I Capital Journal, Salom, Ori, Tuesday, NoTtmW 1, 1849 POOLED THE! RESOURCES, ENERGY 5 Ex-GIs Use Elbow Grease To Build Mountain Playground Greenville, N.Y. U.B Five war veterani with an idea and a cheerful attitude toward hard work have come up with an enter prise here In the Catikill mountalni that ii attracting consider able attention In retort circle!. The "boys," Al, Ed, Ritter Little Joe and Joe D., were brought up in the ame amall town, Lit- tie Terry, N.Y. When the war came, they were scattered, In the army and navy, on the war ironta from Aniio to Okinawa. They kept in touch, aketchily through their famlliei until it waa over. Then they drifted, one by one, back to the old home town, ... Debating the prospect!, tome- one came up with an idea. The principal industries of the re gion are farming and holiday re aorts. Farming doesn't pay too handsomely around here, espe cially for five beginners with newly-acquired wives and chll. dren. So they decided on a resort and pooled their resources. With their savings, which ag gregated quite a lot over four years, their severance pay and contributions from their faml Ilea, they were able to put up $25,000 for a farm lite of 22 acres which was poorly develop, d and had been taking in holl dayera on a modest scale. Breeiy Knoll Acres, it la call ed. There was one cottage for Solar Izpert Dr. Karl Kie penheuer, of Frauenhofer Sol ar Observatory, Freiburg, Ger many, comes to Yerkes Ob servatory and University of Chicago In December. boarders, a small main house and little else. No running water for guest facilities. No indoor toilets or baths just outhous es. The "boys" pitched in with their own hands, with a lot of energy and faith. Now there are five building.; hot and cold run ning water system, and a casino, bar and dining hall that Is one of the showplaces of the Cat skills. The latter wouldn't be out of place on Park avenue. It ia lh modern decor, two-toned ply wood, with subdued, indirect fluorescent lighting. The big hexagonal bar can handle 100 people. There is a great atone fireplace which is a center of at traction on chilly evenings. Big picture windows overlook the landscape. ... They did all this themselves. without outside labor. Two of them were war wounded, but not crippled. They put up the buildings, did the decorating and painting, dug the ditches, laid the drainage and water system their own water from bored wells and all the rest of It. Next year there will be a big outdoor swimming pool. For recreation, there Is a base ball-aoftball diamond, tennis courts, basketball, handball shuffleboard, quoits or horse- shoe pitching, etc. Programs of movies, hikes, hot dog roasts, hayrides, costume parties and dancing are promoted. Hose back riding and bicycling are available. The energetic five developed the farm for trucking, supplying their own vegetables. They ac quired a herd of 19 milk cows and tome pigs. Chickens yet to come. Word of this enterprise apread and so the "boys" had a waiting list for the summer season. The place now Is valued at $123,000, but the "boys" claim they are Just getting started. Of course, there's that $30,000 first mortgage, but says Little Joe: "We're young yet." Oysters go a long way when they are added to a well-season ed cream sauce and served with broiled fish fillets. Oysters are also delicious added to a chicken pot pie. Scouts Learn About the Desert American Cub Scouts, sons of Arabian American Oil employes In Saudi Arabia, are taught how to mount a camel by Bedouins at Dhahran. VILLAGE PRIEST HELD SECRET Hidden Burial Place Found Of Last Ruler of Aztecs Ixcateopan, Mexico (U.I!) Archaeologista have discovered the remains of Cuauhtemoc, the last emperor of the Aztecs, under the Church of Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de la Asuncion here. Cuauhtemoc, hanged by the Spaniards in 1S2S, ruled the Aztecs for a brief period after Hernan Cortes arrived here in 1519. He succeeded Moctezuma (Montezu-- ma), the Aztec emperor Cortes defeated to conquer New Spain, Cuauhtemoc had lain in the tiny vault under the main altar of the Church of Our Lady, Holy Mary of the Assumption, for more than four centuries. hunting and they get paid for it. The company said it was shut ting down in line with a union contract agreement which makes the opening day of the small game season In Pennsyl vania a paid holiday. The Spanish conquerors left Cuauhetmoc's body hanging to a crude gallows somewhere in southeastern Mexico, probably in what is now Chiapas state, for the buzzards and Jungle ani mals to pick clean. The Indians, however, rescued it, after almost two weeks on the gallows, and secretly re- buried their emperor here. Most Spanish historians thought Cuauhtemoc'! body was in the southeastern part of the coun try. They had not even been able to make up their minds as to whether it was in Campeche, Tabasco or Chiapas states. Buried here probably in 1529 by the ancestors of Salvador Rodriguez Juarez, whose family has lived here at least since early in the 16th century, the location of the final resting place of the Aztec emperor never might have been known out side of the Juarez family had not old Salvador gone to the village priest with his secret. He learned it only about six years ago when Micaela Laguna de Arroyo, dying of old age, confided it to him. Early this year, Salvador went to Father David Salgado Estrada, pastor of the village church. Father Es trada advised Salvador to tell it to the whole world. At first the report was greeted with incredulity but when Sal vador produced centuries-old manuscripts written by Father Motolinia, one of the first and greatest Mexican historians, 20th century scientists flocked to Ixcateopan. They examined the manu scripts and pronounced them authentic. At length, "it being the 27th day of September, at 13 hours and 50 minutes, (the remains )of Rey e S. Coatemo II (King and Lord Cuauhtemoc) were found here." Numerous Mexican archaeol ogists, most prominent of whom is Eulalia Guzman, have pro nounced the remains genuine. Before the find is officially recognized, however, a group of scientists appointed by the gov ernment will have to pass on it. NImrods Get Day Off Shippensburg, Pa., Nov. 1 (Pi Employes of the SKF Indus tries here took today off to go John Boettiger Wed in Holland The Hague, The Netherlands, Nov. 1 UP) John Boettiger mar ried Mrs. Virginia Daly Lunn of Phoenix, Ariz., today at a civil ceremony at The Hague town hall. He was divorced last Aug ust from Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, daughter of the late president. The ceremony was attended by Loyd V. Sleere, counsellor of the U.S. embassy and his wife, Dutch foreign office officials and news papermen. Mrs. Lunn arrived yesterday on the Holland America liner Noordam with her seven-year- old daughter. Boettiger resigned as publish er of the Seattle Post-Intelligen cer in 1945. Later he and Anna Roosevelt published and edited for a period the Arizona Times, a Phoenix paper. In 1948 he sail ed for Europe as a foreign correspondent. Boettiger now is connected with the Theodor Swanson As sociates, public relations con sultants, in an advisory capacity to the Dutch government on the Indonesian question. Mrs. Lunn was tha former wife ef Richard Lunn, step-ion of former Senator Wallace H. White of Maine. Order Early for Christmas from ftf&tf&fi Headquarters for Silverware Starling Is Not Expensive TOWLI CANDLELIGHT CHASED DIANE CASCADE CHIPPINDALI CRAFTSMAN DRURY LANE FRENCH PROVINCIAL KINO RICHARD LADY CONSTANCE LA FAYETTE LOUIS XIV MADERIA OLD BROCADE OLD COLONIAL OLD MASTER OLD MIRROR ROYAL WINDSOR RAMBLER ROSE SILVER FLUTES SILVER PLUMES SYMPHONY MATURED IN OUR WINDOW 1 Sib-' MID I BARTON BUROUNDY FRANCIS 1st FRAORANCI FRENCH RENNA1SSANCE GEORGIAN ROSE OUILDHALL MARLBOROUGH POINTED ANTIQUE WALLACI ANTIQUE GEORGIAN COLONIAL GRAND BAROQUE GRAND COLONIAL LA REINE ROSE POINT SIR CHRISTPHER STRADIVARI WASHINGTON AMiticat MOST IHOVIB rATTUNI INTERNATIONAL STERLING Prelude It preboblr ht arwefvl iKoh It cencoo , , , totching Ittt liohl wttb rare bHIItwK. And the Uny, enqvUtferf-' She peewit dime . . WRrt mvtm wKkh sparklet wtth I At Bah. Oto lilt .Hit. til et aiTifi wimow tueiaT Of INTISNATtONAl ItlltlM MtliaNS toen I'm a convenient Budget plan. Many girls and women want their silver at once. A amall down payment, with the balance paid In easy Installments, makes possible the immediate delivery of the piece! and place setting! you need. JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Livelier Building SM State St. Dial I till Sterling Is So Easy to Own HEIRLOOM LASTING SPRING DAMASK ROSE MANSION HOUSE O'NEIDA HEIRESS VIRGINIA FRANK SMITH EDWARD VII FIDDLE SHELL FIDDLE THREAD WHITING BOTTICELLA GEORGIAN SHF.LL LILY TALISMAN ROSE GORHAM BUTTERCUP CAMELLIA CHANTILLY ENGLISH GADROON ETRUSCAN FAIRFAX GREENBRIER KING EDWARD LYRIC MELROSE NOCTURNE KING ALBERT OLD FRENCH STRASBOURG SOVEREIGN HUNT CLUB VERSAILLES INTERNATIONAL COURTSHIP ENCHANTRESS QUEENS LACK JOAN Or ARC NORTHERN LIGHTS PRELUDE RICHELIEU ROYAL DANISH SERENITY SPRING GLORY 1810 WILD ROSE MINUET rp , Ipsa Foodj gel o flavor-lift when you uit top-quolity Btn-Hgr EVJ iDictl ond itaioning!. They're expertly lelected, oir- woihed ... ond freih. To itep-up the flovor ol the molt common.place meoli uie a little more tpice. makes the flavor The average length ef life in the United States now is 67 years. YOURS! America's Most Distinctive Car! rTYTMLA-MATk: ti Kmico6i Cbjiiowkm HYDRA MATIC transmission! Tqi nasi kindsomi ear Interiors h tti wstldl tinirns tins ind tradt-ia iHowancesl For thirty days we are offering you a very special allowance on your used car. Come In and check on It before deciding to buy any other make you'll be surprised. - WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 North Commercial Salem, Oregon Sr., 3l 25" em AIGLEY BROS. to ENTIRE STOCK RETAIL Due to public demand we are forced to devote more of our time and limited floor space to the manufacture and custom-building of quality modern furniture, wholesale and retail. L00K-A few items from our NEW Stock: Davenport & Club Chair, highest quality, grey Frieze, Reg. $349.50' Ultra Modern Davenport and Chair, Kelly green frieze, Reg. $398.50 3 Piece Loveseat Group, loveseat, club chair and large ottoman, Reg. $225.00 3 Piece Sectional, Western Motif Tap. Modern, Beautiful, Reg. $168.00 Club Chairs, choice of red or grey frieze, Reg. $69.50 $189.00 .$198.50 $149.50 $118.00 .$39.75 ..$49.50 ..$59.00 Swing Rockers, highest quality, grey frieze, blonde trim, Reg. $89.50 Swing Rockers, The FINEST, taupe frieze, Reg. $98.50 Beautiful Light Maple Dining Suite, 8 pieces, Reg. $238.50 $189.50 Lamps, Pictures, Mirrors and All Other Merchandise Reduced Accordingly, Many Items Far Below COST Our LOSS - Your GAIN TERMS: Cash All Sales Final None to Dealers COME AND GET IT WE NEED ROOM! WE'RE GROWING! SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, 9 A.M. BADGLHY BROS. 2315 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD Open Eves, till 9, Monday thru Friday Phone 2-5491 ru