jffl Henry Dreyfuss 'Big-Spending' Target of Solons (Br CnltMl prt Two of Oregon's republican congressional delegation today had launched their 1950 re-election campaigns, assailing "big pending" by the administra tion. Harris Ellsworth of the fourth district addressed the Portland Chamber of Commerce and said the first issue facing the United States is the "deplorable state financially. Walter Norblad of Astoria, still on his way home, in Boise, Ida., called the 81st congress "the spendingest peacetime con gress in history." Both Ellsworth and Norblad with the balance of the four- man Oregon delegation are up for re-election in 1950. Norblad stopped with friends In Boise and said he was op posed to construction of Snake river dams at this time. He said, "The pressure and spending should be put on finishing other dams, auch as McNary and Chief Joseph." Ellsworth said each Oregon family paid an average of $100 a month In taxes to support "deficit spending." Color Sparks Career Ae HvsrftttirMl New York An ordinary window pane is color, says industrial designed Henry Drey fuss. Now 48 years old and recognized tops in his field, Dreyfuss' brain children are hard to escape in everyday living. He has had a hand in designing and coloring typewriters, vacuum clean ers, refrigerators, cameras, alarm clocks, 105-millinwter ack-ack guns and fly swatters, i Dreyfuss also helped design to day's telephone. Dreyfuss thinks that the se cret of good color is using mono chromes for the most part with one or perhaps two other colors to "spark" the area. "For instance." Dreyfuss says, most persons make a mistake n their dining rooms. They think the wails have to be bright, never giving a thought to the fact that the tablecloth, napkins, silverware and tum blers all serve as light reflectors. As a result, you have too much light." Taking a piece of fabric, he can demonstrate now various light combinations could change the original color. "That's why in designing the 20th Century Limited that went into service a few months ago we used only three basic colors," Dreyfuss said, "grey, soft green and rust. In this case, rust is the 'spark'." Dreyfuss does much work on trains, ships and other transport. In trains he must deal with varied light as the time of day and the train's location change. In ships he must find colors that passengers will like on long voyages. And all these colors must be easy to maintain. Women, he says, are more sensitive to color than men. They go places with colors that compliment their clothes. Dreyfuss started designing when he was 17 years old on stage scenery. Clintons Entertain For Vicky's Birthday Salem Heights Mr. and Mrs. James Clinton honored their daughter, Vicky, on her seventh birthday Saturday evening in their home on Browning ave. The evening was spent showing comic movies. Refreshments were served to Sharon, Donna and Linda Whit acre. Michael and Dick McKill- op, Arthur, Rita and Nita Hop kins, Wesley Hawks, Joan Ras kins. Kathlyn Anderson, Bon nie Jean Gurth, Margo and Charles Hudkins, Barry Bevers, Florine Tomlin, Candice Patter son, Larry, Billy and Jackie Falk, Geraldine Willard, Bruce Glandilfe. Gerald Bennett, Ka- thy Sprague, Hugh Walkup, Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Linda Heider, David and Donald Eames of Sweet Home and Vicky Clinton. The dried larva of a species of fly form a nutritious food used by Indians and natives in Mexico. Schulberg's Ad Gets Job Oilers Hollywood, Nov. J i Form er film tycoon B. P. Schulberg who once made $9,500 weekly as head of Paramount studies. said today his "situation want ed" ad placed in two Hollywood trade papers has resulted in two job offers. Both offers came from New York parties, the 57-year-old Schulberg said. i Director Marion Gering, am old friend, wants him to parti-( cipate in film production in Ha vana, Cuba.he said, and is com ing here Thursday from New York to discuss the deal. , The one-time motion picture mogul was more secretive about his other job offer. 'ft involves a big New York syndicate which wants to put two or three million dollars in film production," he explained. "They don't want me to reveal their name unless I decide to take it." N- ,,i I V HO WOMEN ALLOWED! s Capita! Journal. Salem, Or., Tuesday, Novetabar 1, 134 IT Fishermen Find Womanless Eden-But What Hoppen? Sfeftinius Rites On Wednesday Halifax, N.S. ai-8 The world' newest state my never be eSi-i gible for the United Nations. It would be hard to find it on a snap and its population it sometime non-existent. But it has one distinction. It allows no women to enter Us boun- Funeral services darle. Set-re tary of State The state, or principality, is Florence, Ariz.. Nov, li Dan Boberiaort, 18, the last at six young escapees from slate prison asaex, was recaptured last night by SO-roan pes. FSegel Poses Raver ! As Typical CVA Head ! Roseburg, Nov. 1 WState Sen ator Austin F. Flegcl, Portland, told a democratic party audience here last night that Dr. Paul Raver of Bonneville power ad ministration is the type of man! who would be named to admin ister a CVA. Flegel said Raver is an "hon est, high class government offi cial and the type that would introduce business methods to Columbia basin development. He said the work now is being done by 33 government agen cies. The Portland legislator spoke earlier to a Chamber of Com merce luncheon group on- the proposed Columbia valley ad ministration bill and its aims. Eye Filler It's hard to say whether that mtnk jacket wilt stop the wintry blasts, but it would certainly bring traffic to a screeching halt as worn by Erna Rossman. Erna was runner-up In "Queen of Queens" contest In New York, and somewhere in her travels she picked up the title of "Miss Switzerland." (Acme Tele-photo) Missionary Council Plan Yule Boxes Broks At the last bi-monthly meeting of the Women's Mis sionary Council the following officers were elected: Mrs. Ruth Jensen, president; Mrs. George Bacon, vice president; Mrs. Ruby Edmond, secretary-treasurer. Christmas boxes for mis sionary friends were planned and several are already sent. The next meeting is to be held with Mrs. C. W. McGee. Silverfon Union Dale Is Advanced Silverton The regular meet ing date of the Silverton WCTU is advanced to Wednesday eve ning, November 2, at the social rooms of the First Christian church, Mrs M. G. Gunderson, president, official hostess. Mrs. Fred Tooze of Portland state WCTU president, is to be the speaker on the membership rally program. A no-hostess 8:30 dinner is to be served. All members are urged to attend and bring a guest. Any one interested is welcome to attend. The committee in charge of the program and dinner include Mrs. M. G. Gundersn, Mrs. Ed win Overtund, Mrs. A. H. Smith, Mrs. Del Harrington and Mrs. Al Down. The English sparrow was In troduced into the United States in 1850, Imported to free shade trees of destructive caterpillars which, It turned out, it would not eat. called Outer Baldonia, situated in the Soldier's Rip, a tuna-fishing ground off the southwestern tip of Nova Scotia. Its borders enclose three acres. Outer Baldonia is owned by Russell Arundel of Washington, DC, a big game sportsman. He bought the island from a group of Nova Scotia fishermen who, however, retained the right to graze their sheep on the island. Some 50 bleating animals are permanent residents. . After Arundel bought it, ihree-room club house was built on the Island. It's a place for tuna fishermen to go and awap stories about the ones that did or did not get away. The Washington sportsman decided that Outer Baldonia could offer its member more than the amenities of the rude building. He decided it could be a principality free from wom en, a place where usnermen would be free to boast about their accomplishments, even in profane language when the big ones got away. Arundel made the rules tor his fishermen friends when he drew up the constitution of the island. The rules are a declara tion of Independence. The dec eleration is dated "in the year of Outer Baldonia, One," in effect kicking out the Gregorian cal endar. Fishermen, he says, are a race alone. They have the right to boast and be believed, the right of freedom from question, from nagging, from shaving, from women, from taxes, from mono logues, war. and inhibitions. Arundel also wrote into his declaration a rule that fisher men have the right of applause, vanity, flattery, and praise, the right to swear, lie, drink and gamble, to be noisy, pensive or hilarious and the right to sleep all day and stay up all night. The rush oi tuna fishermen to join the principality was great. Each had to pay from $50 to $100 to loin. Bui, like all Gardens oi Eden, there turned out to be a serpent The women got curious. They wanted to know all about the Greenwich, Cojsb., Nov. 1 for former Edward R. principality, and most of alt to Stettiiuus, " J1 io: visit th Kingdom of Outer Bat- Srro at St. James Episcopal 4os)i. caurcn, sn rsew rent ,siy. ; The & wrifi,. Sieilinat, iS, died here yes-;; but Arundel managed to turn I of hert at.ti5e: rfnwn Si -i, iname or ms sisser, ssrs. juan; when he decided to return to the United States and do some hunt ing. Before he left, he delivered the government of Outer Bal donia into the hands of Eison He and his wife had:: come to the Trippe home about! a month aso to allow him to, convalesce from the effects of heart attack last spring. Mrs. Strttiniis said a private '. burial will follow the services QU0rrau. s s i s s 1 -iv.rt . iarv-manaeer of in wHis.r !t Locust Valley, N Y. The fam- Tuna Guides xssocixi inn i'l? requested that persons will- is called chancellor oi Outer lH lo syIiQ Mowers inssrats sssssxs f fveit honpital in New York or When Arundel left, the worn- the New York Keart association. en turned on hi deputy. Boud-I Deata of the former diplomat reau, unfortunately for his boss,! who gave up his post as beard is different man from Arundrf. chairman of th United States He's apparently susceptible to 5 Steel Corp., to become wartime womanly charisii. lend-lease administrator was at- Boudreau broke down. He tributed to coronary thrombosis says that the constitution of Out-hnduced by a sSerotic heart dis er Baldonia should be changed, esse. Medical Examiner Dr. C. I think we should let the worn- Stanley Knaus said. en in," - - Thai brought plenty of howls menfolk back to their kingdom, from the menfolk. The big test jThey may find womenfolk all will came next year, when the ? over the place. tuna fishing season brings Oh well. It was a nice dreasn throngs of Outer Baidonian I while it lasted. OUR REPUTATION is YOUR SECURITY" that LARMER TRANSFER STORAGE LIKES CO. FOR TBS 8SST IS HAULING f STORAGE f FUEL Dial 3-3131 or see ta at SS? N. Liberty have moved Into the apartment over Marshall's restaurant 3813 E. State at. He Is employed as an entertainer at Marshall's. Four Corners Baptist Mission ary society will hold an all day meeting at the 'church annex Thursday beginning at 10 o'clock with a sack lunch served and sewing on white cross work. Four Corners People Host For Out of State Visitors Four Corners, Nov. 1 Out of state visitors coming this week for a three weeks' stay with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Stewart, East State street, will be Mrs. Stewart's sister and family, the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Allport and children, Mary, Paul and Stephen, of Bellingham, Wash. At the close of their stay here they will go to El Cerito, Calif., where they will visit another of Mrs. All port's sisters and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blair after which they will sail November 80 from San Francisco for Ha waii where they will establish the first mission in the Islands of the United Lutheran Church of America. Mrs. E. A. Kolbe, mother of Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Allport who has bee nin Belling ham for some time will come down with the Allports for a visit here. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Wodie woda, 730 S. Lancaster drive, honored their daughter, Dianne, upon her fifth birthday anniver sary on Sunday. Coming to greet the small hostess and par take of the birthday refresh ments were Cheryl and Denice Miller and Dennis Wodzewoda. Recent newcomers to the Four Corners community are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dant and son, Michael, of Seattle. Wash. They are residing at 3743 LaBranche ave. Mrs. Dant is a native of New Zealand having been in the United States only four years. Mr. Dant is Chief Hos pital Corpsman of the U.S. Naval Reserve at McNary Field. Mr, and Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Tommy and Marilyn Sue moved into their new residence last week at 406S E. State St. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Schildt disposed of their property in Salem and purchased the Jeffries property. They also moved this last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Stuffy) McDaniel formerly of Portland tA4TrtlHmtBtt Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crasy with itching torture, try Sanftone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears Imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for Itching feet cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale Willett't Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone S-SJlg Constipation (Colitis) Is a symptom, not a disease. Rectal Ailments Are the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must bt corrected. N Loss of Tim S HnpttalintiaR Free DeK-riptlre Booklet DR. R. REYNOLDS Proctologist Naturo-Rectal Specialist 114 Center St .-alent Ore. WALNUT MEATS . WANTED W will Pay Top Prices for WALNUT MEATS Depend Ob t's For a Square Deal Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Phone 341 44 SALEM, OREGON longdistance saved me a long hard trip" You can call anywhere in tiie United States for not more than tm WW nn m !Day atatios rata lot first three minutes I You can talk business, get informa tion, ciose salec.aay as much in three; minutes a in a letter, and get your answer at once. Yes, it's good business to use Long Distance, one of today's heat bargains. The rate for a Coast-to-Coast caO is less than hsif what it was ten years ago. And calls go through fast, usually while you hold the line, three times as fast if you know the number. Eves if the number doesn't answer, your Operator wiii keep working on you? call at no extra cost, Get the answer fast,, , use long distance m PaOiflO Telephone mimpfi Company DR. SEMLER sayst Itli HARRY W:" ''-L" I r ir SsK 'SfMS TiaT", r Vass2.X7 if "I mie YOU fo come In aae! isi adVanfaga of my Frieadly rtd Rs fbf Cridii Plan . ts quid n4 isy ihit 92 our sf !00 patients h&v cbtatrte their plates WITHOUT PAY ING CASH! I'll gladly sf i he pay ment to YOUR budget, you eas Enfoy Wearing Your Piaiet Wfc(! Paying in Small WeaUy or Monthly Amounls, This, applies to all defttares, Including th beaatifol rtew Transpar ent Paists Plates. Asi Your Denfssf how they help you enjoy Improved Appearance, Pleasing Comforf and Dependable Chewmg Power," DENTISTRY ihfif fccM fsvr tfc tft UmUf tiWi Ct4 fit wi Si 944 sitW Jti&HT NOW . . 9? Utr, YOUR OWN w. mmM v4 4mt. tt siir r W Up , 41 Wif't. EXAHlHATiOH Without APPOINTMENT TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF THESE DENTAL PLATE SEHViCES AT DR. SEMLEITS af "Teoihlai Boys' , , , f reveat So sf fH tram yaitr Job, immed'iat Restoration feSe ys t wear yor sistet TH 5A8 CAY trtrac iiost are eempietei , partsssfoHy resets m44 fr taet wfea meet tfec iH&its. Ask four Statist (D it bo sxtrsettsit it aeceusry tame i feeter tS . M. texeest Sstarday tt4 year ew ttettiafr Fiat wsSi b ready far ye if S:33 f.M. THS SAME SAT. A taswealcftt, tsme-ssnri 5er?i, Whtht e sat yoa md erf rattSo, w si!t mcik ter? ettsrt to fit yo wttSt sew Stftisi i tit aartst ao5fc? tim. Work atwatty o7petc is ! ft I Say. WATT$-ADOUH StDG. STATE i COMMERCIAL Safm, Orson mm