PO r a F c 18 Capital Journal, Salem, II iBTUTIUNOl Per LM IN Per Lao Mom 40 Pw Dm I time e 0 Per Un 1 sseeU) 11.00 Outside of Selves 15 per ItM per day Mtn. 10c: I time mln SOc time mm 11.20. No Refunds UAOBU-Ir Local New Coi. On7! 10c per lint T FUe SB Ad Phon 1-1406 FOR SALE HOUSES T Offm Hew, snoderp I bedroom horn. Pcn floor. fireplace. V. Mlnde. Attached iiiui. Low down pyzent. P. : P. S-9f7. if l( mot j pnona. 240 It A CTTrtX Tirtf 1 txprm. Some. Full basement, hardwood floor. double f:rc flace. WU1 awU at rl eacrillc. Ph Mil. GRAND VIEW $8000 Owmt moving, aey drop price and ft It aoJd. wt do mot believe uiu some can be duplicated anywhere for thi K combine l Tbstantial, tt Bd. Rm. noikrn home, on a With a reel Tit of valley, a wner lor in money. attractive big lot. mountains and eity. G. I. MUST SELL Oliu 1 it. old bunt alow. Larue carpet ed living rm. Kitchen A dinette. 14 it ft. bd. rm. Car port. Corner lot. Close bu. schools A tore. 11000 down, balance like rant. Price 17900. Call Boa Cieary Walter Musgrave, Realtors HI! Bdgewatcr Ph. 3-6109 Eva. 1-931 260" &T OWNER: Beautim. modern S room hoiut, fint construction, hdwd. floor thruout. all nr. room, with eitra lie. kltch., full hmt., Ac lea. fullr tlniahed party room, auto. heat. 1430 Market St 2Q0 Bdrm. Home 1710 ft. of floor apace. Beautiful view. Open Sunday I to I p.m. 3645 Scope I, Candalarle dial. Call builder at owner Roy Pence Bon. 1-8984. a260 LOOKl NO EAST ffMt. tt A. 6 rm. modern home t year old. down. Banco. IK A, I rm. home. 9 bedroom down. 1 hp. Take car for part down pay ment. BMW, t bdrm. home all on 1 fir. Hdwd. fir, thruout. Fireplace. Elec. heat, lartt lot. Can be handled for 11000 down. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 4ft Commercial Phone 1-4&90 Eva. 1-9338. OPEN HOUSE Immediate Possession Immediate possession on ray 1 year old 6 room home. Moat aril, leaving state. Well arranged 1 bedroom, la rite Ivlng room, dining room A kitchen with breakfast nook. Kitchen ha lota of tup board A counter apace with til 'loor. Beautiful hdwd. fir, thruout. Coved ceil ing. Le. Inside utility rm. AU. garage. Hlce fenced In lawn. Large lot. Good location with city achool bu at door. Can be aean at 3330 Sunny view Ave. a J 90 SemoDELED A redecorated, Hi .ory house. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, utility room A bath down, 1 bedroom A extra room up., Nice lot 2 walnut trcaui, 1 Blng cherry tree. Gravel driveway A attractive ear-port. Near grade A par ochial achoola. Term. Ph. 3-3020. 2S3 NORTH Vew 1 Bdrm.. Din. Rm., fireplace plant er, hrdwd. fir., at ten. gar., paved it., anflnlahed upatalr. Irg. lot. Only 1500.00 down will handle, bal. like rent. Evening phone 1-7985. Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Maaonlc Bldg., Ph. 3-9311 Inaaranca, Mtg. Loana a 280 BfTVEft MOYP.D to CallfT Sacrificing al moat new 0 rm. home. Breezeway at tached garage. Large lot. City water A bu. Low down payment. F.H.A. term. Drive S. 1 ml. outntde city limit on OB E to Bwald turn right to MS Ewald. a283 TOU WILL LIKE IT Bualnaa dint. New homt. living room, dining room, 1 bdrma., fireplace, nard wood floora thruout. large utility room, gtiacnea garage, wsuo. rn. 3-3289. General Real Estate thi Center a50' ttM. NEW unrinlAhed houae la 4-Cor-ner dlt. Ha attached garage. Lot lOOx ISO. Term. 47M. VERT attractive 1 bedroom home North. El. heat, hdwd. flra Lot 80x130. flMO. NEW home In Kelier dbit. El. neat, hdwd. lira, an fin. attic. Not completely flnlahed. Small down payment. Cah O. T. Hum with 8tat Finance Co., R'ltors Ma. High St. Ph. l-liiiaiso' 9om SALE BT OWNER: Dealrable 1 bdrm" yanoti at yle home in excellent condition. On North Mrd St. Coved celling front room A dining loom. Yen. blind A aereen thruout. Full baaement with fireplace A double plumbing. AO auto matic oil heat. Large corner lot well Wndocaped. Cloae to achool, bu A atnre. np4r )" Market St. aJflO' FOR SALE BY OWNER On H. llnd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home rOMPUrra wrm oaraok. otttsidk ATIO riRCPUCK. PRNCBU IN FRONT YARD. LAROK LOT. IN BUST mmiDINTIAL ARIA PRICED TO ru,. ra. 1 sm or i im Near Willamette "U" Two bdrm., full baaement, furnara, fire place; near ahouping cenler and bu. Price 797f. about U7S0 caah required, Phone eva. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 it. High St. Phone 1-1MQ alOO f ACRE. 1 rm. house, partly furn. 3ood K cation. Ph. 1-1030. aJfS aSeflO. LATE bulll 1 atorv 1 brdroom home. HW floor throughout, ninlna room, wtlllty room, garaae 100x180 lot on pav ed road. Located In 4-Cornera diatrict Term. t Call O. T. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 1M S. High. Phone 1-4111. aJfll filM. BEAI'TIFTI," building lot on W. Ewald Al. liHtxlflo. Cltv watrr availaMe HM. ni'liniNd lot in 4-rnrnrra Dbt. 100x180. Hex aeveral larae chrrry trees Call O. V. Hume ltli State Finance Co., intors 153 S High. Phone 1-4111. alflj g)ASAfl HOt'tf l4,u Cneri-te" floor Lot 00x188. City water In front. Hftn down. Balance lift per mo. Ph. IPX I Turner or tall fur Mr Wm. Noble at Rurkland Sawmill. Turner, Ore. aiM Near Senior High School 111.000 Attractive I bed room home only 1 yrs old. evir mi room or den, hardwood floora, excellent heat ing aytem. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 80 B. Commercial Ph. M849 tv, 3n tii Near Leslie Jr. High HO 800-1 bedroom Fni atvle home wtth dry baaement. aawduit furnace, had floora A fireplace Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 0 S. Commercial Pt- 1849 Ee. lian a J AO fca HI. E hoiiae 1 vear nM bedriom acre attached iarar Adam M. Vrt OillU St. Mt. Aneel. Ore eJM iwNFR miul aell, I bdrm.. 1 year p'd Automatic oil furnace, electric dun waher. automatic iwhiii machine Fenced-in back yard 4M S. llih. aid BDRM. IHOfl DOWN M0 MONTH Nice 1 bdrm. home for the price of I19S0. Full bath, l,R kitchen wired fr range, plastered, fenced back vard. ear aaa. Located on S. 17th lreet. Tf. Mr. Lami'arter COLBATH LAND CO. 181 Center St. Ph. 14V3. Eve. 1 SI1 a3B0 BMM. Vi AVWr with' clean late built 1 bedroom home. Ra-l All on on floor Cloae to achool Term.. Call Stanley Brrn with State Finance Co., IVltors 1M Hnth. Phone 1-4111. ) Journal Want Ads Pay Ora., Tuesday, November 1, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES $9400. NORfHT Lovely new I bdrm. home. Fireplace. C.oe to chooi. Pin workmerunip. Newest feature. Picture window, 3 BEDROOM Thi u a convenient and attractive home. Fireplace, lovely kitchen and din ette. Near Leslie and MeKlnley ecnooJ. 4760. $1000 DOWN t bdrm. home. Not new but very ale. Lovely yard. Near church and school. Pull price 10900. 141 mo. O I. Loan. WEST SALEM. $4250. A real bargain. Comfortable small home. I lovely lot with It. On paved at. Term. 3 BEDROOM 1 acre. A lovely home. Beautifully land scaped. 18950. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 400 N. Church Ph. 3-1043 Eve.end Sun. 1-0136. alll Worth Your Money Imagine 4 bdrm., a larae lot with beau tiful tree and a real view for only 18000. Thl 1 not a new house but I In very good condition and ha a world of pos aibimie. Worth Your Money Completely furniahed 1 bdrm. home with unf. up. 15100 1 certainly a food price Look at thi place and make an offer todar. Worth Your Money Englewood home with 1 bdtm., bsmt., Oil furnace, living room, dining room, kit., bath, all clean a a pin. You have ,n't seen thl house o make an ap pointment now. CALL D L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N.. High St. Ph. 2-4129. e261 M3AO. NEW modern I bedroom home, pay ed street, clone to achool and bu. Hard wood flra. Living room, dining room, at tached garage. Immediate possession. 11000 down, balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors B. High. Phone 1-4131. 382 POR SM.E OR TRADE for houe In Salem. 3 bdrm. mod. houxe. Fireplace, bement, furnace, garage A extra lot In Amity. Write Box 260. Capital Journal. a262 NFW 3 bed rm. hoiwe. hdwd. flra., fire place, V. blind, garaee. Just ouUide city llmlti 4 blk.1. from new achool. Price I77M. Term. Might take trailer house or late car on an me. Phone 2-7316. a202 OWNKR leaving town miut ell. 1H acre good land. Lovely email home, elec. wa ter heater and range Inc. Larae garave and small one room houae. Family fruit and berrle. Price reduced for quick ale. Only IflflOO. 480 El ma Ave., Four Richmond District 5 nice room, hardwood floor, fireplace good basement, wood furnace, plenty of araen apace. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS, Pho. 1-4701 484 Court Eve. 1-811S 1-4173. e362 NEAR CAPITAL BI-DQ. One of Salem' better home. 4 nice bd rooma, Jge. living r., dining r., kitchen, bint., nil furnace. Shown by appoint ment, plenxe. ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL DI8T. 110,000. Nice living r., kitchen-dinette, 3 bed r.. with atalrway to lg. attic. Lawn, flower, ahrub.1. WERT SALEM 10500 11000 dn.. I0 mo. One of the nicest 1 bed r. home. Living r.. dining kitchen utility. V. OMER HUFF 101 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-3091 or 3-0941 a23 OR TRADE equity In new 1 B R, home for trailer iiouae. Ph. 3-2340. a28Sa BUY NOW ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME 1022 Iv. rm. with fireplace. 1 bedroom plii den, Cfy kitchen. 1 A. land. LoU Of Ireea. Price 19500. DESIRABLE LOCATION N.E. 1 yr. old rm. nnue. rirepiace. Att. garaae. Large lot. Price tin. 700. Terma. Leo N. Childs, Inc., Real. 9 mate at. Ph. 1-S60S Evening call. Mr. Voorheei, 1-4007 a202 DRIVE BY 14TH A LEE ST. New 1 BR home, le. room, utll.. all heat. bun. achool, 18950. Terma. Owner. Ph. 1-T028. 300 BT OWNFR; New 1 hdrmi. Might accept asaj 500 down. Ph. 38100. THI NFW houae ha 1 bedrom and attic, apace lor 1 more. Some furniture In cluded. IMJ0. PoaaeMHon now. E. A. McGlauflin, Broker 328 N. Com' 1. Ph. 1-B311 Eve. S-320 a2in FOR SALE LOT BUILD THAT EXCLUSIVE HOME In Sa lem moat exclusive residential dlt. Su perb View. Lnrk-e lot. I3S0O. PHA APPROVKD LOT on pavm't. out aide city limits. Near achool, atorea. elty bu. Cltv water, elec. heat available. Ur lot. Ontv 11300. COURT RrrE - N. ROLL WOOD WST. lftOKlftO for Ml 10. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Ricltuiv LUtlnas - Personal Service 104 S Commercltl 81. Ph. 8189. Eva. 3-4US7 or 1-7440. ialOS LOT PAIHMOUNT HTM. Beautiful bulldina spot. Ph. 3-8289. General Real Estate 2ftB Center lalflO LOTS IIS DOWN Build your own home. Lot 115 down. Ill month with water A lights, close to achool a bu. nice location. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 1S5 Center ai3fl I.ARtiE view lot on King wood Aro. 17MI. aalSO term. Ph. 1-1M3. $10 DOWN! Lota with water, hu aervlce, fruit trees, clone 1o Hayeevllie School. 115 per montn RF.IMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South Hlh Street Ptv S-920S Eve A Sun, 3-1327, S-SH05. FOR SALE rARMS Tni R MIlltFI, HIM. Small but fertile U this 10 acre tract, cloae tn. on pavm't. M(tl b.-i mm loam. yr. at'Mng, all seeded Unite attiactlve mod 3 BR. home. Insulated. eW. heat. 1 fireplace. L H. ha a all-to-all rut. New 2-car giraee Spsrtous harn, concrete floor P'trv hse No eiense has been apared to make tin a show puce It a priced right, in.WW Terms. Pl'PPlNn RIVFR FARM. 81 acre an pemrrtt Fast Approsimatelt 18 acrea VHIV Hint bollom land. Irnaation pos sible fiom vr, stream Psl well drained Will s:ll. mostly in timber, some mar. ketsble Ble stucco mod. home, base ment, furnace, lireplace 8 stanchion barn 500 capacity poultry bides Well suited for atocn or dairy. Priced lust ruht at 3) tioo loo will move you in Will trade for Salem city or auburban home. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive I HI nes - peronal Service 1t S Commercial t- Ph. 3-8181. F;e 1-7440 bJ3 5 ACRES EAST ideal 8 acres, a mee pece of ground. aid a nii-e small hmur that ts a peach Tins Is close to toan and can be noueht for tljoooo clown and the balance on easv monthly payments Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS, Pho, S-470T 4,1 Crturt l ulu - J-477J hll' 10 A So Some berries. Ni.-e b'dg. ail, 11300. 1 ACRE Wtth large eld bi t Well located. 11100 9 ACRFS llnoo down, t rm, hs. bath A toitel J-all Inn iw Ram ctvca'n hse ar Fier. w Ms'rtii (..d sprtni. ' inder fill rni;t Te'e-hoe share C'tvr to acliool 7 mi. SW Salem. Ttice 140. C. W. Reeve Realtor 91 S, Commercial Phono 1-4194) iv. .i. alto POR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS LOCATED NORTH Strictly modern rm. home with full burnt , a oil furnace, t yrs. aid. anfin. itlc, ige. lot. A dm home. Price lis. aso I3.7&0 down. Balance 111 per mo. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. 1 BDRM. EAST I vra. old. all electric, Inald utility, dbl.e taraaa, acre af land. 10, 700. TERMS f yr. aid, auU houae A yard, corner lot. hdwd. flra., all heat, M.000. CALL PETER OEISEJt NICE ONE In Bnclewood Dltr:et a!o clone to high achool. t yr aid. 1 bdrm , lit, rm., nica kitchen, lruide utility, fireplace, Ige. patio, 11,100. 11.000 down. CALL ROY FERRIS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty Phone 1-1471 Evening and Sunday Call Pari Wejt. 1-WWM - Ro Perri. 1-MI0 - Peter Oelner. aJn REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right For You An attractive 1 bedroom home, aeveral giant oak, large garage, 1 year old -18300. 11100. down. Drive By and See A neat 1 bedroom home with oil floor furnace and attached garage, attrac tive fenced-in back yard priced at 17000. Drive by 2330 S. lltb, then let u how you thru. East of Town Sbuurban About H acre with good 1 bedroom home tunflntahed upMalrat, oil floor furnace and att. garage, very neat A clean. Inaulated and weather tripped, nearly new Oood buy for 18600. Needs Redecorating But WHAT a bargain Located In Manbiin Oardlna 4 bedroom fireplace, oil furnace, V. blind, lot II 10133 DON'T BB SORRY YOU MISSED THIS ONE Only 19500. One of Our Finer Homes Beautiful aettlng with lovely yard and ah rubbery, excellent 1 bedroom home with double plumbing. In top grade condition throughout, A-l district South The price la right. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 411 Court St. Phone 14I1B-J41H Eve. phone Ralph 13408 Dan 18020 Warren 10990 Henry 33832 FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRES Two bdrm. houae, burn, garage, two acre young bearing cherry tree, good we Hand water ytem. A good buy at I7S00. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 141 N. High St. Phona 1-7080 Eve. phone 3-0005 - 3-4591 b360 11 Acre Special 88000 Buy thl 11 acre good black garden oll with modern 3 bed rm( home, on one floor. Very large living rm with fireplace, baaement A furnace, on pave ment, bu aervlce. Term. Calk Bay Da vl. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 B. Commercial Ph. 33149 Eve. 38MS 02 6Q1 I7S0O 10 acre. 1 bdrm. home., good barn chlx house, 300 ft. well, lola of fruit A berrlea, ome term:. SALE OR TRADE 18 acre. 4 bedroom home, good barn A out build', nil. O. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE IIS N. Com ! St. Ph. Day or Eve. i -(,42 b2B0' BAA ACRE, of farm land. Eaatern Oregon. Also water. Lay good. 2 mile from town. Good producer. Will trade for residential property In good location or for good lore or good building. 170 Acre of one of the best diversified farm In the valley. Highly Improved. Free water right. Ideal for gardening, dairy or stock raising. 4 mile from Walla Walla. Consider trad for residen tial property, farm or good store. Write 4641 S.W. View Point Terrace. Ph. B-S027 Portland. Ore. b280 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS IDEAL FOR MECHANIC Mod. 1 bdrm. home. hdwd. flra., dec. heat, elec. w. htr.. private w. ayitem, gar. pumlc blk. bldg. ' 19x31 . Use for chop, poultry hse., etc. Lot 79100, near store. COUNTRY ESTATE WITH INCOME Approx. 1 ic of the area In well cared for 10 yr. old holly treea yielding a substantial annual Income. A very well built rm. Cape Cod home, with spa cious L.R., attractive f-place., full bsmt., aawdust piped furnace, elec, w. htr. and utll. rm. Patio with flood llarhts. beau tifully secluded aettlng with native trees and primitive atmosphere. About 2S0 ft. creek frontage, aprlna wtr. 115,000, easy terms. CLOSE IN INCOME - 30 DOWN Non-resident owner authorized Immed. aale of bldg. with 0 rentals plus L. qtrs. with 1 bdrm, All very well furntshed. bsmt.. laundry P., furnace for central heating plant, lot 40x13. only 1 blk. from State Cap. Price only 115.000. EQUIPPED FARM NEAR STAYTON About 42 A. About 1 A. wnodlot, bal. In cultv. 21 A. beans, 1 A. berrlea. Water rlaht on N. Santtam. 8 rm. hse. 6 yrs. old. Barn 40x40, chicken hse., pump hse. 4 ml. to Stavton on Greyhound bu and bu to school. Equipment In clude tractor, Irrigation system for 30 acres, I truck, disk and other equip ment. Ill,!k00. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Perional Service by men who Specialise 702 N. High - Ph. 3-4B22. c360 TEN-POINT HOME " inflOO 1 Late build. Well slvlcd. 3 -L. and D. rm. Coved ceiling. 12 bdrm. dn , unfinished upstairs. 4 All hardwood floors. Venetian blind. 5 Attached 2-car garaae. -Well landscaped. 7- Larue lot, 120x130. Paved Street. Concrete drive. 9 Near school, stores and bu. 10 Desirable district. Good terms. A very well constructed 1 BR. home. North. Enslewnod Dlst. Hdwd. fir., firr- place, automatic furnace, nlre back yard. Only IBJ.S0. 18800 f H A. appraisal. New home, 2 bdrm , oil heat, hdwd. firs., lame anraue, Sub. South, near bus ami stluiol. tH2,i0. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlnis - Personal Service 184 8. Commercial St Ph. 1-8189. Ee. 3-37 or 1-740. cl0. BEST BUYS KEIZER. $1500 DOWN New. 1 hdrma. Verv nlre Oil heat Wa- therstripped, Insulated. Well worth 18. t00. Eve Th. 37874 or 18 FOR RENT Almoit new hrlrm. home Close In north. Leae available per month. $S20 DOWN 4 room home. Aim out new 50 x 200 ft. lot Small monthlv payment. Only 13. 450. Fe Ph. 27074 or HH REALLY NICE Brand new home Close in north. Fire place, hardwtwd floors throughout. Elec tric heat, weathers! ripped, insulated. 2 lot, prhate well, attached garaae. May take trailer home aa part payment To tal price Only I8MW. E. Th. 37874 or 33858. 2 ACRES 1 room older type houae. Willamette soli Well priced for quick sale for only 2MM1 Fie Ph ,ipoi or H8 11 ACRES. $1000 DOWN Very clean home 1 acres berrlea Barn for 1 rows Tractor, farm equipment. Family fruit A nuts No waste land. Hvervthtng goes for only 19700. Eve. ph. l4.i or .Vi M8 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 103 S Portland Rd. Ph. 17820 or 1-4V1 f3M FOR TOl'R Mmo fn4tWoTu a flrt mortaace on real estate Salem A ! vicinity riamine security four self Amojnta l00 to aeveral thousand dol tare net Ipvctor 1 We make all col lections for foi u desired SI VI F FINANCE CO i S HU" e To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALI HOUSES (REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE THRIFTY COLUMN HERE'E A BUY $4,700 Coast property. 180 acre farm, 40 acre elearrd, some timber. Good fUhlng and hunting. No building. Oood deal for cash, or will trade for property In or around Salem. Eve. 3-0473 COAST ALSO New 5 room house on 1 acre. Court alt. 113,500. Will trade for Salem property or win maae real oeai lor cash. Eve. 3-0473 84 ACRE FARM $18,000 BO acre under cultivation, 34 acre pas ture. Borne iimoer. 5 It. well. Large barn. 2 spring and year round creek. 3 very good houses. 1 house, 5 room, base ment, oil heat. Rented at 143 a month. The otner house ha 10 room. 5 bedroom. Thl 1 a real deal for somebody. Eve. 3-0473. CALL FOR MR. LB CLERC J. F. Ulrich Co. Realtors 317 Court Bt. Ph. 1-1756. c3I ATTRACTIVE NORTH SALEM MOMS 112,000. FULL DRY BASEMENT. SAW DUST HEAT. HAS UNFINISHED UP STAIRS. 2 NICE BEDROOMS DOWN. DINETTE, NOOK. FIREPLACE. PRE WAR BUILT, PAVED ST. A WALKS. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 19200. A GOOD BUY IN THIS ALMOST NEW TWO BEDROOM HOME. INSU LATED A WEATHER STRIPPED HOME. HAS DINETTE. LARGE UTIL. ROOM, ELECTRIC HEAT A ATTACHED GAR AGE. 12440 DOWN. 4 BALANCE. WALNUT PARK IIO.SOO. CLOSE TO DOCTORS CLINIC. 1 YF.ARS OLD. VERY LIVEABLE 3 BEDROOM HOME. BASEMENT WITH 'i PLUMBING. OIL FURNACE, FULL BATH UP. FIREPLACE. LARGE NOOK, HOME IS FULLY INSULATED, COR NEA LOT. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 1.190 NEW WELL BUILT CUTE 4 RM. HOUSE WITH ATTACHED GARAGE, UTILITY ROOM. CREEK LOT. IN THE COUNTRY HS.VtO. WELL LOCATED. NORTH. 15 MINUTES TO DOWN TOWN SALEM. LOTS OF FRUIT TREES, NEW 2 BED ROOM HOME, LARGE UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS. AUTOMATIC OIL PIPED HEAT, ALSO LARGE 4-CAR GARAGE OR WORK SHOP. NEW 4 BEDROOM 111 500. IN ENOLEWOOD, 1 UP AND 3 DOWN, LARGE PLATE OLA8S WIN DOWS. BRICK FLOWER BOXES. EASY TERMS. ED LUKTNBEAL REAL ESTATE 431 N. HIGH ST. PH. 3-06R0 XVENINO PH. 1-1704 4-1121 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARB In need Ol gooo bouse to ee In or near Salem If you wish to 111 your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS WANTED to buy: 3- pt 4room modern 330 month. Ph. ca271 house. 1100 down, 3-3217. LISTINGS WANTED on a few good home and Biulnes Opportunities. C. A. GIES. Realtor. Ph. 2-7812. ca283 NOTICE! If your propeny to for sal rent or exchange, list 11 with ua We have all kinds of cash buyers BTAIl FINANCE CO. REALTORS 193 S High Bt oa EXCHANGE JKEAL ESTATE WANT FARM, have 1 A' wlth 3 B R. home, modern except bsmt., barn, poultry house, orchard, school bus, located Just outside ctly limits, .Price 18500. John son. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 179 N. High St. Offloa: Eve: 3-74S1 or 1-3390 1-3649 Cb360 CLOSE IN. Lovely 1 room home. Hardwood floor thruout fireplace. V shades, full ) for acreaae A home, Wha.t have you? Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 1M Center rhjw BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NFW MOTFL DETROIT AREA. 10 mod unit, plus new 4 rm. home. acre. Ex cellent toe. on main highway. Income will vntify the unlnflated price. 125, 000 Will consider trade REHTAI R 4.NT A STATION. Choice lor. on corner tn growing suburban town. Good bldgs.. elean. mod. equipm t. Your Inves tigation will prove thla to be Ideal for operator or Investment. 131,100. Consider trsde for good farm Dl P. I X N. HOLLYWOOD DIST . plu 1 good house. Duplex ta late built. ALL El EC. Ice. lot, yearlr income of ap pro!. 83000 per yr. Very desirable prop erty at III 500. Oood loan available. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive listings Personal Service 104 8. Com t. St. Ph. 1-I.1A9, Evt. 3-7440 edJOJ FOR RENT or lease- Two-car garage A paint shop. Completely equipped. 478 S 12th St. Ph. 1-4847. Cd361 KIT MOBIL sa station In Dallas, Ore., ior ir.i, but si oca at smau. tool at Dooli; tie Mobil Oe Dlst. Ph. days 1-4819 eve. A Sun., 3-6045. cd28A' GROCFRY STORE and meat market. Well located in a prosperous valley town. 6 year lease en 50100 modern concrete bid, at 185 per month. Doing eah lu.m neas Price 18504) plu inventory of about 15.000. Call O. Hume :th State Finance Co., R'ltors i 151 S Hleh Phone 1-4111. cd38 RrINFSS )dg. on coast, "ll50 month tn eorrte Trade for 8m property. Pinne wner t-1664) t 1 4401. odlOO USINESS OPPORTUNITIES MANAGER WANTED Rponible Kan or woman to nanaaa and aervlce a genuine H'rahey Candy. Wrigley Gum and Life Saver candy vending bualnaa In thl area. No tell ing. No aae llm.t. Reliability more Impt. than paat experience. 11110 lnvet. re quired. Fully aecured. No. apeculatora wanted. Excellent earning up to ISO weekly profit. Stat If can atart at once. Write fully. Bol Iftl Capital Jour, nal. cd202 COMPLETELT equipped garage and body nop tor ivaae. jdw roniana it a. tn 3-7UO. edsei' H. CO MX. btdg. A 1 llv. tv owner, term. Ph. 1-9839. 113,000. By Cd377 N. CO ML, tor bldg. A I llv. rm IU 0"3 frmj. Ph. 1-9030. d371 TRAILER court. 10.000, term. By owner. cnaa. a. Moore, 1730 if. water St. edlTT WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE If you aell used furniture, appliance, aportlng good, household effect with out first getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 1-5110 for Immediate Result da AUCTIONS NEW HOME treadle aewlng machine, elec tric washer, I pc. bleached oak dining suite, daveno, bleached walnut bedrm. suite, box springs lnnerapnng matlresa, antique organ, banjo clock, electric range, refrigerator. Hoover vacuum cleaner, oil circulator, dinette set, wool rugs, dosena more Hems tonlte at auc tion. 1:30 p.m. oienwood Ballroom. 4'i miles N. of Salera on 99E. d20 LARGE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION Tonight 7:30 p.m. OLE N WOOD BALLROOM 4-a MILES N. OP SALEM ON S0E. Washers 1 2 Refrigerators Electric Range 1 Vacuum Cleaners 1 Bed Suite Extra Beds OH Circulator, Large 1 Dining Sultea 1 Dinette Seta 3 Breakfast Seta 3 9x12 Wool Rugs Linoleums Desks Bicycle Antique Organ Dressers Lamps 2 Single Box Springs 3 Davenports 10 Rockers Tea Wagon Walnut Vanity Bookshelf Domestic Treadle Sewing Machina Mirrors Ice Boxes New Occasional Chairs New Daveno New Mattresses Banjo Clock Electric Hesters Cookware 2 Miscellaneous All Sells No Reserve WE SELL ONCOMMISSION OR PAY SPOT CASH GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. 35110 dd30 Ft" BN ITT RE A APPLIANCE auction" every Tue.. 7:30 p. m.. Glennwood Ballroom. 2 pay casn or sen on commission. Glenn Woodry. auctioneer. Ph. 3-5110. dd FI RMTI RE a APPLIANCE auction every 1 um o p.m., uiennwooa Bauroom 1 pay cash or sell on commlsslion. Glenn Woodry. auctioneer. Ph. 1-5110 dd- LIVESTOCK AND FURNITURE AUCTION Wed.. Nov. 2. at 10 a.m. & 7 n m 6 pc. Calif, style living room set a Twin bed complete Upright piano 2 davenos Coil springs A mattresses 3 washing machines Westinithouse electric range Breakfast sets Chest of drawers Table rarilna Wood ranges l wood circulator A ol! circulator Apples, potatoes & onions Farm machinery, trailers A truck Chickens A rabbits null. Mr Mala Feeder A weaner plgg Cows, heifers A bulls Lane Sudtell's Auction Salesyard Located 1H Mile East of Salem on Sllverton Rd. - Ph. 1-8098. dd20" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 4fc YEAR OLD bay saddle marc. Morgan type, well broken, used to children. Ex cellent disposition. Phone Monmouth 303 before 6 p.m. and 784 after 7:00. 2f0 BONDED AND LICENSED livestock Buyer X. O. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 35. Ph. 3-8117. PETS FRENCH POODLE, female; need a good home; idea family dog. Youra for the taking. Phone 3-4383 or call at 1085 N. Cottage St. ec263 KITTENS. PRICE OOODHOMEril?! Ward Drive. Near Hayesville Lunch on North 99. c28 PEDIGREED collie pup. Female. 3H months old. 470 Wayne Drive Ph 2-5013. c260 HAMSTERS for sale. They make good pets. Ph. 3-0910 ec24 FUEL DRY Ifi" alabA cdalngsPh. 3-1458,"ee SAWDUST A Wood. Ph. 22808. ee272 PHILLIPS BROS Old fit, oak, ash A maple. 4 fir 16" alab and edgings Ph I148 ee Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Or ten Edging IS.30 load Double 110.04) Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phona 31533 EE SHFLL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 1-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee27S TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 17441 If' Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13 Inside Mil) Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH GRkTEN STAMPS CALI HIOHWAT FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph 16444 West Salem Fuel Co. M Dl DRY OR GRriCN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH "-LOCK WOOD, 14-IN CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone rutm 1-tOll Air pick up wood at 151ft Edge water St. Wast Salem FOR SALE POULTRY ?sa ACSTRA-White Pullet 4 mo. eld. Any amount or all 12 each Pa. 35138 Rt. 1 Box 391-C. Dallas. Ore. f:62 NFW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thuri". oay urner rrya or Hen new at spe cial quantity prices for your locker Cu'tom Drelng a aneclalt Phona 22811 Lees Hatchery f I Hf 4.VY redhens ll 3Se arh." Rt7l prx i : a e i St PRODUCE W4I.NITS: r-pick over ln A Fran ejette c lb. for ioo lb or oer Ph, 1-1011. Kill PRODUCE DRIED wrune 10e lb. Rt. 1, box 0. Ph. 1-0060. FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caater Dr. Auburn Road. Claude Mc- Kinney. Pa.3.m3. ?ll44' SPITZENBERG A WINTER BANANA ap pie. PbU Aaplnwall, tt Market St.. Ph -04io. mil" help Wanted male PERMANENT resident of Salem, Aae 11 to 9 w learn elec. appliance business. Must be a permanent worker and will ing to make evening calls. Past sale work helpful, but not essential. Will oe given course In training. Oood oppor tunity and future for right man. Salary, commission A service car furnished. Ap ply A M. only. X. Schacher. Stager Sew- Ing Machlne Co., 130 Nom1!. aa200 SAWYER and millwright. Must be able to set his own ratchet. 11.00 per M and extra pay for day work. Writ P. O Box 168 or call 181 Toledo, Ore. gal4 NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness opportunity to middle aged or elder men with car. Writ Bos 444 Capital Journal. galOl" HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Young woman for full-time housework. Live In. Ph. 3-7581. gblil WANTED women nut aheller. An winter won. too m, front. Jtlorleln Packing Company. b EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 160 State Street Phone 1-1488. gf WANTED SALESMEN WANTED: Salesman to aell new ear, also ur cr. uooa opportunity ror am bitious and honest salesman. Btata re vlou experience In first letter. Writ Capital Journal Box 154 gf20 THREE SALESMEN wanted for insulating contractor concern; must be hard work ers. See Holly Whitman between 9-11 morning. 1132 Broadway. gg280 WANTED POSITIONS IF YOU need a carpenter Ph. 34173. h301 Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S. 085 North 16th. Phone 1-3043. h285 BABY sitting by middle aged lady. Ref. given, rnone 1-7B12. naoa ROTO-TILLINO with M E. machine. Ph. 2-1500. h285 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv- ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 1-5072. h283' CI STOM work plowing, disking. Job or nour. pn. an1- springer! h24' FOR SALE or Trade for house In Salem nest 3 bedroom house in Albany. Llv-Ing-dlnlng room 14' x 36', knotty pine wairucote. Large kitchen with dinette space, full bath, garaae, shrub, flower A garden. I3S00 State O. I. Loan 835.50 mo. outstanding, balance cash. Make Offer. Chas. Ross. Albany. 1121J or co Arta Photo 171 N.Commerclal. h284 COLLF'iE girl want full time cmpl. bk wpg., cashiering, typing, selling cxp. Will worn out 01 town. Pn. 20783. h26la NANCY'S Nursery. Daytr hr. Ph. 1-4940: h284- YOUNG woman, college graduate, geeks 10 s nours daily employment. Will con sider anything of honorable and remlt tlv character. Plea call 1-6258. h260 IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 1 p.m. h0 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 a. unurcn. m. a-oou. haao1 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 1-6791 CHILD CARE. 113 8. 18th. Ph. 36676. b373 WOODSAWING PH. 1-1576 . . a30v BABY SITTING. Ph. 1-6822. CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 3-4850 h TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov Ing. In, op. Work guar W H McAllls. ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h26l FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN WARM single steeping rm. H. A C. NICE "SLEEPING "room. HAC water. 461 N. High. Jk265 SLEEPING rm. Ph. 1-4135. Jk274 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Prlr. ent. fa. j-wa. iaoo w. capiiot. Jg37" SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg. lilt Center. IklTl VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 2-78 IT. Jk261 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow' jk279 BUSINESS DIST. sleeping room. Heat and noi ana com water, ass center. jkasi SLEEPING ROOM"for ladle with full kitchen prlvlleg. Heated, private en trance. Two block from Medical Cen ter A Hospital. Close to grocery store, on bu Un. Ph. 2-9589. Jk280 HOLLYWOOD, 2013 McCoy. Ph. 1-6093. Jklll QUIET WARM sleeping room. Men. m n. winter, pa. 2-6S35. JH241" LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. Close In. North. Phona 1-3038. ikaoi FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 ROOM heateft furn. apt. 151. Ph. 30794. Jp363 NICELY FI RM, basement apt. Private and reaaonaoie. 196 B. 34tn. Jp360a FI'RN. TRAILER houae for rent. 640 Ma nors )p362 VF.RY ATTRACTIVE 1-3 rm. furn. apt. private bath, utilities furn. Ph, l-9l.il after 6 p.m. Jp262 CLEAN. tjriFT, warm 1 room apt. Middle aged lady preferred. 646 Ferry. Jp262" SMALL APARTMENT. 399 Mission, IIS. Utilities furnished. Jp385 L'NFVRN. 4 rm. and bath. Range, refrlg. A utilities furn. Near University. 160. 450S. Capitol. Jp265 APT., 2 room. bath. Small child. 1111 N. 4th. Ph. 2-3247. JP282 SMALL 1 RM. furnished apt. for working lady or man. 125. Also 1 rm. well furn apt. for couple. No pets, 140. Ph. 3-2S3I. JpJ60 PARTLY furn. 2 room apt. In private dwelling. No drinkers. 1343 Waller St., Call after 4:30 evenings. Jp260 S UM. Fl'RN. apt. Elec. range, auto. heat. priv. ent. one block to but and store. No smokers or drinkers. Ph. 3-7942. JP261 ONE-ROOM APT. Second floor. Lady pre- lerrea. rn. j-ibzo. Jp28l' l-RM. IPSTAIRS fum. apt. Just redec- rated. Private bath and entrance. 187 V. Miller. Jp261 4-RM. Fl'RN. apt . elec. heat. prlv. ent. Adulta. Ph. 3-0546. Jp261 l.RDRM. APT., private bath. working Jp260- couple preferred. Ph. 2-1432. l-RM. Fl'RN. apt. 770 8. Commercial. JP304- NlCFt.Y Fl'RN. 2-room apt. 169. Ambas sador Apt., 550 N. Summer. JP261 1 RM. ri'RN. APT. Rent to quiet couple. IBS N. CSPItOI. JP360 Ft'RNISHED cottage, ,3311 Portland rd. IP377 FOR RENT HOUSES 2 BEDRM. unfurn house. Hard floor, fire place, oil heat, utility rm , garage, nice yard Immediate possession. 876 mo. wlih option to buv. Open Wednesday. 695 Edina Lane. Salem. Jm260 CABINS. NOT modern. Dallas Highway HI. g HOX S3 J. Pn 37B2. jm286 1 BDRM. unfurn. house. See at 1326 N. Winter. Jm262 SELL OR RENT. 4 Bdrm. house. Ph. 1-9524 )mJ62 1 BDRM. nnt'SE. with electric stove, re- frig., washing machine. 175. 830 Trron Ave . imiei SMALL 1-BR house. 1390 N. Capitol, 151 montn. Includes oil circulator. Write box 3 Ml Capital Journal. Jm280" S ROOM modern furnished cottage. 2261 Portland Rd. Jm263 LOVELY 1 BDRM. Binders home. In ex clusive dlst Partly furn. Auto, oil heat Close in. Reference required. Write Cen tal Journal. Bot 257. JmJIO 1 HOI SIS in Sllverton. unfnrnished I bed r.vitn. bathroom, kitchen and 1M ing room. Washing maehin furntshed Com In and look at us We are unlocked. 13 A Ftk Bt . 145. with fleet, rente. 1US Puke St., 146 ne range. Call my owner, 1-7121. Salera. JmllO AUTOMOBILES 0 Wed. Spot Special AT Center and Commercial is 1938 Ford Sedan Good motor, good tir, .olid body. For low-prieed transportation, m this on. $295 HERE'S THE MARION 837 Center FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS! NEW STORE building for lease. See at 1079 Broanway or n. aisa. jjji FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marion St. rn. i-Bsa. ) FURNISHED cottage. Very reasonable rate. 1151 Portland Rd. J263' O DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 39101. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H L. Sttff. FT.OOB SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rental! for horn and in dustrial ui. Howscr Bros. Ph. 1-1646. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros. 1410 6 12th, West Salem. 1 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r W sell everything to complete the lob. ROW8ER BROS. - Ph. 1-3646 J "OOP USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TRAILER SPACE at Elby's. New, modern, social rm., child's plygrnd., rest, rates. Next to schl. and church. Lge. grnds. Visitors welcome. Dallas Hwy. Ph. 3-2344. '270 SINGEB .ELECTRIC portable aewlng ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co ISO N Com 1 Ph 33513 J WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN A family desire 3 or 3-bdrm. unfurn. houae. Ph. 2-0319; aH "PLEASE CALL US If you have or will have, an unfurnished house to rent. OH Co. rep. A wife trans ferred here. Ask for Mr. Livingston at Senator Hotel. Ph. 3-4151. J 363 ROOM AND BOARD HOME FOR AGED. Quiet location. Ph 2-0910. JJ264' LOST AND FOUND ,OST: GOLD FN Cocker Spaniel. 1 year old. male. Ans. to "Rick." Reward. Ph. 34109. k202a MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. miia' STEEL cot With 120 00 special built mat tress for 115.00. 1110 Cross St. B12BO ' DENTAL H PLATE- REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. 8tate A Commercial Sta SALEM Phone 1-3111 ta BUILDING MATERIALS PERMA-BTONE for fireplace and home. Salem Penna-Stone Co., 3040 n. istn St, Salem. Phone 1-060S after 6 p.m Bis 263 ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, 40 gal. Bargain. Fiber Glass insuiguon m ron blanket. Dae In walla A celling. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821, On mile north of Kelaer. ma260 8AV1 Or ROOPTNO Let Ward give you compete IN 8TALLRD prtoa en four roofing needs WM range f colors Call our outside aalesmaa for free estimate. Phone 1-1191 MOI4TOOMKRT WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma RED CEDAR ahlnglea No. 1 Ixl'i any amount delivered lowest market price. 16 in. Ho. 1 carton packed eedarwall shake. Ted Muller, Salem -Indep. road Call 1-1198 Salem. ma ALTJMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOL1. The modern permanent roof tug Sea your dealer of Call DUt 1-6401 ma272 Used Windows - Doors Streamline window wtth frame, 17 50. 1 panel door 30" wide wtth frame 110 Hundreds of sash. C. O. LONG. Ph 3-5821. One mile north of Kefier, ma 160 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using in nneu eld growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salera. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 31 Lap a Ave Ph 34939 Freo parking ma Waterproof Wallboard I thlcknex. 4x1 sheets. Perfect for kit Chen, bath, utility. Can be used as floor over cement or shlplap. C. G LONG, Ph. 1-5111. Ona mile norm of K titer. ma 200" NOW IS the time! Call 1-9191 for free estimate on applied rooflnc. Get roof ing weather protection before It rains. Sear Roebuck A Co.. 650 No. CarM.M Pt. Phone 3-9191 m27S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SIMMONS COIL springs. Folding double bed. New. 135. Ph. 30657 or 1925 N Li berty after 3 p.m. n32 I sft OF club aluminum, like new. 1 sil ver seal. 1 Wearever. 30 tal. auto, gas water heater, all white, like new. Make offer. Call between 10 a.m. A 3 30 pm . 930 Oarnet St. n2A3 PHIirO RADIO. Spark ell heater. 1 oil barrel, iron bed. aprmt and mames. 3 burner hot plate. Large Lane ranee. Ph.l-6045. n22 I'SFD OIL circulators. Reconditioned. 120 and up. Judson. 171 H. Com'l. n363 M'lT. double breasted, blue gray, all wool. hard finish worsted, like new. Top coat, all wool, ahower proof, blue gray. Both tic 11. 1321 McCoy Ave. Ph. 1-1324. n281 IP YOl"RE colng Into business her U dcl. I have 1 10 cubic foot refrigerator. 1 deep fat fryer. 1 trill, I pi case. 1 1 m-.Ik shake beaters. 1 rad:o phono graph, two speakers. 1 electric roaster. 1 coke cabinet, 15 drive-In tray, and etc. Make offer or buy separately. Pn 1-5215. n26P GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier Olbaon and Montag Appliance at Qevurtx a OIL circulators at close out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 175 Cheme keta. n384 IS-St WINCHESTER. M06 with scone. .22 High Standard. .18 Cota. 594 N. I :b erty. n!84 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK CP AND DELIVER W. DAVENPORT PH. I-??1 B3! IAUT0M0BILES CAR FOR YOU! MOTORS Phone 8-9286 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING Machine Free WeettMheuM. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 376 Oheme keta. t 214 PLASTf-KOTE the cellophane-like flnT lh for your floor, woodwork or lin oleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 1TI hemeketa m!64 USED Radio. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 376 Chemeketa. 184a WOI.LENSAK 8X telescope, coated lens. 17.50 with case. Senator Camera Shop. 334 N. High. Ph. 1-3021. n361 BABY GRAND piano. Pin cond. Left wtb ua for sale. A bargain for quick sale. See at Tallman's, 195 S. 13th. a301 USED washing machine. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. rtH4 STEFL CLOTHESLINE posts, railing ta stock A made to order. 1145 H. Liberty. nan WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, cement ready mix copcrete. gardes and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, -yd above! and drag Una. Ph- 1-1349. SEWING Machine, electric or treadle. Scrvlce on all makes. Ph. 1-1471. nlll USKD electric water heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. B384 IISFD elect rlcrefrfgera7or YEATEh7AP- PLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. M4 no BASS Wurlltzer aeeordlan and eea. Excellent condition, 1343. Ph. 311 or 144 Flake St. Sllverton, Or. B260 SPENCER Corset tier, 2555 D St. Ph. 1-5071. n377 USED otl burner, blowers burners. Ph. 2-8662. FULLER brushes, 1741 Grant. Ph- 1-63 SI. ftZTO- BARN YARD FERTILIZER 16 yd, yd. load 25. Arnold Phillip. P. O. Boa 261 Turner. Ph. 1X2. USED electric range. YEATER APPLI ANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. Bll4 USED OIL HEATERS lit 10. 131.10 and 839.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INO. 467 Court St. Phone l-HII MONT AG 4 burner apt. alie electric rang. Llke new. Ph. 1-8591. b160 300 SAVAGE, new, scope A case. Winches- cheater magnum, new. Ph. 1-6583, 1263 8 ALEM 8A?Vrf a. ortAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Dltcktlas 8wer A Basement Equipment Rental 1ft B k yds M B yds. D-T Cat A Dowat D-6 Cat A Dover D-4 Cat A Doaar See we about ditching by the M. Phone Day 1-9408 Bras 3-824 et 2-4406 Salem Oregon s LUMBER 3x4's by Jitney load, tit pet i.wo, xou nam. lnaepenaenee Latab A Mf Co. Ine. Independene. Or. CLARI S CAMERA 19 mm M l laiu 11006 aec an utter, uooo coniition, ex.w witn case. Senator Camera Shop, H4 N. High. Phone 1-1021. &161 PHILLIPS BROS. Pertlllyers, well rotted or freak, any kind. By yard or aaek. Pi streak for an rock work. Cedar fence post, telephone and elec. pole. Any length. ShJagla, Yaw post. Ph. 1-1431. Rt, f Boar lit. SEWINO MACHINES, new and lged. An guaranteed. 26 treadles, gtl up. Portable electrics, 939. H up. Cabinet electrifa, 159 50 up. Terms. W. Davenport, I93t N. 16th Ph. 3-1611. nl MODEL It Winchester 11-gauge, equipped wun piiot cnoae, neany new, rn. -27). nlU SHOTGUN, IS OA., ltlgglng bolt actio. 2'fc boxes of shells. 119. 1090 Berg or Phone 3-0488 after 1 p.m. n261 I'SFD WOOD furnace with sawdust burn er. Air ducts register. FO. 3-IT06. 36I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: A small apt. rise gas stove. rnjiM?. BMW t!.ED FITRVrrrHX Phone 1-61 SI aa WANTED: BARKIE Dougla fir polea or siumpase. rnone 12st Aiaany or write Standard Pole A Piling Co., Inc. salTl WANTED furniture to glue A rvaeta nroa ram Heruianug co ni RENT OR BI'Y by the 1.000 equlr. to a bu 45 donkey. Wanted Immediately with or without operation. Drop a card or letter to Tide Logging Co., Tachsfs, Oregon. nn33 PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Adrte 1 a.m. te 11 p.m. dai' 171 8. Cora L Dndcr new gnan arement. aSTf ST4.Nl.EY HOME Products. Lee Ifindt. us.mn pn. 3-4801. piis" STANLEY HOME Product. Ph. 1-4451. J. M. Stovan. 1043 Sunnwlew. p380 MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you where other hav failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all af fair of life. Special reading tl 00. L rated lust south of Hubbard cn Highway 99F Between Wood burn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally. pllt , VON ChrUtmaa product. Ph. 1-1114. pin ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, PO. T14. Pn. i-s:34. pm AUTOMOBILES CAR AUCTION Tonlte, 7 P 11. '39 Hudson '31 Packard '31 Cher. House Car Many more to choose from 976 LancaterDT. Ph. 11121 q2M 41 RITrk Sedanette with 41 niiBtTBar gatnt 1760. Ph. 15831. e.363 ririCK, 1.W, can. radio. Oood rubber? Call 111 Monmouth. q271 'II CHFV. convert . etc. condition, ill at ceAsorles, best offer by Nov. nth. ilil S Levens. Dallas. Ph. 1-43J3. q382 iass non(iEcoupe. l4HarleybaVidwn 74. P.none 1-1747. aai SPECIAL m FI.rrTLm 4-dr. crl!rt. Kant look Iik, n"w. Only !!tn. rr jot spinLocit TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 33 N Cnm-nl Ph. t-4171. qlll (Continued on Page 19) i