9 i A AUTOMOBILES 4T BC1CK wdMUti RAH, oth r extra. 11494. Ph3-HH. 2C2 ONE OF th ortl 1948 studebaker Com mander, Pullr wuipped. Otnir, ph. 3-1081. q2J MODEL A roadster. New top and side cur tains. Good motor and paint. 8 re twten 33 p.m. Ph. 3-3891. 353 1 CHEV. Master Sedan. Oood tires nd motor. Will Mil cheap. 4943 Wolf. Keiier dist. 2jn M MODEL A ford 185. 1339 N. 16th. lM SPECIAL A tln Frarer Manhattan. Low mile M, KdeH, new slip cover. BEX MR. smith TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Ph. 14171 24S MERCl'RT J-Door, 6.M0 mils, RAH. phone 3-1433 after p.m. q364 J3 MODEL A Pord. Good cond. Ht." 3, Box 336. E. 1. Adams, evening. jaei '37 OLDS M OBILE8S X 4-Door" Sedan? Hest- cr. Good cond. 3293 N. Liberty. qafll (780.00 EQUITY 1949dflujce" H-ton CheV! pickup. 6,000 mile. Trad tor 1943 ft- ptM Che-., Ford. Dodift or Plymouth. Phona tvenlnf 1-8081. Ketchum. ,JM CHECK THE H SPOT Eisner Motors to Sell ISO USED CAR LOT ISO rour old od. 13tb St. Junction. OpD ttU 10 P.m. Q367 Eisner Motors to Buy NEW 161ft Mercurr 8 pact, eotxpe. Haj ov. erdrlve, clock, R&H. Little over 2000 milee. WtU aell or trade equity tor sood small car. Ph. J-S7JI. qj0 Why Buy a 1949 Model When You Can Get a 1950 NASH at MARION MOTORS 337 CENTER CHECK THE SPOT CAR ACCESSORIES tt re ft tube at coat price. Flrt coin first served a this l close-out sal Dealers welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co.. 450 Center. PONTIAC Good Will Cars ' PONTIAO SEDAN, COUPS. R tt U tl4 W PLYMOUTH SEDAN 11 '41 DODOI SEDAN HIS 7 PONTIAO SEDAN 145 IS PONTIAO COUPE 145 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 0 X. Llbertj Ph. I-41U. . ZEEB'S USED CARS BtT SELL TERMS 330 Hood St. TRAPS 1 LOTS ph. 8-771. CHECK THE SPOT M CHEV. matter coupe Tires, body, motor excellent cond. Radio, heater. I22S, P.O. box 112, Woodburn. Q2B0 Eisner Motors Fine Cars '34 V-. 3 -door 390. Rt. 8, box 652. On EaeTe Creek RL 20 ISSv CHEV. Vt ton hvy. duty pickup 4 speed trans., 1425, or reasonable offer. Jamea Colrtn. 1305 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-3435 0.380 MOTORCYCLES. SCOQTERS 3945 HARLEY 74. Nrw motor, tires, len ders. Flanders, seal beami. Perfect shape, will sell or trade for small car. Ph. 382B4 between h ft t P.M. qa2g2 47 SALISBURY motor scooter, 195. Ken neth He!dertl85S S.th. qa283 ldtwHARLFY Davidson 81. Low mtlesee. Foot shift. Dorland Swan, Ph. 3-4127 qa262 e.Nei'ee4e' BOATS JS' PLYWOOD boat. Rec. 317S. Floor sam ple now 99. MONTGOMERY WARD, Salem. 00.285 J FINANCIAL IF YOU want to sell you property !t w!H lay you to know how much of an FHA oan H will atand. This Information la obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to cell on us for any In formation you desire on FHA loans STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. HUH St. Tt!. 14111. FARM AND CITY LOANS 44-, and 3 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash tor Real Estate Contract and Second Morteacf I CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bldt. Ph. 3-7183 r PRIVATE MONEY Spec Rntes and Term On Career Loan Loni and Short Tim Pftnrents ROY H SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St Phone 3-9101 r AUTO LOANS WTLLAM ETTa CREDIT CO 183 S Church Parkin a Plenty Ph t-243f Moi No M-139 8-1S4 . $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. IPftO rairerntind Road tlext Door to Bank FTf Parkfni Phone I7"12 Lie k MJ S29I Flovd Kenyon Mir t FOR YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate flrt morteair"i, properties Salem ft vicinity. MnVe your own se lection, nett you 9 percent We talce care or all collection if aeitrea Amounti tlooo. to several thouand dol lar gf or rail un for particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 133 8 Hlth St. TM tm. t SEE PS POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS OXLT 4-. OR 4'ii INTEREST to 40 Y,r and No CommuuloB Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stat Bt Pnone 1-38C3 OESrRAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie S-133 and M-329 and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS TRAILERS rt FT. YAG 4 BONO traiVrtmtM .1 new. ee brakfi. oil heat, bat coic tng and man other ft attire. 4383 Ht iar. Ph. 3-3M7. Ull TRAILERS TRAILER par, f L0 month, with all on temenc. soutn aid of Paulu Bra. Park-.nc Co., 1749 Oxford. Roth Trailer Court. rACTORr-m fLT trailer noun, esc. rond.. Uttp 4. Very reasonable. 5ir Crest Trailer Park. North River Rd. 1364 DIRECTORY tDbiNo MAraiNi All : o4 mcchtOM. toM. rectad. repaired ftoea tt Court Phots t-T73 APPLIANCE SERVICE CLtCTRlV HOME appliance rapa.1T Mrrlc new appliance Tiaee1 Stactria Phone Free tit: marc Trade-la Mcptd 9-9339 107 8 Ltbertf St o AT-l'R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissor, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1320 Center. J-68SS. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SZRVICR Tovtnc aerrtee day photu l-RM Wear S-1804 113 Center o SL'ILOING CARPENTRY Remodel, rpalr that bom now. Term. No down parmeat. Phone 3-4850 o Bl'LLDOZINQ Lac, crnd. cler, carrratt wit. Ph. 42383 or 1 1264. Oeo Worth, 840 Plymouth Dr o274 Bulldoxlns, levellDl, road bldg clear Ing. teeth for bruah. Vlrxu Hua-key, 1010 Palrview Ave. Ph. 3-314S, Salem. o3 Daas Roblzisos. Ph. i-ttil oi J-t308 03S5 CASH REGISTERS The National Oah RecUter Co. Caih RecUter - Accouattnc Machine Sale - Senrtoo SuppUei S Oatnoa Street Pnon i-il o24 loetan delivery oi new RCA i rtguttr Ai' mala sold, rented, pal-rd Roan 4 Court PS 1-4773 CEMENT WORK Por expert cuaranteod attatetloa new or repair of foundation, aldenalka. driveway, patio, eurba. wall, ate. Gall 1-4850 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace ohlraner vacuum cleaned. Ertaley. 771 S. 2Ut. Ph. 2-71T. o2a CONCRETE WORK If U'a made of concrete, on you? work. Ph. 3-1159. i bid o264 DRESSMAKING Dresamaklng ft alteration. Wurk guar anteed. 1290 N. 34th. Ph. S-7885. o374 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vtnce' Electric for electrical wtrtnc, contractlnav repatrtng, 137 S- Liberty l!S0f o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator advice Ph. 3-3058, Lee Croa. Rt. $, Son 437-C. e285 Bretthauoft for flower Dial t-17t o FURNACE A CIRCCLATOR SERVICE Vacuumed ft repaired. Dvorak Ph. 3963 o363 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Co tTery 1717 Center products Free de Ph 3-S36S. a' INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Berries Floor Waxing Butidinxs Factories - Rome Etlir,atea Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO MATKT CO. Ph. Salent 3-9133 LA.VDSCAPF NURSERY P A. Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamental. 150 K Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Pn 3-1333 o DELUX SERVE 8 EXP Laundry. 148 Jet feraon St. Phone 234S1. o LAW.VMOWERS Sharpened, cuaranteed service. Hew power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Oom'l St. 03- MATTRES8ES Capital Beddtnc. Phone 3-4009. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc 1521 Court St. Ph. I-T5. 02 W OFFICE FURNTTDRR SUPPLIES Desk chairs, file and Mini suppllas, safe; duplicator and cuppllea, desk lamp, typewriter atand. brief ease Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen, 458 Court OIL BURNER SERVICR We uarante our work. Ph. 3-8882. Eve. 4-2424. 0273 Exp. Interior patnttne. Wilson. Ph. t-732 o281 Vfstrom'a are equipped palntlm Phone 3-2493 PAPERHANGINO Expert Paperhanflnr and patnttne:. H. t. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5S68. Frta eat. 02T9 PAINTING ft PAPERHANGINO Palntlnf ft paper In. Pre est- Ph. 3-3803 0301 Palntlnf and paperhandnr dona ezpert ty and reasonably. Ph 2-8019. o2S3 Patnttm and paper hantctnc Free tt m,.te. Ph 3-95 IS 7 Shplptnc O280' PLUMBING Fisher. 844 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PIUTt'RK FRAMING Picture fremiti Hutchson Paint Store Phoue 3-8S87 REFRIGERATION SERVICE SAND A GRAYKY. Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dracltne excavatlnc Wailtni Sand ft Gravel Co, Phone t-9249 Valley Sand ft Grave, Co SUt, aand ft 1 11 dirt Exeavatlna 10B shovel ft eata Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt novlni h office 94002, re. 97148 a EWERS AND SElTTr TANKS Elect rte Roto-Rooter Excluslv Patent Racor hrp Steel Cuuin Blade Clean Sewers. Drains, Tanks. 3-5327 SEWING MACHINES Bouaht, sold, rented, repaired. ZZ erm. Alt make. W, Davenport, Ph, t-77l o28t SEPTIC TANKS K P. Hamel. Seotle tank cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain line. Ou ran teed work 1143-flth St . West Salem. Pn 3-7404. 0273 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage chsree Call ua collect. Todd Septic Tank Service, 2445 State St Phone 2-0TS4. Hlke'a Septic Service Tanks cleaned Rote Rooter 6rvic on Sewer 1079 tm St.. W Ssem Ph. 8 -Ait. S.&33T 0281" AEW1NO MACHINES All make repaired, tree sttmte Smart Sewine Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3313 T PFHPITSR Smith Corona Remington Roral. Under wood portable hv makn jed maehioe Repa-Tft and rent o M Cnurt e TRNFEP A STORAGE .ca ft Distance Transfer ttotate 8-irner ou coat ft ortQueu Truck to Portland dally Aeent tot Bktn Houe hose goods moved to en r where to O 4 , Canada Larmee Transfer ft Starage Ph J-J13I o VENETIAN BLINDS A teT Venetian 8i:nr made to order ut reflaWied Retnhotdt ft Lel 3-3839 Elmer The Blindman WETHI.RTRITrrNh Fret estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5MS. WELCnRILUNa Journal Wont Ads Pay S4LFM MARKETS Completed fraaa rspwrt Caieflt deafer fw tuldaac of tapilH Jaarstat Reader. tRlad AaUj Retell Feed Frleee: tt Mb 14 . Kbltlt rellete 4.38. Datrr Feed 13.70. Pealteri BufUic prt-Ordt A otor ed hu l!c; cra.de A Lei horn hen, and up, T-I9e. Orade A Old roofterc tS 11-tBc; grt A colored trjr thr the Ufa Bsyina Frfee Ixlra Ian AA. 4e; !n AA. bit: Jan A, iV0-S7ti medium A A. 40c: medlua A. I-44c; puUU. )l-33e. Wheleaala Frtoea En wholi srlM -7e above the pTlre; above trade A tenerillr uMd t 2ci aieOlum, 4e. Bvlterfel Premium Ue: Mo. t, t4e; Ka. t, M-0c, (buy In: price ). Butter Whok4l cradt A, Met c- eaU nc. rrtti Oratn Portland. Kov. I tjeV-Caah Tin: OaU No. 1, it lb. white. H.OO. barley Ho. i, 4 lb. B.W., 65 50; Ho. 1 flax. 3 80. caan wneat tbidr soil wmt l.JOi aoit white texcludinc Rti S.30; whit club 3.30. Hard red winter: Ordinary J 30; 10 per cent 2 30; 11 per cent 3 30. 12 per nt 2.30. ToUr ear receipt : Wheat tt; barter flour 4; com IS: oat I; mtltteed U. DIRECTORY WINDOW SHADES WasbaUa. Roller Mad to order. J Day Del Relaholdt ft Lewis Ph 33639- e WINDOW CLtANTNO Aome l.tndow Cleaner Window, watt ft woodwork, cleaned Floor cleaned wased and polished Ph I-ISJT 347 Courv Laasdoa, Cuibsruos and Matbar WOOD A BAWDVST West Salem Fuel Co, Ph 3-4031. WOODS A WING Atkins Croat, Ph. 3-ST4 or 3-C179. LEGAL NOTICE OR SALE OF TAX FORECLOSED LANDS Pram end after 11:00 a.m.. Tueadar No vember 22, 1940, at the West door of the Maron County Courthouse In Salem, Ore gon, pursuant to an order of the County Court for Marlon County, Ores on, made and entered on the 8th day of October, lt. I will sell at public sale lor cash to the highest bidder at not lea than the minimum price below specified all of the followlnt described parcel of real prop er tr; ,73 acre in section 13, xownsntp Botun, Rame t West, Vol. 104, pace 377, Marlon County Deed Records, Wtn. P. Lord and W, O. Lord 1100.00 Salem, Capital Park Addition, Fr, ot block 19. Vol. 183. pace SO, VoL 191, pass 152, Wm. M. Trsmbath and Ber tha Traabath 11 .000.00. DENVER YOUSQ, Sheriff Marlon County. Ores on. October 12. 13, 25. Not. 1. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NO. 1344 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATX OF OREGON FOR THR COUNTY OF MARION the Matter ot the Eatatd ot EMMA K. BUCKUN. Deceancd, NOTICE JS HEREBY OJVIH that the undersigned, administrator with the mill annexed of the estate oi Emm H. Bucklin. deceased, will, on and after November 19, 1949, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the office of the undersigned at 109 North Commercial street In Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, sell at private sale tor cash the following described real premises, to-wit: me aoucrj. thirty (Kit rest or Lot two (2i, Block 10, Southwest Addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, Said salt will be made In Dursuance of an order of the Honorable Rex Klmmell, on of the Judtn of the above entitled court, which order was mad and enter - on October 18. 1949 In proceeding pendlnt In said court entitled "In the Matter of the Estate of Emma H. Buck lln. Deceased," clerk's register Mo. 13404, ana ta sate wttl be mad cuoject to eoa- urmauoa oy seta court. uatea tnis lexn aey or actooer, PIONEER TRUST COMPANY. Adminis trator with the Will Annexed of the Estate oi Emma H. Bucklm, Deceased. By K. E. WENOER, Trust Officer, RHOTBH & RHOTEH SAM F. BPEERfiTRA Pioneer Trust Buildmi Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. Oct. 19, 25: Nov. 1, 8. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY 2S GIVEN that br an order ot the Circuit Court ot the State of Orecoa for the county ot Marlon. In Probata, duly mad and entered on the seventh day of October, 1949, we have been tiuly appointed executrixes of the last will and testament and estate of CLEMA MCLAUGHLIN, deceased, and that we have duly Qualified as such ex ecutrlxe. All persona having claim etalnet said oatatt hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to us at 214 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, wlthnt six month after the data ot the tint publication of till notice. Dated and first oublisaed tn eiereotn day ot October, 1949. EUEAHCTH SiUUN, MARY SIMON Executrix, aforesaid. JOHH CARSOM. Attorney for Executrixes, Oct. 11. 19. 35, Nov. 1. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 2N THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OP MARION In the Matter ot th Sitatg ot MARY DAVIE, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that lha under signed, W, W. McKlnney, a Executor ot the estate or Mary Davie, oeceasea, win. an and alter ihe- 301 n oav o: Novemosr. 1849. at 10:80 o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the oil ice of W. W. McKin- ner. Attorney at Law, 207 pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Marlon County, Orecon, Mil t private sale tor cash the- following described real premise, to wit: Lot numbered rive Sf m hwcc num bered Eleven lll. In North Salem, la the City of Salem, Marlon County, tte of Oregon, according to the duty recorded plat thereof on file and oi record in the office of th County Rec order for Marlon County, State of Ore gon, tn Volume 1, on page 19, Record of Town PUU tor ald County and State. Satd ala will b mad tn pursuanc of an order of the Honorable Rev Klmmell, one of th Judgea ot the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County ot Marlon, which o.rder was made and en tered on ths 38th day of Ocfboer, in proceeding pending in said Court entl tlld "In the Matter of the Eatate of Mary Davie, deceased," Clerk registra tion number 13133, and that said sale would be subject to confirmation by aald Court, W. W. McKtNNET Executor ot the EUU of Mary Davte, Deceased First Publication: November I, 1949 Last Publication: November 29, 1949 Nov 1. 3. 13, 32, 29 NOTICE OF SALE OFRAL"pROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION In the Matter of the Estate of SARAH BELLE McKINNEY, Deceased. NOTICE t hereby given that the Under signed, LEWIS McKINNEY, as Executor ft th mat oi saran ueiie MCR.mneyf ac cessed, will, on and after th 10th day ot November, 1949. at 10:00 o'clivk in the forenoon of said day at tht office of W. W, McXlnney. Attorney at Law. 307 Pioneer TnMt Building, Salem, Marlon Counly. Oreeoft. sell at private sale for cash th following described real premise. 10 wn: Lot Pour 4t. Block nine , My ers Addition to Salem, Marlon County, Oregnn, aa chowa br the dulr record ed plat thereof on file and ot record in Volume 2, pace 19. Record ot Town Plat for Uarion Count?. Oregon. am ! will b made in pursuance ot an order of the Hfm&TtbJt George R. Dun can, one of the Jurist of the Circuit Court of th State of Oth on. lor tn county of Marlon, which order made arvd en tered on the 17th day of Auaust. l4t. in proceedings pendlnv in aald Court entitled "In th Matter of the Estate of Sarah Rftt UcXiflner. dveM." cirrx reg istration number 1389). nd that said sal would ba subject to confirm Hob br acid Court. LEWES MCKINWITT recuioT of the tat at Sarah Ben Mc Kinney, dtceased First Fu!lcilo: November I, l4f Last Publication: Hovember . 1949 W. W. MeKmney, Attorney for th Sstata Salem, Oregon. r 1. 9. IS. 73 7 LODGES i.O.O J mewU svtrf A Salem Loose Ho. , AT. it lX KM. Wed.. Not. i. 8ut4 com munication, 1:30 P-m. Ml Soybeans and Grains Rally Chicago, Nov. 1 Soybeans rallied sharply toward the close of today's board of trade ses sions, on short covering and buying attributed to cash houses. Liquidation in December wheat gave that grain some dif ficulty in rallying, but toward ihe close deterred contracts made good progress. At the close wheat was H to higher than yesterday's close. December $2.22-4. Corn was 1 to 1 4 higher, De cember $1. 18-18 ft, Oats were to higher, December 73 hk 73. Rye was H to 1 cent higher, November $2.24?-24 and lard was 3 cents a hundredweight higher to 20 cents lower, No vember $3.77. Laboriles Vote ! Sfeei Seizure London, Nov. 1 Pi The labor government last night paved the way to nationalize Britain's steel industry, even should it lose the general election next year. The labor-dominated house ot commons for the third time ap proved the bill reducing the time by which the conservative house of lords can delay commons-ap proved legislation. Now the lords can delay a bill two years under the new measure the lords can hold up legislation for only one year. After a formal third reading on Nov. 11, the lords reform bill will become law m December. The measure has a retroactive clause, covering bills pending at the time of passage. The most important of these is the steel nationalization bill, which has been passed once by commons and amended by the lords to de lay its operation until July, 1951. The vote on the lords reform bill was 333 to 19S on vital sec ond reading. The curb on the lords is the biggest change in Britain's parliamentary system since women were given the vote 31 years ago. Appeal Court Rapped by NLRB Washington, Nov. 1 &) The! National Labor Relations Board has protested to the supreme court that it isn't getting a fair deal in the fifth circuit of ap peals which takes in six southern states. The complaint Is made by So licitor General Philip B. Perl man in petitions appealing five labor cases from the appellate court. Perlman said the cases were not ones which ordinarily would be carried to the tribunal but would bring "to the court's atten tion the special seriousness of the board's enforcement prob lems in the court below." Under the law, the labor board must go to the courts for enforcement orders. Perlman cited what he called a "pattern of denial" of NLRB rights in the fifth appeals court and said the "inordinately large number" of labor cases before it "bodes ill" for those now in low er courts. The fifth circuit court handles cases in Georgia, Florida, Ala bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and the Canal Zone. It is headed by Judge Joseph C. Hut cheson, Jr., of Houston, Tex, a bitter critic of the NLRB. Hutcheson once complained in a speed of the "arrogance and tyrannical impatience" of the board. The liquid left from cooking vegetables may be used to dilute; evaporated milk for a cream sauce. CIO Convention Opens At Public hali, Cleveland, O., the CIO opened a week-iong convention ot some 800 delegates, A move by the right-wing majority to discipline CIO left-wing unions promises to make the meeting one of the most im portant in the history of the big Industrial union federation. (AP Wirephoto) r -aJ i.,- - t, ay .... e I I a, I Hl II " " ' jgm ) Y! w-'r. r- . r c . ' . v ji t fc -tit VMS ' ! t; Fiance Dies Br. John Duzik, Beverly Hills dentisi and formerly from Rock Springs, Wyo., died at a Santa Monica hospital from post-operative complications. He is shown with June Haver, film actress, who was at Ms bedside at the time of death. (AP Wirephoto) MARKET QUOTATIONS 9tea Livestock Market (By Valley Packing ComPtorf Lamb. 119.00 to 319.30 Feeder Iamb. . t3.iJ to 916.00 Ewe .tt Od to .00 Cutter cow T-M to Fat dairy cow JtO.Ofl Dairy heller tiAM to mm Sail 1J. 10 Cslre. good 13C6-459 -316.0& to WAS Veal tlSO-380 Ihs.l top 51.f to ,.r&rttatd Eaattlde Market Cauliflower sold tot tl.Tl to 33.00 a grata for too quality ertth No. 2 stor going at 81.00 to ,I!S on ttw Portland Easulda Farmer Wholesale Produce market today. Oreen onl&n brought S tc SS ccnU a dozen bunches. Spinach was 313 J to 31. HI an eranga hoc. Oelerr was quoted at 33.71 to 33 f&r itudet rtes. pascal, with heart at l.0 to tt.74 ft down. Local corn brought 11.88 to i1 doxen ear crate. Portland pyodse dlata change- Premium duality maximum to J3i to 1 percent acidity delivered: la Partialis -aso lb., vi cor i. cor. 57 -60c, 99 score, t&c. Valley route and nnntrv aolnl 3a les than IW- Butter wholesale na ia eace w wholesalers, grade S3 score, 83c A ai vnr. Kit-: Tt SO xrorr. 0&C lh.. C 3d score. 5Tc, Ahavg price are- jerietly namtnat Clweae Settttif price to Portland whol- 14, nrtxnn Ktrtn tu 10-42C. Oftjn 3 am ioal 41-436; tttnlet t1 1 than singles s li. fvUia.t4int A tract large. : 37 k -38 SvC : A medium. 49- 50 ic; gcads B large, 30-51 c; small A grade, 42c, pArilaBxt nir Mket Batter Price to retailer: Oratfe AA prints, 3er AA cartons, 89c; A print. jutv.- A Mi-tart 99c: B &rlnts. tit. Sec Prices to retailers: Orada AA lairve. 2c do.; eerltfled A large, lc; A large, 0c; AA medium. 49c; certified A medium, c; B medium, esc; a arnat. at? rfnns 9i aWtittttanl. Cneeaa price to recaiicr; rutu&iiu Ossson alnclet 39c; Oxeean loat, lb. loais 44'-B in.; uipnw, iv. wuu Vhaa singles. rremium ocanaa ag. 31Ve Ib.i loaf. t Lire Chicken No. J eIj FOB plants. No. I brottenr under 3 lb. 3&-2tc lb, frKta t- las- 33-28c; J-4 lb 37c; roaster t lb and over, 37c; fowl, L'-gnoru 4 lbs and under. 18-25c. over 4 lb. 30c; colored towL att weight, S3-34c; rooster, all weight, IT-He. Tarkeya Set to growers. He Ott com; 43o cm hens; sale price to letalfe;. torn, 38Vt: hen. O'-s. Rabbits Average to grower, Irta wtvites, 4-3 lb.. 19-3&0 lb.? 6-8 lb- 1-S8 colored t cents lower: old or fce?y dees, and buck. - I2cc tresa trrer to eawwi. 40e. CMniTv-KitleA Meat Veal, top Duality, su-sw w.; onwf grades atcordiAg to weight ad o;ualHr with poor or heavier. -2Sc. Hoes Light blockers, JS-ttfr; , W 33c. Lambs Tou Quality, PTlnge, SS-tfc; mfttrnn Beet Good cow, 20-2ic lb.; cannerg- cutter, it-wc. Freb Dressed Heat (Wholesalers to cetattcr per ewt.lr nf .teia. cond 30r-OT .'rw.. 343 45: commercial, (3S-J9; uttiitr, 3t-34, utttltr. 927-39. Cows Cowimertial, Jl-iJi utility, t2t j&; etniwra-catt!, 333-3S ci fOD&d Bteersv: Bind owarter tS3-3; rounds. 333-3: fall loin, trimnwd t?S-?; triangles, cnacs, tJ9-4t; rib 352-53: lorewarters Vtal and calf. Good, 37-fr; commercial, 333-33; utility, 128-32. Lambs: Oood-chotee aprtng lamh, 341' ; commercial, -'. ttttUtr, 323-33, m. m w ' ..TlT r - rr n .x&tu ' J '.7 4 -jli! Mutton. Good, TO Its dowa. ftlC-SS Pork cuts: Lol & 1 9-V3 lb. SSB-M. shoulder IS- lbs down, 339-t&; spare rib. 3VJ-5&; creaM 932-31 m:xd Kclahu 93 per ewt. lower Caacara Hark lry 12ie fb., (ma ? fh Wad Valley eoars and meolum exade 43c lb. Mohair 33e lb oa 12-m oath crawta. oontttuilly. - (! Cartel. JOe it., accordinc tc weight, llo JSc lb., beef li-J2c ib.. bull 4-Tc it. Country buyers any 3 las Nut Oue-tati&na M-iil rQtne, first Qiy jam . 3i.1t: larse. 32.7c: mediara. 37 3: second tjaallly Jamboa. 3t.3e: large. 29.2c; medium. 2o.2c; baby. 22.2c; soft hell first ousllty large, 2.?e; medium. 28.2c; rc ond quality largo. 22 2ci medium 3:4 To. babr 22 21:, ertbertt Jumbo. Ma Ih.t tarce. t9t. medtum. Wo; amaU, tic Calrass- Lireetock CiilcMo. Not. 1 tV Livestock markrtr Ho: Salable 13 Mm. Slow: butcher to SO cents lower.- mast sate 34 cents: tower; closed at fait decline: sows scarce; mostly cents toer; too IT.lfl naid spartnglr; most good and choice 10 1 (a . t,T5 to it.aa.- t. 14.TS; weight over 260 lbs. and ad?r 200 lbs., scarce; batcher under 1H& lb, pacticaliy absent; good and eholcB- sow under 43f lbs., to. 19.5. heavier weights down lo 14,f. Sheep: Salable 3.&W. Slatiehter lamiM and yearling weak to 5& cents lower; practleat top chocle natlre lambs. 23,30; medium to awrae chotce reatUni to. load: lots IS SO ti JQ.Ofl; aheeu ettotw; medium western res, 9.i0; choice native to tt.OQ. Cattle: Salable 5,Std. Calve 400, Rather slow; steers steady to SO cent fuxiwr: advance- on medium to- low good kind--, heifer tedy; cow steady to tros; other clauses steady: about 10 load choice 1 prime i& ItOO b. fed sieer. t&.SO to 41.&&; one- load around 137& lb. wMghl, .&&: bulk good t& low choice- steers and yearlmjr. 27.0& to 35.0O: medium to low. good gradtw, 21.0 to 28.S&: load choice- 909 lb, fed heifers, 33.0&; bulk good fed heifers. 28.QQ to 3B.S6; modittm to low- cool, 19.30 to 33.00; good: cor. 1S.30 to L9.sui cammott atid atMtam orec cor. 1S.73 to W.23: cm twe gtwi. cattecs ll.JWr to IS-T5; medium gad good auss.ee bull, iS.Stt to zo.ao: hull: medtum to caotce vealers, 35.00 to Ifi.Sfl-. a few JdM, Portland Lit&r Portland, Ore., Soy. 3 flifo L4veloc: Cattle salable 390-; holdover 3fi; market Terr alow : ear ly sale meal iv odd lot cleanup at weak prices: common and me dium cows steady with Monday's : ljrr close; steer offering mwtlr cutter i and: cammoti at 12 30 to medium stockecs 13.00 to 17.0S; top ted steer Mon day 2,M; good ted ivttere ta 24 00; c- ner and cutter oa today 9m ta lo.ao; shrlls down to 7.00; common and low ; Elum 13.00 to IS 00; common and medium sau&ax bulla JS SO to i.00, Catve 1 salable- 5ft: holdover i&; aood and choice vfftlers eufMable steady at 33-.00 to commnjt and medium heavy calve 13.99 to 1S&&. Hots ssi-abie Ssr good and eholc V lb. butchers 30 cent lower at 19. 50; good 142 Shi, 1T2S; good 240 to 3 lb. tw U.50 to 19.30; cfijtc so lb. feeders Mon day 16 .00. gheeo. salable zsa; no(4over too: mar ket very slow; frw eiriy aales good and choice iiwhtr lamb SO cent lower af 3&.50 to 31.00; one lot 31 50; good ewe &.39 lo 7.se. Strikes lo Release Box Cars for West Portland, Nov. 1 m A Un ion Pacific raiiroad official re ported last night that fdie east ern lines' boxcars, ordered west, should soon ease the shortage on western lines. A spokesman for the road said the interstate commerce com mission had ordered westward movement of long trstns of emp ties siandina on side tracks. It &Tv2 jLJIi 4- i 4 J I k-SP T m MWy-,-- l&& ..i" " " eVM T XX - i ,Z iWf5 V LX. 7Bt: Capital Journal, Safew, OrtTatwlay, November 1, 19431? Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, Nov. 1 3"i News of settlement of the Bethlehejr Steel strike made only a minoi dent on the stock market today Downward tendencies devel oped for a short while in tlw morning but enough buying sup port soon appeared to give a wide variety of issues a small lift. Gains for a majority of issues ran to around a point, with most of them fractional. Steel issues scarcely budged. Turnover hit a rate of around 1,300,000 shares for the fail session. Fu Pont was a comparatively strong spot. Others ahead most of the day included Youngstown Sheet, General Motors, U.S. Rubber. Scars Roebuck, Douglas Air- phone, Komestake STinfng, Gen eral Electric and Standard Oil N.J.). Chrysler lagged, along with Montgomery Ward, Consolidat ed Edison and United Aircraft STOCKS Bt the Atsactc&td f f -c Amertiraa ca it"i Am Pow 4k Lt .,., SJS m Tel A Tel ,.,,,,.,.141-S Anaconda 37 tltrnii Aviation- yy atih 6tttl je-1-, Bcelng A:rpl ... JSi Calif Packing 3i Canadian Paclfla- t3'4. Law j 1 t' Ca?erlHar S24 Chrysler TV Comwitn ft Bon ... Cans VuiCne 15fi Cemcttwnxal Can .,,,,. Crown Ztlteroaco. 37 Curtii Wright 7 RWtJM , ? Dupftnt d Hem sV Oeneral Fnd .....,,......,.,,, 471 Oenersl Motor dk Ooodreai Tiro .fc ov Irrt Harrester v jsi Int Paper ..,,,.,, 4i Kenrtecott ,,-. s-i Unby Mc tt L r. ,,, Lung Belt "A" -...,..,... 33. Montgomery ward 5.2' Nash. Kelflna-tos 15 fti Dairy 554 "7 Central ,.., l&V Sorlhern Paclfl Pas- Am Fish :2k Pa Oaa filf ...,.,, 22' P Tel & Tel .,.. 101 Pennef t C ...v. 324 Radio Carp .,,.,,,., li. RayonWf ., US. R5ont Ptd . r,,, VI Reynold Metal J Ritrhfieid ..,....,,.. 3H Safeway etores Sear Roebuck ......., 43 Soalhera Paciflo Vi4 'fttanrtard Oil Co. 7i iStudebaker G&rs- ... Sunshine Mining; .. 1&T4 Transameri-ca .... Union Oil Cal .... Union Pacific ..... , 13 , 27 , 14lk Waited Atrimet ... U B Steel . .,, Wacaer I' cat pin ffaolwartb: ... 12H TlA Annual Camperoo OfBoyScoufs The Silver Creek camp of the, recreation area of that district became a huge demonstration area over the week-end when approximately 185 scouts troopi ifttiii?. 4 arjiti 9couimaatK-z3 iuwji .. t it. . r part tn the annual csmeroo of! Cherry Ctty district. Boy Scouts of America, The demonstration included j the construction of fireplacesj camp cookery pitching and dit-j ching for several types of tentaj use of the compass and several! imilar activities. The program was under the1 sponsorship of the Order of the Arrow, senior scouting honorary camping organisation. Troop participating Included Salem I, 3, 6, 8, &t 10, II, 12, 13, 15, IS, 19 and 2&; Keizer 41, ftftddle Grove 42 and Milt City 4&, Hole in Pocket Leads To Robber's Arrest San Francisco Nov. 1 Robert Moreland is in Jali today because of a hole in his pocket. Yesterday tw& men helfl up Tsutomu -Vakarnotsu'a cleaning shop, banged him over the head and departed with the contents of his cash register mostly small change and his clnthes. Police Palr&Iman Ralph Me- Kinley answered the cleaner's call and fallowed a trail of dimes and nickels $45 in all) tt a nearby dwelling where, he said he found the IS-year-oJd jMoreland and Natkamotsu's : overcoat. The second man wasn't around and had Iff no trail to followed. Moreland faces trial on a rob- ijbery charge Fair Weather fct rontpr m VMIpv The fair weather due to rontlnue, for at least another tf?y state the weather hureau.fBarnara BMtr altnough the situation in marre? somewhat with forecast of fng j.v:rsti i'ArA,,r mn - l-i tsM.t win; - j :nff Urn-. -. S.l r" I" . , f--e. bt of , rl .s;S Minimum tpmjjerature Tuesf7Pri-t rrmt i -- day tnomfne tew 3Jr r'.; TiSiV degrees, but blue skies and sun- eeswwcT. P.s im i.oer. shine prevailed. Cool tempera- L r ttMMl tures are predicted again for i? wvr ti, i r atfrn niRht and Wwfmwtay monte. Tt? The Monday maximum was 89!mw w s. " t . decree jwmwo :! wmpaw. 3 of Cabinet Resign in Italy Rome. Nov. I Italian so- . ?ialist wrangiing today threaten ed to upset Premier Alcide D Gasperi's coalition government. Dissension among the nation's . ntsll groups of moderate, anti rommunist socialists brought th udden resignation last night of three of their number from Gasperi'i cabinet. While She moderate socialist count for little in the overwhel mingly Christian-democrat xe eminent, their action may auto matically cause the entire cabi net So fall. Should their resigna tions stand, traditional parlia mentary procedure requires th premier and his whole cabinet to resign. L ";V"; TZZJZ Lrnment ceTisi ,inc8shil , . heavy maiority in the 1&48 gert- m eraj ejections Those resigning were V.ce Premier Gitaeppe Saragat, lead er o the Italiact soctahst lahar party (Pslii, and two other Psii reprt-'sentaiives, Minister of In dustry and Commerce Ivan Mat ieo Lombardo and Minister oi ReeonstrucUon Roberto Tremet- They stepped out at the cabi net alter the party decided that action might hvlp to get a mer ger of all oi Italy's ami-c&mmtt-nist socialists. International so cialist leaders have been urging such a untoa far some time. OBITUARY MaUlda. Ftrll Oedfrer Dctlu runeral service for Mrs. Ma tilda Patricia Oedfrpy, 3. no i:ed Oct. K at yfcij, Ws.-th.. were held from tn Ht&kla jd Bai;man chapel Ttr aliem&on at 3 tfclook. Edvcv tesa a P)U7&n nd Oeonre B. V.rel aJciaC 1ns and &ar;l in the "Ujor rat.c,, he wa barn at Lorcoto, tda, u.!i li, 1910. and msrrted; Victor Godfrey v rv metl, Ida, ty t, ws. S'ASvlvins sit h husbatxd ctvi cMidita, Bay, . moad, Laery, St jd Ccnnlf, all it ZlaSaa, and Alma Godlrey. Hood Hlver; ai feet fatiwr, A. C, Chrlsleaacjr. Rez ouig, Ida. Beattte Woff Woodham. Beatrice Wraif t dnt at coite I, wroodburft. t P&rilanfl iwsplxat, October JS. Bmj v S-i. Paal. v Kotember S3, S94&. and rwioent ot Oreson ervilre life. Had resided at rout I, Woodburn, Jor the past 17 fears, Member c4 St. Paul Catholic- church, Sac vlvlm are- htuband, Bernard Wall at mat t, wooooarn: ni a beatiwe, Hn:.!d Marphy I Roekford, lit Sectts-ttorj f ih rosary at the Rlaco chaocl Wednes day, November 2, at 1M p.m., Service r will b held tt th.e fit, Paut Caiisoiit church TttttfsctaT, NQ'-ro'jE , i s:jg. m. Itttermeat in th fit, Paul cemetery. WHaffir l.ema nroew Orare wrttj died Suadar tft til Wuite-o- mah hospital,. PartUcwi, will b sus 'etl. nrwKi-f z p.m., in tft. HQ.we-Huto& ch.oel tn lehft.no,n and bisial wiil & i th Btttn ce-m-etety, Bosr Jwly 21, S-;3, Qctiifa cama to Orexon Sn S&P, Jiving in Lebanon ftom 1935 to- 1J4-5. Th jat year ns Jived as 4319 S- Z. &:mon Port iand. SO SisjA wifsv AiA ir r.h,nAn. 1194 and Jr year Jailer he marrei-dr - whtow, n i aarrrreti fry two- sons. Wilbur and Uertoa Orovea-, bottt oi Lehason. Lebanon Henry t. Jone-, 33, die ad denly at hl Brownsville- home Sftiarday evenln. Bora May 3, he wa iempiored br tfie Browturtile Timber cuox- nnr &nA ae- m Vtnr. pear, Serrloflff aria o held Tttacsdxr 2 p m., gt the Hawe-Kostoa chapel ta jba -non. laternLent wtll he tn th tOOF twme. tery. Sitstvota ut atstera K.i Kei5 fa atvd Dor Kudson, Sait-n; By, letsanon Iiiv Osoosn, CaSKcs-M: and Annla Lewis, Canada; fcr&tfvF, LeaL Jone and WUIlara Jonas, xth f ttalfa. Lwvf I. fia-yde Aurora One &s tha largest raneral serv ice ever conducted at the- SMIr funeraf home th Lawrence- I. Snyder yi-te SuTMlay afternoon. October 3&. Hev. Joha J. Stone of the- Canoy Christian e-harrlj-oifrlatd. Member of Hermes- lodre rfo. s. Knight of Prthla, of whlcir Mr. Snrdur ht beect a tnefnlrer for ror ntu, tnaafuctva Uttax tites at cite Aarar cemetery, Suctai era in ch atrxtlr ptot. Palioearera c At Ctmnwtmtn, rtet Wasrver, Wiitiam Ooodtns, A. Wr K'iu, Hnry UiiS asvd 06-n St. Kra'A, A-mv Jwt of Canb-y ? "J th an. A Chrlsllan 0dlM Mi. T C Oilier was the- accempanlat. Mr, Snydey Is serrlred- by his widow. B?-Me: a son, Carl; two trer, Mrs. Jorras- M. 0;tiei- will nc wis Emme. J. anrder: and on heather, ecaest J- Snrder, U of Awrora, A dancnter, Kts eao. fiaraec, deed at t whtl gemnc In tlw US. ctot errth; the- ",. Two hrotaers, Kenty A. tut Andrew C. Snyder, preceded httn tn number eS ytars asOv K a&o le.ve i& mourn hi death- s RiK&ber of npn w and- l. DEATHS Herirefr Je JJ, Sr. Herbert Lew'.le SIJ?J. S?,. at tin 5kv1- :dence at m North Winter slreel. ?ove7n- bec I. at th of ff& rears. sarTiVVng are ht wrfe,. Row P. Stiff of a.vlem; w.ottwr, We. Marr atltt at arlent; tow Tttt. tatt atttt. -lr at 8-iiemj bsothts, datd L. Sf.ttt it aletnc . sts r, r, ewn.a Co of Satetn; and en arandchlid. Annw-incement sefiice later b-y W. T. Risdoa cosvnany, Mre, Wele Bsrrlrtt Mra. Hatter Harriett Crusn. at ia rwtrtrnw at mate 3. Turner, Manila y, fVtflirer i. Swter Of Mr. ft7lr- Oil of RrMt-bfrr. Mn. Cam MiteheH 5vd Mt tCitrniiech Srheefer of "Tarrrtr Albert McKay ot Pnltfm. Kim stirmed or r e.rai niec1 Tt n-prte St-r(iieA wti b Sved at Vil T, Ctatrten cinaoet "''-1-jvSy, SwM . at X om. ettth R-r, Chiw Hat- ((cititinft, !.n?n.nt (Xf. the Twin fS fTfi'ry at Tiisiws, Pi'--italisti-r ?! fe-y Vifiwi chap-ier. Order of Sastern rT, of Turner. ChMttlne eheffee Crtmtm Schaeff, t reidenr 4 til stcCftr aierme. October 31. S-amvd-fjr ftec fcwheatt. Crt Jk-ltaffer of Itti.', tt ttcficawrs, Mr. frr Becirer tnA Sirs, Cnrtstcn Krt.ne. bal f at feiiT: to losi, Carl i Scaaettec dt 8lem 4.V.A Scrs-aetfer f Tit-nei two o.titii'cc $ft&i 9-f f-Hm and VxK fta jjf f pj:-.d; i .i.!,dc':dl, Memhe? off St. Vlei Cahotw eA'ffi, fte.tetion of tn rory at -e H-vwetl-EsS-wrd ehpel Wtnwrt?. Sr.&r 3, at , p n. aerire will be held i l M. Vts yenft Ctftn W charelr Tl'.wrrt?. Noe-n- , sf t at Vt m- Hitermen; Mi ufff J i?rT ?rvs'- rrt. :.Tr Ociooer 31. survived ftr t.a