Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 01, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    fcl Capital Adjournal
t BD
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
6E0R6E PUTNAM, Editor end Publisher
ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher
Published every afternoon except Sunday of 444 Che
meketa St., Salem. Phones- Business, Newsroom, Want
Ad. 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409.
Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and
The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use tor publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also
news published therein.
By Carrier: Weekly, t5c; Monthly. 11.00; One Tear. $12.00. By
Mall In Orerniv MnnthW 7Se: Moa. J4.00: One Tear. 18.00.
V. 8. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1 00; ( Mew.. $6.00: Year. 112.
A Dog's Life
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, November 1, 1949
II U.l..a. 1J. I.
rsrrVf lettins a lot op halucwe'en z- -
wimpows ano those er. '',
Jim Tells 'Em
Ler Henry Kaiser Do It
Henrv J. Kaiser continues to be the "white haired boy"
In getting taxpayers' money from the federal government
under the Truman administration as he was under the
Roosevelt regime when he seemed to have a back-door en- 5P5 f QR SUPPER
trance, when denied the front door, ana got wnat ne was
t after. Two weeks or so ago he got a S34,4()U,UUU loan lrom
it the Reconstruction Finance corporation to finance next
mc r year's auto production for the Kaiser-Frazier corporation.
!! c Last week he applied for an additional $15,000,000 for the
am niirnoae. nnri cot it makin? a total of S44.400.000 to
keep the enterprise afloat.
? This 144.400.000 is only a small portion of the federal
h . loans made to Kaiser enterprises. So far he has got $192,-
V t 400,000 credit from the government. Of this the RFC also feeling tor the
" r has a loan of $88,000,000 on the Fontana steel plant. wonders of our
c Other government agencies made the other loans. They
include a $15,000,000 war assets administration mortgage a" ' '
on the Kaiser blast furnace plant; a $30,000,000 loan on the a party of tour.
Permanente aluminum plant and its aluminum stockpile is(s trom Cali.
which the government is buying, and a $15,000,000 WAA fornia and Hli
mortgage on the Willow Run auto plant and equipment nois was being
I operated by Kaiser-Frazier. conducted
I throughthe
Navy Has Been Building to
Let-Down for Past 50 Years
Washington To understand why Secretary of the Navy Mat
thews had to discipline Adtn. Louis Denfeld whom this column
has consistently praised you have to understand what has gone
on in the navy for a long period of time.
Over the 50-year period beginning with Teddy Roosevelt, the
admirals have
Wizard of Odds
led almost a
charmed life.
They had be
hind them the
personal glam
our and publi
city that radiat
ed from those
two dynamic
p r e s Id ents
Teddy and FDR
plus the se
cret but power
ful support of Bethlehem Steel,
U.S. Steel, Westinghouse Elec-
...L " 1" "I! ""ir"J,u"s learn what it was all about,
building battleships.
wE-i ,hy IT p.rese"ts ho admirals who really ran thing,.
hi cvprl Thp naun in that na, nil
Dr Pna
Frank Knox Liked Admirals
Frank Knox was an easy
going ex-newspaper publisher
who loved the navy, enjoyed
the polish and precision of
things nautical, but who also
was dead serious about his con
tribution toward winning the
At first Knox and the admir
als got along beautifully. The
new secretary didn't know too
much about the navy, let the
admirals have free rein. But
gradually, as Knox began to
began to realize that it was
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the
rbi 1 1 1 1 Hi
" 1 1
(FCZifPCCeiC UI?, tot AIGStlf, fAffJ
-Coolidge and Hoover faced
an admirals' revolt not unlike
Adm. Ernest King, then chief
of naval operations, did not
Jim McGilchrist, the widely known capitol guide, who has prob
ably talked to more tourists than any other man In the state, and
that of today, aided and abetted hesita'e to go over Knox's head
by the big steel and ship-build- "" -"'"
ing companies. Finally, Knox found that a
Greatest heyday of the admir- wing of the navy department
als came under Franklin Roose- naa "een ropect oh, witn a
had more things about Oregon to tell 'em than could be dneamed velt. Tn have ever oyc; marine sentry at tne door from
France Heads for Election
De Gaullists Hope to Win
up by the ordinary citizen, leaves no stone unturned to have the
visitors go back to their respective homes with a very respectful
As defined by an RFC commissioner, a Detroit banker, building and
; I these Kaiser debts represent undertakings to put war-omit 'cy commemea
wi I plants to peace time use, and are backed by collateral and n ,he unusually
' 1; 1 tv, mt t ,, i,,n. i- tn nou, line weather that
uuiig a i mis nine 01 me ,:, Salnrriov
this, and Secretary Matthews is which all civilians, including
now reaping the consequences himself, were barred. This was
. . ,. . FDR appointed as his secre- where all war orders and naval
fivedeZEwivea. and nv y f the navV ClaUdl Swan- strategy were drafted.
M, 7- Zh! w. t son' delightful and aging ex- Knox, a good sport, used to
f, rnlh T, tZ, Zr fi. i! senator from virBini who knew complain half humorously to his
furnish these facts for the in- ..... . . fh navv Swan.n friends about the fact that he
r'L'hV, P.'f." died in office after letting couldn't walk into all part, of cipitate a gen-
: . r, - Roosevelt and the admirals run lne navy aepariment. But he r"
ta k.ngoccasmnal y among them- show Hij successor5 was never rowed publicly with ei- This c a n be
selves and from their conversa- ch.r,M mn , th ther the admirals or FDR. How- an epochal af-
tion each one of them has raised , ,, .u a r-j: ever, when still in nffi. fair, for in the
IIIVVI11UI , A11U111.9 n. cui- ' ' - ' ' v.
aied, he Knew he was no more d a c k grouna
secretary of the navy in actual stands the lm
(U) PorelKO Ar(tlr Aiialyftl)
France again has a cabinet after her longest political crisis in
half a century three weeks but the fundametnals which pro
duced the crisis remain to harrass the new government and make
its tenure of life a matter of doubt.
Another crisis is almost inevitable and this is likely to pre-
the ffreatpst carrier niffpnn whn
ever flew across a mountain. SPil'
Edison Knew the Navy
The new secretary had operat-
fact than had been Claude Posing six-foot-
n f i .J . u:M : I i: i I Swancnn whn HinW in ff,. ha. tWO fiCUre Of
' lion, nn nnr.nn,, Th. nhionf nf Ih. Inonc i tn pronts wu 'lne weather that they were en- , (V,. u,,:. .. ,.lU 41. .4j 4...4:. 4-.ui i:,: for him General Charles
....lii, j ii pu.i ij. in,. " ,i . , . ... vw ...... 4-.v:nrt ui :i l ... vim uu.iuiM men a wuu incic oiyuu WIISHUI.IIUU iciiiiiiiciiiiies, .
oi. production and payrolls. Incidentally probably to provide joying wmie nere is mis tne have taken an oatn not to Jhave and immediately got in the ad. (Editor's note Another Drew Pe Gaulle who
i 1 i.-4;- ::4. i.. .4 i ' j. 4u. i..: normal thing at this time of the ,: c,,j ... :,., u.:- Ppamn minmn nn 4h has been lmpa-
about Friday you happen to be Bv this time. FDR had divert.
j competition apainst monopoly, at least in the aluminum
L. ... ,j" r,, . Von ncn un 4. 4U. D 1,1- u"e assea Jim
v- i iieia ior iul loans niciuue oy,ciu,uuu iu mc iicjiiuiun with
I Metals corporation
These RFC loans are defended as the only kind that can that this Isn't
Vithout battine an eve the scion V.""' ' By tnis
f the McGilchrist clan opined "L lZ "l" .1?:.? fd Rood many hundreds of mil-
xactlv normal ,, . , , , "T1" "ns lrom public works admin
xacuy normal ml.., arnnnH whn InnV 1 lr. . . ....
o, Eirniinn Tunne in niiiin mar.
over Civilian control of the navy tiently advocat-
will follow soon. i i"K such a
snow-aown. rnis famous war-
DeWitt H.cketnl.
(Coprrlfht 111!)
time leader of the Free French
believes the time has arrived
when his rightist party "rally
of the French people" ean win
control of parliament.
Then what?
There are many who charge
that De Gaulle aims at dictator
ship a claim which he empha
tically denies. However, he does
project a new constitution which
would give the chief executive
greater powers. Naturally he
would be that chief executive.
4 . - ..... . . . I i i 4 i. m .t i- ... watniiii
4 ,a tnnriA tinnor 11a nnorrpr wn pn sir rm nrps mnns ttiusl ne. ior in s lime or ine vfsr. ai .,. . ...
made only to concerns which cannot be obtained elsewhere, . matter of fact." opined Jim, u tame and gentle They are lhJL, A4nhdi'. Ft?'
' and banks cannot tie-up themselves with slow loans. The "it's considerably colder than just advertlsin! lhee-,CCo .! n'ln "L
1, ! RFC can extend credit for 8 or 10 years and banks cannot "f1 r 8" 'nerw nual firemen's ball to be held at ? war CertVinV It wo 1H
' take the risk, and in 17 years of operation RFC losses have vanb.0"' 'he, .us"a'ri" , FryJ-h" community hall ther. Satur- h.'.'SSn a good thing if the
, been little more than those of commercial banks. ZngZ Xr o'r he we k' 6 eh rTT Iralsha'd lifted n
S, i Other big RFC loans include the McLouth Steel corpor- 8 oroinerjor week. wlll shaved for the big event. buiIding so many battIeships but
" ation, Detroit. $10,500,000; Carthaffe Hydrocol, $18,500,- Our host of pigeon fancying had built a few more escort ves-
" i 000; Ketchikan Pulp and Paper company, $16,000,000; friends hereabout no doubt will Unless there are a whale of seI ?nd anti-submarine craft.
r, I Pctaweet Foods. Inc.. $8,000,000. but none are on the biu be sad to hear that Kaiser, the 't ' youngsters with cast- wnere aecretary
it scale of Kaiser s. These loans are the direct result of high world s most famous carrier
: taxation that has shut off the flow of risk money.
iron stomachs in town there Edison and the top navy brass
pigeon, is dead. According to the should be a lot of juvenile turn- bad their first big clash. Edison
dispatches he d ed last nieht at myacnes today, from tne con- oui to ran naroor ana
Le . . ,. . j..4-::4 .i: V....U 4V 4 the aee of 32. which would have tents of some trick or treat dared to criticize. He told the
t ul w..y ... uu.e ui uei.t-u, ' "'-.bee,bou, equivalent to 160 "cks we peeked into last eve- admirals that duty at Pearl Har-
,i W i..u..ey ue iKreii ii uum...iK up . V'""" years in terms of human life. He "ing the outlook was dubious, bor did not mean spending all
enterprises witn government; not only iurnisnmg me . . . Am,ri rfnh. But the payoff was one little the time on the beach at Wal
t plants but the capital, against the taxpaying industries ? boys in m8 jn , front ,ine chap whose sack was virtually kiki, and that the first thing they
t I And why should not the government, for the same reason it trench in France, later brought empty. When we commiserated had to do was get their fuel-oil
S! i is financing the big fellows, use a fraction of the money to to America for brppHintr nnr- over his bad luck he didn't seem tanks underground. He remind-
" 1 finance the ultilizaion by small industries of the numerous poses and lived to train his great- worried. "I get as much as any- ed them that Pearl Harbor might
M ' -4 U 1 .' 1 4 1 4- 1 .' 1 fl,.l 4 4 U C1M -1 . . 4 I i. : , j j .. , . hnHv 11 Kn a.iH "Ki it 1 1 1 ct ant it K. .f4.lrAJ J tk. a
i. viiiie. juitj nni-uuilL uinilLO, nnv Liiat ul 1,11c omciii 41111111- ki ci - ki diiuinuui en uuring " , ...,.vi .1,14 iiicae laiiKS
n Ina plant for making needed fertilizer?
ina plant for making needed fertilizer
As long as Kaiser can get federal money so handily, why
does not the Salem Chamber of Commerce try and induce
him to operate the Salem plant which can be made a very
profitable enterprise for both himself and the community ?
he said
Warld War II and kept right on " las' I Ket
Call the Roll on Polls
New York W Shades of last year's presidential election
upset! s
The Rockefeller foundation has given Columbia university
$7,000 to Investigate the reliability o' public opinion polls.
The university bureau of applied social research will con-
Art Oregon Freedom Train?
Last year the colorful Freedom Train visited Salem as
!! it did the other communities of the nation. The train
brought to the people the historic documents of freedom prrp liAki'C PWDO0UCD
I and of great significance to the nation's progress. People 'JJK rAAri j rnlLJiJrntK
i who never would have had a chance to visit W ashington,
J D.C., to see the documents In their usual resting places
1 j were given track-side views.
Now New York state has come forward with its Free
0 ; dom Train. In this special Empire state exhibition are 89
i documents illustrating New York's contribution to the
'J " irowth and development of the basic liberties that com
h pose the American heritage.
Although New York may be a long distance from Ore-
Life and Death Drama
Caught in Color by Television
Coal Miner Starts 'Hike' to Place
Metal Wreath on Son's Pacific Grave
Knoxville, Tenn. Nov. 1 (UP) A 54-year-old coal miner,
walking to the west coast with an eight-pound metal wreath
on his back, passed through Knoxville today.
David Wallen of Woodbine, Ky., said he intends to carry
the wreath to Guadalcanal "by the grace of God" and throw
the memorial into the ocean at the spot where his son Persh
ing died in a naval battle in 1942.
The shy, gray-haired man says he has no idea how he will
get from the coast to the south Pacific island, but he'll do it
"if it is the Lord's will."
Sister of World-Citizen Davis
JUULi UCUIIIU I rUll UrlUin Moreover, Bidaults program
is virtually the same as that of-
New York U.R) Virginia Davis, sister of "world citizen" Garry fered by Socialist Jules Moch
Davis, suspects you could get behind the "Iron Curtain" with and Radical Socialist (conserva-
hardly more for a passport than a peanut butter jar label. 'iVf l"6 May6r' bth 0f Wh0m.
nr. , . ,i , , , , failed to form a government
I m making that statement on the basis of what I found out in prior to Bidaulfs attempt
a tour of Europe." Miss Davis said. " I scooted in and out of satel- The new premier, like Moch
lite countries as easily as I go ; and M is pledged to provide
from New York to New Jersey." first American entertainer to a cost-of-living bonus for the
Miss Davis, a concert artist, Sln8 for occupation troops in lowest paid workers. It was a
explained. "It's not because the Austria. She visited relatives Hi
About this time Edison also bordcr offieials intend to make in Czechoslovakia and says her wages which caused the down-
V riuison also thA 4!4 T4- 4. ..4 feplincre whpn eh. lpf4 4t.n 1
caught the adm rals lonsinff nn J nua.4. 440 jus. -- ..- icu- jai. 01 me previous government.
the new destroyers tatlt il"h tnat they don,t eem t0 be able dr."ated C0Untry Would match '
PWA funds. He found that out to .fead. anylhin but Rus?ian. WhaaPJT.ner.fe,els when ne Otherwise Bidault will launch
of 28 new destroyers. 20 were ne,y 1 lel you ," anyln'". " "' J". his ship under conditions almost
so top-heavy that extra weight tnaltIooks even half-way offi- It was almost as if I could identical with his immediate
made beautiful targets.
Even more important. Edison
told the admirals to clear off the
superstructures of their battle
ships. The next war, he said,
would be an air war; and battle
ships would have to fire straight
11D In the air, not broadside.
Therefore, they couldn't be in
the position of firine at their
own crow's nests. The super
structures would have to come
TonJHeavr Destroyer
The new cabinet has been
formed by the internationally
known Georges Bidault. He is
the 50-year-old leader of the
Popular Republican Movement,
better known as the "MRP." Bi
dault was head of the wartime
resistance in France and was
provisional president premier
from June to December, 1946.
He also served a long time as
foreign minister.
Bidault's cabinet, like that of
his predecessors, is a coalition
affair built from the center par
ties. There is in France a multi
plicity of political parties, and
therein lies the weakness of Bi
dault's cabinet.
It will take only a moderate
shifting of his support to throw
the advantage to the opposition.
That of course would be true of
any similar government.
t .una ,.mi a ncJKU, ,
Npw Ynrk (JF Wnfphinff a siirffpnn rpsrnp s flvinff wnman frnm hart in ka nr1JJ 4 4V.. I 1- 4. Clai.
the tentacles of cancer is an unforgettable sight. keen them from turning turtle
I had this experience over the week-end along with a number in the uralor In .rMitinn v, Sh' h.nir fmm
St' gon. the list of documents on the train contains some in- of newsmen and 1,000 doctors invited to the demonstration by deck plates on three destroyers month's concert tour of Switzer- leader Meyer Davis, said th economic riiffirnliio. with ,h,nh
wresting recollections ot nistory. included are these: "-'-" vi..i omni,. oucKiea in oniv a "moderately land, Austria, uermany, France, ""'y um sne naa to use her Europe is struggling. One of
hear prison gates closinir hp. nreilerwirir Pramia. o..A..m-.
hind me," she said. He wi have ,he same haz.
three . Miss Davis, daughter of band- ards. and those include all the
Dutch irrant of reliirious liberty to the Kntrlish in New Am- " done ft-
uterdam; the "Flushing Remonstrance" of 1650, protest- b? 'clevision.
in. ,,:... f 4i, n. . 4V. .(.. r r.(- using a color j,,
'"R ". " " "4 111c v(,inn.-i.-., nir -nnj .i .muiii inn nrnrcSS devel-
Xenger's fight for freedom of the press; and New York ,.,pd bv n,e co-
tate'a ratification of the constitution. lnmbia broad-
Perhaps one of these days the people of Oregon will put casting system,
together the documents of this state's impressive history. And it proved
The list could pretty well outline the achievements of
the state through the years. Perhaps an Oregon Freedom
Train might not result, but some kind of exhibit might
make the circuit of the state so the people in all sections
eould have a better idea of what recorded events have been
significant in the building of Oregon.
wuicmy, cuiuni nere, puiung rolling sea." Furthermore he. Belcium and Czechoslovakia and u-o. passport was when she flpvu these thp in (..ii
clamps there, he freed the ma- cause the navy still insisted on said she entered every country into New York's international prices which broueht the de-
using rivets, millions of defee- on an "international identity airport. mand for higher wages,
tive rivets had to be reolaced. card," issued by her brother in She said when she showed her So, taking it all in all while
Edison not only discovered Paris. world citizenship passport to a Bidault is one of France's out-
these facts but also learned that "I had a U.S. passport and I u- s- customs official, he just standing statesmen and political
three of the private shipyards intended to use it, if necessary." grunted, "World citizen, huh? leaders, it will be no surprise if
bllildinff the ripstrnvpr frarpH .u. on. .4 r 4. Wp rinn't hplimra In tu.i 4.. t, . .
sue visible to 11,. . miu. du. 4 10 " " nis government proves to be an
safd Dr Brun- h gh and warneYhe" aTmira?, j"St hW T" Ut her U' S' ePhemeral aair' In 'a will
onn ...o. ai.., i1",8 "' ,ne aamirais cross on the world citizenship passDort v..
BU4 4JII3Ulj, 11 11 isn i
lignant mass. Its size drew
gasp from the audience. To re
move it, the surgeon had to take
out the cervix, bladder, and part
of the colon and intestine.
"Now we have taken out all
the tumorous tissue
the naked eye
schwig. His inference was clear
HkI Byl
! i Boy Pianist, 6, Writes Music
Miami. Fla. J Miami has comt up with I slx-year-nld
eeempllshed pianist wht already Is composing his own mu
rl. Jady Bulls, who has been taking lessons for a year, is on
1 ef sTral youngsters antarrit In the rontest to select Greater
Miami's entstandlnff boy and girl for 1949.
Jsdy already has taken a fling at this business called show
buatntMs. n played on ef his eompoaitlons, "Tha Train,"
rw a Miami radio atatlon.
Baby Is Hefty Weight Lifter
Burlington, XL J' I.lttle Paul Thomas Wrenn, aged l
noatha, prefers the title "hard-rork" to names of endear
ment. He want Into training at the age of IS months.
e ean now lift a It'i-pound weight up from the ground
var his head and hold It there for several minutes.
Much of his achievement can bt credited to his grand
. father, Paal Rlmpton, 44, who la reputed to have outrun a
la a race from Rurllngtna te Klnston, i distance of
attMt 14t mllM.
whatrvor the
immediate com
mercial future
of color televis
ion may be
that this form
of video already is of value in cer spots on the excised organs mirals refused
teaching surgical tecnniques.
The viewing screens were set
whether radical operations of chiefly due to the fact that the
this nature are worthwhile." the cnl" nvai construction
in advance Thpv pvpn nfCnrnrf i '
Ihnrp U'nrn nlkar malinnonl . .. .. iara.
: . 10 suDmir me center-of-gravitv
the knife. The blue-black can- ,i,in rf..i ...-(. n.., .u. .a ber-
up in the Biltmore hotel. The
television camera itself was 25
blocks away, trained on an op
erating table in Memorial hospital.
snoweo. ciear.y onine screen. Secretary Edison also discov-
"There is some Question as to "P0 ,nat " errors were
The card bears a serial num-
Miss Davis' description,
photoraph and fingerprints. And
above her signature appears the
pledge of the unofficial organi
zation her brother heads.
It states in part, "I have
In Defense of Pearson's Dodger
The surgeon was Dr. Alexan
rier RriinnchwiD. a famous ran
cer expert. The woman, about re a"v
SI una uniripniiriavri Shp ht eranons,
agreed in advance to allow the
To the Editor: Nearly twenty years ago Andy Burk defeated
a GOP long-timer for the office of sheriff in Marion county,
. . . i ,4 i .l piiu nic 4ri4uuiii:ans navi npvpr fnroivpn him
surgeon said, calmly, a, he sew- Am. William G. Duhose. wa. at ""'""''"- In the last election hP n,Z'
ed up the severed blood veels loggerheads with Adm. Harold lerrsl ol Peace aoove any HiH ,h " r, --i""";-
Bui ! mi learned ome'Mng G. Bowen, the chief of naval en- "! .H national or other inter- '"' lu uJ J , Tu , "it I.! " "
from them. And some patient, peering. So he shifted them s .Incompatible with that r? .S, )n by a picture of one check for
have lived more than two yeari oal- ... his camoaien (as thouch no re- nearlv 2 miitinn .L ".JL i publican ever did that) .. . a voucher for $160.80 to pay
Bv this time thp tnn hra ulia Xfica riai'it waiA nnm nf thp Thp nM rnT3lpi- im lha n;,;.- u:n m
"Jh.e J',".n' If a relleV."J ' nad been running the navy de- biggest "moments" of her con- sensitive. They just can't stand pense funds of his office The
operation to be televised, hoping "worm 10 useiuinesa pnrtment in the past were really cert tour in central Europe came it to see a democrat at the "hap- two republican mernhpr. n h.
It would be of value to the as- "me ln ,ny seething. And they took their when she crossed the border in- py family" table. board snorted a great snort and
sembled doctors. oon I P"U0'P,," ?ut t complaint to their best friend to Czechoslovakia, en route to And now this feeling has have refused to sign the voucher
"This is in no sense a cure." " "."'h " "5 cn lnU Franklin D. Roosevelt, who. Prague. reached the sacrosanct upper They seem to think that Pearson
explained Dr. Brunschwig. "Her f d . ver since he had been assistant After border officials stamp- circle where another democrat, is giving away state secrets, al-
case Is hopeless. Radiation has " "e ? lc"'r ,an secretary of the navy, believed .h h.r n,..ri " nn. trn.d Walter Pearson, had the temer- thouah Uxoaver. tvhn h.. h.-
about the routin- i task of wwing ,he adn1ial couId do no wrong. to ask nfr to glng. ity to get himself elected state interviewed sav that the state-
up his patient. S FD" ""'d ln Charley The 26-year-old soprano said. I'" and, thn?n mem,- ment ave Information of much
r . U I. .' .v.- J i: J ' hpi nf fhp at i f n Kntirv4 nf annlaal 1 ai i . . . . ..
Later that day I sat before an- -"". "I did . . . over a loudspeaker - ,uc 10 intra ana io wnicn iney
failed. She is ln pain, and this
operation will relieve that."
He spoke through a micro
phone attached to his throat.
Th. P.m.r. .hnJ-pn- nniv, hi. other TV set and watched Notre P"y neeaea a good man to run ordinarily used to announce me !u,mm" n are entitled.
hands ani the oatien 's abdomen Dame sink the navy at football. "r governor ot New Jersey and .rajn ,rrivals ,,nd departures. u ' . siatements ..,
nanos ann tne pauent s aoaomen , . ... .a.,.. that he Ed nn. u. tint ih. ..... . .. .. .. j - . printed showma where th A. M. CHLRCH
u 10 v. us an vrriv ining in- Aiier tnai, tne noiiywooa uowi ... ... . . unn m , .
evision. catching a life and m"-. Furthermore. Roosevelt holds no fears for me." She said ,U,e, money Koe- 1400 N' Summ'. S"!
as he swiftly made his Incision.
Ought to Be Good Now
Cleveland, O. 0J Neal McLaughlin of Cleveland Is anlna
to It ate. Marie, Mich., to dig up a barrel ef whiskey he
barked la a peat bog.
"By aow, my whiskey should be aged." bt said.
tie barled It when trader were having trouble with tha
iwrerameat abeat trading witb the Indiana, fifty jsan ago.
Opening the body cavity, he death drama ln the morning, :ia needed a republican in ,ne ound American iazz every.
discovered the malignant tumor football in the afternoon. D"ie ninner nia oipar- Whpre. although the Russians
had spread through most of the
woman's lower organs. The tis
tues stood out In clear relief un
der color television. But when
ever the camera switched back
to black-and-white, they came
almost Indistinguishable.
11 t i-4i pi
All through the game I kept "n wr policy. callit' "decadent." UODrO JOUmOl AmOnQ IVU fODCfS
thinking of the unknown lady That was how Edison got out ..j h-,ard jaII m lipiig" ,he To tne Editor: May I congratulate you on being one of the
, it- .,.,,...... iiu iiv ............ .u 47r4.uiiic Mjd iejnji. u in the heart of luu D"1 newspapers in ine u. s. A. inereiore, one oi the Dest Inn. hi. I .1 1aa! aiaa'l V. . . pnt-pmn. nf V.u, laMav m w rt . I . 1 .. t . 1. : i . . i ... . .
Tr,ii.n, mii inn wen I nun "nnr oi i-tw jrrKy, ana ... ....., -f r.prm.nv
for a while. how Frank Knox, former GOP ...
I wonder what she will do candidate for vice president, be
with the time she has left? eame aecretary of the navy. Miss Davis said she was the
nl the world. I think you are worthy, and the next 25 yenra
should see you with a circulation of 7S.0OO.
Mill City