Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 01, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Journal, Salem,
j Party on
Monday Eve
I More than 100 attended the
Hallowen party given by Job's
Daughters last evening, guesis
Including members of the new
Salem bethel of Job's Daugh
ters, UD, and of DeMolay Or
der for Boys.
Games, square dancing and
modern dances made up the
evening's entertainment and re
freshments were served.
On the committee for the par
ty were Misses Phyllis Scott,
Leona Todd, Mary Campbell
Jean Herrig, and Patricia St.
Clair. Misses Carol Garrett,
Sharon Larson and Cynthia
Bourne were In charge of re
freshments. Chaperons for the party were
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Hill, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Mrs.
Marvin Rasmusson, Mrs. E. T.
Hartwell and Mrs. Ernest Todd.
Next Monday evening Job's
Daughters will go to Portland
for friendship night with a beth
el there. On November 14 a dis
trict meeting is planned with
Independence, at which time
there will be initiation there,
and the next regular meeting
here will be November 21.
MACCABEES, Capital Tent
Hive, No 84-D, will meet Thurs
day at 8 p.m. in Beaver hall, Iv
an Martin presiding. Following
the meeting there will be folk
dancing, Chester Goodman as
Instructor. All members and
friends are invited. Refresh
ments will be served, Mrs. Eli
zabeth Follis, Mrs. Edith Strang
and Mrs. Hardie Phillips in
ing club is to meet Wednesday
In the Veterans of Foreign Wars
hall, a no-host luncheon to be
at 12:30 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. F.
Pratt, Mrs. Viola Fialla, Mrs.
A. Reuf.
Today's Menu
(Br Um AjiooUttd Pruil
Week Day Dinner
Grilled Hamburgers
Toasted Relish Buns
Creamed Cauliflower
Raw Vegetable Salad
Bread and Butter
Pear Crisp Beverage
Creamed Cauliflower
Ingredients! 1 medium - sized
cauliflower (about 2 pounds with
all outside greens), 1 cup boil
ing water, 1 Vt tablespoons butter
or margarine, 114 tablespoons
flour, Vi teaspoon suit, dash of
freshly ground pepper, 1 cup
milk, paprika.
Method: Cut heaviest greens
from cauliflower but leave as
many as are fresh to cook with
flowerets. Separate flowerets
and cut heavy core or stalk in
wedges, and medium-h e a v y
greens In strips. Soak in salted
water, if desired, for 15 to 30
minutes to draw out any insects;
drain and put in a medium
sized saucepan with a tight
fitting cover, arranging core
wedges and greens on bottom,
flowerets on top. Add the water,
cover and boil until just tender
but still firm, about 8 to 20
Minutes; test by piercing with a
fork. Drain, reserving liquid
there should be about -Vi cup;
add cold water to make up this
amount if necesary. Melt butter
or margarine in a saucepan over
low heat; remove from heat and
add the flour, salt and pepper
and blend well. Arid the reserved
cauliflower liquid and the milk
gradually, stirring to keep
smooth. Cook over moderate heat
until thickened and bubbly; con
tinue to cook for 2 minutes. Mix
cauliflowerets and sauce and re
heat. Sprinkle with paprika be
fore serving. Makes 4 to a serv
ings. If (or quality
You pine
In wires Mid iwrftwee
PWaie try mine
Ore., Tuesday November 1, 1949
Leaving for East
Salem friends soon will be
saying farewells to Mr. and Mrs.
Carl W. Wood and family who
are moving to New York City
Mr. Wood, who has been assist
ant manager for the Mutual Life
Insurance company of New
York here, is being transferred
to the home office.
The Woods and children, Lin
da and Randy, are leaving No
vember 11 from Portland for
the east. They have resided in
Salem the past three and one
half years, coming here from
This past week the Woods vis
ited at Tacoma with relatives,
and Mrs. Wood and children
went on to Klamath Falls to
visit relatives there.
LIBERTY The Liberty Wom
an s club will meet Thursday.
Nov. 3, at the home of Mrs.
Lester Clark on route 9 at 1:30
o'clock. On the program will
be a speaker who will speak on
Fairview home and its work.
The club will have a plant show
er for Mrs. Wayne Black who is
building a new home.
Honor Olsons
Woodburn Honoring Lt.
Col. and Mrs. Oliver Olson, who
recently returned from Japan
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Seely and
Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Hughes
were hosts at a buffet supper at
the Seely country home Sunday
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bentley, Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Perd, Mr. and Mrs. Jess
Kifan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl C.
Houseweart, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Magnuson, Glenn Goulet,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lessard of
Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B.
Gill of Salem, Lt. CTjI. and Mrs
Olson, Misses Virginia and Jo
Ann Olson and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett J. Hughes and
Mr. and Mrs. P. H Seely.
THE LADIES' auxiliary, Patri
archs Militant, Canton No. 11.
met last week in the IOOF
temple. After the ritualistic
work, a luncheon was served.
The committee for the Novem
ber 10 meeting included Mrs.
Charles Neubauer, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Sigmund. The association
president la due to make her
official visit on December 8
HOSTESS Thursday evening
will be Mrs. Kenneth Manning,
who la to entertain her bridge
club at cards and a late supper.
VISITING in Salem this week
Mrs. Ruby Grant, organizer
for Altrusa club, women's serv
ice group. She Is meeting with
various local women interested
in the group.
On November 15 the Portland
chapter of Altrusa will send a
group here for an organization
A COMMITTEE from the Wo
men's Fellowship of Knight Me
morial church is sponsoring a
tea Wednesday afternoon In the
church parlors at 1 o'clock.
There will be a special program.
come quick!
$1.75 size... flaw
limited turn only
Capital Druq Store
Stat t Liberty
Wed In Dallas Married on October 7 at Dallas were Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Friesen. The bride is the former LaVina
Harder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Unrau of Dallas,
Mr. Friesen the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Friesen of Dal
las. The couple will live in Dallas. (Jesten-Miller studio picture).
Wedding in Salem
Stayton In a ceremony per
formed Saturday, October 22, at
3 o'clock in the afternoon in the
Court Street Christian church in
Salem, Miss Velma Raph of
Portland, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Raph of Stayton was
married to Marvin Sagnotty of
Bay City, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rene Sagnotty of Salem. Rev.
W. H. Lyman officiated.
For her wedding the bride
chose a moss green suit with
gray accessories. She carried
a white Bible which was topped
with a gardenia. Miss Bernice
Raph was her sister's only at
tendant, wearing a wine colored
suit with black accessories. Her
corsage was of white carnation
and net. Wayne Follis of Mit
chell was best man.
Present also were the parents
of the couple.
Following the ceremony the
newlyweds left on a wedding
trip and will reside in Bay City
where the bridegroom is en-
gaded in the lumber business
with his father.
The bride was graduated from
Stayton high school with the
class of 1947., She was a past
worthy adviser of Acacia as
sembly, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, of which she was a char
ter member, receiving the ma
jority degree this month. For
the past two years she hai been
employed In an office In Port
The bridegroom served In the
navy, and was graduated In the
same class as that of the bride.
The Sagnotty family formerly
lived In Mehama.
LEAVING Monday by plane
for Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
were Dr. and Mrs. R. Lee Wood
to visit their son-in-law and
daughter, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Will
iam S. Bodner, Colonel Bodner
being Instructor at the military
school at Fort Leavenworth. Dr.
and Mrs. Wood will be gone 10
days and will return by plane
4-M Club
Macleay Members of the 4-
M club and their husbands were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin Jr. for the October club
meeting. After the business meet
ing 500 was in play. Winning
high scores were Mrs. Milton
Kephart and O. L. Martin.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Martin, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
O. L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Kephart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin, Jr.
At this enormous saving,
It pars you to buy two
or three jsrs ahead on
famous-formula Tussy
Rich Cream! This golden
night cream mamlouily
helps to soften and silken
even the driest, tiredeit
Vint It combats fatigue
lines and discourages
dry flaUnew. Tuaay Rich
Cream helps yon aohiere
a softer, clearer ooo
plexionl Try a Jar on We
today uae It laTliklyl
U W .00 SIZE, NOW $ 1 .93
Ptm taa
"On the Corner"
jfi Jib
,W ill i in iVnrnii.'lil i iiimm
Jv? vwi
CHI OMEGA alumnae are
meeting at 8 o'clock this eve
ning in the chapter house. The
group is working on baby bibs
to be sold at the baby booth of
the Portland Chi Omega bazaar
later this fall. Following the
business session there will be a
late dessert with Mrs. Eldrid
Huchison and Mrs. Charles
Cloudy as hostesses.
WOODBURN The regular
business meeting of the Wood
burn Junior Woman's club will
be held Wednesday evening,
November 2, at the library club
rooms Groups organized by the
Marion County Tuberculosis and
Health association to study fam
ily life and education will be ex
plained by Mrs. James Bunnell
of Salem, executive secretary of
tne health association, classes
outlined and materials shown.
Mrs. Lois Gaviola is president
of the club, Mrs. Donald Barrett
will be program chairman for
the evening and Mrs. Adrian
Schooler will be hostess.
THE WOMEN'S Missionary
society, Calvary. Baptist church,
is meeting Wednesday at the
church. The business session
will be at 11:30 a.m., the lunch
eon at 12:30 o'clock, the pro
gram at 1:30 o'clock, Mrs. Hugh
A. Dowd to present the program.
HERE from Oakland, Calif.,
for a few weeks Is f'rs. Henry
Johnson (Jeanne Myers), guest
of her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Burton A. Myers. Ensign John
son has left for sea duty.
received here of the birth of a
daughter, Barbara Jeanne, to
Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Beach in
Portland on October 25, at
Emanuel hospital. There is an
other daughter In the family,
Sharon Love. Grandparents are
Mrs. R. H. Baldock of Salem
and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Beach
of Sedalia, Miss.
HIGHLAND Mothers' club
meets Thursday, November 3,
at 1:15 p.m. in the school audi
Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson of the
First Baptist church will show
pictures of Europe. This pro
gram will precede the business
Jfy&At6J3M.Greter ThanEver
An opportunity to secure your bedding requirement! ot
drastically reduced prices cloteout floor samples of na
tionally famous Items means double savings for yout
tit north liberty
Double Green Stamps on oil Cash Purchases Wednesday
Party for
M 1 s I Marcella Schwartz,
bride-elect of Richard Gentzkow
is to be honored at a miscellan
eaus shower and party for which
Miss Clelia and Miss Pauline
Turin will entertain Wednesday
evening at their apartment.
Cards will be in play during the
evening and a dessert luncheon
is to be served.
The guests will include Miss
Schwartz, Mrs. John Jennings,
Mrs. P. Nion VanAusdell, Jr.,
Mrs. Dale Esch, Mrs. O. L. Don
aldson, Mrs. Don C. McNeill,
Miss Dolores Ebner, Miss Ardell
Scott, and the hostesses.
AWM Convention
Opens in Salem
The state convention for the
American War Mothers opened
in Salem, Tuesday, and will
continue through Wednesday,
Mrs. Jennie Erixon, Portland,
state president, presiding.
Highli g h t i n g this evening's
program will be the banquet at
7 o'clock in the dining room at
the First Methodist church, the
event to be preceded by a recep
tion at 6:30 o'clock.
Election of officers and reports
of committees will feature the
Wednesday morning program.
The memorial service will
come at l.ii) p.m. Wednesday,
conducted by Mrs. Addie Curtis
of Salem, state chaplain. The
service will be in the Carrier
room of the church, and families
and friends of those whose me
mory will be honored are invit
ed to attend the service.
Installation of new officers is
to come Wednesday afternoon.
WSCS Event
The Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service of the Leslie Meth
odist church will meet Wednes
day afternoon at 1:30 in the
church parlors. Hostesses will
be Mesdames Anna Brown, Jes
sie Bertelson, and Winifred Heid-
ler. Mrs. Emil Stripling will
conduct the devotional service.
with Mrs. A. W. Metzger present
ing a chapter from "Women of
Scripture?" The program topic.
"The World Must Learn to Read"
will be discussed by Mrs. W. S.
Ankney. Women are requested
to bring in their "Pieces for
Peace" materials which will be
taken to World Community day,
to be observed Friday at the First
Methodist church.
BACK from their wedding
trip are Mr. and Mrs. Harold
McCauley (Shirley Post), and
the couple are at home on Hines
Mr. McCauley's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray McCauley, are to
entertain at a dinner next Sun
day honoring the couple, guests
to include the Immediate fam
ilies. ST. VINCENT de Paul Altar
society is to meet Wednesday at
p.m. in the hall. There will be
a business session, followed by a
social and refreshments. Mrs. B.
F. Dimelar, Mrs. J. Fontanini,
Mrs Leo Strauch and Mrs. Mary
Mulcrone are the committee for
the social.
hostess today for her bridge
club, the group meeting for
luncheon and cards.
Recent Bride Mrs. George
Steerbo (Ruby Peters) was a
bride of October 15. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Peters of Dallas. (McEwan
studio picture)
lem Heights Woman's club will
meet Friday, Nov. 4, at the Sa
lem Heights Community hall on
Liberty road, at 1:30 o'clock.
On the program will be a book
display and a movie "It's All
Yours," by Miss Marjorie Ches
ter, who associated with Salem
schools and city library. Mrs,
C. B. Matlock has been named
chairman of the refreshment
Double Green Stamp Wednesday
Drastically Reduced Prices on
Demonstrators - Floor Samples
Not trade-ins! Not reconditioned! These art never-before-iold now model,
some slightly marred from being used at demonstrators and from being
shown on the floor . . . each it In excellent mechanical condition and will
give you the service of completely now modelt ... at vastly reduced prices!
Quantities Are Limited All Sales Final!
No Down Payment on Approved
Credit Easy Terms
ill north liberty
Two engagements announce
ments are being made today.
Ma. and Mrs. Harry W. Sav
age are announcing the betroth
al of their daughter. Miss Ger
aldine A. Savage, to Pvt. Harold
D. Sohn, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James H. Sohn, all of Salem. No
date has been set for the wed
ding. Anderson-Coder
Mrs. Irene Coker is announc
ing the engagement of her
daughte, Miss Joan Coker, to
Gene Anderson, son of Mr. and
and Mrs. R. O. Anderson, all of
The wedding has been set for
December 17.
Missionary Groups
Line up Meetings
Missionary groups of the
First Christian church will meet
at the following homes, Thurs
day, November 3:
Pendi Road at the home of
Mrs. Susie Lloyd, 1143 Oak
street at 10:30. Sack lunch at
noon and sewing.
Grace Hendricks, at the home
of Mrs. Chester Douglas, 1049
7th street, at 2:00 p.m.
Hattie Mittchell, in the base
ment of the parsonage at 10:30.
There will be bazaar sewing and
a sack lunch.
Gertrude Shoemaker, at the
home of Mrs. Glen Weaver,
2050 Park avenue at 10:30. Sack
lunch at noon and sewing.
Missionary Friends, at the
home of Mrs. A. J. Flint, 720 N.
17th at 10:30. Sack lunch at
noon and sewing.
Mondombe, at the home of
Mrs. Ed Jory, 425 Hoyt street
There will be welfare sewing
and a sack lunch.
Eva Marie Johnson, at the
Greater Than Ever
Betrothal Told The en
gagement of Miss Joyce Al
berta Loiselle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Loiselle,
to Walter R. Worden, son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Worden of
McMinnville, was announced
recently. No date Is set for the
wedding. (Ledbetter studio,
home of Mrs. Braden Daggett,
2424 S. Cottage, at 8 p.m.
Victoria Byerlee, at the home
of Mrs. T. L. Miller, 425 N.
Church, Friday, Nov. 4, at 7:30
Scout Event
The Wednesday night session
of the Girl Scout leadership
training course, now going on at
the First Methodist church, will
be devoted to a makeup session
for those who were unable to at
tend the session, Monday, Octo
ber 24, due to the fog.
The final session of the course
and investiture of new leaders
will be postponed until a later
date, to enable Community Con
cert association ticket holders
to attend.