lone Island; Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Perk. Richmond. Vs.; N, Oallop, Long Island: J. Vogel, Nrw York; S. Fltthugh. Lakt Forrest, 111.; Miis M. Donovan. Brooklyn: Fred Hart man. Long Island; Mrs. Charles Chase and baby. Wlscasset. Me.; Gardner Tay lor. BrenivUlt. K Y I viae B. Cesta. Rio Padres, Puerto Rico; mus O. Martmea. same i L. B. Moss. White Plains. N. Y.; E. Pair, no address, en route to Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Miller, no address, enroute to Washington; M. J. Kennedy, New York: P. M. Weld. New York; J. D. Wick. Brook wood. Oastonla, N. C; i. W. St. Clair, New York. Mist Helen Hokln son, Wilton, Conn.; Miss Thelma Poster, 711 Alder St.. Mlsioula. Mont.: Ted Mc- Gee. Oklahoma City. Okla.: Miaa Betsy morup, weiinet Him. Mass.: w. j. Caoey. Brooklyn. N Y.; H. V. Smith. naraioga springs, n. r.; r. Silverman, Hotel ADSonia, New York. N. Y. Wrestling is one of the most primitive and universal of sports, according to the Encyclo paedia Britannica. Disabled Vet's Auto Bill Killed Washington, Nov. 2 U A bill to give automobiles to some 13,000 seriously disabled veter ans is dead. President Truman killed it by a pocket veto. The president said it would be "unsound nnhlic oolicv" to 'approve such legislation. He said! 'the measure, if enacted into I law, might lead to government gifts of automobiles to all dis abled veterans. The bill would have given a $1600 automobile to any veter an of either world war I or II who lost the use of a hand or foot or who had seriously de fective vision. The government already has provided cars for world war II veterans who lost one or both legs above the ankle. Wine contains all of the 13 mineral elements recognized as needful to maintain human life. Nimitz's Dog Killed by Car Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 2 !U.fi . Freckles, a cocker spaniel v. . spent the war years at the s:ci' of Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nim itz, was struck and killed by car Monday as he slept in the street near his home. The 15-year-old dog was be ing cared for by the admiral's son, Cmdr. Chester W. Nimitz, Jr. .fib H0 CAR NO SOOT! THAT'S Caterijetf OIL CHECK the FACTS! Prove to Yourself IT'S ONLY I CATERIZED OIL FOR YOU FROM NOW ON! Only Caterized Oil . . . Reduces stock fir haiords! ) Minimises strainer clogging! Cuts furnace bills IN HALF! Permits free, easy pumping of oil! Can be stored with absolute safety! No loot or carbon! S) Ask about it now! Don't Delay! GET YOUR CATERIZED OIL TODAY! 35622or35606 Howard J. Smalley Oil Company 140S BROADWAY Hood at Broadway NO PHONES TO ANSWER-NO JINGLES TO WRITE-NO STATEMENTS TO MAKE -MERELY GIVE US A REASON AND A NAME FOR OUR NEXT EPOCH-MAKING SALE HIT THE JACKPOT . . . WIN THE PRIZE At Cascade here's GDGALMITDC HERE'S WHAT YOU WIN: 1. A free Oregon State Treas ury department financial state ment, including a photographic copy of a check signed by the Secretary of tha Treasury. 2. A free all-expense paid tour of North Salem on ona of City Transit Lines buses. 3. Dinner at ona of Salem's most exclusive eating places. 4. A cancelled check for $500. 5. The taste treat of tha year . . . a box of bubble gum. 6. A genuine engraved like ness of Thomas Jefferson, de signed and executed by the U. S. Postal Department. 7. Your choice of any mer chandise in our famed War Surplus Store ... not to ex ceed 9c. 8. An autographed copy of Boyd "Pretty Boy" Babbitt. d8 BOYD "RALPH EDWARDS" SAYS: You don't have to sit at home and listen for the phone to ring ... all you have to do to win really great prizes is to attend our Gigantic Give-away Jackpot Sale. Every item is a prize . . . every buyer a winner! u. s. N. RAIN PARKA New 395 U. S. N. RAIN PANTS New 3o95 U. S. N. RAIN Like New PARKA 2.00 U. S. N. RAIN JACKET Grey non-sticky type, cordu roy collar. y ft C NEW U. S. N. RAIN PANTS Nek: 2.00 mmmmmmmmwmwmmmmmW RAIN COAT Full Length Like New . . 2.95 COMPLETE RAIN SUITS New 7.50 COMPLETE RAIN SUITS Like New 3 75 U. S. N. RAIN COAT Grey, full length A QC New TARPS h 16 oz. waterproofed O. D. Duck. Brass grommets throughout. Less than wholesale price. 5x7-2.95 6x8-4.20 7x9-5.49 8x10-6.95 All other sizes carried in stock. Special sizes made to order. WATERPROOFING FOR TENTS, TARPS, ALL OUTSIDE USES Gallon 1.50 PENETRATING OIL Real G. I. Loosens tha tight est and rustiest screws. Pint Can 19c JUMP BOOTS The real good quality boot. Priced to close out. 7.95 T SHIRTS U. S. N. Quality Full Cut, Extra Length 2 1.00 JEEP CANS Real G. I. S-Gollon Sixa. Hard to find now. Only 1.95 with n nr Spout LLj fit CANVAS GLOVES Red top, best quality work glove. Buy several at this lav ing. 29C Pr 4 p, 1.00 0 Top quality construction Leather outer 9 Fleece lining All sizes in stock Ideal for cold weather Genuine War Surplus PILOTS HELMETS Tha U. S. Air Force has just released them ... we just got them in time for cold weather. It's the buy of the year! Brand New 1 .49 17 JEWEL WATCHES Finest quality Swiss movement. Stainless steel case, waterproof, shockproof, anti-magnetic. Why Pay More? 19.50 Plus Tax Use Our Christmas Lay Away plan 15 JEWEL WATCH With the same features as ebove. Only 13.95 Plus Tax DDT BOMB Easy to use f Foolproof Ona bomb will last for months Non-toxic to humans .49 Here is tha genuine stuff for killing flies, moths, spiders, ants, ate. Guaranteed results. KHAKI PANTS Real G. I. quality Double sewn seams Slash pocket Heavy 8.5 Chino cloth Only 2.95 pr. 2Pr,5.50 Camouflage Ponchos Waterproof poncho, camou flaged light on ona side, dark on other. Ideal for goosa and duck hunters. New 3.95 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. B-15 JACKET Air Corps pilot type. Alpaca lined, 2 pockets outside, 2 inside. Pencil pocket on sleeve, mouton collar. Good-looking, warm, water-repellent. Tha ideal jacket. 11.95 WORK SHOES 5.75 Real G. I. type garrison shoa. Heavy sole and elk upper. Steel shank. A real buy at only Lots of other styles in stock, In cluding combat boots, flesh out styles, oxfords, ate. SATIN JACKETS We are headquarters for these beautiful tan and silver satin jackets with (notching fur collar. Only 12.50 CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Use Our Lay-Away Plan At the Corner of Fairgrounds Road and N. Church HERE'S HOW YOU WIN: 1. No jingles to write ... no statements to make . . . mere ly suggest a reason for holding our next sala. 2. Suggest a name for it , , , for example: Cascade Merc's Tremendous Give-Away Sala. 3. Writa it on a slip of paper . . . for thosa who can't writa, tell any of our boys. 4. No purchase is necessary . . . no coupons to clip, no lab els to tear off. 5. This contest is open to any one ... no restrictions to age, weight, sex or person. 6. The priie winner will be an nounced at some future data. 7. Tha sola judge for this con test will be Boyd "9 Old Men" Bobbirt.