DOESN'T HIDE HER CHARMS French Cutie Shocks Hollywood With 'Low-Behold Necklines' V By VIRGINIA Mar PHERSON Hollywood, Calif., Nov. 2 u.ra Denise Darcel, the buxom ench cutie who's shocking the lown with her "low-and-behold" cklines, laid today she wears her curves out in the open because e "jost lolfs to please everybodee . . . especially ze mens." -Wherever I go," she dimples, "zey make weeze ze wheestles and ze screams and ze looks. ' i Shocks Hollywood Denise Darcel, buxom Trench actress who's shocking Hollywood with her "low-and-behold" necklines, says she dresses that way because she "jost lofls to pleeze ze mens." (Ac me Telephoto.) Oooh, la la! I loff zose zeertes." Miss Darcel, who was "the most beautiful girl in France," a few years back, is not one to hide her charms beneath a high decollete. Wherever she goes, shopping, out to lunch, out to the studio, or out to dinner, she promptly stops traffic with her necklines They are about as low as they can get and not be a waistline. And, with a girl of Darcel s structure, that leaves plenty to behold. "Do I shock you? she asks After all, I am a woman, no! Eef I 'ave pretee laigs I wear short skirts. So??? I am a 39 . I wear plonging necklines. "I want to look good, always. And low decollete, eet ees good for me. I say to myself, 'Denise, try to please everbodee . . . especially ze mens.' " ... When she first hit Hollywood, fresh from a triumphal season in Paris, the wolves fell over each other scrambling to her door step. "I change my telephone call a dozen times," she breezed. "1 go to all ze clobs. And 1 wear my low necklines. Ze men like eet . , , and so do ze women!. Zey say: 'Denise, where you get zat gown? I want one like eet.' "Bot now ... I stay home by my fireside wees my boy friend." But the rest of the bachelors needn't feel so bad. There are plenty more at home like Denise. She has four sisters and she says they're all as "healthy looking as me." Linn Linemen Escape Death Lebanon, Nov. I "! Six tel ephone company worsen esrap- ed injury In a freak accident that disrupted power and tele phone service within 25 mile radius. Kenneth Sims, manager of the Mountain State Power company. said the six were holding a tel ephone wire when It came in contact with a 12,000 volt power line. The electric charge. Instead of passing on Into the ground as it normally would, set up an arc with a 86,000-volt power line on the same power pole. The men felt the shock, but were not even burned, Sims re ported. But the circuit-breaker was thrown out with such force at Lebanon it was damaged and circuit-breakers were thrown at Albany, Lebanon, Corvallis and Sweet Home as well. Telephone company fuses were blown out, too, at Sweet Home, and there was some dam age at the Lebanon plant. The power and telephone ser vice interruptions ranged from 10 to 30 minutes. Los Angeles, Nov. 2 W Life and death on this planet nuj-i-r,..,. u hang by so neOutouf a thread as an InvisiBJe ray ol ) r- Carcansei ot the prehistoric two separate announcement monaay, one oy me California aaiem nrigm jot bhiphi i mammoth have been laund In) Institute of Technology, the other by the University ot California (Height Boy Scout troop 19 went northern Siberia with ttftsh anti) at Los Angeles, brought this grim spectre into the realm ot scien- on a week end ramping trip to tur preserved, according to the!it,A'l,?riJJ """ ' "'' UliC speculation; tine aiiver m-rraiivnt Mrs. Sloper Hostess or Murphy Family Stayton Mrs. Edna Sloper fvas hostess for the members of he Murphy family at her home honoring the birthday of her youngest brother, Harold (Pat) Murphy of Albany. Present were the guest of ihonor, Pat Murphy, and his son (from Albany; Mr. and Mrs. W. fE. Gronso, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis .Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Rob ertson, all of Lebanon; Mr. and 7Urs. Grant Murphy of Salem; !Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jung wirth of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Uohn Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Algie Aurphy, Mr. and Mrs. Avery ,Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nightingale and family, Clar ence Murphy, Mrs. Dora Mark- Pres. Truman Signs Last Bill of Session Washington, Nov. 2 UK) President Truman has signed the last bill before him from the first session of the 81st congress The measure, signed late yes terday, gives the court of claims jurisdiction to render judgment on claims of employes of the Alaska railroad for overtime work. The president's action brought his record for the 81st congress to 792 bills approved and 32 vetoed. 'FANTASTIC BUT POSSIBLE' invisible Light Ray May Control Life and Death icancer epMemJe ef ever pro-;rniJi Journal, Salem, Or,, Y5near, Nor. 2, 1JH&U (portions, me UKeimooa ot aucn an occurrence 1 Int!ie, painted out, "but within realm ot speculation.' ?- jcccca, t.aue curccc, atucm the Solem Heights Scout Frank VtTarts, ssttaat scant- i fc mtr, ftd Hrvy Peterson, j 1 Z H the eefltttmtr I fr UU It i On If the 4trt IXMOS4 trtmi Burn Straight-Jackets Hospital Discarded Anoka, Minn., Nov. 2 IV.B I Patients at the state mental hos pital here celebrated Halloween with a bonfire fed by strait jackets they used to wear. Gov. Luther Youngdahl hailed I he fire, which consumed 324 strait jackets and other mechan ical restraints formerly used at the hospital, as an answer to witchcraft." Pointing out that most of the state's seven mental hospitals no longer used mechanical restraits. Youngdahl said: "By this action, we say that we have liberated ourselves from witchcraft, that in taking off mechanical restraints from the patients, we are taking off intellectual restraints from ourselves." Sixty miles above the earth exist a heretofore unknown iByer of oxygen molecules which mysteriously change the wave lengths of the sun' deadly ultra-violet ray to infra-red heat rays. This was announced by Dr. Joseph Kaplan, UCLA professor of physics. If some sudden piercing of the earth's atmospheric shield perhaps by a comet or an atomic explosion should let that lay er oxygen molecules escape life might vanish from the face of the globe under the bombard ment of ultra-violet radiation from the sun. The effect ol certain type of ultra-violet rays on living or ganisms may be judged from an nouncement by Caltecha Dr Renato Dulbocco, who disclosed discovery of "life rays ana "death rays" in his studies wrth invisible light. A certain kind of light, he said, can kill a little-known bac terial virus, and another kind of life can bring the same organism back to life. The killing light is an ultra violet shortwave. The "life ray" is a barely visible light wave. The viruses affected by these area. This was a Camperoo. rays, said Dr. Dulbecco, control j which was a good time for the ; t' e growth processes of cells in Jboyt with the leaders doing all the human body. Destruction of these viruses, he believes, may allow the cells to grow wild, as in the case of cancer. Thus, if an overdose of ultra violet rays from the sun did no thing else, it might touch off a the work and thowint the dem onstrations. Scouts attending were Dick. 2 and Roger Cotgan, Darcell Pons forct, Don Blankenship, Lee Peterson, David Morgan, Fred Bolton, Boyd Aydelott, Jimmy; Week-End Specials WE JUST GOTTA Rpdre our warehouse1 stork be-fore1 inve-ntory HOW? By cutting prices which include our textured thick-butts in such beautiful blends as Venetian Red. Arbor Grey, Giant Weight Textured Dutch-Lap in Blends, Blue Tone, Briar Green, Veneiian Red, Arbor Grey. ReMer Hurry! Warehouse Stock Ontv! Ph. 38694 today for FREE ESTIMATE. Nothing Down, 38 months to pay, WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOFING CO. Jfl Lana Ave. Salem, Or. 2-Yj. Red Curront 1 ' 25c Keg. 25c each) Oxydendron Mimosa Notiv Dogwood Tree $ J .00 eoth Ke9. $ J .50) Daffodil Bufbt, 50 1 do. Tulip Bulbs, 85 C Hyotri 8ull, $1.60 dot. Peoniei, 75 1 o $1,00 2-for-l Soft en f?o 8fce Buy one patented variety J( Si. 50 s"ci se)ct crw non-potent without coded cojr. (These are roiej growing in containers. Our boTe-joot bushes wiif b ready about Nov. Q&th.j Kedj .outefv SI.7S drottei KhoAoAenAront, $3.00 (20 varietieti Te Roiey, $3.00 WW Most shrubs r now available. Shrt tree iimhl available. Fruit tree and eercjr ttusaec wttt tit read; atiottt mld-2ovemher. Knight Pearcy Nursery 35 South Uberty 53 Sfotx StM tf So 5 Attention Loggers! Top Prices Paid for Logs at Burktand Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. HIS ing and baby daughter, Joseph LaGess and the hostess, Mrs. Sloper. $$ MONEY $$ FHAr iVif, Real fcstale Loan Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State FinorKe Co. 1J3 S. Nlfh St lie. S-2J6 M-JJJ Taste it and us why THOUSANDS AGREE It's smart to switch to Calvert CALVTOT fUXtSTO Blended Whiskey -. Proof-s Oram Neutral Splrtu. Calvert DlsUUen Oorp, Kt Tort Cits A w 111 w No irondVr fjeeonton idore them! Turnbte-Twi'si rug have such decorative talent thejr positively "make" t room with deep, aoft, enticing Jexture gay-as-i-gaidea colon! They're the perfect background for any period elastic, colonial or modern! And their xclunre, Ugg weare, all-woven construction of heavy cotton boucle jen, brings jou beauty that lasU for yeaxsl Nw Dtrtrr Colors! Parmaitsjntfy Twtsta1 loops! lovalUr with launaUrfat' Pra-Shrunkl Calr-ari a $tottr llnst Room tliatl Site x9' J"x" IM.85 t it' I23.TJ 1.S t J"JS" S.9S 4"x"T.S Nonskld I'nderlar TTtT.V. with all ri up to 6'S' le. BI OS MAKE WON DKRH L GIFTS FOR ALL. JUST OUT! .Mn-iirisyajetjasM .tsral t , , and ju6t ut&cU ua mtttC the FRESH ND-A1RI A COMBINATION KEATEft-TAN IKt MIATERl tVt FAN I M ny mom . fat ty taaaiai r' vm for ttt)i Mtr rfVW-JkVw AMmi tftmfnrt appHaVtw. )M W1NTI )i clr ttw twiith Mi ' fm, tfitufotlnp worm tt itA IN f UMMCC u C t wt e M, Jv fMy tarry a)) vf th0 Wi" JM fit 9mtlq1y low prif pi $14" 5SSS. T G,S 'l iyr . , , tor oK auut hy f 4 tnt f Pie Lifter A kitchen toot triot en ables one to remove a who!e pie from its baking pon without breoking. 1.50 Pie Lifter A pie lifter 1hot loosens ond tifn seporate pieces w i t h o u f breaking or scrambling them. You'll Wont 0n FIREPLACE SPECIALS 3 Pane. Screen Kmish... 6.75 3 Pc. Fireplace Set 9.35 Andirons oi EysPii ... Wood Boskets Rr Finish . . Wood Baskets Antique Finish Log Rests r Antique Andirons P Pair 7.75 3.95 2.40 3.90 8.75 ROLL ROOFING An Asphalt base mlra miifare quality Roofing manufactured to jive (xstinir nervice. Comes In 3' width rails that cover a square at raol. 43 lb. roll. , 55 lb. roll 65 lb. roll. 1.98 2.49 3.89 14 OZ. Carpenter's Claw Hammer A hartJy hafroner around the houie or ory odd jobs. for tor NOW 99c Weather Strip Sfi" ttonr Bnttont . . . 35c 1 Lot Bamboo Lawn Rakes 29c No. 1 Rural Mail Box 1.89 Galv. VentH. Louvres 1.25 Rubberized Weather Strip . 4c Irwin Screw Drivers 18c Miller Falls Automatic Ratchet Drill Ho highly polished work ing porti with olfioctiv red handle. Handle mago line "which holds 8 sires of b'tti eosiSy occtssibS ror use. NOW 2.95 Ironing Board Pad ond Cover Fits all standard size booids Cover attaches ra boorri with eSoilit card Fomoui Tcx-Knif pro cess fc. $1.49 Value 1.39 fit GEORGE t SH9 f-f -iaaf9C0 took a Mom e- o. e.H. Dfith to c. SStMfc lattw. f Ming. it4( too uas erne 16950 ESK StortwrtW SrM. Ma Km M t e m. 4 tdOt hi. Jk Jw. w.M toot Miff, twv jdJ ouis.w t4aVl Cmt find 0URCESS Pfof Ar no ye AX Vmijww, rntft, hMm -A wJt 1'A - 4rt" Al Wr at'tt A Wmm fyt j ...... i 2S3 Try the New Plastic Base Wipe-On i.tlttrout Long -Lotting Nn-Slippry 5 T(- t-m osy ay beautify your home. You )jst wipe l on ttnth ts tinlh. 59c 1.98 Ji fin 35c each t J H COMMf C!M St. M. Otf& Quoit