Oregon Public Services rue Value $451,536,517 Public service companies of Oregon have a true csh valuei $451,536,517, the state tax commission reported today. he same companies have an assessed valuation of $248,606,741 equalized and apportioned by the tax commission for 1B49. e commission said the increase in assessment is $24,513,017 ore than last year. H Utilities with the 1 a r g e i J mount of property are the rai' iads, which are In every count ( Oregon except Curry on th uthern coast. Second are the electric com mies which offer service In all unties. Third In Importance are the lephone companies. And fourth largest are the gai com panies. Other public service compa nies include aircraft, express, telegraph, water heating and bridge. True cash value of all rail road (steam) properties in the state totals $185,732,660, in creased $6,606,114 this year. The assessed value isS97.598.414, an increase of $4,371,928. Private electric companies have a true cash value of $145,. 913,763, an increase of $14, 938.911 from 1948. The assess ed value Is $81,033,763, increase of $9,388,156. Telephone companies, which have expanded facilities heavily since the war, have a true cash value of $81,272,941, an Increase of $16,466,482 over last year. Assessed valuation Is $44,935, 063, an increase of $9,900,402. Gas companies place a true cash value of $19,293,124, an increase of $875,786 over last year. Assessed valuation is $11,188,473. a boost of $822, 982 over 1948. Telephone companies have the largest dollar Increase In asses-1 sed value, with power compa nies one-half million dollars less. Phone companies were busy building office structures, addi. tional lines and Installing in struments from switchboards to receivers. Private electric com panies have been building sub stations and extending lines In efforts to soften the impending power shortage. Carl Chambers, tax commis sioner in charge of the utilities division, said: "We have had some tip-top appraisers working $1 Million Bail For Top Reds New 'York, Nov. 2 u The government asked $1,000,000 bail for the 11 convicted com munist leaders today in the event they are let out of Jail Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov, 2, 1949 13 on the public service companies. Some of the companies kicked a little, but finally admitted we were fair." while their appeals are being heard. Irving S. Shapiro, special as sistant to the U. S. attorney, told the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals that this was the view of Attorney General J. Howard McGrath. Shapiro said the government would want $100,000 bail each for seven of the convicted men and $75,000 for each of the four others. I All 11 have been in jail since their conviction last month on charges of conspiring to advo cate overthrow of the U.S. gov- Federal Judge Harold R. Med. ina refused to free them In bail pending their appeals. Lawyers for the 11 asked the Appeals Court today to overrule Medina. The court reserved decision. In medieval France, believers in witchcraft always consulted a toad before making a journey. V mi tub Til S. E. Corner Trade and High Phone 3-3191, Ext. 25 N8PECT6M HAVE THE JOB DONE NOW, BEFORE COLD, RAINY, SLIPPERY WEATHER GETS HERE! l 4 sWisWt.-i.isfatiassT, I C. S. "MAC" McCOLLAM Tire Store Manager JOHN RADKE Operating Manager L. B. "BUZZ" FORCE Truck Tire Sales i SALE! FIRST QUALITY RIVERSIDE V. h ( SIZE 6.50-15 7.00-15 5.50-16 (.00-16 6.50 IS Ires! 7.00-16 L 6.00x16 0185 Exchange Prict Plus Fed. Tax NEW COLD RUBBER PROCESS Compare Words first quality Riverside only with nationally odvertised first line tires! First quality in moteriols, specifica tions end workmanship! New "Cold Rubber" process assures you the utmost in wear. Save even more now at this low sale $1150 II Weekly M Buys 4 T Was Now mil ii.is lfjio is.so 11.65 g.co 11.95 tJS 14.70 IMS 16 90 13.95 I Tube 2.10 M0 LIS 1.40 2 10 1.10 Tires, Exchange Price Federal Tax Extra Protect yourself and family from accidents on wet slippery pavements caused by smooth tires or by imbedded broken glass, nails, sharp gravel, leaky tubes or excessive wear from un balanced or out-of-line wheels. ' JUST DRIVE IN TO WARDS' TIRE STORE TRADE AND HIGH STS., SALEM OUR EXPERIENCED TIRE MEN will DISMOUNT YOUR TIRES and examine thoroughly for cuts, tread crocks, imbedded gloss, etc., on the out side of the tires, and most important, moke a thorough inspection of the INSIDE of the tires for small bruises and breaks which are the result of hitting objects with sufficient force to break inside body plies. These hid den breaks cause tire failure when you least expect it. Your tubes will also be carefully inspected for chafing, rim rust, pinching, etc. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE! ACT NOW I ', I 11 Hi 5 I Iff vf ki I .f V 4 I P. T. "PETE" LELACK Service Manager. W. II. "BILL" WENZEL Tire Service M. F. "SLIM" WILKINSON Tire Service For Saftey's Sake! LIFE DEFENDER TUBES As a double precaution . . .you'll have plenty of time to bring your car to a safe, even stop if you are protected by Wards Life Defenders! Patented tube within a tube and special valve arrangement do the trick. All sizes correspondingly low priced. 6.00-16 7.50 Exch. Price Plus Tax POWER GRIPS PRICED! Ijf I v r J 6.00-16 1195 " Exchange Plus f SIZE t.U I B-tl 4.71 S.W-lt' B.JS I.M.IS" S.S.M-lt' l.m 7.WI-1S " M S.W.IS 7,l 7.WI.1S"" .M ' rxcsvrir. rainn" Fwr Orts N II.M IH.r II.M ll.tl in.M It.BA IS.IS II "I I 11.11 lU II.M ' llll- IM . "' II.U H.St ll.ll"" IS.lt ll.tS ill.lt"- It. M it.Jt-:ilt.M Ittl lH.M I! It.st- Oris N.w "in.to n.ts "li.tt lt.M 1J. -Itt II M "list IB.II PF.nSBAI, TAX EXTRA SALE! WARDS RIVERSIDE TRAIL-BLAZER 6.00-16 65 (Q) . Exchange Price Plus Fed. Tax NEW COLD RUBBER PROCESS Here's your best low-priced tire buy in town! Only high quality materials end workmanship go into the construc tion of Wards Trail Blazer tires. That's why they ore famous for giving long wear and dependable service! Get low sale prices , . . buy these quality tires NOW! CHECK THESE LOW PRICES! SIZE Was I Now ' 4.40 4.50-21 10.28 9.2S 2.15 4. 755. 00-19 10.35 9.25 2.05 5.255.50-1 tt 1045 10.25 2.S0 5.25 5.50 17 10.55 9.95 2.30 .SOIS 12.25 11.(5 2 80 S 00-16 i9.95 (.63 2.40 Tires Exrhanie Price . . . 'Federal Tax Extra $150 Weekly Buys 4 Tires! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE , . . OPEN 'TIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY MIGHT